
1. Theory and methodology for developing a marketing strategy

2. Development of a marketing strategy at CZP OJSC




The importance of changes in the strategy of the enterprise is determined by the contradiction between the practical goals of the enterprise and the existing situation. Recently, more and more enterprises have resorted to the development of strategies for the development of the company and, accordingly, to strategic planning.

For large companies with large assets, capital-intensive production, with a long production structure, the presence of a development strategy is considered simply a necessary condition for survival. It is strategic planning that allows the company to determine its goals and what it needs to strive for, through which to develop its business or simply to survive in the intensifying competition.

Many well-known companies not only have a well-developed and transparent strategy, but also stubbornly adhere to the established development parameters, and this ultimately led them to success, but when they achieve success, for the sake of their continued existence, the company must resort to strategic planning. this should not be a one-time process, but a constant, ongoing activity of top managers. The use of strategy as a management tool in the day-to-day activities of a company is a necessary condition and a means not only of survival, but also of ensuring the prosperity of the company.

Regardless of the scale of the business, the use of strategic management of the company allows the management to freely navigate in a crisis situation, instills confidence in the personnel in the reliability of the business.

A competent and balanced development strategy is not a goal, but a means

realization of the planned future of the company, a means of self-expression and a way to ensure stable income for the management and shareholders of the company. One of the main points of enterprise strategies is the development of marketing strategies. the development of marketing strategies is seen as a key step in the strategic planning process of the enterprise as a whole and is a necessary element in order to achieve the best results of the firm.

Strategies in marketing are gaining in importance lately. A few years ago, strategic marketing was presented, first of all, as defining the general direction of the firm's activities, oriented towards the future and responding to changes in external conditions. lately, the main emphasis has been placed on the formation of an effective market-oriented organizational and management system, and the allocation of management resources in accordance with this. In other words, now the marketing strategy is seen as a unified system for organizing all the work of the company.

In the world economy, there are no uniform universal forms for organizing all enterprises on the basis of marketing principles. The development and application of specific marketing techniques requires a differentiated approach that takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the enterprise and, above all, the specifics of the market in which they operate.

The development of the strategic aspect of marketing in the consumer goods market is extremely important because the market has entered the stage of its development when the lack of clearly developed strategies based on the results of marketing research leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of marketing activities and the loss of the company's competitive advantages. The essence of marketing in the modern consumer market is the priority of individual needs over the entire production and commercial activities of the enterprise. Therefore, marketing should be considered not only as one of the controls, but also as a global function that determines the content of all production and marketing activities of the enterprise. As a result, modern marketing becomes, first of all, strategic, the focus and scientific validity of the marketing decisions taken increases, short-term plans are increasingly relying on long-term programs that determine the global goals of an enterprise in the market.

The purpose of this work is to develop a marketing strategy for the company, namely CZP OJSC.

1.Theory and methodology for developing a marketing strategy

1.1. Concept and types of marketing strategy

In the process of their creation and functioning, enterprises cannot do without using the basic principles of marketing. Marketing refers to market activities. In a broader sense, this is an integrated, versatile and purposeful work in the field of production and the market, acting as a system for coordinating the capabilities of the enterprise and the existing demand, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of both consumers and the manufacturer.

Development of a marketing mix, including the development of a product, its

positioning with the use of a variety of measures to stimulate sales, is tightly linked to strategic management. Before entering the market with a specific marketing strategy, a firm must clearly understand the positions of competitors, its capabilities, and also draw a line along which it will fight its competitors.

When forming the marketing strategy of a company, 4 groups of factors should be taken into account:

1.trends in the development of demand and external marketing environment (market demand, consumer demands, product distribution systems, legal regulation, trends in the business community, etc.);

2. the state and characteristics of competition in the market, the main competing firms and the strategic direction of their activities;

3. management resources and capabilities of the firm, its strengths in the competition;

4. the basic concept of the firm's development, its global goals and business objectives in the main strategic areas.

The starting point for the formation and marketing strategy is the analysis of the dynamically developing market environment and the forecast for the further development of the market, which includes: macro and micro-segmentation, assessment of the attractiveness of selected product markets and their segments, assessment of the competitiveness and competitive advantages of the company and its products in the market.

At the level of the enterprise as a whole, a general strategy is formed, which reflects the general strategic line of development and a combination of its possible directions, taking into account the existing market conditions and the capabilities of the company. Marketing plans and programs are based on it. At the level of individual areas of activity or product divisions, they and the enterprise, a development strategy for this area is being developed, associated with the development of product offers and the allocation of resources for individual products. At the level of individual products, functional strategies are formed based on the definition of the target segment and the positioning of a specific product on the market, using various marketing means (price, communication). The key point in the development of a company's marketing strategy is the analysis of the internal and external environment. Analysis of the internal environment allows you to identify the capabilities of the enterprise for the implementation of the strategy; analysis of the external environment is necessary because changes in this environment can lead to both the expansion of marketing opportunities and to limit the scope of successful marketing.

Also, in the course of marketing research, it is necessary to analyze the “consumer-product” relationship, the specifics of competition in the market of a given industry, the state of the macroenvironment, and the potential of the industry in the region where the company is going to operate.

It would be more correct to consider the opportunities that open up not only for a specific enterprise, but also for its competitors in the relevant market where the company operates or intends to operate. These opportunities allow you to develop a program of certain actions - the strategy of the company.

The combination of "weaknesses - opportunities" is proposed to be used for internal transformations. The strategy should be structured in such a way as to try to overcome the existing weaknesses in the organization due to the emerging opportunities.

The combination of "strengths - threats" is considered to be possible to use as potential strategic advantages. The strategy should involve using the forces of the organization to eliminate threats.

The combination of "weaknesses - threats" is proposed to be considered as limitations of strategic development. The organization must develop a strategy that would allow it to get rid of weaknesses, while at the same time trying to prevent the threat looming over it.

When developing strategies, it must be remembered that opportunities and threats can pass in opposite directions. For example, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully avoided threat can create an additional strength for the organization if competitors have not eliminated the same threat.

To assess the competitive position of a company, a methodological tool called "benchmarking" is used.

This term means a comparative analysis of the key success factors (business parameters) of the analyzed enterprise with its main competitors. In other words, it is a procedure for managing the competitive potential of a firm. As a rule, comparative analysis is carried out according to the following parameters:

Market share;

Product quality and price;

Production technology;

Cost and profitability of products;

Labor productivity level;

From any economic plan, you can learn about the options for the development of the company in the market environment, as well as the practical and theoretical aspects of the firm. Marketing is the science of setting goals and objectives, solving them and achieving them, options for overcoming organizational problems in all categories of products and market directions for a certain period of time.

Marketing strategy is necessary for the enterprise to achieve maximum correspondence between the market situation and its resources for conducting successful production and financial activities. What features of marketing strategies should you consider and what should you pay attention to when choosing the right one?

What is the essence of a marketing strategy

Marketing strategy- an integral part of the organizational strategy. In a specific market environment in a specific situation, the establishment of the correct marketing strategy allows the company to develop more efficiently. Forming a marketing strategy requires an executive plan to help an organization plan its activities around its policies.

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There is such a thing as marketing planning. It is an element of the company's marketing work that allows you to constantly learn about its needs. A business strategy in marketing makes it possible to provide certain groups of consumers with appropriate products. The main task of the marketing strategy is to establish the existing and potential markets for the product.

When planning a marketing strategy in a market environment in most economically successful countries, one should not forget that there are often difficulties with the sale of products. In conditions when the market is fiercely competitive, many enterprises prefer to release and sell a new product, since, in their opinion, this is the most reliable way not to give up their positions.

Serious changes have taken place in almost all production areas (especially in the engineering industry organizations). If they have not been there yet, they will surely come soon. Companies are beginning to use new technologies, which contributes to the development of the service industry, design and research work is carried out, equipment is rented, licenses are sold, consultations are carried out, etc.

Strategy and tactics marketing of successful enterprises in a market environment is striving for the first positions and bypassing competitors who have achieved high performance indicators at the moment, and strengthening their positions in the future.

So, you have decided on the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy for a certain period of time. Further, the formation of a marketing strategy should be carried out taking into account several points. This is the amount of marketing costs, the order of their distribution to target markets, a set of ideas for implementing the strategy.

Change of marketing strategy enterprise is justified in a number of situations, namely:

  • for several years, the marketing strategy of the company did not give good results in selling products and generating income;
  • organizations competing with your company have changed their strategy;
  • there was a transformation of other external conditions affecting the existence and operation of the enterprise;
  • there is a chance to implement new reforms that can bring profit and increase the benefits for your organization;
  • consumer preferences have changed, or there is a possibility of these changes in the future;
  • the goals and objectives outlined by the current marketing strategy have been successfully achieved and resolved.

The company's marketing strategy can be adjusted due to the fact that the market began to focus on other indicators, fundamentally new products began to appear and modern methods of bypassing competitors were used. It is not uncommon for firms to use different types of marketing strategy at the same time.

The goals of the company's marketing strategy

  1. Market targets (or external program targets):
  • market share of the organization;
  • number of clients;
  • sales level (in kind and value terms are taken into account).
  1. Production targets (internal program targets) are an extension of the market targets. They reflect everything that is needed in order for the company to achieve market goals (organizational resources are not taken into account here). We are talking about ensuring certain production volumes (production volume = sales volume - existing stocks + planned stocks), creating a workshop, introducing new production technologies, etc.
  2. Organizational goals are the structure of the enterprise, employees, management. As part of organizational goals, a company may plan to hire four specialists in a particular industry, raise staff salaries to the same level as the salaries of the firm currently in the lead, introduce a project management system, etc.
  3. Financial goals. It talks about all the goals in terms of value, namely:
  • the amount of costs;
  • net and gross profit;
  • net sales;
  • return on sales, etc.

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The main types of marketing strategies

Marketing strategies can be classified according to different criteria. Most often, the main marketing strategies are categorized as:

  • Integrated growth. Companies want to expand their structure and use "vertical development", that is, the release of new products or services. When implementing the marketing strategy of integrated growth in the life of the company, they begin to control the branches, suppliers, dealers of the enterprise, and try to influence the end consumer.
  • Concentrated growth. Within the framework of this strategy, the sales market for products can be changed or the product itself can be modernized. As a rule, the main tasks of such strategies are the fight against competing enterprises and the desire to occupy an expanded market share ("horizontal development"), find markets for existing products, and improve their quality.
  • Diversified growth. Such a strategy is chosen if the company currently does not have the opportunity to develop in a market environment with a specific type of product. A firm can make every effort to produce new products using the resources that it already has. At the same time, this product may have slight differences from the old one or be completely new.
  • Reduction. Marketing strategy of this type has the main goal - to increase the efficiency of the company after a long period of its development. Here you can think about reorganizing the company (for example, by reducing any departments), as well as about liquidating it (as an option - gradually reduce activities to zero and at the same time get the maximum income).

By defining a marketing strategy, a company can target the entire market environment or specific segments of it. Here, the implementation of three main strategic directions is possible, namely:

  • Undifferentiated (mass) marketing strategies. The strategy focuses on the entire market environment without differentiation in consumer demand. Due to the fact that production costs are reduced, products gain significant competitive advantages.
  • Differential marketing strategies. Enterprises try to cover as many market segments as possible by releasing products specially designed for these purposes (high quality, attractive design, etc.).
  • Concentrated marketing strategies. The company focuses entirely on one market segment. As a result, the products are intended for a specific category of consumers. The bet is made on the originality of a certain type of product. A concentrated marketing strategy is ideal for companies with limited resources.

Marketing strategies can also be commodity, pricing, advertising and branded. In this case, they are classified according to the marketing means that the company mainly uses.

Examples of applying new marketing strategies

Strategy # 1. Positional defense.

For the purpose of defense, reliable defensive fortresses are always installed on their territory. But do not forget that any static defense without moving forward is a sure way to defeat. The marketing strategy of companies that are now exclusively defensive is short-sighted. Even if we are talking about such enterprises as Coca-Cola, Bayer or Aspirin, it is worth noting that income from their work is not guaranteed. The world famous Coca-Cola company produces goods in huge quantities. In the production of soft drinks, its share in the world is very large - almost 50%. However, even "Coca-Cola" today buys firms producing fruit drinks, expands the range of products and masters new types of production. If a company has already been attacked, it shouldn't go out of its way to just build fortifications around existing goods.

Strategy # 2. Flank protection.

Market leaders need a specific marketing strategy. Its goal is to create a "border service" and concentrate "combat-ready units" on the most vulnerable borders. The areas of these borders are special, as they can be used to transition to a counterattack and transfer hostilities into enemy territory. Flank protection can be called even more effective and justified, provided that all operations are worked out in detail and that they are implemented in stages. Ford and General Motors lacked proper training, and this was their main mistake. When Japanese and European manufacturers began to attack the market, they were not taken seriously. As for the creation of Pinto and Vega, it was rather a formality. This is not to say that the quality of small displacement cars from US manufacturers was high. But at the same time, their prices were set at the level of foreign companies that produce cars. As a result, a part of the American market was temporarily captured by Japanese manufacturers, where compact vehicles were offered to the consumer.

Strategy # 3. Preemptive defensive actions.

If the passive position is not for you, then you can always disarm a competitor with a preemptive strike. Those who like this marketing strategy find that taking vitamins for prophylaxis is much more effective than serious treatment and disease control. Companies can implement proactive protection in several ways. For example, to conduct "military reconnaissance" in the entire market: to affect one competitor, attack another and threaten a third, which will disrupt their activities. The next step is an offensive on the entire front, as did Seiko, which offered 2300 watch models to distributors around the world, or Texas Instruments, which used price attacks. At the end of successful promotions, the achievements should be consolidated. One of the objectives of this marketing strategy is to maintain a high level of competitiveness.

Strategy # 4. Mobile protection.

Mobile defense is not solely limited to defending the borders of its territory. The goal of implementing this marketing strategy is to influence new areas of the territory and create a base for attack. The boundaries of the company within the framework of the implementation of a marketing strategy of this type are expanding not only due to the standard distribution of goods, but also due to the expansion and changes of the market. This helps to increase strategic depth and the organization can withstand attacks that come in its direction. Market diversification without invading non-related industries is one way to create strategic depth on the defensive. This is an effective marketing strategy. Example: American tobacco companies Philip Morris and Reynolds faced smoking restrictions. However, the firms did not even attempt to defend themselves, but began to buy up businesses that produce beer, soft drinks and frozen foods.

Strategy # 5. Forced contraction.

Large companies often realize that, thanks to the resources they currently have, the integrity of their territories cannot be effectively protected. Meanwhile, the adversary is advancing not one at a time, but along several fronts. In such cases, planned reductions (strategic retreat) would be the best option. Taking such a measure does not mean leaving the business industry completely. Organizations should simply stop channeling their forces to those territories, the protection of which is a pointless occupation, and concentrate on areas that can bring more profit, and look for even more promising directions. Strategic reduction is aimed at achieving the set objectives of the marketing strategy and the consolidation of competitive industries. Recently, this method has been used by General Electric, Heinz, Del Monte, General Mills. Note that all of these firms are leaders in their industry. Organizations claiming leadership positions typically employ offensive strategies.

Strategy # 6. Assault on the position of the leading enterprise in the market.

The strategy is associated with certain risks, but if the company manages to implement it, it will be the most effective method of dealing with the enemy. True, there is one condition - the enterprise must give its best. If a company wants to take a leadership position in its field, it should engage in researching consumer needs, collect information about the level of customer satisfaction. Targets for attack can be large segments of the market where the leading company has not yet mastered, or those where consumers are not satisfied with the quality of products and services. Here you can recall Miller, which once released Lite beer - a beer with a low calorie content, which later found many fans.

Strategy # 7. Frontal offensive.

Frontal attack - a kind of concentrated blow, inflicted by the main forces on the strongest positions of the competitor. The one who has more resources and a stronger spirit wins the fight. Frontal offensive involves the attack and advertising, and products, and the pricing policy of a competing firm. Undoubtedly, there are more chances to win in the fight against the one who has more human resources. However, this statement can be corrected if the competitor's fire density is higher, and the positions on the battlefield are more convenient.

According to military theory, a frontal offensive for a company will be successful if it has a firepower and manpower that is three times that of its rival. If this is not the case, it is better not to resort to a frontal attack, as the firm will inevitably fail. Such a marketing strategy will not be implemented. Example: A Brazilian blade company tried to oust Gillette as a leader. At the same time, the company did not create a higher quality blade, did not set a favorable price for the goods, did not conduct a large-scale advertising campaign and did not attract retailers with discounts on wholesale purchases. The organization just wanted to become an industry leader without offering any innovation. Of course she was defeated.

Strategy # 8. An attempt to surround.

The encirclement of the opponent presupposes an offensive in a number of directions - from the front line, from the flank and rear territories. That is, a firm that has given preference to this marketing strategy should provide the buyer with the same as the rival, but in a slightly higher quantity or better quality so that the client cannot refuse. Encircling the enemy is justified only if there is significant volume and if the company is confident that a surprise attack will unsettle the opponent.

The Japanese watchmaker Seiko has achieved a resounding success. The watches of this company are presented in all major markets today. The range of products includes 2.3 thousand models. For example, an American consumer can opt for any watch model out of 400. According to the vice president of the company, Seiko creates products taking into account all fashion trends, thinking over every detail, realizing all the wishes of the buyer and keeping in mind the factors that motivate the client.

Strategy # 9. Workaround maneuver.

Companies choosing this marketing strategy plan to target more accessible markets as this helps expand their base. Among the main tasks of the bypass strategy is the diversification of the production of the enterprise, its markets, the introduction of new technologies. By implementing such a strategy, companies do not copy competitors' products and do not plan to attack rivals at the front, directing monetary resources to this. All this in this case is unjustified. If a company strives for leadership in an industry, it should conduct research, develop new technologies, and use attacks that would make it possible to geographically move the front line to areas where the company has a number of undeniable advantages.

Strategy # 10. Guerrilla warfare.

If the firm prefers this marketing strategy, it will launch an attack in areas occupied by the rival, using little force. The implementation of this marketing strategy involves an attack that demoralizes a competitor from pre-prepared bases. At the same time, the organization uses all methods and types of weapons suitable for war: selective price reductions, intensive blitz campaigns to promote goods and legal actions (as an exception). It is a misconception that guerrilla warfare is the best option for businesses with limited resources. The conduct of a war is associated with serious investments. Moreover, the conduct of any partisan battle is, as a rule, preparation for war. As for the most effective method of responding to an attacking opponent, it is the use of a swift counterattack.

Expert opinion

We have chosen a strategy aimed at increasing the impact on the consumer

Vladimir Trifonov,

General Director of CJSC "Office-SPb", St. Petersburg

In our company, the marketing department forms prices, develops a partner policy and implements it, controls sales, provides technical support for sites, develops an assortment and prints product catalogs. If we talk about the development of marketing, here we want, first of all, to increase the influence on the end consumer with whom our trading partners interact.

Whatever happens, sales growth will average 30-40%, even if we don't run costly advertising campaigns. We plan to increase the number of branches of our organization in the country, thereby expanding our activities. Due to this, our profit will increase over the next 2-3 years.

The main stages of developing a marketing strategy

Stage 1. Market research:

  • definition of market boundaries;
  • establishment of the company's share in the market;
  • market capacity assessment;
  • identification of market development trends;
  • conducting an initial assessment of the level of competition in the market environment.

Analyzing the external macroeconomic environment, companies study the factors:

  1. Macroeconomic in nature. Since the goals of the enterprise depend on the state of the economy, regular diagnostics and assessment of a number of economic factors are required: international balance of payments, inflation rates, distribution of incomes of the country's population, employment level, changes in the demographic situation. All these parameters individually can provide the organization with new opportunities for development or threaten its activities.
  2. Political character. Since business is actively involved in politics, it can be concluded that public policy is important for any enterprise. The state regularly monitors the regulatory documents of the authorities of Russian subjects, local authorities and the federal government.
  3. Technological in nature. Analysis of the technological environment can take into account changes in production technologies, the use of new IT solutions in the design and provision of goods, as well as advances in the development of communications.
  4. Social behavior. This is about changing expectations, mores and attitudes in society.
  5. International character. If the company operates on the international market, it is necessary to regularly monitor and evaluate changes in it.

Stage 2. Assessment of the current state of the market environment includes:

  • Analysis of economic indicators, including the size and structure of the company's costs, financial results, investment resources.
  • Research of production capacities: technological limitations, opportunities, production potential.
  • Conducting an audit of the marketing system (here they determine the effectiveness of marketing expenses, systems for collecting and using marketing data, as well as the limitations that the marketing budget and communications have).
  • Performing portfolio analysis for strategic business units and product lines (ABC analysis, establishing the stages of the product life cycle, using matrix portfolio analysis methods: BCG matrix, MCC matrix (MCC), GE / McKinsey matrix, etc.).
  • SWOT analysis.
  • Development of a forecast (determination of prospects in the development of the organization, taking into account the current realities).

Stage 3. Analysis of competing enterprises and assessment of the competitiveness of the firm involves:

  • Identifying competitors.
  • Defining their strategies.
  • Setting goals in work, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of competing companies.
  • The choice of competitors whom you will attack; identifying those organizations with which it is better not to fight; assessment of the range of likely reactions from competing enterprises.

Stage 4. Defining the goal of your marketing strategy:

  • Assessment of goals (establishing the need to solve problems).
  • Setting goals (identifying tasks that can be solved).
  • Establishing a hierarchy of goals.

Stage 5. Market segmentation and selection of target segments (consumer analysis):

  • Market segmentation - the selection of competitive target market segments.
  • Choice of method and time to reach target segments.

Stage 6. Development of positioning, recommendations for the management and movement of marketing communications.

Stage 7. Preliminary economic assessment of marketing strategy and control tools:

  • Analysis and forecasting of resource intensity and quality of future products.
  • Forecasting the level of sales and the cost of future and existing goods.
  • Forecasting the level of competitiveness of future and existing products.
  • Determination of intermediate stages of control and benchmarks.
  • Profit and revenue forecast.

These all represent the main stages of a marketing strategy.

Expert opinion

Why Market Research Is Important When Developing A Marketing Strategy

Alexey Markov,

Head of Marketing Department, AquaDrive, Moscow

Our company always monitors the market situation. This is necessary so that the right measures can be taken in the shortest possible time in the event of unforeseen circumstances from the outside. We regularly research and analyze:

  • enterprises competing with us: their goods, prices, promotions, advertising campaigns and, of course, members of a competing organization;
  • the buying environment and the level of existing demand, needs, attitudes and attitudes;
  • the effect of advertising.

Such monitoring allows our company to understand what the reputation of our products is, how the client evaluates it, how he speaks about it, to get an objective idea of ​​our strengths and weaknesses at the expense of the consumer's opinion. We know all the forecasts in the market environment, as well as the pros and cons of companies competing with us, and we understand how effective this or that media is.

Expert opinion

SWOT analysis is a formal technique for developing a marketing strategy

Mikhail Kapatsinsky,

General Director of LLC "Information and postal service" M-City ", Moscow

To begin with, a marketing audit is required with a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. For example, an advantage is an established team that has its own goals and objectives, a disadvantage is gaps in communication. Further, a study of the market environment is carried out and an assessment of opportunities (for example, market growth) and threats (often the state interferes with the activities of firms), which can come from outside. The third stage is entering information into the table with subsequent analysis. Given the threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, companies develop hypothetical options for using the strengths of the enterprise and minimizing its weaknesses.

Probably, your organization's marketer is fluent in SWOT analysis. All you have to do is give him the task of preparing the document.

External threats and internal characteristics should be compared, and then decide on the strategy that the company will choose. When the company answers the question "What are we doing?", It will be necessary to find answers to further ones: "Where are we going?"

How is the implementation of the company's marketing strategy

The marketing strategy allows shareholders to finally decide which services are worth providing and how to produce a particular product. Co-owners soberly assess the prospects and possible income from their activities, taking into account reliable information about the market, sales volumes and target audience.

Marketing strategy planning is the direct responsibility of the leading managers of the enterprise. It is the marketing strategy that is the determining link in establishing the direction of the firm's activities. Thanks to it, it is much easier to control the effectiveness of the work of marketers, as well as to organize the work processes of the rest of the structural departments of the company. The well-coordinated work of the team and the joint execution of orders allows the business to flourish and expand, satisfy the needs of the target audience and increase income.

It is on the basis of the marketing strategy that the heads of departments of enterprises organize the activities of their subordinates. Departments whose main focus is customer acquisition and external contacts should be aware of all the basics of a marketing strategy to maintain the company's image during negotiations with partners and customers when advertising goods.

If you have an annual plan, don't wait until the deadline expires - check the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and your activities constantly. But if it is necessary or possible to increase the intensity of work or improve the quality of products, it is recommended to make adjustments to the marketing strategy taking into account the new working conditions. The marketing department organizes advertising and stimulating events, the main task of which is to activate the turnover. Managers should explore all opportunities for introducing new products into the market environment and simultaneously carry out operations aimed at stimulating and increasing sales.

If there are any difficulties with the sales turnover, and they cannot be compared with the planned indicators, the company collectively decides to take one or more steps to stabilize the situation and minimize losses.

Anti-crisis measures are measures such as:

  • decrease in production volumes;
  • more frequent advertising campaigns and actions to promote services and products;
  • checking in the sales department in order to make sure that there are enough specialists working there efficiently performing their duties; making adjustments to the activities of the sales department, if necessary;
  • revision of the cost of the goods. This is often needed to boost sales;
  • improving the vocational and technical training of specialists working in the sales department;
  • the introduction of bonuses or wage supplements in order to encourage staff to work more actively.

If the level of demand is greater than the quantity of products, it is justified to take such measures as:

  • increasing production volumes, introducing additional shifts, attracting more specialists to work (expanding the staff);
  • reduction in advertising costs;
  • increase in the price barrier to sale.

The marketing strategy has a basis, which is the principle of increasing labor activity and initiative on the part of the company's specialists, contributing to the strengthening of the efficiency of collective activities and work efficiency, as well as the implementation of the tasks set.

Evaluation and analysis of marketing strategy

Companies should determine whether the choice of marketing strategy is justified. This makes it possible to assess the correctness of the chosen concept and monitor the achievement of the set goals. Here it is worth analyzing such components of the marketing strategy as:

  1. Sales of goods. The company assesses the sales markets, the popularity of products among consumers, the possibility of increasing the market space, determines new points at which to start selling the goods, and also looks at the extent to which the products are available to the buyer. In addition, the firm analyzes the factors affecting the activity of the sale of goods. It is always interesting to determine the popularity of a particular product.
  2. Sales versus order volume. This allows you to understand how the simultaneous implementation should be performed in order to obtain the best market effect. You should also determine the amount of the minimum order for the release of the goods.
  3. Sales to customers. Businesses analyze target audiences and identify customer groups whose needs should be considered first.
  4. Sales volume factors / market share. Through the analysis, the company learns about the relationship between the distribution of market segments and the volume of products sold, which allows it to concentrate on the types of products that are most important for the company.
  5. Costs and profits. The organization conducts an item-by-item analysis of the indicators, which allows it to understand how to reduce costs for items with the highest cost indicator. From the income item, you can find out which goods are the most consumed.

Thanks to the marketing audit, it is possible to assess how the results of strategic marketing differ from the planned ones. In case of significant differences in the marketing strategy, you should make adjustments or opt for a different option. With a successful design, the company will certainly achieve its goals and become a leader in the market environment.

  1. You need to strive not for superiority, but work on uniqueness. Companies often make a gross mistake by copying firms that compete with them. You shouldn't try to be number one in your industry. Become an irreplaceable company for your audience.
  2. The main thing is to make the right investments, that is, to get the maximum return. Think about business development later, after achieving the original goal, which was mentioned above.
  3. It is impossible to become number one for all consumers without exception. We need to set the limits of the company's capabilities. You should also think about what the company will not do in order to satisfy the needs of a client who is not very interested in cooperation.
  4. The company must work successfully at each stage of the sale of a product or service. In other words, you shouldn't focus solely on the product itself, ignoring the level of service or delivery. This is where the marketing strategy is properly implemented. Example: Zara has been successful in all phases of its marketing strategy and has achieved audience recognition.
  5. Stability is one of the main qualities that should be inherent in a strategy. Choosing a marketing strategy, a company should not have hesitation and questions about how to get high income in the shortest possible time and please customers. The marketing strategy of the company must be long-term. It is quite possible that you will have to take a forced step - to lose a certain part of the consumer audience in favor of competitors and a share of income, providing your company with a stable profit.

Common mistakes in developing an organization's marketing strategy

Error 1. Too much enthusiasm for the ideas of one of the leading enterprises.

Many firms orient themselves towards larger and larger companies, perceiving this as a kind of game. Their management places an order for the creation of similar advertising plots, carrying out similar promotions, and even adjusts the characteristics of the goods to the parameters of the products of the leading organization. But such copying (often down to the elements of the corporate logo) does not play into the hands of the company. Business cannot exist thanks to another. Don't be guided by someone else. The parameters of the goods need to be adjusted to suit your own client audience, to develop products taking into account the suggestions and wishes of consumers.

Mistake 2. Lack of contact details.

Statistics show that 60% of US small and medium-sized businesses do not have phone numbers on their home pages. But is it worth creating a website or other informational material if it does not allow a client, whether potential or permanent, to contact the organization and ask it a question of interest? If your audience cannot dial your phone number in no time, send a letter to one of the representatives, consider that you have wasted your money and efforts. Feedback is a prerequisite for the work of any company. In addition, you must be prepared to answer all questions and deal with all calls.

Mistake 3. Passion for super strategies.

Small businesses should work according to the principle: "the simpler, the better." This is the ideal option for them. The most outstanding achievements are always based on the simplest concepts. All that the consumer wants to know is that the company's product is the best, to receive information where it can be purchased, and in what it is superior to similar products of competitors. Various super strategies and complex concepts only irritate the buyer. In addition, their implementation takes a lot of effort, time and money.

Error 4. Failure to learn from the past.

If the head of the company is professional and competent, then he pays special attention to the analysis of the results of his work, spending time and money resources. When a new marketing strategy is implemented, management analyzes its results, highlighting the pros and cons. All this information is required in the future, when experience allows the company to focus on the most appropriate marketing solutions.

Error 5. Lack of development.

A company that stands still is unlikely to be successful. To this day, there are organizations that can only pay for goods or services, for example, in cash. There are also firms that believe that their presence on the Internet is not at all necessary. And here we are not even talking about large-scale Internet campaigns or promotion in social media: many companies still do not have simple electronic business cards. If a leader is not able to adapt to the realities of the 21st century and keep pace with the times, his clients experience certain difficulties, which, of course, has a detrimental effect on business. Compared to more savvy competitors, the company appears in a disadvantageous light for itself.

Error 6. Refusal to conduct traditional marketing.

At the same time, it is not necessary to be limited only to the Internet space. Although traditional marketing is somewhat old-fashioned, the effectiveness of this type of marketing strategy has been proven over time. From billboards, radio advertisements, the media, brochures and brochures, your consumer can learn something important - what you want to convey to him as accurately as possible.

Error 7. Insufficient attention to appearance.

It is important that the business project is well visualized. The frequency of status updates on the company's social network page and the number of publications in the media over the past few weeks does not matter if the visual image of the project is incomplete. An organization should give due consideration to external parameters, as well as internal ones. This applies to the design of shop windows, signboards, building façades, and employee uniforms. Everything should be perfect and thought out to the smallest detail.

Error 8. Over-imposing their services.

A lot of companies that have managed to acquire some kind of client base begin to over-impose their services on it. Firms constantly send messages, call, remind about minor events of the organization, which is very annoying for consumers. Remember that timely and informed communication with a regular or potential customer increases their loyalty to you. By sending any reminder that does not affect the real interests of consumers, the firm risks losing a certain percentage of customers.

Error 9. Ignoring competing organizations.

Of course, first of all, the company should focus on its own activities. But at the same time, it is impossible to lose sight of what competing firms are doing. Today, anyone with a smartphone can compare prices, read real reviews and choose what is more profitable. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor the activities of competitors who are closer to the organization, at least from a territorial point of view.

Error 10. Unrecorded consumer opinion.

No marketing strategy will help if customers are dissatisfied with the quality of the products or services provided by the company. The formation of a marketing strategy should be carried out taking into account the negative and positive experiences of consumers.

Information about experts

Vladimir Trifonov, General Director of CJSC "Office-SPb", St. Petersburg. CJSC "Office-SPb" specializes in the wholesale trade of office goods, complex services for companies that are professionally involved in the supply of enterprises and organizations. The head office is in St. Petersburg (since 1993), branches are in Moscow (since 2001), Yekaterinburg (since 2005) and Samara (since 2006).

Alexey Markov, Head of Marketing Department, AquaDrive Company, Moscow. The AquaDrive organization specializes in the wholesale of boats, accessories for them, outboard motors, oils and greases.

Mikhail Kapatsinsky, General Director of LLC "Information and postal service" M-City ", Moscow. Information and postal service "M-City" is a large direct marketing agency in Russia. Information and postal service "M-City" today is a holding with a developed infrastructure, an active participant in the direct marketing market in Russia. IPS "M-City" is a member of the Russian Direct Marketing Association (RADM) and the National Distance Selling Association (NADT).

Marketing strategies can be defined as the management of an organization, which relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients trading activities to customer requests, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow to achieve competitive advantages, which together allows the organization to survive and achieve your goals in the long term.

Marketing strategy is a set of basic decisions aimed at achieving the general goal of the company and proceeding from an assessment of the market situation and its own capabilities, as well as other factors and forces of the marketing environment. The purpose of developing a strategy is to determine the main priority directions and proportions of the company's development, taking into account the material sources of its support and market demand. The strategy should be aimed at making the best use of the company's capabilities and preventing erroneous actions that can lead to a decrease in the company's performance.

The essence of any enterprise lies in the production of goods necessary for the consumer. From the relationship between the market and the product, the central problem of entrepreneurship is derived, on the solution of which the guarantee of the existence of an enterprise in this market depends. The concept of marketing involves the use of information about the market, the formation of "your consumer", the design of a competitive market position of the company.

Marketing strategy defines how the marketing structure should be applied in order to attract and satisfy target markets and achieve the goals of the organization. Marketing structure decisions focus on product planning, sales, promotion and price.

The main difference between a strategy and a conventional long-term plan is that the strategy must create conditions under which the company will avoid problems in the market. Marketing has all the necessary set and practical tools for such an organization of activities.

A marketing strategy affects the fate of the entire enterprise in the long term and is aimed at achieving strategic goals, at implementing coordinated actions in the field of demand management.

The marketing strategy is part of the corporate strategy of the enterprise, one of the main tasks of which is business expansion, development of technological potential and production growth, creation of new products and development of new markets.

Corporate strategy is the overall management plan of a diversified company. It consists of actions aimed at establishing positions in various industries and the approaches used to manage a group of companies' businesses.

The system of marketing strategies of the enterprise is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Enterprise marketing strategy system

The first level of strategy development is the formulation of the mission of the enterprise. Mission is the general goal of the enterprise.

The mission serves as a starting point and criterion for making the entire range of management decisions at the enterprise, makes it easy to coordinate the activities of the enterprise, set priorities, and organize the work of various departments.

The second level of strategy work is the development of a set of functional strategies, which includes solutions for portfolio strategies, development strategies, and competitive strategies.

Portfolio strategies are decisions about what the company will enter the market with

Development strategies are decisions about how the entire portfolio of the enterprise will develop, as well as each unit of the portfolio.

Competitive strategies are decisions related to how the enterprise portfolio as a whole will develop, as well as individual portfolio units in a competitive environment. The last level of strategic decision-making is the instrumental strategies of the enterprise divisions, which ensure the implementation of the business strategy.

The third level of strategy development is, instrumental marketing strategies allow an enterprise to choose how to best use individual components in the marketing mix to improve the effectiveness of marketing efforts in the target market. Accordingly, four groups of marketing strategies can be represented at the instrumental level:

Product strategies ensure assortment and product quality match. Pricing strategies allow you to communicate product value to consumers. Distribution strategies make it possible to organize the availability of goods for consumers. Promotion strategies inform consumers about the beneficial properties of all elements of the marketing mix.

The development and implementation of strategic decisions in this system allows marketers to choose ways of working in the market.

Table 1- Definitions of marketing strategy.


A marketing strategy is a general outline of the marketing activities with which a company expects to achieve its marketing goals.

G. Armstrong

Marketing strategy - defining how the marketing structure should be applied in order to attract and satisfy target markets and achieve the goals of the organization.

B. Berman,

J.R. Edvans

Marketing strategy - an analysis of the company's capabilities in the market, the choice of a system of goals, the development and formulation of plans and the implementation of marketing activities aimed at reducing market risk, ensuring the long-term and sustainable development of the enterprise.

T.A. Gaidaenko

Marketing strategy is a subsystem of an organization's holistic strategy, but a special subsystem that determines the nature of the organization's relationship with the market environment of its subjects, primarily with consumers.

A.L. Gaponenko

Marketing strategy is an element of the company's activity strategy aimed at developing, producing and communicating to the buyer the goods and services that best meet his needs.

I. V. Barsukova

Strategic marketing is an active marketing process with a long-term horizon of the plan, aimed at exceeding medium-term indicators by systematically pursuing a policy of creating goods and services that provide consumers with goods of higher consumer value than competitors.

L.A. Danchenok

V.V. Zotov

Strategic marketing is a systematic and continuous analysis of the needs and requirements of key consumer groups, as well as the development of concepts for effective products or services that allow the company to serve selected groups of buyers better than competitors, and thereby provide the producer with a sustainable competitive advantage


V.M. Tarasevich

However, as can be seen from the above definitions of marketing strategy, there is currently no clear definition of the interpretation of this term. At the same time, in order to introduce the process of developing a strategy into the practice of domestic enterprises, it is necessary to clearly understand its conceptual apparatus. Based on the above definitions, you can give the author's definition of a marketing strategy. Marketing strategy is the process of planning and implementing various marketing activities that are subordinate to the achievement of the goals set for the company (firm, organization, business structure).

Currently, there are a number of approaches to grouping and classifying marketing strategies. The most common classification of marketing strategies is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Figure 1.2. Classification of marketing strategies.

There are several types of strategies: growth strategies, competitive strategies, competitive advantage strategies.

The most common strategies are growth strategies, which reflect four different approaches to the growth of a firm and are associated with changes in the state of one or more of the following elements: product, market, industry, position of the enterprise within the industry, technology. Each of these elements can be in one of two states - existing or new. This type of strategy includes the following groups:

1. Strategies of concentrated growth - associated with a change in the product and (or) the market, when an enterprise is trying to improve its product or start producing a new one without changing the industry, or is looking for opportunities to improve its position in an existing market or move to a new market. This group includes:

A strategy to strengthen its position in the market, in which the company does everything to win the best positions with this product in the given market.

The market development strategy is to search for new markets for an already manufactured product through the development of new segments, penetration into new geographic markets and the development of sales channels.

The product development strategy is aimed at increasing sales through the development of improved or new products targeting the markets in which the firm operates.

2. Strategies of integrated posting - associated with the expansion of the company by adding new structures. There are two main types of integrated growth strategies.

Reverse vertical integration strategy - aims to grow the enterprise by acquiring or gaining control over suppliers, or expanding from within.

The strategy of forward-going vertical integration is expressed in the growth of the enterprise through the acquisition or strengthening of control over the structures located between the company and the end user - distribution and sales systems.

3. Strategies for diversified growth - are implemented in the event that firms can no longer develop in a given market with a given product within a given industry. These include:

Concentric diversification strategy - based on the search and use of additional opportunities for the production of new products, which are enclosed in the developed market, the technology used or in other strengths of the functioning of an industrial enterprise, while the existing production remains at the center of the business.

The horizontal diversification strategy involves looking for growth opportunities in the existing market through new products that require new technology that is different from the one used.

The strategy of conglomerative diversification is that the enterprise expands through the production of new products, technologically unrelated to those already produced, which are sold in new markets.

Targeted reduction strategies are implemented when an enterprise needs to regroup its forces after a long period of growth or in connection with the need to improve efficiency, when recessions and fundamental changes in the economy are observed, for example, structural restructuring.

A liquidation strategy is an extreme case of a reduction strategy and is carried out when the enterprise is unable to conduct further business.

Harvesting strategy involves moving away from a long-term view of the business in favor of maximizing short-term revenue generation and applies to unpromising businesses.

A downsizing strategy is for an enterprise to close or sell one of its divisions or businesses in order to bring about a long-term change in the boundaries of doing business.

The cost reduction strategy is close enough to the reduction strategy, since its main idea is to search for opportunities to reduce costs and take appropriate measures to reduce costs.

M. Porter believes that there are three main areas for developing a strategy for the behavior of an enterprise in the market (strategy of competitive advantage).

1. Strategy to minimize costs. This type of strategy is associated with the fact that the company achieves the lowest costs of production and sale of its products.

2. Strategy of differentiation. In this case, the firm does not seek to work in the entire market with one product, but works in its clearly defined segment, and it must proceed in its intentions not from the needs of the market as a whole, but from quite specific customers. Marketing must be well developed when using this strategy.

3. Strategy of specialization. The goal of this strategy is to better meet the needs of the selected target market segment than competitors. A specialization strategy allows you to achieve a high market share in the target segment, but always leads to a small market share as a whole.

An important criterion by which strategies can be classified is market share. Based on this, there are four types of competitive strategies.

1) Leader's strategies. The firm-leader of the product market occupies a dominant position, and this is recognized by its competitors. The leader firm has the following set of strategies at its disposal.

Expansion of primary demand. The goal is to find new consumers of a product, to promote new uses for existing products, or to increase one-time consumption of a product.

Defensive strategy. The goal is to protect your market share against the most dangerous competitors.

Offensive strategy. The goal is to improve profitability by leveraging the experience effect as widely as possible.

Demarketing strategy involves reducing your market share to avoid accusations of monopoly or quasi-monopoly.

2) Strategies "challenging" - typical for firms that do not occupy a dominant position.

Frontal attack. It involves the use of the same means against a competitor that he uses, without bothering to find his weak points. To be successful, a frontal attack requires a significant superiority of the attacker's forces (usually 3: 1).

A flank attack involves fighting the leader in the strategic direction where he is weak or poorly defended.

3) Strategy "following the leader". A “next-to-the-leader” is a competitor with a small market share who chooses adaptive behavior, aligning their decisions with those of the competition.

4) Strategies of a specialist. The specialist is only interested in one or a few segments, not the market as a whole.

The development of a marketing strategy is a laborious process that requires a significant investment of time, the ability to correctly analyze the current situation and think creatively. This process begins with an analysis of the external and internal environment and ends with an analysis of the effectiveness of the decisions made. Moreover, at the last stage, it is not easy to find out how much the planned actions were performed accurately, correctly and on time, but also how well these actions were chosen to achieve the set goal.

Strategic marketing plays a significant role in the structure of the firm, as it indicates to the firm the opportunities that provide the potential for its growth and profitability. Like any strategic direction, strategic marketing has medium and long term plans. And first of all, he analyzes the projected needs of potential buyers.

Characterization and analysis of various types of marketing strategies allow us to conclude that they largely complement and repeat each other. The choice of the most appropriate of them is carried out using various methods based on factors that affect the functioning and development of the firm.

Thus, strategic marketing implies methods of systematic analysis of needs and the development of concepts for effective goods and services that allow for a sustainable competitive advantage, and includes marketing research of the market (consumers, competitors, etc.), market segmentation, demand differentiation and product positioning. Marketing strategy is based on segmentation, differentiation and positioning. It is aimed at finding a company's competitive advantage in the market and developing such a marketing mix that would allow this competitive advantage to be realized.

This is a type of entrepreneurial activity aimed at determining its position in the market of services provided by an enterprise, determining a strategy for promoting a product group or service from producer to consumer.

What is Strategic Marketing?

Through strategic marketing, an analysis of the positions, preferences and requirements of the consumer takes place, all this data is used to produce a new group of goods or provide services.

Marketing is characterized by planning the assortment of products, determining the pricing policy, that is, setting a certain price for the product for which the buyer will purchase it. Also, strategic marketing determines how the transportation of products will be carried out, i.e. the most economical options for the delivery of goods to the consumer are sought, the optimal conditions for storage and warehousing of the released commodity group are selected. The purpose of strategic marketing is also to determine the direction for wholesale and retail sales of products, to provide services to consumers in trade halls, and to provide the necessary assistance in choosing a specific product. An important aspect of marketing is the possibility of purchasing products on credit, when a consumer pays for an already purchased product for some time. Advertising companies are organized, where the manufacturer in an impersonal form communicates with potential consumers through the media: television, radio, printed materials, by mail or via the Internet, also considers the installation of billboards, the application of advertising text on vehicles.

Strategic Marketing Objectives consist in the systematic collection and analysis of the obtained sales data. The combination of all these methods will constitute strategic marketing, and not separately for each position, only when drawing up an action program can you succeed in the prosperity of the enterprise.

Thriving businesses have one hallmark: they pay a lot of attention to the consumer, and for this they rely on strategic marketing. They are united by the desire to understand and satisfy the consumer as best as possible, the employees of the enterprise are set up to produce only excellent quality products, which leads to the greatest satisfaction of the consumer's demand. Knowing the marketing strategy, you can significantly increase the distribution of products in the consumer market, which inevitably leads to an increase in the company's profits.

How is strategic planning done?

To carry out strategic planning is characterized by the establishment of goals, strategies and specific directions for their achievement. It contains several stages:

  • Strategic, or long-term planning, its purpose is to identify important tasks for product marketing
  • Tactical planning used at the moment, it is needed to define tasks for the year

Strategic planning is understood as the creation and support of an enterprise strategy to fulfill its goals, the identification of marketing opportunities. It is being developed for a long time, it includes the following points:

  • The long-term goal of the marketing venture is defined
  • The marketing strategy is defined
  • The economic portfolios of the enterprise are monitored, their development in the future

The purpose of marketing is the possibility of considering different areas of the enterprise, aimed at transforming consumer needs into income items of the enterprise, in achieving predictable results on, in determining the social significance of the enterprise.

Marketing goals can be achieved if several conditions are met:

  • The enterprise has the availability of the necessary resources
  • The production process does not violate the ecological situation
  • Internal capabilities of the enterprise allow to implement the plans

To determine the goal of marketing policy, enterprises use analytical data on the strengths and weaknesses of production, the possibility of optimizing production lines, and be able to anticipate threats to the production of goods in advance.

Fundamentals of Strategic Marketing are in the process of choosing strategic actions in the general direction of the enterprise, aimed at increasing the business. When developing the strategic line of the enterprise, the data can constantly change, so enterprises cannot stop at only one chosen strategy, it is necessary to adapt to market conditions, cyclically, changing the primary goals for new solutions.

An important difference in strategic planning is the difficulty of defining numerical indicators in determining the usefulness of a particular decision. To do this, it is required to develop and constantly adjust the evaluation system, which is based on the commonality of the digital indicator, it can be a monetary indicator of costs, with the numeric value of the estimates affixed.

How the stages of the strategy are developed

  • Analytics of the state of the sales market is carried out
  • A qualitative assessment of the state of the sales market for the current period is made
  • A thorough research of competitors is carried out, the competitiveness of the enterprise is determined
  • The goals of the strategic policy of the enterprise are established
  • The analysis of the sales market segment is carried out, the desired target segment is determined. This requires conducting consumer market research.
  • Analytics of the strategy alternative is carried out, the desired option is determined
  • Determination of the positioning of a product group in the consumer market, development of means to determine the competitiveness of the company's products
  • A preliminary assessment of strategic policy and control instruments is underway
  • Thorough research is carried out on the state of the sales market and the external environment of the enterprise

To conduct market analysts use the following components:

  • Market boundaries are defined
  • Saturation of the market with goods of one group is estimated
  • The market share of the enterprise in the total production is determined
  • The competitiveness of the sales market is assessed
  • The development trend of the sales market is determined

The main component of market analytics is marketing research, which is carried out both in the office and in the working environment of the enterprise.

The analysis of the external macroenvironment is carried out according to the following components:

  • Macroeconomic factor. Certain factors of the economy in the environment must be constantly diagnosed and evaluated, since the economic state directly affects the achievement of the goals of the enterprise. These include: the development of inflation rates, international balances of payments, the level of employment of the population, its financial capabilities, demographic growth, etc. Any of these factors can either pose a threat to the operation of the enterprise or open up additional opportunities.
  • The political factor. If an enterprise takes part in the political programs of the state, then the state exercises control over the regulations by acts of local, federal authorities, encourages the enterprise to follow their instructions.
  • Technological factor. Analytical actions on the technological environment will help the enterprise develop new solutions for the production of a commodity group in time, use scientific research, new technology to create a development project for the enterprise as a whole. It is important for any manager to keep his finger on the pulse to keep abreast of all changes in production technology.
  • Social behavior is an important factor in the analysis of changes in the attitude of mores in the social order, where it is necessary to determine the roles of entrepreneurial activity, women, representatives of a national minority of society, to analyze the situation of protecting consumer rights.
  • International factor. Those enterprises that operate in the international market must constantly monitor all changes taking place in the international market for products.

What are the objectives of strategic marketing?

One of the important tasks of strategic marketing consists in constant monitoring of the situation at the enterprise, establishing the possibility of reorienting the activities of the enterprise in those directions that ensure its greatest development, which should lead to the greatest profitability.

Basically, strategic marketing includes preplanned marketing analysis, research, definition of a market segment and positioning of a product group in sales markets. As follows from the tasks of marketing, they must have their own tactical actions. Mainly, tactical and strategic tasks are distinguished.

The main objectives of strategic marketing are :

  • Orientation of the enterprise to meet the needs of the consumer
  • Setting the life position of the enterprise
  • Justification of their conclusions before the management of the enterprise

All activities of the enterprise should comply with the principle: "to produce such products that the consumer needs, and not try to sell him unnecessary goods." If you follow this principle, then the company at any time should be able to restructure its activities to the needs of the purchaser, while the products should be of high quality.

The main objective of marketing is to ensure customer satisfaction at the market level, due to which the maximum profit of the enterprise is achieved.

Marketing is one of the components of the market mechanism, it should work in the following directions:

  • Try to streamline the sales market, because it works according to its own rules, to make it transparent, when it is possible to assess its condition, to establish parameters and directions for its development. It is important to predict the development of the market, or to make an attempt to forecast the future
  • Try to reduce the spontaneity of the sales market by using its regulation
  • Competition of the product group must be orderly and subject to restrictions, seek the exclusion of unfair competitors
  • Regulation of the production process and trade operations at the request of the sales market aimed at customer satisfaction
  • Try to develop and implement new technological solutions, they must have their own rationale, influence the turnover and distribution of the company's products
  • The entire marketing process should provide a greater return on the advertising campaign, influence the sales market and shape it in the interests of the enterprise, and ensure the greatest attractiveness of the product group for the consumer.

Each enterprise operating in the sales market has its own tasks, they are the basis of strategic marketing. Here you can single out aggression on a certain market share, or highlight, or take into account intermediate tasks. For each enterprise they have their own, aimed at achieving a specific goal, leading to prosperity and well-being.

What is the role of strategic marketing in enterprise development?

The main function of producers of goods, working according to marketing principles, is to satisfy the consumer, the production itself should be oriented towards the sales market.

The main roles of strategic marketing :

  • Focus on the end result in the value chain
  • All efforts in the main strategic marketing to conduct research in the production area and sales of products
  • Marketing should prioritize long-term results over fast-paced results. To do this, it is necessary to conduct research on the forecast in the activities of the enterprise, try to find ways to develop a new product group, which should increase the profit of the enterprise.
  • Tie together strategic and tactical planning, which will be aimed at customer satisfaction in their needs, and at the same time, they must fulfill the interests of the enterprise

The following positions are characteristic of the strategic marketing of an enterprise:

  • Analytical analysis of the external environment. It uses data from the market component, political and economic conditions, the state of the social and technical sphere. Analytical data is used to determine the key components of the successful activity of the enterprise, according to which data is formed on the estimated properties of the external environment, the capabilities of the enterprise are established
  • Consumer analytics, both existing and prospective. For this, studies of the social, economic opportunities of the consumer are carried out, purchasing goods of our and competitive production.
  • A thorough analysis of already released and preparing for release goods is carried out, work is underway to create a new product group and possible improvements are being investigated for the goods produced by the enterprise: new packaging and assortment are being developed. Those goods that are not in demand by the consumer should be discontinued
  • A turnover project is being created, the product sales market is analyzed. You can connect your own trading places and production warehouses here
  • The marketing service must ensure the formation of consumer demand, using combined advertising campaigns, stimulating the consumer through a system of discounts, sales, which will ultimately affect the profitability of the enterprise
  • A new pricing strategy is being developed using a new pricing system for produced product groups
  • Enterprise marketers make up strategic marketing plan, which includes planning, monitoring the implementation of strategic marketing by each of the entire chain of the enterprise, analyzing the profitability, effectiveness of the marketing steps that were set in motion.

Strategic marketing on the example of JSC "Progress"

Using the example of JSC Progress, let's analyze new methods in organizing all the commercial activities of an enterprise in a market economy. (This enterprise is not really operating and is presented as a subjective example for the thematic disclosure of the article)

The main factor in regulating the economic activity of an enterprise is considered to be the ability to make optimal forecasts for further development, the choice of tactical and strategic actions.

To carry out strategic planning, it is required to consider the entire enterprise as a whole, with a long-term perspective, which will determine all areas of its activities.

After the management realized that it was impossible to manage the enterprise as before, as it was in Soviet times, it began to think about reorienting its core activities according to the principles of marketing, which includes a set of practical techniques for managing an enterprise in times of market relations.

Having made significant decisions in advance on the creation of a marketing department, the management team already in practice begins to closely engage in marketing, that is, to analyze, plan, implement and control the activities of the entire enterprise to better meet the needs of the consumer, this is the main task.

Analysis is necessary to identify and determine the assessment of the sales market, the external environment, and the analysis data is used to establish new capabilities of the enterprise, identify weaknesses and all kinds of difficulties in its activities.

At its core, strategic marketing contains a number of articles, according to which significant decisions are made for the enterprise by the management team to improve their core activities.

There are 4 main directions of marketing strategy :

  • A benchmark is a qualitative assessment of the criterion for choosing an enterprise's activities
  • Task - contains the number of products produced
  • An important feature of any strategic marketing is the establishment of the rules of correlation with the external environment, here it is necessary to determine the type of activity of the enterprise, develop new types of products, and determine the sales market. It is also necessary to determine how the enterprise can achieve superiority of its products over competitors. All these actions constitute a product-market strategy, or business strategy.
  • Organizational Concept Strategy... It provides for the establishment of special provisions for the greatest benefit of the enterprise in the internal environment, the organization of the greatest productivity

What is the difference between marketing strategies at the OJSC "Progress"?

  • Basically, all the activities of the marketing policy are aimed at establishing the general direction of the enterprise, working in this direction, the greatest growth in productivity is achieved, and the position of the enterprise in the sales market is strengthened.
  • Strategic marketing involves a search technique, the role of which is to focus on a particular site, with the development of its potential opportunities. Here, work is done to eliminate other opportunities if they are incompatible with the main strategy. After reaching the intended goals, strategic actions can be stopped.
  • When defining strategic actions, there is no way to immediately establish their results, which may appear during the abandonment of the action plan. And to establish the direction, they use incomplete, generalized information that makes up alternative projects. During the search, certain alternative solutions may open, with more accurate information, but this may lead to questionable conclusions, according to the originally established strategy. And it is impossible to use the established strategy without feedback.
  • When drawing up a project of actions, both a strategy and a benchmark are used. At first glance, it may seem that they have the same meaning, but this is far from the case. A benchmark is understood as a specific goal to which an enterprise is striving, and a strategy is the means by which it can be achieved. Typically, landmarks are designed for a higher level of basic decision making. And strategic actions, provided that there is only one set of landmarks, will not fulfill their main role if they are not changed. They are so interconnected that they can simultaneously be both a guideline and a set of strategic actions developed in the internal environment of the enterprise, for management they can be strategic in nature, and among employees - a guideline for further activities

What are Strategic Marketing Techniques?

Strategic marketing refers to a special type of enterprise management, where management and internal structural objects are carried out, and the determination of the position of the enterprise in the external environment. The modern enterprise must manage a whole system of marketing methods with intermediaries, consumers and other contacts. It is typical for consumers to hear information about the products being released from the words of friends, colleagues at work, and at the same time pass it on to other consumers.

Strategic marketing involves the use of different methods of influencing the consumer :

  • Through advertising
  • Sales promotion
  • Mass propaganda
  • Personal shopping events

Sales promotion is possible in short-term incentive methods, which involve some encouragement to purchase a product or use a service.

In mass propaganda, it is possible to stimulate the demand for a commodity group, it is not carried out personally by the enterprise, you also need to pay for it. The meaning of this method is that there is a presentation of the product, important information about it is communicated in a benevolent direction by distributing it in print media.

With a personal trade event, an oral presentation of the product is carried out during a conversation with one or more potential buyers, the purpose of which is to sell it.

Each business has its own strategic marketing methods, but which methods to apply?

The marketer must be well versed in the effectiveness of strategic marketing, his actions can represent a chain of interrelated methods:

  • Orientation of the enterprise to manufactured products. For example, you have made products of excellent quality, in your opinion, but this is only half the battle. The introduction of a new product can be considered complete only when it is truly appreciated by the consumer, considered it necessary to meet his needs. But they buy the products that they know well, understand it, and know its merits, scope, use and from which one can get satisfaction. It is important to understand that when a new product, unknown to the consumer, is released, which contains the latest technological solutions, there may be a risk of lack of sales. When releasing a new product group that has no analogues yet, a special marketing approach should be carried out, where the consumer will work on its description, purpose, method of use, and tell how difficult it is to live without it.
  • When releasing a completely new product group, the data from the old market research will no longer fit, since there is no way to find out from the consumer what they did not know about before, because they did not use this product.

Let's take a look at several well-known businesses that have used strategic marketing techniques for their prosperity and well-being.

The well-known stationery sticky notes, which are pasted in a conspicuous place with the necessary text, went to the consumer for a long time, and only when the consumer realized how convenient and practical they are, then he began to use them and purchase them more often. Why this example? Only after purchasing a product can a consumer truly assess its need for everyday life and get satisfaction with the product.

A fairly well-known company also used strategic marketing and, at a huge expense, began to produce a special fiber that has the properties of steel and great flexibility. As the management of the enterprise thought, all buyers should be satisfied with the entry of this product on the market. And only after the creation of a new product, I began to look for customers, ways of its implementation, to develop areas of application. It truly believed that large investments and the use of innovative technologies would allow them to get ahead and overtake their competitors to become the market leader. But the results fell short of their expectations. Only after certain marketing actions aimed at explaining the importance of products in certain technical areas, defining the scope of its application, did the digging go well.

It is important not only to develop the latest product, it is important to be able to form a new type of industry, and only under these conditions an enterprise can have low production costs and small risks.

If you have decided to use this method of strategic marketing, in the already established environment of your enterprise, and before incurring the costs of the production process, it would be good to find out if there are such consumers who are interested in your new product, whether they will be interested in it. to acquire.

You can significantly reduce your risk if you have a firm conviction that your business is bound to increase sales.

  • The use of a general scientific method, when the method of an integrated approach to the study of the state of the market is used, all activities related to the release of products are established

Any of the applied methods of strategic marketing should lead the company to the highest goal: to conquer the market, and achieve the greatest profit.

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Any company should be puzzled by the study of this issue. Marketing strategy is a component of the corporate strategy that determines the direction of the company's activities, taking into account its current internal state and external conditions in which the company operates.

The need to develop a marketing strategy

Strategic management is more common among large enterprises that need a professional approach to determining the direction of activity, the company's vision for the future and have sufficient funds for this. The market positions of small enterprises are often determined on an intuitive, reactionary level, since the allocation of a small amount of resources does not require significant labor and money, and the future of such enterprises is more susceptible to outside influences. However, it is worth noting that strategic management is to some extent necessary in every enterprise, since competent management allows you to choose the right paths to achieve the ultimate goal.

The marketing strategy helps to choose the basic model of the company's behavior in the market and to ensure its further successful formation. It may not be able to insulate against any market dangers, but it may well help to develop ways of responding to the most likely options and maximize the use of all available resources. The process of forming a marketing strategy, like other positions of this complex concept, ends with the choice of one of the alternatives, however, management moves to the next stage - the development of action programs, which determines the ways to achieve the goals set at the previous stage. Also, for the development of a marketing strategy, it is important to establish an effective intra-organizational communication system.

Marketing strategy in a strategic pyramid

Strategic management involves the formation of a "strategic pyramid" at the enterprise, which includes four levels of strategies:

  • Corporate.
  • Business.
  • Functional.
  • Operational.

At the stage of forming a business strategy, the following are determined: portfolio strategy, growth strategy and marketing (competitive) strategy directly. Let's focus on how to ensure its formation. The marketing strategy determines the ways to enter and gain a foothold in certain markets and market niches, assesses the prospects for development in certain strategic areas of management, methods of competition, ensuring the competitiveness of products.

Types of marketing strategies

At the stage of choosing a competitive strategy, the company determines the general model of behavior in the market, what methods will be used to win and maintain target demand. The alternatives that an enterprise can follow are categorized into types.

A marketing strategy is:

  • Violent (power).
  • Patient (niche).
  • Commuting (opportunistic).
  • Explicit (pioneer).

Violent (power) strategy is used in the management of large firms specializing in mass, standardized production. Competitiveness in this case is ensured by the "economies of scale", which allows large-scale production of high-quality products and sell them at a relatively low price.

A patent (niche) strategy is typical for those firms that are focused on a niche business, that is, specialized products to meet demand in a narrow segment of the market. The strategy is applicable to those who produce specialized high quality goods at a high price. Such a strategy is good in that it allows you to find that part of the market that will be inaccessible to competitors, thereby making it possible to reduce the costs of competition and redirect resources to self-development.

Commuting (adaptive) strategy involves the satisfaction of individual services, solving problems on a local scale, which is typical for small, private enterprises, often of short-term existence. Enterprises focused on commuting strategy look for any opportunities to satisfy the services of their customers, so such firms are usually very flexible in their activities.

An exploratory strategy (pioneering, innovative) is the most risky of the strategies; it involves the creation of completely new goods, revolutionary products. The main problem of such firms is that it is impossible to study the demand for their products, since it simply does not exist yet, the exporters form the need for their own product, and their success in business depends on how well they succeed. The practice of expelling firms shows that only a small percentage of "pioneers" succeed, but this success is enormous and often covers the costs of all failures. Such a business is called "scalable" in the literature.

Functional marketing strategies

This is followed by the functional level, which involves the development of tactical measures for different divisions of the firm to achieve the strategies that were laid down in the previous stage. At this stage, the existing marketing of the product is being developed or improved, which is subdivided into the following types.

The marketing strategy at the functional level is divided into the following types:

  • Assortment.
  • Promotion.
  • Distribution.
  • Pricing.
  • Selecting a target market.

An assortment marketing strategy implies the definition of product groups that will be included in the company's portfolio, the breadth and depth of the assortment, describe the differentiation of products or the development of new products.

Determining the target audience to which the company's activities will be directed, developing communication plans and conducting an information campaign that will acquaint a potential consumer with the product - all this is part of building a promotion strategy. A marketing promotion strategy can also indicate a firm's advertising budget.