“The Captain's Daughter” is a historical novel (in some sources - a story) written by A.S. Pushkin. The author tells us about the origin and development of a great and strong feeling between a young noble officer and the daughter of the commandant of the fortress. All this happens against the backdrop of the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev and creates additional obstacles and threats to life for the lovers. The novel is written in the form of memoirs. This interweaving of historical and family chronicles gives it additional charm and charm, and also makes you believe in the reality of everything that is happening.

History of creation

In the mid-1830s, translated novels were gaining popularity in Russia. Society ladies were engrossed in Walter Scott. Domestic writers, and among them Alexander Sergeevich, could not stand aside and responded with their own works, including “The Captain’s Daughter.”

Researchers of Pushkin’s work claim that at first he worked on a historical chronicle, wanting to tell readers about the course of the Pugachev rebellion. Approaching the matter responsibly and wanting to be truthful, the author met with direct participants in those events, leaving for the Southern Urals specifically for this purpose.

Pushkin doubted for a long time who to make the main character of his work. First, he settled on Mikhail Shvanvich, an officer who went over to Pugachev’s side during the uprising. What made Alexander Sergeevich abandon such a plan is unknown, but as a result he turned to the format of memoirs, and placed a noble officer at the center of the novel. At the same time, the main character had every chance to go over to Pugachev’s side, but his duty to the Fatherland turned out to be higher. Shvanvich turned from a positive character into a negative Shvabrin.

For the first time, the novel appeared before the audience in the Sovremennik magazine in the last issue of 1836, and Pushkin’s authorship was not mentioned there. It was said that these notes belong to the pen of the late Pyotr Grinev. However, for censorship reasons, this novel did not publish an article about the peasant revolt on Grinev’s own estate. The lack of authorship resulted in the absence of any printed reviews, but many noted the “universal effect” that The Captain’s Daughter had on those who read the novel. A month after publication, the real author of the novel died in a duel.


Description of the work

The work is written in the form of memoirs - landowner Pyotr Grinev talks about the times of his youth, when his father ordered him to be sent to serve in the army (although under the supervision of Uncle Savelich). On the way, they have one meeting that radically influenced their future fate and the fate of Russia - Pyotr Grinev meets Emelyan Pugachev.

Having reached his destination (and it turned out to be the Belogorsk fortress), Grinev immediately falls in love with the commandant’s daughter. However, he has a rival - officer Shvabrin. A duel occurs between the young people, as a result of which Grinev is wounded. His father, having learned about this, does not give his consent to marry the girl.

All this happens against the backdrop of the developing Pugachev rebellion. When it comes to the fortress, Pugachev’s accomplices first take the lives of Masha’s parents, after which they invite Shvabrin and Grinev to swear allegiance to Emelyan. Shvabrin agrees, but Grinev, for reasons of honor, does not. His life is saved by Savelich, who reminds Pugachev of their chance meeting.

Grinev fights against Pugachev, but this does not prevent him from calling the latter as an ally to save Masha, who turned out to be Shvabrin’s hostage. Following a denunciation from a rival, Grinev ends up in prison, and now Masha is doing everything to save him. A chance meeting with the empress helps the girl achieve the release of her lover. To the delight of all the ladies, the matter ends with the wedding of the newlyweds in Grinev’s parental home.

As already mentioned, the background for the love story was a great historical event - the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

Main characters

There are several main characters in the novel. Among them:

Emelyan Pugachev

Pugachev is, according to many critics, the most striking main figure in the work due to his coloring. Marina Tsvetaeva once argued that Pugachev overshadows the colorless and faded Grinev. In Pushkin, Pugachev looks like such a charming villain.

Pyotr Grinev, who at the time of the story had just turned 17 years old. According to the literary critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky, this character was needed for an impartial assessment of the behavior of another character - Emelyan Pugachev.

Alexey Shvabrin is a young officer serving in the fortress. A freethinker, smart and educated (the story mentions that he knows French and understands literature). Literary critic Dmitry Mirsky called Shvabrin a “purely romantic scoundrel” because of his betrayal of the oath and defection to the side of the rebels. However, since the image is not written deeply, it is difficult to say about the reasons that prompted him to such an act. Obviously, Pushkin’s sympathies were not on Shvabrin’s side.

At the time of the story, Maria had just turned 18 years old. A real Russian beauty, at the same time simple and sweet. Capable of action - in order to save her beloved, she goes to the capital to meet with the empress. According to Vyazemsky, she decorates the novel in the same way as Tatyana Larina decorated “Eugene Onegin.” But Tchaikovsky, who at one time wanted to stage an opera based on this work, complained that it did not have enough character, but only kindness and honesty. Marina Tsvetaeva shared the same opinion.

From the age of five he was assigned to Grinev as an uncle, the Russian equivalent of a tutor. The only one who communicates with a 17-year-old officer like a small child. Pushkin calls him a “faithful serf,” but Savelich allows himself to express uncomfortable thoughts to both the master and his ward.

Analysis of the work

Colleagues of Alexander Sergeevich, to whom he personally read the novel, made small comments regarding non-compliance with historical facts, while generally speaking positively about the novel. Prince V.F. Odoevsky, for example, noted that the images of Savelich and Pugachev were drawn out carefully and thought out to the smallest detail, but the image of Shvabrin was not finalized, and therefore it would be difficult for readers to understand the motives for his transition.

Literary critic Nikolai Strakhov noted that this combination of family (partially love) and historical chronicles is characteristic of the works of Walter Scott, the response to whose popularity among the Russian nobility, in fact, was Pushkin’s work.

Another Russian literary critic, Dmitry Mirsky, highly praised The Captain's Daughter, emphasizing the manner of narration - concise, precise, economical, yet spacious and leisurely. His opinion was that this work played one of the main roles in the development of the genre of realism in Russian literature.

The Russian writer and publisher Nikolai Grech, several years after the publication of the work, admired how the author managed to express the character and tone of the time about which he narrates. The story turned out to be so realistic that one could really think that the author was an eyewitness to these events. Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Gogol also periodically left rave reviews about this work.


According to Dmitry Mirsky, “The Captain's Daughter” can be considered the only full-length novel written by Alexander Sergeevich and published during his lifetime. Let us agree with the critic - the novel has everything to be successful: a romantic line that ends in marriage is a delight for beautiful ladies; a historical line that tells about such a complex and contradictory historical event as the Pugachev uprising will be more interesting to men; clearly defined main characters and set guidelines regarding the place of honor and dignity in the life of an officer. All this explains the popularity of the novel in the past and makes our contemporaries read it today.

The basis of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter,” conceived in 1833, was based on materials about the Pugachev rebellion. And this is quite justified, because the author was then working on the historical essay “The History of Pugachev.” Alexander Sergeevich managed to collect unique material about these events thanks to a trip to the Urals, where he had the opportunity to communicate with living Pugachevites and record their stories.

Just as at that time, almost two hundred years ago, this work will be of interest to the reader now.

The main characters of the novel:

Petr Andreevich Grinev

Petr Andreevich Grinev- a sixteen-year-old youth, the son of retired Prime Major Grinev, whom his father sent for military service to the Orenburg Fortress. By the will of fate, he ended up in the Belgorod fortress, where he fell in love with the daughter of captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, Maria Ivanovna. Pyotr Andreevich is a decent man, intolerant of meanness and betrayal, selfless, striving at all costs to protect his bride at a time when she falls into the hands of the traitor Shvabrin, an evil and terrible man. To do this, he risks his life and gets involved with the rebel Emelyan Pugachev, although he does not even allow the thought of betrayal and, like Shvabrin, to go over to the side of the enemy and swear allegiance to the impostor. A distinctive feature of Grinev is the ability to be grateful for good. At the moment of obvious danger threatening from Pugachev, he shows wisdom and wins over the robber.

Emelyan Pugachev

Emelyan Pugachev - the controversial image of the chieftain of a gang of robbers who rebelled against the nobles, will not leave any of the readers indifferent. From history we know that this is a real person, a Don Cossack, the leader of the peasant war, the most famous of the impostors who posed as Peter III. During Grinev’s first meeting with Pugachev, he sees that the rebel’s appearance is not remarkable: a forty-year-old man, broad-shouldered, thin, with darting eyes, and a pleasant, albeit roguish, expression.

Cruel and stern, dealing without mercy with generals and those who do not want to swear allegiance to him, Pugachev, however, during the third meeting with Grinev reveals himself as a man who wants to give mercy to whomever he wants (of course, it is clear that he has played too much at the sovereign ). Emelyan is even dependent on the opinions of his entourage, although, contrary to the advice of those close to him, he does not want to execute Peter and acts for his own reasons. He understands that his game is dangerous, but it is too late to repent. After the rebel was caught, he was subjected to the well-deserved death penalty.

Maria Ivanovna Mironova

Maria Ivanovna Mironova is the daughter of the captain of the Belogorod fortress, Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, a kind, pretty, meek and modest girl, capable of loving passionately. Her image is the personification of high morality and purity. Thanks to the dedication of Masha, who wanted at all costs to save her beloved from lifelong shame due to imaginary betrayal, her beloved Peter returned home completely justified. And this is not surprising, because the kind girl sincerely told Catherine the Second the real truth.

Alexey Shvabrin

Alexey Shvabrin is the complete opposite of Pyotr Grinev in actions and character. A cunning, mocking and evil person who knows how to adapt to circumstances, he achieves his goal through deception and slander. A stab in the back during a duel with Grinev, going over to the side of the rebel Pugachev after the capture of the Belogorodskaya fortress, mockery of the poor orphan Masha, who never wanted to become his wife, reveal the true face of Shvabrin - a very low and vile person.

Minor characters

Andrey Petrovich Grinev- Peter's father. Strict with his son. Not wanting to look for easy ways for him, at the age of sixteen he sends the young man to serve in the army, and by the will of fate he ends up in the Belogorodskaya fortress.

Ivan Kuzmich Mironov- captain of the Belogorodskaya fortress, where the events of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” unfold. Kind, honest and faithful, devoted to the Fatherland, who wished better to die than to break the oath.

Vasilisa Egorovna- the wife of Captain Mironov, kind and thrifty, who was always aware of all events in the fortress. She died from the saber of a young Cossack on the threshold of her house.

Savelich- a serf of the Grinevs, assigned to Petrusha since childhood, a devoted servant, an honest and decent person, ready to always help and protect the young man in everything. Thanks to Savelich, who stood up for the young master in time, Pugachev did not execute Peter.

Ivan Ivanovich Zuev- the captain who beat Petrusha in Simbirsk and demanded a debt of one hundred rubles. Having met Pyotr Andreevich for the second time, he persuaded the officer to serve in his detachment.

Broadsword- Serf of the Mironovs. The girl is lively and brave. Fearlessly strives to help his owner, Maria Ivanovna.

Chapter first. Sergeant of the Guard

In the first chapter, Pyotr Grinev talks about his childhood. His father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, was a prime major, and since he retired, he settled in a Siberian village and married Avdotya Vasilyevna Yu, the daughter of a poor nobleman, who gave birth to nine children. Many of them did not survive, and Peter himself, from his mother’s womb, was “enlisted in the Semenovsky regiment as a sergeant, by the grace of the Major of the Guard, Prince B...”.

Grinev’s childhood was at first unremarkable: until the age of twelve, Petya was under the supervision of Savelich, learning to read and write in Russian; then the father hired the French hairdresser Beaupre for the boy, but the lessons with him did not last long. For drunkenness and indecent behavior, the priest kicked out the Frenchman, and from then on the child was partially left to his own devices. However, from the age of sixteen, the fate of Pyotr Grinev changed dramatically.

“It’s time for him to serve,” his father once said. And then, writing a letter to Andrei Karlovich R., his old comrade, and gathering his son, he sent him to Orenburg (instead of St. Petersburg, where the young man was supposed to go serve in the guard). Petya didn’t like such a drastic change in circumstances, but there was nothing he could do: he had to come to terms with it. The servant Savelich was ordered to look after him. On the way, stopping at a tavern where there was a billiard room, Peter met Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, captain of the hussar regiment. At first, it would seem that their friendship began to grow stronger, but due to his inexperience, the young man succumbed to the persuasion of his new acquaintance and lost a hundred rubles to him, and besides, he also drank a lot of punch, which greatly upset the servant. The money had to be given back, much to Savelich’s displeasure.

Chapter two. Counselor

Peter felt guilty and was looking for an opportunity to make peace with Savelich. After talking with the servant and relieving his soul, the young man promised to behave smarter in the future, but still it was a pity for the money thrown away.

A storm was approaching, as was foreshadowed by a small cloud. The coachman offered to return back to avoid severe bad weather, but Peter did not agree and ordered to go faster. The consequence of such recklessness on the part of the young man was that they were overtaken by a blizzard. Suddenly, in the distance, the travelers saw a man, and, having caught up with him, they asked how to get onto the road. Having sat down in the wagon, the traveler began to assure that there was a village nearby, because there was a whiff of smoke. Heeding the stranger’s advice, the coachman, Savelich and Peter went where he said. Grinev dozed off and suddenly saw an unusual dream, which he later considered prophetic.

Peter dreamed that he returned to his estate, and his sad mother reported that his father was seriously ill. She brought her son to the sick bed so that dad would bless him before his death, but instead the young man saw a man with a black beard. “This is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand, and may he bless you...” Mom insisted, but since Peter never wanted to agree, the black-bearded man suddenly jumped up and began swinging the ax left and right.

Many people died, dead bodies were lying everywhere, and the terrible man kept calling the young man to come under his blessing. Peter was very frightened, but suddenly he heard Savelich’s voice: “We’ve arrived!” They found themselves at an inn and entered a clean, bright room. While the owner was fussing about the tea, the future soldier asked where their counselor was. “Here,” suddenly answered a voice from the floor. But when the owner started an allegorical conversation with him (as it turned out, telling jokes about the affairs of the Yaitsk army), Peter listened to him with interest. Finally, everyone fell asleep.

The next morning the storm subsided, and the travelers began to get ready for the road again. The young man wanted to thank the counselor by giving him a hare sheepskin coat, but Savelich objected. However, Peter showed persistence, and the tramp soon became the happy owner of a good-quality, warm thing from the master's shoulder.

Arriving in Orenburg, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev appeared before the general, who knew his father well and therefore treated the young man favorably. Having decided that there was nothing for him to do in Orenburg, he decided to transfer him as an officer to the *** regiment and send him to the Belogorod fortress, to Captain Mironov, an honest and kind man. This upset the young soldier, because he was going to learn discipline in an even greater wilderness.

We bring to your attention where strong and extraordinary personalities are described, within each of which a conflict is brewing, which inevitably leads to tragic consequences.

Chapter three. Fortress

The Belogorsk fortress, located forty miles from Orenburg, contrary to Peter’s expectations, was an ordinary village. The commandant's office turned out to be a wooden house. The young man entered the hallway, then into the house, and saw an old woman in a headscarf sitting by the window. She introduced herself as the hostess. Having learned the reason why Peter came to them, the grandmother consoled him: “And you, father, do not be sad that you were sent to our outback... If you endure it, you will fall in love...”

Thus began a new life for the sixteen-year-old boy. The next morning he met Shvabrin, a young man exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel. He turned out to be witty and far from stupid.

When Vasilisa Yegorovna invited Pyotr Andreevich to dinner, the new comrade followed him. During the meal the conversation flowed peacefully, the hostess asked many questions. We touched on different topics. It turned out that Masha, the captain's daughter, is very timid, unlike her brave mother. Grinev had conflicting feelings about her, because at first Shvabrin described the girl as stupid.

Chapter Four. Duel

Days passed, and the new life in the Belogorodskaya fortress seemed to Peter, to some extent, even pleasant. Every time he dined with the commandant, he became better acquainted with Maria Ivanovna, but Shvabrin’s caustic remarks about this or that person ceased to be perceived with the same cheerfulness.

One day Pyotr Andreevich shared his new poem about Masha with his friend (in the fortress he sometimes did creative work), but unexpectedly he heard a lot of criticism. Shvabrin literally ridiculed every line written by Grinev, and it is not surprising that a serious quarrel arose between them, threatening to develop into a duel. The desire for a duel nevertheless took hold in the hearts of the former comrades, but, fortunately, Ivan Ignatievich, who arrived in time to the place of the appointed duel, prevented the implementation of the dangerous plan.

However, the first attempt was followed by another, especially since Grinev already knew the reason why Shvabrin treated Masha so badly: it turns out that last year he wooed her, but the girl refused. Fueled by a feeling of extreme hostility towards Alexei Ivanovich, Peter agreed to a duel. This time everything ended worse: Grinev was wounded in the back.

We bring to your attention the poem by A.S. Pushkin, which combines the story of the fate of an ordinary resident of St. Petersburg, who suffered during the flood, Eugene and historical and philosophical reflections on the state...

Chapter five. Love

The young man lay unconscious for five days, and when he woke up, he saw an alarmed Savelich and Maria Ivanovna in front of him. Suddenly, Grinev was so overcome by love for the girl that he felt extraordinary joy, all the more convinced that Masha harbored reciprocal feelings. The young people dreamed of linking their destinies, but Peter was afraid not to receive his father’s blessing, although he tried to write him a convincing letter.

Youth took its toll, and Peter began to recover quickly. The joyful mood that the hero of the novel now experienced every day also played a positive role. Being not vindictive by nature, he made peace with Shvabrin.

But suddenly the happiness was darkened by news from the father, who not only did not consent to the marriage, but scolded his son for unreasonable behavior and threatened to petition to be transferred away from the Belogorodskaya fortress.

In addition, the mother, having learned about the injury of her only son, went to bed, which upset Peter even more. But who reported him? How did the father know about the duel with Shvabrin? These thoughts haunted Grinev, and he began to blame Savelich for everything, but he, in his defense, showed a letter in which Peter’s father showered him with rude expressions for concealing the truth.

Maria Ivanovna, having learned about her father’s categorical reluctance to bless them, resigned herself to fate, but began to shun Grinev. But he completely lost heart: he stopped going to the commandant, holed up in the house, and even lost the desire to read and talk of any kind. But then new events occurred that influenced the entire future life of Pyotr Andreevich.

Chapter six. Pugachevshchina

In this chapter, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev describes the situation in the Orenburg province at the end of 1773. During that turbulent time, disturbances broke out in various places, and the government took strict measures to suppress riots on the part of the wild peoples inhabiting the province. Trouble also reached the Belogorodskaya fortress. That day, all the officers were urgently summoned to the commandant, who told them important news about the threat of an attack on the fortress by the rebel Emelyan Pugachev and his gang. Ivan Kuzmich sent his wife and daughter to visit the priest in advance, and locked his maid Palashka in a closet during a secret conversation. When Vasilisa Yegorovna returned, at first she could not find out from her husband what really happened. However, seeing how Ivan Ignatievich was preparing the cannon for battle, she guessed that someone might attack the fortress and cunningly found out information about Pugachev from him.

Then harbingers of trouble began to appear: a Bashkir, captured with outrageous letters, who at first they wanted to flog in order to obtain information, but, as it turned out later, not only his ears and nose were cut off, but also his tongue; An alarming message from Vasilisa Yegorovna that the Nizheozernaya fortress had been taken, the commandant and all the officers had been hanged, and the soldiers were in captivity.

Peter was very worried about Maria Ivanovna and her mother, who were in danger, and therefore offered to hide them for a while in the Orenburg fortress, but Vasilisa Egorovna was categorically against leaving home. Masha, whose heart was aching from the sudden separation from her beloved, was hastily prepared for the journey. The girl, sobbing, said goodbye to Peter.

Chapter seven. Attack

Unfortunately, the alarming forecasts came true - and now Pugachev and his gang began to attack the fortress. All roads to Orenburg were cut off, so Masha did not have time to evacuate. Ivan Kuzmich, anticipating his imminent death, blessed his daughter and said goodbye to his wife. The fierce rebels rushed into the fortress and captured the officers and commandant. Ivan Kuzmich, as well as lieutenant Ivan Ignatievich, who did not want to swear allegiance to Pugachev, who was posing as a sovereign, were hanged on the gallows, but Grinev was saved from death thanks to the kind and faithful Savelich. The old man begged the “father” for mercy, suggesting that it would be better to hang him, but to let the master’s child go. Peter was released. Ordinary soldiers swore allegiance to Pugachev. Vasilisa Egorovna, who was dragged naked from the commandant’s house, began to cry out for her husband, cursing the escaped convict, and died from the saber of a young Cossack.

Chapter eight. Uninvited guest

Alarmed by the unknown about Masha’s fate, Pyotr Andreevich entered the commandant’s destroyed house, but saw only a frightened Broadsword, who reported that Maria Ivanovna was hidden with the priest, Akulina Pamfilovna.

This news excited Grinev even more, because Pugachev was there. He rushed headlong to the priest's house and, entering the vestibule, saw the Pugachevites feasting. Quietly asking Pasha to call Akulina Pamfilovna, he asked the priest about Masha’s condition.

“He’s lying, my dear, on my bed...” she answered and said that Pugachev, when he heard Masha’s moan, began to wonder who was behind the partition. Akulina Pamfilovna had to come up with a story on the spot about her niece, who had been ill for two weeks. Pugachev wanted to look at her, but no amount of persuasion helped. But, fortunately, everything worked out. Even Shvabrin, who had gone over to the side of the rebels and was now feasting with Pugachev, did not betray Maria.

A little reassured, Grinev came home, and there Savelich surprised him by informing him that Pugachev was none other than a tramp they met on the way to Orenburg, to whom Pyotr Andreevich presented a hare sheepskin coat.

Suddenly one of the Cossacks came running and said that the ataman demanded Grinev to come to him. I had to obey, and Peter went to the commandant’s house, where Pugachev was. The conversation with the impostor evoked conflicting feelings in the young man’s soul: on the one hand, he understood that he would never swear allegiance to the newly-minted ataman, on the other hand, he could not expose himself to the risk of death by calling himself a deceiver to his face. Meanwhile, Emelyan was waiting for an answer. "Listen; I’ll tell you the whole truth,” the young officer spoke. - Think about it, can I recognize you as a sovereign? You are a smart man: you would see for yourself that I am deceitful.”

Who am I, in your opinion?
- God knows you; but whoever you are, you are telling a dangerous joke..."

In the end, Pugachev gave in to Peter's request and agreed to let him go.

Chapter Nine. Parting

Pugachev generously released Grinev to Orenburg, ordering him to inform him that he would be there in a week, and appointed Shvabrin as the new commander. Suddenly Savelich handed the chieftain a piece of paper and asked him to read what was written there. It turns out that they were talking about the property of the commandant’s house plundered by the Cossacks and about compensation for damage, which angered Pugachev. However, this time he pardoned Savelich. And before leaving, Grinev decided to visit Maria again and, entering the priest’s house, he saw that the girl was unconscious, suffering from a severe fever. Anxious thoughts haunted Peter: how to leave a defenseless orphan in the midst of evil rebels. It was especially depressing that Shvabrin, who could cause harm to Masha, became the new commander of the impostors. With pain in his heart, tormented by strong emotions, the young man said goodbye to the one whom in his soul he already considered his wife.

On the way to Orenburg, a traitorous constable overtook him and Savelich, informing him that “his father favors a horse and a fur coat from his shoulder,” and even half a sum of money (which he lost along the way). And although the sheepskin coat was not worth even half of what was plundered by the villains, Peter still accepted such a gift.

Chapter ten. Siege of the city

So, Grinev and Savelich arrived in Orenburg. The sergeant, having learned that those who had arrived were from the Belogorodskaya fortress, led them to the house of the general, who turned out to be a good-natured old man. From a conversation with Peter, he learned about the terrible death of Captain Mironov, about the death of Vasilisa Yegorovna and that Masha remained with the priest.

A few hours later, a military council began, at which Grinev was present. When they began to discuss how to act in relation to criminals - defensively or offensively, only Peter expressed a firm opinion that it was necessary to decisively confront the villains. The rest were inclined to a defensive position.

The siege of the city began, as a result of which hunger and misfortune raged. Grinev was worried about the unknown about the fate of his beloved girl. And once again, having gone to the enemy’s camp, Peter unexpectedly encountered the constable Maksimych, who gave him a letter from Maria Ivanovna. The news where the poor orphan asked to protect her from Shvabrin, who was forcibly forcing her to marry him, infuriated Peter. He rushed headlong into the general's house, asking for soldiers to quickly clear the Belogorodskaya fortress, but finding no support, he decided to act on his own.

Chapter Eleven. Rebel settlement

Peter and Savelich rush to the Belogorodskaya fortress, but on the way they are surrounded by rebels and taken to their chieftain. Pugachev is again favorable to Grinev. After listening to Pyotr Andreevich’s request to free Masha from Shvabrin’s hands, he decides to go to the fortress. On the way they have a conversation. Grinev persuades Pugachev to surrender to the mercy of the empress, but he objects: it’s too late to repent...

Chapter twelve. Orphan

Contrary to Shvabrin’s assurances that Maria Ivanovna was ill, Pugachev ordered him to be taken to her room. The girl was in a terrible state: she was sitting on the floor, in a torn dress, with disheveled hair, pale, thin. Nearby stood a jug of water and a loaf of bread. Emelyan began to be indignant at Shvabrin for deceiving him by calling Masha his wife, and then the traitor revealed a secret: the girl was not the niece of the priest, but the daughter of the deceased Mironov. This angered Pugachev, but not for long. Grinev managed to justify himself here, too, because, having learned the truth, the impostor’s people would have killed the defenseless orphan. In the end, to Peter's great joy, Emelyan allowed him to take the bride. We decided to go to the village to visit our parents, because it was impossible to either stay here or go to Orenburg.

Chapter thirteen. Arrest

In anticipation of long happiness, Pyotr Andreevich set off on the road with his beloved. Suddenly a crowd of hussars surrounded them with terrible abuse, confusing them with Pugachev’s traitors. The travelers were arrested. Having learned about the impending danger of the prison, where the major ordered him to be imprisoned and the girl personally brought to him, Grinev rushed to the porch of the hut and boldly entered the room, where, to his surprise, he saw Ivan Ivanovich Zuev. When the situation became clearer, and everyone realized that Maria was not Pugachev’s gossip at all, but the daughter of the late Mironov, Zuev came out and apologized to her.

After some persuasion on the part of Ivan Ivanovich, Grinev decided to stay in his detachment, and send Maria with Savelich to her parents in the village, handing over a covering letter.

So Pyotr Andreevich began to serve in Zuev’s detachment. The pockets of uprising that broke out in places were soon suppressed, but Pugachev was not caught immediately. More time passed before the impostor was neutralized. The war ended, but, alas, Grinev’s dreams of seeing his family did not come true. Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, a secret order came to arrest him.

Chapter fourteen. Court

Although Grinev, who, according to Shvabrin’s denunciation, was considered a traitor, could easily justify himself to the commission, he did not want to involve Maria Ivanovna in this situation, and therefore kept silent about the true reason for his sudden departure from the Orenburg fortress and meeting with Pugachev.

Maria, meanwhile, was warmly received by Peter's parents and sincerely explained why their son had been arrested, refuting any idea of ​​treason. However, a few weeks later the priest received a letter saying that Pyotr Grinev was sentenced to exile and would be sent to eternal settlement. This news was a big blow for the family. And then Maria decided to go to St. Petersburg and personally explain the situation, meeting with the Empress, Catherine the Second. Fortunately, the girl’s plan was a success, and providence contributed to this. On an autumn morning, already in St. Petersburg, she got into conversation with a lady of about forty and told her about the reason for her arrival, not even suspecting that the Empress herself was in front of her. Sincere words in defense of the one who risked his life for the sake of his beloved touched the empress, and she, convinced of Grinev’s innocence, gave the order to release him. The happy lovers soon reunited their destinies. Pugachev was overtaken by a well-deserved execution. Standing on the scaffold, he nodded his head to Pyotr Grinev. A minute later it flew off his shoulders.

“The Captain's Daughter” - a novel by A. S. Pushkin

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In this article we will describe the work of A.S. A chapter-by-chapter retelling of this short novel, published in 1836, is offered to your attention.

1. Sergeant of the Guard

The first chapter begins with the biography of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The father of this hero served, after which he retired. There were 9 children in the Grinev family, but eight of them died in infancy, and Peter was left alone. His father registered him even before his birth as Pyotr Andreevich and was on vacation until he came of age. Uncle Savelich serves as the boy's teacher. He supervises the development of Russian literacy by the Petrushas.

After some time, the Frenchman Beaupre was discharged to Peter. He taught him German, French, and various sciences. But Beaupre did not raise the child, but only drank and walked. The boy's father soon discovered this and drove the teacher away. At the age of 17, Peter was sent to serve, but not to the place where he had hoped to go. He goes to Orenburg instead of St. Petersburg. This decision determined the future fate of Peter, the hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter."

Chapter 1 describes the parting words of a father to his son. He tells him that it is necessary to take care of honor from a young age. Petya, having arrived in Simbirsk, meets Zurin, the captain, in a tavern, who taught him to play billiards, and also got him drunk and won 100 rubles from him. It was as if Grinev had broken free for the first time. He behaves like a boy. Zurin demands the allotted winnings in the morning. Pyotr Andreevich, in order to show his character, forces Savelich, who protests this, to give out money. After which, feeling pangs of conscience, Grinev leaves Simbirsk. This is how Chapter 1 ends in the work “The Captain’s Daughter”. Let us describe further events that happened to Pyotr Andreevich.

2. Counselor

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin tells us about the further fate of this hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 of the novel is called "Counselor". In it we meet Pugachev for the first time.

On the way, Grinev asks Savelich to forgive him for his stupid behavior. Suddenly a snowstorm begins on the road, Peter and his servant lose their way. They meet a man who offers to take them to the inn. Grinev, riding in a cab, has a dream.

Grinev's dream is an important episode of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 describes it in detail. In it, Peter arrives at his estate and discovers that his father is dying. He approaches him to take the last blessing, but instead of his father he sees an unknown man with a black beard. Grinev is surprised, but his mother convinces him that this is his imprisoned father. A black-bearded man jumps up waving an ax, dead bodies fill the entire room. At the same time, the man smiles at Pyotr Andreevich and also offers him a blessing.

Grinev, already standing, examines his guide and notices that he is the same man from the dream. He is a forty-year-old man of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. There is already a noticeable streak of gray in his black beard. The man’s eyes are alive, and one can feel the sharpness and subtlety of his mind in them. The counselor's face has a rather pleasant expression. It's picaresque. His hair is cut into a circle, and this man is dressed in Tatar trousers and an old Armenian coat.

The counselor talks with the owner in “allegorical language.” Pyotr Andreevich thanks his companion, gives him a hare sheepskin coat, and pours a glass of wine.

An old friend of Grinev’s father, Andrei Karlovich R., sends Peter from Orenburg to serve in the Belogorsk fortress located 40 miles from the city. This is where the novel "The Captain's Daughter" continues. The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events occurring in it is as follows.

3. Fortress

This fortress resembles a village. Vasilisa Egorovna, a reasonable and kind woman, the wife of the commandant, is in charge of everything here. The next morning Grinev meets Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, a young officer. This man is short, extremely ugly, dark-skinned, very lively. He is one of the main characters in the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 3 is the place in the novel where this character first appears to the reader.

Because of the duel, Shvabrin was transferred to this fortress. He tells Pyotr Andreevich about life here, about the commandant’s family, while speaking unflatteringly about his daughter, Masha Mironova. You will find a detailed description of this conversation in the work “The Captain's Daughter” (Chapter 3). The commandant invites Grinev and Shvabrin to a family dinner. On the way, Peter sees a “training” going on: a platoon of disabled people is led by Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. He is wearing a “Chinese robe” and a cap.

4. Duel

Chapter 4 occupies an important place in the composition of the work "The Captain's Daughter". It says the following.

Grinev really likes the commandant's family. Pyotr Andreevich becomes an officer. He communicates with Shvabrin, but this communication brings the hero less and less pleasure. Grinev especially doesn’t like Alexei Ivanovich’s caustic remarks about Masha. Peter writes mediocre poems and dedicates them to this girl. Shvabrin speaks sharply about them, while insulting Masha. Grinev accuses him of lying, Alexey Ivanovich challenges Peter to a duel. Vasilisa Egorovna, having learned about this, orders the arrest of the duelists. Broadsword, the yard girl, deprives them of their swords. After some time, Pyotr Andreevich learns that Shvabrin was wooing Masha, but was refused by the girl. He understands now why Alexey Ivanovich slandered Masha. A duel is scheduled again, in which Pyotr Andreevich is wounded.

5. Love

Masha and Savelich are caring for the wounded man. Pyotr Grinev proposes to a girl. He sends a letter to his parents asking for blessings. Shvabrin visits Pyotr Andreevich and admits his guilt before him. Grinev’s father does not give him a blessing, he already knows about the duel that took place, and it was not Savelich who told him about it. Pyotr Andreevich believes that Alexey Ivanovich did this. The captain's daughter does not want to get married without her parents' consent. Chapter 5 tells about this decision of hers. We will not describe in detail the conversation between Peter and Masha. Let's just say that the captain's daughter decided to avoid Grinev in the future. The chapter-by-chapter retelling continues with the following events. Pyotr Andreevich stops visiting the Mironovs and loses heart.

6. Pugachevshchina

The commandant receives a notification that a bandit gang led by Emelyan Pugachev is operating in the surrounding area. attacks fortresses. Pugachev soon reached the Belogorsk fortress. He calls on the commandant to surrender. Ivan Kuzmich decides to expel his daughter from the fortress. The girl says goodbye to Grinev. However, her mother refuses to leave.

7. Attack

The attack on the fortress continues with the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events is as follows. At night, the Cossacks leave the fortress. They go over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. The gang attacks him. Mironov, with a few defenders, is trying to defend himself, but the forces of the two sides are unequal. The person who has captured the fortress organizes a so-called trial. The commandant, as well as his comrades, are executed on the gallows. When it’s Grinev’s turn, Savelich begs Emelyan, throwing himself at his feet, to spare Pyotr Andreevich, and offers him a ransom. Pugachev agrees. Residents of the city and soldiers swear an oath to Emelyan. They kill Vasilisa Yegorovna, bringing her naked onto the porch, as well as her husband. Pyotr Andreevich leaves the fortress.

8. Uninvited Guest

Grinev is very worried about how the captain’s daughter lives in the Belogorsk fortress.

The chapter-by-chapter content of further events in the novel describes the subsequent fate of this heroine. A girl is hiding near the priest, who tells Pyotr Andreevich that Shvabrin is on Pugachev’s side. Grinev learns from Savelich that Pugachev is accompanying them on the road to Orenburg. Emelyan calls Grinev to come to him, he comes. Pyotr Andreevich draws attention to the fact that everyone behaves like comrades with each other in Pugachev’s camp, and does not show preference to the leader.

Everyone boasts, expresses doubts, challenges Pugachev. His people sing a song about the gallows. Emelyan's guests leave. Grinev tells him in private that he does not consider him a king. He replies that good luck will be for the daring, because Grishka Otrepiev once ruled. Emelyan releases Pyotr Andreevich to Orenburg despite the fact that he promises to fight against him.

9. Separation

Emelyan gives Peter the order to tell the governor of this city that the Pugachevites will soon arrive there. Pugachev, leaving, leaves Shvabrin as commandant. Savelich writes a list of Pyotr Andreevich’s plundered goods and sends it to Emelyan, but he, in a “fit of generosity,” does not punish the daring Savelich. He even gives Grinev a fur coat from his shoulder and gives him a horse. Meanwhile, Masha is sick in the fortress.

10. Siege of the city

Peter goes to Orenburg, to see Andrei Karlovich, the general. Military people are absent from the military council. There are only officials here. It is more prudent, in their opinion, to remain behind a reliable stone wall than to try their luck in an open field. Officials offer to put a high price on Pugachev’s head and bribe Emelyan’s people. A police officer from the fortress brings a letter from Masha to Pyotr Andreevich. She reports that Shvabrin is forcing her to become his wife. Grinev asks the general to help, to provide him with people in order to clear the fortress. However, he refuses.

11. Rebel settlement

Grinev and Savelich rush to help the girl. Pugachev's people stop them on the way and lead them to the leader. He interrogates Pyotr Andreevich about his intentions in the presence of his confidants. Pugachev's people are a hunched, frail old man with a blue ribbon worn over his shoulder over a gray overcoat, as well as a tall, portly and broad-shouldered man of about forty-five. Grinev tells Emelyan that he came to save an orphan from Shvabrin’s claims. The Pugachevists propose to simply solve the problem with both Grinev and Shvabrin - hang them both. However, Pugachev clearly likes Peter, and he promises to marry him to a girl. Pyotr Andreevich goes to the fortress in the morning in Pugachev’s tent. He, in a confidential conversation, tells him that he would like to go to Moscow, but his comrades are robbers and thieves who will betray the leader at the first failure, saving their own necks. Emelyan tells a Kalmyk fairy tale about a raven and an eagle. The raven lived for 300 years, but at the same time pecked carrion. But the eagle chose to starve rather than eat the carrion. It’s better to drink living blood one day, Emelyan believes.

12. Orphan

Pugachev learns in the fortress that the girl is being bullied by the new commandant. Shvabrin starves her. Emelyan frees Masha and wants to marry her right away with Grinev. When Shvabrin says that this is Mironov’s daughter, Emelyan Pugachev decides to let Grinev and Masha go.

13. Arrest

On the way out of the fortress, soldiers take Grinev under arrest. They mistake Pyotr Andreevich for a Pugachevo man and take him to the boss. It turns out to be Zurin, who advises Pyotr Andreevich to send Savelich and Masha to their parents, and for Grinev himself to continue the battle. He follows this advice. Pugachev’s army was defeated, but he himself was not caught; he managed to gather new troops in Siberia. Emelyan is being pursued. Zurin is ordered to take Grinev under arrest and send him under guard to Kazan, putting him under investigation in the Pugachev case.

14. Court

Pyotr Andreevich is suspected of serving Pugachev. Shvabrin played an important role in this. Peter is sentenced to exile in Siberia. Masha lives with Peter's parents. They became very attached to her. The girl goes to St. Petersburg, to Tsarskoe Selo. Here she meets the empress in the garden and asks to have mercy on Peter. He talks about how he ended up with Pugachev because of her, the captain’s daughter. Briefly chapter by chapter, the novel we described ends as follows. Grinev is released. He is present at the execution of Emelyan, who nods his head, recognizing him.

The genre of historical novel is the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling does not describe all the events; we have mentioned only the main ones. Pushkin's novel is very interesting. After reading the original work "The Captain's Daughter" chapter by chapter, you will understand the psychology of the characters, and also learn some details that we have omitted.


“My father Andrei Petrovich Grinev in his youth served under Count Minich and retired as prime minister in 17.... Since then, he lived in his Simbirsk village, where he married the girl Avdotya Vasilievna Yu., the daughter of a poor nobleman there. There were nine of us children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy.

Mother was still pregnant with me, as I had already been enlisted in the Semenovsky regiment as a sergeant, by the grace of Guard Major Prince B., a close relative of ours.”

The boy was then hired as a French teacher named Bop-re. He loved to drink, was “fickle and dissolute to the extreme. His main weakness was his passion for the fair sex.” But soon they had to separate.

The washerwoman Palashka complained that Monsieur had seduced her. Andrei Petrovich Grinev immediately kicked him out. “That was the end of my upbringing. I lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old. Then my fate changed."

The father decided to send Petrusha to the service. The boy was very happy. He imagined himself as a guard officer living in St. Petersburg. But Petrusha was sent to Andrei Karlovich R., an old friend of his father, in Orenburg. Savelich went with him.

In Simbirsk, in a tavern, Peter met Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, captain of the hussar regiment. He convinced the boy that a soldier must learn to play billiards and learn to drink punch. Which is what both of them did. At the end of the game, Zurin announced to Peter that he had lost a hundred rubles. But Savelich had the money. Ivan Ivanovich agreed to wait and invited Petrusha to go to Arinushka for now.

We had dinner at Arinushka's. Peter got pretty drunk, then both returned to the tavern. And Zurin only repeated that you need to get used to the service. In the morning, Savelich reproached his owner for starting to walk too early. And then there’s the debt of a hundred rubles...

“Savelich looked at me with deep sorrow and went to collect my debt. I felt sorry for the poor old man; but I wanted to break free and prove that I was no longer a child. The money was delivered to Zurin.”


Only on the road did Peter manage to reconcile with Savelich.

And then a snowstorm overtook the travelers. Peter saw some black dot, the coachman drove the horses towards it. It turned out to be a road person. He invited everyone to go to the inn, which was located nearby. The wagon slowly began to move along the high snow. While we were driving, Petrusha had a dream that he could never forget. “It seemed to me that the storm was still raging, and we were still wandering through the snowy desert...

Suddenly I saw a gate and drove into the manor’s courtyard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that my father would be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents’ roof and would consider it deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother met me on the porch with an appearance of deep grief. Hush,” she tells me, “your father is sick and dying and wants to say goodbye to you.” Struck with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; there are people with sad faces standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother lifts the curtain and says: “Andrei Petrovich, Petrusha has arrived; he returned after learning about your illness; bless him." I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well?... Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. I turned to my mother in bewilderment, telling her: “What does this mean? This is not father. And why should I ask for a man’s blessing?” “It doesn’t matter, Petrusha,” my mother answered me, “this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand and may he bless you...” I did not agree. Then the man jumped out of bed, grabbed the ax from behind his back and began swinging it in all directions. I wanted to run... and couldn’t; the room was filled with dead bodies; I stumbled over bodies and slid in bloody puddles... The scary man called me affectionately, saying: “Don’t be afraid, come under my blessing...” Horror and bewilderment took possession of me... And at that moment I woke up; the horses stood; Savelich tugged at my hand, saying: “Come out, sir: we’ve arrived.”

“The owner, a Yaik Cossack by birth, seemed to be a man of about sixty, still fresh and vigorous. The guide “was about forty years old, of average height, thin and broad-shouldered... His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression.” He visited these parts more than once. The guide and the owner began talking in thieves' jargon about the affairs of the Yaitsky army, which at that time had just been pacified after the riot of 1772. Savelich looked at his interlocutors with suspicion. The inn looked very much like a robber influx. Petrusha was only amused by this.

In the morning the storm subsided. They harnessed the horses and paid the owner. And Peter gave the guide his sheepskin coat. The tramp was extremely pleased with the gift.

Arriving in Orenburg, we went straight to the general. Tomorrow was scheduled to move to the Belogorsk fortress to Captain Mironov, a kind and honest man.


The fortress was a village surrounded by a log fence. From the old captain's wife, Peter learned that officers were transferred here for indecent acts. For example, Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin was transferred for murder. “God knows what sin befell him; As you can see, he went out of town with one lieutenant, and they took swords with them, and, well, they stabbed each other; and Alexey Ivanovich stabbed the lieutenant, and in front of two witnesses! What do you want me to do? There is no master of sin."

The constable, a young and stately Cossack, entered. Vasilisa Yegorovna asked Maksimych to give the officer a cleaner apartment.

Pyotr Andreich was taken to Semyon Kuzov. The hut stood on a high bank of the river, at the very edge of the fortress. Half of the hut was occupied by the family of Semyon Kuzov, the other was given to Peter.

In the morning Shvabrin came to Petrusha. We met. The officer told Peter about life in the fortress. The commandant invited both of them to dinner. He turned out to be a vigorous old man, tall. “A girl of about eighteen entered the room, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire. At first glance I didn't really like her. I looked at her with prejudice: Shvabrin described Masha, the captain’s daughter, to me as a complete fool. At dinner they talked about how many souls Father Peter had; that the captain’s daughter Masha has only a dowry, that “a fine comb, a broom, and an altyn of money... It’s good if there is a kind person; Otherwise you’ll sit as an eternal bride among the girls.”

Marya Ivanovna blushed all over at this conversation, and even tears dripped onto her plate. Peter felt sorry for her and hastened to change the conversation.


Several weeks passed, and Peter got used to life in the Belogorsk fortress. In the commandant's house he was received like family. In Marya Ivanovna, the officer found a prudent and sensitive girl.

Shvabrin had several French books. Peter began to read, and a desire for literature awakened in him.

“Calm reigned around our fortress. But the peace was interrupted by sudden civil strife.”

Peter wrote a song and took it to Shvabrin, who alone in the entire fortress could appreciate such a work.

Destroying the thought of love, I strive to forget the beautiful, And ah, avoiding Masha, I think of getting freedom! But the eyes that captivated me are always before me; They confused my spirit, crushed my peace. You, having recognized my misfortunes, take pity on me, Masha, in vain for me in this fierce part, and that I am captivated by you.

Shvabrin resolutely declared that the song was not good because it resembled “love couplets.” And in the image of Masha, Shvabrin saw the captain’s daughter.

Then Shvabrin said: “...if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings.” This phrase completely infuriated Peter. We agreed on a duel. But Ivan Ignatich began to dissuade the young officer.

“I spent the evening, as usual, with the commandant. I tried to appear cheerful and indifferent, so as not to give any suspicion and avoid annoying questions; but I confess that I did not have that composure that those in my position almost always boast of. That evening I was in a mood for tenderness and tenderness. I liked Marya Ivanovna more than usual. The thought that perhaps I was seeing her for the last time gave her something touching in my eyes.”

Shvabrin and I agreed to fight over the stacks the next day at seven o’clock in the morning.

“We took off our uniforms, remained in only camisoles and drew our swords. At that moment, Ivan Ignatich and about five disabled people suddenly appeared from behind a stack.

He demanded us to see the commandant. We obeyed with annoyance; the soldiers surrounded us, and we went to the fortress following Ivan Ignatich, who led us in triumph, walking with amazing importance.”

Ivan Kuzmich scolded his ardent opponents. When they were left alone, Pyotr Andreich told Shvabrin that this matter would not end there.

“Return to the commandant; as usual, I sat down with Marya Ivanovna. Ivan Kuzmich was not at home; Vasilisa Egorovna was busy with housekeeping. We spoke in low voices. Marya Ivanovna tenderly reprimanded me for the anxiety caused to everyone by my quarrel with Shvabrin.”

Marya Ivanovna admitted that she liked Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, because he was wooing her. Then Peter realized that Shvabrin noticed their mutual sympathy and tried to distract them from each other. The very next day Alexey Ivanovich came to Peter.

We went to the river and began to fight with swords. But then Savelich’s voice was heard, Peter turned around... “At that very time, I was strongly stabbed in the chest below the right shoulder; I fell and fainted.”


“When I woke up, I could not come to my senses for some time and did not understand what had happened to me. I lay on the bed, in an unfamiliar room, and felt very weak. Savelich stood in front of me with a candle in his hands. Someone carefully developed the slings with which my chest and shoulder were tied.”

It turned out that Peter lay unconscious for five days. Marya Ivanovna leaned towards the duelist. “I grabbed her hand and clung to her, shedding tears of tenderness. Masha didn’t tear her away... and suddenly her lips touched my cheek, and I felt their hot and fresh kiss.”

Peter asks Masha to become his wife. “Marya Ivanovna did not leave my side. Of course, at the first opportunity, I began the interrupted explanation, and Marya Ivanovna listened to me more patiently. She, without any affectation, admitted to me her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents would certainly be happy about her happiness.” But what will his parents say? Peter wrote a letter to his father.

The officer made peace with Shvabrin in the first days of recovery. Ivan Kuzmich did not punish Pyotr Andreich. And Alexei Ivanovich was put in a bakery store under guard, “until he repents.”

Finally, Peter received an answer from the priest. He was not going to give his son either his blessing or his consent. In addition, my father was going to ask for Peter to be transferred from the Belogorsk fortress somewhere far away.

But Pyotr Andreich didn’t write anything about the fight in his letter! Peter's suspicions focused on Shvabrin.

The officer went to Masha. He asked her to get married without his parents' consent, but she refused.

“Since then, my position has changed. Marya Ivanovna hardly spoke to me and tried in every possible way to avoid me. The commandant's house became hateful to me. Little by little I learned to sit alone at home. At first Vasilisa Egorovna blamed me for this; but seeing my stubbornness, she left me alone. I saw Ivan Kuzmich only when the service required it. I met Shvabrin rarely and reluctantly, especially since I noticed in him a hidden hostility towards myself, which confirmed my suspicions. My life has become unbearable for me.”


At the end of 1773, the Orenburg province was inhabited by many semi-savage peoples, who had recently recognized the dominion of the Russian sovereigns. “Their constant indignation, unfamiliarity with laws and civil life, frivolity and cruelty required constant supervision from the government to keep them in obedience. The fortresses were built in places considered convenient and were inhabited for the most part by Cossacks, long-time owners of the Yaik banks. But the Yaik Cossacks, who were supposed to protect the peace and security of this region, for some time were themselves restless and dangerous subjects for the government.

In 1772 there was a disturbance in their main town. The reason for this was the strict measures taken by Major General Traubenberg to bring the army to proper obedience. The consequence was the barbaric murder of Traubenberg, a willful change in government and finally the pacification of the rebellion with grapeshot and cruel punishments.”

One evening, at the beginning of October 1773, Peter was summoned to the commandant. Shvabrin, Ivan Ignatich and the Cossack constable were already there. The commandant read a letter from the general, in which it was reported that the Don Cossack and schismatic Emelyan Pugachev had escaped from the guard, “gathered a villainous gang, caused outrage in the Yaik villages and had already taken and destroyed” several fortresses, carrying out robberies and capital murders everywhere.” It was ordered to take appropriate measures to repel the aforementioned villain and impostor, and, if possible, to completely destroy him if he turns to the fortress entrusted to your care.”

It was decided to establish guards and night watches.

Vasilisa Egorovna turned out to be unaware of the matter. She decided to find out everything from Ivan Ignatich. He let it slip. Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev.

“The commandant sent a constable with instructions to thoroughly reconnoiter everything in the neighboring villages and fortresses. The constable returned two days later and announced that in the steppe, sixty miles from the fortress, he saw many lights and heard from the Bashkirs that an unknown force was coming. However, he could not say anything positive, because he was afraid to go further.”

Yulay, a baptized Kalmyk, told the commandant that the constable’s testimony was false: “on his return, the crafty Cossack announced to his comrades that he had been with the rebels, introduced himself to their leader himself, who allowed him into his hand and talked with him for a long time. The commandant immediately put the constable under guard, and appointed Yulay in his place.” The constable escaped from the guard with the help of his like-minded people.

It became known that Pugachev was going to immediately go to the fortress and was inviting Cossacks and soldiers into his gang. It was heard that the villain had already taken possession of many fortresses.

It was decided to send Masha to Orenburg to her godmother.


At night the Cossacks set out from. fortress, taking Yulay with him by force. And unknown people were driving around the fortress. Marya Ivanovna did not have time to leave: the road to Orenburg was cut off; the fortress is surrounded.

Everyone went to the rampart. Masha also came - it’s worse at home alone. “...She looked at me and smiled forcefully. I involuntarily squeezed the hilt of my sword, remembering that the day before I had received it from her hands, as if to protect my beloved. My heart was burning. I imagined myself as her knight. I longed to prove that I was worthy of her trust, and began to eagerly await the decisive moment.”

Then Pugachev’s gang began to approach. “One of them held a piece of paper under his hat; the other had Yulay's head stuck on a spear, which he shook off and threw over the palisade to us. The poor Kalmyk’s head fell at the commandant’s feet.”

Ivan Kuzmich said goodbye to his wife and daughter and blessed them. The commandant and Masha left.

The fortress was surrendered. “Pugachev was sitting in an armchair on the porch of the commandant’s house. He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with braid. A tall sable cap with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. His face seemed familiar to me. Cossack elders surrounded him.

Father Gerasim, pale and trembling, stood at the porch, with a cross in his hands, and seemed to silently beg him for the upcoming sacrifices. A gallows was quickly erected in the square. When we approached, the Bashkirs dispersed the people and we were introduced to Pugachev.”

Ivan Kuzmich and Ivan Ignatyich were ordered to be hanged. Shvabrin was already among the rebel elders. His head was cut into a circle, and a Cossack caftan adorned his body. He approached Pugachev and said a few words in his ear.

Pugachev, without even looking at Peter, ordered him to be hanged. The executioners dragged him to the gallows, but suddenly stopped. Savelich threw himself at Pugachev’s feet and began to ask for pardon for the pupil and promised a ransom. Pyotr Andreich was released.

Residents began to swear oaths. And then a woman’s scream was heard. Several robbers dragged Vasilisa Yegorovna onto the porch, disheveled and stripped naked. One of them had already dressed up in her warmer. Others looted the apartment. In the end, the unfortunate old woman was killed.


Most of all, Peter was tormented by the unknown about the fate of Marya Ivanovna. Palashka said that Marya Ivanovna was hidden with the priest Akulina Pamfilovna. But Pugachev went there for dinner!

Peter rushed to the priest's house. From the priest he learned that Pugachev had already gone to look at his “niece,” but did nothing to her. Peter Aedreich went home. Savelich remembered why the “murderer’s” face seemed familiar to him. It was the same “drunkard who lured the sheepskin coat from you at the inn! The hare sheepskin coat is brand new; and he, the beast, tore it open, putting it on himself!”

Peter was amazed. “I could not help but marvel at the strange combination of circumstances: a children’s sheepskin coat, given to a tramp, saved me from the noose, and a drunkard, wandering around inns, besieged fortresses and shook the state!”

“Duty demanded that I appear where my service could still be useful to the fatherland in present, difficult circumstances... But love strongly advised me to stay with Marya Ivanovna and be her protector and patron. Although I foresaw a quick and undoubted change in circumstances, I still could not help but tremble, imagining the danger of her position.”

And then one of the Cossacks came with an announcement, “that the great sovereign demands you to come to him.” He was in the commandant's house.

“An extraordinary picture presented itself to me: at a table covered with a tablecloth and set with damasks and glasses, Pugachev and about ten Cossack elders were sitting, in hats and colored shirts, flushed with wine, with red faces and shining eyes. Between them there was neither Shvabrin nor our constable, the newly recruited traitors. “Ah, your honor! - said Pugachev, seeing me. - Welcome; honor and place, you are welcome.” The interlocutors made room. I sat down silently on the edge of the table."

Peter never touched the poured wine. The conversation turned to the fact that now the gang needs to go to Orenburg. The campaign was announced for tomorrow.

Pugachev was left alone with Peter. The chieftain said that “he would not yet favor his acquaintance” if he began to serve him.

“I answered Pugachev: “Listen; I'll tell you the whole truth. Judge, can I recognize you as a sovereign? You are a smart man: you would see for yourself that I am deceitful.”

“Who am I, in your opinion?” - “God knows you; but whoever you are, you are telling a dangerous joke.” Pugachev looked at me quickly. “So you don’t believe,” he said, “that I was Tsar Pyotr Fedorovich? Well, good. Isn't there good luck for the daring? Didn’t Grishka Otrepiev reign in the old days? Think what you want about me, but don’t lag behind me. What do you care about other things? Whoever is a priest is a dad. Serve me with faith and truth, and I will make you a field marshal and a prince. How do you think?"

“No,” I answered firmly. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you. If you really wish me well, then let me go to Orenburg.”

Pugachev was struck by Peter’s courage and sincerity. The chieftain released him on all four sides.


“Early in the morning a drum woke me up. I went to the meeting place. There the Pugachev crowds were already forming around the gallows, where yesterday’s victims were still hanging. The Cossacks stood on horseback, the soldiers under arms. The banners fluttered. Several cannons, among which I recognized ours, were placed on traveling carriages. All the residents were there, waiting for the impostor. At the porch of the commandant's house, a Cossack was holding a beautiful white horse of the Kyrgyz breed by the bridle. I looked for the commandant's body with my eyes. It was moved a little to the side and covered with matting. Finally, Pugachev came out of the entryway. The people took off their hats. Pugachev stopped on the porch and greeted everyone. One of the elders handed him a bag of copper money, and he began to throw handfuls of them. The people rushed to pick them up screaming, and there was some injury.

Pugachev was surrounded by his main accomplices. Shvabrin stood between them.

Our eyes met; in mine he could read contempt, and he turned away with an expression of sincere anger and feigned mockery. Pugachev, seeing me in the crowd, nodded his head and called me to him.”

The ataman advised Peter to immediately go to Orenburg and announce from him to the governor and all the generals to expect Pugachev to come to them in a week. “Encourage them to meet me with childlike love and obedience; otherwise they will not escape cruel execution.”

Pugachev appointed Shvabrin as the new commander. “With horror I heard these words: Shvabrin became the commander of the fortress; Marya Ivanovna remained in his power! God, what will happen to her!

And then Savelich handed Pugachev the paper. All the things stolen by the robbers were listed there. Savelich wanted Pugachev to return the money for all this! Pyotr Andreich was afraid for the poor old man.

But “Pugachev was apparently in a fit of generosity. He turned away and drove away without saying another word. Shvabrin and the elders followed him.”

Peter hurried to the priest's house to see Marya Ivanovna. She developed a severe fever at night. She lay unconscious and delirious. The patient did not recognize her lover.

“Shvabrin tormented my imagination most of all. Invested with power from the impostor, leading the fortress where the unfortunate girl remained - the innocent object of his hatred, he could decide on anything. What was I supposed to do? How can I help her? How to free from the hands of the villain? There was only one remedy left: I decided to immediately go to Orenburg in order to hasten the liberation of the Belogorsk fortress and, if possible, assist in this. I said goodbye to the priest and Akulina Pamfilovna, eagerly entrusting to her the one whom I already considered to be my wife.”


“Approaching Orenburg, we saw a crowd of convicts with shaved heads, with faces disfigured by the executioner’s tongs. They worked near the fortifications, under the supervision of garrison invalids. Others carried out in carts the rubbish that filled the ditch; others dug the ground with shovels; On the rampart, masons carried bricks and repaired the city wall.

At the gate the guards stopped us and demanded our passports. As soon as the sergeant heard that I was coming from the Belogorsk fortress, he took me straight to the general’s house.”

Peter told the general everything. Most of all, the old man was worried about the captain's daughter.

A council of war was appointed for the evening. “I stood up and, in short words, first describing Pugachev and his gang, I said affirmatively that there was no way for the impostor to resist the right weapon.”

But no one agreed to offensive movements. It was decided to repel the siege. Long days of hunger followed.

Peter accidentally met a police officer who gave him a letter. From it, the officer learned that Shvabrin forced Gerasim’s father to hand over Masha to him, “intimidating him with Pugachev.” Now she lives in her father's house under guard. Alexey Ivanovich forces her to marry him.

“Father Pyotr Andreich! you are my only patron; intercede for poor me. Ask the general and all the commanders to send the sikurs to us as soon as possible, and come yourself if you can. I remain your humble poor orphan.

Marya Mironova."

Peter rushed to the general and began to ask for a company of soldiers to clear the Belogorsk fortress. But the old man refused.


Peter decided to go to the fortress. Savelich went with him. On the way, the old man was captured by robbers. Again the travelers found themselves in the hands of Pugachev.

“A strange thought occurred to me: it seemed to me that Providence, which had led me to Pugachev for the second time, was giving me an opportunity to put my intention into action.”

Pyotr Andreich said that he wanted to free the orphan who was being abused in the Belogorsk fortress. Pugachev’s eyes sparkled, he promised to judge the offender Shvabrin. Peter said that the orphan was his bride. The chieftain became even more excited.

In the morning we harnessed the wagon and went to the Belogorsk fortress. “I remembered the reckless cruelty, the bloodthirsty habits of the one who volunteered to be the deliverer of my dear! Pugachev did not know that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov; the embittered Shvabrin could reveal everything to him; Pugachev could have discovered the truth in another way... Then what will happen to Marya Ivanovna? The cold ran through my body, and my hair stood on end...”


“The carriage drove up to the porch of the commandant’s house. The people recognized Pugachev's bell and ran after us in a crowd. Shvabrin met the impostor on the porch. He was dressed as a Cossack and grew a beard. The traitor helped Pugachev to get out of the wagon, expressing his joy and zeal in vile terms.”

Shvabrin guessed that Pugachev was dissatisfied with him. He cowered in front of him, and looked at Peter incredulously. The conversation turned to Masha. “Sovereign! - he said. - You have the power to demand from me whatever you want; but do not order a stranger to enter my wife’s bedroom.” Pugachev doubted that the girl was his wife. We entered.

“I looked and froze. On the floor, in a ragged peasant dress, sat Marya Ivanovna, pale, thin, with disheveled hair. In front of her stood a jug of water, covered with a slice of bread. Seeing me, she shuddered and screamed. I don’t remember what happened to me then.”

To Pugachev’s question, Marya Ivanovna replied that Shvabrin was not her husband. The chieftain released the girl.

“Marya Ivanovna quickly looked at him and guessed that in front of her was the murderer of her parents. She covered her face with both hands and fell down. feelings. I rushed to her; but at that moment my old friend Palash very boldly entered the room and began to court her young lady. Pugachev left the room, and the three of us went into the living room.”

“What, your honor? - said Pugachev, laughing. - Rescued the red maiden! Do you think we should send for the priest and force him to marry his niece? Perhaps I will be the imprisoned father, Shvabrin’s friend; Let’s party, drink, and lock the gate!”

And then Shvabrin confessed that Masha was the daughter of Ivan Mironov, who was executed during the capture of the local fortress. But Pugachev forgave Peter for this too. He gave him a pass to all the outposts and fortresses subject to the ataman.

When Marya Ivanovna and Pyotr Andreich finally met, they began to talk about what they should do next. “It was impossible for her to remain in the fortress, subject to Pugachev and controlled by Shvabrin. It was impossible to think about Orenburg, which was undergoing all the disasters of the siege. She did not have a single relative in the world. I suggested that she go to the village to visit my parents. At first she hesitated: my father’s well-known dislike frightened her. I calmed her down. I knew that my father would consider it a blessing and make it his duty to accept the daughter of an honored warrior who died for the fatherland.”

Pugachev and Peter parted on friendly terms.

“We approached a town where, according to the bearded commandant, there was a strong detachment going to join the impostor. We were stopped by guards. To the question: who is going? - the coachman answered loudly: “The sovereign’s godfather is with his mistress.” Suddenly a crowd of hussars surrounded us with terrible abuse. “Come out, demonic godfather! - the mustachioed sergeant told me. “Now you’ll have a bath, and with your hostess!”

I got out of the tent and demanded that they take me to their boss. Seeing the officer, the soldiers stopped cursing. The sergeant took me to the major. Savelich did not lag behind me, saying to himself: “Here is the sovereign’s godfather for you! Out of the frying pan and into the fire... O Lord! how will this all end? The carriage followed us at a step.

Five minutes later we came to a house, brightly lit. The sergeant left me on guard and went to report on me. He immediately returned, announcing to me that his nobility had no time to receive me, but that he ordered me to be taken to the prison and the hostess to be brought to him.”

Peter flew into a rage and rushed onto the porch. Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, who once beat Peter in the Simbirsk tavern, turned out to be highly honorable! They immediately made up. Zurin himself went out into the street to apologize to Marya Ivanovna in an involuntary misunderstanding and ordered the sergeant to give her the best apartment in the city. Peter stayed overnight with him and told him his adventures.

Zurin advised the old acquaintance to “get rid of” the captain’s daughter, send her to Simbirsk alone, and offered Petra to stay in his detachment.

“Although I did not entirely agree with him, I nevertheless felt that a duty of honor required my presence in the army of the empress. I decided to follow Zurin’s advice: send Marya Ivanovna to the village and stay in his detachment.”

“The next morning I came to Marya Ivanovna. I told her my assumptions. She recognized their prudence and immediately agreed with me. Zurin's detachment was supposed to leave the city on the same day. There was no point in delaying. I immediately parted with Marya Ivanovna, entrusting her to Savelich and giving her a letter to my parents. Marya Ivanovna began to cry."

In the evening we set out on a hike. “Gangs of robbers fled from us everywhere, and everything foreshadowed a quick and prosperous end. Soon, Prince Golitsyn, near the Tatishcheva fortress, defeated Pugachev, scattered his crowds, and liberated Orenburg. But still Pugachev himself was not caught. He appeared at the Siberian factories, gathered new gangs there and again began to commit villainy there with success. News arrived about the destruction of Siberian fortresses.

Soon Pugachev fled. After a while he was completely defeated, and he himself was caught.

“Zurin gave me a vacation. A few days later I was supposed to find myself again in the middle of my family, to see my Marya Ivanovna again... Suddenly an unexpected thunderstorm struck me. On the day appointed for departure, at the very moment when I was preparing to set off on the road, Zurin entered my hut, holding a paper in his hands, looking extremely preoccupied. Something pierced my heart. I was scared without knowing why. He sent my orderly away and announced that he had business with me.”

This was a secret order to all individual commanders to arrest me, wherever I was caught, and immediately send me under guard to Kazan to the Investigative Commission established in the Pugachev case. Probably, rumors about Peter’s friendly relations with Pugachev reached the government.

“I was sure that my unauthorized absence from Orenburg was to blame. I could easily justify myself: equestrianism was not only never prohibited, but was also encouraged by all means. I could have been accused of being too hot-tempered, not of disobedience. But my friendly relations with Pugachev could be proven by many witnesses and should have seemed at least very suspicious.”

In the Kazan fortress, Peter’s legs were chained, and then they took him to prison and left him alone in a cramped and dark kennel. The next day the prisoner was taken for interrogation. They asked about when and how the officer began to serve with Pugachev. Peter told everything as it is. And then they invited the one who accused Grinev. It turned out to be Shvabrin! “According to him, I was sent by Pugachev to Orenburg as a spy; went out every day to shootouts in order to convey written news about everything that was happening in the city; that at last he had clearly given himself over to the impostor, he traveled with him from fortress to fortress, trying in every possible way to destroy his fellow traitors in order to take their places and enjoy the rewards distributed from the impostor.”

Meanwhile, Marya Ivanovna was received by the groom's parents with sincere cordiality. They soon became attached to her, because it was impossible to recognize her and not love her. “My love no longer seemed like an empty whim to my father; and mother only wanted her Petrusha to marry the captain’s sweet daughter.”

The news of their son's arrest shocked the Grinev family. But no one believed that this matter could end unfavorably. Soon the priest received a letter from St. Petersburg stating that the suspicions about Peter’s participation “in the plans of the rebels, unfortunately, turned out to be too solid that an exemplary execution should have befallen me, but that the empress, out of respect for the merits and advanced years of my father, decided to pardon criminal son and, sparing him from a shameful execution, ordered only to be exiled to the remote region of Siberia for eternal settlement.”

The old man believed that his son was a traitor. He was inconsolable. “Marya Ivanovna suffered more than anyone. Being sure that I could justify myself whenever I wanted, she guessed the truth and considered herself to be the culprit of my misfortune. She hid her tears and suffering from everyone and meanwhile constantly thought about ways to save me.”

Marya Ivanovna, Palasha and Savelich went to Sofia. In the morning, the girl in the garden accidentally met a court lady, who began to question her about why she had come. Masha said that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov, that she had come to ask the Empress for mercy. The lady said that she happens to be at court. Then Marya Ivanovna took a folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to her unfamiliar patron, who began to read it to herself. But when the lady realized that the girl was asking for Grinev, she replied that the empress could not forgive him. But Masha tried to explain to the lady that Peter could not justify himself because he did not want to involve her in the matter. Then the stranger asked not to tell anyone about the meeting, promising that the girl would not have to wait long for an answer.

Soon the empress demanded Masha to come to court. When Masha saw the empress, she recognized her as the lady with whom she had spoken so openly in the garden! The Empress said that she was convinced of Peter’s innocence and gave a letter to his father.

“The notes of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev stop here. From family legends it is known that he was released from prison at the end of 1774, by personal order; that he was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him, which a minute later, dead and bloody, was shown to the people. Soon afterwards, Pyotr Andreevich married Marya Ivanovna. Their descendants prosper in the Simbirsk province.”

Retelling plan

1. The life of the undergrowth Petrusha Grinev.
2. Peter goes to serve in Orenburg.
3. A stranger saves Grinev in a snowstorm, Peter gives the “counselor” a hare sheepskin coat.
4. Grinev’s acquaintance with the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress.
5. Duel between Grinev and Shvabrin.
6. Peter does not receive the blessing of his parents for his wedding with Masha Mironova.
7. Residents of the fortress learn about the approach of Emelyan Pugachev’s army.
8. Pugachev establishes his power in the fortress.
9. Shvabrin goes over to Pugachev’s side. The rebel lets Grinev go, remembering his rabbit sheepskin coat.
10. Shvabrin becomes the commandant of the fortress and forces Masha, who remains an orphan, to marry him.
11. Grinev and Savelich go to help Masha and meet Pugachev again.
12. Pugachev releases Masha and Grinev.
13. Peter sends Masha to his parents, and he himself fights against Pugachev.
14. Grinev was arrested following Shvabrin’s denunciation.
15. Masha seeks justice from the empress.


Epigraph: Take care of honor from a young age. (Proverb.)

Chapter 1. Sergeant of the Guard

Peter Grinev's father retired; there were nine children in the family, but all except Peter died in infancy. Even before his birth, Petrusha was enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment. The boy is raised by the serf uncle Savelich, under whose guidance Petrusha masters Russian literacy and learns to “judge the merits of a greyhound dog.” Later, the Frenchman Beaupré was assigned to him, who was supposed to teach the boy “French, German and other sciences,” but he did not educate Petrusha, but drank and walked. The father soon discovered this and kicked the Frenchman out.

In his seventeenth year, Petrusha’s father sent him to serve, but not to St. Petersburg, as his son had hoped, but to Orenburg. Along the way, Grinev meets captain Zurin at a tavern, who teaches him to play billiards, gets him drunk and wins 100 rubles from him. Grinev “behaved like a boy who had broken free.” The next morning Zurin demands the winnings. Wanting to show character, Grinev forces Savelich, despite his protests, to give out money, and, ashamed, leaves Simbirsk.

Chapter 2. Counselor

On the way, Grinev asks Savelich for forgiveness for his stupid behavior. On the way they are caught in a snowstorm. They lose their way, but meet a man who leads them to their home. At the inn, Grinev looks at the counselor. He talks to the owner in “allegorical language”: “I flew into the garden, pecked hemp; Grandmother threw a pebble, but missed.” Grinev sees a prophetic dream in which subsequent events are predicted. Grinev gives the counselor a rabbit sheepskin coat. gratitude for salvation.

From Orenburg, his father's old friend Andrei Karlovich sends Grinev to serve in the Belogorsk fortress (40 versts from the city).

Chapter 3. Fortress

The fortress looks like a village. Everything is in charge of a reasonable and kind old woman, the commandant’s wife, Vasilisa Egorovna.

Grinev meets Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin, a young officer transferred to the fortress for a duel. He tells Grinev about life in the fortress, sarcastically describes the commandant’s family, and speaks especially unflatteringly about the commandant Mironov’s daughter, Masha.

Chapter 4. Duel

Grinev becomes very attached to the commandant’s family. He is promoted to officer. Grinev communicates a lot with Shvabrin, but he likes him less and less, and especially his caustic remarks about Masha. Grinev dedicates love poems to Masha, mediocre ones. Shvabrin sharply criticizes them, insults Masha before talking with Grinev. Grinev calls him a liar, Shvabrin demands satisfaction. To prevent a duel, on the orders of Vasilisa Yegorovna they are arrested. After some time, Grinev learns from Masha that Shvabrin wooed her, and she refused him (this explains Shvabrin’s persistent slander towards the girl). The duel resumes, Shvabrin insidiously wounds Grinev.

Chapter 5. Love

Masha and Savelich are caring for the wounded. Grinev proposes to Masha. He writes a letter to his parents asking for their blessing for marriage. Shvabrin comes to visit Grinev and admits that he was to blame. In Father Grinev’s letter there is a refusal of blessing. Masha avoids Grinev, does not want a wedding without the consent of her parents. Grinev stops visiting the Mironovs’ house and loses heart.

Chapter 6. Pugachevism

The commandant receives notification of the bandit gang of Emelyan Pugachev attacking the fortress. Vasilisa Egorovna finds out everything, and rumors about an imminent attack spread throughout the fortress. Pugachev surrounds the fortress and calls on the enemy to surrender. Ivan Kuzmich decides to send Masha away from the fortress. Masha says goodbye to Grinev. Vasilisa Egorovna refuses to leave and remains with her husband.

Chapter 7. Attack

At night, the Cossacks leave the Belogorsk fortress under the banners of Pugachev. The Pugachevites attack the fortress. The commandant and the few defenders of the fortress are defending themselves, but the forces are unequal. Pugachev, who captured the fortress, arranges a trial. Ivan Kuzmich and his comrades are executed (hanged). When it’s Grinev’s turn, Savelich throws himself at Pugachev’s feet, begging him to spare the “master’s child,” he promises; ransom Pugachev changes his anger to mercy, remembering the barchuk who gave him a hare sheepskin coat. Residents of the city and garrison soldiers swear allegiance to Pugachev. They take Vasilisa Yegorovna out onto the porch and kill her. Pugachev leaves. The people are running after him.

Chapter 10. Siege of the city

Grinev goes to Orenburg to visit General Andrei Karlovich. Officials offer to bribe Pugachev's people (put a high price on his head). The constable brings Grinev a letter from Masha from the Belogorsk fortress. She reports that Shvabrin is forcing her to marry him. Grinev asks the general to give him a company of soldiers and fifty Cossacks to clear the Belogorsk fortress. The general, of course, refuses.

Chapter 11. Rebel settlement

Grinev and Savelich go alone to help Masha. On the way, they are grabbed by Pugachev’s people. Pugachev interrogates Grinev about his intentions in the presence of like-minded people. Grinev admits that he is going to save an orphan from Shvabrin’s claims. The robbers propose to deal not only with Shvabrin, but also with Grinev, namely, to hang both. Pugachev treats Grinev with obvious sympathy and promises to marry him to Masha. In the morning, Grinev goes to the fortress in Pugachev’s wagon. In a confidential conversation, Pugachev tells him that he would like to go to Moscow, and tells Grinev a Kalmyk fairy tale about an eagle and a raven.

Chapter 12. Orphan

In the fortress, Pugachev finds out that Shvabrin is mocking Masha, starving her. Pugachev “by the will of the sovereign” frees the girl and wants to immediately marry her to Grinev. Shvabrin reveals that she is the daughter of Captain Mironov. Pugachev decides: “execute like that, execute like that, favor like that,” and releases Grinev and Masha.

Chapter 13. Arrest

On the way from the fortress, soldiers arrest Grinev, mistaking him for a Pugachevo, and take him to their superior, who turns out to be Zurin. On his advice, Grinev decides to send Masha and Savelich to his parents, while he continues to fight. Pugachev is being pursued and caught. The war ends. Zurin receives an order to arrest Grinev and send him under guard to Kazan to the Investigative Commission in the Pugachev case.

Chapter 14. Court

Due to Shvabrin's slanderous denunciation, Grinev is suspected of serving Pugachev. He is sentenced to exile in Siberia.

Grinev's parents are in grief over the fate of their son. They became very attached to Masha. Masha goes to St. Petersburg to seek justice from the empress herself. In Tsarskoe Selo, in the garden, she accidentally meets the empress, not knowing who is in front of her, and tells the true story of Grinev, explaining that he came to Pugachev because of her. Masha is called to the palace. At the audience, the Empress promises to arrange Masha’s fate and forgive Grinev. He is released from custody.