To activate cheat codes for GTA San Andreas you need to enter them directly during the game. It is possible to pause the game; to do this, press the ESCAPE key and enter the code without haste. When entering codes in GTA San Andreas, you need to take into account if CJ is driving a car when entering the code:

1. in the code you enter there is the letter “F”, then he will jump out of the car

2. you enter the code “CPTNWT blow up all cars”, then your hero will explode along with the car.

All cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas

Codes for weapons in GTA San Andreas make it possible to use:

  • an infinite number of cartridges and shooting without reloading - FULLCLIP, WANRLTW
  • automatic aiming of weapons during shooting from a vehicle – OUIQDMW
  • the highest level of proficiency in all types of guns - NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER.
  • weapon set No. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, pistol, 9mm, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint) – LXGIWYL.
  • set of weapons No. 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawn-off shotgun, Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenade) -PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ.
  • set of weapons No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control) - UZUMYMW.

Codes for health, armor and money will provide you with:

  • full health, armor and $250,000 -HESOYAM.
  • endless health with protection from bullets, fire and shocks, however, from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car, you can still get hurt or drown by choking on water - BAGUVIX.
  • unlimited breathing underwater - CVWKXAM.
  • You will be forever full and never hungry again -AEDUWNV.
  • adrenaline level - MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS.

Codes for police attention:

  • they remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear) - ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT.
  • increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars) -LJSPQK, BRINGITON.
  • increase the crime rate by 2 stars - OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT.
  • become elusive, (will never be caught or arrested) - AEZAKMI.

Attractiveness and status codes will help provide you with:

  • with utmost respect - OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME.
  • maximum sexuality - EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES.
  • CJ is very fat - BTCDBCB.
  • CJ Skinny - KVGYZQK.
  • CJ the muscle hunk - BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD.
  • Max Stamina – VKYPQCF.
  • maximum level of control of all transport for CJ - VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT.
  • the state of San Andreas will be completely captured by gangs. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are conducting shootouts without respite - BIFBUZZ.
  • gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas) -MROEMZH.

Codes for cars in codes for GTA Sanandres:

  • Bloodring Banger - CQZIJMB.
  • Hotring Racer 73 – PDNEJOH.
  • Romero - AQTBCODX.
  • Trashmaster - UBHYZHQ.
  • Dozer – EEGCYXT.
  • Rancher - JQNTDMH.
  • Rhino tank – AIWPRTON.
  • Hotring Racer 07 - VPJTQWV.
  • Stretch – KRIJEBR.
  • Golf cart Caddy – RZHSUEW.
  • Tanker Truck – AMOMHRER.
  • Monster - AGBDLCID.

Codes for planes in GTA San Andreas:

  • Hunter helicopter – OHDUDE.
  • Airplane Hydra – JUMPJET.
  • Stunt Plane - URKQSRK.

Codes for other equipment in San Andreas:

  • Get a parachute - AIYPWZQP.
  • Vortex Hovercraft - KGGGDKP.
  • Jetpack - ROCKETMAN, YECGAA.

Codes for car characteristics and traffic: GTA San Andreas

  • all cars will have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and then get back into the car - COXEFGU.
  • blow up all the cars (all cars in the player's field of view will fly into the air) - CPKTNWT.
  • all vehicles become invisible (transparent), except motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible - XICWMD.
  • perfect control (the sensitivity and sharpness of vehicle control will increase. It’s very easy to turn the car over if you’re not used to it) - PGGOMOY.
  • traffic lights are only green. Steady green light - ZEIIVG.
  • drivers are aggressive (drivers and their passengers get into shootouts with the police) - YLTEICZ.
  • all cars will turn pink. Bring on the glamor in San Andreas - LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH.
  • all cars will turn black. Mourning in the state... - IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL.
  • flying cars (if you accelerate in a car, you can take off. Controls are like in an airplane.) – RIPAZHA.
  • all the cars and people are from the countryside. Hillbillies are driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas - FVTMNBZ.
  • flying boats (all boats and yachts will begin to fly, but it will be impossible not to fly high on a yacht, because it is too heavy.) - AFSNMSMW.
  • SA only drives cheap and slow cars on the streets - BGKGTJH.
  • on the streets of SA there are only expensive fast and sports cars - GUSNHDE.
  • even when your car collides slightly with other cars, they lose weight and fly off - BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS.
  • As soon as you get into any car, it will immediately become practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle will explode - JCNRUAD.
  • the result of the code is not defined - CVWKXAM.
  • the result of the code is not defined - VKYPQCF.
  • the result of the code is not defined - BMTPWHR.

Weather codes: GTA San Andreas

  • Very sunny weather – ICIKPYH.
  • Sunny clear weather – AFZLLQLL.
  • Cloudy weather - ALNSFMZO.
  • Rainy weather – AUIFRVQS.
  • Foggy weather - CFVFGMJ.
  • Thunderstorm – MGHXYRM.
  • Buran (sandstorm) – CWJXUOC.

Codes for a while: GTA San Andreas

  • acceleration of game time - YSOHNUL.
  • acceleration of gameplay - PPGWJHT.
  • slowdown in gameplay - LIYOAAY.
  • always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00 - XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER.
  • orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. This code also stops the time at 21:00 - OFVIAC.

Gameplay codes: GTA San Andreas

Many people want to complete GTA quickly and come to help codes for gta san anderas. This concept was introduced by the developers themselves; these dishonest codes allow you to get privileges in the game in the form of cars, weapons, and so on. Cheat codes for GTA San Andreas will help you not only complete difficult missions, but also have fun. Well, who doesn't love explosions? Personally, I periodically go into GTA, enter a cheat on the bazooka and start blowing up everything that moves! It's not too bad, it allows you to relax. List of codes for gta san andreas very large, you can conjure absolutely anything for yourself, including 3 sets of different weapons, money, many cars, battle tanks and planes and much more! All the most necessary codes for the game are located on this page, so you can contact us if you need weapons or other goodies.

Cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

The first category of codes is directly related to weapons. Using the provided commands you can get several sets of ammunition, endless ammo and everything like that.

Weapon codes

  • LXGIWYL is the most common set of weapons. It includes a baseball bat, Molotov, spray can, good old AK-47, pistol and Uzi
  • KJKSZPJ - a collection of weapons for a professional. By entering it you will receive a sniper rifle, flamethrower, grenades, M4 and even a Deagle pistol. By the way, it has a simple bazooka
  • UZUMYMW is the most dangerous set of weapons used by psychos. Here you will be given a homing bazooka, a powerful shotgun, several rifles, a chainsaw, as well as explosives on the control panel
  • WANRLTW - a code that will give you endless ammunition without reloading
  • NCSGDAG - code that allows you to set weapon mastery parameters to maximum
  • OUIQDMW - automatically aims at the victim, provided you are in the car

Codes for money and health

  • HESOYAM is the most popular code that gives out 250 thousand dollars and replenishes the armor and health scale
  • BAGUVIX is the second most popular cheat, which gives protection from bullets, that is, endless health
  • CVWKXAM - breathe underwater as much as you like, dear friend
  • AEDUWNV - tired of constantly eating in eateries? Enter this cheat and you will never be hungry again
  • MUNASEF - increases the adrenaline level in the game

Codes for the police

  • AEZAKMI - if you don't want to be chased by the police, enter this code and you will become elusive
  • ASNAEB - removes all the stars that you managed to collect during firefights
  • LJSPQK - the opposite of the first code, gives the maximum police wanted level
  • OSRBLHH - increases crime by 2 stars

Attractiveness codes

  • OGXSDAG - you will be respected by all members of your gang
  • EHIBXQS - sexuality is off the charts, you will be a magnet for girls
  • BTCDBCB - bold CJ
  • KVGYZQK - skinny CJ
  • BUFFMEUP - CJ will pump up with this code
  • VKYPQCF - maximum endurance
  • VQIMAHA - it is easier to drive a vehicle, the skill of using it increases
  • BIFBUZZ - only bandits will be walking around the state of Los Santos, they have seized everything they have
  • MROEMZH - the code is similar to the previous one, only gangs will already surround you everywhere, where they don’t even exist

Codes for cars

AIWPRTON - Rhino tank
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH - Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - Golf Cart Caddy
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
AGBDLCID - Monster
JQNTDMH - Rancher

Airplane codes

Codes for other equipment in San Andreas

Codes for improving cars and changing traffic

  • COXEFGU - acceleration in the form of nitro will be installed on all cars without exception, the supply is limited, to restore it, re-login from the car
  • CPKTNWT - in the character's visibility zone, absolutely all vehicles will explode
  • XICWMD - cars and other equipment become invisible, only their wheels, steering wheel and driver will be visible
  • PGGOMOY - increased vehicle controllability, which you need to get used to
  • ZEIIVG - traffic lights are never red, cars drive without restrictions and without rules
  • YLTEICZ - drivers of all transport become wild, they can start shootouts both among each other and with the police and with you
  • LLQPFBN - will paint the entire car range pink
  • IOWDLAC - will paint the transport of all states in the color of mourning
  • RIPAZHA - accelerate the car and fly it across the map
  • FVTMNBZ - rural mode. There will be rednecks roaming around everywhere and poor cars driving.
  • AFSNMSMW - you can now fly on a boat, but you won’t be able to fly high
  • BGKGTJH - poor cars will be driven in absolutely all states
  • GUSNHDE - the opposite of the code above, populates the states with rich sports cars
  • BSXSGGC - if you crash into any vehicle, it will fly away from your impact
  • JCNRUAD - in a collision with another car, it will be blown up, and you will remain alive

Weather codes

  • AFZLLQLL - sunshine, optimal weather
  • ICIKPYH - hot weather, the sun is shining in your eyes
  • ALNSFMZO - clouds over the state
  • AUIFRVQS - precipitation in the form of rain
  • CFVFGMJ - weather that will cloud everything, it will be difficult to look into the distance
  • MGHXYRM - thunder, thunderstorm
  • CWJXUOC - sandstorm, worst weather

Codes for a while

  • YSOHNUL - will make the game time pass faster
  • PPGWJHT - speeds up gameplay
  • LIYOAAY - makes gameplay much slower
  • XJVSNAJ - in the game when you activate the code it will always be night, but if you die, the time will be daytime again
  • OFVIAC - the sky turns orange, the time is always set to 21:00

Gameplay codes

  • AJLOJYQY - the population of all states went crazy and everyone started fighting with sticks
  • FOOOXFT - absolutely all city residents will have weapons, so be careful with the code
  • SZCMAWO - meaningless code that will kill you
  • ASBHGRB - you will be surrounded by people with Elvis hairstyles
  • BGLUAWML - people turn into bandits and will attack you
  • CIKGCGX - A wild and hot party will be held on the beach
  • AFPHULTL - members of the Ninja organization will walk everywhere
  • BEKKNQV - you will be pursued by girls who are eager to rape you with a vibrator
  • JHJOECW - take a bike, activate this cheat and try to jump on the bike, you will fly high up
  • LFGMHAL - the character will jump much higher than usual
  • IAVENJQ - a punch can throw the victim far and for a long time
  • AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
  • IOJUFZN - chaos in the city, everyone is running around with TVs and things
  • PRIEBJ - you will meet people who drive a car with an open roof
  • OUIQDMW - automatic guidance of all types of weapons in vehicles
  • SJMAHPE - when you point a gun at any person, he will protect you
  • ZSOXFSQ - the code is similar to the previous one, only you need to visit with a rocket launcher and people with bazookas will protect you
  • CRAZYTOWN - the city has gone crazy and everyone is becoming crazy
  • NATURALTALENT - all kinds of skills will be pumped to the maximum level
I have tried to describe each code in more detail and the provided list of codes is as complete as possible. If you find a bug or new code, you can report it in the comments. So, let's summarize. The use of codes is completely legal, it was done by the developers themselves. Many people simply don’t have time to go through the game’s plot, even though it is very interesting. The game is quite old, but the plot goes over and over again and probably everyone in the passage used a code to disable the police, money, health or weapons. There is no way without this, so use cheat codes for gta sa with peace of mind, they just help you pass gta san andeas and have fun in it!

Codes for GTA San Andreas. They can be entered either directly during the game or in the pause menu.

LXGIWYL- A set of weapons designed for a thug.
KJKSZPJ- A set of weapons designed for professional killers.
UZUMYMW- A set of weapons designed for psychos.
HESOYAM- Universal code for GTA San Andreas - replenishes health, gives a bulletproof vest, as well as 250 thousand dollars to the account.
OSRBLHH- Increases your police wanted level by 2 stars.
ASNAEB- Opposite to the previous GTA San Andreas cheat - removes the entire level of police wanted.
AFZLLQLL- Includes sunny weather.
ICIKPYH- Maximum clear and sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO- Includes cloudy, cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS- Includes rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ- Includes foggy weather.
YSOHNUL- Game time accelerates, the frequency of day and night changes becomes more frequent.
PPGWJHT- Acceleration of the game process itself - cars drive faster, the main character moves faster. Just like all the other characters.
LIYOAAY- The opposite code to the previous one - on the contrary, slows down the gameplay.
AJLOJYQY- GTA San Andreas cheat to improve the player’s mood - people are going crazy, hitting each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG- This GTA San Andreas code gives a very interesting set of clothes - panties decorated with hearts and a leather mask on the head.
FOOOXFT- Arming all pedestrians. Could be dangerous!
AIWPRTON- A tank is falling from the sky! Of course you can control it.
CQZIJMB- The Bloodring Banger car appears.
JQNTDMH- This GTA San Andreas code gives the Rancher jeep.
PDNEJOH- Get a racing car.
VPJTQWV- Another racing car, only different.
AQTBCODX- This GTA San Andreas code gives the Romero car.
KRIJEBR- This cheat is suitable for those who want to drive a limousine.
UBHYZHQ- Code that gives a garbage truck.
RZHSUEW- Get a golf cart, Caddy.
CPKTNWT- By typing this cheat, you will blow up all vehicles standing or driving nearby. Be careful if you are sitting in a car - do not use this code until you get out of it.
XICWMD- Cars become invisible. But only for you!
PGGOMOY- This code will significantly improve vehicle controllability.
SZCMAWO- Tired of running, or just stuck somewhere? Enter this code and kill the main character. Code for suicide.
ZEIIVG- The dream of residents of megacities - all the traffic lights you approach are always green.
YLTEICZ- The GTA San Andreas code activates a change in the driving style of drivers in the game - they begin to drive much more aggressively.
LLQPFBN- All cars turn pink. Well, almost everything.
IOWDLAC- Same as the previous cheat, only most of the cars turn black.
AFSNMSMW- Crazy - the boats in the game start to fly!
BTCDBCB- The main character of the game becomes fat. Attention! This will prevent you from running fast and climbing high obstacles.
JYSDSOD- This code gives the main character the maximum muscle level.
KVGYZQK- The main character becomes skinny. Be careful, the cheat will remove the entire food supply; if you do not refresh yourself, Karl may faint.
ASBHGRB- The code creates a 60s atmosphere - people walking around dressed like Elvis and with hairstyles like Elvis.
BGLUAWML- A very funny, but quite dangerous cheat - all ordinary people start attacking the player.
CIKGCGX- Code that creates a beach party.
MROEMZH- Members of your gang are scattered everywhere.
BIFBUZZ- GTA San Andreas code for gang control of the streets. He is the seizure of territory.
AFPHULTL- The character becomes a ninja.
BEKKNQV- Almost all the girls start running after the main character. They don’t hesitate to get into the car with him.
BGKGTJH-Only modest, cheap cars drive on the city streets.
GUSNHDE- The opposite cheat to the previous one - only expensive, fast cars drive on the streets.
RIPAZHA- This code is an excellent alternative to an airplane. Cars fly.
JHJOECW- This code will give Huge Bunny Hop.
JUMPJET- Get the Hydra military fighter.
KGGGDKP- Code that gives Vortex Hovercraft.
JCNRUAD- Cheat that will give Smash n" Boom.
COXEFGU- A racers' dream - all cars in the city have a nitrogen accelerator installed.
BSXSGGC- This code makes it so that oncoming traffic flies far away when it collides with you.
XJVSNAJ- This cheat fixes the game time at midnight. There will be no dawn!
OFVIAC- Analogous to the above code, the only difference is the fixed time - in this case - 21:00. The sky is orange from the sunset.
MGHXYRM- By entering this code, you will activate a weather change - a thunderstorm will begin.
CWJXUOC- Same as the previous code, only intended for the desert - activates a sandstorm.
LFGMHAL- This code will allow you to jump very high. But be careful - the landing will not be soft. Such jumps are only useful if you want to jump to higher ground. On a flat surface, a few attempts to jump are enough to crash.
BAGUVIX- A classic type of cheat for many games is “god mode”.
CVWKXAM- Allows you to stay under water for an unlimited time. The oxygen in the lungs does not run out.
AIYPWZQP- by entering this code, you will receive a parachute.
YECGAA- Code for a very useful thing - Jetpack, a miniature flying device on a suit, will allow the main character of the game to fly.
AEZAKMI- The dream of those who like to shoot at everyone they see - by entering this cheat, you will leave all your actions unpunished, the police will ignore you.
LJSPQK- And this code is for extreme sports enthusiasts. It increases the police wanted level to 6 stars immediately.
IAVENJQ- With this code, Karl will have an incredibly strong blow.
AEDUWNV- This cheat disables the need to eat. Hunger will no longer bother you.
IOJUFZN- This code activates Riot mode.
PRIEBJ- Activates the Funhouse theme.
MUNASEF- By entering this cheat, start the so-called “adrenaline mode” - everything around slows down, and your strength increases.
WANRLTW- Another dream for shooting lovers - this code provides endless ammo, there will be no more reloading.
OUIQDMW- Enables full weapon targeting from the vehicle.
THGLOJ- This cheat limits the amount and density of traffic.
FVTMNBZ- Another cheat dedicated to traffic - after activating it, all the cars you meet will be from rural areas.
SJMAHPE- This code gives Recruit Anyone (9mm).
BMTPWHR- The cheat activates vehicles in which the doors are open.
ZSOXFSQ- This code activates Recruit Anyone (Rockets).
OGXSDAG- A code that gives what is given in the game long and hard - maximum respect.
EHIBXQS- This cheat will increase the visual attractiveness of the main character to the maximum.
VKYPQCF- A surprise for taxi drivers in the form of a nitrogen accelerator. Only for taxi.
NCSGDAG- This code improves the skills in mastering all weapons to the “Killer” level - that is, maximum accuracy and firing range.
VQIMAHA- Similar to the above cheat, but gives maximum skill in driving, not shooting.
OHDUDE- By entering this code, you will receive a Hunter combat helicopter.
AKJJYGLC- Cheat that gives Quad - ATV.
AMOMHRER- Get a Tanker Truck.
EEGCYXT- By entering the cheat, you will be able to control equipment such as a bulldozer (Dozer).
URKQSRK- Code for the Stunt Plane.
AGBDLCID- This cheat will give you a huge Monster jeep

Very valuable and necessary information. When the new part of GTA San Andreas was released in 2004, the availability of the Internet in the homes of ordinary players was in doubt. That's why, codes for gta san andreas it was difficult to find whether they were transmitted either through floppy disks or, what was the most popular, the codes for GTA San Andreas were corresponded with each other.

The website has collected a complete list of codes for the game GTA San address, which includes codes for cars, vehicles, planes, weapons, changes to character characteristics and much more.

Cheats for GTA San Andreas must be entered carefully otherwise you may miss the opportunity to complete the game 100 percent when using cheats for gta san andreas

It's important to remember that cheats for gta san andreas were conceived by the developers of the GTA game as help for themselves. After all codes for GTA Sanandes simplify the time it takes to complete missions and make it possible to check the performance of both the game and codes for gta sanandres

Codes for GTA San Andreas for cars, Russian cars, vehicles, and other vehicles (plane, bicycle, tank, helicopter).

Golf cart RZHSUEW No matter what, but still a car
Bloody Chalice CQZIJMB Terrible little car
Romero hearse AQTBCODX Regrettable vehicle
Long limousine KRIJEBR Executive class
Garbage truck UBHYZHQ Dirty business
Monster AGBDLCID SUV on huge wheels
Farmer JQNTDMH Simple SUV
Gasoline tanker AMOMHRER Flammable
Tractor EEGCYXT Heavy, powerful and with a bucket
Hot racer PDNEJOH Fast car

Code for a tank in GTA San Andreas


Code for a helicopter in GTA San Andreas

OHDUDE— Hunter (helicopter)

GTA San Andreas codes for Russian cars

In order to use codes for Russian cars, you need to install the GTA add-on with Russian cars and only then call the cars using the following codes.

Other codes for GTA San Andreas vehicles:

VQIMAHA- driving skill to the maximum
XICWMD- all cars are invisible
PGGOMOY- perfect control
BGKGTJH- only cheap cars drive on the streets
GUSNHDE- only expensive cars drive on the streets
CPKTNWT- blow up all the cars
LLQPFBN- pink cars
IOWDLAC- black cars
RIPAZHA- your car flies
BMTPWHR- rural cars and pedestrians
FVTMNBZ- rural clothing and cars
THGLOJ- reduced traffic on the streets
COXEFGU- all cars have nitro accelerators installed
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS- cars fly off when hit

Codes for GTA San Andreas on skate

Ahahaha, there are no skates in the game, and no mod will help here, so if you see that there is a skate mod in GTA San Andreas, don’t believe it - it’s a 100 percent scam.

Code for a parachute in GTA San Andreas

AIYPWZQP- get a parachute

Codes for GTA San Andreas for motorcycles

To get a motorcycle in GTA San Andreas, the player has several options for entering codes to get a motorcycle in GTA San Andreas:

  • AFPHULTL- includes a ninja theme, the advantage of which, among other things, is the abundance of black motorcycles on the streets.
  • AKJJYGLC— gives you an ATV (this, of course, is not exactly a motorcycle, but it’s also a great thing).

Code for weapons in GTA San Andreas

LXGIWYL a set of weapons for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG submachine gun, AK-47 assault rifle, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint)
a set of weapons for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun, Tec-9 submachine gun, M4 assault rifle, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades)
UZUMYMW a set of weapons for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun, MP5 assault rifle, M4 assault rifle, Stinger rocket launcher, explosives with detonator)
infinite ammo (infinite number of rounds and firing without reloading)
OUIQDMW automatic weapon aiming when firing from a vehicle

Codes for GTA San Andreas for clothes

To use codes for clothes in GTA San Andreas you need to download and install a special mod for clothes

Codes for GTA San Andreas for a dog

In order for you to be able to add a dog to the GTA San Andreas game, you need to download a special mod. You can download the mod from the link Mod adding a dog to GTA San Andreas.

Once you have installed this add-on to the game GTA San Andreas, then click the button "D" and a shepherd dog will appear next to you. She will follow you, rush at passersby, protecting her owner and carry out a number of simple commands. Key "G" cleans up the pet.

Codes for GTA San Andreas for zombies

Zombies will not work in the GTA San Andreas game until you install a special mod that you can find on the Internet. After installation, enter the following codes:

  • Code for zombies in GTA San Andreas No. 1 - YUZMB87H
  • Code for zombies in GTA San Andreas No. 2 - N3KPOC3W

How to enter codes in GTA San Andreas and where to enter codes in GTA San Andreas

Enter GTA San Andreas codes You can do it in the game itself, that is, the code is typed on the keyboard and it is immediately executed. So you can always immediately enter the code that interests you.

Codes for GTA San Andreas for immortality and leveling up the player

BAGUVIX- invulnerable to bullets (immortality)
CVWKXAM- endless oxygen
AEDUWNV- never hungry
BTCDBCB- fat man
JYSDSOD- code for muscle building in GTA San Andreas, codes for GTA San Andreas for muscles
BEKKNQV- magnet for girls whores, code for attractiveness in GTA San Andreas
OGXSDAG- maximum respect
EHIBXQS- maximum attractiveness, code for attractiveness in GTA San Andreas
VKYPQCF- maximum stamina, code for GTA Sanandres for stamina
NATURAL TALENT- improve your driving, motorbike, bicycle and pilot skills to the maximum
AFPHULTL- Japanese sword and ninjas around, code for GTA Sanandres for ninjas
KANGAROO- super jump

Code for GTA San Andreas for minigun

You can get a minigun in the game either with or without a code. The best way is to download the add-on and after installation the minigun will appear in the game. To get a minigun in the game GTA San Andreas, press “Space+C”

Code for a bike in GTA San Andreas

To get a bike in the game, you can install a mod for the game or find the places in the game where they appear. The very first place is near your (player’s) house

Codes for GTA San Andreas from cops and police

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT— remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON— increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT- increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI- elusive, will never be caught or arrested.

Codes for GTA San Andreas for parkour

There is a special mod for parkour that you can download on the Internet where there are detailed instructions on this issue

If you want to play GTA San Andreas online and on the Internet with friends, then we recommend that you read and

Surely almost all fans of the GTA series have long played through SanAndreas more than once, but sometimes you want to go into the game just to have fun, without bothering yourself with story missions. Especially for this, the developers have added cheat codes to the game that can give your hero additional opportunities, for example, adding a large amount of money and weapons to him, or removing the police pursuit from his tail. It is worth knowing that some codes cannot be disabled.

Please note that such codes can only be used on a computer, and some of them can damage save files, making it impossible to continue playing the game. Use them at your own risk. As a last resort, you can simply not save the game after entering the cheat code.

Codes are applied directly during the game, no need to go to any special menus. It’s better to save their list to your desktop or print it out so you don’t have to look for them on the Internet again.

To activate cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, they must be entered directly during the game. You can also pause the game by pressing the ESCAPE key on your keyboard and calmly enter the code.
When entering codes, please note that if at the time of entering the code CJ is driving a car:
- if the code entered into the game contains the letter “F”, then he will simply jump out of the car;
- you enter the code CPKTNWT- blow up all the cars", then your hero will fly up into the air along with the car.

The best cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas review

All cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas

Weapon codes

LXGIWYL - set of weapons No. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - set of weapons No. 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW - set of weapons No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).
FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - an infinite number of cartridges and shooting without reloading.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - the highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
OUIQDMW - automatic weapon aiming when firing from a vehicle.

Codes for health, armor and money

HESOYAM - full health, armor and $250,000.
BAGUVIX - endless health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, but you can still get hurt or drown from choking on water from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car.
CVWKXAM - unlimited breathing underwater.
AEDUWNV - always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline level.

Codes for police attention

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON - increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI - elusive, will never be caught or arrested.

Codes for attractiveness and statuses

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - maximum respect and respect.
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.
VKYPQCF - Max Stamina. Maximum endurance level.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
CVWKXAM - code for endless oxygen. Now you don’t have to worry about running out of breath - CJ has become like an ichthyander.
BIFBUZZ - gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are shooting without respite.
MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic

COXEFGU - all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
CPKTNWT - blow up all cars. All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air.
XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.
PGGOMOY - perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.
ZEIIVG - traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ are aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - the color of all cars turns pink. Get glamorous in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the state...
RIPAZHA - flying cars. Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Controls like on an airplane.
FVTMNBZ - all cars and people from rural areas. There are rednecks driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas. CJ gets a redneck suit and a trucker cap.
AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because... she's too heavy.
BGKGTJH - there are only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
GUSNHDE - on the streets of SA there are only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off.
JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle breaks into it.
BMTPWHR - the result of the code is undefined.

Weather codes

AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH - very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO - cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather.
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.
CWJXUOC - buran (sandstorm).

Codes for a while

YSOHNUL - speed up game time.
PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Gameplay codes

AJLOJYQY - People hit each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO - Suicide.
ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
MROEMZH - Gang members are everywhere.
BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
BEKKNQV - Girls... .
JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ - Mega kick.
AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW - Full weapon guidance in the vehicle.
THGLOJ - Abbreviated movement.
SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ - Recruiting anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN - everyone is going crazy.
NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters.

And yet, we recommend not to get too carried away with the codes for GTA San Andreas as you progress through the game. Try to complete the game and save without codes. After all, only in this case, having completed the entire game, you can proudly declare that you are a true player who is not afraid to face the realities of the gameplay one on one.
But if you decided to just have fun and loaded your favorite save just to get the coveted set of weapons with a few button presses and rush into battle to recapture territory from the Ballas, then these cheat codes will only benefit you.
It is also often simply pleasant to fly on a plane across a vast state in good weather, but according to the law of meanness, as luck would have it in the game it is raining or there is high cloudiness in the sky. But it doesn’t matter, because there is a code for sunny weather - AFZLLQLL, which will allow you to pilot your Hydra fighter in clear visibility or try to maneuver between skyscrapers in a huge cargo Andromada.
Killed all the neighboring gangs and got bored? Don't be fooled and just type - BGLUAWML . This code will set all the surrounding pedestrians on you, and just to spite you, they will be armed to the teeth. Believe me, a rabid crowd of ordinary people will be much more dangerous than a gang of 5 people.
Do you want to perform long car stunts? Then the code RIPAZHA is for you! With this code your car will learn to fly. All you have to do is accelerate the car and take off on it like on an airplane. Perform several tricks in the air and carefully land on the ground. For performing such an unrealistic trick, you will receive a cash reward.