And first of all, the main rule of a decent housewife: sort out the buckwheat. Always! Even if it seems like, “Well, it’s clean in the package.” Even if you find only three specks in the glass, they will spoil the impression of the whole pan of excellent porridge.

How to cook buckwheat porridge with meat, step-by-step recipe with photos:

Cut the meat into cubes maximum 1.5*1.5 cm. Cut the onion quite finely.

We wash the sorted grains under running water. At least three times!

According to tradition, first we fry the onion, then add meat to it for frying. We salt everything well during the process.

Pour boiling water into the frying pan - about 400 ml. That is, this is the volume of water in which buckwheat porridge will subsequently be cooked. Close the lid and leave on low heat for 15 minutes.

By the way, if you plan to cook the porridge in a saucepan rather than in a frying pan, then do the frying directly in the pan. It is important for us to preserve the meat flavors that will stick to the bottom and which we will “take away” into the finished dish by pouring boiling water into the dish; we used the same principle when preparing.

When the broth is ready, add the cereal. This is where we need to finish with the salt. Try some water, if it is strongly salted, then it is enough. If the taste of salt is weak, add more salt, because cereals also need salt, not just meat.

Buckwheat porridge should be cooked correctly only under the lid and over low heat, so that it melts well and becomes pleasantly crumbly.

If all the water has already been absorbed, and the cereal is still elastic, then feel free to add boiling water.

And if your buckwheat porridge looks as appetizing as in this photo, then all that remains is to follow the last rule - you can’t spoil the porridge with oil. Even the one with meat.

It would be ideal to leave the buckwheat porridge on the cooling burner under towels, but it is very tasty right out of the heat.

Bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge is truly a folk dish.

This cereal is rich in nutrients and calories.

It is ideal for breakfast - if you cook it with milk, and for dinner - if you serve it with meat.

Today we share with you unusual recipes for preparing buckwheat with stewed and fried meat.

Buckwheat porridge with meat - basic cooking principles

The main ingredients are buckwheat and meat pulp. Buckwheat is washed and boiled in boiling water. The meat pulp is cut into pieces and lightly fried. In another frying pan, sauté grated carrots and chopped onions. Fried vegetables are added to the meat and stewed. Then mix with boiled buckwheat and serve.

You can also not boil the buckwheat in advance, but first lightly fry it in a frying pan and then add it to the half-raw meat. Pour water and simmer along with vegetables and meat.

When cooking buckwheat in the oven, it should also not be boiled in the classic way in a saucepan. First, the meat is stewed, and then only washed buckwheat is added to the palate. Place in the oven again and simmer until done. Bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge with meat “Country style”


Pork pulp (six hundred grams);

Carrot – 5;

Onion – 2;

One hundred grams of butter;

A glass of vegetable oil;


Cooking method:

The onion is peeled and cut into half rings.

The carrots are peeled and cut into strips.

The pork is cut into small pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan with high edges and fry the onion. Then the meat is added and fried.

Pour out the carrots and pour in a liter of water. Salt, add spices and simmer on low gas.

In another frying pan, melt the butter and fry the buckwheat.

After this, the fried buckwheat is transferred to the meat. Pour water so that it completely covers the contents of the pan. Place on medium heat. As soon as the water has evaporated a little, reduce the gas and continue to simmer for another twenty minutes.

When ready, the contents of the pan are mixed, placed on plates and served.

Buckwheat porridge with meat “Classic”


A glass of buckwheat;

Two glasses of water;

Three hundred grams of pork meat;

Onion – 1;

Salt pepper;

Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, drained and cut into pieces. Then fry in a frying pan, salt and pepper.

The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Add to the meat and continue to simmer on low gas.

Meanwhile, boil the buckwheat. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, dip the washed cereal into it. Pray and cook until done. At the end add a piece of butter.

When ready, place boiled buckwheat in the center of a flat dish, and place stewed meat with vegetables around the edges. Served to guests.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in a multicooker “Selyanski style”


Two measuring cups of buckwheat;

Three hundred grams of meat;

Sour cream - one table. false;

Two and a half measuring cups of water;

Onions – 1.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into pieces, placed in a multicooker bowl and fried with the lid open.

The buckwheat is washed, the onion is cut into rings or half rings. Add to the saucepan with the meat. Fill with water, add salt and sour cream. Prepared using the “Porridge” mode.

Buckwheat porridge with meat according to grandma's recipe


Five hundred to six hundred grams of beef;

Two large onions;

Fifty to sixty grams of butter;

Ground black pepper;

Bay leaves;

Buckwheat grain;

Cooking method:

First they cook the meat. They clean it of films and tendons, then cut it across the fibers into small pieces one to one and a half centimeters thick and then beat it. The bottom of the frying pan or frying pan is greased. The meat is laid in layers, alternating layers in the following sequence: one layer of meat, one layer of onion, cut into rings, but so that the meat is the last. Sprinkle each layer with salt and pepper, and grease the top layer with butter. Simmer the meat over low heat until done.

Buckwheat is boiled. When serving, pour over the meat with the gravy formed during stewing.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and cheese


Beef (six hundred to seven hundred grams);

Small carrots – 4-5;

A jar of mayonnaise;

Buckwheat grain;

Flour - one or two tablespoons. false;

Cheese – sixty to seventy grams;

Sugar, salt;

Pepper, spices.

Cooking method:

The meat is freed from tendons and films, cut into small pieces, salted, rolled in flour and fried until it is covered with a golden crust. First grate the cheese on a coarse grater, then the carrots. Place the chopped meat in a frying pan and simmer for one hour, and then add the grated carrots.

Mix mayonnaise with one teaspoon of sugar, then add the resulting mixture to the frying pan where the meat and carrots are stewed. Simmer until the meat becomes soft. Seven to eight minutes before complete readiness, sprinkle the meat with grated cheese.

Buckwheat is boiled and placed into portioned plates. Stewed meat and cheese are placed on top.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and tomato paste


Beef (600-650 grams);

Animal fat – two to three tablespoons. false;

Two onions;

Tomato paste (three to four tablespoons);

Wheat flour (one to one and a half tablespoons);

One hundred grams of sour cream;

Buckwheat grain;

Greens, salt;

One tea lie Sahara;

Cooking method:

The meat is freed from films and tendons, cut into small pieces the size of half a matchbox and sprinkled with sugar, salt and pepper. Then the pieces of meat are breaded in flour, fried in fat and fried and pre-chopped onions are added to the frying pan. Pour in half a liter of water (or meat broth) and simmer for an hour. Then add tomato paste to the pan and simmer until done. The finished meat is poured with sour cream and simmered for another three to four minutes.

Buckwheat is boiled and served with stewed meat.

Buckwheat porridge with meat in a pot


Pork pulp (half a kilogram);

One carrot;

Three hundred grams of onions;

Buckwheat (half a kilogram);


One and a half liters of water;

Salt - two teaspoons. false;

Cooking method:

The onion is cut into half rings, the carrots are grated.

The pork is cut into pieces and mixed with prepared vegetables.

Pour a little oil into the bottom of each pot, lay out the meat and vegetables and fill with water. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf.

Simmer in the oven for about an hour. Then take out the pots, pour washed buckwheat into each, add water, a piece of butter and put them back in the oven. Simmer for about half an hour. The dish is ready.

Buckwheat porridge with chicken meat


One chicken or one kilogram of chicken legs;

One or two onions;

Buckwheat (three hundred to four hundred grams);

One hundred grams of vegetable or ghee;

Tomato paste (four to five tablespoons);

Spices and salt.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat is washed and boiled.

The chicken is washed, plucked and gutted if necessary. Fill it with water and salt, cook until tender, periodically skimming off the foam and excess fat. After the chicken is ready, separate the meat from the bones and chop it finely.

Place buckwheat and chicken pieces in a frying pan, poured with oil, add tomato paste and mix everything. The cereal and meat should be simmered over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes. At the end of cooking, pepper and, if required, add salt.

Buckwheat porridge with minced meat


Three hundred grams of buckwheat;

Vegetable oil – one hundred grams;

Two hundred grams of minced meat;

Onions – 3-4;

Carrots – 2;

Cooking method:

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add onion rings and chopped carrots. All ingredients are sautéed.

Add minced meat to the fried vegetables and fry for another fifteen minutes on low gas.

Water is added to the minced meat and left to simmer.

I wash the buckwheat and spread it on the prepared minced meat. Pour water and simmer until the cereal is ready.

Buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms


Half a kilogram of buckwheat;

Beef pulp - four hundred grams;

Two hundred grams of mushrooms;

Onion – 2;

Two carrots;

One liter of water;

Seasonings, salt.

Cooking method:

The beef is cut into medium-sized pieces, the onion is finely chopped, and the carrots are grated. Vegetables are fried in a frying pan with oil. Then add chopped mushrooms and simmer a little more.

In another frying pan, fry the beef until browned, then pour in one liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to simmer until cooked.

Buckwheat is washed and first lightly fried in a dry frying pan.

Then the cereal is added to the beef, peppered and salted. Cover with a lid and simmer. After ten minutes, add sauteed vegetables, fried mushrooms, chopped herbs, and seasonings. Stir and leave to simmer on low gas until done.

Buckwheat porridge with meat - tricks and useful tips

Before boiling, buckwheat should be rinsed well under running cold water.

To make the buckwheat crumbly, you can fry it in a frying pan, and only then add it to the meat, add water and simmer. This way the dish will turn out in its own juice and taste better.

The meat should be cut into small pieces across the grain.

Just lick your fingers. Buckwheat with meat lordly style is ordinary with a lot of stewed meat.

I personally ate too much buckwheat in the army, I didn’t even look in its direction for 10 years, but buckwheat with meat lordly style is a worthy dish.

There are a huge number of options for preparing buckwheat dishes. But the most popular and delicious dish is buckwheat prepared using technology

If YOU don't like buckwheat porridge, this cooking option will help you appreciate and rediscover the taste of buckwheat.

Servings for 8 people

Total cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Preparation time: 25 minutes.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.

To prepare delicious buckwheat with meat we will need:

  • buckwheat 2 cups,
  • pork 700-800 gr. Any meat can be beef, lamb...,
  • onion 3-4 medium heads + 1 small onion,
  • vegetable oil 70-80 gr.,
  • water 1.5 l.,
  • ground black pepper 0.5 teaspoon,
  • salt 0.5 teaspoon.

Preparing buckwheat

  • We sort out the buckwheat. It needs to be fried.
  • Pour the washed buckwheat into a dry, oil-free cast iron frying pan and fry over medium heat.

  • Stir the grains in the pan periodically until they begin to crackle, the color begins to change to a darker color, and the smell of fried buckwheat appears, as we did when preparing buckwheat porridge.
  • Remove the fried buckwheat from the heat and let it cool in the pan, stirring it occasionally.
How to cook buckwheat with meat lordly style
  • Peel and wash the onion and cut into cubes.
  • We wash the meat in running water.
  • Using a knife, trim excess fat, films, and veins from the meat.
  • Cut the meat into pieces.
  • Cut the fat into small pieces. Set aside.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a dry, clean cauldron and heat it over high heat until a whitish haze appears.
  • Place a peeled small onion in a cauldron with hot oil. . (see photo) We do not reduce the fire.

The onion will give the oil a unique aroma that evokes appetite. We did this when or.

  • We do not reduce the fire. We throw away the fried small onion; we won’t need it anymore.
  • Place chopped fat in a cauldron and fry it until yellow-orange. We do not reduce the fire.
  • Add the meat to fry, stirring occasionally with a slotted spoon, until golden brown.

Hot fat will quickly create a crust on the meat. A thick-walled cauldron, due to its mass, will not allow the oil to cool quickly and all the juice will remain in the meat.

We will need about 1.5 liters of boiling water.

  • Do not reduce the heat, add chopped onions to fry.
  • Fry the onion and meat until golden brown. We do not reduce the fire.

  • Add boiling water to slightly cover the meat.

  • Salt to taste, cover with a heavy lid of the cauldron. We wait until steam comes out from under the lid.
  • Now we reduce the heat to a minimum so that the steam comes out from under the lid slowly.
  • Simmer the meat until it looks like stew, the fibers will separate easily.
  • Bring the water in the kettle to a boil.

Do not mix meat with buckwheat.

  • Pour boiling water in a thin stream so as not to damage the buckwheat layer. So that the water covers the buckwheat two fingers higher, the index and middle.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat. Salt and pepper to taste only the zervak ​​(broth). Do not mix cereals with meat.


  • Cover the cauldron again with a heavy lid. We wait until steam comes out from under the lid.
    • The steam starts to rise, reduce the heat to low so that the steam comes out little by little from under the lid of the cauldron.
    • Simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

    And the smell of fried buckwheat with stewed meat and onions literally penetrates every corner of the house. You can't mock people like that.