A well-drafted document (a sample application for a salary increase can be downloaded in the article) is already the lion’s share of success in such a delicate matter. The appeal can be both individual and collective.

How to write

There is no form for writing this type of request. Therefore, it needs to be compiled in free form, taking into account some features.

At the top of the header we indicate whose name the address is addressed to. Usually this is your full name. entire position. Typically, the application is addressed to the general director.

Then you need to indicate who the appeal is coming from: full full name. and position held.

Next comes the title of the document: “Application for a salary increase” (an example can be seen below). In its main part, you need to convincingly convey why the employee is asking management to consider an appeal for a salary increase. It is worth talking about your real successes, as well as the achievements that you have achieved in this position in the company. If possible, prove that labor has become more expensive. Therefore, it is better to write clear numbers, i.e. how much the indicators in the employee’s personal responsibility field have increased, to indicate the benefits and profits for the company that it acquired thanks to the employee.

Also among the reasons for raising salaries may be:

  • increase in labor time;
  • expanding the scope of responsibilities;
  • inflation.

Use an exclusively business style, write briefly and clearly, without comparing with other employees in terms of pay or amount of work. You also need to specify the desired amount of increase. And the current salary should be indicated. Having completed this part, you need to put a date and signature.

A collective appeal is drawn up according to the same principle, but the following information is required:

  • FULL NAME. addressee;
  • full name of the company;
  • document's name;
  • FULL NAME. and the position of an employee who will represent the interest of the team (optional);
  • reasons for the need to increase salary;
  • date of conclusion and numbers of employment contracts of all applicants;
  • current salary and desired amount;
  • date of writing;
  • signatures of all interested parties.

A sample application for a salary increase can be found below.

With whom to coordinate

Enlist the support of your direct boss so that he can endorse the application by writing: “I don’t mind, full name.” Or maybe your boss will support you and write that you are worthy of promotion.

Who to give it to

You need to clarify who in your company is responsible for the distribution of the wage fund.

As a standard, applications for a salary increase should be submitted to the head of the human resources department or directly to the head of the company or through the secretary. And if the company has an electronic document flow, then the application can be sent electronically.

Sample application for salary increase

Sample of a collective application for a salary increase

What to do if the manager agrees

If the answer is positive, then the process of increasing the salary consists of the following steps.

Step 1. Another agreement to the employment contract is concluded.

It is certified by both parties with their signature: the employee and the employer, and each is provided with their own copy. The document indicates the contract number and the updated salary amount, as well as the date from which it was established. And it is noted that other clauses of the contract remain unchanged.

Step 2. An order is issued.

This will be a document in any form, with a number and date. It states:

  • Company name;
  • FULL NAME. and a specialist position;
  • new salary size;
  • the period from which the new salary is established;
  • No. and date of the basis document (additional agreement to the employment contract).

The order is signed by the head of the organization and the person responsible for its execution. From the moment specified in the document, the employee is accrued and paid an increased salary.

What to do if refused

If, unfortunately, a refusal is received, the employee will receive an oral or, most likely, written response, which will not entail any changes in the employment contract.

Just because you were rejected today doesn't mean you can't try again. It is possible, and even necessary. Give management time to think, and during this period make any other changes that will speak in your favor, work on increasing your efficiency. And again, raise the issue of promotion for discussion, supporting it with a report on the successes achieved and prospects for the future.

But I would also like to note that an employer who values ​​his employees raises their wages on time in accordance with their professional growth or in connection with the expansion of their work responsibilities. And if for a year, two, three you work with full dedication and demonstrate undeniable success, but your salary lags behind your professionalism, and the employer repeatedly refuses - draw conclusions. High-quality work, knowledge, and experience should be appreciated.

Here is a good example of a statement for your attention to save time in preparing for delivery to the recipient. All applications have mandatory sections to complete. To fill them out correctly you need to understand the principle. The best way to do this is by studying the template below. If you find an inaccuracy or error, please remind the editors about the incorrect data in the form at the end.

It is important to keep in mind that enforcement does not stop at a specific point and many patterns are starting to become old. It is imperative to check the modernity of the references contained in them to the articles of the codes. It may be that laws are no longer needed.

Salary increase

Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes one of the principles for regulating wages - payment depending on the quantity and quality of work without any discrimination. Its provisions comply with Art.

2 of the Labor Code, which establishes as a principle of legal regulation of labor relations ensuring the right of every employee to fair pay; Art. 21 of the Labor Code, which establishes the employee’s right to wages in accordance with his qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed; Art. 22 of the Labor Code, which establishes the employer’s obligation to provide employees with equal pay for work of equal value.

To establish the dependence of an employee’s salary on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor, tariff systems of remuneration are used (see Article 143 of the Labor Code and the commentary thereto).
In Art. 132 of the Labor Code contains an important rule that workers’ wages are not limited to the maximum amount. In conditions when the state does not use methods of direct regulation of wages and its size is entirely determined by the results of labor, the normative establishment of the maximum wage is impossible.
Real wages are the amount of goods and services that a worker can actually purchase for his nominal (cash) wages. This volume depends not only on the amount of nominal wages, i.e. on the size of the tariff rate (official salary), additional payments, allowances, incentive payments and bonuses that are established for the employee in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement and employment contract, but also with the wage regulations in force in the organization, but also on the level of prices for goods and services. One of the state guarantees for wages is the use of measures to ensure an increase in the level of real wages.
Measures to ensure an increase in the level of real wages include, first of all, wage indexation in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services.
Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines the procedure for setting wages in organizations of various types and the system of sources that establish the standards for remuneration in them, is set out in a wording that differs significantly from the original one. Currently, the basic principles for setting wages are as follows:
- the employee’s salary is established by the employment contract;
- remuneration systems are established by collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations;
- the terms of remuneration established by the employment contract cannot be worsened in comparison with collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations;
- wage conditions established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations cannot be worsened in comparison with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;
- the terms of remuneration for employees of organizations financed from budgetary funds are established in the same manner, however, the volume of financing of public sector institutions in terms of funds spent on wages must comply with the Unified Recommendations for the establishment of remuneration systems at the federal, regional and local levels employees of budgetary organizations, which are developed by the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.
The remuneration system is understood as a method of establishing the relationship between the measure of labor and the measure of remuneration for it, on the basis of which the procedure for calculating an employee’s earnings is based. Practice has developed two basic systems of remuneration: time-based and piece-rate.
In a time-based system, time worked is taken into account and payment is made based on the tariff rate or official salary. For tariff rates and official salaries, see Art. 143 Labor Code and commentary to it.
Under the piecework system, each unit of production or labor operation performed is paid. Payment is made on the basis of a piece rate, which is a calculated value derived from the tariff rate and production norm.

It is calculated in two ways: when applying production standards - by dividing the tariff rate by the production rate; when applying time standards - by dividing the tariff rate by the time standard. For production standards and time standards, see Art. 160 TC and commentary to it.
Along with the indicator, bonus conditions can also be established, i.e. additional requirements, if not met, the bonus is not awarded or its size is reduced.
Bonuses not provided for by the remuneration system are in the nature of a one-time incentive and therefore are paid, as a rule, irregularly and often without connection with specific achievements in work at the unilateral discretion of the employer.
When writing an application for a salary increase, all factors should be taken into account: deterioration of family situation, increase in the minimum cost of living, rising prices.


The employer has the right to increase the employee’s salary if there are grounds for this by concluding an additional agreement to the employment contract and completing the necessary documents. In particular, the employer can increase wages to employees in the following cases:

  • The employee is transferred to a higher paying position;
  • Organizational working conditions have changed (for example, the working conditions in which employees work have changed, the working hours have changed, etc.);
  • Technological working conditions have changed (for example, the production process has become more complex, new technologies have been introduced that complicate the work of workers, equipment used in the production process has been added, etc.);
  • The company carried out wage indexation.

In addition to the reasons listed above, the employer may decide to increase wages to employees if the company’s financial performance improves. An employer can increase wages for all employees of the company, as well as for individual employees or a specific department - this remains at his discretion. But what to do if the manager does not increase wages? The employee should take the initiative and write an application for a salary increase.

Application for salary increase (sample)

The unified form of the form has not been approved. The application must be drawn up in free form, following certain rules.

In the header of the document you must write to whom the application is addressed. It is customary to write the position and full name. This is the first point where employees often stumble: in whose name should the application be written? To the immediate superior, department head, general director, head of the human resources department? It is for this reason that they often look for an application for a salary increase - a sample or example of a form. Typically, an application for a salary increase is written to the general director, and is visaed by your manager. Next, indicate from whom the application was received. In addition to your full name, indicate your position, for example: “From Ivan Nikolaevich Petrov, sales department specialist.”

Next, you must indicate the name of the document: “Application for an increase in wages.” In the body of the statement, get to the main point of the issue. It is recommended that the text of the application provide a reasoned explanation of why the employee asks the manager to consider the application for a salary increase. It is worth indicating the real successes and achievements that were achieved while working in this position in this company. It is worth indicating achievements in numbers: how much the performance of a department or a separate area of ​​work that is in the employee’s area of ​​responsibility has increased.

Common mistakes when writing an application for a salary increase

When writing an application, you should use a business style and also try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Too much text, excessively detailed presentation of the essence of the appeal;
  • You should not compare wages with the wages of other employees;
  • You should not compare the amount of work performed with the amount of work of other employees.

In the text of the application, the employee should indicate the amount of the increase he expects. It is worth considering that the general director may not remember the salary amounts of the company’s employees, so the amount indicated by the employee will help him make a decision more quickly. Having completed the main part of the application, you must put a date of completion and signature.

The immediate manager should endorse the application for a salary increase “I don’t mind, full name.”

There are a lot of different templates and samples on web resources. Our experts have found for you the worst ones in our opinion. All of them have been used in practice.

All applications have different requirements depending on the organization to which they are sent. Everyone understands that a document submitted to the court is different from an application sent to the employer. Standards have been defined that determine what exactly should be stated in a certain appeal.

For important documents, special rules are put forward regarding the form in which they are written. Download the form provided below and fill it with specific information. It would be correct if you use other templates from other sites, links to which are located below the template.

Using several forms will help you get the correct treatment.

❶ how to write statement about salary increase

In order to correctly fill out an application requesting a salary increase, first find out whose responsibilities include making decisions in such matters. It makes no sense to write an application addressed to your immediate superior if he occupies a position far from the top of the hierarchical pyramid of your organization.

It is best to write an application addressed to the head of the organization or the head of the human resources department. and get endorsed by your supervisor.

In order not to use the phrases “I ask for a raise” or “I ask for a salary increase”, use better “I ask you to consider the possibility of raising your salary...”. This formulation sounds decent and puts you in a businesslike mood.

Be sure to justify why a salary increase is justified in your situation. List your responsibilities and note that your workload has increased significantly due to, for example, the acquisition of new clients, increased sales, or the departure of an employee.

Appeal to the numbers, compare how the department’s performance indicators have grown recently. Try not to over-describe how hard you work, otherwise management will consider hiring an additional employee.

Do not use arguments like “I learned that accounting employee Petrov’s salary was increased” or “Ivanov’s manager gets more” as justification. Firstly, this does not concern you, and secondly, management considered this acceptable.

In the text of the application, indicate the amount of the increase you expect, in this case the management will not have to look for information about your salary. But be prepared for the fact that your desired increase of 10,000 rubles can turn into 5,000 with one stroke of the pen.

Enlist the support of your immediate supervisor, ask him to endorse the application and write a succinct “I don’t mind.” Perhaps your boss will take the initiative and write that you really deserve a salary increase.

Service for salary increase

Sooner or later, every employee feels the need for a salary increase. The volume of responsibilities increases year by year, all the signs of emotional burnout are visible, you want to get a decent assessment of your own work, but the boss, as if he forgot about inflation, the annual increase in prices, does not notice the increased workload. In general, the time has come to ask for a salary increase, but how to write a request and justify it correctly.

How to write an application for a salary increase so that the manager is satisfied with it?

The petition is written with the obligatory indication of the reasons that resulted in the need to increase wages. It is necessary to prove an actual increase in the volume of work, an increase in requirements and responsibilities.

That is, the service letter should reasonably indicate that your activities have become more expensive. It is also necessary to describe the results of your activities, note the benefits and profits for the organization.

HR officers have official samples of requests for a salary increase. You can familiarize yourself with the standard forms, and also ask the head of the department for help in drawing up an application; as a rule, such a letter is written on his behalf.

The statement is formulated as

“Imagination of an employee salary increase.” In the upper left corner, as in all standard forms, the header is filled in. It indicates to whom the application is being written, from whom.

Initials, department name, position are indicated.

In the middle of the sheet you must write: “I ask you to consider the possibility of increasing your salary (full name), write your position, indicate the department.” Separately, it is necessary to mention the working hours and salary. Next, you need to write down the reasons why you need to increase the fee. For example, due to an increase in working hours. responsibilities, requirements, end of the probationary period. Then you need to indicate the desired salary. The head of the department signs the letter to the director, putting his signature and date.

It’s not difficult to write an application for a salary increase; it’s more difficult to get a positive result from your boss. How to persuade management to your own point of view, force the boss to appreciate your work and increase your salary?

  • Carefully study the procedures adopted at the enterprise

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the salary accrual policy in a particular organization. In many enterprises, salary increases occur through bonus programs, bonuses, and other forms of incentives. Perhaps there are options that you can use to increase your own salary, without having to write a letter with a request to your superiors.

  • What wage increase would be normal?

Many people perceive asking for a salary increase as ethically unsavory. They are afraid to ask for decent wages and are embarrassed to enter the boss’s office. These are clear signs of intrapersonal problems.

Such an employee needs the help of a psychologist.

Today, experts have developed an excellent program for increasing self-esteem, which will help you realize your potential more fully, allow you to achieve the desired result in your work life, and help you achieve more in your career growth.

So how much money should you demand from your bosses?

— First, find out what salary workers in your profession are paid at other enterprises. You can look at advertisements in the newspaper, talk with friends, and inquire at labor exchanges.

— Study competitors’ offers, but pay attention to the “conditions” column, because in reality the amount of work often does not correspond to that indicated in the main advertisement.

— Try to get acquainted with statistical reviews of serious salary agencies from specialists in the field of interest. Just remember, a high salary may be unaffordable due to increased requirements for qualifications, education, and other conditions.

  • What can be cited as a good reason for increasing wages?

When compiling a list of your own achievements over the past six months, do not be modest or hide your achievements. Describe the results you achieved in this position, list additional functions and responsibilities. Specify the signs that indicate the need to increase the fee.

Be sure to provide, if possible, specific figures and graphs that clearly indicate excellent performance results and an increase in the volume of work. increasing requirements, etc.

  • We are planning a visit to the boss, taking into account the testosterone level of men

As a rule, the boss in many enterprises is a representative of the stronger sex. When planning to pay him a business visit, ask him about his mood in advance. You should not go to your boss when he is heated up about a broken car, an equipment failure, or the dismissal of a responsible employee.