He is sure that he has knowledge of the future, that he alone knows the truth, for the achievement of which he has everything necessary: ​​energy, willpower, knowledge and interest. He needs such leadership in order to have the strength to search for new interests and knowledge.

He has an overloaded nature, which leads to the simultaneous overload and complete uncertainty of three important qualities: self-esteem, the ability to set goals and spirituality. From all that has been said, it follows that he does not have a clear understanding of his abilities, his goals and the spirituality that he would like to take as a basis. To get away from humiliation, questions and advice, he withdraws into himself, outwardly becoming calm, patient, quiet, but essentially indifferent, detached from the problems of this world, in which nothing attracts or occupies him. He is a logician, an analyst, does not tolerate lies, humiliation and threats, if they concern him specifically. An insolent, boorish, liar and rude person will face a serious rebuff, or rather, retribution, especially since he himself does not feel fear at all. He could become a good rescuer, military man, scout, cosmonaut, tester of any equipment, in general he loves risk and overcoming it. He can take on absolutely any job, since for him work, life, money, stability and even intimate relationships are of little importance. He has a delicate taste, he likes to dress well to feel comfortable. He needs a family to show a sense of duty, to prove to himself that he can become the backbone of the family. The wife should be smart, strong, patient in character, straightforward, honest, beautiful, but not very temperamental, so as not to cause jealousy, especially since spirituality is above all for him. He is above greed, envy, resentment, he cannot stand asking, humiliating himself and petty things.

The most important thing to know when educating or training him is that he does not allow humiliation and suppression. He cannot be forced to do anything, as it is enough to ask. He is a patriot and a hero in his soul, life and pettiness of life are unbearable for him, he needs a place for heroism, heroism, overcoming risk and super-difficulties, he needs danger, because he does not know fear at all. A stuntman, a saboteur or a lone scout, a tester of anything would come out of him. He does not need competition, since he is unable to humiliate another - this is dishonest, and he is a man of word and honor: if he promised, he will always fulfill the promise, even if he has to be injured or die.


He never complains about illness and pain. He has a weak small intestine, heart, and kidneys. To strengthen these organs, you should take fish oil (omega-3), calcium, infusion of oats (1/5 cup of oats and 1/2 liter of boiled milk, insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes after eating), food enzymes. It is useful to introduce rice, oatmeal for breakfast, cottage cheese, fish and dairy products into the diet.

When choosing a name for their newborn baby, young parents try to find out in advance the meaning and origin of the option that suits them. The origin and meaning of such an unusual name as Edward will help parents make the right choice when naming their child.


The origin of the name Edward is described by two whole versions. According to the first of them, it has ancient Germanic roots. In this case, the meaning of the name Edward is "guardian of wealth" or "guardian of happiness." Many scholars decipher its meaning as "a person who takes care of property." According to another version, the name Edward is of Old English origin. According to this version, it is translated into Russian as “rich”, “happy” or “army”.

Some sources claim that initially the British name had a slightly different sound for boys - "Eadward", which combined two meanings: wealth and happiness. Now the name is not very widespread and is not often in demand. The peak of its popularity was from the period of the 50s to the 80s of the last century. Due to the fact that these days this name is less and less common, its bearer will be able to feel unique and unique.


In the meaning of the name Edward, such features as naivety and gentleness are laid down for the boy. Growing up, he remains a simple, benevolent guy, moderately caring, gentle with an excellent complaisant character, completely devoid of cruelty and rigidity. In early childhood, Edik has a difficult character. Edward can endow the meaning of the name with a mass of positive qualities, including friendliness, kindness, attentiveness, tenderness, calmness, sociability, good nature, cheerfulness. But at the same time, he lacks such traits as determination, pressure, independence.

Such a baby will always be an obedient child for his parents everywhere and in everything. He meekly fulfills all their requests and orders. This is both good and bad at the same time. After all, other children are often quite harsh and cruel, they begin to tease Edik with a sissy, avoid him more and more or avoid him altogether. The kid can remain unhappy and lonely, despite the fact that, thanks to the meaning of the name Edward, he grows up as a really good, decent person. Parents should pay attention to educating in their son such qualities as determination, determination, self-confidence, perseverance in order to help their son avoid nervous breakdowns, depression, resentment and sensitivity in the future.

Little Edik just needs constant movement. This is a very active and mobile boy. Despite his ardent temperament, Edik always seems to be a balanced person to those around him. Since childhood, the boy really does not like conflict situations, so he tries to bypass or avoid them. It is not difficult for him to find a common language with adults and peers. Phenomenal memory and analytical skills allow Edik to break into the class leader in studies without any problems. He always treats the educational process very responsibly, gets good grades. But because of this, the boy may develop too high self-esteem and pride.

Young Eduard always has a lot of talents, he is a very capable boy. By nature, he is endowed with an excellent sense of humor, a good imagination, which in the future will be able to positively affect his studies, work, even his personal life. A teenager whose parents gave the uncommon but well-known name Edward, which means "sacred guardian", can gradually turn into a reasonable and serious guy, provided that his parents give him the right upbringing.

Business and career

Eduard Asadov (poet)

Among the various hobbies of Edward attracts collecting. He likes to spend time in nature and associate any kind of activity with it. Choosing such a man as friends, life partners or buddies, you should always be ready for hiking, picnics and various outdoor activities. The characteristic of the young Edward's name is such that any direction in choosing a profession is open to him. At school, this boy studies very well, devotes a significant amount of time and attention to all subjects. Therefore, he can choose a profession to his liking. In this case, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the character of a young man named Edward.

This guy's quick mind will help him deal with short-term tasks. Ideally developed perseverance will always allow you to move up the career ladder, building good prospects for yourself. Therefore, Edward is suitable in accordance with the meaning of the name military affairs. He can also be a good doctor, designer, engineer. But creative specialties are not so close to him. Being in a team, Eduard treats everyone equally well and kindly. With colleagues, he is charming and sociable. But when it comes to his own interests or benefits, he can turn from a polite guy into an unrecognizable, tough, cold person, whose former appearance is very difficult to return. Despite the fact that the meaning of the name Edward does not have a predisposition to seek wealth or a certain position in society, he has a sensitive nature. It is important for him that the profession he has chosen is recognized. The only way to make a fortune is by working with your brains. It is always very important for Edik to keep all the work under his own control.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Edward in the personal life of a guy or a man is fundamentally different from all other characteristics. In family life, Edward is a slightly despotic person who tightly controls all cash spending. He perceives a woman only outside their home. But he manages to find one who is satisfied with this state of affairs, she is ready to fulfill his whims, whims, indulge his desires. In fact, Edward is looking for a wealthy, bright, beautiful woman with a character, but with such he rarely finds his happiness.

The character of an adult Edward, according to the meaning of the name, is not the most accommodating, therefore, the fate in the relationship is not easy. This man will marry more than once. And each new wife turns out to be a real beauty. His problem is that, after his next marriage, he completely cuts off ties with his previous wife, evading payment of alimony, forgetting about moral norms and principles. It is obvious to everyone around what the name Edward means increased sexuality, confidence in one's own attractiveness for a female. He knows that women love him. But at the same time, at first he tries to look after them beautifully, to be generous and helpful.

Many young ladies, because of his courtesy, quickly relax, make many mistakes in relationships. And Edik, in turn, does not forgive them even the slightest misconduct or traits of character that he did not like, suddenly discovered in the chosen one. In an instant, he can turn away from the girl he just loved. Edik instantly becomes an unkind and tough guy. The meaning of the name Edward makes this man think that he is the master of life and nothing can make him think differently or become a burden to him.


Edward - the characterization of the name of this man is a bit unusual. This is a person with a steel character, he can be described as a man of action. The meaning of the name Edward in a positive way is the insight of a person who has a certain influence on other people. A boy can learn from childhood to manipulate others, he continues to subordinate people to his will in adulthood. It also has the ability to quickly calm down excited people.

Negative traits, such as the desire for power, dependence on the praise and gratitude of people are present in the meaning of the name Edward. He is used to giving good advice to everyone, but he himself is in no hurry to follow them. In fact, the man Edik is a man of action, whom you can always rely on. Friends and buddies know that he will not let you down. Disgust and coldness, as well as resentment, can greatly harm his fate. He can break forever relations with loved ones because of mere trifles.

Astrological features of the name:

  • zodiac constellation - Capricorn;
  • patron planet - Saturn;
  • talisman stone - onyx;
  • favorable color - ashy;
  • suitable plant - daisy, among the trees - oak;
  • totem animal - falcon;
  • lucky day of the week is saturday.


Ideal compatibility of the name of Edward and the opportunity to create a lasting marriage with Anastasia, Varvara, Galina, Zinaida, Maria, Clara, Larisa, Nina, Tatyana, Lyudmila, Ada, Stella, Renata, Emma.

A man named Edward will have unsuccessful compatibility with Victoria, Antonina, Elena, Catherine, Eleanor, Taisia, Louise, Lina, Yana, Irina, Anfisa.

Eduard is an active and practical man who can be relied upon in any situation. Dreams and romantic moods are not his style, he prefers to act. A flexible mind allows him to quickly assess the situation and make the right decision. At the same time, the name Edward is distinguished by coldness and some disgust towards others.

Let us consider in detail the name Edward, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the owner in different periods of life.

There are two versions of the origin of the name Edward: one of them is associated with England, and the other with the culture of ancient Germany.

Meaning of the name

If we consider the English version of the origin of the name Edward, then it is translated as “rich”, “happy”, in translation from ancient German it means “guardian of the treasury”. One way or another, the name was assigned to the descendants of royal and noble blood.


Consider the meaning of the name Edik (Eduard) for different periods of the life of its owner. The meaning of the name Edward for a child gives him excessive activity and emotionality. He loves to play and play pranks, showing ingenuity that any adult could envy. Parents should send the boy to the section so that his energy can be used for peaceful purposes and does not endanger him. Edik grows inquisitive, studies well and tries not to upset his mother, to whom he is very attached. He easily joins the team of peers and becomes a leader, a calm character allows him to solve problems without fights and loud quarrels.

The meaning of the name Edward for a teenage boy brings him self-confidence and decisiveness in his actions. He already knows the goal to which he will go and will definitely achieve it. The main thing is that education or future profession should be interesting for Eduard, then he will be able to become the best in his field.

Ed knows how to understand the situation, see the roots of the problem and find a solution. Problems and obstacles do not cause him inner fear, but the guy is by nature inert and will not show efforts where this is not required. Ed has an inner instinct for people, which works from the first seconds and never fails, so in his environment there are only those people whom he can unconditionally trust. He has a creative hobby related to painting or music.

What does the name Edward mean for a man? It gives him courage, prudence, strength and the ability to achieve what he wants. He has developed intuition, artistry and the ability to quickly get used to changing circumstances. Edward knows how to manage people, but he will not allow himself to be manipulated. He plans all actions in advance, is very practical and thorough.

He will prefer material gain to a dream, if his pride is not hurt, then he will be able to forget about money for a while in order to restore the image of a good guy. If he can challenge his own inertia, he can achieve everything he aspires to.

By nature, a man is phlegmatic, knows how to appreciate what he has, does not build castles in the air. Depression, stress and soul-searching are absent in his life. Edward has many hobbies, but he prefers not to delve into them too deeply.

In love, Edward is quite temperamental and sensual, but he will not show obsessive attention to the girl he likes. His charisma and charm are easy to win over, a man knows how to look after, to say compliments beautifully, does not spare money for gifts.

Eduard does not make vain promises and for a long time prefers an open relationship, eluding responsibility. But this state of affairs does not mean that he does not know how to love. It's just that a man has been in search of his own ideal for a long time and does not agree to exchange for less. He will choose a self-sufficient, beautiful woman with a good-natured and easy character.

He will definitely take an interest in her financial situation, since he is not inspired by the relationship with Cinderella. Often, Edward enters into a marriage based on calculation, and not on love attraction. Edward's wife is forced to live with his jealousy and suspicion, although it is difficult to call him the standard of fidelity. Edward often has two marriages. In the family, he takes care of security issues, believing that household chores and raising children are a woman's duty.


The meaning of the name Edward, character according to the sign of the zodiac:

  • Aries - active and reckless, can move mountains. Ambition pushes him to the most often justified risks. He is lucky in any of the started cases. His wife will be a calm woman who knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house.
  • Taurus - strong-willed, optimistic, ambitious, always striving for the best. Heightened sexuality can destroy his family.
  • Twins - charming and cheerful, loves noisy companies and cannot stand monotonous work. Lives for today and does not struggle too much to achieve the goal.
  • Crayfish - frankness, care and devotion are its main features. Family will always come first for him.
  • a lion - honest, direct, but slightly frivolous, because luck often goes into his hands. He does not try too hard to reach the intended goal, but - when necessary, he knows how to be decisive and strong-willed.
  • Virgo - a frivolous man who is afraid of change, prefers reading to companies and will be able to build relationships with a girl who values ​​​​family and homeliness most of all.
  • Scales - kind, sympathetic and vulnerable, in a relationship he is afraid of betrayal, but he can be happy with a girl who is kind and decisive in character.
  • Scorpion - passionate, sociable, self-confident. He is used to achieving everything through hard work, he remains faithful to his wife, but demands the same in return.
  • Sagittarius - spectacular and gallant, knows how to please girls, but in everyday life is terribly impractical. Unable to achieve goals.
  • Capricorn - Calculating and hardworking, striving for career growth. He always wants to achieve more, for the sake of a career he is capable of intrigues. In love, he prefers the absence of obligations.
  • Aquarius - kind, sociable, tactful, smart. He is adored by girls, but he will make a choice in favor of the one who will support in any, even the most crazy undertakings.
  • Fish - cheerful and calm. Love for all women without exception leads him to a late marriage.

name day

Edward does not celebrate his birthday.

Name color

Edward's colors are gray and purple. Gray expresses incredulity and dual character. "Greys" see deceit and betrayal in everything, they are vengeful.

The "purple" name gives the owner a philosophical mindset, developed extrasensory abilities and intuition. Such a person attracts others with an aura of mystery.

name flower

Edward's talisman plant is the daisy. It symbolizes love, material well-being and nobility. In European countries, it is often used when divining the love of a man.

church name

The Orthodox name Edward is absent from the calendar.

Name translation in different languages

Name Edward in other languages ​​of the world:

  • Belarusian and Ukrainian variants are similar to Russian;
  • English, Spanish, Polish and Slovenian - Edward.

Full name, abbreviated, affectionate

Forms of the name Edward:

  • Dyusha;
  • Edyusha;
  • Edik;
  • Edechka.


The patronymic on behalf of Edward for the boy is Eduardovich. Names for son:

  • Valentine;
  • Valery;
  • Stanislav;
  • Daniel;
  • Rostislav;
  • Novel;
  • Ruslan;
  • Konstantin.

The patronymic for the girl is Eduardovna. Names for daughter:

  • Isolde;
  • Elsa;
  • Isabel;
  • Stella;
  • Anastasia;
  • Valentine;
  • Antonina;
  • Camilla;
  • Margarita;
  • Mariana.


Edward name compatibility with female names:

  • With Anastasia - an ideal couple and love from the first minutes. She is creative and supporting him in everything, and he is her faithful protector.
  • If Edward can overcome his craving for romantic adventure, he will build a harmonious relationship with him. A woman will not be able to forgive a betrayal and will leave.
  • With Olga, a storm of emotions awaits Edward, but after the passion subsides, the couple breaks up.
  • Irina likes Edward's courtesy, and he likes the chosen one's sense of humor, but the girl is frightened by the man's excessive sociability. As a result, the union may not take place.
  • Edward and Julia will be able to build an almost perfect, but very emotional union. Quarrels happen here, but this does not interfere with the development of relations.

Forms of the name Edward

Short form of Edward. Eduardik, Ed, Eddy, Edik, Edya, Edunya, Edu, Du, Dado, Dino, Ted. Synonyms for the name Edward:, Edward, Ede, Eetu, Eidzhard, Edard.

Short and diminutive variants: Edik, Edyusha, Ed, Edya.

Name Edward in different languages

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Edward, Belarusian Eduard, Bulgarian Eduard, Hungarian Edward, Spanish Eduardo, Italian Edoardo, Latin Eduardus, German Eduard, Polish Edward, Portuguese Eduardo or Duarte, Ukrainian Eduard, French Edouard, Czech Edvard.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Eduard.

Origin of the name Edward

The name Edward (or Edward) has. In a literal sense, this name is based on the words "taking care of property." Most often it is translated as "guardian of wealth, prosperity, happiness", "sacred guardian". According to the origin of the name from the Old English name Eadward, the name consists of two parts: "rich, happy" and "army".

Edward's character

Edward is undoubtedly a firm and self-confident man. Edik knows what he wants from life. He can adapt to difficult conditions, make quick decisions and find a way out of any situation. The speed of his mind is aimed at the implementation of specific goals. Nothing else will captivate Edik.

Edward is stubborn, persistent and patient. If his parents managed to captivate their son with something, then, quite possibly, the boy will become a dock in this area. To achieve his goals, he most often chooses the easiest path. But if Edik has already taken up a career, then rest assured that he will reach the very heights. And no matter what occupation he chooses - medicine, science, administration - everywhere he will be successful.

The secret of the name Edward

Eduard can become a good engineer, doctor, designer. He can excel in military affairs.

At his job, such a man is friendly and charming. He is easy to talk to, polite and helpful. He is also incredibly generous and helpful. The politeness of such a man can quickly evaporate if he feels that his personal interests are being affected. Then he will become cruel and selfish, who will completely lose sentimentality.

Edward's wife becomes a beautiful and accommodating woman. She will endure the shortcomings and difficult nature of her husband. He likes to control financial expenses, he is prone to excessive alcohol consumption.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Numerology Of The Name Edward

For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, shiny, neon, purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric ramp, electric eel.

The name Edward as a phrase

E (YE = E) Thou
D Welcome
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Point, Order)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
D Welcome

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Edward

E - the ability to see the background of events, the wrong side of people, good command of the language in oral speech and in writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, sneakiness. The desire to show their belonging to a "good society."

Y is an active imagination, a generous empathic person, a philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to build utopian plans and remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is the unpronounceable!
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
D - reflection, reflection before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic.

The sexuality of the name Edward

Edward has a strong but unobtrusive sexual temperament. Unlike, for example, Victor, he has more chances to realize his needs and desires. Superiority over a woman is not for him something that he must constantly be convinced of. Eduard is not afraid of impotence, but of the dominance of a woman, her leadership.

Throughout his life, he studies sex, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, the psychology of a woman. Moreover, he does this with the tension of a person studying his opponent.

Thanks to his charm, he wins numerous victories, perceiving them both as an act of triumph and as a way of accumulating erotic experience. Eduard is a cold-blooded and graceful tactician, he has good intuition, he is an excellent actor, capable of performing in a variety of roles if necessary. He knows how to play on pity, anger, jealousy, doubt, maternal instinct, and the refinement of this game is determined by his innate intelligence.

In everything else, except for sex, this is a cordial, friendly, sympathetic person. In his opinion, women should be feared, not allowed to "sit on their heads", but strive to subjugate them. When he achieves this, he loses interest and chooses his next goal.

Edward is affectionate and gentle in bed, he attaches great importance to love foreplay. Spontaneity is alien to him, but he fully compensates for this with unlimited physical abilities and erotic play. He is very vulnerable, stubborn in his actions, he will not back down from his choice, nothing can stop him in love, despite all the practicality of life. Edward is a devoted lover, he is pleased to help his chosen ones, to give them expensive gifts. Confident in his feelings, he becomes balanced, affectionate, lively, spoils his girlfriends with pleasure.

Eduard is incredibly jealous (especially "summer"), and this usually becomes the driving force behind his love battles. Having caught his partner in infidelity, he suddenly shows his unbridled hot temper.

“November” women are especially suitable for Edward.

Characteristics of the name Edward according to the seasons

"Winter" is harsh in his statements, impudent, but indecisive.

“Autumn” is more resolute, but only because he knows how to foresee everything, not to smack the fever. Both "winter" and "autumn" have a penchant for entrepreneurship, they are interested in the work of a lawyer, investigator, stuntman.

"Summer" Edward is more sexual, but also more indecisive. The "spring" one has a lighter character than the "winter" one, but he is capricious, vulnerable. His sexuality is high. Both "summer" and "autumn" are captured by acting, philosophy, psychology, art.

“Winter” and “autumn” patronymics are more suitable: Prokhorovich, Yaroslavovich, Timofeevich, Savelyevich, Borisovich, Alekseevich, Efimovich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Ludvigovich, Gurevich, Oskarovich, Emmanuilovich, Egorovich, Igorevich.

The meaning of the name Edward for life

Eduard is sociable, polite, helpful, easily converges with people. Helpful with friends, generous with all. However, with all this, he is somewhat mercantile, and if he renders a service to someone, he knows that on occasion he himself can turn to this person with a request. Puts personal interests above all else. If someone encroaches on them, then Edward's polite tone and goodwill are replaced by harshness and irritation. He becomes rigid, intractable, uncompromising. He is in love, has a strong sexual temperament, but is not obsessive, will not seek the location of the woman who expresses her obvious hostility, antipathy. And he is right: there are many others in the world who will be glad for his attention. Edward is courteous, gallant, not stingy. An interesting interlocutor, a cheerful and witty man. It is pleasant to spend time with him, in intimate relationships he is an unsurpassed lover. He does not set himself the goal of conquering as many women as possible, but he takes everything that he needs from life. It can get carried away by some undertaking that promises big money, and for a while completely forget about the existence of the weaker sex. Then he will make up for lost time, but already with a large amount in his pocket. Edward is guided by common sense in everything, does not give in to momentary feelings, does not waste himself on trifles. He marries a complaisant, accommodating woman, knowing his complex, quarrelsome nature. However, his wife is usually quite satisfied with her marriage, she considers Edward a good husband, an excellent host. And he loves children.

The meaning of the name Edward for sex

Edward can have two marriages if there is sexual incompatibility in the first marriage. Eduard is very temperamental and puts sex in family relationships almost in the first place in a harmonious married life. If the spouse does not satisfy his needs, is cold or indifferent to the intimate side of life, Edward can go to a more temperamental woman. Children cannot be a hindrance to him, he does not stop taking care of them even in divorce, but he cannot give up a full-fledged sexual life. Because of this, he may experience a nervous breakdown, which is then difficult to cure.

Edward has a strong but unobtrusive sexual temperament. Thanks to charm, he wins numerous victories, perceiving them both as a triumph and as a way of accumulating erotic experience. In bed, Edward is affectionate and gentle, attaches great importance to love foreplay. Spontaneity is alien to him, but he fully compensates for this with unlimited physical capabilities and skillful erotic play. Edward is a devoted lover, he is pleased to help his chosen ones, to make expensive gifts. Confident in the mutual feeling, it becomes balanced, affectionate, lively. Eduard is incredibly jealous, especially "summer", usually this emotion becomes the driving force behind his love affairs.

Edward and patronymic compatibility

Eduard Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is endowed with a sense of humor, cheerful and cheerful. Friends love him, women adore him. But under the external charm hides a strong and complex character. In business, Edward has an iron grip, forgetting that his image of a carefree and simple guy suffers. Rigidly assertive, striving for the goal. He does not like conflicts and, if they happen through his fault, he knows how to smooth them out by using a charming smile. Women forgive everything to Eduard, many dream of getting into his field of vision. He is polite to everyone, but in close relationships is very selective. He likes smart, beautiful, well-built, erudite girls. Naked sex interests only in early youth, with age, interests change. It is not a great achievement to win the heart of a pretty dummy, but to conquer a smart and mature woman is a victory. Although Edward does not seek to collect mistresses, but the one that he likes, he must definitely captivate. Marries deliberately, not in a hurry with the proposal. He takes an attractive outwardly, intellectually developed woman with a high temperament as his wife. Her attitude towards Edward is also important, he needs to be loved by his wife. Living with Eduard is not easy, although he is a good host, an affectionate husband, but in a fit of anger it is impossible to get along with Eduard. Even if his wife completely satisfies him, Edward's search for the ideal woman does not stop until his advanced years. In family relationships, he is reliable, he will not leave his wife if harmonious relations develop with her. In relation to himself, physical treason does not consider treason. Eduard is a good father, authority among children.

Eduard Alexandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is emotional, quick-tempered, but rarely loses his temper. Only failures in business can unsettle him, shake his peace of mind. He is moderately ambitious, selfish, jealous. Believes that excess is harmful in any case. That's just to restrain the excessive sexual temperament, he does not always succeed. Amorous, sex occupies an important place in his life. In the decision to start a family, he shows surprising caution, which is completely absent in relations with his beloved. He has a lot of casual, one-time relationships that don't always end well. But he is not in a hurry with the choice of a wife, he looks closely for a long time, he sees more flaws in every woman than virtues. Wife wants to have a smart, economic, with a sense of humor. Not in last place is her external data. In family life, he is unstable, he often cheats on his wife, which can cause a divorce. However, generous, affectionate with her. Often returns from work with flowers, likes to make surprises, arrange holidays for the household. She loves children and enjoys spending time with them. He does not understand the household too much, trusts his wife in everything, does not interfere in her affairs. It is his duty to provide for his family financially.

Eduard Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich is respectable and balanced, with a strong-willed character. Physically strong, hardy, with a strong sexual potency. Not fussy, does not tolerate haste, thorough in decisions.

At the first meeting, he gives the impression of a closed person, but in fact he is quite sociable and hospitable. He is very careful with women, knows how not to succumb to passion, is guided by reason. He does not allow casual relationships, rarely gets into a delicate situation, prudent and restrained. A good lover, devoted to his beloved, always ready to help her, gladly makes expensive gifts, although you cannot call him a spender. He marries a woman whom he knows for a long time and well, he is very afraid of making the wrong choice. His wife should be balanced, non-conflict and tolerant of his shortcomings. Edward knows that his character is not sugar, which means that an emotional woman will not be able to withstand him. In marriage, balanced, stable, affectionate, but incredibly jealous. He is quite satisfied with his spouse, and there is no need to have casual sexual relationships. Such Edward is a good host, only the wife will have to give up the right to manage the family budget herself. Edward will take control of his wife's financial expenses, and he will have all the money. It's not because he doesn't trust her that he can't part with them after years of being a bachelor. But the wife is not too upset about this. Edward is not stingy, everything that his wife likes, he will buy her himself. He knows what is needed in the house, he is well versed in the quality of products, he is thrifty, everything is always in his house. Edward spares nothing for the children either; children of different sexes are born.

Eduard Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is fickle, his hobbies, goals, mood often change. He doesn't have any special affection for any woman. But in friendship he is faithful, decent and noble. He loves beautiful girls, but does not delay relations with any of them, from the first days of his acquaintance he openly speaks about his intentions. Keeps her lovers within strict limits, often does not even give them her phone number. But women agree to such conditions, because Edward is an unsurpassed lover, willingly introduces them to his circle of friends, knows how to entertain, does not skimp on material terms. He has the gift of eloquence, a good literary style, is able to speak any beauty. He marries, as a rule, successfully, although he is rarely faithful to his wife. His wife should be beautiful, be successful with all friends, but at the same time not cause jealousy in him. Suspecting something was wrong, he can publicly make a scandal. In marriage, he is looking for a safe harbor, support and getting rid of loneliness, which begins to overcome him with age. Divorce can only happen at the initiative of the spouse because of his infidelity. This Eduard does not like to do household chores, all household chores fall on his wife. He relies on her for everything, on her taste. Eduard loves to eat tasty and hearty, so he knows how to appreciate his wife's culinary skills, which he certainly tells all his friends about, often invites them to try her signature dish. Edward is a dandy, "loves to dress well, loves to dress his wife, for which he spares no expense. Children do not know the lack of material things either. Although Edward brings them up in severity, he does not consider the method of deprivation of material wealth to be an effective way to influence the behavior of children.

Eduard Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich - an imperious, independent, emotional person. Highly sexual, but in intimate relationships impatient, assertive, sometimes rude. Passionate, cannot restrain his feelings. At the same time, Edward is a cold-blooded tactician: if he likes a woman, he will consistently, step by step, achieve her. He has a well-developed intuition, he is an excellent actor: he knows how to play on pity, jealousy, passion and love. Such Edward believes that women are too dangerous for men, and therefore you need to keep an eye on them, tries to subdue them, does not tolerate power over himself. He does not know defeat in love. He marries late, but successfully and immediately takes the reins of government into his own hands, having tamed his wife, calms down, becomes balanced, affectionate, compliant and supple. He loves his family very much. In his wife he sees the person dearest to him. But before that, she will have to endure and endure a lot. Edward is very jealous, maybe because he knows a lot of women who can't resist a man. Eduard is a wonderful family man, but his passion for women does not go away even after marriage.

Positive traits of the name

The most interesting detail in the portrait of Edward is a sharp, critical mindset. The bearers of this name are very insightful, have an amazing influence on other people. They can subjugate anyone to their will, quickly calm an excited person.

Negative traits of the name

Although outwardly Edward is very restrained, passions are raging in his soul. He is vain, strives for power, appreciates the encouragement, praise, gratitude of people. If his ambitions are not satisfied, he easily becomes melancholy and sickly. Edward can give good advice to others, but rarely follows it himself.

Choosing a profession by name

Edward's career will develop successfully. His life is full of events, but quite favorable, will bring him fame, wherever he lives and whatever career he chooses for himself. When making a decision, he weighs everything, perceives as inevitable those delays and difficulties that first arise; then he gets what he planned for himself.

The impact of the name on business

Eduard does not seek wealth and position and at the same time is extremely sensitive to having his work recognized. Working as "brains", he can make money and become rich, but it is necessary that his business be under his own control.

The impact of the name on health

Edward's health is quite good, however, with the wrong lifestyle, diseases of the liver, spleen, kidneys, and bladder can occur. If Edward does not have a life goal, then he can ruin himself with alcohol and drugs.

Name psychology

People will always be ready to take a lot from Edward, and then return as little as possible, and this despite the fact that they will always be in a subordinate position to him. Edward lacks sincere and devoted friends.

Edward and pets

Eduard usually likes big and strong dogs: shepherds, great danes, bulldogs, cops. Pet names most suitable for the owner's name: Tit, Dan, Alf, Anita, Doli, Dina, Dick, Vulture, Hera, Zot, Zara, Zhanna.

Notable people named Edward

Edward Boeing (aircraft designer)
Eduard Bagritsky (poet (1895–1934))
Edward Radzinsky (writer, historian, playwright (born 1936))
Edward Gibbon ((1737 - 1794) English historian)
Edward Jenner ((1749 - 1823) English physician who developed the smallpox vaccine)
Eddie Murphy (American film actor)
Eduard Uspensky (Russian children's writer)
Eduard Shevardnadze (Georgian politician (born 1928))
Edward Ellington (American jazz pianist, composer (1899–1974))
Edouard Manet (French painter)
Eduard Buchner (German chemist, Nobel laureate)
Eduard von Hartmann ((1842 - 1906) German philosopher)
Edouard Manet ((1832 - 1883) French impressionist painter)
Eduardo De Filippo ((1900 - 1984) Italian theater actor, director, playwright)
Eduard Khanok (Belarusian songwriter)
Eduard Meyer (German ancient historian, Egyptologist and Orientalist)
Eduard Rüppel (German zoologist)
Edouard Claparede (Swiss psychologist, representative of functionalism)
Odoardo Tabacchi ((1836 - 1905) Italian sculptor)
Edoardo Sanguinetti (Italian writer and translator)
Eduard Vilde (Estonian writer (1865–1933))
Edvard Grieg (Norwegian composer, pianist, conductor (1843–1907))
Eduard Asadov (Soviet poet)
Eduard Artemiev (Soviet and Russian electronic music composer, People's Artist of Russia)
Edouard Schure (French writer, philosopher and musicologist, author of novels, plays, historical, poetic and philosophical works)
Ed Milliband (British politician)
Ned Kelly (full name - Edward Kelly, Australian bandit, who later became one of the heroes of Australian folklore (1854 - 1880))
Edo Ronchi (Italian politician)
Eduardo Chillida ((1924 - 2002) Spanish sculptor)
Eduardo Alves da Silva (Brazilian footballer)
Eetu Muinonen (Finnish football player)

Famous bearers of the name: Edward I, Edward II, Edward III, Edward IV, Edward V, Edward VI, Edward VII, Edward VIII - English kings; Eduard Hartmann - German idealist philosopher; Otto Eduard Leopold von Schönhausen Bismarck - Prince, Chancellor of the German Empire; Edouard Manet - French painter; Edouard Nieuport - French pilot, aircraft designer; William Edward Parry - English polar explorer; Edward Miele Purcell - American physicist; Eduard Napravnik - Russian conductor and composer; Eduard Pantsrzhansky - Soviet military leader, flagship of the 1st rank.

More recently, the name Edward was quite popular in the domestic space. And it's not just about the powerful and beautiful sound. The meaning of the name Edward leaves a certain imprint on the character and life path of its owner.


To decipher the meaning of the name Edward, you need to translate it from the ancient Germanic language. Literally, it means "the guardian of wealth and happiness" or "a person who cares about prosperity." There is a version that Edward is a form of the English name Edward, which, in turn, is translated as "rich", "happy". Thus, this is a person who can achieve well-being and defend it.

Features of childhood

Even in childhood, it becomes clear what the name Edward means. The meaning of the name determines the high intellectual and creative abilities of the child. He knows a lot, study is easy for him, because of which the boy becomes arrogant. If parents do not suppress this quality in him, Edik will transfer it into adulthood, which can become a serious obstacle to building relationships with others (including work and romantic relationships).

Character traits of an adult

The meaning of the name Edward determines the formation of the character of its owner. Here are the features inherent in its carriers:

  • resistance to stress;
  • the ability to adapt to the situation, which many take for duplicity;
  • bravery and courage;
  • the ability to be tough at a decisive moment;
  • sociability and friendliness;
  • the ability to smooth out conflict situations (even if he himself is their initiator);
  • a clear understanding of life goals;
  • perseverance and patience in achieving goals;
  • coldness and dryness in communication with others;
  • the ability to adapt to any living conditions;
  • goodwill;
  • natural charm;
  • ability to make quick decisions in non-standard situations;
  • a tendency to arrogance;
  • practicality and the predominance of material gain over personal relationships.

Name horoscope

In addition to the origin and meaning of the name Edward, you should pay attention to his horoscope. Here's what the stars say:

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio. People born under this constellation are well suited for the name Edward.
  • Blue color. It should be present in the interior of the home, as well as in the wardrobe.
  • The ruling planets are Mars, Jupiter.
  • Stone - Emerald. Edward must have a talisman or jewelry with this stone.
  • The plant is nettle. It is useful to drink tea and take baths with a decoction of this herb.
  • The animal is an elephant. Images, figurines, toys, souvenirs with an elephant - all this brings good luck to Edward.
  • Days of the week - Wednesday and Saturday. It is they who should account for important matters and fateful decisions.

Hobbies and career

The meaning of the name Edward helps to understand what a person will do in the future. The owner of this name does not have any specific hobbies. He does not have strong ambitions regarding education and career building. Nevertheless, Ediki is interested and purposeful. Therefore, parents have the opportunity to set the direction for the development of their child. He will persevere and diligently improve in this area. Having studied the statistics, we can say that Edwards are most successful in the following industries:

  • engineering;
  • the medicine;
  • warfare;
  • politics;
  • trade.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Edward and the fate of its owner are closely interrelated. In particular, this applies to relationships with women and family life. It is worth noting that Edward is quite charming and attractive to the opposite sex. He loves beautiful and well-groomed women.

Nevertheless, in the process of close communication, it turns out that Edik is a very complex and wayward person. Therefore, his wife, as a rule, becomes a patient and understanding woman. In family life, Edward manifests himself as follows:

  • the desire to fully control the family budget;
  • addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  • unobtrusive sexual temperament;
  • excessive jealousy;
  • love for surprises and holidays for relatives;
  • reliability (even in the event of a divorce, does not leave the former family without support);
  • the desire to be a leader in the family and command every step of the relatives.

One of the negative traits of Edward as a family man is that after marriage, he does not lose interest in other women. He is constantly haunted by the idea that there is an even more ideal spouse for him in the world. This is what pushes Edik to cheat, which becomes the most common reason for divorce.

Health status

Surprisingly, the meaning of the name Edward for a boy leaves an imprint on his health. From childhood, he grows strong enough and is not subject to any serious diseases. Edik can maintain good health if he adheres to the right lifestyle. Otherwise, the following body systems may suffer:

  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • bladder;
  • kidneys;
  • immunity (colds);
  • nervous system (mild depression).

Another significant problem is dependence on alcohol. As a rule, it develops against the background of a lack of life goals and unfulfillment.

Letter-by-letter decoding

The meaning and character of the name Edward are determined not only by the sound, but also by the composition of the letters. Each of them leaves an imprint on the personality. The decoding is given in the table.

Letter Decryption

Foresight, which allows you to see the essence of things and the "inside" of people;

Expressed oratory skills;

Excessive curiosity;

The desire to seem better than it really is

D (repeat - the characteristic is doubled)

Discretion and caution;

Focus on family values;

Willingness to help those in need;

Capricious temper;

Psychic abilities


Developed imagination;

Generosity and empathy for other people's problems;

Striving for spiritual development;

Rejection of lies


Striving for physical and spiritual comfort;

Desire to be the center of attention;

The desire to learn and learn something new


Perspicacity, which determines the ability to recognize lies and insincerity;


The desire for vigorous activity;

Dogmatism of judgments;

Propensity to take unnecessary risks

Middle name influence

The nature, fate and meaning of the name Edward for a person may vary somewhat, based on the combination with the patronymic. The table shows the breakdown.

middle name Meaning
Alekseevich, Andreevich, Vasilievich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yurievich

Innate sense of humor;

The desire for constant fun;

Strong and complex character;

business acumen;

The desire to bring the work started to the end;

Selectivity in close relationships;

The desire to be loved by others and loved ones

Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Grigorievich, Maksimovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Eduardovich

ambition and selfishness;

Amorousness and bright sexual temperament;

Instability in relationships with others;

Impracticality in business matters

Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich

Exceptional decency in dealing with people;

Balanced emotional state;

Volitional character;

Intolerance to fuss and haste;

Despite external isolation, exceptional sociability and cordiality;

Caution and restraint in decision making

Antonovich, Valerievich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Olegovich, Semenovich

Inconstancy in beliefs and relationships with people;

Lack of attachment to others;

Directness in communication;

Exceptional eloquence;

The desire to surround yourself with beautiful things, to visit beautiful places;

Striving for material wealth

Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich

Striving for independence;

Authority and leadership qualities;

Assertiveness and rudeness in communication with others;

Expressed acting skills;

Commitment to family values

Influence of the season

The fate and meaning of the name Edward for a boy is to some extent determined by the time of year that the person's date of birth falls on. Here are the features that are typical for Ediks born in different seasons:

  • Winter Edward is characterized by impudence and harshness in communicating with others. He seems unapproachable, cold and withdrawn. Nevertheless, if you get to know him better, it becomes clear that this is just a defense mechanism, a mask behind which sensitivity and indecision are hidden.
  • Autumn Edward is resolute, but very prudent. He does not take rash steps. Before making a decision, he carefully analyzes everything, calculates possible scenarios for the development of events. Such people have an analytical mindset and a heightened sense of justice.
  • Spring Edward is a capricious and very vulnerable person. Such a person is extremely impressionable, reacts sharply to any non-standard events. Also worth noting is the pronounced sexual temperament.
  • Summer Edward combines two incompatible characteristics. He is terribly indecisive and at the same time very sexy. As a rule, these traits lead to awkward situations in relationships with the opposite sex.