Super loyalty! Maximum data entry security.

Sumup to 20,000
Bid - %1 per day
Termup to 30 days
Agefrom 21 years old
OK3 min
ConditionsRegistration - Russian Federation Citizenship - Russian Federation

Information on registration of MFC "KONGA" LLC (Konga service) number in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: No. 001603550007495 dated 02/15/2016

Konga-loan, a quick response company for financial problems, will lend the required amount in a matter of minutes. A reliable, safe and quite economical option is suitable for any citizens of the Russian Federation since it has no restrictions on the territorial location of the client.

Coordinates and info. LLC MFO "Lime-NSK"

  • Legal address: Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, st. Alexandra Nevsky, building 19, premises 1,7,8,9, index 664047
  • Certificate: №001603550007495

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Age restrictions from 23 years.
  • Mandatory approval if you have a VISA or MASTERCARD bank card, which must be personal (your first and last name must be written on the card in English letters), and also contain either a CVV2 or CVC code on the reverse side (three numbers that are on the reverse side of the card).
  • Also, the consumer must have a general passport of a Russian citizen.

All Konga-ru microloan rates:

By introducing a loyalty system, the company maximizes the number of users. Due to the fact that regular customers who follow the rules and regularly use the service receive privileges, discounts and limit increases, the organization itself is becoming increasingly popular


  • Initial tariff, for those consumers who apply for a small amount up to 8000 rub.
  • from 2,500 rub.
  • The tariff assumes an unlimited number of extensions.
  • Rate for services up to 1% daily.
  • You can borrow funds for a period from 1 week to 1 month.


  • Available upon registration of the amount up to 14,500 rub.
  • Minimum possible microloan from 2500 rub.
  • Depending on individual consideration, the interest rate is set up to 1% day.
  • Extension is available to each user. The number of renewals is unlimited.


  • Maximum provision limit up to 20,000 rub.
  • Minimum amount for registration 2500 rub.
  • Prolongation - without restrictions.
  • Fixed rate for services up to 1% per day.


  • This tariff is available to those users who have managed to receive more than 3 microloans through the service and have not been late in the process of servicing them.
  • Just get the necessary money on the service, indicate all the necessary information in the application, register one or more personal bank cards and then you can easily use the best tariff.
  • The minimum possible amount to receive with Vip status is from 100 rubles.
  • Maximum limit up to 20,400 rubles, which can also be increased individually.
  • You can use the services for a period from 5 to 90 calendar days.
  • Renewal is free of charge.
  • Minimum bid from 0.77% per day.
  • Maximum tariff rate up to 1% day.
  • A 0% rate per day is provided to users for up to 5 days.

Using the service:

Provide your personal details and contact information - register on the service.

  • Enter your personal bank card details.
  • Submit your application for consideration.
  • Receive money in the way you want:
    • on the map
    • on account
    • on Kiwi
    • on Yandex

This FOR FREE. (we issue money without prepayment)
No credit check without unnecessary information.
Cash, transfer to card, Yandex money or Qiwi wallet
Without refusal! More than 96% receive a positive decision.
No visit to the bank. Get money without leaving home.

Zhukova |

There is absolutely no festive mood. They won't pay anything at work until next year. No gifts for you that I planned. Here at least to collect for the New Year's table. Okay, we’ll sort out the loan later, at least to make some note of it. I’m not happy about having to borrow, but there are no other options.

Elena |

I don't like intrusiveness. If I needed it, I would look for applications on Google Play myself. Why do I need it when I can easily go to any website and look for discounts and promotions somewhere. The company seems normal, but things like this are annoying.

Svetlichnaya |

I was waiting for my salary, but when the deadlines for payment were all exhausted, I was forced to look for a loan. We managed to intercept some from friends, but some still had to be taken to the microfinance facility. I won’t say that it’s very expensive and of course they give it for a reason.

Pauline |

Today I was once again convinced that it is much easier to borrow money from any online companies, even with interest, than from your best friends for free!

Olga Khlestova |

Who wants to borrow?! I’m also not happy with the process, but now I have a lot of unpaid utility bills and if I don’t pay, they’ll cut everything off. And then connecting it all will cost a pretty penny. I thought it would be more profitable, in my situation, to take out a mini loan and pay for housing and communal services right now. One good thing is that I didn’t have to wait for money - everything was processed very quickly.

Yulia Azarova |

This morning I woke up and didn’t think that I would have to borrow money so urgently. It’s good that I already had some experience and not in such a hurry. I knew where to go and what to do. No problem, I found the money I needed in just half an hour.

Dmitriy |

Well, I’m generally not a fan of begging friends. This is the perfect solution for me.

Natasha |

Such a convenient site! The first time I arranged everything so simply) cool!

Sveta, Rostov |

Of course, many can spread rot about people who take out microloans and the offices themselves, but if trouble happens and there is simply no one to borrow from, then this is the way out.

Elena |

Since I have a very big minus on my card, I processed the money by transfer using the Contact system. On the one hand, it’s good that you take cash right away, on the other hand, you had to find a branch and go there yourself along with your passport. In addition, it was necessary to provide the transfer number from the lender. If I didn’t know him, I would have had to look for him, it’s good that I saved the SMS and didn’t delete it as usual.

Victoria S. |

They gave it once! What a contrast with other sites. I thought that it was no longer an option and at the very last moment when all my hopes were gone and they were thrown into the trash, such luck!

Katerina |

Helped enormously! There are simply no words for how they helped us out in difficult times. I hoped and waited for my friends until the last moment. As a result, I didn’t receive any support, I just wasted my time. It’s a completely different matter when you sign a certain transaction agreement and these conditions are fulfilled instantly. If you need money, order and receive. Everything is simple, everything is logically understandable, and if you really need it, you can arrange it.

Nikita P, |

I use it periodically. I've been taking it for a year now. During the second receipt they gave a 20% discount. Another thing that is convenient if you take it from only one office is that now the application is reviewed in a couple of minutes. The interest rate was initially higher, then decreased.

Maria Solovey |

Olga, it’s clear that the situation is unpleasant for you, but it seems to me that the MFO itself has nothing to do with it. You won’t blame, for example, a wallet manufacturer for having this wallet pulled out of your pocket on the market... It’s clear that the culprits are the scammers who, according to your information, have illegally enriched themselves. In general, this is one of the best sites due to fast service, instant approval and low prices. I think they have already helped a lot of people. I have been saved at least 3 times in difficult times.

Olga |

In Konga, a loan of 18,000 rubles was issued to me by unknown persons using a phone number that was not mine. Konga is silent on all questions, I wrote to them for a week, it’s useless, they don’t answer, I filed a statement with the police, I’m preparing a lawsuit. Terrible organization, crooks.

Irina |

For some reason, I thought that I could immediately receive a large amount, but it turns out that I first need to be a client of a company and repay several loans on time. I looked at all the available offers in the amount of 50,000 rubles. and it turns out that nowhere can you take such a limit from 1 time. Here, at least you can apply for up to 30,000 rubles the first time. At least there is some +

Rusina Tanya |

I used to be a client of Turboloan - everything is good and fast there, but much more expensive. Everything is the same here and twice as profitable.

Natasha |

Shine!!! I took it to zero)))) everything is fine!

Konstantin |

Until the last moment I thought it was another scam. Although all is not lost yet, I haven’t given the money back yet and maybe something will be credited. In general, it seems like I signed up for 0% interest, but who knows. At least the money was issued quickly, that's good!

Yuri |

This is the first time I've done it. So far more than satisfied. And I received the money quickly, and received a 100% discount, I hope this is not a scam...

Elena Maryina |

I received 6,200 rubles - I will return about 7,500. I needed it for one time and very urgently, so I immediately agreed. Plus it’s ideal that they transfer to the card so quickly.

Peter |

First, the car failed, then everyone immediately had to give money to the school, either for repairs, or for events, or for some other crap. Now at work they are still struggling with payment for the second week. But in microcredit they react quickly - in 15 they managed to find the required amount.

Marianne |

The only downside is that it took half a day for the money to arrive. But in the overall scale of my tragedy this is a completely inconspicuous moment.

Margot |

Excellent MFO! Nobody threatened. Moreover, there is an extension and you can easily add days. Moreover, you can do all this yourself, if you don’t click in one place and hurry up in time through Kong’s Personal Account. I can’t stand it when people blame everyone around them except themselves for their problems and problems...

Alina Zvyagintseva |

Great! I bet this is one of the best value options! and how lucky I am that at least this time I didn’t screw up)) Everything went better than I expected, or rather, much cheaper!

Evgenia |

They issue a loan quickly, but if suddenly something happens to you and you cannot pay on time, then hold on, there are a lot of rednecks working there, they threaten, they are rude, they somehow find the contacts of your loved ones and call them, it’s just a devil’s chapel some kind of civilization.

Maria Ivanovna |

The site is optimal in all respects. Instant transfer, no additional payments, and most importantly, payment is extremely easy. There is even an extension, but I don’t see the point in extending it, because a whole 30 days are automatically added. You can pay earlier than this deadline, but this had to be thought through somehow, why can’t I immediately choose an additional term? And so everything is quite normal.

Anna |

A very worthy option. I was very surprised that there were some advances in terms of deadlines. As it turned out, if there is no way to pay on time and there is a great desire not to spoil your credit history, then you can use it, and before that I didn’t even know such a word. The term is simply extended for a certain period at the same standard interest rate as established in the agreement. All you need to do is just pay the interest for the period that has passed and calmly collect the money for yourself in order to pay off in full. This service is really at the highest level. Excellent organization, excellent conditions, for our Russian people with unforeseen salary payment circumstances, this is just the most suitable option!

Nastya |

I used the services of Kong, a worthy organization in my opinion. There can be different situations in life, sometimes money is needed instantly, and it is at this moment that microfinance organizations come to the rescue. In Konga, for example, the registration process takes up to 30 minutes with only a minimum package of documents: only a passport. Moreover, everything is done remotely, which seems to me to be a huge plus. And the interest rates are adequate, even lower than in some microfinance organizations.

Julia |

Don't take a loan from this terrible company. They're breaking the law. Constant threatening calls, inadequate managers. They carry out a spam attack on the phones of friends, relatives, and superiors. Contacting the director of the company does not yield any results. They are not afraid of being punished. People of non-Russian nationality also call and insult and humiliate me. Just awful.

Julia |

I started looking for microfinance organizations and was surprised that there were so many of them on the Internet. There seemed to be a lot on our market, but here there’s just a whole parade... I didn’t think that the most difficult moment would be the selection process - but at least here I guessed right the first time. I immediately received 10,000 rubles on the card and didn’t wait at all. Answer in 5 minutes, translation in 5-10 minutes. I didn’t even leave the computer)))

Eva |

It is important for me that everything is clear. It’s very good that you can study all the documentation directly on the website. I had an experience when I didn’t take out a loan, but bought a sofa and it looked like a sofa! What could there be in the contract, but no, the bastards fooled me - I paid 50% of the cost and the seller told me that the second half was ready, but the contract said but pay for the second half within 10 days... For a moment myself the sofa takes 41 days to make! How I swore when the girl called me 10 days later and said that I was late in paying under the contract... But there I fought to defend my right to pay at the end of the term. But you need to be careful with loans. Now I always study all the conditions. Fortunately, this service does not hide anything! Well done!

Arthur |

I have only positive impressions from this company! Registration is fast, funds are credited instantly, minimum documents. It’s very convenient when such services exist!

Maria |

Yes, I have already reached a good rate)) It is very profitable to be a regular customer.

Andrey |

The amount increases as loans are collected. From the 4th time the most optimal parameters.

Nikolay |

With prolonged use, the conditions become truly excellent.

Nikitsky |

Total hat! They didn’t give me a penny, but they keep ringing that they supposedly get everything...

Tatiana |

I want to say that you were super helpful when I needed it!

Olga |

Absolutely great! For 4 times we got the most favorable rate in general on the market (0.77%), but besides that, 5 days are free!!! You are awesome!!! Thank you!!

Katerina |

Until I myself needed services of this nature, I was very critical of MFOs... but now from my own experience I can say that in some circumstances you cannot do without the help of an urgent loan!

Sofia |

The conditions are excellent! Konga is better than others in terms of value, especially for repeated use.

Tonya Bykovskaya |

The first time, of course, it is much more difficult to fill out the application itself, because you need to do the initial registration and link a bank card to your personal account. But then it’s complete nonsense!! In just a few steps I received my 2nd microloan)) a very convenient service, I will always turn to you, and I will recommend it to my friends if anything happens!

Alice |

Registration is very simple, the entire form consists of a minimum number of fields. This microcredit format is exactly what suits me.

Maksimchenko Yulia |

The entire questionnaire is 3 and small pages. Simply convenient and fast.

Yuri |

This is just a super-duper cool company!!! Here, regular customers, if you didn’t know, can take money very quickly and 5 days will be absolutely free for an unlimited number of times. You can pay ahead of schedule at any time and no payment will be charged for this. So, in addition to the interest rate, it is worth paying attention to such points that really make a microloan more profitable.

Are you worried that you won't make it to your salary? Are there unexpected expenses or unplanned financial obligations? Don't give yourself a headache over this! It is easy to get financial assistance if you have a personal account on Kong.

Information about the organization

The KONGA company was created specifically to help people solve financial problems. The company's activities are completely online, which allows you to conclude an agreement regardless of banks, offices and without interrupting your personal affairs. You can take out a loan at any time of the day and from anywhere in Russia; to submit an application you only need the Internet.

The microfinance organization provides loans in the amount of 2,500 to 25,000 rubles for a period of 7-30 days. The interest rate varies from 1.8% for the first applications to 0.77% per day for subsequent cooperation. In order to obtain a loan at an attractive rate, you must be a regular customer of the company. CONGA will always do its best to accommodate responsible borrowers.

      There are currently several tariffs to choose from:
    • "START". This offer is valid for beginners. The amount offered here is from 2500 to 7800 rubles.
    • "PLUS". A popular tariff, where the possible loan amount is 2500-14300 rubles.
    • "PREMIUM". Applications for amounts ranging from 2,500 to 20,000 rubles are considered here.
    • "VIP" Possibility to make a request for funds in the amount of 100-20,400 rubles.

Advantages: reduced interest rate, increased credit limit, free use of funds for up to 5 days, extension of the loan term without charging a commission. Extension of loan terms in the Konga company can be carried out an unlimited number of times.

    You can increase the tariff in other ways:
  • Join Kong communities on social networks;
  • Leave positive reviews about the company on websites and official pages;
  • Recommend the service to others and participate in the organization’s projects (competitions, promotions).

To receive a loan, you must register a personal account on the organization’s website. To begin, use a loan calculator to select the loan size and repayment period. Then you need to press the button "GET MONEY." You can also proceed to creating a personal account on Kong by using the button "CREATE AN ACCOUNT".Next, a detailed questionnaire will open that you will need to fill out. It is important to enter only reliable information and accurate document details.

Personal account is convenient!

Through your personal account on the website, you can extend the loan payment period and make full or partial repayment. The selection of the desired tariff is also carried out on its own page.

When re-lending, you will not need to enter all the data again. It is enough to log into your personal account using your mobile phone number and the password you created during registration. This is an undoubted advantage, especially when money is needed urgently.

The KONGA website is designed so that it is convenient for the client to navigate it. The borrower can go straight from the main page to the section that interests him. Feedback allows you to maintain an open policy and provide as much information as possible about the operation of the service.

Advantages of Kong's personal account

To make maximum use of all options in your personal account, you must register on the official website. Afterwards you get access to the full functionality of your personal account and will be able to:

  • Apply for a loan.
  • View the payment schedule.
  • Track your outstanding balance.
  • Order a microloan statement online.
  • Repay the loan.
  • Output and print financial documents for personal use.
  • Receive consultation with a specialist online.
  • Find out information about promotions and bonuses.
  • Use an online calculator to calculate your loan.

Registration and login to your Konga personal account

To start using Kong’s personal account, you need to register on the company’s official website. On the main page of the site, use the loan calculator to select loan parameters - term and amount. Then you need to click on the “Get money” button.

A registration form will open, which is filled out in three stages. First, a personal account is created - you need to enter personal information: full name, full date of birth, mobile phone number, permanent registration address and passport details. To sign the personal terms of the loan in the contract, you must enter a special code that will come in an SMS message.

To re-loan, the client needs to log into his personal account - enter his mobile phone number, which was added during registration, and a password. You can instantly get a loan only after you have provided the client’s card details in a special form. Loan repayment can also be made through your personal account. To do this, you need to follow the “Return money” link and select any available method: bank card, Qiwi wallet, Yandex Money or online transfer to a bank account.

You can get a KONGA loan at any time of the day, regardless of location. You only need to have a computer (or tablet) and a mobile phone.

LLC MFO "Konga" is a company that provides services in the field of microcredit in Russia. The online service operates around the clock, any day of the week, 24/7.

  • Hotline phone number: 8 800 333 85 13.
  • The site of the company:

The company differs from most microfinance organizations in that all processes are fully automated. This allows you to significantly reduce the time for issuing loans: new clients will have to wait 5 minutes, but regulars can receive money in just 1 minute after submitting an application.

Requirements for the borrower

Like any microfinance organization, KONGA issues microloans only to those citizens which meet the following requirements:

  • Age limit. KONGA loans are issued to persons over 21 years of age.
  • Russian citizenship. The company operates only on the territory of the Russian Federation, so citizens of other countries will not be able to get a loan. You must also have a valid registration. When registering or submitting an application, you may be asked for passport information.
  • Personalized card of Visa or Mastercard payment systems, issued by a Russian bank.

How to get a loan?

If you are using the company's services for the first time, you will first need to create a personal account.

The entrance to your personal account is located in the upper right corner of the site. In it you can always see detailed information on your current debt.

To get a KONGA loan, on the main page you can click the “Get money” button (or “Create an account”).

After this, the registration page will load, where you will need to fill out the form.

In the registration form you must indicate:

  • Mobile phone number,
  • passport details (including registration).

After creating your personal account and determining the tariff, you can apply for a loan.

To do this, you just need to indicate the desired amount and the method in which you want to receive the money. As soon as the application is approved, the money will immediately be credited to your account in your personal account.


KONGA company offers its customers favorable rates:

  • START. Initial tariff, loan amount - from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. The loan is issued for a period of 7 to 30 days with an interest rate of 2.18% per day.
  • PLUS. The optimal tariff, the maximum loan amount for which is 9,000 rubles. Duration - up to 30 days. Interest rate - 2.16-2.18% per day.
  • PREMIUM. In this tariff the rate is even lower - 2.14%. And the maximum amount has been increased to 12,000 rubles.
  • VIP. Tariff with the widest possibilities. You can borrow from 100 to 20,400 rubles. For regular customers, the loan limit may increase. Funds are issued for a period of 5 to 90 days. The first 5 days of the loan can be used for free - no interest is charged. On other days, the interest rate ranges from 0.77% to 1.9% per day.

The transition between tariffs depends on how often you use the company's services.

Options for receiving money

At MFO KONGA you can get a loan in any way:

  • . It is important to remember that the cards must be personalized and issued by a Russian bank. Otherwise, you won’t be able to withdraw money from them.
  • . The most convenient way, this EPS allows for very simple and quick registration, and the money can then be withdrawn to a bank card without any problems.
  • Electronic payment system Yandex.Money.

How to return the loan?

To pay off your debt, you need to log into your personal account on the KONGA website and select a convenient payment method.

Try to pay on time to avoid penalties.

The debt can be repaid ahead of schedule, in which case interest is accrued only for the period of actual use of the loan.

If you do not have time to repay the loan on time, it can be extended an unlimited number of times. In this case, you will have to pay additional interest.

But if you have access to the VIP tariff, extending the loan term will be free.

  • All questions about KONGA microloans can be asked by calling the hotline 8 800 333 85 13 .

Microloans have become widespread due to their accessibility and ease of processing. However, many microfinance organizations have a variety of hidden fees and additional lending conditions, which mislead their clients. Microfinance company Kong is one of the few financial organizations that provides borrowed capital and does not require the potential borrower to fulfill any conditions, attract or register property in. Microloans from konga are always convenient.

  • Limited Liability Company MFC Konga is a microfinance organization that operates online under the control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • The company is included in the State Register of Microfinance Organizations No. 001603550007495;
  • TIN 5407264020;
  • Gearbox 381101001;
  • OGRN 1155476135110;
  • OKPO 33430862;
  • Legal address of the company: 630004, Novosibirsk, Vokzalnaya Magistral street, building 5, office 1;
  • The organization has its own official website, where anyone can clarify all the information they are interested in and receive comprehensive information about the methods of issuing and repaying microloans, requirements for borrowers and much more;
  • Contact phone number 8-800-333-85-13.

MKK Konga LLC provides loans throughout the Russian Federation. After registering a loan in Congo, all information about the desired microloan in Konga is sent to the personal account, and then the client disposes of it at his own discretion.

Why do you need a personal account?

A personal account is the individual space of each Konga client. You can do this using your phone number and password, which will be sent in an SMS notification upon completion of registration on the site. Konga loans sends all information about the funds received, their use, accrued interest and much more to your personal account. Using a personal account, the client can fully manage his Congo account.

Conditions of receipt

Requirements for borrowers

Despite the simplicity of obtaining microloans, Konga loans issue capital for use if the potential client meets the following conditions:

  • Availability of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Age from 21 years;
  • Availability of a personalized card of the international payment systems Visa or Mastercard, issued by a bank operating in Russia.

Unnamed cards and cards that do not have a CVC/CVV2 security code are not accepted.

Loan repayment methods

You can repay a loan received from the Konga microfinance company in one of the following ways:

  • Repay through your personal account by debiting from a card, Qiwi wallet, Yandex Money or by transfer to a current account;
  • Extend the loan in your personal account, paying only interest. It is important to know that even an overdue loan can be extended. Extension is available an unlimited number of times, however, granting a deferment is at the discretion of Kong;
  • Repay the entire loan and interest on it ahead of schedule. In this case, you will only have to pay for the actual period of use of the borrowed capital.