Voice techniques can play a significant role during the delivery of public speeches. But it often happens that during a speech you have to speak loudly, which can lead to severe tension in the ligaments. In this case, an untrained speaker runs the risk of losing his voice, which can lead to a slight hoarseness, or even to a temporary loss of the ability to speak other than a whisper. This article describes how not to break your voice during a public speech, and how to behave if it does happen. You will also learn how to treat and restore a broken voice.

How not to lose your voice?

First, it is important to understand that the breakdown of the voice occurs mainly due to the sharply increased load on the ligaments when necessary. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as when the audience is very large, or when the audience is noisy, or if you are ill-prepared to speak loudly in public and do so very infrequently.

Forcing the sound of your speech most often occurs when you are trying to shift the concern for loudness from resonators (You can read more) to breathing and chords.

To prevent this from happening, you can, firstly, warm up before the performance: read the tongue twisters that you will find in one, or read aloud. If you have a singing instructor you know, you can sing before the performance by doing special vocal exercises.

However, it is far from always possible to warm up the ligaments well before public speaking, and you have to speak without a warm-up. If during a speech, you feel discomfort in your throat and a lot of stress on your ligaments, then try to quickly identify the reason that you have to speak loudly. You may be disturbed by talking listeners (such as students with two grades), in which case you can ask them not to interfere, and sometimes in this case, a technique works when you start talking not louder, but on the contrary, quieter and the audience, not understanding what happened , abruptly subsides. Perhaps no one bothers you at all, and the excessively high volume of your voice is due to emotions or excitement. In any case, "on the verge of a breakdown", try to find an opportunity to speak more quietly.

If you can’t speak more quietly, try to follow the universal recommendations so as not to completely lose your voice:

  • Reduce the pace of your speech so that you can use more air for each sound of each word if necessary. Breathe deeply (diaphragm).
  • To make the sound louder, it does not need to be pushed harder. Instead, you need to relax. Connect more resonators, try to speak a little lower in tone. To do this, straighten up, breathe deeply and remember the feeling of a yawn.
  • Try to articulate better and more clearly (intensive use of the organs of the speech apparatus), which will help you better perceive your speech.

What to do if you lost your voice?

If you still lost your voice at a speech, you need to get out of the situation correctly. Often, a breakdown in the voice can be accompanied by difficulty breathing. Therefore, to begin with, try to normalize your breathing so that the loss of your voice does not result in something worse. Then, with a gesture, let the audience know that you are having a hard time speaking. Show a finger gesture that you need 1 minute to be able to recover. If there is somewhere to write (on a board or display an inscription on a projector screen), you can do it (“I lost my voice. I need a little pause”). After that, leave the audience temporarily.

Try to get some rest and drink something warm. If that doesn't help, think of a way to end your speech - write on the board, or ask someone to whisper that you won't be able to finish your speech today.

How to treat and restore a broken voice?

It happens that by profession a person is often forced to speak loudly, which can lead to a temporary loss of voice. In this case, this ailment is professional in nature and maybe you should think about developing your voice. To be always in shape, it is best to take the advice of professional vocal teachers.

Most often, the missing voice returns after a few hours or, in extreme cases, the next day. To speed up the process, you can drink a mug of warm tea or a glass of warm milk in small sips. If the voice has not returned, in this case it is best to consult a doctor (ENT), and if it is difficult to do this, you can use several folk recipes.

Folk remedies

On the Web, you can find many traditional medicine for the treatment of lost speech function:

  1. Mix 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. eucalyptus leaf, 3-4 bay leaves. Boil everything on low heat for 20 minutes. Make an inhalation for 20 minutes - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  2. Boil 100 g of grated carrots in 0.5 liters of milk. When the carrot is cooked, strain the broth and drink it two teaspoons three times a day.
  3. Prepare a glass of carrot juice and add 1-2 tsp to it. honey. Take this mixture in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Honey-carrot mixture is very tasty, even children like it.
  4. For gargling, prepare an infusion of onion peel: 3 tsp. husks pour 0.5 liters of water, boil, leave for three hours and gargle in the morning and evening.
  5. And even like this. Buy a bottle of fresh beer, pour one glass into a mug, heat it up and drink hot in small sips. Helps even with colds.

Often, problems with the voice and ligaments of speakers may have other reasons. Sometimes this happens with diseases of the thyroid gland, neurocirculatory dystonia, sometimes it is neurotic in nature, that is, the voice is lost due to stress. Therefore, if a broken voice often bothers you, then you should consult a doctor.

There are not many people who want to lose their voice, but their aspirations should be respected. The technology in this case is the excessive tension of the vocal cords. This can be done, for example, with the help of special vocal exercises. However, it is not so easy to do it in five minutes.

However, this can be achieved by repeating the exercises listed below in combination and with increased intensity.

What should I do to lose my voice?

The classic method, respected by the ancients, is heart-rending cry. In order not to disturb the neighbors and not provoke them to call law enforcement officers, stock up on a pillow. You should bury your face in it and then devote the next quarter of an hour to screaming. Every fifteen minutes, experts recommend taking a break to restore strength and emotional readiness, after which the exercise is continued again until the voice is completely lost. However, you will have to work hard, this procedure may take two hours, but your dream will still come true.

Experienced experts say that it is very effective transition from screaming to roaring, and this alternation must take place in every quarter-hour cycle.

Try not to drink so that the throat is not moistened, this will end, since a dry larynx is prone to overexertion. If you still drink a little water, you can also achieve the desired result in this case, it will just be noticeably longer.

Remember when, without any desire to lose your voice, you were still close to it? Undoubtedly, this can happen at sports events or rock concerts. There, voice loss exercises are done collaboratively and with the full support of like-minded people. So with such a cultural pastime, you can break your voice and get pleasure. Undoubtedly, this is the optimal and most effective and at the same time sparing method.

Scientists studying the problem of effective vocalization have discovered that whispering can strain the vocal cords as well as screaming, so constantly whisper, for twenty minutes, with the same breaks of five minutes, means to take the right path to lose your voice. Studies have shown that whispering therapy helps to get rid of the voice in just a couple of hours, as with loud yelling. In addition, this is not fraught with unhealthy curiosity of persons whom your classes should not concern at all. When whispering, the ligaments are compacted, which is accompanied by their excessive tension. As with screaming, it is wise to avoid liquids when whispering and keep the throat dry.

Helps and singing as high as possible. Play your favorite pieces of music in the mode of a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and your dream will come true. It is not necessary, by the way, to take precisely high notes. Sing the anthem of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe below your comfort level many times in a row, and you will noticeably overload your vocal cords, leading to a breakdown in your voice. After a couple of performances, the beginnings of a positive result will be visible, but to fully achieve your dream, you still have to spend a couple of hours.

In order not to attract the attention of neighbors, you can shouting replaced by a strong cough. It should be a quality cough, as strong and long as possible. You can interrupt, but not for long, if your cough begins to accompany a headache. If neighbors knock on you with pills, then there will be opportunities to yell, moreover, quite legally and understandably, when you explain where they should go. The cough seriously strains the throat. Given the dryness of the throat, such a technique for breaking the voice will also take no more than two hours.

To help achieve this noble goal, excessive consumption of acidic foods which noticeably irritate the vocal cords. Drink vinegar little by little and in the same couple of hours you will lose your voice with no less efficiency. And if you comprehensively influence the ligaments by all known methods, then this will happen even earlier.

Okay, in terms of voice breakdown, cold water affects the ligaments. You can enhance the effect by adding the juice of two lemons to a glass of cold water. Stock up on a second glass, half filled with vinegar. These drinks should be alternated between each other, lying on the bed and taking a sip from each glass. In this case, the head should be thrown back. After each sip, you can lie down for a quarter of an hour. In the absence of special preparations for voice breakdown in pharmacies, this is a very effective and affordable drug from the arsenal of traditional medicine. If pure vinegar is not comfortable for you, dilute ten milliliters of apple cider vinegar with cold water to improve the smell.

Many people are very worried when they lose their voice, and they try in every possible way to restore the ability to speak normally. While others sometimes, on the contrary, do not know how to lose their voice in order to get sick leave, just pretend to have a bad cold or for some other reason. In fact, it is quite possible to lose your voice on your own, so the article discusses the most common and effective ways to do this.


If you do not know how to break your voice quickly, then the first remedy is hypothermia. Light clothing in the cold, long walks in the very cold and especially breathing through the mouth will quickly help to achieve the desired result. True, there is every chance of getting quite seriously ill and lying in bed with a high temperature for a week, or even more.

If the season is warm, you can take advantage of the low temperatures of the air conditioner or the use of cold foods. So, in addition to ice cream, it is recommended to eat ice, frozen foods, and also drink too chilled drinks. By the way, carbonated drinks are very irritating to the throat, so if you combine them with cold foods, voice problems are almost guaranteed. In addition, long chewing of mint gum with ice water in between is also an effective remedy for losing your voice.

Bad habits

In order to know how to break your voice, you need to say goodbye to a healthy lifestyle for a while. Smoking and alcohol in this case are the best remedy. It's just that if you are already a smoker, then your usual daily dose of cigarettes is unlikely to help. You will need to smoke stronger cigarettes, preferably even without a filter, and in impressive quantities.

As for alcohol, a few bottles of cold beer sometimes contribute to loss of voice. Also, other alcoholic drinks in large doses can help you wake up without the ability to talk.

In addition, one of the most effective ways to break your voice is karaoke or just loud singing that turns into a scream. For example, you can attend a hard rock concert and sing along to the vocalist with all your might, tearing your throat. Some people in such situations are advised to shout in a whisper, which strains the ligaments as much as possible. Read about other ways to break your voice in our article:.

In any case, you should be careful, as some methods can have the most unfortunate consequences, up to the complete loss of voice forever.

Loss of voice (aphonia) is one of the difficult situations that can be a real problem. Especially if the professional activity of a person is connected with communication. These are singers, actors, teachers and other specialties. How to quickly restore a lost voice?

There are 4 main reasons that lead to loss of voice. It:

  1. Infectious pathologies - most often aphonia develops due to laryngitis (the disease causes swelling of the vocal cords).
  2. Overstrain of the vocal cords is a typical problem, for example, for teaching staff. The cause of a sharp loss of voice is a long conversation in raised tones or a scream. It also occurs in people with weak vocal cords.
  3. Nervous stress. Severe stress always negatively affects human health. And losing your voice is no exception.
  4. Neoplasms in the cavity of the larynx, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, disorders in the thyroid gland.
  • We should try to say as little as possible. Even a whisper is excluded, since it causes a strong tension of the inflamed ligaments.
  • You need to drink plenty of fluids. This helps to moisturize the inflamed mucous membranes. Drinks should be warm, but not hot.
  • Keep the throat warm, excluding its hypothermia. You can wrap it with a warm scarf.
  • During the period of illness, it is forbidden to smoke, take alcohol, drink caffeinated drinks. It is necessary to exclude sour-tasting foods.


Folk ways

If we talk about how to quickly restore a shrunken voice, then you can try one of the popular methods.

Good results are provided by the intake of medicinal drinks:

  • Combine the same volumes of honey and carrot juice (1 tbsp each) and pour the mixture with warmed milk (200 ml).
  • You can treat a hoarse voice with warm beer, but you should not abuse it, an ordinary glass will be enough.
  • Grind horseradish root (2 cm) through a meat grinder / blender, pour boiling water (200 ml) and let it brew. Strain, put a little sugar in the drink and drink 1 tbsp. l. during the day.
  • It is necessary to grind a leaf of aloe in a blender to the state of gruel and combine with the same volume of honey. The mixture should be sucked like a candy up to 6 times a day.
  • Figs will help return the missing voice. To do this, mash the fruit and pour it with a glass of warm milk. Let him rest a little. Take a drink up to 3 times a day.
  • In warmed milk (200 ml), stir a spoonful of honey, butter and drink before going to bed.
  • Take equal proportions of lemon juice, honey, cognac and 1 beaten egg. The components are mixed and heated in a water bath. Take ½ cup 4 times a day.
  • Pour 15 g of crushed femoral root with strong alcohol (50 ml) and insist for 3 weeks. Drink 15 drops three times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the cabbage with a juicer. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Drink 4 times a day for a week.
  1. Beat 2 egg yolks with sugar or honey (2 tbsp).
  2. Pour the mixture with warm milk (1/2 cup milk). It is allowed to add orange juice, cognac, rum to the drink, but in case of a missing voice, it is better to refrain from adding alcohol.
  3. Proteins with sugar are whipped separately and also added to the drink.

Drink eggnog warm.

  • Warm up milk (200 ml) and stir in 1 tsp. honey and ½ teaspoon butter. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a little soda. Drink a drink three times a day. The duration of therapy is 5 days.
  • In 250 ml of milk, stir 1 tbsp. l. anise seeds. Boil, cool and filter. Put in it 1 tbsp. l. honey and take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours throughout the day. This recipe helps to return the missing voice quickly.

A good therapeutic result is given by lungwort. The composition of the plant contains a large percentage of saponins and tannins, which help soften and moisturize the inflamed mucous membranes of the larynx. In addition, lungwort has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Dry herb lungwort (15 g) put in a thermos and fill it with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and a half. Filter and drink ½ cup three times a day before meals, 30 minutes apart. The duration of the course is 10 days.
  • Brew 1 tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Drink 200 ml up to 6 times a day. The duration of therapy is 10 days.
  • After each intake of a medicinal drink, you need to rinse your throat with olive oil. It enhances the effect of the drink, further softening the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx.


Before starting classes, you need to massage the larynx. Gently massage the neck with two fingers, moving in a circular motion from top to bottom. The procedure improves local blood circulation.

The complex itself includes the following exercises:

  • The head is thrown back. It is necessary to imitate the sounds of gargling as long as the breath is enough.
  • Play the sound "M" while simultaneously tapping the wings of the nose with the pads of your fingers.
  • Say the syllable "BY" out loud, tapping lightly on the surface of the upper lip.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tap on your chest and sing any vowel sounds.
  • Sit like a dog on its hind legs. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and try to pronounce the sound "K" out loud.

Medical assistance

  • Faringosept. Medicine with antibacterial effect.
  • "Septolete". A drug with combined properties. It has several qualities at once - antimicrobial, analgesic, emollient and antitussive.
  • "Decatilene". It is used as an analgesic, bactericidal and antifungal agent.
  • Homeovox. Homeopathic medicine with complex action. It is prescribed for admission with sore throat, in particular, hoarseness of the voice, swelling of the ligaments, etc.

Sprays that provide high-quality spraying of medicinal components become more effective in the treatment of aphonia.

  • "Hexoral". Antiseptic with analgesic, antimicrobial, moisturizing and enveloping properties.
  • "Ingalipt". Anti-inflammatory medicine with disinfecting qualities.
  • "Chlorophyllipt". Natural composition drug with antibacterial effect.
  • "Kameton". Combined remedy with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.


  • The desired result is given by decoctions or infusions of calendula and sage.
  • Salt sanitation of the throat will bring benefits. The simplest recipe - ½ tsp is taken for 200 ml of warm water. salt and a few drops of iodine. You can replace the procedure with the treatment of the mucosa with Lugol's solution.
  • Chamomile perfectly copes with the inflammatory process, relieves swelling of the vocal cords. For 1 liter of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile color. After infusion, the drink must be filtered and used for rinsing.
  • Bake the onion in the oven and rub through a sieve. Then it must be diluted with warm water to the consistency of the solution and used for sanitation every hour.
  • Anise seeds will help cure inflamed vocal cords. From them it is necessary to prepare a decoction. You need to use it for rinsing every hour. If a person lost his voice, then this procedure will help restore it very quickly, literally in 2 - 3 procedures.
  • Mix equal parts chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus in equal volumes. Then 1 tbsp. l. composition, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Rinse every 2 hours.


To restore the voice and heal the inflamed ligaments, it is allowed to make compresses on the throat. In the selected composition, it is necessary to wet any soft cloth (it must have good absorbent properties). The excess must be squeezed out so that the liquid does not flow. Then it is applied to the surface of the throat, covered with a film and insulated with a scarf or scarf.

  • Vodka. Alcohol must be diluted with water 1:1.
  • Oil. Before use, the product must be heated to a comfortable temperature.
  • Honey. Honey should be applied to the surface of the cabbage leaf. Wrap it around the throat and insulate with a knitted scarf or downy shawl.


  • In a decoction of St. John's wort and oregano, you need to add two to three drops of peach oil ether. The composition perfectly moisturizes the mucous throats, providing a softening effect.
  • Boiled potatoes in uniform. Hot steam is good for inflammation of the vocal cords caused by catarrhal pathologies.
  • Combine in equal volumes the grass of eucalyptus, chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme and linden blossom. Take 3 tablespoons of the mix and boil them with 750 ml of boiling water. Warm the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool the decoction to an acceptable temperature and carry out inhalation, covered with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  • If the voice is gone, then you can breathe over the steam with essential oils. It is allowed to use sage, lavender, anise, bergamot, sea buckthorn, rosemary.
  • Dill seeds. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to brew 2 tbsp in 500 ml of boiling water. l. dill. Breathe over steam twice a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

How to treat inflamed ligaments with laryngitis

If the voice disappeared suddenly, then most often it is caused by an infectious pathology. As a rule, the cause is laryngitis. The disease is accompanied by significant inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx: the person's voice becomes hoarse and may even disappear completely.

  • Taking drugs with an expectorant effect. Loss of voice with laryngitis is due to severe irritation of the mucous membranes, which is expressed in severe perspiration.
  • Antitussives. For laryngitis, the appearance of a cough is typical, so the patient is prescribed cough medicines.
  • Sanitation of the throat with antiseptic compounds. They soothe the inflamed mucous membranes of the vocal cords, eliminate the existing inflammatory process.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy also has a good healing effect.
  • Inhalations. Steam inhalations greatly facilitate the condition, speeding up the healing process.

It is mandatory to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending doctor.

Not all men were lucky enough to get a sexy husky voice from nature. For some, hoarseness is a congenital phenomenon that speaks of the pathology of the vocal cords, while for others it is a desired goal that attracts the fairer sex so much. We offer you to learn how to hoarse yourself and get the desired voice.


This method has been repeatedly tested and helps in 99% of cases. You need to retire in a place remote from people (so as not to shock anyone) and shout enough. You need to do this with all your might, with anguish, even turning to a screech. 30 minutes of such a cry for a hoarse voice will be enough. If there is no forest nearby, a rock concert or some kind of noisy demonstration where you can defend your rights to your heart's content would be a great alternative.

Already in the morning, and sometimes immediately, you will get excellent hoarseness. It will not last long, but 2-3 days of such a voice will definitely be enough for you.

cold milk

We start by warming up the body with physical exercises or hard physical labor, so much so that we sweat well. When you feel seven sweats gone from you, take a shock dose of cold milk (at least a couple of glasses). As an alternative, you can simply stand in a draft or in a cold room.


Many people have noticed that after drinking a hoarseness appears in the voice. Try and take some strong alcohol before going to bed. The result, most likely, will be positive, but you should not get carried away in this way, and it’s not far to sleep.


When talking to a girl, try to make your voice more powerful. Thoughts should be concentrated on the object of your desire and your natural instincts. You will see how your voice itself will become deeper and more attractive.


If none of the above methods help, the only thing left is to wait for the right age. By the age of 23-25, the growth of the vocal cords in men ends, and the voice involuntarily acquires a certain hoarseness.

Knowing what and how to do to hoarse, you can easily change your voice. The main thing for this is to choose the safest way. If you fail the first time, don't give up and try again. As they say, "perseverance and work will grind everything." Good luck!