Lotochkin Gennady Dmitrievich - head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tyumen region

Gennady Dmitrievich, let's start our conversation with a story about your childhood.

I was born in the city of Tobolsk, and then our whole family moved to live in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. We lived in Nizhnevartovsk, at that time it was a rapidly developing city, where there was oil and gas production. Then there was a very good movement - patronage: enterprises and institutions working mainly in the oil and gas industry were assigned to each school. Thanks to this, we visited drilling rigs, got acquainted with the work of the leading enterprises of the district since childhood. Another vivid memory of childhood is the terrible frosts, because of which there were always many active days in winter. My two main activities as a child are school and sports. I loved skiing, hockey, even competed.

How did you study at school, what were your favorite subjects?

My favorite subject was history, I always tried to learn a little more than what was taught at school, and therefore was a regular visitor to the city library. I was looking for good historical novels, stories, I always loved literature. And he also loved exercise.

How did you get into the traffic police? How did you start working in the authorities?

After school, I was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army, and after finishing my service I returned to Nizhnevartovsk. There he was sent to work in the city police department. A year later, I was sent to study in Tyumen, at the faculty of the Omsk police school, after which I was assigned to the Kalinin department. And almost immediately he was sent to work in the State traffic inspectorate of the Tyumen region. Working in the registration department was the first step in my professional growth. In 2007, I was appointed head of the traffic police in the Tyumen region. I must say that, as a schoolboy, I dreamed of working in the internal affairs bodies, I was very fascinated by detective stories. At that time, there was little foreign literature on the shelves in the library, mainly domestic prose was exhibited, so I read stories about the police, about the work of policemen. And even then I decided that I wanted to devote myself to work in the internal affairs bodies.

Can we say that you realized your childhood dream?

Yes, and work in the inspection is a favorite job.

Tell us what the traffic police do? What questions can you ask?

As practice shows, the automobile inspection is a department that comes into contact with the population more than others. In the morning, when a citizen leaves home, the first person he meets is not a district police officer, not an investigator, and not an interrogator, but an employee of the State traffic inspectorate. We are almost always on the road. Our first task is to help citizens. The second task is to ensure road safety. The traffic police, working in every direction, is the subject of supervisory activities. We are engaged in the organization of traffic, control the installation of signs on the roads. The State Inspectorate also pays great attention to organizing the transportation of passengers between settlements, because the health of citizens largely depends on what they are transported on. We meet with drivers who get behind the wheel of the bus, we try to prevent violations of traffic rules. We are also following the development of technical means; to date, many photo and video recording devices have been installed in Tyumen and the region. We strive to minimize the participation of the traffic police inspector in the preparation of administrative materials. But the main task that we face is to ensure the safety of children, as this is also a category of road users. Children can be road users as passengers, pedestrians and as drivers. We often see young drivers driving mopeds and motorcycles on the roads of the city. The law allows driving a motorcycle from the age of 16, but this requirement is increasingly being violated. Many parents buy mopeds and motorcycles for their children, but not many puzzle their children with the study of the rules of the road, training in a driving school. I believe that a 13-14-year-old teenager cannot adequately assess the traffic situation, calculate the speed for any maneuver. Therefore, I personally urge all parents, before buying a motorcycle or moped for their minor child, first to learn the rules of the road, then teach the child practical skills, and only then let them ride on their own. First, getting a driver's license - and only then all the trips. The most important thing is that all children are alive and well, and these simple rules will help children navigate the road and avoid accidents. The second category of underage road users are cyclists. All parents should be aware that a cyclist must be 14 years old, and children under this age should not be allowed to ride a bike on the road. Today there are beautiful parks where you can go out with the whole family and ride a bike in a safe environment. Of course, joint walks require time, activity on the part of parents, but can this be compared with the value of children's health? I agree that there are no bike paths in Tyumen today, but the mayor of the city is considering this issue, and I think that special paths will appear in the near future.

What kind of work do you do with children? How do you teach them the rules of the road?

The Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region helps us with this. Recently, a lot has been done by joint efforts. I believe that the department has developed a certain strategy for cyclists, motorcyclists who move independently on public roads. A lot of activities related to the rules of the road are held in schools, children draw pictures, participate in games aimed at learning the rules. But despite this, I urge all teachers in schools to spend 5-7 minutes on the last lesson repeating the basic rules of behavior on the road. So that every child knows how to safely reach home, how to cross the road, how to behave on the roadway. This information needs to be repeated on a daily basis. This recommendation also applies to parents who bring their child to school. Parents are the main example for the baby, if mom and dad follow all the rules of the road, then the children will follow their example.

How is the State Inspectorate preparing for the onset of the summer period, when all schoolchildren will have a 3-month break from school?

The summer period is special for us, because more and more children are left to their own devices. Children walk around the city, cross roads, are road users. And we warn drivers to pay special attention to children on the road during the summer. We appeal to all residents of Tyumen so that people slow down if they see a child, stop at the entrance to large crossings. If you are a pedestrian and see a child, help him cross the road. There is a problem that children cross the road in the wrong place, but we are all adults, we must take the child by the hand and explain why this cannot be done. This is how we can save the life and health of children. Many schoolchildren will go on vacation to country camps, and we are bringing traffic police units closer to children's recreation areas. We pay special attention to the transportation of children, we check all the buses that will take children to country camps. If the bus is not designed to carry children, then we exclude it from traffic. We work with all drivers who will be transporting schoolchildren, we check their health, we look at administrative practice. We also plan cooperation with bikers in the summer. Together with them, we will visit summer health centers, we will bring our "zebras", teach children the rules of the road. We will talk about how to drive bicycles and motorcycles, what protective devices children should wear when driving these vehicles. We have planned a whole range of activities for schoolchildren for the summer. I can talk about it for a long time, because I like this period, when all the kids walk around the city cheerful, tanned, beautiful. And at the same time, I don’t want children to get into an accident, this is the most important thing. When the summer is over, all schoolchildren should come to the classroom and sit down at the desk, and not lie in a hospital bed, and it depends only on us adults. If you see that a child is trying to cross the road in an unspecified place or at a traffic light, then stop him, explain, move him across the road. On the next street, your child may be in the same situation, and they can help him in the same way. There is nothing more precious than children, this should not be forgotten.

When children get into an accident, it is usually the parents who are to blame. What advice can you give to parents that everyone should follow?

First of all, parents need to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, and the rules of the road are the law of the Russian Federation. We all understand perfectly well that a car today is a means of transportation, without which many people do not know how to live. And a large number of children are passengers. Every child in the car must be in a child restraint designed specifically for their age. Teenagers who no longer need special child seats must be fastened. This is the most important rule that can save the life and health of the child. In 2013, 15 children died in road accidents in our region, and adults who ignored traffic rules and transported children without special restraints were to blame. We often hear complaints from parents that the child does not want to sit in the chair. But today there are various tablets, players on which you can show your baby cartoons so that he sits calmly in a chair. You can present this process to the child in the form of a game. And all the reasons for refusing child seats are excuses. People are used to believing that someone else gets into an accident, and nothing bad will happen to their family. This must be forgotten. A car is a source of increased danger, no one is safe from an accident. You follow traffic rules, which is good, but a driver who is inadequate is driving nearby, he behaves aggressively, he can strike at any moment, and this should not be forgotten either.

Residents of the city often have questions and suggestions related to traffic, pedestrian crossings and signs. Tell me, where should I apply so that all requests are heard and fulfilled?

Today, the city is actively developing and growing, new streets and districts are appearing, and it is natural that the residents of the city need a dialogue for comfortable and safe traffic on the roads. In order to put up a sign, restrict traffic, create a pedestrian crossing, put up a traffic light, you need to contact the Councils, because they are the municipality. And we only control compliance with the rules of the road and the requirements of signs. If we ourselves examined a particular territory and saw that a sign is needed there, then we prepare documents and send them to the relevant authorities that deal with the condition of roads. The traffic police does not install signs, the traffic police only monitors compliance with the rules. Residents need to contact the councils where they live.

Gennady Dmitrievich, tell us about your family.

I have a wife, Elena, a daughter, Irina, and a granddaughter, Liza, who is already 7 years old and will go to first grade in the fall. Liza enjoys studying the rules of the road, draws pictures on this topic, and knows how to read signs. Probably, it would be a sin if I did not teach my granddaughter traffic rules. She also participates in activities related to road safety in kindergarten. In addition, she likes to play sports, for example, she enjoys skiing.

How do you prefer to relax?

I rarely get to rest, because now is the summer period, and at this time I am almost always at work.

What is happiness for you?

Happiness for me is when I come to work and the kids do not get into an accident when all road users are alive and well.

Olga Gorlova talked to Gennady


Gennady Dmitrievich Lotochkin

■ After serving in the armed forces in 1982, he began working as a policeman at the Nizhnevartovsk police department.

■ In 1987 he graduated from the Omsk Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

■ Worked as a local inspector of the Kalinin District Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tyumen, a state inspector, and later the head of the examination department of the traffic police, head of the interdistrict registration department of the traffic police at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tyumen Region.


■ The length of motor roads in the Tyumen Region is 23,281 kilometers.

■ During the first nine months of 2010, 2,104 accidents were registered in the region, resulting in 208 deaths and 2,867 injuries.

■ In nine months of 2010, 9,598 drivers were detained on the roads of the Tyumen region for driving under the influence of alcohol (9,485 in the same period last year).

■ From 2005 to 2010, the number of registered motor vehicles increased by 25.4 percent (2005: 417,060; 2006: 433,793; 2007: 463,160; 2008: 512,590; 943).

We solve problems together


- Gennady Dmitrievich, judging by your biography, you purposefully went to work in the police. Service in law enforcement - a childhood dream?


- Quite right. My father worked as a drilling foreman in a seismic party, and our family moved several times. From the time when we lived in Nizhnevartovsk, I remember well a small one-story building in which the police department was located. The city was quite restless. The policemen fully coped with their duties and actively fought crime. Their work was respected by the inhabitants.


- Over the years, were you disappointed in your choice?


- Not at all. As a child, my father repeatedly told me that you can always turn to a police officer or the Armed Forces for help. At that time, the attitude towards a man in uniform was different than now.


- The Mayor of Moscow, our compatriot Sergei Sobyanin, named the problem of traffic among the main tasks. In Tyumen, the scale is smaller, but the questions are the same. How do we deal with them?


- Let's start with the fact that there are about 400 cars per 1000 inhabitants of the Tyumen region. This is comparable to that of major European capitals. Moreover, the number of vehicles is increasing every year. On the one hand, this is a positive moment, which indicates a high level of well-being of residents. In a number of other subjects of the Federation, a personal car is still a luxury. However, on the other hand, the more vehicles, the more accidents.

The region has a regional target program on road safety. Various subjects are involved in the implementation, one way or another connected with this issue: representatives of the transport, road, medical and educational spheres. And of course, the traffic police.

A large number of inspectors have been trained at the Center for Disaster Medicine. Now employees of the State traffic inspectorate have the right to provide first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident. This is relevant, because our crews are almost the first to arrive at the scene of an accident.

Roads are also being repaired and new interchanges are being built. If we take Russia as a whole, then, in my opinion, the Tyumen roads are among the best. Until quite recently, there were no markings on the road network in many places. Over the past year, the situation has changed dramatically and markings are present on almost every site. This greatly facilitated the movement of traffic.

I would like to note that cooperation with the government of the Tyumen region has been established. Thanks to joint efforts, many problems can be solved faster and more efficiently.

Vladimir RYLOV, village of Karaulny Yar, Yarkovsky district:

- I was stopped by a traffic police squad, they checked it on a breathalyzer, the device showed 0.08 ppm. I drank only soda and kefir. I went to the justice of the peace of the Tyumen region, they said that they would deprive me of my driver's license.


- Amendments and additions to the Administrative Code have come into force and the permissible level of alcohol in the blood of drivers of 0.3 ppm has been cancelled. In your case, the limit is exceeded. In addition, after drinking kefir, the breathalyzer cannot show 0.08 ppm. In any case, the decision will be made by the court.

Petr GOLOVIN, Tyumen:

- The problem of road congestion is becoming more and more urgent for Tyumen. Are measures being taken to address this issue?


- At the moment, the roadway is being expanded along Republic Street from the intersection with Ordzhonikidze Street to Maxim Gorky Street. On Res-Public Street, parking and exit pockets are being created. Additional traffic lights have been installed, with the help of which it will be possible to regulate the traffic flow. We also increased the throughput at traffic lights, in particular, the Green Wave program is being developed. If, when driving along the street of 50 years of October, the speed of the car is on average 60 kilometers per hour, then the driver drives up to all traffic lights on a green signal.

In Tyumen, a special commission has been created that monitors almost all sections of the city's road network, if necessary, changes the direction of traffic, the placement of road signs, installs railings along the sidewalks, because sometimes pedestrians, crossing the street in the wrong place, slow down the movement of cars. In the city of Tyumen, the anti-cork commission, the road safety commission, road services, the State traffic inspectorate, in my opinion, are correctly solving this issue.

There is a problem related to the category of novice drivers. Often, a motorist who has recently received a license moves in the middle lane at a speed of no more than 40 kilometers per hour and makes it difficult to move. But, I think, we will not allow the situation that has developed with traffic jams in Moscow. For the next year, it is planned to “punching” additional exits from the adjacent territories, which will become travel passes. In some places we will transfer one-way traffic to two-way traffic and vice versa, taking into account the opinion of Tyumen residents. On the website of the traffic police of the Tyumen region, citizens can express their wishes.

Tyumen has a high driving culture


- What measures are being taken in the Tyumen region to prevent accidents?


- First of all, with the help of the propaganda department, which is headed by Anzhela Borisova, we teach citizens not to violate the rules of the road. Secondly, participants in the movement must respect each other. In the Tyumen region, if the driver let a person leaving the adjacent territory with a right or left turn, he will always say thank you with a light signal. The culture of driving is brought up during the training of candidates for drivers. The main participants in the groups formed in driving schools were women. It's reassuring. Moreover, women are more likely than men to drive foreign cars. Perhaps they drive more carefully and less often than the representatives of the stronger sex, they get into an accident.


- In your opinion, is the driving culture in the Tyumen region improving?


Valentina PUZANOVA, Tyumen:

- Through the courtyard of the store "Rainbow" cars are constantly passing by, stopping by from Riga and the Republic. There is parking under the windows. Can you help us?


We know about your problem. Traffic police inspectors, road service employees, representatives of the administration of the administrative district came to your yard. We will try to minimize the flow through the yard and find another area for vehicles to pass through. The council is taking steps to move parking further away. The exit from the Raduga store will also be changed.

- Gennady Dmitrievich, such a question: why were the warning coupons removed? Everyone used to be disciplined. I got, for example, two “cuts”, next time you will think about whether to violate the speed limit or the rules for following through a railway crossing. I drove to the "brick" - immediately for a retake! I think that as soon as retakes are introduced, those who drive on purchased certificates will immediately drop out.

- I'm for warning coupons with both hands! In July or August 2009, this issue was submitted for discussion by the State Duma. But they did not begin to consider it further... If the population themselves turn to the legislative authorities with the initiative, I think the Federal Assembly will meet halfway.


- Gennady Dmitrievich, information has appeared that driving licenses will be issued in driving schools. This is true?

- The traffic police have a lot of questions about the learning process itself. It is necessary to introduce electronic autodromes, as in Chelyabinsk, the Krasnodar Territory. We do not mind giving the technical part to civilian units, but we prefer to keep control.

I am loyal to the issuance of driver's licenses by driving schools, but it is necessary to decide who exactly will deal with this - all schools at once or one organization. Technical supervision or department of education. Issuing driver's licenses by the Department of Education is the right decision. If now it is difficult for department employees to follow the learning process and the topics that are discussed in the classroom, then after specific changes they will control everything completely.

Vitaly UVAROV, Tyumen:

- Who and what is responsible for non-compliance with the national standard for traffic management? Let me give you an example: in order for drivers not to turn left from Republic Street to Semakova Street, they were not informed with signs and posters ... They simply put up “bricks” that are not visible for a hundred meters. What about the national standard?

- Vitaly Petrovich, in accordance with federal law, the organization of changes in the road network is entrusted to municipalities. That is, the question of changing the traffic on the section of the Republic - Semakova was taken by the city administration in accordance with GOST.

Valery RYABOV, Tyumen:

- Why in Tyumen, on many streets, on sidewalks and in pockets for stopping regular buses, drivers of cars arrange parking lots? Moreover, in most cases, traffic police officers do not bother violators.


– Of course, this is a problem. In places where motorists often park illegally, we install railings. This is what they did, for example, along Melnikaite and Respubliki Streets. In addition, there are two evacuators in the regional center. Cars that interfere with public transport are moved to the parking lot.

The driver must understand that by leaving the car in the wrong place, he poses a threat to people's lives. I put the car in the stopping pocket - so the bus will drop off passengers on the roadway. People, leaving it, can get under the wheels of moving vehicles. Not always the driver himself can carry his household members.

It probably happens that they also travel by public transport. Thus, both children, and parents, and siblings of the offender are at risk. You always need to try on the situation and think about the consequences of your actions.

Sergey ISAEV:

- Does this measure teach something to motorists whose cars were evacuated?


- He teaches, trust me. The car must be picked up from the parking lot. This is a big problem for those who purchased the vehicle by hand-written power of attorney, as it will only be returned to the rightful owner. What if he's on vacation? In another city? The situation is similar with motorcyclists. If a motorcycle without state numbers is evacuated, then the owner can return the “iron horse” only after registering the motorcycle.


- If a person does not agree with the actions of the traffic police inspector, where can he turn?


– Helpline 79-45-94. In addition, there is a higher leadership: platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander, regiment commander, deputy head of the traffic police department, head of the traffic police department. All appeals received by the department are considered. Frankly, often complaints are associated with the rudeness of the traffic police. Then we invite both the applicant and the inspector, with whose actions the citizen does not agree. After hearing both sides, we make a decision.

Xenon problem solved

Vladimir DERGOUSOV, Tobolsk:

Hello, Gennady Dmitrievich! I note that in recent years the situation on the roads in Tobolsk, in my opinion, has improved. As a pedestrian, I can say that drivers have become more compliant and let pedestrians through. But there are also problems. A lot of cars drive with tinted windows: not only side and rear, but also windshield. Further: in the yards there are a lot of abandoned cars in a non-working condition, which litter the city. How are these problems solved?


- Indeed, in Tobolsk there is a tendency to tint windows not in accordance with GOST. Currently, amendments and additions to the law have come into force, in particular on working with tinting. For the fact that a citizen drives a vehicle after drawing up a protocol on tinting, and did not remove it, a punishment is provided in the form of detention for 15 days. Now in Tobolsk an event "Tinting" is organized: the crews of the special battalion from Tyumen check the cars. It should be noted that work in this direction in the spiritual capital is progressing better than in other cities. If you drive up to the place of inspection of vehicles, you will see large tanks filled with removed tint film.

In August, a meeting of the commission on road safety was held in Tobolsk, where the problem of abandoned cars was considered. We decided to create a municipal parking lot, where ownerless vehicles will be taken out. Since June of this year, a window has been allocated in the traffic police department, where they accept applications for the disposal of domestically produced vehicles.


- Not so long ago, the problem of xenon headlights was discussed. How are things today?


“A law was passed banning the use of these headlights, and the citizens took them off. The problem resolved itself. Only one material about xenon was compiled in the region - in the city of Ishim.

Svetlana KLIMENKO:

– How will the adoption of the Federal Law “On Police” affect your work?


- In my opinion, the president made the right decision. The current situation in the country requires changes, including in the activities of law enforcement agencies. The economic situation, the well-being of the population and much more are changing. It must be admitted that we are lagging behind in some areas, not keeping up with the pace of growth. I mean the activities of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Why is this happening? About three years ago, the recruitment of personnel in the department took place without due attention, units were formed and staffed as needed, without selection, the opinions and recommendations of psychologists were not taken into account.

Therefore, some of the employees got into the service of the traffic police by accident. There are also such facts - the applicant, getting a job at the traffic police, explained the reason in this way: "I wanted to be a security guard, but they did not accept me." There are also such shots, we need to get rid of them.

The main personnel, 90 percent of employees are responsible, conscientious and decent people. But there are those who cast a shadow on the entire team, they need to be punished and fired.

One cannot but rejoice at the fact that the country's economy is on the rise. Visiting the municipal districts of the region - Isetsky, Nizhnetavdinsky, and in others, you have probably seen newly built schools, sports complexes, shopping centers, that is, people strive to live better. Here we are, traffic police officers must comply, change, which is what we are trying to do. They created terminal access, introduced electronic payments, the environment itself makes you work, not stand still.

Tamara Georgievna, Tyumen:

- From house number 1 along Ordzhonikidze street to Osipenko street in Tyumen, it’s scary to walk. Pedestrians have to walk on the roadway, risking their lives. Near the emergency old mansion, a canopy for pedestrians was made, which is also in disrepair, falling, the boards underfoot are rotten, it is dangerous to enter. It has been like this for over ten years. Residents appealed for help to the council of the Central Autonomous Okrug of Tyumen, but to no avail. Help make a difference.


- I promise to look into it.


- Tell us about the toughening of administrative responsibility for violation of the Rules of the Road, which will come into force on November 20, 2010.


- We are talking about the priority movement of pedestrians crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing ("zebra"), that is, the driver, having approached the pedestrian crossing, must stop and let the pedestrian pass. The goal is to force drivers and pedestrians to comply with traffic rules. A large percentage of pedestrian injuries injured in traffic accidents is recorded not only in the Tyumen region, but also in the Russian Federation. The most important thing now is to preserve the health of citizens.

There are also additions regarding the use of seat belts, but the main one is the passage of pedestrian crossings.

A very timely and correct decision, in my opinion. I also believe it is right to accept the restriction of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that thanks to the perseverance of the management staff, Tyumen drivers have learned to fasten their seat belts. Work is also systematically carried out to monitor compliance with the rules for transporting children in a car - children must be in a special chair and must be fastened with a belt.

Galina Yumachikova, Tyumen:

- At the corner of Elizarov - Kholodilnaya streets, the traffic light does not work, here it is difficult to pass, a section of the road with an elevation, on which accidents often occur. When will the traffic lights turn on?


- I am familiar with the problem and this section of the road, I promise that in the near future the traffic light will work.

The head of the administration of the city of Tyumen, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, decided to take control of the operation of traffic lights in the city. Previously, they were run by a firm that won the tender, but was unable to service the facilities.

Photo by Barbara Jumanji

blitz poll:

What is your favorite writer or poet?

- Mikhail Sholokhov.

What is your favorite movie about the police?

“Experts are investigating.”

– What is your favorite dish? Can you cook?

- Borscht, I love it and I cook it myself.

– What is your favorite place in the city of Tyumen?

- The area near the Znamensky Cathedral.

– Favorite brand of car?

- Toyota.

- Do they stop you at traffic police posts?

- Yes, they stop, just the other day they stopped on Parkhomenko Street.

– Do you like music?

- Yes, I enjoy listening to Nadezhda Kadysheva, chanson.

- Do you continue to play sports?

- In the winter I run skiing, in the summer - on roller skates, I played hockey.

- Where do you roller skate?

- On Barnaulskaya Street, where the ski track is laid in winter; on the track of the sports base "Pearl of Siberia" both in winter and in summer; in addition, earlier in the sanatorium Taraskul there was a good track.

straight line
"Cars, cars are all over the place." The words of a song popular in the recent past are becoming truly relevant today. Frequent accidents and constant traffic jams are common problems for large cities. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the number of cars is steadily increasing every year. Gennady Lotochkin, the chief state traffic safety inspector of the Tyumen region, answered questions from readers related to the situation on the roads of the region, as well as the work of the regional traffic police during the direct line.

We solve problems together

- Gennady Dmitrievich, judging by your biography, you purposefully went to work in the police. Service in law enforcement - a childhood dream?

- Quite right. My father worked as a drilling foreman in a seismic party, and our family moved several times. From the time when we lived in Nizhnevartovsk, I remember well a small one-story building in which the police department was located. The city was quite restless. The policemen fully coped with their duties and actively fought crime. Their work was respected by the inhabitants.


- Over the years, were you disappointed in your choice?

- Not at all. As a child, my father repeatedly told me that you can always turn to a police officer or the Armed Forces for help. At that time, the attitude towards a man in uniform was different than now.

- The Mayor of Moscow, our compatriot Sergei Sobyanin, named the problem of traffic among the main tasks. In Tyumen, the scale is smaller, but the questions are the same. How do we deal with them?

- Let's start with the fact that there are about 400 cars per 1000 inhabitants of the Tyumen region. This is comparable to that of major European capitals. Moreover, the number of vehicles is increasing every year. On the one hand, this is a positive moment, which indicates a high level of well-being of residents. In a number of other subjects of the Federation, a personal car is still a luxury. However, on the other hand, the more vehicles, the more accidents.

The region has a regional target program on road safety. Various subjects are involved in the implementation, one way or another connected with this issue: representatives of the transport, road, medical and educational spheres. And of course, the traffic police.

A large number of inspectors have been trained at the Center for Disaster Medicine. Now employees of the State traffic inspectorate have the right to provide first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident. This is relevant, because our crews are almost the first to arrive at the scene of an accident.

Roads are also being repaired and new interchanges are being built. If we take Russia as a whole, then, in my opinion, the Tyumen roads are among the best. Until quite recently, there were no markings on the road network in many places. Over the past year, the situation has changed dramatically and markings are present on almost every site. This greatly facilitated the movement of traffic.

I would like to note that cooperation with the government of the Tyumen region has been established. Thanks to joint efforts, many problems can be solved faster and more efficiently.

Vladimir RYLOV, village of Karaulny Yar, Yarkovsky district:

- I was stopped by a traffic police squad, they checked it on a breathalyzer, the device showed 0.08 ppm. I drank only soda and kefir. I went to the justice of the peace of the Tyumen region, they said that they would deprive me of my driver's license.

- Amendments and additions to the Administrative Code have come into force and the permissible level of alcohol in the blood of drivers of 0.3 ppm has been cancelled. In your case, the limit is exceeded. In addition, after drinking kefir, the breathalyzer cannot show 0.08 ppm. In any case, the decision will be made by the court.

Petr GOLOVIN, Tyumen:
- The problem of road congestion is becoming more and more urgent for Tyumen. Are measures being taken to address this issue?

- At the moment, the roadway is being expanded along Republic Street from the intersection with Ordzhonikidze Street to Maxim Gorky Street. On Res-Public Street, parking and exit pockets are being created. Additional traffic lights have been installed, with the help of which it will be possible to regulate the traffic flow. We also increased the throughput at traffic lights, in particular, the Green Wave program is being developed. If, when driving along the street of 50 years of October, the speed of the car is on average 60 kilometers per hour, then the driver drives up to all traffic lights on a green signal.

In Tyumen, a special commission has been created that monitors almost all sections of the city's road network, if necessary, changes the direction of traffic, the placement of road signs, installs railings along the sidewalks, because sometimes pedestrians, crossing the street in the wrong place, slow down the movement of cars. In the city of Tyumen, the anti-cork commission, the road safety commission, road services, the State traffic inspectorate, in my opinion, are correctly solving this issue.

There is a problem related to the category of novice drivers. Often, a motorist who has recently received a license moves in the middle lane at a speed of no more than 40 kilometers per hour and makes it difficult to move. But, I think, we will not allow the situation that has developed with traffic jams in Moscow. For the next year, it is planned to "punch" additional
exits from adjacent territories, which will become travel. In some places we will transfer one-way traffic to two-way traffic and vice versa, taking into account the opinion of Tyumen residents. On the website of the traffic police of the Tyumen region, citizens can express their wishes.

Tyumen has a high driving culture


- What measures are being taken in the Tyumen region to prevent accidents?

- First of all, with the help of the propaganda department, which is headed by Anzhela Borisova, we teach citizens not to violate the rules of the road. Secondly, participants in the movement must respect each other. In the Tyumen region, if the driver let a person leaving the adjacent territory with a right or left turn, he will always say thank you with a light signal. The culture of driving is brought up during the training of candidates for drivers. The main participants in the groups formed in driving schools were women. It's reassuring. Moreover, women are more likely than men to drive foreign cars. Perhaps they drive more carefully and less often than the representatives of the stronger sex, they get into an accident.


- In your opinion, is the driving culture in the Tyumen region improving?

Valentina PUZANOVA, Tyumen:

- Through the courtyard of the store "Rainbow" cars are constantly passing by, stopping by from Riga and the Republic. There is parking under the windows. Is it possible
help us?


We know about your problem. Traffic police inspectors, road service employees, representatives of the administration of the administrative district came to your yard. We will try to minimize the flow through the yard and find another area for vehicles to pass through. The council is taking steps to move parking further away. The exit from the Raduga store will also be changed.

Yuri GOLOSOV, Tyumen:

- Gennady Dmitrievich, such a question: why were the warning coupons removed? Everyone used to be disciplined. I got, for example, two “cuts”, next time you will think about whether to violate the speed limit or the rules for following through a railway crossing. I drove to the "brick" - immediately for a retake! I think that as soon as retakes are introduced, those who drive on purchased certificates will immediately drop out.

- I'm for warning coupons with both hands! In July or August 2009, this issue was submitted for discussion by the State Duma. But they did not begin to consider it further... If the population themselves turn to the legislative authorities with the initiative, I think the Federal Assembly will meet halfway.

- Gennady Dmitrievich, information has appeared that driving licenses will be issued in driving schools. This is true?

- The traffic police have a lot of questions about the learning process itself. It is necessary to introduce electronic autodromes, as in Chelyabinsk, the Krasnodar Territory. We do not mind giving the technical part to civilian units, but we prefer to keep control.

I am loyal to the issuance of driver's licenses by driving schools, but it is necessary to decide who exactly will deal with this - all schools at once or one organization. Technical supervision or department of education. Issuing driver's licenses by the Department of Education is the right decision. If now it is difficult for department employees to follow the learning process and the topics that are discussed in the classroom, then after specific changes they will control everything completely.

Vitaly UVAROV, Tyumen:

- Who and what is responsible for non-compliance with the national standard for traffic management? Let me give you an example: in order to prevent drivers from turning left from Republic Street to Semakova Street, they were not informed with signs and posters ... They simply put up “bricks” that are not visible for a hundred meters. What about the national standard?

- Vitaly Petrovich, in accordance with federal law, the organization of changes in the road network is entrusted to municipalities. That is, the question of changing the traffic on the section of the Republic - Semakova was taken by the city administration in accordance with GOST.

Valery RYABOV, Tyumen:

- Why in Tyumen, on many streets, on sidewalks and in pockets for stopping regular buses, drivers of cars arrange parking lots? Moreover, in most cases, traffic police officers do not bother violators.

– Of course, this is a problem. In places where motorists often park illegally, we install railings. This is what they did, for example, along Melnikaite and Respubliki Streets. In addition, there are two evacuators in the regional center. Cars that interfere with public transport are moved to the parking lot.

The driver must understand that by leaving the car in the wrong place, he poses a threat to people's lives. I put the car in the stopping pocket - so the bus will drop off passengers on the roadway. People, leaving it, can get under the wheels of moving vehicles. Not always the driver himself can carry his household members.

It probably happens that they also travel by public transport. Thus, both children, and parents, and siblings of the offender are at risk. You always need to try on the situation and think about the consequences of your actions.

Sergey ISAEV:

- Does this measure teach something to motorists whose cars were evacuated?

- He teaches, trust me. The car must be picked up from the parking lot. This is a big problem for those who purchased the vehicle by hand-written power of attorney, as it will only be returned to the rightful owner. What if he's on vacation? In another city? The situation is similar with motorcyclists. If a motorcycle without state numbers is evacuated, then the owner can return the “iron horse” only after registering the motorcycle.


- If a person does not agree with the actions of the traffic police inspector, where can he turn?

– Helpline 79-45-94. In addition, there is a higher leadership: platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander, regiment commander, deputy head of the traffic police department, head of the traffic police department. All appeals received by the department are considered. Frankly, often complaints are associated with the rudeness of the traffic police. Then we invite both the applicant and the inspector, with whose actions the citizen does not agree. After hearing both sides, we make a decision.

Xenon problem solved

Vladimir DERGOUSOV, Tobolsk:
Hello, Gennady Dmitrievich! I note that in recent years the situation on the roads in Tobolsk, in my opinion, has improved. As a pedestrian, I can say that drivers have become more compliant and let pedestrians through. But there are also problems. A lot of cars drive with tinted windows: not only side and rear, but also windshield. Further: in the yards there are a lot of abandoned cars in a non-working condition, which litter the city. How are these problems solved?

- Indeed, in Tobolsk there is a tendency to tint windows not in accordance with GOST. Currently, amendments and additions to the law have come into force, in particular on working with tinting. For the fact that a citizen drives a vehicle after drawing up a protocol on tinting, and did not remove it, a punishment is provided in the form of detention for 15 days. Now in Tobolsk an event "Tinting" is organized: the crews of the special battalion from Tyumen check the cars. It should be noted that work in this direction in the spiritual capital is progressing better than in other cities. If you drive up to the place of inspection of vehicles, you will see large tanks filled with removed tint film.

In August, a meeting of the commission on road safety was held in Tobolsk, where the problem of abandoned cars was considered. We decided to create a municipal parking lot, where ownerless vehicles will be taken out. Since June of this year, a window has been allocated in the traffic police department, where they accept applications for the disposal of domestically produced vehicles.

- Not so long ago, the problem of xenon headlights was discussed. How are things today?

“A law was passed banning the use of these headlights, and the citizens took them off. The problem resolved itself. Only one material about xenon was compiled in the region - in the city of Ishim.

Svetlana KLIMENKO:
– How will the adoption of the Federal Law “On Police” affect your work?

- In my opinion, the president made the right decision. The current situation in the country requires changes, including in the activities of law enforcement agencies. The economic situation, the well-being of the population and much more are changing. It must be admitted that we are lagging behind in some areas, not keeping up with the pace of growth. I mean the activities of the Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Why is this happening? About three years ago, the recruitment of personnel in the department took place without due attention, units were formed and staffed as needed, without selection, the opinions and recommendations of psychologists were not taken into account.

Therefore, some of the employees got into the service of the traffic police by accident. There are also such facts - the applicant, getting a job at the traffic police, explained the reason in this way: "I wanted to be a security guard, but they did not accept me." There are also such shots, we need to get rid of them.

The main personnel, 90 percent of employees are responsible, conscientious and decent people. But there are those who cast a shadow on the entire team, they need to be punished and fired.

One cannot but rejoice at the fact that the country's economy is on the rise. Visiting the municipal districts of the region - Isetsky, Nizhnetavdinsky, and in others, you have probably seen newly built schools, sports complexes, shopping centers, that is, people strive to live better. Here we are, traffic police officers must comply, change, which is what we are trying to do. They created terminal access, introduced electronic payments, the environment itself makes you work, not stand still.

The main thing is to preserve the health of citizens

Tamara Georgievna, Tyumen:

- From house number 1 along Ordzhonikidze street to Osipenko street in Tyumen, it’s scary to walk. Pedestrians have to walk on the roadway, risking their lives. Near the emergency old mansion, a canopy for pedestrians was made, which is also in disrepair, falling, the boards underfoot are rotten, it is dangerous to enter. It has been like this for over ten years. Residents appealed for help to the council of the Central Autonomous Okrug of Tyumen, but to no avail. Help make a difference.


- I promise to look into it.

- Tell us about the toughening of administrative responsibility for violation of the Rules of the Road, which will come into force on November 20, 2010.

- We are talking about the priority movement of pedestrians crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing ("zebra"), that is, the driver, having approached the pedestrian crossing, must stop and let the pedestrian pass. The goal is to force drivers and pedestrians to comply with traffic rules. A large percentage of pedestrian injuries injured in traffic accidents is recorded not only in the Tyumen region, but also in the Russian Federation. The most important thing now is to preserve the health of citizens.

There are also additions regarding the use of seat belts, but the main one is the passage of pedestrian crossings.

A very timely and correct decision, in my opinion. I also believe it is right to accept the restriction of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that thanks to the perseverance of the management staff, Tyumen drivers have learned to fasten their seat belts. Work is also systematically carried out to monitor compliance with the rules for transporting children in a car - children must be in a special chair and must be fastened with a belt.

Galina Yumachikova, Tyumen:
- At the corner of Elizarov - Kholodilnaya streets, the traffic light does not work, here it is difficult to pass, a section of the road with an elevation, on which accidents often occur. When will the traffic lights turn on?

- I am familiar with the problem and this section of the road, I promise that in the near future the traffic light will work.

The head of the administration of the city of Tyumen, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, decided to take control of the operation of traffic lights in the city. Previously, they were run by a firm that won the tender, but was unable to service the facilities.

Photo by Barbara Jumanji

blitz poll:
What is your favorite writer or poet?

- Mikhail Sholokhov.

What is your favorite movie about the police?

“Experts are investigating.”

– What is your favorite dish? Can you cook?

- Borscht, I love it and I cook it myself.

– What is your favorite place in the city of Tyumen?

- The area near the Znamensky Cathedral.

– Favorite brand of car?

- Toyota.

- Do they stop you at traffic police posts?

- Yes, they stop, just the other day they stopped on Parkhomenko Street.

– Do you like music?

- Yes, I enjoy listening to Nadezhda Kadysheva, chanson.

- Do you continue to play sports?

- In the winter I run skiing, in the summer - on roller skates, I played hockey.

- Where do you roller skate?

- On Barnaulskaya Street, where the ski track is laid in winter; on the track of the sports base "Pearl of Siberia" both in winter and in summer; in addition, earlier in the sanatorium Taraskul there was a good track.

Please tell us about the results of the work of the State traffic inspectorate of the Tyumen region in the past year 2014 and priority tasks for the near future.

In connection with innovations, has the training period in driving schools increased and how to choose the best one?

How to work with pedestrians? How to accustom them to order and discipline?


Ensuring road safety is an integral part of the national tasks of ensuring personal safety, solving demographic, social and economic problems, improving the quality of life, and promoting regional development. About this and more - in an interview with the head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tyumen region, police colonel Gennady Dmitrievich LOTOCCHKIN.

- Gennady Dmitrievich, please tell us about the results of the work of the State traffic inspectorate of the Tyumen region in the past year 2014 and priority tasks for the near future.

- The first thing I would like to start with is the organization and improvement of public services provided by the State Traffic Inspectorate. This task was given special attention last year, and it remains one of the priorities for 2015. The State traffic inspectorate works with the entire population on the registration of vehicles, on the receipt and issuance of documentation (various types of certificates, the exchange and issuance of driver's licenses, etc.). There is an administrative regulation that establishes the time required to serve citizens. And this time should be minimal. I think this is not entirely correct, we work for the population and with our work and attitude towards people we create a certain mood in them, which subsequently affects their behavior on the roads. All people are different, they react and understand differently, often you have to look for an individual approach to everyone, and this is all time! But people always appreciate if they are treated like human beings. In general, I would like to note that relations with the population are improving, especially since our staff is young, all the guys are friendly and know how to work.

It is impossible to deny the fact that the fundamental factor ensuring road safety is the discipline of road users - their compliance with the established rules of the road and generally accepted norms of human behavior. Unfortunately, the current level of legal awareness of road users is often characterized by legal nihilism, awareness of legal irresponsibility for committed offenses, indifference to possible consequences, lack of an adequate understanding of the causes of traffic accidents. And one of the important tasks that is set for all subjects of the Russian Federation is the fight against drunk driving. This also applies to people driving under the influence of drugs. When an accident occurs involving a drunk driver, the consequences are usually severe, since such cases always involve high speed, lack of attention and lack of control. To prevent such consequences, work is being carried out with the population at all levels. Following the results of 2014, there were many appeals from socially active citizens both to the helpline and to the website of the State traffic inspectorate. And this is good news: people understand the seriousness of the problem and are willing to cooperate with us. In turn, we always thank and encourage sympathetic citizens.

Road safety is closely related to the level of road infrastructure development. The ever-increasing mobility of the population, the decrease in the volume of public transport and the increase in personal transport, the growing disproportion between the increase in the number of cars and the length of the road network, which is not designed for modern traffic flows, has an extremely negative impact on the state of road safety in the region. Fortunately, the government of the Tyumen region is helping a lot in solving this problem by gradually organizing interchanges, widening roads, organizing parking spaces and "pockets", equipping city and federal roads with photo and video recording devices.

An important task of the GUOBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Tyumen region in particular is the correct training of future drivers. In 2014, the State traffic inspectorate carried out a huge amount of work to check the educational and material base of all organizations that train drivers of vehicles of various categories in accordance with paragraph f of Art. 7 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 No. 966 "Regulations on licensing educational activities." Strict requirements were imposed on driving schools for the presence of closed areas (autodromes), for teaching staff, and for training vehicles. Currently, in the territory of the Tyumen region, out of 68 organizations that carry out educational activities for the training of drivers, 39 have passed the coordination of curricula and received a conclusion on the compliance of the educational and material base with the established requirements. Also, 7 applications are under consideration by the traffic police, twenty driving schools were denied approval of programs. Their activities must be stopped. In order to obtain a license, those who wish need to refine the program, purchase additional training equipment, attract qualified personnel, and acquire closed areas for practical training.



We call on you to cooperate. All of us, our loved ones - children, parents, friends - are road users every day. Transport is a means of increased danger, and drunk driving, drugs, haste, inattention, elementary unwillingness to give in sometime - all this leads to disastrous consequences. In order for the information about the need to be more careful, more vigilant, more respectful to be deposited in the minds of our fellow citizens, we must persistently and actively promote! Tales, stories, anecdotes about the traffic police always and everywhere (at work, corporate parties, weddings) occupy the leading places, so why shouldn't we be in the first places in the media?! We are ready to provide reports on road accidents (accidents, emergency sections of roads, consequences), statistical data and similar necessary information at least daily, if only people would see it, read it and think about their safety, the safety of their children, those around them. While waiting in line at a hairdresser's, a polyclinic, a bank, a city dweller will look through a magazine, and there - data on accidents (summaries, statistics), and after reading this, believe me, he will not run across the road in an unspecified place, but will reach the nearest pedestrian crossing and disciplinedly cross the road!

- In connection with the innovations, has the training period increased and how will this affect the cost?

– The duration of the theoretical part has increased from 106 to 134 hours. It should be noted that according to the new rules for driver training, the training time will be calculated not in academic (45 minutes), but in astronomical (60 minutes) hours. We do not interfere in the pricing policy, we do not have the task of regulating the cost of education.

How to determine which school is the best?

- On the official website of the traffic police there is a rating of driving schools in Tyumen, where citizens can get acquainted with the results of their work and take this into account when choosing an educational organization. Leading schools are, as a rule, organizations with extensive experience, formed by a team, with an educational and material base accumulated over the years. Organizations with permanent teaching staff have no turnover, with good traffic police exam pass rates and good practice based on life situations. In such schools, they not only prepare for exams, they provide the necessary psychological attitude and support.

– Gennady Dmitrievich, we have an understanding of how to train future drivers. What about pedestrians? How to accustom them to order and discipline?

– Road traffic accidents involving pedestrians are one of the most important components of a high accident rate. This type of incident is typical for settlements and, above all, the regional center. The most common violations among pedestrians are still: crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place, disobeying traffic control signals. The traffic police constantly conducts propaganda activities together with the interested structures of the territorial divisions of the federal state authorities and state authorities of the Tyumen region, local education authorities, with educators and teachers of preschool, educational institutions, representatives of the media and public associations. We actively work with children (of primary, middle and senior school age), involve adults (parents, teachers). An analysis of children's road traffic injuries shows that children poorly apply in practice the knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roads and streets, they are poorly oriented in a traffic situation. It often happens that a child tries, for example, to cross the roadway in the wrong place or to a prohibitory traffic light, and the adults standing nearby do not even try to stop him. Indifference and indifference is the greatest sin, paralysis of the soul! Hence the purpose of propaganda: people, do not be indifferent to each other, especially to children! All-Russian events "Slow down!", "Light up!" and others are held in order to attract attention, to overcome indifference, irresponsibility and negligence. In schools in Tyumen and the Tyumen region, special attention is paid to promoting road safety DAILY, especially in primary grades. We hope that the literacy and responsibility of young children in the matter of ensuring safety will have the necessary impact on their fathers and mothers, forcing the latter to treat road safety with the same diligence.

Text and photo: magazine "Director-Ural"


“He realized that he would not become a general…”

Why the chief traffic cop of the Tyumen region resigned

The voluntary departure of an honest traffic cop Gennady Lotochkin is a unique case for the Tyumen region, and maybe for Russia

The Tyumen traffic police entered the new year with a new boss. The former commander of traffic cops Gennady Lotochkin, unexpectedly for many, left his chair, writing a statement of his own free will. Commenting on this decision, Mr. Lotochkin said that he certainly made it on his own. And the reason, according to him, is that you need to give way to the young. At the same time, Gennady Dmitrievich himself is only 53 years old, which for a person in his position cannot be called old age, although he has every right to retire on a seniority basis.

The dismissal of a police officer from such a high position at his own request for no apparent reason is a phenomenon that is unique for modern Russia. As a rule, such decisions are made under the influence of external factors - for example, initiated criminal cases of corruption or powerful pressure from disgruntled bosses.

But the case of Gennady Lotochkin (at least for now) does not fit into any of these options. Recall that even after the explosion of the bribery scandal in 2013 swept away the entire top of the Tyumen Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by General Mikhail Korneev, the smiling chief inspector was only slightly “cut with shrapnel” - he got off with a reprimand. But that story concerned Lotochkin directly: 148 police officers who wrote an open letter to Putin, in which they said that an established scheme for extorting money from drivers with the subsequent sending of the received “tranches” to the leadership, worked in the traffic police regiment.

There is also no talk of conflicts or at least some noticeable hostility between the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Yuri Altynov, and the retiree - in any case, the site's interlocutors could not recall a single incident or even a rumor about it.

Of course, the intervention of third parties, such as the prosecutor's office or the FSB, is not ruled out, but the general public does not know anything about this either.

Unless there are legends that under Lotochkin it was possible to purchase a “beautiful” number for a car (they say, for example, that you can buy a VAZ “penny” registered with a license plate of the form “X111XX”, so that you can later use it on another car, you can was directly from the traffic cops for 500 thousand rubles), but no investigations on this matter, the results of which would be officially known, were carried out.

There were also no complaints from the regional authorities against Lotochkin. Vice-Governor Sergei Sarychev has repeatedly spoken favorably about the work of the former head of the traffic police to reduce traffic violations, traffic accidents, and reduce road deaths (in recent years, these figures have decreased by about 20%).

Sources of the site said that Lotochkin's dismissal, as far as they know, really does not contain any negative background .. - He realized that he could not achieve further career growth here. It is clear that the practical crown of the career of any regional head of the traffic police is the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and, if you're lucky, further promotion in the ministry with the prospect of getting general's shoulder straps. But, apparently, General Altynov does not see Lotochkin in his team. There is no enmity between them, it is true, only this is not enough. A possible reason for this position of Altynov could be a characteristic feature of Lotochkin - he is a man with his own opinion and always defends it.

According to our source, the team of Vladimir Yakushev calmly reacted to the decision of Gennady Dmitrievich (“he is young and will find something for himself”) and is now waiting for a new appointment from Moscow .. then scandals. Another thing is ours, local guys, they respect the honor of the region.”

The Varangians, indeed, in Tyumen and its environs over the past 10-15 years have left quite a legacy. In particular, the ex-head of the Tyumen traffic police, Permian Igor Kiselev, was sentenced in 2005 to five years in prison for abuse of power and money laundering. His case was remembered by observers for the dashing manner with which the policeman violated the laws. For example, he first drove, and then completely sold a BMW X5 stolen from a car impound. The former chief traffic cop of the city of Tyumen from the aforementioned "Rostov clan" Sergei Besedin got into a scandal with bribes, because of which the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to resign.

Recall, however, that the “local guys” were involved in dirty deeds more than once.

So, observers recall, Vasily Stafeev, the former first deputy of the then Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tyumen Region (formerly the head of the Regional Traffic Safety Inspectorate) was detained at the airport with a bag containing 200 thousand dollars intended for the purchase of a general rank, and was later sentenced to two years of probation. And the ex-head of the UGIBDD, Colonel Valery Smolin, was found guilty in 2008 of exceeding and abusing his authority, as well as provoking a bribe. As stated in the materials of the investigation, in June 2006, when he was appointed head of the regional traffic police, the colonel decided to settle scores with one of his subordinates, the inspector of the traffic police of Zavodoukovsk, with whom he had hostile relations. A box of vodka was planted at the official car of this employee through nominees, allegedly as a bribe. However, the inspector turned to law enforcement agencies. A criminal case was initiated, during which it was established that Valery Smolin was the organizer of the bribe.