Apple is one of the largest American corporations engaged in the production of electronic equipment and computers. Products such as the Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad have forever changed the world of computing, not only because of their practical advantages, but also because of their specific and unique designs.

The beginning of the Apple story

The emergence of Apple as a company is associated with two already famous entrepreneurs - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The company's history began in 1976, when they decided to turn their ideas, which at that time seemed like fantasies, into reality and founded the company together with Ronald Wayne.

Apple Computer Inc. was first located in Steve Jobs' garage.

There he created his first product, the Apple 1 personal computer, which was primarily designed and assembled by Steve Wozniak. In April 1976, Jobs gave a presentation of the Apple I at the Homebrew Computer Club.

The Apple 1 computer eventually went on sale.

A year later, the company was able to launch the Apple II, which went into mass production. The new version of the computer was much easier to use and had a disk drive.

Development of the company

Highest growth rate of Apple Computer, Inc. reached in the 80s. The main reason for this state of affairs was the good quality and innovative products that attracted new customers.

The first personal computer for business users was launched in May 1980. The Apple III, depending on the configuration, was equipped with a Synertek 6502A processor with a clock speed of 2 MHz that was twice as fast. With the ability to emulate the Apple II, it was a revolutionary new computer, the company's first attempt to move away from a successful and well-selling technology. On paper everything looked great. But... the price of the computer was $4,340, which led to very low sales.

At the same time, Apple is working on a project called Lisa, aimed at business users. In 1982, Steve Jobs, as a result of his own decisions that were not always correct from the point of view of economic efficiency, was, paradoxically, removed from the project and began working on the Macintosh.

The Lisa was released to the market in early 1983, it was a computer based on a 5 MHz processor, containing 1 MB of RAM, and it cost almost $10,000.

Jobs' parallel project debuted a year later, the Macintosh had an 8MHz processor, 128 KB of RAM and 64 KB of ROM. The Macintosh also came with a 3.5-inch floppy drive. The ideal operating system and graphical interface made work easier and created conditions for increasing the popularity of the computer. It was a revolutionary invention. The downside of the Macintosh was the software. There was no compatibility with most programs; it was necessary to write code for them from scratch...

Combined work with Apple

The end of 1984 was not successful for the company. Computers were selling poorly and Steve Jobs came into conflict with John Sculley and other employees, which was the immediate reason for his removal from the Macintosh project, and then his complete dismissal from Apple. During his 10-year absence from the company, Jobs focused on his NeXT Computer project, which, however, never achieved the same popularity as products bearing the Apple brand logo.

At the same time, Apple released the first Mac, which did not achieve the success planned on paper. In the beginning, Macs sold quite well, but competitors quickly adapted their products, and Apple was forced to improve its computer. Soon came the Macintosh Plus, which, priced at $2,600, offered 1MB of RAM, expandable to 4GB, and was sold with revolutionary SCSI connectors that allowed it to work with multiple devices simultaneously. The computer, however, still had a number of shortcomings, which, fortunately, were corrected with the launch of the second version, the Macintosh II. The processor frequency of the new computer was 16 MHz, and it became possible to support color graphics. The following years did not bring any significant business success, but allowed the brand to take a fairly strong position in the market.

Return of a Legend

In 1996, Apple acquired NeXT for $429 million. This deal was crucial for Steve Jobs because it allowed him to return to his own projects. The deal worked well for Apple and eventually led to the development of the first all-in-one computer, the imac. The imac turned out to be a revolutionary machine, not only because of its capabilities, but also because of its aesthetics. The release of the revolutionary imac allowed Apple to become one of IBM's leading competitors.

In 1999, Apple released its first laptop designed for everyday users. The portable ibook repeated the success of the imac. It was these two computers that mainly had the greatest influence on the company's future products.

The era of iPhone and iPad

On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced that Apple intended to focus on producing new types of devices - smartphones, thus introducing the first iPhone. Although some products were already available in the smartphone market (and other touchscreen devices such as handheld PCs were also present), Apple's product won over consumers due to its innovative appearance, ease of use and distinctive aesthetic qualities.

Let's sum it up

Apple is currently a key player in the personal computer and consumer electronics market. This is mainly due to the policy of Steve Jobs, the basis of which is to improve and simplify existing things and processes in order to make them even more convenient and innovative. Products such as the iMac, iPhone, iPad and iPod gave rise to the development of many personal device technologies that are almost indispensable to us today.

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Apple Inc is an American corporation, manufacturer of personal and tablet computers, audio players, phones, and software. One of the pioneers in the field of personal computers and modern multitasking operating systems with a graphical interface.

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Nowadays it is impossible to imagine the computer industry without the world famous Apple, which is a sales leader and constantly introduces innovative technologies and innovations that constantly bring modern technology to a new level.

At the moment, it’s hard to imagine that the company was founded by quite young people and the first computer assemblies were made in the garage of one of the founders. But as history has shown and the popularity of this company has proven, everything in this world is possible.

Apple - the history of the company's development

Apple development history

The founding date of the American corporation is April 1, 1976. That's when friends Steve Jobs And Stephen Wozniak, decided to create something unique. Soon he joined them Ronald Wayne. Initially, the idea was to create printed circuits, but the excellent work of Stephen Wozniak allowed young professionals to start assembling personal computers.

In order to start your own business you need initial capital, for this the founders sold what they could sell and invested everything $1,500, which became the beginning of a great computer empire that was able to become a leader in this industry. At first, friends gathered in Steve Jobs' garage and assembled equipment. The very first order was the complete assembly of 50 personal computers. Young specialists had to take out a loan to purchase the necessary parts and tools, but soon the company completely paid for itself.

The uniqueness of this company was that all manufacturers produced only parts for assembly, and the products of the new Apple company were already ready-to-use computers. Of course, it’s hard to call the products of that time computers, since the assembly was “ motherboard».

It is worth noting that the first AppleI were not taken seriously, but still managed to interest the public. This did not stop the company, although Ronald Wayne still decided to leave the corporation.

If he knew that his small contribution would bring him huge income in the future, then he would not have left.

With the release of the Apple II model came success. This model captivated everyone with its plastic body and color graphics, which became the main feature of this model.

A year after the company was founded, an excellent business plan was developed, and a year later, more than one person had already worked for the benefit of the company. 1,000 employees. It was then that the computer industry began to develop very rapidly and brought computing technology to a new level, which literally exploded the international market. Stephen Wozniak was a great engineer, who collected unique equipment, special merit went to Steve Jobs, who became famous as the best marketer of all time.

The first failures of the corporation

Like all companies, Apple has had its share of failures and missteps. The new AppleIII model was a complete failure, as its release was rushed and many details were not finalized. Soon this model was completely withdrawn from sale. Immediately the company began work on such models as Liza, and a little later Macintosh, which have been on the market for a very long time. They were replaced by improved models, and then by cars of a new class, which are still popular and in demand.

Market position

IN 2007 all records for stock price dynamics were broken Apple Corporation, which increased by 125% . The corporation's latest development is the production of iPhone, iPod touch, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air laptops, Mac desktop computers and iPad tablets, which are in extraordinary demand.

The company's latest developments include an iPhone smartphone and an iPad tablet

At the moment, Apple has a stable position in the market, with many competitors, it still occupies a leading position and is the most influential brand of our time.

Apple stock price today

On October 8, 2012 according to NASDAQ, the cost of one share of the company (AAPL) is $638 , American dollars. is the official website of Apple. In the photo below you can see what it looked like on October 8, 2012.

To summarize, I can assume that the company will also continue its successful development and will remain a leader in the market for such services for a long time.

What do you think? What fate awaits Apple?

Apple is one of the largest and commercially successful corporations existing today. The company's innovative aspirations and priorities are legendary, and anyone dreams of buying or receiving gadgets made by Apple. This is a brand that in our era dictates fashion not only in the field of electronics, but also in the field of accessories. And you just need to come to terms with this, because this fact cannot be disputed.

But where did it all begin? when was the company foundedApple? We'll talk about this below.


Apple Computer was officially registered in 1976, although its founders, namesakes Steve Wozniak and Jobs, worked on creating the first Apple personal computers back in 1970.

If we talk about the version of their PC Apple II, then it is considered the first computer in history to produce millions of copies. This led to the fact that during the 70-80s, Apple computers became the most popular and used in the PC world. The number of copies sold totaled 5 million.

In the 80s, the corporation failed the Apple III project, which over time led to a deterioration in the economic and financial condition of the company, as well as the dismissal of 40 employees of the company. Despite the fact that many experts began to announce unfavorable forecasts about the corporation, it continued to exist and developed confidently. And in 1985, Jobs and Wozniak were even awarded medals for the development of technological progress from the hands of the country's President Reagan.

90s and `00s

Apple's activities throughout the nineties cannot be called unambiguously successful, because by the end of the century the corporation suffered losses reaching almost 2 billion dollars. But in 1997, Steve Jobs returned to the company, becoming a “breath of fresh air,” if you may. After all, it was then that he began to discover for himself and the whole world the latest technologies that could be promoted to modern markets. These technologies did not directly relate to computer technology, but became very popular.

Already in the first year of the new millennium, the corporation released the now legendary iPod player, which did not require the use of CDs or cassettes to listen to audio compositions. The device contained 5 and 10 gigabytes of memory, revolutionary for those times.

iOS from Apple is


Another 2 years later, in 2003, the corporation created its own iTunes digital file store. There, Internet users had the opportunity to purchase:

Finally, in 2007, a revolutionary presentation took place, about which we can safely and eloquently say that it changed the entire concept of a modern smartphone - the company released the iPhone.

Modern history

By 2010, Apple expanded its line of devices with the iPad tablet computer, which caught up with the trend of such gadgets.

The enormous demand for players, tablets and smartphones from Apple has led to an incredible improvement in Apple's financial condition, making the company one of the most valuable corporations in the world. The devices themselves have become a desirable, tasty gadget for any modern person. That is why, from year to year, the corporation produces such gadgets of a new generation.

Starting in 1414, smart watches began to roll off the Apple assembly line, Apple Watch, which became not just another high-tech novelty, but also a desirable, exclusive and elegant accessory.

In general, the history of a corporation with a recognizable name and symbol, which began its existence in the garage of the Jobs family, continues. And the best part is that we watch it and have the opportunity to use all the products that Apple creates for people.

Today Apple is a leading manufacturer of mobile phones, software, players, and tablets. The history of Apple is certainly connected with Steve Jobs. Today, the equipment produced by the corporation is highly valued for its impeccable quality. Currently, the total value of the corporation is estimated at more than 500 billion US dollars. The company carefully monitors trends in IT technologies and implements them into the production process. Surely readers of the site will be interested in the history of the creation and development of the company.

History of the name

The official date of birth of the organization is April 1, 1976. It was on this day that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built their first computer by hand. It was called Apple Computer. You should understand how the company got the name Apple.

First Apple Computer

There are several versions. One of them is Jobs's desire for the name to be more conveniently located in the telephone directory. So the “name” of the company occupied a line immediately below the name of the Atari organization, which was developing computer games. In addition, the apple symbolizes the fight for the preservation of nature and the environment, and the corporation was the first in the world to use old consumables to produce new equipment.

History of the logo

The history of the creation of the Apple logo is quite interesting. Its original symbol was a man sitting under a tree with a falling apple above his head. It becomes immediately clear that this picture depicted the great scientist Isaac Newton. Most likely, there were also references in the Bible, because a bitten apple symbolizes temptation. It is worth noting that Macintosh computer models were named after a variety of apples that the developer of this product line was very fond of.

Apple's first logo

However, the original logo was not memorable and was not suitable for mass sales. Then the story of the creation of the Apple logo moves into a different direction. The company's designer (Rob Yanovu) was walking down the street when he stopped by a local supermarket and bought some apples. Arriving home, he began to cut them and examine them from different angles, after which he depicted one monochrome fruit. True, for some reason he drew the apple slightly bitten.

Jobs liked Rob's sketch, but decided it would be better to color the apple. The head of the advertising agency was against this decision, because at that time printing using color ink was many times more expensive than it is now. However, Steve insisted on his own, and soon the apple that everyone knows today appeared on computers.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The colors for this were chosen in random order. The only thing Jobs insisted on was that a green tint should decorate the design at the top. The type of fruit did not change until 1998. However, then logos painted in black, white and silver began to be placed on the devices. This is the history of the Apple logo.

First computers

In the spring of 1976, the Apple Computer I model appeared in American hardware stores, costing $666.66. Over the course of several months, its creators collect and sell 175 items of goods. Outwardly, it looked like a motherboard with no sound, no case, no keyboard. The following year, Michael Scott began to occupy the post of director of the company.

A new model appears, which was called the Apple II. It was the first PC equipped with color graphics. At this stage, the history of Apple's development takes a new turn. The equipment had special commands for working with sound, as well as a small built-in speaker. In addition, a power supply and keyboard were available. At that time, the computer became a real breakthrough, and its sales for the first time in the history of PCs exceeded a million units. It is only worth mentioning that until 1993, more than 5 million models were assembled and sold. Initially, options with an 8-bit operating system were developed, and a little later 16-bit computers appeared on sale.

Apple II model

Lisa and Macintosh

Beginning in 1979, Apple brand employee Jef Raskin began working on a new PC, which was named Macintosh. In fact, this was the first technology, the monoblock of which contained everything that the average user needed to work. At the same time, in 1983, another model appeared on the household appliances market. She was named Lisa - that was the name of Steve Jobs' daughter. However, unfortunately, it did not become popular and in demand.

Model Lisa

The beginning of the 80s turned out to be quite a difficult time for the company. Due to regular absenteeism, Steve Jobs was forced to fire forty company employees. At the same time, Apple Computer was launched for an initial IPO and the owners began to sell shares on one of the largest financial exchanges in the world - NASDAQ. However, this step did not have the desired effect and articles began to appear in newspapers reporting the imminent decline of the corporation.

The situation began to change in 1983, when a talented top manager named Scully John became the president of the organization. Before working at Apple, he successfully managed the affairs of PepsiCo. True, friction immediately began between him and Steve Jobs.

On January 22, 1984, the first Macintosh was introduced to the public, radically changing the way ordinary people viewed personal computers. This event became a new milestone in the history of Apple Corporation. By the way, an advertising clip, filmed specifically for the release of the Macintosh based on the plot of D. Orwell’s work, was awarded the Grand Prix in Cannes. Even today it is considered one of the most original commercials in history.

First Macintosh

The model received the prefix 512K and began to be sold at a price of 2,495 US dollars. Its creators try to make a technique that any user who does not have the proper qualifications can master in a matter of minutes. True, the first Mac OS microprocessors were not very powerful and efficient. They lacked such things as, for example, the ability to simultaneously solve many problems and protected memory. However, over time, developers eliminated these shortcomings, and the Macintosh was able to compete with other similar technology.

Time passed, and the need arose to create a new operating system. Having carefully considered all the nuances, the company's owners decided to use modern developments from a company called NeXT in their new computers. It used an operating system under the general name UNIX. The next system was called Mac OS X and was designed so that users could smoothly migrate from older models to new ones.

The departure and return of Steve Jobs

In 1985, Apple's history was at a turning point. It was at this time that the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, awarded Steve Wozniacki and Steve Jobs a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. At the same time, Jobs, who is the ideological inspirer of the corporation, leaves it, having quarreled with members of the board of directors. At the same time, sales of personal computers and the value of the company's shares plummet. Experts attribute this precisely to the departure of Jobs, because he was able to advertise the technology he was creating in a very original way. Many believe that this will be the end of Apple's development story.

Ronald Reagan presents Steve Jobs with a medal for a powerful breakthrough in IT technology. 1985

In the period from 1995 to 1997, the development, assembly and sale of equipment began to cause serious losses. At the end of the 90s, their amount tended to 2 billion US dollars. The board of directors decides to ask Steve Jobs to return to the corporation.

Revolution in the 2000s

In 2001, the iPod audio player appeared on the computer market. Thanks to its capabilities, this compact media player instantly gained well-deserved popularity. In 2003, an online store opened online that sold music and listened to it in the players of this manufacturer. The newly opened supermarket was called the iTunes Store. In 2007, the corporation demonstrated a new development - the company's first mobile phone, called the iPhone. Since then, the popularity of the device has been growing every year, and its sales have broken all records. Since 2008, another online store has appeared on the network. It's called the App Store. The principle of operation and payment system of the resource is not much different from iTunes.

The first iPod audio player

Appearance of the first iPhone

As of 2010, the company has unquestioned authority among computer equipment manufacturers. It was at this time that the first tablet computer, called the iPad, went on sale. In the first month of its release, more than 1 million copies were sold. From this moment on, the corporation's success story leaves no doubt about the genius of the brand's creators.

This is what the first iPad looks like

Since 2011, Apple has become the most valuable commercial organization in the world. True, its owners failed to establish themselves at this peak for a long time. In 2013, its factories began producing 64-bit chips designed to work with ARM architecture. The company produces a 2-core microprocessor, which was named A7. In 2014, compact portable Apple Watch devices appeared on the electronics market.

Apple Watch

Acquisition of companies and appearance in Russia

Naturally, such a large giant as Apple acquired shares of smaller organizations. So, from 1996 to 2012, the corporation absorbed such companies as NeXT, P. A. Semi, Quattro Wireless, Siri, Anobit Technologies.

The success story of the concern in Russia begins in 2005, when the first Russian Apple Center store opened. Just two years later, in 2007, the company’s official representative office was opened in the country. In 2012, the owners of the corporation registered the Apple Rus company, which to this day is engaged in retail and wholesale sales of electronic equipment.

The first Apple store in Moscow

How is the company doing today?

During the development of the company, it experienced both successes and severe failures. Today, in order to manage such a giant, its own corporate culture has been specially developed. Before starting to create new device models, management clearly defines the responsibilities and roles of each employee. Any product of the company is developed in an atmosphere of strict secrecy.

The company also has its own sales concept. It clearly describes how stores should be decorated. For managers and sellers, principles of trading in equipment and psychological techniques used on buyers have been compiled.

Sellers are dressed in blue uniforms. Before starting their duties, they must complete a 14-day training course. During their work, managers undergo additional training. In addition, they are trained to use services to diagnose devices.

While still alive, Steve Jobs independently developed the company's advertising strategy. Today, tablet computers, mobile phones, audio players, and watches come out of Apple assembly lines. In addition, specialists are constantly working to improve the software.

In 2016, the company’s management made an interesting statement that soon the concern’s technology would operate on the principle of end-to-end encryption. Its essence lies in the signal transmission algorithm: data will be encoded on users’ gadgets, then transmitted to the receiving equipment and decoded. This innovation is connected with the fact that people are increasingly talking about tracking citizens by the US government.