Crassula is called a money tree. For many peoples, this houseplant is associated with profit and financial wealth. For example, in Chinese philosophy, the money tree is endowed with magical properties with which you can attract money into your home.

These days, Crassula is one of the most common indoor plants. It is in almost every home. But, alas, this does not bring money luck to everyone, because the money tree requires special care. Remember that this plant is unusual, which means the approach to it should also be unusual.

Money tree: care and maintenance rules

If you want the fat woman to attract money into your home, then you should know about the basic rules for caring for it.

If you decide to buy a money tree, then try to choose the smallest sprout. The smaller the plant, the more likely it is to make you money. If you take an already grown tree, then it will not have any energetic connection with you, since another person grew it.

It is better not to buy a money tree at all, but to take a shoot from the house of successful people. Such a fat woman will be pre-charged with monetary energy and will be able to attract finances to you most actively.

The money tree must be planted in a new pot. It's good if it's red. Red is a symbol of development, movement and activity. The power of this color will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the money tree. You need to bury a five-ruble coin in the roots of the fat plant.

Where to put the money tree

You can’t keep a money tree everywhere. Preference should be given to the living room and hallway. Money energy is most active in these rooms. Where exactly should I put the plant? There are no specific rules about this. The main thing is that the fat woman does not stand next to electronic and household appliances. You cannot place this plant next to a TV, radio, telephone, etc., as they will not allow monetary energy to pass through to the plant.

Caring for a money tree includes not only the necessary watering and fertilizing, but also special magical actions that endow this plant with unusual powers.

Every Wednesday you need to approach the money tree and talk to it about your desires and needs. It should know everything you want. Talk to your plant politely and thank it for your successes.

After each salary, take a coin from the amount received and place it in a saucer next to the flower.

When you water the money tree, be sure to wipe its leaves and count them. Imagine at this moment that the leaves of this plant are gold coins.

Feng Shui money tree: how to make it yourself

There is another option to become rich with the help of a money tree. To do this, you will not need a fat tree, but a hand-made money tree. Take a few branches of any tree and let your imagination run wild.

Hang banknotes, coins or gold jewelry on improvised branches and your Feng Shui money tree is ready. Such a tree, of course, does not require special care; it will simply become a symbol of prosperity and financial success. This tree, like the Crassula tree, is capable of attracting money, but it’s just much less hassle. There is one thing: this artificial plant will help you become rich only if you periodically change its leaves and immediately spend the money that was hanging on it.

We hope you found our money tree care tips helpful. And so that financial success is always with you, don't forget to press the buttons and

In order for your family’s material well-being to improve, you need to learn to treat money with love and understand its value. It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree attracts finances into the home and helps residents gain financial independence. We will tell you how to correctly activate a money symbol in the article.

Tree meaning

One of the most popular money symbols is the Crassula. They began to call it monetary because of the appearance of the leaves, which resemble real coins. People try to grow it at home. She does not require careful care. It is enough to create good lighting conditions and water from time to time.

It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree should be purchased. But, some Feng Shui experts say that you need to steal a piece of the plant from your friends. In this case, financial well-being will definitely settle in your home.

Landing Features

In order for the fat plant to help you increase your wealth, its planting must be done with your own hands. The landing principle itself is not complicated, so it should not cause any problems:

  1. First of all, you should take a sprout from an adult plant.
  2. Now you need to wait until the sprout takes root. To do this, it is placed in water for 2-4 days.
  3. Choose only wide pots to plant the plant. According to Feng Shui, preference should be given to pots that are characterized by a metallic or earth color. That is, choose only brown, black, silver or gold containers.
  4. At the bottom of the pot you need to place 6 coins of the country in which you live. This will awaken all the magical properties of the plant.
  5. Do not use soil from your garden plot. Feng Shui experts are convinced that you need to plant the plant only in special purchased soil (you can use soil for cacti).
  6. Make a shallow hole in the ground and place the sprouted sprout there. Sprinkle with soil and compact.

Planting a plant correctly is only half the battle. Pay attention to the growth of the bush. As soon as it begins to grow out of the pot, it must be replanted immediately. Otherwise, he will die. When replanting, you need to choose a larger container and carefully plant an adult plant in it. Such actions can be carried out with your own hands, at home.

Selecting a location

According to Feng Shui, the money sector is located in the east-south part of your home. If you don't know where exactly it is, then use a geographic compass. According to Feng Shui, it is best to place a money tree in a place where most of the sun falls, because the plant needs good lighting.

Design of the selected sector

After you have found where to put the money tree according to Feng Shui, you should decorate the interior according to all the rules.

First of all, you need to take care of cleaning. The wealth sector should not contain unnecessary old things, because they will block the positive energy of the plant.

You also need to adhere to a certain color scheme of the room. Light pastel colors (blue, purple or green) are suitable.

The talisman should be placed on a stand or in a wooden pot. Water will enhance the flow of energy from the symbol, so you can install an aquarium or a small fountain indoors.

The room must be regularly ventilated so that the wind periodically blows on the plant. Feng Shui practice states that the vibrations of leaves from the wind will spread the energy of financial well-being throughout the entire perimeter of your home.

Oh, how I wish the chickens didn’t peck at the money. Buy yourself a car, a yacht, go on vacation to exotic countries. In the meantime, it’s not even possible to raise money for an apartment. The issue of big earnings remains relevant all the time. What if you try to attract big money with the help of Feng Shui talismans, namely the money tree?

The money tree, also known as Crassula and Crassula, is the only small tree that can affect cash flow. Crassula arborescens can change your life financially. And for this it is not enough to buy it and place a pot with a plant on the window. You need to learn more about Crassula if you want the luck of the money tree to open up for you.

Feng Shui experts do not recommend purchasing an adult money tree from a flower shop. It cannot be purchased for money at all. In order for the tree to absorb your energy and feel your care, you need to plant it yourself.

A stalk or leaf needs to be broken off from a large tree secretly. And there is no need to ask about this. You can break off a cutting from a tree that grows with friends or in the office. And it is desirable that rich people live in these places. This guarantees good growth of the plant itself and your budget.

Before planting the tree in a pot, you need to keep it in a glass of water for several days. During this time it will take root.

While the plant is taking root, prepare the pot. It should not be deep and wide. The color of the pot is very important. In Feng Shui, money is attracted by the colors of the Earth element and the Metal element. The pot can be brown, black, red or burgundy. You can choose silver or gold.

Before planting the plant, the pot needs to be activated. You need to put coins at the bottom of the pot. Coins must be used from the country in which you live. And you need six of them. This will awaken the magic of numbers.

The soil also needs to be prepared in advance. Cactus soil is suitable for this plant. Feng Shui experts recommend making the soil yourself. It is necessary to mix sand, turf soil, and leaf soil one to one. The peat portion should be half as much.

Crassula is an unpretentious plant that is easy to care for. The trunk of the plant looks like a tree, and the fleshy leaves look like coins. All monetary energy accumulates in these leaves. And the larger the tree, the better your financial situation will be.

Moreover, this plant cleanses the air in the room from negative energy and makes it harmonious. Crassula fits perfectly into the interior, decorates it and monitors the health of all residents.

How to care for a money tree

After planting the plant in a pot, it should be left alone. It should grow, and you water it and pinch off the side leaves. And when the plant reaches twenty centimeters in height, the top will need to be pinched. This will allow you to form a beautiful crown.

To prevent the tree from becoming pale and the leaves falling off, it must stand in the sun. In winter, it is better to place the plant in a cool place where the temperature can be five degrees. The plant needs to be watered once every three weeks. And starting in spring, you need to water once or twice a week and take a warm shower once a month.

This plant does not like a lot of water. Therefore, you need to water it when the soil is completely dry. And it’s better to do this in the evening.

The money tree needs to be fed. He will really like cactus food. Fertilizer should be added to the pot after each watering of the plant.

The plant does not like heat, cold or draft. It needs to be placed where there will be ideal comfortable conditions for a person. Keep the pot away from hot radiators and cold glass.

The money tree thrives in humid climates. If the air in the room is dry, place a container of water nearby or simply spray the plant frequently with a spray bottle.

As we have already said, the plant loves the sun. But it will not survive the scorching rays. It will grow best under indirect light. If there is little light on the window, you can put a lamp. And don’t forget to constantly turn the plant towards the light in different directions.

Where to place the money tree according to Feng Shui?

The southeastern zone is responsible for financial well-being. This is the wealth sector. In Feng Shui, not only the entire house, but also a separate room can be divided into sectors. Therefore, feel free to look for this side of the world in the room where you plan to place the plant. To accurately determine the direction, you can use a compass.

The place where the talisman will stand to attract money must be properly designed.

First of all, clear this area of ​​excess. Unnecessary things will only interfere with the circulation of monetary energy. After that, do the color design. Green, purple, and blue shades should predominate in this zone.

In this sector it is necessary to place an object that will relate to the element of Wood. The pot can be placed on a wooden stand or table.

Items that belong to the element of Water revitalize cash flow. It can also be an image of water streams, rivers, streams. If possible, place a small fountain in this sector. A constantly circulating water stream will attract and increase cash flow. An aquarium with goldfish, which also attract money, is also suitable.

If you decide to simply place a picture depicting water, then the flow on it should not be aggressive. A typhoon, a flood, a powerful waterfall will wash away the entire stream. That is, the cash flow will pass you by.

In order for cash flows to increase and renew, it is necessary to ensure air movement. To do this, it is necessary to place elements of the Wind element in this sector. The best option is to hang wind chimes. Only this item should not contain metal parts. By the way, it is also not recommended to keep metal elements in the wealth sector.

And since we have already begun to design the place where the pot with the tree will be located, then this must be done thoroughly. Cash flow can be enhanced using a red napkin with special hieroglyphs. Place the pot on it. The tree itself can be decorated with red ribbons. In addition, special Chinese coins with holes can be tied to the trunk and branches.

Cash flow does not tolerate dust. Therefore, in this sector we need to get rid of it more often. You also need to get rid of old things. If there is little lighting in this sector, then you can hang a beautiful lamp.

It is very important that the plant feels your care and love. Gently touch the leaves, stroke them, talk to the tree. You can tell him what happened to you during the day. And in this way many problems can be solved. When you talk about her, her solution comes to mind. Crassula feels all emotions. And if you approach her in an irritated state, she will wither.

Healing properties of money tree

Scientists have been able to prove that the fat plant helps in the treatment of many diseases. The juice of the leaves contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, disinfect and kill harmful microbes.

If you need to quickly cure a sore throat, pick ten leaves from a tree, squeeze the juice out of them and mix with water. You need to gargle with this solution at least four times a day.

Tea made from Crassula leaves helps cure cystitis and pyelonephritis. Five leaves must be crushed and poured with a cup of boiling water. The tea should steep for at least an hour. After this, you will need to strain it and take a tablespoon before meals.

A cold on the lips can simply be lubricated with the juice of a freshly picked leaf. Drip it onto a cotton pad and attach it with a band-aid for a while.

The juice of the leaves of the Crassula helps to heal cuts, wounds, and burns faster. Make a paste from the leaves and apply as a compress.

And a piece of paper cut and applied to the sore spot will help get rid of hemorrhoids.

And always thank the tree for its help.

If you treat this plant with care, then after a while you will feel its reaction to you. If there is a decline, it will wither a little. But when it grows wildly, then expect cash flows. And if the Crassula blooms, which happens very rarely, then we should expect a sharp turn of events in monetary terms, in a good way, of course.

Do not think that wealth finds only a select few. The money channel can be opened to anyone. And Crassula can help with this. Place it where you need it, surround it with the necessary objects and cash flows will not pass you by.

Money tree, Crassula or Crassula belongs to succulent plants. When translated from Latin, “crassus” means thick, indicating a massive trunk with rounded leaves. Plant at home grows up to 1.5 meters, blooms with pale flowers collected in inflorescences at the top of the branches.

Even the ancient Chinese fell in love with the unpretentious plant. This is evidenced by the imperial tomb from the reign of the Han emperors, decorated with bronze images of the Crassula.

On the territory of Ancient Rus' there was a belief that Crassula was a shoot of the Solar Tree. If you are known as a generous person during your earthly existence, then in the afterlife the tree will bestow you with heavenly life.

History of a flower

The plant's homeland is considered to be the arid regions of Africa, South Arabia and Madagascar.

For more than 1,500 years, the plant has been cultivated, captivating with its unpretentiousness, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Merchants of the Middle East called Crassula the money tree, because its leaves resemble silver dinars.

The common name is jadeite or jade plant. Jewelry symbolizes wealth and power and gives youth to its owners.

Cultivation in Europe dates back to the inclusion of Crassula in horticultural reference books in 1687. Already in the 19th century, the widespread distribution of the flower began; sprouts were transported from South Africa along with other tropical species.

Thanks to the breeding of many hybrid varieties, more than 200 species of Crassula are known. Among them there are tiny plants, blooming with bright inflorescences, and striking with the pearlescent shade of leaf plates.

Attention! The fat woman will satisfy the taste of any esthete and will fit into an apartment with an old or modern interior. The plant will not only become a magnet for wealth, but will also give the owner self-confidence and contribute to the development of leadership qualities.

What signs and superstitions are there?

To attract money, you should grow a fat plant yourself or purchase a small sprout. The smaller the shoot can be rooted, the sooner good luck will visit the owner.

Even if there is no time at all, take a few minutes to communicate with Crassula. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, saying any words about wealth over the tree.

Signs for good luck:

A strong magical effect is tying banknotes to a fat woman. It is advisable to choose red threads or satin ribbons to attach money of different denominations.

Over time, old bills are replaced with new ones to prevent stagnation of monetary energy. For the New Year, it is recommended to decorate the tree with chocolates in golden foil, tied with scarlet ribbons.

Why was the flower called “Money Tree”?

The money tree symbolizes financial stability and attracts the energy of cash flows.

The name refers to the round shaped leaves that cover the ground as they fall, like silver coins.

If the plant is not watered for a long time, it will not die, because it accumulates moisture in the leaves-coins in case of drought. Likewise, a prudent owner always has a cash reserve for a rainy day.

The ability to reproduce even with a small shoot or leaf, germinating under unfavorable conditions, is also a symbol of enrichment, when profit grows from a small starting capital. The plant is also called the tree of happiness and good luck, the dollar and coin tree.

Can I keep it at home?

Many benefits of keeping at home:

  • attracting good luck and prosperity;
  • cleansing the home of stagnant negative energy;
  • if family members are sick, it takes on the negativity, begins to waste away, and after the person recovers, it returns to its original appearance;
  • does not release allergic compounds into the air, so it is suitable for everyone;
  • The bactericidal properties of the tree are known.

In addition to attracting financial well-being, the leaves are used to treat skin lesions, abscesses and arthritis. Decoctions of the leaves will help get rid of sore throats and herpes rashes.

For sprains and bruises, use the juice, which is soaked in a bandage, and then tied around the affected area.

Important! A fresh leaf will serve as emergency aid for a bee sting. Cut and apply the cut to the wound, secure with a plaster. Soon the pain will subside and the swelling will subside.

How to plant so that money flows?

Owners of fat women cannot always boast of increased well-being. Everything is due to the fact that the conditions for magical landing in order to attract monetary energy are not met.

Ways to fit correctly:

You can't talk about financial collapse so that the plant doesn't wither. Everything should be told in a positive way, future wealth should be described in detail.

What rituals are there to attract money?

Crassula is used in rituals to attract financial energy:

Attention! Crassula should not be kept in a house near cacti, which absorb radiation. It is better to place the flowerpot near an orange tree or indoor chrysanthemums.

Magical properties of the flower

By the appearance of the tree one can judge the financial condition of the owners of the home. If it withers or has small leaves, then the owners will face poverty and disease. The good condition of the flower indicates well-established financial flows and a healthy climate in the family.

With proper care, the plant will not only saturate the air with beneficial volatile compounds, but will also attract financial energy into the house.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is considered a powerful money talisman, refers to resuscitators, that is, it restores vitality in a short time and relieves fatigue.

According to an old legend, if you shake a tree, it will reward you with gold coins.

It is believed that the leaves accumulate monetary energy; the thicker they are, the more wealth will grow. It is recommended to bury coins in the soil under the plant and decorate it with red ribbons.

You can plant a miniature dragon between the branches to attract wealth, an owl is placed on the tree to monitor savings in the house, and 3 red lanterns are installed at the base to enhance the magic of the plant.

What does it mean if it died?

If the plant dries out, try to improve its care. You need to transplant it into another pot, inspect the root for rot, and cut off the affected areas with a sharp knife and sprinkle with charcoal.

Falling leaves are collected in a wallet to enhance monetary energy. When nothing helped and the tree died, nothing terrible happened. Similar troubles happen with any plants, but a shoot is taken from Crassula for subsequent rooting.

Why does the Crassula bloom?

Crassula very rarely pleases with flowering, but if this happens, then it’s time to make wishes that will certainly come true soon.

Flowering itself indicates the receipt of money from unexpected sources or the receipt of an inheritance.

Desires must be of a material nature; money will flow into the family in an endless stream.

Is it possible to throw away a dead tree?

When the money tree has grown old and withered, they get rid of it, but thank them for the financial assistance provided. Only a living fat plant becomes a magnet for wealth, and a dried one will slow down the energy of money. If there is at least one living twig left on the tree, then it is broken off to grow a new plant.

Is it possible to trim?

To form the crown, trimming is carried out. Take garden pruners and try to give the crown a round shape. The branches are cut a couple of centimeters above the dormant bud to provoke the growth of lateral branches.

If the plant is still young, it is too early to prune. During rapid growth, use your nails to pinch off the growth point located in the apical part of the shoot.

Is it possible to give?

They give a tree for a wedding with pure intentions, wishing prosperity to the young family.

The trunk is tied with a scarlet ribbon, and banknotes rolled into tubes are tied to the plant with threads.

They present a gift with warm wishes so that the tree becomes the key to growing prosperity.

You can also give not a living tree, but one made from ornamental stones or metal. The talisman is placed in the south-eastern part of the apartment, people talk about money, and wipe the leaves.

What to do if you gave it as a gift?

According to legend, if you give an adult money tree into the wrong hands, you can go bankrupt. But if you gave a fat woman for a wedding with pure wishes, then everything will be fine financially, both for the donor and for the other party.

When giving a tree as a gift, it is better to pay with coins and place the plant for several days separately from other plants to adapt to its new home.

Is it possible to buy and sell?

They sell only young plants that were specially grown for sale. They try not to talk to such trees; they will generate income for future owners.

Buy only young plants to grow at home yourself.

Note! Buying an adult tree will not bring wealth, but will become another acquisition for landscaping your home.

How to properly sprout?

If you give the shoot into the wrong hands, then the wealth will leave the house. When you present the shoot with a pure heart, the wealth will only increase. You can break off a shoot from a tree and root it for a memorable date in order to give a young fat plant to close friends.

Useful video

Find out more about the signs and various superstitions about the “Tree Tree” from the video below:

Let's draw conclusions

A money tree will become a talisman of financial profit in your home if you follow simple care rules, replant, water and feed on time. Crassula will smooth out family conflicts and become a guarantee of growing prosperity if you decorate it with banknotes, coins and scarlet ribbons.

The fat woman will turn into a home healer, becoming the first aid for joint pain and viral diseases.

Still, it’s worth remembering that the fat woman is a talisman. But no talismans will bring you money if you don’t make any effort.