In most of Korea, the climate is temperate, similar to Russia, adjusted for the monsoon nature - due to the proximity of the sea. Before visiting Korea, you need to consider some features of the Korean weather.

Firstly, Korea is a very mountainous country, so in national parks you need to be prepared for a cool mountain climate. In winter, the mountains are sunny and frosty, so from November to March in Korea it is especially good to relax at numerous ski resorts (read more about them).

Secondly, subtropical is slightly warmer than continental Korea, its climate is similar to the Mediterranean, so it is more suitable for a beach holiday. However, in winter, spring and autumn, the weather on the island will still be quite cool for swimming - the high season on Jeju is June-September.

Weather in Korea varies greatly from season to season.

Winter quite cold (temperature usually does not fall below -10°C) and dry. Only the temperature rarely drops below zero.

Spring warm and sunny. Very little precipitation (much less than in summer). In spring in Korea, of course, there are many other flowers. In spring, Korean gardens and parks are very beautiful.

Summer in Korea hot (above or around 30°C) and humid, with frequent monsoon rains. In Korea, there is even such a thing as “dog days” with a hint of “dog” heat. The rainy season (“chonma”) begins at the end of June, which can last until the end of July.

in autumn, as in spring, warm and dry. It is believed that autumn is the best time to visit Korean nature parks, which at this time shine with the bright colors of falling leaves. Koreans themselves go for walks in the mountains in the fall, when it is no longer so hot, and the monotonous green landscape gives way to a riot of red and gold colors.

/ Climate of North Korea

Climate of North Korea

The climate of North Korea is temperate monsoon. North Korea is located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and is sandwiched between two huge powers - Russia and China , and from below the country is “embraced” by South Korea. About 80% of North Korea's territory is occupied by mountains and hills. The country is washed by two seas - in the west by the Yellow Sea, in the east - by the Sea of ​​Japan. And despite the fact that the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan are quite warm, the climate of North Korea is quite harsh.

In the northern regions and in areas of the central part of the country, located at high altitudes, the most severe climatic conditions are observed, when in winter air temperatures, at times, can reach -40 ° C and below, and frosts occur here even in summer. On the coast of the country the climate is milder - moderately warm in summer and moderately cold in winter.

Winter in North Korea begins in early December and lasts, on average, 3 months. Winter, practically throughout the entire country, is cold and dry, and in the west (Pyongyang) it is colder than in the east (Wonsan). In the winter season, cold continental air penetrates here from the mountainous regions of the Asian mainland, which brings dry, clear and cold weather, with temperatures down to -14°C. Periodic gusts of wind from Siberia cause temperatures in the mountainous regions of the north to drop to -40°C at night.

The average daytime air temperature in Pyongyang in January is -3°C, but at night it gets much colder - down to -13°C. But not everything is so scary, and cold periods in winter are often replaced by a slight thaw. Little snow falls in winter, and large, stable cover is observed only in mountainous areas.

Spring in North Korea begins in early March and lasts no more than two months. Spring is quite short and swift. In March, the snow cover melts and literally before our eyes everything begins to bloom and bloom. In April, almost all the country's rivers are free of ice. The average daytime air temperature in Pyongyang in April is +17°C; at night temperatures can drop to +5°C, and even down to 0°C.

Spring in North Korea is an incredibly beautiful and romantic time. An unpleasant feature of this time of year is quite frequent morning fogs, as well as the “yellow wind” from Manchuria, which carries with it tiny particles of loess.

Summer in North Korea begins in May; this month is very warm and hot like summer. Perhaps May is the best month to travel to North Korea, as it is moderately hot and there is not as much rainfall as in other months. The average daytime air temperature in Pyongyang reaches +23°C, dropping to +11°C at night. It's much cooler in the mountains.

In June, the weather is very hot everywhere. In Pyongyang, on average, it is about +27°C during the day and up to +17°C at night. It will be very hot in July and August. The average August daytime air temperature in Pyongyang is +29°C during the day and +20°C at night. But the difference between these two very hot months is that under the influence of an anticyclone forming in the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean, the weather becomes predominantly humid, bringing abundant moisture and heavy rains. Along with showers and strong humidity, stuffiness becomes a summer companion.

However, July and August are the only times of the year when sea water off the coast of North Korea warms up above +20°C, and water procedures are possible. It is worth remembering that, despite such high summer air temperatures, frosts can occur at night, because the range of day and night temperatures is large at any time of the year.

September is the last summer month in North Korea. Not as hot and less rainy than previous months, September brings warm and dry weather to this region. In Pyongyang during the day, on average, +25°C, with cold temperatures at night up to +14°C. In the mountains and in the north of the country, it is colder, on average, by 6 - 8°C.

Autumn in North Korea begins in early October. Autumn is short - lasts only a couple of months, dry and quite sunny. In October, nature decorates the country’s forests with variegated multi-colored colors, and everything around is transformed beyond recognition. The most colorful time in North Korea. In Pyongyang in October it is warm and nice - the daytime air temperature reaches +18°C, and at night the thermometer stops at +7°C.

But in mountainous areas, October is an absolutely autumn month, with all the ensuing consequences - a significant drop in air temperature during the day and frosts at night, as well as frequent cold rains, often giving way to snowfalls.

The warm weather in most parts of the country changes in November - cold cyclones visit more and more often, the temperature drops every day, and the sky becomes cloudy. Cold rains are not excluded, but most of the month the weather is simply cloudy. The average daytime air temperature in Pyongyang in November is only +9°C, while nighttime temperatures usually drop below 0°C. In the mountainous regions there is already a stable snow cover in November, and by the end of the month frosts begin to rage.

North Korea receives uneven precipitation. On the west coast of the country, approximately 600 to 1,000 mm of precipitation falls annually, on the east coast - up to 1,700 mm, in the mountains - up to 2,000 mm of precipitation. The Pyongyang area receives between 800 and 1,000 mm of precipitation per year. Maximum precipitation usually occurs during the monsoon period (mid-summer) and late autumn.

When to go to North Korea. The best time to travel to North Korea will be the months of April, May and September, October. The spring and autumn months are warm, sunny, not too hot and with minimal rainfall. Therefore, these months are ideal for getting to know the country and visiting its sights.

Visiting North Korea in the summer is also possible, but hot weather and heavy rain may take travelers by surprise. But the cold season - the months from November to April - is not the best time to travel to North Korea. It is quite cold here in winter, although it is sunny; in addition, in winter, North Korea is extremely reluctant to accept tourists, and this is due to the difficulty of heating large hotels.

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The climatic conditions of a country are determined by its topography, as well as its location. South Korea falls under the influence of the Central Asian temperate climate. This climate type is characterized by monsoons, dry air in winter and humid weather in the summer months.

The climate of South Korea and its characteristics

The seasons in the republic smoothly and slowly replace each other. All seasons are clearly defined and do not present any special surprises to the residents of the country.

The mountainous regions of the state are characterized by a more severe climate than the flat part of the land. In summer, the air in the mountains warms up to 27 degrees Celsius; at night, even in July, the temperature can be only 13 degrees.

Winter in South Korea is often characterized by freezing temperatures. At night, frosts up to 10 degrees below zero occur.

The amount of precipitation per year in South Korean territories reaches 2000 mm.

The rainiest days occur in summer. At the same time, monsoons come from the coast to the plains of the country.

Winter in South Korea (December, January, February)

The south of Korea in December delights with sunny days and temperatures within 10 degrees Celsius. In the north, already in December days there are significant drops in temperatures.

In January, South Korea suffers from winds, but the air in the south of the country still warms above zero. But the northern regions are subject to frosts down to -8 degrees during the day.

February in the republic is famous for its large number of sunny days. At the end of the month you can feel the presence of the coming spring in the air.

Spring in South Korea (March, April, May)

The sea on the southern coast of the country already warms up to 13 degrees in March. It can also be quite warm during the day, but in all areas daytime temperatures do not exceed 15 degrees.

April is the best time to visit the country for excursion purposes. During this period, Korea is warm and sunny, and numerous gardens are blooming.

Full spring arrives in May. Hot and dry times help warm the air up to 25 degrees.

Summer in South Korea (June, July, August)

In June, the swimming season opens on the beaches of the republic. The sea heats up to 20 degrees, and the air to 27.

Korean July is famous for its long rains. Precipitation falls literally every other day, and strong gusts of wind often occur.

August can be described as the rainiest month of the year. It is in August that up to 400 mm of precipitation falls.

Autumn in South Korea (September, October, November)

By September, the amount of precipitation in the state decreases, and the speed of frequent wind decreases. Daytime temperatures hover around 15-18 degrees Celsius.

October again marks a dry period with sharp changes in day and night temperatures.

In November in the north of the country the temperature during the day is only 12 degrees Celsius. At night the temperature approaches zero, but does not drop beyond this level. Air humidity reaches 71%, and the sea cools down to 12-14 degrees.

It has been rapidly gaining momentum in recent years. The country is developing cultural and recreational leisure activities, beach, active recreation and ecotourism. In this regard, tourists who have never visited the country before first of all have the question of when is the best time to vacation in and why is it worth going there in a particular season. These are the questions our article will answer for you.

Climate in South Korea

The country has a predominantly temperate monsoon climate. Summer in Korea is hot and humid. For example, in July-August the air temperature usually reaches +29°C or more. Winter here is quite long, cold and dry. The lowest temperatures are observed in January, when the thermometer drops below 0°C. In winter, mainly northwest winds blow, and in summer, southeast winds prevail. It should be noted that in April-May the weather often changes sharply, and after the cold comes a sharp heat. The same thing happens in October, when winter comes into its own again. So autumn and spring here are very short. The rainy season in South Korea lasts from late June to early September.

Types of tourism in South Korea

Before planning a trip to the Republic of Korea, you need to decide what you primarily want to get from your holiday here.

Tourism in Korea is very diverse, and the following are available to visiting tourists:

  • beach holiday;
  • cultural and recreational recreation;
  • ecotourism;
  • extreme tours.
Choosing a vacation time in South Korea

So, if you prefer to bask in the sun and swim in the gentle waters of the three seas, then you should definitely go to the Republic of Korea from the end of June to September, which is considered the beach holiday season in South Korea. You can choose, for example, as a resort for this purpose. A beach holiday in South Korea in September has undeniable advantages for those who do not tolerate heat and high humidity very well.

A cultural, recreational or sightseeing tour should be planned for spring or autumn, i.e. in April-May or September-October. In spring, sakura blooms here, and in autumn you can watch the clearest skies and colorful falling leaves. In addition, during the spring-autumn period, several events take place in South Korea, including Children's Day, Buddha's Birthday, Harvest Day and others.

Also, September-October is the most favorable period for ecotourism and mountain hiking, because... The summer heat has already subsided, and there is no more rain, but it is still warm. Holidays in South Korea in December can be chosen by amateurs - this type of tourism is also represented in the country.

Thus, we can conclude that if you want to combine different types of leisure, then the best time to go on vacation to South Korea is from September to October.

Korea's climate is a mixture of continental and maritime climates. The four seasons clearly follow one another, and if summer is characterized by heat and humidity, then winter is characterized by cold and dry weather.

Four seasons

Summer The hottest months of the year are June-August. The average temperature in August is 25.4℃. This is the ideal time for a holiday at sea. The beach season is July-August. Winter The coldest time of the year is from December to February. In the north of the peninsula, the average temperature during these months drops to –8℃. The temperature on the southern coast at the same time is 0℃. This is the time to practice winter sports or contemplate winter landscapes. The mountainous regions located in the eastern part of the country have a lot of snow, so in winter there are ski resorts everywhere. The ski season in Korea lasts from December to February. Spring and autumn From March to May it is spring in Korea, and from September to November it is autumn. At this time the weather is neither hot nor cold, ideal for outdoor recreation. There are more rainy days in spring in Korea than in autumn. But the weather is mild, and nature pleases with its beauty: young greenery and spring flowers. Spring in Korea is the best time for walking. Korean autumn is clear, the air is clean. This is the best time to spend time in nature. Numerous sporting events and regional festivals are held at this time of year.


The annual rainfall in Korea is 1,260 mm. From June to early September, over 50% of the annual precipitation falls in the country. The climate of the Korean Peninsula is characterized by monsoon rains, which begin in the second half of June and last until mid-July.

Natural disasters

Characteristics of natural disasters in Korea Natural disasters of a geological nature such as earthquakes are rare in Korea. Most natural emergencies are represented by meteorological disasters. These include typhoons, torrential rains, heavy snowfalls, unprecedentedly warm winters and crop-destroying cold in the summer. Typhoons Every year, about 28 typhoons occur in the North Pacific Ocean. Of these, two or three fly over Korea, often bringing with them a lot of trouble. Heavy rains Heavy rains cause damage mainly in the summer. Currently, there is an increasing trend in the number of heavy rainfall events. Floods Although river levels are well regulated in Korea by multi-functional dams, there are times when rivers overflow their banks due to heavy downpours or prolonged monsoon rains.