Practice-oriented project

aimed at increasing the potential for full speech development of preschool children.

"Speech therapy tracks"

Head: speech therapist teacher

Kotsolapenko Galina Vasilievna

Project passport

Name of institution

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of a combined type, Kupinsky district

Project name

"Speech therapy tracks"

Project Manager

Kotsolapenko G.V., speech therapist teacher

Project type


Project duration

Long term

Project participants

Teacher-speech therapist, pupils of MKDOU "Fairy Tale" 5-7 years old, parents of pupils, teachers.

Project implementation timeframe

Expected result

Successful development of children’s communicative and creative abilities, increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of children’s speech development, increasing parents’ interest not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

Practical significance of the project

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system for applying the project method in the correctional and speech therapy process can be used in the speech development of children without speech disorders, as a prevention of speech development disorders in preschool age.

Relevance of the project.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is. Therefore, the development of a child’s speech becomes one of the pressing problems in the activities of a preschool teacher.

The 21st century is the century of computer technology. Children, it would seem, have everything for development: computers, phones, televisions, but for some reason more and more children are found with speech disorders. What's the matter? What influences the development of children's speech?

Consider this problem:

The main function of coherent speech is communicative. And our children talk and play less and less in the yard, in groups, interact more with the computer, communicate via the Internet and, as a result, talk less, looking at a person, eye to eye, more and more on the phone, communicate less through sound and more through letters .

The nature, depth, number and structure of speech defects have also changed.

Firstly, if previously one sound was disrupted, now, as a rule, many sounds are disrupted.

Secondly, defects in the very structure of speech have become more complex. Not only sounds, phonetic-phonemic discrimination of sounds are impaired, but also grammar and coherent speech. In addition to all this, children with speech problems experience:

1. Attention deficit (the child cannot concentrate).

2. Low level of development of self-control.

3. Low level of cognitive activity.

4. Fatigue and, as a result, low performance.

5. Low level of motivation to learn.

Parents also play an important role in speech development. Many parents are incompetent in the timely correction of many speech anomalies in speech development. It is no secret that some parents do not hear the speech deficiencies of their children or do not attach serious importance to speech disorders, believing that with age everything will go away on its own.

So, speaking about the relevance of the problem of a child’s speech development, we believe that standardized methods of correctional work do not always help achieve the desired results. Analyzing various forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders, we looked for methods that would speed up the process of production, automation of impaired sounds, and, in general, the development of all components of speech, cognitive processes, and communication skills. In connection with the above, we assumed that the introduction of the project method into correctional work will be one of the effective methods of interaction between a speech therapist teacher and children, educators and parents to overcome speech disorders.

It's no secret that children with general speech underdevelopment have the following problems: a poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, and impaired sound pronunciation. Most children have impaired attention and imperfect logical thinking, so speech therapy in eliminating general speech underdevelopment is a very important and complex matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly, and to talk about various events from the surrounding life. A child is born a researcher; an insatiable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to observe and experiment, and independently seek new information about the world, are traditionally considered as the most important features of child behavior. Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active design and research activities, the child, on the one hand, expands his ideas about the world, on the other, develops his communication abilities. And the main advantage of the project method in the work of a speech therapist is that it provides the preschooler with greater independence, the opportunity to collaborate and co-create on an equal basis with adults, and to develop intellectual and creative self-development.

By correctly applying this method in speech therapy work, you can speed up the process production and automation of disturbed sounds, promote the development of all components of speech in general, cognitive processes, and communication skills. It is important to help the child believe in himself, because what is most fully and clearly perceived by children is precisely what was interesting, what he found and proved himself.

The technology of project activities opens up even greater prospects in organizing interaction with parents on issues of a child’s education, involving them in educational activities, through the creation, together with the family, of educational projects.

Since speech disorders in preschoolers are perhaps the most important problem, to solve it we have developed the “Speech Therapy Paths” project, which is aimed at creating conditions for the speech development of preschoolers.

Project type: The project is practice-oriented and long-term.

Project participants: Children of the compensatory group 5-7 years old, speech therapist teacher, educators, parents.

Target: increasing the potential for full speech development of preschool children.

Project objectives:

    awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of speech correction;

    develop children's speech and creative abilities;

    activate the processes of perception, attention, memory;

    increase the volume of corrective action;

    increase motivation and interest in speech therapy classes, involve children in the process of active learning;

    encourage children to collaborate;

    unite the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders;

    stimulate joint productive activities of children and parents.

Project implementation period: September – May

Project hypothesis: It was suggested that the use of the project method in speech therapy work with preschool children will allow pupils to quickly, easily and more firmly “appropriate” the knowledge and skills that the child acquires in the process of practical activities, will increase the child’s motivation and the interest of parents in the speech development of their children.

A distinctive feature of this project is that it consists of several projects of different duration - “tracks” aimed at corrective work with children with delayed speech development and their parents (legal representatives).

“Paths” that lead the child to fully developed speech, promoting the formation of articulatory motor skills, diaphragmatic relaxation breathing, phonemic processes, the acquisition of correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, and coherent utterance. And each such “path” the child “passes” together with adults.

Expected result:

    successful development of children's communication and creative abilities;

    increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of children’s speech development;

    increasing parents' interest not only in the results, but also in the process of correctional and educational work itself.

In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, every teacher
is looking for new approaches and ideas in her teaching activities. Here we are
in their work on the project, they developed a completely new, interesting teaching aid - Logomodules, which can be used for both individual and subgroup work with children of different ages.

This manual is made for working with children with various speech disorders. The manual contains games and exercises, visual material aimed at developing all components of the speech system (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech, the development of visual perception and fine motor skills). All materials in the manual have educational and developmental functions.

Project implementation stages and strategy:

I. Preparatory stage (information and analytical)


    studying the problem under study in theory and practice;

    revealing the meaning and content of the upcoming work, developing the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.

In order to determine the level of speech development and the state of sound pronunciation in children attending the compensatory group, we conducted initial monitoring.

The results of the examination of the development of speech and sound pronunciation were quantitatively processed and, in accordance with this, we identified the following levels of speech development in children.

Start-up monitoring (September 2016)

II. The main stage of the project implementation (practical)

The main stage includes joint activities aimed at developing the speech of preschool children.

1. Speech therapy project “Obedient Breeze”

Type of project: practice-oriented, short-term, collective.

Implementation period: September – October.


    developing in children the concept of proper breathing;

    children's acquisition of skills in differentiating nasal and oral breathing and the effectiveness of using speech breathing;

    formation of strength, smoothness and direction of the exhaled air stream;

    increasing the competence of educators in this area;

    attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of correct speech breathing in children.

Work with children:

    development of a long smooth exhalation, differentiation of oral and nasal exhalation;

    developing deep inhalation and long exhalation, learning the technique of diaphragmatic breathing;

    designing and producing a breathing exercises manual;

    performing breathing games and exercises using breathing aids;

    conversations and game situations about the role of proper breathing for maintaining health.

Working with family:

    consultations for parents on the topics “Formation of correct speech breathing”, “Breathing and unity of speech”, “Breathing exercises”;

    memos for parents “Obedient Breeze”, “Let’s Breathe Correctly;

    game exercises for breathing development";

    involving parents in joint activities with children in the manufacture of equipment for breathing games.

Working with teachers:

    consultation with the workshop “Games for the development of speech breathing in children”;

    And preparation of special manuals for conducting breathing exercises with children;

    presentation of games and aids for the development of breathing in children.

    design of the exhibition “Obedient Breeze”;

    practical application of project products in the correction process.

2. Speech therapy project “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”

Project type: information-practice-oriented, short-term, collective.

Implementation period: September – October


    formation of ideas about the organs of speech, their importance for correct sound pronunciation;

    V development of subtle differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus using non-traditional complexes;

Work with children:

    acquaintance with the structure of the speech organs through a speech therapy fairy tale;

    subgroup/individual learning of complexes of articulation exercises using colorful illustrations and multimedia presentations;

    collective invention of a fairy tale about the Merry Tongue;

    drawing illustrations for the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue.

Working with family:

    consultation “Structure of the articulatory apparatus”;

    conversation “Performing basic articulation exercises”;

    individual demonstration of performing exercises aimed at developing the articulatory structure of a certain sound or group of sounds;

    inviting parents to individual lessons;

    creating sets of exercises taking into account impaired sound pronunciation (individually, pasted into a notebook for homework).

Working with teachers:

    consultation “Sound pronunciation disorders. Causes. Kinds";

    P raktikum “The place of articulatory gymnastics in group mode;

    Methodology for performing articulation exercises."

Practical result of the project:

“Presentation of a collective homemade book “Tales of the Merry Tongue”.

3. “Fingers play – they help us speak”

Implementation period:during the academic year


    identify children’s individual abilities in the development of fine motor skills;

    develop tactile sensitivity in children’s hands;

    combine games and exercises to train children’s fingers with speech;

    develop basic specific graphic skills;

    prepare the child's hand for writing;

    increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

Work with children:

    development of fine motor skills of the hands during direct educational activities;

    p group/individual learning of finger gymnastics complexes using colorful illustrations and multimedia presentations.

Working with parents:

    consultation for parents “Tools for developing fine motor skills in children”;

    “Finger games in the kitchen” (moving folder);

    finger games for children of senior preschool age (moving folder);

    involving parents in joint activities with children to make games and aids for the development of fine motor skills.

Working with teachers:

    consultation on the topic: “Didactic games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands”;

    workshop for teachers “The place of finger gymnastics in group mode. Methods of performing finger gymnastics";

    practical application of child-parent creativity benefits.

Practical result of the project:

    design of the exhibition of manuals “Finger gymnastics”;

    practical application of benefits in the correctional process.

4. “We play - we reinforce the sounds”

Type of project: research, practice-oriented, long-term, individual.

Implementation period:during the academic year.


    research and understanding by the child of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds being practiced;

    conscious understanding of the articulatory structure of a particular sound and high-quality correction of pronunciation defects;

    automation of set sounds in games, sayings, poems, stories;

    increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

    increasing the competence of educators in this area.

Work with children:

    the use of articulation analysis game techniques in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation: “Teach an alien to pronounce a sound correctly”, “Explain to a friend the correct location of the organs of articulation...”, etc.;

    use of the manual “Articulatory patterns of sounds” when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied;

    research into the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”;

    automation of set sounds in games, sayings, poems, stories, etc.;

    poetry and tongue twister competition;

    "Let's Speak Correctly" holiday.

Working with family:

    consultation for parents “We play - we reinforce sounds”;

    using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds at home according to the instructions of the speech therapist teacher;

    To consultation “Sound automation techniques”.

Working with teachers:

    together with the children, compiling a general booklet “Difficult Sounds” (for all sounds);

    using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist;

    production of games, manuals for automation of supplied sounds.

Practical result:

    compiling, together with the children, a general booklet “Difficult Sounds” (for all sounds) and using it in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist;

    using manufactured games and aids to automate the supplied sounds;

    "Let's Speak Correctly" holiday.

5. “And speech flows like a river”

Project type: information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective.

Implementation period:during the academic year


    developing children's skills in constructing a coherent and holistic descriptive story;

    development of logical and figurative thinking and observation in children;

    developing in preschoolers the ability to operate with generic concepts (“animals”, “insects”, “dishes”, etc.);

    deepening children's knowledge about the environment;

    improving children's communication skills;

    increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

    increasing the competence of educators in this area.

Work with children:

    using visual support diagrams to compose descriptive stories on various lexical topics;

    drawing up descriptive story outlines.

Working with family:

    consultation for parents “And speech flows like a river” (development of a holistic, consistent, coherent utterance of children);

    b uklet “Games aimed at developing vocabulary”;

    R parental five-minute periods (at the request of parents);

    literature exhibition for parents.

Working with teachers:

    pedagogical piggy bank “Development of a full-fledged coherent statement of a senior preschooler”;

    helping children create their own descriptive story plans to form a collective album “Everything in Order”;

    practical use of the album.

Practical result:

    design of the collective album “Everything in Order”;

    practical use of the album;

    replenishment of the mini-library from homemade books.

6. “Gramoteyka”

Project type: information-practice-oriented, long-term, collective.

Implementation period: during the academic year.


    formation of grammatical structure of speech in children;

    increasing parents' interest in the correction process;

    increasing the competence of educators in this area.

Work with children:

    introducing children to prepositions in classes and in specially organized games;

    using games to develop grammatical components of speech;

    participation in the creation of games.

Working with family:

    And individual meetings with parents (“Agrammatisms in children’s speech”);

    consultation for parents “Formation of literate speech in preschoolers”;

    memo for parents “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech”;

    To consultation “Does your child speak competently?”

Working with teachers:

    organization of special games and exercises to develop the grammatical structure of speech;

    replenishment, together with children, of games on the grammatical structure of speech;

    practical use of these manuals.

Bottom Line:

    creating a collection of games;

    practical application of piggy bank games.

7. Speech therapy project “ABVGDEYKA”

Type of project: research and creative, long-term, collective

Implementation period: during the academic year


    mastering the image of a letter;

    involving each child in an active educational creative project to create a “Fun ABC”;

    P attracting the attention of parents and teachers to joint work on the development of the syllabic structure of words in children.

Work with children:

    P preliminary work: Games and exercises for mastering the image of letters;

    review of existing ABCs;

    illustrating each letter as you study it;

    preparation and participation in the holiday “ABVGDEYKA”.

Working with family:

    for consultation “What an adult whose child is beginning to learn the basics of literacy needs to know...”;

    booklet “On sounds and letters”, “Dividing words into syllables”;


    home game library;

    parental five-minute meetings (at the request of parents);

    seminar-workshop: “Sound analysis of words is not difficult!”;

    exhibition of books and aids for preparing for literacy.

Working with teachers :

    P Conducting games and exercises to assimilate the image of book support and encouraging children to be active.

Practical result of the project :

    And trade exhibition and presentation “Funny ABC”;

    Speech holiday "ABVGDEYKA".

III. The final stage of the project:


    analysis of the work done in the implementation of the project and assessment of the results of the effectiveness of application in the correctional process through pedagogical monitoring;

    creation of a final presentation, presentation of the results of project activities through exhibitions, presentation of a mini-library of homemade books, collectively created albums, organization of the ABVGDEYKA holiday;

    presentation of the accumulated material for the exchange of experience to teachers of preschool educational institutions.

The final outcome of the project will be:

    formed stable motivation of children for speech self-realization;

    increasing the literacy of parents in matters of raising and educating children with speech disorders, providing them with support and assistance in the correctional process;

    improving the professional skills of preschool teachers in providing support to children with speech disorders.

In my opinion, technologies of project activity will be in demand in the work of a speech therapist, as they contain great potential opportunities that contribute to qualitative changes in the development of speech and speech-creative abilities of preschool children, and will also interest parents in the educational process, will encourage them to actively participate in child development.

List of used literature

    Agranovich Z. E. Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children. - SPb.: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2000. - 48 p.

    Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents A collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers in St. Petersburg. 2007.

    Babina E.S. Partnership between a preschool educational institution and family in speech therapy work - Logoped magazine - No. 5, 2005.

    Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activities for preschoolers. M., 2010.

    Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. Sphere. M.2005.

    Kiseleva L.S. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution. Artie. M., 2005.

    Kosinova E.M. Gymnastics for speech development. –M.: EKSMO Publishing House LLC, 2003

    Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP. Album 1 - 4 / N.E. Teremkova. - M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2015. - 48 p.

    Mironova S.A. Speech development of preschool children in speech therapy classes. -M. 2007.

    Nishcheva N Approximate adapted program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years - St. Petersburg, 2014.

    Nishcheva N. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with ODD. - SPb., CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006.

    Nishcheva N. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with ODD. - SPb., CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006.

    Nishcheva N. Speech card of a child with general speech underdevelopment from 4 to 7 years. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

    Fadeeva Yu.A., Zhilina I.I. Educational projects in a group for children with special needs. M., 2012

Tamarazova Yulia Nikolaevna,

teacher - defectologist

MADO DS KV "Rucheyok"

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy

Underestimating timely corrections

speech defects in children leads to

resulting in difficulties in mastering

writing and reading. Such a child will

constantly falling behind in school will suffer

because his efforts do not lead to

positive result.

It's not his fault.

Only the parents are to blame for believing

that the baby will grow up and “speak out”



Teacher-speech therapist project

Without the help of parents, the work of a speech therapist can be very long and even useless.
Everything that we learn in class with a speech therapist is reinforced at home with mom and dad!!!

Analysis of the situation

Nowadays, it is no secret to anyone that every year the issue of educating children with speech pathology becomes more and more pressing. It is obvious that for full-fledged speech therapy work, close cooperation between the speech therapist, teacher and parents is necessary. First of all, it is worth noting the need to create motivation for classes among parents. Many parents have very vague information about who a speech therapist is and how correctional work is carried out. It is necessary to carry out educational work, set up and attract the attention of parents to the child’s problem. In order to overcome these problems, this project was developed.

The relevance and demand of the project lies in the fact that the participation of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process is necessary.

Hypothesis: One of the most difficult problems will be solved - the problem of differences in the positions of teachers and parents on overcoming speech disorders in children. Parents will no longer be removed from the work of correcting speech defects in children. They will overcome certain difficulties that have arisen in organizing interaction with their child.

Objective of the project:

To develop the ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

Select the first sound from the beginning of the word, the last sound from the end of the word.

Identify differences in picture names.

Determine the place of a given sound in words.

Select words with the given sound.

Formation and stimulation of a motivated attitude of parents towards correctional work with a child.

Project objectives:

To form phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills of children;

Promote adequate inclusion of parents in the correctional process;

To increase the competence of parents in matters of children's speech development;

Involve parents in making books for children based on the sounds they have learned

The practical significance of the project lies in the fact that the proposed system of step-by-step inclusion of parents in the correctional and speech therapy process can be used by speech therapists, group teachers, and parents.

Project type practice-oriented, individual

Duration: long-term (1 year, during the entire period of sound pronunciation correction)

Project participants: teacher-speech therapist, parents of group children, group teachers, group students.

Project results:

Formation of the action of highlighting a sound against the background of a word (whether this sound is present in the word or absent).

Formation of the action of isolating sound from the beginning and end of a word
(for questions: “What is the first sound in a word? What is the last sound in a word?)

Isolating a stressed vowel in a word.

Determining the place of a sound in a word (After which sound the desired sound is heard
sound in a word? Before what sound?)

The ability to determine the presence (or absence) of a given sound in a word.

The ability to isolate the first sound from the beginning of a word, and the last sound from the end of a word.

Increasing the competence of parents in the development of children;

Inclusion of parents in the correction process

Project stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory (informational and analytical)
Disclosure of the meaning and content of the upcoming work, development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children.
1. Study the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, justify the conceptual apparatus of the study.
2. Identifying the problem - diagnosing the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children).

Stage 2 – main (practical)

Making homemade little books for each sound passed, observing certain conditions:

First, we select object pictures for a given sound (the sound is at the beginning of the word);

Then we select pictures in which the position of the sound is determined by the middle of the word;

The following pictures have a sound at the end of the word.

Rules for creation (formation of pages)

The pictures on the pages of the book must correspond to the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end)

Stage 3 – final (compiling a mini library of author’s manuals)

Presentation of each book by all project participants (parents, children, teachers) and design of an exhibition (library) in the kindergarten.

Presentation of experience: ready-made books can be used by preschool teachers, speech therapists, parents, as well as the children themselves while playing various games. For example: “find the sound”, “Where the sound lives”, etc.

The experience can be broadcast at city methodological associations and submitted to competitions at various levels

In modern pedagogy and educational practice, the interaction of teachers and parents is one of the most pressing and pressing problems. Analysis of research by Russian scientists (N.A. Andreeva, E.P. Arnautova, T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Danilina, L.V. Zagik, O.L. Zvereva, M.V. Ivanova, V.K. Kotyrlo, T.V. Krotova, T.A. Kulikova, T.A. Markova, O.V. Ogorodnova, M.M. Ramazanova, Z.I. Teplova etc.) allows us to consider the interaction of teachers and parents as an important condition for the effectiveness of the upbringing and development of children.

Work with children
- Acquaintance with the organs of articulation through “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”
- Use of articulation analysis game techniques in individual lessons for correcting sound pronunciation. Use of the “Articulation Gymnastics” manual when analyzing the articulation of the sound being studied.
- Study of the pronunciation features of each sound being studied, gradual (as each disturbed sound is staged and automated) design of the booklet “Difficult Sounds”

Working with family

Speech on the topic: “Results of correctional and developmental work carried out in a compensatory group”
- Consultation for parents “Violation of sound pronunciation and its causes”;
- Making little books together with the child on the completed sound “My Magic Letter”
- Using books in the process of consolidating the sound learned and in determining the position of a given sound in a word.

Working with teachers
- Consultation “Sound pronunciation disorders. Causes. Kinds"
- Design of the exhibition (Library) with children “My magic letter” (for all sounds covered)
- Using the booklet in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds as instructed by the speech therapist.

Practical result of the project
- Presentation of individual little books “The Magic Letter”, their practical use in the process of reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds according to the instructions of the speech therapist
- Replenishment of the mini-library from homemade books.

Conclusion: the inclusion of parents in the joint process between the speech therapist and the teacher will significantly increase the effectiveness of joint work. There is an understanding that the creation of a unified speech space for the child’s development is possible subject to close cooperation between the teacher, speech therapist and parents.

In the future: the search and development of new innovative forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders in interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Pictures from the following sites were used to design the work:

File: Smart owl.png

Photos can be printed at the end or beginning of a publication

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Municipal autonomous preschool education institution kindergarten “Kalinka”, Chernogorsk

Project on the topic:

« Speech therapy storeroom »

Developed by: teachers of the compensatory group Dronova N.A., Pribilova L.V. teacher-speech therapist Boyko O.O.

Chernogorsk 2017

Introduction :
The effectiveness of correctional-educational-educational work in a speech therapy group largely depends on the organization of the subject-spatial environment. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “By monitoring children, we ultimately see that the path to proper upbringing lies through the organization of the environment...”

In speech therapy groups there must be such a developmental environment that it serves the correctly chosen correctional goal and is a system in the process of work, since coordinated work leads to positive results.

A specially organized living space should stimulate the child’s activity, create an opportunity to successfully eliminate a speech defect, overcome delays in speech development, which allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in classes, but also in free activities, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, and therefore , contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.

The subject-development space should be organized in such a way that each child has the opportunity to practice the ability to observe, compare, and achieve a goal under the supervision of both a teacher and a speech therapist.

When creating a developmental space, both in a group room and in a speech therapist’s office, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities in the development of preschoolers and not allow oneself to get carried away by various “school” technologies, frontal forms of work, and verbal teaching methods. And this, in turn, will ensure the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive sense of self, competence in the sphere of relationships to the world, to people, to himself, inclusion in various forms of cooperation, which are the main goals of preschool education and upbringing.

The subject environment must be designed in accordance with the program that is being implemented in the educational institution. The teacher himself, who has knowledge of preschool pedagogy and psychology, must be able to create an environment. Thus, the teacher must take into account the individual developmental characteristics of each of his pupils, know the group as a whole, so as not to delay the further development of children and at the same time not set unbearable tasks for them (such tasks can extinguish the child’s desire to even try to solve them, and hinder the development of cognitive interest ). But the management structure is still the speech therapist teacher.

Creating a developmental environment is one of the main objectives of the general education program.

Uniqueness of the project

The uniqueness of our project lies in the fact that in our activities we assume the interaction of teachers, children and members of their families in creating a special developmental environment and forming a creative approach to organizing group space.

Viewproject: long-term.

Duration : 5 months

Implementation deadlines : January – May 2017

Participantsproject: children withspeech disorders of the compensating group, speech therapist teacher, educators, parents.

Project resources: stationery: office paper, scissors, colored paper; fiction, didactic material, voluntary sponsorship,

Age of preschoolers for whom it is intendedproject5-6 years old, Senior group

Relevance project .

Currently, the transition from the functioning of speech therapy points tocompensatory groups for children with speech impairmentsin preschool educational institutions(DOW) and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education(FSES DO) the problem becomes urgentorganization of the spatial environmentfor this categorychildren.

Speech like a leadermeanscommunication accompanies all types of children's activities. From qualityspeeches, the ability to use it in play, construction, observation,directeducational activities, etc. depend on self-esteem, the success of the child’s activities, his acceptance by peers, authority and social status in children’s society. Not only correctional classes with specialists, but also the child’s environment should contribute to the developmentspeeches of preschoolers. SpatialWednesday, as a system of material objects, creates conditions for the successful socialization of a child with disabilitiesspeeches, his personal development in accordance with age and types of activity.

Special importancethe project is due to the factthat correctionspeechesshould be carried outcomprehensivelyand systematically in preschool and family settings. The environment should stimulate the child to express his thoughts, feelings, actions inspeeches, as well as contribute to faster and more unobtrusive consolidation of work to correct defectsspeechesconducted by a speech therapist on individual andgroup classes.

Organization of the spatial environment in a compensatory group for children with speech impairmentsshould be carried out with the participation of not only a speech therapist and educators, but also parents. This ensures the transfer of parental knowledge acrossorganizationsenvironment of the child at home and symptom prevention is carried out"abandoned child" *.

*Symptom"abandoned child" due to the family structure, in which the child is forced to communicate only withcomputer, TV, toys(often not conducive to the child’s development) . Parents shift the upbringing and education of the child to grandmothers, nannies, educators, etc.

Target project : Creationsubject-development environmentto increase the potential for full speech developmentchildren.

Project objectives:

1. Creating favorable conditions for developmentchildrenin accordance with their age and individual characteristics, which open up opportunities for their positive socialization, their personal development;

2. Promotioncompetenceeducators and parents in mattersorganization of a subject-developmental environment for a child with speech impairment;

3. Increasing the volume of exposure and ensuring the consolidation of material to correct defectsspeeches in a group settingduring independent and joint activitieschildren;

4. Fostering love and interest in fiction and remedial classes;

5. Development of mental processes and motor activity, creating the basis for successful correction of deficienciesspeeches.

Implementation stagesproject:

I. Preparatory stage(information and analytical) :

Revealing meaning and contentupcoming work, development of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementationprojecttaking into account modern requirements and speech capabilitieschildren.


1) Study the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, justify the conceptual apparatus of the study.

2) Diagnosis of spatial contentgroup environment.

3) Definitionspeech therapy contentproject, conditions for its implementation.

II. Main stage (practical) :

Implementation of contentproject.

1) Thematic presentations for educators “Enrichment and planning of development workspeeches of children in group centers».

2) Thematic consultation for parents “Creating a developmentalenvironmentfor a child with disabilitiesspeeches».

3) Involving parents to create manuals and games for centersgroups, promoting speech development. (for example, articulation cubes, clearings for the development of speech breathing, etc., as well as props and character costumes for role-playing games.

4) Selection of fiction and creation of baby books for the library.

5) Selection of board educational games for the development of various aspectschildren's speech.

6) Selection of games for the development of mental processes and motor spherechildren.

7) Development of work planning in the centersgrouprooms taking into account speech activity.

III. Finalstage :

Expected results :

1. Unobtrusive and durable"appropriation" knowledge and skills acquired by a child in the process of practical activities in specialorganized conditions;

2. Development of all sideschildren's speech, as well as in parallel with mental processes, general and fine motor skills;

3. Cultivating a sustainable interest in development gamesspeeches;

5. Qualified and sufficientorganization of subject-developmental environment taking into account age, featureschildrenand health conservation;

6. Promotioncompetenceparents regarding speech developmentchildren. Involving the family in the creationsubject-developmental environment in the group.

speechesin the literature and within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Project product:

1. Sound pronunciation correction center, which contains: a wall mirror with additional lighting, a small work table (according to the child’s height, speech therapy probes, cotton wool or cotton pads, alcohol, etc., literature on automation and differentiation of defective sounds, card files for automation and differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences, texts, cards with articulatory patterns of speech profiles (whistles, hisses, sonorators).

2. Center for the development of fine motor skills, which contains a variety of construction sets, lacing, mosaics, puzzles, pyramids, nesting dolls, small toys, games with buttons, matches, miniature dry finger pools, stencils on various lexical topics, card files of finger gymnastics, as well as various exercises for coordination of speech and movement.

3. Center for overcoming OHP(general speech underdevelopment) promotes speech development through books containing stories and fairy tales for retelling, pictures for composing stories, crosswords, riddles, poems, word games and tasks on the current lexical topic. All this contributes to the development of speech, expansion of ideas about the world around us, spatial orientation, observation, imagination and even aesthetic pleasure.

4. Center for the development of speech breathing and phonal perceptionincluding children's musical instruments, cocktail straws, a file of breathing exercises, “wind blowers” ​​and more.

Children are very fond of soap bubbles, which clearly and effectively teach children how to exhale long and short, smoothly and sharply. Pinwheels and small light toys are also good for developing correct speech breathing in children.

5. Center for the development of phonemic hearingand sound analysis and synthesis includes (timbre perception zone):

diagrams for determining the position of a sound in a word, “sound tracks”, picture material and games for determining the place of a sound in words.

6. Center for the development of lexico-grammatical aspects of speechconsists of various picture material (subject paintings, series of subject paintings, picture material “Complex words”, “4 extra”, etc.)

7. Literacy Center: represented by diagrams for parsing words, sentences, chips, a magnetic board, a magnetic alphabet, syllabic tables, letter grades, etc.

8. Center for phrasal speech: in addition to paintings, a puppet theater and finger theater are presented here.

9. The center of methodological support presents:

reference literature on speech therapy and child psychology;

materials on examining children's speech;

methodological literature on sound pronunciation correction;

methodological literature on overcoming GSD (general speech underdevelopment);

educational and methodological literature on literacy;

educational and methodological plans for the sections of speech correction and development.

10. Information center,where are located:

speech therapist work schedule

examination results;

material on lexical topics and sound pronunciation;

individual notebooks;

game tasks for the development of speech motor skills, manual skills and much more.

11. TSO Center(technical teaching aids, which contains a tape recorder, a computer, an audio library, disks with computer games for educational and developmental purposes. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine teaching children without a computer and computer technology. Assignments that children previously received on paper are now visible on the monitor screen Such tasks are liked and performed by children with great diligence, provide a sense of psychological security, are a means of full development of pupils;

combines conventional and innovative methods in organizing and conducting correctional classes.

12. Center for speech development on the site (veranda) of the group.

portable mirrors (small), cards with articulation layouts, hanging beads, construction sets, puzzles, dry finger pools, a card file of breathing exercises, soap bubbles, etc.

Nomination “Working with parents” (in preschool educational institutions)

One of the most important areas of my activity in kindergarten is working with parents of a child with speech disorders. The practice of working in preschool educational institutions shows that such influence is a rather complex process. Not all parents adequately perceive their child’s speech problems.

Some try not to notice the child’s speech impairments and ignore doing homework with the child recommended by the speech therapist. Others, on the contrary, show excessive anxiety, placing increased demands on the child’s speech. This position “slows down” and delays the correctional and developmental process. Therefore, the development of this project has become relevant.

Date: 9 months.

Participants: teacher-speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, parents.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development.


  • to study the characteristics of parents of pupils, the level of their pedagogical competence on issues of speech development of the child;
  • develop and conduct a system of events for parents on the speech development of preschool children, through the organization of the “Speech” club;
  • compose and publish a periodic children’s and parent’s magazine “Rechevaya Polyanka”;
  • create a file cabinet for parents and children to practice at home: “Your home speech therapist”;
  • develop and accept uniform requirements of parents for the child regarding the general approach to education in the process of speech correction.

Expected results: increasing parental competence in matters of the child’s speech development, assistance in adopting the position of an “active parent.”

The implementation of the project involves work in stages III.

Stage I preparatory (information and analytical).


  • Questioning parents: “Are you concerned about the state of your child’s speech?” See Appendix 1;
  • release of information sheets: “Assess your child’s speech development.” See Appendix 2;
  • moving folder: “The role of parents in the development of children’s speech.” See Appendix 3;
  • collection of teaching materials for the card index and journal; development of events.

Stage II main (practical).


  1. Conducting a system of methodological activities for parents on issues of speech development of preschool children through the organization of the “Speech” club. See Appendix 4.
  2. Presentation of the file cabinet: “Your home speech therapist” (based on “Home notebooks for speech therapy sessions with children” by Yu.B. Zhikhareva-Norkina).
  3. Carrying out child-parent events: poetry recitation competition: “Spring Drop”, celebration of correct and beautiful speech “Birthday of Sounds”. See Appendix 13.
  4. Issue of the magazine “Rechevaya Polyanka” once every 3 months. See Appendix 2.
  • For curious parents.
  • We talk and play - we develop speech.
  • Read it.
  • Our hands are not for boredom.
  • Announcement.

Stage III is final (control and diagnostic).

Activities: analyze the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development through a survey, feedback sheets, reviews and suggestions in the guest book of the “Speech” club.

As a result of the implementation of the “Your Home Speech Therapist” project, the desired result: according to the survey, 85% of parents became better versed in issues of children’s speech development, 60% of parents took an active part in parent-child activities, 95% of parents learned to complete tasks from the “Your Home Speech Therapist” file cabinet. Parents who were unable to attend the Rechevichok club were offered event materials on electronic media (disk) and reminders. See Appendix 11, Appendix 12, information sheets, “Rechevaya Polyanka” magazines.


1. Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. St. Petersburg, 1994.

2. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M., 1994.

3. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment: education and training. M., 2000.

Project “Your home speech therapist”

Magazine "Rechevaya Polyanka"