If quality, cost or time indicators deviate from the planned ones, the project manager decides on adjustments, which depend on the specific features of the plan. As a rule, corrective measures are developed with broad participation of all interested parties.

Sometimes adjustments are needed when the project seems to be going well. For example, Figure 16 shows a seemingly successful project. Time and cost variables are within normal limits and even with a certain margin. However, upon careful examination of the picture, the project manager can get an idea of ​​future events, see trend, which requires intervention and appropriate amendments.

Network planning

This section discusses two main network planning methods: the critical path method (CPM) and the plan evaluation and review method (PERT).

A simpler method of project planning is the Gantt chart. Figure 17 shows a Gantt chart for a procurement project.

Figure 17. Implementation of the logistics plan. Gantt chart

The project provides for the purchase of vehicles, the development of new routes and the construction of a new base with appropriate equipment for storing and transshipping goods. The following main events are planned:

    Development of a logistics solution. The period is three months, taking into account the time required to obtain all the necessary information from the customer (The main task is to obtain information from people who are not directly involved in the project).

    Refine solution. A long process of clarifying the developed solution. Must be completed prior to meeting with suppliers.

    Preparation of proposals for the plan. Requires four weeks. (The job specification must be ready first.)

    System requirements. Lengthy process of information systems integration. (All systems are available, but they must be integrated into the project in accordance with its objectives).

    Meeting and negotiations with suppliers. The central coordinating body should explain the new requirements to suppliers.

    Plan approval. Eight weeks are required, but experience shows that twelve weeks are necessary for these purposes.

    Mechanical handling equipment. The period for receiving standard equipment is 12 weeks, specialized equipment is 16 weeks. (Standard value indicated. The work involves the design and installation of shelving).

    Construction of a building. Construction of a building of 10,000 sq. m. will take six months (the pace of construction may also be affected by weather conditions).

    Supply of tractors. Currently it takes 10 - 12 weeks to complete an order.

    Trailer supply. 8 weeks in the standard version and 12 in the specialized version.

    Recruitment and training of personnel. Three months before the launch of the enterprise, 100 people need to be hired. (Training will begin two weeks before the project is handed over).

    Testing the new system. This requires 2 weeks of testing, testing and final training.

The line length of each job is directly proportional to calendar time. The thick line shows the extent to which each job is actually completed. The “Now” arrow indicates that all work to the left of it should be completed by now.

A Gantt chart is the simplest way to visually and easily present a plan. However, its capabilities are limited by the number of works, with a large number of which the schedule becomes overloaded.

Making changes to the design documentation that has passed the examination, may be required due to various reasons. At the same time, in some cases, repeated expert work on the project is mandatory. All questions and nuances of making changes to project documentation and conducting a secondary examination will be considered in this article.

Changes to design documentation and re-examination

Making adjustments to project documentation after receiving a positive summary from experts is a situation that occurs quite often. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code directly requires that appropriate corrections be made to the project if, during the development process, inconsistencies in the parameters from the theoretical data of the design documentation are discovered. Otherwise, discrepancies in the design data and the parameters of the actually constructed facility will not allow the subsequent execution of documents for the building.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the same code, after making adjustments to the project documentation before its approval, the developer or customer must send the project for examination. However, clause 3 of Art. 49 contains some exceptions and states that expert work on project documents is not required if:

  • the revised design documentation has already been examined and received a positive resolution based on the results;
  • the amendments made to the project did not affect the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the facility;
  • adjustments to the project did not lead to an increase in construction costs.

The same thing, only from a different angle, is said in paragraph 44 of Government Decree No. 145 dated 03/05/2007. This provision of the Decree requires that modified design documentation that received a positive expert opinion earlier be sent for expert analysis a second time, if the amendments affected technical solutions , affecting the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

At the same time, in paragraph 44 of Resolution No. 145, the customer or developer has the choice of undergoing a re-examination of the revised project if the essence of the modification allows it not to undergo a re-examination. That is, in this case, the customer or developer can, at their own request, undergo an examination of the project documentation again.

When is a re-examination of design documentation required?

An expert analysis of project documentation is initially carried out in order to obtain permission to construct the facility and begin actual construction with the fulfillment of all legislative and bureaucratic requirements.

But there are situations when, after passing an expert study, a second examination is required.

Don't know your rights?

  1. First of all, this situation arises in the event of receiving a negative conclusion on the project. The goal with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - obtaining a positive resolution for issuing a construction permit. Therefore, customers are interested in making all the necessary amendments to the design documentation as quickly as possible, which are indispensable for the approving conclusion of experts.
  2. The need for re-examination due to changes in design documentation in the form of:
    • development of additional sections;
    • adjustments or significant additions;
    • significant changes in the project.

Thus, it is clear that in any case, the need to conduct another examination of the design documentation arises due to changes to it. Only in the first option are these changes forced, due to previous errors or inaccuracies that resulted in a negative expert opinion. In the second case, the amendments are voluntary, due to some external circumstances or adjustments to the project associated with the objective application of theoretical data in the practical construction of a specific facility.

List of changes affecting the safety of the capital construction facility

So, the most important question that needs to be resolved by a developer or customer who makes adjustments to design documentation that has passed a positive examination: do the changes made concern technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the facility? That is, in fact, to conclude that it is necessary to conduct another expert analysis of the project documentation.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated December 30, 2009 approved the List of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction projects. The document is quite detailed and therefore voluminous. Types of work are divided into 3 sections:

  • on engineering surveys;
  • on preparation of project documentation;
  • for construction, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the types of work within their section are divided into subtypes. So, for example, preparatory work for construction, reconstruction and major repairs (clause 2, section 3 of the List) includes 4 subtypes:

  • dismantling/dismantling of buildings, walls, ceilings, stairs, etc.;
  • construction of temporary roads, sites, utility networks and structures;
  • installation of rail crane tracks and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological waste chutes.

Such a detailed listing allows us to avoid any doubts about the involvement of the amendments made to the project in the adjustment of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility, and therefore in the need for another examination of the project.

Procedure for re-examination

In accordance with paragraph 44 of Resolution No. 145, re-examination can be carried out an unlimited number of times (2 or more). At the same time, each subsequent examination is carried out in the order prescribed by law for conducting the initial state examination. Meanwhile, experts will evaluate:

  • that part of the project documents to which amendments were made;
  • compatibility of the modified part of the project with the rest of the design documentation, which was previously subject to expert analysis.

Thus, to conduct a re-examination, the customer must provide a package of documents according to the list specified in clause 13 of the Regulations approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation that has previously received a positive expert opinion.
  3. A copy of the positive conclusion.
  4. The task of making adjustments to the design documentation.
  5. Certificate of amendments made to the draft.

It must be borne in mind that the entire project can be considered for re-examination if, since the initial or previous re-examination, amendments have been made to the legislation affecting the results of the state examination.

Making changes in the event of a negative examination of project documentation

If the project documentation received a negative conclusion based on the results of the experts’ work, then in paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Town Planning Code offers 2 solutions:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Regional Development or the court and try to challenge the results of the expert opinion.
  2. Pass a re-examination after eliminating all the specified shortcomings.

In practice, since experts rarely make mistakes, and court proceedings are expensive and lengthy, it is easier and more effective to amend the draft based on comments and undergo the examination again. Moreover, the Regulations on the conduct of the examination, approved by Resolution No. 145, contain a rule allowing not to return to the applicant documents submitted for examination in paper form, if the comments that caused the negative conclusion are eliminated, possibly without returning the documentation. In this case, the applicant is given a certain period to eliminate the deficiencies, after which he must provide the expert organization with that part of the project documentation that has undergone changes and a certificate describing the amendments made.

Thus, the corrected design documentation requires a re-examination, both mandatory and at the request of the developer. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment, to correctly evaluate the changes made to the design documents and conduct a re-examination if required by law, otherwise later there may be great difficulties with documenting the constructed facility.

When making changes to design documentation, in almost all cases a re-examination is required, which is carried out in the same way as the first inspection. However, if these changes do not affect significant characteristics of the building that affect the safety of the facility, a new examination is not needed. A description of options for making changes, as well as the procedure for approving them, can be found in the article.

It is permissible to make amendments to project documents, and in some cases it is inevitable, since a number of documents undergo a secondary examination, as a result of which certain modifications are made. Changes to the design documentation can be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013.

Changes to design documentation can be made in accordance with the rules of this standard or in accordance with its own standards developed within the organization.

Making adjustments is also allowed by the Town Planning Code - for example, due to deviation of the parameters of objects from the specified indicators in the project.

After all the amendments have been made, the developer must conduct an examination, based on a positive decision of which the specified changes will come into force.

However, in a number of cases the examination is not carried out:

  1. If the corrected documents have already undergone an examination, based on the results of which they received approval.
  2. If the changes do not affect the characteristics that ensure the integrity and safety of the structure.
  3. If, as a result of the amendments, the estimate for construction work has not increased (a decrease is allowed).

Based on this the main question is whether the new additions affect the essential parameters of the building ensuring its safety. Find such a list of characteristics, i.e. Specific types of work, the implementation of which affects the reliability of the structure, can be found in the relevant Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

The order describes 34 types of such work, which are grouped into 3 sections:

  1. Engineering surveys (geodetic, geological, environmental, etc.).
  2. Preparation of design documents (architectural, technological, design solutions, etc.).
  3. Work related to construction, reconstruction and major repairs at sites (installation of structures, excavation, installation and many other works).

Based on this list, you can definitely say whether a re-examination is required to approve the changes or not.

2 options for making changes to the project

There are 2 options for entering new data - a complete replacement of the sheet(s) or entry without replacement. The choice of a specific method is at the discretion of the customer.

Complete sheet replacement

This method is used in cases where experts have found quite a lot of flaws, so it is advisable not to edit each of them separately, but simply remove the sheet and completely redo it. The advantage of this method is that it is often faster to create a new page than to edit the old one. However, in this case, all new data has to be coordinated with related departments, which delays the process.

The application algorithm is as follows:

Making changes to a sheet

If the number of changes is small or insignificant, you can use the original sheet. They operate in this way:

  1. Part of the text is erased and an amendment is made.
  2. The amendment is circled and given a number 1.1, 1.2, etc.
  3. Next, write down the change number and the total number of changes again.
  4. Indicate Change: the sheet has been changed.
  5. Write down the document number, date and signature.

Amendments must also be made to the general data sheet. The entry is recorded in the notes (the amendment number, abbreviation Replace or Change are written down). Changes to the general data sheet are not reflected in the registration sheet.

When is a project re-examination necessary?

The initial purpose of the project examination is to obtain a construction permit. However, in some cases, one examination is not enough, so a repeated examination is necessary:

  1. In case of receiving a negative conclusion based on the results of the first examination.
  2. In case of changes to the design documents.

These amendments may be related to:

  • entering new data;
  • significant changes to previously entered data.

Thus, the amendments themselves can be made either involuntarily (if deficiencies are discovered and a negative expert opinion is received) or voluntarily (adjustment of the project). However, a re-examination will be required in both cases.

How is a re-examination carried out?

You can submit an application for an examination an unlimited number of times. The procedure for conducting them is the same - experts check those parts of the documents where amendments have been made, as well as the compatibility of this documentation with the rest of the project that have already been checked.

To submit an application, the customer provides the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • project documents that previously received a positive expert opinion;
  • the positive decision itself (copy);
  • terms of reference for making changes;
  • certificate of changes made.

The project is reviewed within the established time frame (up to 60 calendar days), and a positive or negative conclusion is issued based on the result. In this case, experts may request a re-examination of the entire project, and not just those documents to which amendments have been made. This is possible if, since the previous inspection, certain changes have taken place in the legislation, which also relate to the requirements for project documentation.

We would like to complete this section of the official website of the Moscow State Expertise together with you. Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the state examination of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results will be posted here. If you have suggestions for materials that you would like to see in this section, please report them to [email protected]. We will definitely take them into account when maintaining this section of our website.

All questions ?

We are currently developing design documentation for the reconstruction of the experimental thermal power plant of the All-Russian Thermal Engineering Institute OJSC. The partially existing main building of the Electric Power Plant is located in the water-protected zone of the river. Moscow. Reconstruction is being carried out inside the main building. Please clarify with which organizations we must coordinate the design documentation before transferring it to the State Autonomous Institution "Mosgosexpertiza".


Answer: To conduct an examination of design documentation developed in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008, no additional approvals are required.


Question: I ask you to provide clarification to the RF PP dated 06/03/13. No. 470. The “Highway” object was approved by the State Autonomous Institution Mosgosexpertiza in 2008. Construction in 2013 The resolution establishes the possibility of adjusting design documentation that has passed the state examination and received confirmation of the reliability of the estimated cost, taking into account the inclusion of modern technologies not previously provided for in this documentation, without the need for a second state examination and confirmation of the reliability of the estimated cost of the object. Does this mean that a re-examination is not required?


Answer: In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 No. 145, design documentation that has received a positive conclusion from the state examination is sent again for state examination when included in changes in technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of a capital construction project. Project documentation that has received a positive conclusion from the state examination, at the initiative of the developer or technical customer, can be sent again (2 or more times) for state examination in the event of changes being made to it in terms of technical solutions that do not affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction project .


Question: According to GOST R 21 1101-2009, the name of the construction project on the title page must correspond to the information given in columns 2 and 3 of the main inscription. Correspondence is not identity, which gives rise to questions. For example, would it be a mistake if we did not indicate in column 3 the name of the enterprise that is already indicated in column 2? There are rumors that for federal targeted projects your examination requires in column 3 to indicate the full name of the construction project indicating the name of the enterprise in which this object is located (duplicating the information from column 2). Is it so?


Answer: Moscow State Expertise is not authorized to provide explanations on the content of state standards.


Question: We received a positive conclusion from the state. examination No. 77-1-5-1039-11 dated 12/30/11. for a capital construction project: Construction of an educational building and reconstruction of the existing building and relocation of external engineering networks. Due to a number of reasons, the Financial University decided to divide the construction into stages: 1st floor. reconstruction of the existing building; 2nd floor transfer (reconstruction) of external engineering networks; 3 floor New construction. Question: is it possible to break down construction according to the listed stages, what needs to be done for this. In addition, a decision was made to change the TEPs, whether in this case it is necessary to undergo a re-examination.


Answer: In accordance with paragraph 44 of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2007 No. 145, design documentation is sent repeatedly (2 or more times) for state examination when changes are made into the design documentation that has received a positive conclusion from the state examination, regarding changes in technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction project. Project documentation that has received a positive conclusion from the state examination, at the initiative of the developer or technical customer, can be sent again (2 or more times) for state examination in the event of changes being made to it in terms of technical solutions that do not affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction project .



Answer: No need.


Question: Is it necessary to undergo state examination of the design documentation for the construction project of a hazardous production facility of hazard class 3, which is not particularly dangerous, unique, technically complex with a total area of ​​less than 1500 sq.m. of one-story design? If required, then based on the requirements of what documents? Or is it necessary to undergo an industrial safety examination of buildings and structures in Rostechnadzor?


Answer: Your question does not contain sufficient information for a definite answer. The need for examination of project documentation may be influenced by the source of financing for the construction of the facility, the location of the site allocated for construction and other factors. The criteria for objects whose design documentation is not subject to examination are established by Article 49 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.


Question: Is it necessary to carry out a state examination of a facility that was built and put into operation in December 2011 (low pressure gas pipeline); there are no industrial enterprises to supply the population with gas. During construction, funds from a constituent entity of the Russian Federation were used. All other examinations have been completed.


Answer: In accordance with clause 3.4. Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, design documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction of which are financed from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, is subject to state examination. However, state examination is carried out in relation to design documentation of capital construction projects, i.e. objects whose construction has not been completed.


Statement from the Residents of the building Shchelkovskoye Highway 77-2-61: Next to our house it is planned to build a preschool educational institution with 220 places. Address: Baikalskaya vl. 28. The Department of Urban Development Policy of Moscow, in its response dated November 28, 2011, refers to the positive expert opinion dated August 31, 2009 No. 182-4/08 MGE. Please explain the reasons for the positive conclusion on the possibility of building a preschool educational institution. We consider this construction unacceptable for the following reasons: The construction zone includes garages with 300 spaces, and given the lack of parking spaces, these vehicles will be parked at the entrances, where there is already no space. There are no plans to build parking lots in our neighborhood. The construction zone includes an apple orchard on the school grounds, the planting of which was attended by residents of our neighborhood. The road on which the construction of a preschool educational institution is planned from 7 to 10 in the morning is a continuous traffic jam, taking into account the cars from the demolished garages, the transport problem will worsen. No one asked the residents’ opinion and public opinion is not taken into account. Increasing building density reduces living comfort. which runs counter to the statements of Mayor Sobyanin. A copy of the letter was sent to the Moscow City Hall and prepared for sending to the Presidential Administration.

Answer: Boundaries of the land plot and location of the preschool educational institution at the address: Baikalskaya st., vl. 28 correspond to the urban planning plan of the land plot No. RU77-125000-001494, approved by order of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Architecture dated April 30, 2010 No. 522.


The object belongs to the unique high-rise office buildings (depth more than 10 m, height more than 100 m). The project passed the examination in October 2008. A building permit has been obtained. The facility is being built. The customer intends to increase the number of facility employees. In this regard, the load capacity and number of elevators, as well as the manufacturing company, change. In addition, energy consumption increases, new technical conditions are requested. (not to mention parking spaces). 1. Is it mandatory to re-pass the examination in part of the project - the “vertical transport” section? 2. Is it necessary to re-examine other parts of the project due to increased loads (electricity, heat, water...)? 3. Will the project be considered again in terms of ensuring fire safety in connection with changes in the fire safety requirements for facilities since 2008, or can it be considered that in this part the facility already has a positive expert opinion from 2008?


According to paragraphs 44, 45 of section VI of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 No. 145, project documentation can be sent again (2 or more times) for state examination after eliminating the deficiencies specified in the negative conclusion, or when changes are made to the project documentation , which received a positive conclusion regarding changes in technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of a capital construction project. During the repeated state examination, the part of the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys in which changes have been made is subject to expert assessment, as well as the compatibility of the changes made with the design documentation and (or) the results of engineering surveys in respect of which the state examination was previously carried out. If, after the initial state examination, changes are made to the legislation of the Russian Federation that may affect the results of the state examination, the submitted project documentation in full may be subject to expert assessment.


Answer: In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, approval of design documentation submitted for state examination is not required.

Making changes to the existing project in accordance with new requirements for the facility or changed construction conditions

(Bulgarian language; Български) - promyana [updating] for the project

(Czech language; Čeština) - změna project

(German; Deutsch) - Projektänderung

(Hungarian; Magyar) - tervmódositás

(Mongolian) - zurag tosliin zohitsuulalt

(Polish language; Polska) - korekta projektu

(Romanian language; Român) - corectare a proiectului

(Serbo-Croatian language; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - ispravke i dopune projekta

(Spanish; Español) - enmienda del proyecto

(English language; English) - correction of design

(French; Français) - correction du projet

Source: Construction Terminology Dictionary in 12 languages

  • - A regulatory process when decision makers set as their goal to eliminate in any period only part of the discrepancy between the actual and intended levels of the variables they control...

    Economic dictionary

  • - A procedure for revaluing positions carried out every trading day, as a result of which the current price of each position is equated to the calculated price of that trading day by calculating a variation margin...

    Dictionary of depository terms

  • - from lat. correctio - amendment, partial change, correction, amendment...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • - clarification of margin accounts reflecting profits and losses. Produced daily...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • - a slight reverse price movement following a long period of price dynamics in one direction. In English: Market correctionSee. See also: Stock quotes  ...

    Financial Dictionary

  • - making adjustments to something, amendment...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - introducing changes to the current tax legislation...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - making changes to the developed and approved by the relevant authority...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - indexation of the depreciation value of long-term fixed assets, determined on the basis of their original cost...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - operates periodically, when the translator is unsure of the correctness of the translation solutions being developed. It may include the level of content of utterances, as well as syntactic and lexical levels...

    Explanatory translation dictionary

  • - ; pl. corrections, R....

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - CORRECT, -ru, -ruish; -anny; ness...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - correction g. 1. process of action according to Ch. adjust 2. The result of such an action; adjustment 2....

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - proofreader...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 9 correction correction correction watered correction adaptation device regulation retouching...

    Synonym dictionary


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