The head of the city of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, stood up for the high school student, who called the fascist invaders innocent people who died, on November 20, according to the official website of the city of Novy Urengoy.

“Nikolai Desyatnichenko shared his discoveries that not all Germans wanted to fight, many just wanted to live peacefully. This should in no way be regarded as the boy’s attitude towards fascism.”, said the mayor.

Let us remind you that a meeting of Russian and German children on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow took place in Germany on November 20. Speaking with a report, high school student Nikolai Desyatnichenko said: “Since childhood I have been interested in the history and culture of both my country and Germany”. And he told a sympathetic story about a German from a large family who fought on the Eastern Front against the USSR and was captured after the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad. About how the fascist did not return home from captivity... He "died from harsh conditions of captivity".

A native of the city of Novy Urengoy also shared his impressions of visiting the military cemetery of “Wehrmacht soldiers near the city of Kopeisk.”

“This saddened me extremely, because I saw the graves of innocent people who died... Many of whom wanted to live peacefully and did not want to fight.”, - said Nicholas, speaking from the podium in the Bundestag.

“They experienced incredible difficulties in the war, which my great-great-grandfather, a war participant who was the commander of a rifle company, told me about.”, he added.

The war on history and education in Russia is bearing its first fruit. The performance of high school student Nikolai Desyatnichenko is the first fruits. Most likely, he is one of the best students in the gymnasium. Others are not invited to international conferences.

But the problem does not boil down to Nikolai, “who has been interested in history since childhood.” The event is responsible and international. The text of the speech could not help but be read and agreed upon by adults. History teachers from his school or other teachers. Perhaps they helped the boy prepare the text. The puzzling question is: why is everyone silent about this?

The position of the city mayor is, in a sense, understandable. He is trying to prevent the boy from being bullied. But (!) without a serious and public investigation into the circumstances of the report’s appearance, without an audit of history teaching in the gymnasium, without appropriate organizational measures... Without these steps, the mayor of the city of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, risks in the eyes of the public finding himself on the same pedestal with the boy he protects.

Let us recall that during the years of the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945, the USSR’s losses in killed alone amounted to over 27 million people. Of these, military losses are a little more than 8.6 million, which is comparable to the irretrievable losses of Nazi Germany and its allies on the Eastern Front.

On this day, November 20, 1945, the first meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal opened, at which fascist criminals were tried for war crimes, for genocide!

Only a complete ignoramus can call German soldiers who, like executioners, killed 19 million civilians, died innocently.

The head of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, was offered to resign. This proposal was made by a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Markov. "The mayor of Urengoy must resign. Or he will be removed," - wrote Markov on his Facebook page.

It has not yet been possible to obtain comments from the city administration. At the reception, an RBC correspondent was told that Kostoriz was on a detour around the city and could not communicate. The telephone number of the administration's information and analytical department was constantly busy.

Earlier it was reported that Kostogriz stood up for a student at the New Urengoy gymnasium, who on November 19 gave a speech in the German parliament about the fate of German soldiers in captivity. While defending the student, the mayor called on everyone to use common sense.

A similar position was expressed in the Kremlin on November 21. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the student did not mean anything bad. “The kind of exalted persecution that began to occur is completely incomprehensible,” Peskov added.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that Kostogriz stood up for the schoolboy, he ordered an inspection of the gymnasium where he studies. According to RIA Novosti, the inspection will be carried out by the municipality's education department. The relevant district department can also connect to it.

Nikolai Desyatnichenko, a 10th grade student at Novo-Urengoy Gymnasium N1, spoke in the Bundestag. He was one of the participants in the meeting of Russian and German children on the Day of Mourning, which is celebrated on November 19 in Germany in memory of the victims of wars and state violence.

In his speech, Desyatnichenko spoke about the life story of the German soldier Georg Johann Rau. He survived the battles, but was captured, where he “died from difficult conditions on March 17, 1943.” Speaking about the Wehrmacht soldiers, Desyatnichenko called them “innocently killed,” and this caused a strong scandal in the Russian Federation. Along with this, Desyatnichenko began receiving threats.

Full text of Nikolai Desyatnichenko’s speech in the Bundestag

This is the full text of the speech of high school student Nikolai Desyatnichenko. The fragments that caused outrage are highlighted in red. In blue are fragments that few people paid attention to, but which express, in particular, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who was brought up with the idea that many Germans who were driven to the front were hostages of circumstances.

"Hello. My name is Nikolai Desyatnichenko. I study at a gymnasium in the city of Novy Urengoy. I was offered to participate in a project dedicated to the soldiers who died during the Second World War. This interested me very much, since I have been interested in the history of both my country and Germany.

I immediately started looking for relevant information. First I visited the city archive and library. Then I tried to find stories of German soldiers on the Internet and other sources.

However, later, in collaboration with the German People's Association for the Care of War Graves, I learned and studied in detail the biography of Georg Johan Rau. He was born on January 17, 1922 in a large family. Georg went to the front with the rank of corporal and fought as an air defense soldier in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942 - 1943. Georg was one of 250 thousand German soldiers who were surrounded by the Soviet army in the so-called Stalingrad cauldron. After the fighting stopped, he ended up in a prisoner of war camp. Only 6 thousand of these prisoners of war returned home. George was not among them.

For a long time, the relatives of the German soldier considered him missing. And only last year, Georg's family received information from the German People's Union for the Care of War Graves that the soldier died from harsh conditions of captivity on March 17, 1943 in the prisoner of war camp in Beketovka. He may have been buried among the 2,006 soldiers near the camp.

Georg's story and work on the project touched me and pushed me to visit the burial site of Wehrmacht soldiers near the city of Kopeisk. This made me extremely sad since I saw the graves innocent victims people, including many wanted to live peacefully And didn't want to fight. They experienced incredible difficulties during the war, which my great-grandfather told me about, a participant in the war who was the commander of a rifle company. He did not fight for long, as he was seriously wounded.

Otto von Bismarck said: “Anyone who has looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war.” I sincerely hope that common sense will prevail throughout the entire Earth and the world will never see war again. Thank you for your attention,” the high school student’s report said.

Due to the “redistribution of property” in the Solnechny shopping center, the authorities of Novy Urengoy are finding it difficult to attract large retailers. The mayor of the city announced this Ivan Kostogriz as part of the “direct line” on the Impulse TV channel on Wednesday, December 26, 2018. He agreed with the city resident that the quality of service in Novy Urengoy stores and the assortment do not meet the needs of the population, the New Day agency reports.

“Large chain stores have closed in the city. You have to buy groceries at small points. Will new large chain stores open here? If so, where exactly,” the mayor was asked.

“We are monitoring the situation on the food market. Stores do not always provide high-quality service; there are complaints, including about chain stores - “Monetka”, “Magnit”. We are interested in seeing a network of higher levels of service provision appear in the city. We are negotiating with network companies. But there are limitations. First of all, this is due to the processes that are taking place in Solnechnoye. Because these chains are interested primarily in large retail outlets,” said Mr. Kostogriz.

Let us remind you that “Solnechny” was built by the company “Anchor Development”, the co-founders of which were a Novy Urengoy businessman Sergey Pleshkov and his partner Sergey Vasenev. The deadlines were missed. The construction loan taken from Sberbank has not been repaid. A corporate conflict arose between the founders. It led to the bankruptcy of the company. Solnechny came under the control of a company associated with Sberbank.

It seems that there is work for the FSB - a cynical performance with dances on the graves of Soviet citizens, performed by Novy Urengoy schoolchildren in the person of a certain Kolya Desyatnichenko, 14 (?) years old, the son of the head of the economic security group (!) of Rosneftegaz in Yamal, received an unexpected development.

The ending is - and.

The entire bureaucratic gang of Urengoy-Yamal Ukrainians, who rose to the defense of Mykola’s child, themselves turned out to be the subject of intense interest, and this is where it became clear that only the FSB is fit to deal with this Bandera Ukrainian nest of traitors, as they are trying to convince us, precisely under Gazprom.
Or is all the movement directed precisely against Gazprom and Nord Stream?
Moreover, Gazprom did not seem to send anyone, local Ukrainians from the diaspora sent, but on its behalf -

"KHANTY-MANSIYSK, November 20 - RIA Novosti. The Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg enterprise, which supports the gymnasium from Novy Urengoy, whose student spoke in the Bundestag about a German soldier who took part in the Battle of Stalingrad, did not finance the trip of its students to Germany, the head told RIA Novosti public relations and media services of the company Sergey Chernetsky.
RIA Novosti

Come on, come on, who cares about Nord Stream?

That's right, Ukraine.
Who plays the roles in the disgusting performance at our expense, the Russian Federation?
That’s right, all Ukrainians, we look and are surprised, starting with the parents of Grigory and Oksana Desyatnichenko, then everywhere -
Yavorskaya, Ukrainian migrant, "REFUGEE" from Ukraine, with her son - ATO PUNISHER, German teacher Lyudmila Kononenko, leader of a group of children on the trip, mayor-CORRUPTIONAL Kostogriz, originally from Poltava, some shady gymnasium under Gazprom, raising children in the spirit of NAZISM and sending a group of schoolchildren -traitors to Germany REPENT BEFORE THE FASCISTS...

They all KNEW about the content of the speech and they all JUSTIFY the child.
With the knowledge of Gazprom, or not? Just a Bandera gang of Ukrainians who have built a nest in its Novy Urengoy branch, working against Russia in the interests of Ukraine?

All of them turned out to be participants in some kind of diabolical treacherous Sabbath, all playing the same nasty and cynical ANTI-Russian game, under the wing of the “national treasure” Gazprom.
Sabbat, in which, among others, a certain murky German organization is involved, working in Russia and conducting subversive activities against Russia...

Their hands reached out to the Urengoy idiots

A report on the Great Patriotic War and the fate of the poor German soldiers who died in it on our land, which they came to conquer, was made by a schoolboy from Urengoy, Nikolai Desyatnichenko, in the Bundestag. He killed me outright.

A video was posted on YouTube with a teenager reading this report from a piece of paper. Moreover, it is immediately clear that the sound does not coincide with the movement of the lips.

The neat, white-headed boy says that he has always been interested in the history of the Great Patriotic War, of the dead soldiers, and for some reason German ones.

The expressions in which he describes what happened at Staligrad are alarming.

In the “so-called Stalingrad cauldron,” says the boy. And why in the “so-called”?

And in general, why was the People’s Union for the Care of War Graves choosing a candidate for our teenager from an innocently murdered fascist corporal?

Yes, because the Germans have long been conducting propaganda on our land with the help of this union. And they achieve a lot.

Kolya was given the candidacy of the deceased fascist; presumably, he was also given money to visit the cemetery in Kopeisk, where this corporal was buried.

"I saw the graves of innocent people who died." This is Kolya Desyatnichenko talking about the German soldiers who came to our land to conquer it.

Now the video with Nikolai Desyatnichenko’s performance has already been blocked by the copyright holder. It seems that someone was afraid of a scandal. But many have already watched the video and were surprised, why was it necessary to participate in this clownery at all? How did a normal moral sense not tell teachers from Novy Urengoy that they should not play other people’s games?
The German People's Union for the Care of War Graves is a fat organization that restores Nazi cemeteries throughout our country.
And he takes care of them, just as we Russians never know how to take care of our own.

Georg Johan Rau is the same one who was allocated to Nikolai for study. Georg went to the front as a corporal. “George was one of 250 thousand soldiers surrounded by Soviet troops in the so-called Stalingrad cauldron,” Nikolai Desyatnichenko says with obvious regret. Is it okay that more than two million of our soldiers and officers died there, near Staligrad? Kolya, do you know about this? Why don't you remind the fat Germans in the Bundestag about this?

Georg Johan Rau died in the camp. From the harsh conditions of captivity. “This extremely upset me. And touched me. And pushed me to study the graves of German soldiers near the city of Kopeisk...” says Nikolai Desyatnichenko, bought by the Germans for twenty euros.

I would like to say that I also have a report on the activities of this very People’s Union of Germany in caring for war graves.

In 2001, I went on a business trip to the city of Rzhev. Anyone who has studied the history of the Great Patriotic War probably knows that as many of our soldiers and officers died near Rzhev as in the Stalingrad cauldron. Rzhev remained occupied until 1943. Rzhev, with battles that lasted more than a month, was liberated only on March 5, 1943. This was the only city that Stalin visited after his liberation. He was annoyed that the “Rzhev cauldron” lasted so long, and the Soviet troops could not open this abscess for several years.

So, when our troops finally broke through the Nazi defenses around Rzhev and entered the city, they harshly leveled all the German graves with tanks. No one tried to hide the pain, hatred and annoyance.

After a certain number of years, emissaries from the German People's Union for the care of war graves visited the city of Rzhev. They quickly agreed with the local authorities that they would restore the fascist cemetery in Rzhev, unearthing the remains of fascist soldiers, who were plentiful in the surrounding forests.

The compliance of the Rzhev authorities caused a wave of protests among the still living war veterans. Many of them remained to live here in Rzhev and restore the city destroyed by the war. The fence of the restored German cemetery was demolished at night, and the cemetery was destroyed again. The veterans said: while we are alive, the fascists will not lie here in high esteem.

Then the workers of this very union for the care of war graves began to persuade the veterans to relent and organized a “tourist trip” at Germany’s expense for veterans, with the goal of showing them military cemeteries where Soviet soldiers were buried.

One veteran woman told me in tears that when she saw kilometers of identical graves with crosses in Germany, she fainted. “You see,” she told me, “there are kilometers of graves, and under them all the Russian bones lie...” “We will never forgive,” she said.

The Germans continued to bribe local authorities. This whole story lasted for many years. And this is not just like that, it is propaganda of THEIR values.

And now their hands have reached the Urengoy idiots...

The head of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, launched into a whole speech about “common sense.”

“The meeting of Russian and German children on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in Germany is a long-standing tradition. Nikolai D. shared his discoveries that not all Germans wanted to fight, many just wanted to live peacefully. This in no way can be regarded as the boy’s attitude towards fascism. His speech, using the example of the story of this German soldier, calls for a peaceful existence throughout the Earth and rejection of war, bloodshed, fascism, suffering and violence as such,” says Ivan Kostogriz in an official statement.

It is noted that the region and municipality did not finance the trip of Urengoy schoolchildren to Germany.

It’s clear that the Germans are ready to pay anything just to hear all this crap that young Kolya Desyatchenko said in the Bundestag.

He, it turns out, is for peace and friendship.

We, too! This is why we arm ourselves to the teeth, so that such German friends would not come again to “make friends” in tanks and planes.

Having screwed themselves up, the Urengoy troops went on the offensive:

“The boy read out the story of his grandfather, who fought at the front. And how hard it was for him. We found this material on Youtube, and, of course, there is a completely opposite point of view. The text is completely different, and the sound does not match the articulation, we are looking into it. We're not entirely sure yet whether this is what this boy actually said. We looked at this recording: there really is some kind of glitch with the sound, whether it’s him speaking or not, we’re not sure yet. If this is really the case, this is a surprise for us. The district pays great attention to patriotic education among citizens. And how did this happen, how did the gymnasium look at it? Of course, it’s sad if this is the case,” the head of the regional head’s press service previously commented.
About the family of Kolya Desyatnichenko. Grigory Desyatnichenko, head of the group for ensuring economic security at ROSNEFT, Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia.

Information about the gymnasium:
The Gazprom company is a sponsor of the Novy Urengoy Lyceum, where this delegation of repentant Russian children came from. The fact is that the sponsor of all these events is Wintershall, which is a long-time partner of Gazprom, in particular in the construction of Nord Stream. And the choice of a school from Novy Urengoy is also apparently not accidental - it is there that the joint projects of Gazprom and Wintershall are concentrated, where the latter has a blocking stake (25.01%) in the project for the development and development of sections of several Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field.

Somehow it all looks a lot like betrayal, not just ideological, don’t you think?
The close connection between a German company that has a blocking stake in projects of Gazprom, another German intelligence and sabotage organization waging an ideological war in Russia, smells very bad.
The mayor of Novy Urengoy, an ethnic Ukrainian, who welcomes Banderovites from Ukraine to his city, with his sons who are ATO punitive officers.
Employee economy the security of Rosneft, a Ukrainian, again, who squeezed his son Mykola, who looks to be more than 14 years old, into this treacherous project.
This whole Ukrainian crowd of Russophobes who, as it turns out, rule in Novy Urengoy and are surrendering Russia (so far only ideologically, as far as we know) to its “old friend,” Germany.

Well, we're friends, right? Literally since 1941!
Friendship, sealed with the blood of millions of Soviet, mostly Russian, people who were brutally killed, tortured, burned alive, raped, hanged - it lasts forever, doesn’t it?
The Ukrainian punitive forces of that time, from Babi Yar and Khatyn, and the current ones, from the ATO, they will not let you lie. They are loyal to their masters, then and now.

And the corrupt Ukrainian government migrant workers fattening up in Russia are loyal only to money, our values ​​are nothing for them, our sacrifices are empty, our blood is water, our memory is ridiculous.

They, these strangers from the neighboring territory, who have settled with us, think that they have grabbed God by the beard, they are feasting, alien Judases, robbing Russia and betraying it with their disgusting repentant statements.
Statements for which, I note, NO ONE AUTHORIZED them.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, undoubtedly, AUTHORIZED the speech at such a high and significant meeting. However, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Zakharova claims that “Stalin is worse than Hitler,” and Lavrov that “Vyshinsky spoke about recognition as the queen of evidence” is nothing surprising.

Why does some young bastard, a graduate of a Ukronazi, warmed up by a thief ukro official and protected by his father, whom the FSB still needs to deal with more closely, DARE, with his dirty language of Ukrainian Judas, to discredit our people's memory of the great war, even with the sanction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

By the way, about the “little boy” - when you get there, let’s look -
Nikolay Desyatnichenko Birthday:
November 22, 1996
Place of study:
TGPI named after. Mendeleev (branch)
Web site:

Oops. Isn’t it true that the child, Mykola, has just turned 21?
Well, the classic Maidan ongerob. Do you recognize the technology?
Straight from the Maidan, written off one after the other, it’s not for nothing that a punisher from the ATO, a friend of Vyatrovich, the Maidan ideologist and other Ukronazi punitives, is hanging around nearby.
However, the information about age is unconfirmed, and that’s not the point, 14 years is also more than enough age.
By the way, girlfriend in repentance -

Also Ukrainian, with a Russian surname, but choosing Ukrainian language on social networks, oddly enough..

And here is another figure from that gymnasium -

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Novy Urengoy

year 2014

History and Social Studies Teacher
In History lessons we can touch the past, explain the present and build the future.
Date of birth: 03/14/1983
Place of work: Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium"
Teaching experience: 5 years
Education: Lugansk National Pedagogical University, 2006, Faculty of History; Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAUP), 2010, Institute of Economics and Business; Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAUP), 2012, Institute of Economics and Business (Master's degree).

Posts: 2142

« Reply #47: November 20, 2017, 11:25:27 am »
damn crests, your education cannot be recognized:zed:
Recorded by
The occupation of Ukraine makes no more sense than kidnapping a stateless homeless orphan in the neutral waters of the Arctic for ransom.
Buba Kastorsky
Posts: 4409

Re: repentance from New Urengoy
« Reply #48: November 20, 2017, 11:27:50 am »
Quote: Russian occupier from November 20, 2017, 11:25:27
damn crests, your education cannot be recognized:zed:
There MAUP - he trained management personnel for the 1st Maidan. With MAUP it is generally forbidden to let children near a cannon shot.

1. Russia NEEDS Nord Stream. Not Gazprom. Russia.
2. Ukraine absolutely does NOT need Nord Stream.
3. Russia does NOT need the Maidan, which is driven, among other things, by indignation at the actions of the authorities and the action attributed in fact to the state-owned Gazprom.
4. Ukraine NEEDS Maidan in Russia, it is vital, this is the only way to defeat and plunder Russia under the roof of the West, which needs Maidan for occupation.
5. Germany, dependent on the United States and patronizing Ukraine, controlled by the United States, arranges a PROVOCATION with the trip and repentance of a Ukrainian, a protege of the Ukrainian crypto-bandit of the diaspora in Russia.
6. The provocation is aimed at the most painful place in the public consciousness of the Russian people - the sacred memory of the Great Patriotic War, it receives wide publicity, is replicated and is exaggerated in every possible way by the media and social networks that shape public opinion.
7. The provocation achieves its goal - Russian society is seething with indignation and anger, the provocateurs managed to reach everyone, spit in the soul of everyone, without exception.
8. What follows is the channeling of indignation and anger - either into the destruction of the Maidan type “the authorities surrender Victory, such power” (items 3-4) and the disruption of the Nord Stream (items 1-2), which is what the media and social networks are now doing, or constructively - unification and unity on the basis of common values ​​of the memory of the Victory.

We must fix in our minds that -
A. We, Russian society, are united, united and monolithic in the main thing - a reverent and sacred attitude towards our history and our great Victory, towards the memory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who paid a huge, unimaginable price for it.
B. We will not allow the enemy’s political strategists to manipulate our feelings and act to their own detriment, breaking into senseless and merciless turmoil, putting at risk the project that is necessary for us more than ever in a crisis - Nord Stream.
V. Gazprom, no matter who controls it now, is our common national asset and it will belong to the people, sooner or later, when the nationalization expected and demanded by all the people and the removal of compradors and liberals from power will occur.
D. We must understand that a sophisticated game is being played with us and see its interests - in this case, these are Ukraine and the United States, as well as the German authorities, bound by the Chancellor Act with the United States and playing into their hands.
D. Understanding all of the above, we should NOT follow the lead of those who are playing this Ukro-fascist card, masterfully provoking us to take actions beneficial to the enemies, clearly directed according to the color revolution scenario. Colored - Russia does NOT need it.

A violent reaction of indignation and even civil resistance is GOOD.
It united us, showed that we all have the main thing in common - our country, our history, and that the authorities will HAVE TO TAKE THIS into account.
We cannot be forced to REPENT. We are NOT to be convinced that our Victory and the feat of our grandfathers was “ambiguous”, that there is a second side and an alternative point of view.

Truth is one.
The Soviet Union, Soviet Russia defeated Nazi Germany, the German fascists, the Reds defeated the Browns, just as they once defeated the Whites.
No one will be able to rewrite our history, let them give up vain hope.
Those who stand behind the Ukrainian penitent boys, Bandera teachers, and Novy Urengoy mayors must learn that, regardless of our attitude towards the capitalist system and liberal government, we do not identify Russia with them.
Therefore, any attempt at manipulation on this basis will only give rise to unity, and not split.

Well, as a side effect, we will identify and remember our enemies, “repentant boys” of any age and any social status.
Was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs involved in this? So much the worse for the Foreign Ministry. Did Gazprom approve this? So much the worse for Gazprom.

The place of accumulation of all pro-Ukrainian refugees, Bandera and crypto-Abderites, drawn to Yamal by the ukromer Kostogriz, must be disinfected by the relevant specialists.

And yes. Ukrainians who profess Bandera-fascist values, like Yavorskaya and Kononenko, should be deported to Ukraine. With the exception of those who participated in organizing this provocation, such as the mayor of Kostogriz, Desyatnichenko’s parents and, as it turned out, Desyatnichenko himself, a fully grown adult.
Here, by the way, are the words of Kostogriz -

“The student shared his discoveries that not all Germans wanted to fight, many just wanted to live peacefully. This should in no way be regarded as the boy’s attitude towards fascism. His speech, using the example of the story of this German soldier, calls for a peaceful existence throughout the Earth and rejection of war, bloodshed, fascism, suffering and violence as such,” the appeal says.
The city mayor added that Novy Urengoy children are always distinguished by a sense of patriotism. “The interpretation by adults of a child’s sincere words can be regarded as a provocation not only against the schoolchild, but against the entire Russian people and our attitude to the events of the history of the Great Patriotic War.”, said Kostogriz.

The bastard mayor, who insulted the entire Russian people, managed to turn the situation inside out and blame it on the healthy one, declaring publicly that the provocation was not committed by them, a gang of UKronazis in the Urengoy government, but by those who were indignant at the sacrilege of their fosterling.

But the same mayor of Kostogriz in 2014 denied legal housing to a mother with many children with the words “nobody forced you to give birth!”
At the same time, in comments on Yamal websites, the news is discussed that Kostogriz “is rumored to be financing the Ukrainian army in the ATO” - quite plausible, in light of the whole story...

Here's more about Kostogriz, who has been in power since 2007 and is involved in a host of corruption schemes -

The situation also became difficult for the current head of Novy Urengoy, Ivan Kostogriz, but he, unlike his colleague from Gubkinsky, was able to get out of it with fewer losses. Kostogriz came to power in 2007, and during the transition to a “two-headed” municipal management system in 2012, he did not leave the administration, but assumed the function of city manager. The city returned to a "single-headed" system in the spring, and Kostogriz plans to remain at the helm.

They also tried to find dirt on the mayor. Moreover, the complaints against him were not that he could not cope with his duties - despite the fact that the mayor is constantly criticized for the state of the city economy, in particular, for removing snow, which accumulates in the city in significant quantities every winter. The reason for interest in Kostogriz was financial schemes. In August, a corruption scandal occurred in the administration with City Duma deputy Rosa Khlebnikova, who, as the head of the Urengoy Municipal Unitary Enterprise, entered into contracts with her son-in-law’s company. Kostogriz had to fire the official from the Municipal Unitary Enterprise, although she was considered a key person in his team - by supervising municipal contracts, Khlebnikova had access to significant resources. The mayor was also hit hard by the abrupt resignation of the head of Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy, Sergei Mazanov, who openly called Kostogriz his friend.

And here's another thing - the mayor's struggle with the population -
The head of Novy Urengoy filed a lawsuit against civil activists. He believes that reports of the eviction of residents from houses designated for demolition discredit his business reputation.
A few hours after Kommersant’s publication about the situation in Novy Urengoy, where authorities are evicting residents of dilapidated houses designated for demolition, it became known that the city mayor, Ivan Kostogriz, filed a lawsuit against the organizer of rallies against the eviction of residents, Zhanna Belik. The head of the city accused her of disseminating information that discredited his honor, dignity and business reputation.

And dozens more interesting notes about the ukromer Kostogriz, gathering in a warm place the ukronazi Russophobic company of immigrants from Ukraine, the volume of the post does not fit...
Comrades from the competent authorities, what's the matter? With such baggage and 10 years as mayor?

In general, the FSB has a lot of work to do, connections between the local Urengoy ukrodiaspora and German anti-Russian organizations, as well as their interaction with Gazprom and Rosneftegaz, require investigation.
And the role of this entire Ukrainian diaspora in yesterday’s scandal is generally an extremely interesting topic...

For now, we calmly assess the position taken by each media outlet, journalist and blogger on this issue.

WE WILL NOT ALLOW OUR VICTORY TO BE TREATED AND GIVE UP TO THE ENEMY, HISTORY WILL BE RESEATED AND RELOADED, to please anyone, the Germans, Americans, Ukrainians, liberals, or anyone else..


Chronicle of events in Novy Urengoy

On June 6, 1966, the team of master V. Polupanov drilled the first production well in Urengoy, and a new unique natural gas field appeared on the geological map of the country - Urengoy.

September 23, 1973 a symbolic peg was driven in on the site of the future city.

December 23, 1973 a convoy from the village of Pangody arrived here. This was the first landing party that was to begin construction of the city.

August 18, 1975 The state registration of the village of Novy Urengoy took place.

September 25, 1975 Construction of the airport began, and the first technical flight took place in October.

In 1976, the first children were born in Novy Urengoy - Sveta Popkova and Andrei Bazilev.

In January 1978, the Urengoygazdobycha production association was formed.

On April 22, 1978, the first integrated gas treatment plant in Urengoy was commissioned, and commercial operation of the Urengoy field began. On May 30, the first billion cubic meters of Urengoy gas were produced.

On April 30, 1978, fighters of the All-Union Komsomol Shock Detachment named after the 18th Congress of the Komsomol arrived in Novy Urengoy.

On June 16, 1980, Novy Urengoy was given the status of a city of district significance by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

December 28, 1980 The first train arrived at Urengoy station (Korotchaevo). Work traffic on the Surgut-Urengoy (Korotchaevo) railway line has been opened.

In January 1981, Novy Urengoy was declared an All-Union Komsomol shock construction site.

In February 1982, the laying of the railway track reached the Nartovaya station (Urengoy (Korotchaevo) - Yagelnaya section).

On April 15, 1982, the first freight train arrived at Farafontyevskaya station. Train traffic opened. The Farafontyevskaya station is named after the chief engineer of the Northern Design and Survey Expedition of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

IN September 1982 The laying of the railway track reached the Novy Urengoy station. The city received a reliable railway connection with the “mainland”. The first 15 wagons with potatoes arrived in Novy Urengoy.

In 1983, the construction of the Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod gas pipeline was completed, and starting next year, Urengoy gas begins to flow to Western Europe.

On November 4, 1987, Urengoygazprom LLC reached a daily gas production of 1 billion cubic meters.

In March 1984, the city museum of fine arts opened.

In September 1986, Yamburg gas flowed through the gas pipeline.

In 1987, a General Plan of the city was developed for the period up to 2010. It was planned that by this time the population of New Urengoy would grow to 200 thousand people.

On June 1, 1987, the executive committee of the Novy Urengoy City Council of People's Deputies for the first time awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of the City of Novy Urengoy” to the general director of the Urengoygazdobycha production association Ivan Spiridonovich Nikonenko, the oil and gas production operator of the Urengoygazdobycha production association Raisa Vasilyevna Khvorostyanova, the foreman of the SU- 1 trust "Urengoipromstroy" to Timokhin Vladimir Borisovich.

In July 1987, the Novy Urengoy - Yamburg highway was put into operation.

On November 4, 1987, Urengoygazprom reached a daily gas production of 1 billion cubic meters.

IN September 1988 Vocational technical school No. 31 began work

In April 1989, Leonid Yakubovich opened the first beauty contest “Miss Urengoy”, the winner was Yulia Belyaeva.

IN September 1991 city ​​gymnasium opened

In 1992, the television and radio information agency “New Urengoy-Impulse” was created.

In 1994, Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova was appointed head of the administration of the city of Novy Urengoy.

On March 16, 1997, the first democratic elections for the mayor of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy took place, in which Natalya Komarova won.

September 6, 1998 An Agreement was signed between the sister cities of Novy Urengoy and San Donato Milanese (Italy).

December 1, 2000 An extended meeting was held on the prospects for the development of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy. The task has been set to develop a Concept for the socio-economic development of cities and towns for the medium and long term.

In January 2001, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between Novy Urengoy and Ishim.

December 2001 - gas workers in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug produced 10 trillion cubic meters of gas.

IN September 2002 work began on a comprehensive scheme for the territorial development of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy.

At night from September 30 to October 1, 2002 The first industrial gas from the Zapolyarnoye gas, oil and condensate field was supplied to the Zapolyarnoye - Novy Urengoy main gas pipeline.

In November 2002, the First District Festival of Youth Subcultures took place.

September 15, 2003 Passenger traffic has been restored on the section of the railway station. Korotchaevo - st. New Urengoy. The railway station at the station was put into operation. Korotchaev O. The ceremonial launch of the branded train “Yamal” took place.

October 22-23, 2003 The interregional exhibition “Gas. Oil. New technologies 2003".

January 5-8, 2004 Novy Urengoy residents hosted the III Regional Exhibition “Pigeons on Yamal”.

On June 9, 2004, the Assembly of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy approved the Concept of socio-economic development of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy.

August 25, 2004 awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Municipal Formation City of Novy Urengoy” to the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yuri Vasilievich Neelov

Ferendum expressed a desire not to create their own local governments and to remain part of the city of Novy Urengoy.

October 20, 2004 a new edition of the Charter of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy was approved.

In December 2004, the Pestsovoye field was put into commercial production.

September 3-4, 2005 Novy Urengoy celebrated its 30th anniversary. During the anniversary celebrations, the eternal flame was lit on Memory Square and the city's first fountain was opened.

September 3, 2005 A cooperation agreement was signed with the city of Kassel (Hesse, Germany).

February 1, 2006 the entire housing stock, utilities and engineering infrastructure became municipal property from Urengoygazprom LLC.

On November 4, 2006, the official opening of Memory Square took place in the Studenchesky microdistrict.

February 21, 2007 Novy Urengoy entered into the non-profit partnership “Russian Gas Society”.

March 24, 2007 A cooperation agreement was signed between the municipalities of the city of Novy Urengoy and the resort city of Anapa.

December 2, 2007 Ivan Ivanovich Kostogriz was elected head of the city of Novy Urengoy.

On June 11, 2008, construction of the Urengoy State District Power Plant (Limbayakha region) resumed. New Urengoy was visited by the Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia, Anatoly Chubais, who laid the foundation for the construction of a new power unit with a capacity of 450 MW.On June 12, 2009, a monument to Dmitry Korotchaev was unveiled in the Korotchaevo area, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of the honorary railway builder.December 2009 The Urengoyskoye field became the winner of the “Seven Wonders of the Tyumen Region” competition, which was organized by the Region-Tyumen State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Tyumen Region.September 4-5, 2010– Novy Urengoy celebrated its 35th anniversary.

October 11, 2010 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting in Novy Urengoy on the draft General Scheme for the development of the gas industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030.

From March 23 to March 25, 2011 The Yamal International Gas Forum took place in Novy Urengoy.

Since December 20, 2011 On the Surgut-Salekhard highway, in the Korotchaevo area of ​​the city of Novy Urengoy, a border control post of the Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Kurgan and Tyumen regions began to function.

At the beginning of 2012, the only neurosurgery department in Yamal opened at the Novy Urengoy Central City Hospital.

On March 20, 2012, the inauguration ceremony of the head of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy - Chairman of the City Duma Igor Moiseevich Podovzhny - took place.

On April 10, 2012, at an emergency meeting of the City Duma, in which the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin took part, Ivan Ivanovich Kostogriz was appointed Head of the Administration of the city of Novy Urengoy.On January 15, 2013, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. visited Novy Urengoy. Medvedev. As part of the visit, the head of the Russian Government visited the Zapolyarny oil and gas condensate field and held a meeting