The Stalker series of games has captured the minds of gamers around the world. And even if it doesn’t shine with its graphical component, it does have an atmospheric, open world and variety. You can play any of the three parts for hours, tens of hours - and always be extremely far from completing it completely. There are a huge number of topics regarding these games that can be discussed endlessly, but now we will talk about subjects that interest a lot of people. These are artifacts. Stalker offers you access to dozens of such objects, but finding them will not be so easy. If you still have no idea what it is, then this article will tell you in detail about this phenomenon. So what are the artifacts? "Stalker" is a game in which any discovery can be extremely important for the survival of your character, so you should approach this issue extremely carefully.

In many computer games, there are objects that have special powers - these are artifacts. “Stalker” also has artifacts in the game world, but they are slightly different from those that people are used to seeing in other computer games. Here these are objects whose origin is completely unknown. They can form in radiation zones under its terrifying influence, or they can appear in completely different ways that are unknown to absolutely no one. However, no matter how the artifact is formed, it represents a goal for any gamer and non-player character, as it allows you to gain certain powers. When you activate it, it begins to have an effect on your body. Until the activation process is completed, you will not be able to find out exactly what effect this or that item will begin to have on you. By the way, it is worth noting that it can also be negative. This is just a general description; later in the article much more will be said about various game artifacts. "Stalker" does not suffer from their shortage.

What are they needed for?

In the game "Stalker: Clear Sky" artifacts can be useful to you in any form, be they negative or positive. The fact is that these items are the main goal of lone stalkers - they hunt for artifacts in order to earn money in this way. Many people come to the Zone precisely because traveling through it, although extremely life-threatening, promises enormous wealth if you can successfully find and sell artifacts in the anomalies. Considering the fact that initially you begin the passage as a lone stalker, you should also think about searching for these items in your free time from completing story tasks. In the Stalker game, artifacts can really become an excellent source of income for you, as well as a good boost, if you treat them carefully and use only those that will benefit you.

Origin of artifacts

In the game "Stalker: Call" artifacts can be very diverse, but how are they perceived directly in the game world? It is believed that artifacts are formed in anomalies, and this happens due to a certain kind of influence to which the remains of living beings, plants and various objects that find themselves in the very center of the anomaly are exposed. Naturally, no one can confirm this, so there is no single point of view. In addition, it is not even clear why such a process occurs - is the finished artifact an object that the anomaly worked on, that is, is it the fruit of her creativity, or is it just a random object that was simply processed and is its kind of waste? There are various legends among stalkers and other people regarding what actually happens in the anomalies, but no one can tell you anything specifically. Also, hardly anyone knows where to find artifacts in Stalker, because if they knew this, they would have gotten them themselves a long time ago. So if you want to get your hands on this or that artifact, go looking for it.

Search for artifacts

If you want to know where to find artifacts in Stalker, then you can only give one tip - look for anomalies. In the first parts of the game, artifacts are located close to the anomaly that formed them, and they can be easily seen even with the naked eye. The search is also simplified by the fact that artifacts are illuminated with a light glow, and sometimes they can even move in space. As you can see, in this case, searching for an artifact is not so difficult, and it cannot be said that it is dangerous. However, with the release of the Clear Sky part, everything changed a lot. Firstly, artifacts are no longer visible to the naked eye - to detect them you need to use a special device called a detector. When you use the detector near an artifact's location, it will be highlighted on the screen. However, that's not all. Secondly, the location of the artifacts has changed - now you will not be able to find them near the anomalies, you will have to go straight inside the anomalies, which is much more dangerous. This is exactly how the search in the game “Stalker: Pure” was complicated. Artifacts, however, have not lost their popularity, in part because their cost and effectiveness have increased along with changes in gameplay.

Artifact Properties

Many gamers focus on the question: “Where are the artifacts?” Stalker: Call of Pripyat is a game where you're better off focusing on other questions, such as "What do they give?" The properties of artifacts are a very interesting topic that you should study thoroughly before you go to the nearest anomaly in search of this or that item. The fact is that they all have positive and negative properties, which are similar in those artifacts that are produced by the same type of anomaly. For example, if you find an item near a “crater”, you can understand that this artifact, when activated, will increase your protection from shocks and explosions. This is a very useful property, but you should remember that in parallel with this, such an artifact will be extremely radioactive, which will cause you damage of a completely different kind. And if you take for consideration the artifact from the “rusty hair” anomaly, then, on the contrary, it cleanses your body of radiation - but at the same time, if your character is wounded, he will bleed much more heavily. It is worth noting that the more powerful the item, the stronger its impact, but this applies not only to positive, but also to negative effects. So in the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” artifacts should be used wisely.

Tactical Approach

So, if you find an artifact, you can activate and use it, not just sell it. Activation is extremely simple - you have five slots in your suit that can be used to place the artifacts you find there. Once an artifact is in one of these slots, it is activated, and its positive and negative properties begin to affect your character. These five slots are present only in the first game - in the remaining parts it all depends on your costume - there can be one slot, or there can be more. But their maximum number does not exceed five. It is worth noting that you can activate several artifacts at once. And this is where you can get creative. If you place your artifacts wisely, you will eventually be able to compensate for the negative effects of items, making their effect much more useful for your character. Naturally, this is not as easy to do as we would like - you will have to spend a lot of time searching and selecting the necessary artifacts, but the result is worth the time spent.

Unactivated Artifact

Many gamers are afraid to go searching for artifacts because they think that their negative effects may expose their hero to too much danger while they return to sell the item they found. But you don't have to worry: unless you intend to use the artifact for yourself. After all, to use it, you need to activate it. While it is simply in your inventory, it is inactive, so no effects will apply. Until you activate it yourself, you will not receive any positive or negative properties of this artifact, so you can safely deliver it to the merchant and sell it.

Creating anomalies

It was originally planned that with the help of artifacts it would be possible to create your own anomalies for further use. However, in the end, the developers decided that this feature was not needed in a single-player game, so they cut it out completely. But it remained in multiplayer mode. What is the essence of this function? If you find an artifact and activate it, then you can perform a very interesting operation. Take the activated artifact in your hands and immediately throw it to the ground. In a few seconds, a miracle will happen - a new anomaly of the same type in which the item was found will appear in place of the artifact.

Funnel artifacts

So, you have learned all the basic information about what the artifacts are in the Stalker series of games. Now it's time to look at some examples. To begin with, it’s worth taking the most common anomaly - the “funnel”. Here you can find Gravity, Inversion and even Goldfish. All these artifacts have the same properties - a positive one reduces damage from cutting weapons by 2-5 percent, but at the same time increases damage from radiation by five percent.

Artifacts of "Frying"

The next three artifacts belong to the “Frying” anomaly - a Drop and a Crystal. Each of them reduces your character's stamina by 18 percent, but also increases his radiation defense by 10, 20, or even 30 percent.

Other artifacts

Naturally, there are far more than two anomalies, but there is no point in listing all the artifacts. It's just worth noting that one anomaly may have reduced bleeding but increased burn damage, while another may have increased stamina combined with increased electricity damage. So you should carefully look at the properties of artifacts and try to use them in combination so that the positive conditions of one artifact overlap the negative conditions of another - this is quite possible.

The myths of different peoples mention many different artifacts that have become part of modern culture. Some of them, for example, necropants, can be seen in museums, others, such as the symbol of the Eye of Horus, are found during excavations, and still others archaeologists do not lose hope of finding. Our review includes 10 artifacts from the most famous myths.

1. Necropants (Icelandic folklore)

In Icelandic mythology, one of the most mysterious objects was necrotrousers - pants made from skin taken from a dead person. First, it was necessary to obtain the person's permission to take his skin after death. After a person died, the skin from the waist to the feet was torn off from his corpse in one solid piece. If this was successful, a coin stolen from the poor widow was placed in the scrotum. It was believed that the owner of the Necropants would definitely become very rich.

2. Treasures of the tribe of the goddess Danu (Irish mythology)

In Irish folklore, the Tuatha Dé Danann (tribes of the goddess Danu) were considered the children of this goddess. They allegedly came to Ireland from distant lands to convey sacred knowledge to the people of Ireland. The Tuatha Dé Danann brought 4 artifacts with them. The first was the Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny - a stone that screamed if the true king of Ireland stood on it. The second artifact is Claidheamh Solius or the sword of Light, an unsurpassed weapon. The tritium artifact is Lugh's spear, the owner of which always came out of battle alive. Nekotel Dagda, with which it was possible to feed any number of people.

3. Honey of poetry (Norse mythology)

They are of no less interest than myths. However, it is not recommended to tell them to children.

Often in texts related to magic you can find the expression “magical artifact”. Let's try to figure out what it is, what it was before and what it is now.

A magical artifact is some kind of man-made thing that has magical properties as a result of its influence. Either this influence was specifically directed, or the thing came under the influence spontaneously. But at the same time, only man-made objects are classified as magical artifacts, that is, for example, stones that have magical properties simply by virtue of their nature are not artifacts. If we turn to etymology, this word - artifact - comes from the Latin arte (“artificial”) and factus (“created” or “made”). Thus, we are talking about things created by man with a specific (in our case magical) purpose. There is even a whole science - artifactology, which studies artifacts of magical origin.

Myths and legends about artifacts

There is an opinion that the magical artifacts of antiquity are more powerful and more difficult to destroy or simply change their qualities. That is, the older the magical thing, the stronger it is. This is where the legends come from:
  • about the Ring of Omnipotence (Ring of Giga). According to legend, an honest shepherd named Gig found in a cave a mummy with a gold ring on his finger, which he took off. Having put it on, he became invisible, entered the palace, seduced the queen and killed the king. Tolkien created his fantasy world based on this legend.
  • Among the ancient magical artifacts, one can also recall the so-called Book of Thoth. According to legends, this book gave the owner the ability to speak the language of gods and animals, revive the dead and have power over the living. Plato mentioned Thoth in his writings as the deity who gave people science and writing.
  • The Philosopher's Stone is another mystical artifact, the secret of which was fought over by alchemists and magicians of past centuries. According to legends, either it was brought to Earth from the constellation Orion, or it is possible to create it with the power of magic and with its help to fulfill wishes and turn any substance into gold - there are enough legends on this topic, and is there any truth among them, we unknown.

From fairy-tale artifacts shrouded in myths, everyone has heard about a magic wand (equivalent to a magician’s wand), a self-assembled tablecloth, an irredeemable coin, a treasure sword and an always full pot. Many peoples have tales about such magical things, but is there any real basis for them or are they just the fruits of fantasy and sacred human desires?

In various literature and periodicals devoted to mystical and magical issues, one can find stories about artifacts that mysteriously influenced the lives of their owners. Often this influence was fatal, destructive - stories about daggers, precious stones, jewelry, the owner of which was beset by misfortunes and sudden events until he realized how to get rid of the ill-fated value. Probably, such stories really took place, and this is connected with a magical effect (a program imposed) on the object in the past, which is why it began to have such properties.

At first glance, ancient magical artifacts are difficult to distinguish from ordinary household items. It could be a simple decoration, a figurine, a knife, etc. They could be given by a master to his student, or passed down from generation to generation in the same family. Some people strive to find or buy magical artifacts that have come to our time from the depths of centuries, but where and how to do this cannot be found out through Google.

Magical artifacts today

It is interesting that in the modern world, not only ancient gizmos shrouded in legends, but also any thing that has magical properties have come to be called magical artifacts. That is, a bracelet made of natural stone, which you bought for yourself and charged it with a candle, incense, or in some other way according to your desire - this is your magical artifact. The amulet doll that you wove and tied with your friends at winter gatherings is also a magical artifact. The mandala that you have been drawing for the last three weeks, putting your soul and aspirations into it, and which now hangs in your bedroom above the head of the bed is also a magical artifact.

Magic is inseparable from creativity and vice versa. Therefore, in our opinion, the artifacts of magicians are much more accessible than people previously thought. What has in fact become your object of power, into which you have invested the energy of your intention, love, will - whether using proven ritual techniques or in some way known only to you - is already a real magical artifact.

If you believe the myths, then throughout ancient history the world was tormented by evil ghouls and finicky gods. But people were not going to give up without a fight and fought the haters of the human race with improvised means, in particular magic. A wide variety of artifacts have reached our time, the true purpose of which modern scientists can only guess at.

1. Greek palindrome

According to legends, Cyprus is the birthplace of the Greek goddess of love and fertility, and the city of Paphos was the “headquarters” of the cult of Aphrodite. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is replete with ancient mosaics and the remains of the great Mycenaean temples dedicated to the patroness of love. Recently, another miracle was found in Paphos - a 1,500-year-old clay amulet the size of a coin. On one side there is a Greek palindrome, and on the other there is a scene from myths. The palindrome reads: “Yahweh is the bearer of the secret name, and the lion Ra keeps it in his temple.”

2. Mysterious golden spirals

Gold has always been considered by people as a valuable metal. Everything was decorated with gold - from tombs to ritual figurines. Archaeologists recently discovered about 2,000 small golden spirals in a field on the Danish island of Zealand. Previously, less mysterious gold items such as bracelets, bowls and rings were found at the same excavation site.

The spirals date back to 900 - 700 BC, but that's all that is known about them. Why they were made is a mystery. Scientists suggest that the Bronze Age culture revered the Sun and attached great importance to gold, considering it the form of the sun embodied on Earth. Thus, it is likely that the spirals decorated the sacred robes of the priests.

3. Bone armor

Archaeologists in Russia have found unusual armor that was made from the bones of killed animals. Perhaps this is the work of the people of the Samus-Seima culture, whose representatives lived in the Altai Mountains in the territory of modern Russia and Central Asia thousands of years ago. At some point, they migrated to what is today the Siberian city of Omsk, where the armor, which is between 3,500 and 3,900 years old, was discovered.

Despite its age, it was found in "perfect condition." It likely belonged to some elite warrior, but archaeologists have no idea why anyone would bury such a unique item.

4. Mesoamerican mirrors

Mesoamericans once believed mirrors were portals to alien worlds. Although reflective surfaces are ubiquitous today, 1,000 years ago people worked up to 1,300 hours (160 days) to produce a typical hand mirror. Researchers have found more than 50 of these mirrors in Arizona, most of them at a dig site called Snaketown. The abundance of mirrors suggests that Snaketown was a very prosperous city that was inhabited by privileged members of society.

Unfortunately, the mirrors were in poor condition. Like other sacred things, they were subject to cremation and burial with their owners. Researchers found that the mirrors were made of pyrite and were richly decorated. Since there are no pyrite deposits in the territory of the modern state of Arizona, they assumed that the mirrors were imported from Mesoamerica.

5. Mysterious Sicilian monolith

Archaeologists recently discovered a giant monolith resembling the stones of Stonehenge underwater off the coast of Sicily. It is located at a depth of 40 meters, weighs almost 15 tons, and measures 12 meters in length. The monolith is at least 9,300 years old, making it almost twice as old as Stonehenge.

The purpose of its construction is not clear, but it is obvious that its production required Herculean efforts. What is noteworthy is that the monolith is made of stone that is not mined anywhere nearby. Today, this artifact, hiding under water, is broken into three parts, and three holes of unknown purpose were found in it.

6. Magic signs of the Tower of London

Standing on the north bank of the River Thames, the almost 1000-year-old Tower of London is a fortress that was once a palace, a repository of royal regalia and jewels, an arsenal, a mint, etc. Interestingly, this fortress dates back to its construction in 1066 year William the First, constantly had magical protection.

Archaeological researchers at the Museum of London have discovered 54 magical signs throughout the Tower. Most of them are black vertical symbols 3-7 cm in height, which were intended to reflect all forms of danger, including natural elements. Archaeologists also discovered several demon traps, including images of a grid.

7. Witch Island

The uninhabited island of Blo Jungfrun has always had a bad reputation and was considered a paradise for witches, literally since the Mesolithic era. The island is located off the east coast of Sweden and is completely isolated from the rest of the world, so it is not surprising that for 9,000 years people who practiced black magic have chosen it.

During archaeological research, caves were found bearing traces of man-made intervention, in which unknown frightening rituals were performed. All of them had altars. Servants supposedly made sacrifices on them to appease their gods.

8. Silver Scroll of Jerash

Thanks to the wonders of 3-D modeling, researchers were able to peer inside the ancient scroll to read its inscriptions without damaging the fragile relic. This small silver scroll was found inside an amulet, where it lay for over 1,000 years until it was found in a ruined house in 2014. The silver plates turned out to be very thin (only 0.01 cm), so it was not possible to unfold them without damaging them.

After recreating 17 lines from the scroll using 3-D modeling, scientists discovered an intriguing history of witchcraft. About 1,300 years ago, an unnamed sorcerer arrived in the city of Jerash to deal with some local problems. The first line of the spell on the scroll was written in a language resembling Greek, and then the text was written in a completely unknown language resembling Arabic.

9. Egyptian voodoo dolls and ushabti

Although the media usually considers voodoo dolls to be an African and Haitian invention, such figurines were first encountered in ancient Egyptian magic. The fate that befell the specially made figurine is believed to have also befallen the man in whose likeness it was made. These little effigies were made to induce various conditions, from curses to love spells.

The famous ushabti figurines were often created for these purposes, but they also had another purpose. The Egyptians knew that Osiris, the god of the dead, often used the dead for work in the afterlife. Ushabti allegedly did this work for their masters. Some exceptionally lazy but rich people were found buried with a ushabti for every day of the year.

10. Coptic book of spells

Despite the fact that the ancient Egyptians were friends with common sense, they did not hesitate to turn to magic to solve everyday inconveniences. Many of their curses were lost to history, but some survive to this day, including the 1,300-year-old Coptic Handbook of Supernatural Ritual Power. Fortunately, the 20-page booklet on parchment was written in Coptic, so scientists at Macquarie University in Australia were able to decipher it.

The codex contains 27 spells of varying usefulness, from "good", old-fashioned love spells to casting the potentially deadly black jaundice. The codex probably served as a pocket book of spells. Among other things, he describes the summoning of Baktyota - a certain mystical figure with divine powers who presides over meetings of snakes. The codex also speaks of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, and of Jesus. Researchers speculate that the handbook was written around the seventh century by the Sethians, a sect of Christian heretical mystics.

Today, archaeologists are finding many different ancient artifacts around the world. But particularly interesting exhibits can be found in such amazing places as.

Not all objects with magical properties can be classified as artifacts. An artifact is necessarily a man-made magical object, specially made by a very powerful magician who knows how to create artifacts. Objects that initially possess magical properties by nature are not called artifacts.

How to recognize an artifact?

At first glance, an ancient magical artifact may seem like an ordinary, unremarkable ancient object. And no wonder - after all, artifacts have long been created only for a specific owner and served only him. Artifacts themselves recognize the owner! They know how to recognize a person’s energy and identify the owner among strangers. Such artifacts were most often passed down in the family from generation to generation, and sometimes they were given as gifts (for example, a teacher gave them to a student). Once in the wrong hands, the artifact not only does not show its beneficial magical properties and remains neutral, but can also cause great harm - cause failure, illness, or even the death of an unwary person. Sometimes powerful artifacts donated by ill-wishers became the cause of troubles for an entire family.

One of the most common artifacts known for a long time is the magic wand. Not possessing great power today, it only serves as an aid in performing rituals and making magical potions or is used as a remedy against evil spirits.

Ancient artifacts, for obvious reasons, are not widely known, but there are several magical artifacts that many people have known about for a long time. Where? - from legends, tales and fairy tales familiar from childhood.

Giga Ring

There is an opinion that the legend of this ring inspired Tolkien to write his famous trilogy. The ancient philosopher Plato mentioned the Ring of Giga in his writings. According to legend, the poor shepherd Gig once found a tomb in a secret cave and took a gold ring from the finger of the body resting in it. Realizing that this ring was magical and could make him invisible, the once honest shepherd entered the palace, seduced the queen, and then killed the king and took his place.

Book of Thoth

This book, according to legend, gives its owner the ability to understand animals and gods, influence living people and resurrect the dead. God Thoth is also mentioned by the ancient philosopher Plato as an educator who taught the Egyptians literacy, astronomy and geometry.

Spear of Longinus

Who is Longinus, and why do Christians attribute enormous power to his spear, while at the same time considering him one of the greatest relics? This lance is also called the spear of Christ - according to the Gospel of John, the Savior crucified on the cross was killed with this spear.

According to legend, the owner of this spear can gain power over all of humanity and at one time it was held in the hands of Attila, Justinian I, Charlemagne, Henry IV, Adolf Hitler...

"Philosopher's Stone"

An ancient legend says that the Cintamani Stone, which many consider to be the eastern “philosopher’s stone,” was brought to our world from the constellation Orion. From Sanskrit, the name of the stone is translated as “gem of thought,” and it can fulfill the wishes of those who find it.

Dragon teeth

It is not for nothing that dragons are mentioned in the folklore of many countries - these monsters could really exist in ancient times. And from their teeth powerful magical artifacts can be made that can still be used in magic to this day. Legends and tales describe stories when a whole army grew from dragon teeth sown in a field in a short period of time.

An inexhaustible resource

Another familiar category of objects familiar from fairy tales can be assumed to be ancient artifacts. In many fairy tales of the world there are pots, kettles and other utensils in which food appears by itself, bottomless wallets or irredeemable coins. Russian fairy tales, for example, often tell about a self-assembled Tablecloth, which was enough to be unrolled to get a variety of hearty food. Are there artifacts today that allow you to endlessly spend, albeit small, resources? Quite possible.

Which of the described artifacts may actually still exist, and which are only popular fiction - it’s difficult to find out. Only true magicians have this information, and real artifacts may well be right before our eyes.

You can only receive an ancient artifact that will serve the benefit of its owner by inheritance, or as a gift from a teacher. And in order to use it correctly, you need to have special secret knowledge, which can also only be obtained from a teacher or by inheritance.

The older the magical artifacts, the more power they have. Therefore, the uninitiated should avoid searching for such items on their own. To the uninitiated, such an artifact can cause great harm.

You can learn about several more powerful magical artifacts in this educational program: