Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of senior preschool age

Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of senior preschool age “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Description of material: The scenario for autumn entertainment for the older group may be of interest to music directors and educators.

Target: creating a happy mood in children

- to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers related to autumn themes.
-improve the skills and abilities acquired in music classes

(The hall is decorated in autumn style, improvised beds with vegetables, on the other side there are forest decorations (trees, leaves)

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in front of the audience in a semicircle.

Yellow leaf on the palm
It was once green.
He flew into our window,
Why did he turn yellow?
Who, friends, won’t we ask?
They will say: “it has arrived...

Children: Autumn!"

Autumn saw off summer
Along the forest path,
Scattered with leaf fall
Leaves from a basket.

2 Child:
The prankster came - the wind,
Shaking twigs.
And the leaves rustle a song,
Remembering summer.

Song "Golden Autumn"
(words and music by M.V. Sidorova.)

(wind soundtrack sounds, children sit on chairs)

Leading: Hear how strong the wind has risen. He spun us around, twirled us along with the leaves and took us to some unfamiliar place. Where did we end up?

(children's answer options)

Leading: maybe we are in the forest? (No). In the garden? (No). Look how many beds there are with vegetables. It's probably a vegetable garden

(noise comes from behind the door)

Leading: someone is rushing here to us...

(The Scarecrow enters with a song to the tune of “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”)

In the garden or in the vegetable garden
The scarecrow stood.
Nimble jackdaws and crows
It quickly accelerated.

Hello guys!

Leading: children, who came to us?

I don't dress according to fashion
I've been standing on guard all my life.
Am I in the garden, in the vegetable garden?
I instill fear in the flocks.
I'm magpies, jackdaws
They are more afraid than a stick!

And my name is the Garden Scarecrow.

Leading: Shame on you, Scarecrow. You drove away all the birds in the gardens and orchards.

In the hot summer I work hard
And I am proud of my work.
When I see a flock of birds,
So I wave my rags.

Presenter: I don’t wave, but I wave –
Please speak Russian.

Now we’ll check how you protect your gardens.

Song - game "Scarecrow"
(French folk song, translation by M. Kudinov)

(played according to the principle of the game "Trap", accompanied by music. Children sing a song

(The scarecrow got tired of standing all day, -children approach the Scarecrow
Scarecrow really wants to play with us - at the end of the song the scarecrow catches the children and they run awayFrom him).

Leading: Eh, worker. He praised himself, but didn’t catch anyone.

Scarecrow: So what! I didn’t catch anyone, but I scared everyone,
And my harvest is safe and sound.
Look how many vegetables have grown in my garden.

Leading: Come on, hurry up the vegetables!
Start your own round dance.

"We're harvesting."
(words and music by G. Vikhareva)

Scarecrow: I have good vegetables, but sometimes they argue about which of them is more important, which of them is tastier.

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Leading: All vegetables are important
All vegetables are delicious.

Scarecrow: We need to reap the harvest
I'll call the brigade here.
Three people carry potatoes with a spoon.

Game “Collect potatoes with a spoon”
(The game is played in teams. Children carry one potato into a basket to the music)
(a phonogram of the wind sounds, the scarecrow spins, invites the children to sit on chairs, and he leaves the hall.)

(background of birds singing and lyrical music sounds)

Leading: look, the wind carried us somewhere again, we found ourselves in the autumn forest

(Autumn enters the hall)

Hello my friends!
I'm very glad to see you!
I walked through the forest
The dark forest has been enriched!
It became as bright as day,
The leaves in it burn with fire.

Leading: Hello, autumn. We are also glad to see you, a mischievous breeze carried us to your forest.

You, Autumn, play with us,
Get up quickly in a merry round dance!

Round dance game “Gifts of Autumn”
(words and music by M.V. Sidorova)

Autumn has arrived on the path,
Got my feet wet in a puddle,
The leaves were picked up by the wind,
She spun and spun.

"Dance with the Leaves"

Autumn: I was walking through the forest
And this is the scarf I found:
Multicolored, challenging!
I suggest you, friends, to play with a handkerchief!
If you want, then come out!

Game "Magic Scarf"

(Cheerful music sounds, the children jump and move in all directions. Suddenly the music changes to quiet, calm. The children crouch, close their eyes. Autumn covers one child with a scarf. The children must guess who is under the scarf).

Autumn: One two Three!
Who was hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn,
Answer quickly!

(If you guessed right, the child is dancing, everyone is clapping)
(Play 2-3 times. The last time Autumn covers a basket of apples with a scarf).

Leading: No! All the guys are here. Who is under the scarf then?

Autumn: We raise our handkerchief
We'll find out what's underneath now.
What is this?
Basket (Pushes aside the leaves covering the apples).
And in Korzinka...

Children: apples.

Autumn: (Gives the basket to the teacher)
I had a lot of fun!
I loved all the guys
But it's time for us to say goodbye!
What to do? Things are waiting!
Goodbye! (Leaves).

Leading: Yes, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, hold hands and let’s walk along the path (They walk to the music like a snake).

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

Or rather, a whole set of solitaire games. The composition of this collection is predictable; it includes all the most popular types of logical card games:

  • Kerchief 1 and 3 cards;
  • Free Cell
  • Spider 1, 2 and 4 suits;
  • Scorpion;
  • Yukon.

The authors decided to place objects reminiscent of autumn on the picture cards: ripe vegetables, yellowing leaves, etc. Therefore, the collection really turned out to be autumn. We won’t give the rules of each solitaire game separately here; you can look at them while playing inside it, although they are in English. Detailed rules and tips for disassembly are available on separate thematic pages (links below).

All solitaire games without time! The stopwatch only keeps statistical records.

Can download game AUTUMN SOLITAIRE on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games, which develop logic and imagination, allow you to relax pleasantly. Relax and take your mind off things!

Full screen

A game in the categories Solitaire, Cards, Logic available for free, around the clock and without registering with a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the capabilities of the electronic desktop allow, you can expand the plot of AUTUMN SOLITAIRE in full screen and enhance the effect of completing the scenarios. Many things really make sense to consider in more detail.

Game "Magic Scarf".

Fun, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, calmer sound. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms.

Autumn, straightening out a large scarf, goes around the children to the accompaniment of light music and covers one of them with a scarf.

Autumn. Once! Two! Three!
Who was hiding inside?
Look, don't yawn!
Answer quickly!

Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, the handkerchief is raised. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else claps for him.

Playing for the last time, Autumn covers a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall, with a scarf. Autumn speaks its words again. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, is hidden under the scarf.

Leading. No! All the guys are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?

Autumn. We raise our handkerchief
Now we’ll find out what’s underneath it!

Children: Apples!

Autumn treats children with apples.

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“Scarf” is an old Russian game that is still loved by children today. You can play it both outdoors and in a spacious room. Number of players – from 6 to 30 people. This ancient Russian folk game is played with pleasure by children from 7 to 12 years old. “Handkerchief” is an active game with easy rules that does not require virtually any equipment, and will be fun entertainment for any folklore festival at school. Outdoor play develops attention, reaction speed, and allows children to fulfill their need for physical activity. She is also attractive to the guys because she keeps everyone in some tension and anticipation - “What if I have to run?” Therefore, the game is usually very emotional.

Rules of the ancient Russian folk game “Scarf”

Before starting the game you need to choose one driver. He receives a handkerchief. The rest of the guys stand in a wide circle. The fewer players, the greater the distance between them. If a lot of people take part in the game, then they can stand almost “shoulder to shoulder.” The driver is on the outside of the circle. He goes around the circle and quietly places a handkerchief on the shoulder of one of the players. Then it continues moving in the same direction. The player, noticing that the handkerchief is on his shoulder, must immediately run along the outside of the circle in the direction opposite to the driver. The goal of both is to be the first to run and take an empty seat. The one who didn't have time will drive.
The game also has its own little tricks. For example, the driver should not run headlong immediately after placing a handkerchief on his shoulder - this will attract attention. After all, the player may “gaze” and not even notice that, it turns out, he should have run a long time ago. And the driver, calmly walking around the circle, will ask the gaper to make room. So that the game does not drag on. You can introduce an additional rule - the driver cannot make more than one circle “idle”. If he has already completely walked around the “round dance” once, then when he walks around again he must put a handkerchief on one of the players.
If you are playing the old Russian folk game “Scarf” in a forest clearing, on the beach, or in a carpeted room, then the players may not stand, but sit in a circle. True, this further increases the chances of winning the “running duel” for the driver. But the driver changes all the time and does not have time to get tired or bored.
The ancient Russian game "Scarf" has many variations. This