It’s not good to swear - this truth has been known to many since childhood, and in some cases it is also reinforced by physical sensations that are forever imprinted in the memory of those from whom the parents heard curse words. However, there is hardly a single adult who would never utter a single swear word in his life. Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear.

7 reasons used to justify those who swear

Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear, identifying at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing.

Reason 1: Pain relief

Mat activates the body's "fight or flight" response, which is a release of adrenaline followed by a pain-relieving effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore were able to keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use obscenities during the experiment. Moreover, this effect obtained from swearing is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not react to them with a surge of adrenaline.

Reason 2: Power and control

Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel greater power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to react and fight the current circumstances. And this, in turn, can instantly increase self-esteem and increase self-confidence in specific situation and provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you're angry, count to four; if you’re very angry, swear.”

Reason 3: Nonviolent Retribution

Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to take revenge bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger by swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be careful, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Reason 4: Humor

Swearing among friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, swearing serves as a way of liberation from normal social restrictions in the same way as a playful fight with a friend. (Debatable)

Reason 5: Social connections

Believe it or not, like any weapon, swearing can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, swearing can show others that you belong to certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Swearing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

Reason 6: Self-expression

Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is important to us. great importance. Undoubtedly, a statement supported by obscenities acquires the maximum possible emotional coloring. Thus, a swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

Reason 7: Physical and mental health

Health benefits of matting include increased blood circulation, increased endorphins, and a general sense of calm, control, and well-being. The main precondition for such advantages is the following: you need to swear extremely rarely and try not to get angry.

Estet-portal does not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes swearing can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one’s well-being and for eliminating unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

Swearing is unacceptable, ugly, not elegant, etc. And yet, it exists and is extremely popular among all segments of the population. In addition, psychologists partially justify people who swear, identifying at least seven reasons for the popularity (or even advantages) of swearing. This:

1. Pain relief. Mat activates the body's "fight or flight" response, which is a release of adrenaline followed by a pain-relieving effect. This theory was proven experimentally: people who swore were able to keep their hands in ice water twice as long as those who did not use obscenities during the experiment. Moreover, this effect obtained from swearing is typical only for people who use it in exceptional cases, and do not use it almost always during communication. People who swear constantly are less sensitive to the effects of swear words, and therefore their body does not react to them with a surge of adrenaline.

2. Power and control. Checkmate gives a person the opportunity to feel greater power and control over a bad situation. Even if a person demonstrates this very power to himself, this is very important, because he no longer feels like a passive victim, but is ready to react and fight the current circumstances. This, in turn, can instantly boost self-esteem and self-confidence in a particular situation, as well as provide an incentive to take corrective action. Mark Twain also said: “If you're angry, count to four; if you’re very angry, curse.”

3. Nonviolent retaliation. Swear words are a weapon that a person uses to take revenge on bad people without resorting to violence. Instead of hitting someone, we vent our anger by swearing. Psychologists also draw a parallel: swearing is the same for a person as growling is for an animal. Thus, he warns the interlocutor that he should be careful, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

4. Humor. Swearing among friends is sometimes fun. In such circumstances, swearing serves as a way of liberation from normal social restrictions in the same way as a playful fight with a friend.

5. Social connections. Believe it or not, like any weapon, swearing can be used for good: if used correctly and appropriately, swearing can show others that you belong to a certain group or feel quite comfortable with members of such a group. Swearing can also demonstrate that you are open, honest and sociable.

6. Self-expression. Swear words can also indicate that the subject of our conversation is of great importance to us. Undoubtedly, a statement supported by obscenities acquires the greatest possible emotional overtones. Thus, a swear word (again, said to the point) helps to emphasize the importance of the word or phrase.

7. Physical and Mental Health: Health benefits of mating include increased blood circulation, increased endorphins, and a general sense of calm, control, and well-being. The main precondition for such advantages is the following: you need to swear extremely rarely and try not to get angry.

I do not encourage you to swear everywhere and every day. However, as practice shows, sometimes swearing can serve as an excellent tool both for improving one’s well-being and for eliminating an unpleasant or difficult situation. Therefore, use swear words, but only wisely.

I don’t see anything wrong with the swearing, which was used with some adequacy and appropriateness. Paradoxically, but the most great harm it brings only because of the radical attitude towards its use. For example, we demonstrate to children that he prohibited, not just unacceptable V cultural society, thereby forcing them to use abuse simply for the sake of self-affirmation, demonstrating their rebellion and independence. And hence the inscriptions on the walls, and the habit of using it as articles in the future.

I think that treating swearing as something special is in the same cluster of actions as superstitions, negative attitude towards tattoos, a negative attitude towards girls in trousers. Nowadays anyone can express themselves cooler, for example using terms or funny metaphors.

people are divided into 2 categories - those who need to build boundaries, and those who need to weaken them. Depends on a person’s internal culture, his humanity, kindness, self-control, and many other things. That is, swearing should be prohibited, but some people can swear. Wisely, as written above.



These are the costs of upbringing and environment. When I fell in love with a girl who liked to throw in a couple of strong words, I also adopted this manner from her in order to talk to her on the same level. It didn’t suit me, but then when we ran away, the swearing disappeared from my life and I only remember it when I tell jokes or swear very, very strongly.

In general, it’s a disgrace that people swear in our country and don’t even realize why it’s bad...

In my opinion, this leads to a decline in culture and a departure from established norms in society. Well, let’s say you come to visit, and they give you tea in a chipped cup, and food in a plastic plate, and seat you at a wooden table covered with a speed info newspaper - I don’t think so. whatever you like. Although in terms of functionality everything is ok - everything works and performs its function.

So when you surround yourself with beautiful things, beautiful people, then you change yourself in better side. Mat, on the other hand, allows you to move in the opposite direction: you start swearing, then drinking/smoking, then you allow yourself some more indulgences and gradually degrade... It’s clear that you won’t get there from just cursing, this is just one of the entry points...

So why choose a negative direction instead of a positive one? A person should remain a person. I don’t know how to convey this idea very clearly, but culture, like the legal field, are very fragile things that can collapse at any moment if they are not supported.

I’m not imposing it on anyone, I’m just voicing my point of view.



I assure you, this is not the case everywhere now. For example, among my acquaintances and friends, no one, not a single person, swears. And if in your environment people swear so much that it is already perceived as the norm, then it is obvious that you need to get out of it. Over time, a person himself becomes like those who are next to him, often even unnoticed by himself. So if you want to maintain the belief that swearing is abnormal, then urgently change your circle of friends.

The common people often use swear words. This is quite common and does not cause rejection of the interlocutor. If a person grew up in this environment and got used to it, then swear words begin to fly from his lips from the time he begins to speak. Another question is that if a person grew up in intelligent family, but then finds himself in conditions that are not particularly pleasant for him, where he experiences everyday stress. In this case, they swear more out of necessity than deliberately.

Why do people swear

For example, a person serves in the army, works in law enforcement agencies, drives a heavy-duty vehicle, that is, every day his work involves risk and people who do not always adequately respond to circumstances. In this case, in stressful situations, in difficult living conditions, he may be forced to start swearing. Then the habit is reinforced and those who swear no longer cause negativity. He himself becomes one of this team.

What are the reasons why people swear

Some believe that this is a reaction to fear, a desire to assert oneself in front of others. However, this is not always the case. Often, it’s rather an unusual environment, the inability to change something, speed up events, anger, that’s what moves a person. He is outraged and tries to speak out.

Some people believe that people who swear are those who have too little lexicon. And again this is not true. Many famous people, including very educated people, consider the way of expressing thoughts in this way to be normal. They even think it gives them some flair.

So, why is swearing heard more and more often:

  • People try to assert themselves this way;
  • Aggression increases, and swearing is an expression of aggression, but in a different form;
  • A person finds himself in a situation that is unusual for him, tries to defend himself, find a way out of the situation;
  • The mat helps to withstand pain, physical and mental suffering;
  • It gives control and power, helps make jokes;
  • Allows you to express yourself and even increase control, improve well-being;
  • Some people think it’s cool to swear, mostly young people, of course.
  • Checkmate is an opportunity to become oneself in a certain environment, to convey one’s thoughts that “do not get through” in other words.

These and other circumstances are increasingly introducing obscene words and expressions into life. They are already becoming part of the language, and are not even suppressed as cruelly as before. This does not mean that you need to swear, it just says that there is another way of expressing your feelings and emotions, a little different from ordinary cultural speech. It will most likely not be possible to eradicate swearing, but if it is not used in Everyday life, then no one in the family will swear.

Why do people swear? For what reason does foul language still not disappear and is not going to lose ground? What happens to a person when he swears obscenely? We'll figure out.

Did cavemen swear?

Scientists studying the development of language and the psychology of swearing claim that “obscene” words are present in any human language. Every language, dialect or dialect, dead or alive, used by millions or a few tribes, has its share of "forbidden" words.

Already in the first examples of human writing, dating back to about 3000 BC. e., indecent descriptions of parts were discovered human body and their functions - and written monuments serve, of course, as a reflection of oral tradition. Most psychologists and evolutionary linguists suggest that the emergence of swear words occurred simultaneously with the emergence of language as such, that is, at least about 100 thousand years BC.

Who swears the most?

According to statistics, teenagers and men swear more. And university rectors use foul language more often than librarians and kindergarten employees. The use of swear words is positively correlated with extraversion and emotional choleric temperament. Conversely, a negative relationship is observed with the level of compliance, religiosity and sexual arousal.

So why do we express ourselves?

Scientists have identified many functions of profanity. IN ancient Rus' For example, swearing performed a ritual function, being included in ritual texts. We all know swearing as an interjection, as an affective display of emotion, as an act of aggression, as a means of humiliation, as friendly banter and encouragement. Foul language can be a way of expressing rebellion or even a means of establishing contact between people.

What happens to the body during foul language

Some researchers consider swearing to be a symbol of connections between the rational areas of the brain and the parts responsible for emotions.
When a person utters curses, his pulse quickens, his breathing becomes more shallow - all the signs of psychological arousal are evident.

But just as swearing can be a stimulating factor, it often becomes an indicator of peace and harmony. There are studies showing that when we are in the company of close friends, the more relaxed we are, the more we swear.

There is a well-known curious case with the pillars of Russian literature - Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky. When Gorky arrived in Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy used a lot of obscene expressions in his conversation with him. Gorky was upset by this: he decided that the genius was trying to “adapt” to his “proletarian” level, and did not understand: L. Tolstoy, on the contrary, wanted to show in this way that he accepted him “as one of his own.”

Which neurons are “responsible” for swearing?

We all know that human speech is not a completely controlled process, especially emotional speech.
In recent years, scientists have been exploring the neural mechanisms of foul language by studying the brains of patients with Tourette syndrome.

Tourette's syndrome is a rare neurological disorder of unknown origin, characterized by nervous tics, grimacing, and involuntary shouting of obscenities. Such painful, irresistible swearing was called “coprolalia” (from the Greek “kopros” - feces, dirt and “lalia” - speech).

Of course, coprolalia brings a lot of inconvenience to patients with Tourette's syndrome: a stream of abuse can cause discomfort to others, sometimes erupting from the lips of a child or teenager. In addition, curse words often turn out to be extremely incorrect when referring to race, sexual orientation and the appearance of others.

Scientists became interested in coprolalia in patients with Tourette's syndrome in the hope of finding out the mechanisms that motivate a person to use obscene language. It was found out which areas of the brain of patients with Tourette syndrome are activated during an attack of coprolalia.

It turned out that during such attacks several groups of neurons are activated at once: basal ganglia- neurons responsible for coordinating parts of the body, and the so-called Broca's center - an area of ​​the cerebral cortex that ensures the understanding and organization of speech.

There was also evidence of excitation of neural circuits associated with the limbic system, known to be involved in emotion regulation. At the same time, and especially important, the “executive” areas of the brain were involved, where decisions are made whether to act or refrain from action.

These studies show us how complex and contradictory the mechanism for the emergence of obscene language can be. First, there is a strong emotional urge to say something rude, then the speech system is activated to come up with curse words, then the “control” center tries to restrain the speech act, and, sometimes, it succeeds. Thus, as we see, both highly developed areas of the brain and its archaic areas are involved in the process of swearing.

How obscene language increases the pain threshold

Many people know that swearing sometimes becomes in a good way dealing with stress through expressing emotions, but there is scientific evidence for this. According to research by British scientists, swearing can increase pain tolerance in foul-mouthed subjects.

A group of students took part in an experiment on the effect of swearing on the pain threshold: young people placed their hands in ice water and tried to keep them under water as long as possible.

In the control group, subjects did not have the opportunity to swear when uttering neutral phrases. In the experimental group, even those who do not use obscene language in everyday life had to swear. The study's results are impressive: swearing increased heart rate, decreased pain perception, and helped students endure pain longer by 75%. Such a change pain threshold most likely due to an increase in the foul-mouthed adrenaline levels.

Interestingly, the positive effect of swearing (pain reduction) was greater in women than in men, even if there was a tendency to dramatize the pain. In men, on the contrary, the tendency to dramatize reduced the positive effect of swearing. This is especially interesting in light of other studies showing, as we remember, that men are more likely to use offensive language, while women are statistically more likely to exaggerate and dramatize their physical suffering.

Foul language in many of these communities has
multidirectional background: since anonymity is the reason for the initial equality of Internet users, then in these conditions of equality, swearing turns out to be a tool of manifestation of aggression, force, power and humiliation. And, ultimately, along with masterful command of words, a way of building a kind of hierarchy among anonymous Internet users.

Also, obscene expressions are often used to create a humorous effect, sometimes benevolent, but often aggressive, which also unites the community by humiliating the objects of jokes, and in some cases, foul language can serve as one of the ways to build a specific group identity.