MS Word Volume: 47 pages

Business plan

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By offering a good hotel business plan, we satisfy the demand for projects related to the development of places for recreation and temporary residence. After all, there are different types of hotels, and all of them are in great demand today: a campsite for active travelers, a motel for young people, a luxury hotel for the wealthy public who want to spend money on comfort and convenience.

Also pay attention to hostels, guest houses, motels, which are incredibly popular in European countries. Thanks to low prices and many clients, such “democratic” hotel complexes pay for themselves very quickly. The document presented on our website, which is available for study by anyone or anyone who would like to have a basis for their own calculations, will allow you to successfully start your own business in this market.

Mini-hotels are also in demand, which can have only 15-120 beds, but at the same time will be an excellent hotel enterprise, where coziness and comfort will coexist with an affordable price and developed service. It is also important that you can open such a small hotel in any city, and especially in resort areas, where there is always demand.

A well-thought-out document is the first step towards building your own business, which can become a family business and will bring profit to you and your children. In this case, it is not necessary to build a hotel; you can use the buildings that exist in your city. It won't be that expensive, but quite effective for a start.

In general, the document includes a list of important recommendations and calculations, without which it is not recommended to begin commissioning a private hotel, motel or other establishment. It is the package of documents that contains the risk assessment, the amount of initial investment that will be required, as well as the general financial plan and an assessment of the payback of a particular object.

Studying the presented document is the right decision, which will be confirmed by time and the work that you can do to make your dream come true. As a result, expect gratitude from clients, regular increases in profits, satisfaction from a job well done and the provision of the services that people need.

As an analysis of the activities of hotel and tourism enterprises shows, mini-hotels are increasingly becoming the most popular among tourists. The problem with large hotels is that they often do not have enough economy class beds, which entrepreneurs who open mini-hotels have taken advantage of. This sector of the market in Russia is developing very actively, and in many cities small and cozy hotels constitute very noticeable competition for multi-storey buildings.

The main problem of the mini-hotel business is the lack of a constant flow of guests. The main points of development of a small hotel are such that it is more difficult for it to make itself known. As a rule, the first year of operation of a small hotel becomes especially difficult. Financial investments at this stage are maximum, but returns cannot yet be dreamed of. Hospitality training is an integral part of the process if you want to manage a hotel yourself, and this will also require significant funds.

Another significant drawback in organizing the hotel business and small hotels in particular is the long payback period. According to estimates given in some hotel business projects, a small hotel will begin to generate net profit only after 8-10 years. Even in large cities, the costs of business development are returned no earlier than after 5-7 years.

Where does the organization of a hotel enterprise begin? Of course, from finding a suitable premises. As a rule, hotels with from 5 to 30-40 rooms fall into the category of mini-hotels. This can be either a separate building or one or two floors in a dormitory. Opening a hotel from scratch requires mandatory approvals, but the peculiarities of the positioning and functioning of small hotels make it possible in some cases to simplify this process.

Small hotels are attractive, first of all, due to their low cost of living. Potential clients are not afraid of the lack of a fitness room or sauna, but the equipment of the hotel rooms must be at a high level. The calling card of small hotels is service. The main hotel concepts here include an individual approach to each visitor, fortunately, there are usually few of them. The peculiarities of the work of staff in small hotels, as well as the management of a mini-hotel, consist in closer communication with the client. Business processes in a small hotel take place almost in full view of everyone, which creates certain difficulties.

There are several categories of small hotels, and the most noticeable of them is business hotels, somewhat similar to departmental hotels that exist in some regions to this day. The main feature of a business hotel is that hotel clients come to another city for a serious purpose, which is related to the implementation of business activities. In this regard, the equipment of a room in a business hotel is important - it is important that it has a reliable telephone and Internet connection.

How should business services be carried out in hotels, how to create your own business and open a small country mini-hotel, where to find an example of equipment for a mini-hotel - in search of answers to these questions, novice businessmen turn to a competent example of a business plan for opening a mini-hotel with ready-made calculations. It allows you to understand the features of the hotel business and labor relations. Having this document in hand, it will be much easier to take the first steps in creating and opening your own mini-hotel. Having decided to study the business project of a private mini-hotel, businessmen make the right choice.

The hotel business is multifaceted: someone builds a huge multi-storey hotel, investing tens of millions in it, others decide to open a mini-hotel in their apartment. At the same time, both options are in demand, they are just designed for different categories of the population.

It is a mistaken opinion that organizing a mini-hotel in a residential building, apartment, can be in demand exclusively in resort areas, when guests use the rooms only for overnight stays. The opportunity to save on hotel accommodation is valued in any region, and there will always be those willing to rent a room at an affordable rate. Of course, opening your own mini-hotel in an apartment does not imply the availability of five-star amenities. Everything is only the most necessary - a minimum of furniture, the presence of a toilet and shower, hygiene products - toilet paper, soap, paper towels, air fresheners.

In order to open and register your own hotel business - a hotel in an apartment - an entrepreneur does not need to go through a special licensing procedure or collect a lot of documents and permits. It is important that the living space meets all safety standards and requirements. Many owners of mini-hotels in their apartments do not register at all, remaining in the shadows for many years.

According to the hotel industry, in many regions there is a shortage of economy class hotel rooms. Not everyone prefers to stay in luxury hotels, shelling out big bucks for such luxury. If a person needs to spend a couple of days in a foreign city, returning to his room only to spend the night, then an option such as a hotel, which uses a hostel building or several apartments in a residential building, will be an ideal option for him.

You can open your own business - an apartment-type hotel in a residential building - for example, in a former communal apartment, turning each room into a separate room. The equipment of the rooms in such hotels can be minimal - a couple of beds, a wardrobe and a coffee table. The businessman creates basic and additional services in mini-hotels depending on his financial capabilities and the wishes of the guests. You can even open your own mini-hotel in a spacious three or four-room apartment.

Opening such a hotel business requires minimal paperwork and relatively low costs. For this reason, this business is ideal for beginners in hotel services. It is important to take into account that there is at least 5 square meters per guest. meters of living space. Mandatory requirements include the presence of one shower and toilet for 12-13 people.

Every novice businessman is interested in the approximate payback of the hotel business, in particular, his hotel opened in an apartment. What the organization of a hotel business or home hotel should be like can be understood using the example of any hotel. It will be easier to perform the necessary calculations and evaluate comparisons if you have a professional hotel business plan, which contains a detailed description of the hotel business and lists the main organizational and legal foundations of hotel activities. This document even takes into account such subtleties as outsourcing in the hotel business, which makes it a reliable support for any novice businessman.

So, you have decided that mini-hotels in dormitories or hotels in apartments are not your option, and are ready to build a completely new hotel, built taking into account your taste and style, personal ambitions and your own vision of the future brainchild. Surely you understand that the work ahead is enormous, and the financial costs will be equally large. The payback of the hotel business is quite high; you should not expect net profit earlier than in 10-12 years. All this time, the hotel will only pump huge amounts of money out of you. But, believe me, it’s worth it if everything is done correctly.

The construction of a new hotel can be carried out in two ways: either you build a completely new facility, or you choose any non-residential building for the hotel - it must be in more or less normal condition - and completely restore it. In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, you should correctly formalize your actions from the legal side. The businessman will have to obtain permission to use the land for construction, and for the construction itself, develop a development project, and then register ownership of the hotel building. The required documents also include an act on the performance of work in the hotel and an act of inspection and inspection of the building for compliance with the standards existing in the hotel business.

A clear definition of tasks in the hotel business and an assessment of the hotel’s main competitors are of great importance even before the start of construction of the facility. It is also necessary to carefully plan all necessary costs during the implementation of the project, and then during the operation of the hotel. You should take into account the expected payback period of the hotel, understanding how important it is to organize a fairly solid reserve fund in case of unforeseen expenses.

Operating costs in a hotel depend on the organizational structure of the hotel, the main subjects of the hotel business infrastructure, and are usually divided into 3 groups:

Utility bills, costs for the purchase of consumables, safety equipment, as well as food for a buffet or restaurant at the hotel;

The peculiarities of running a hotel business are such that success is possible only with proper planning of all processes. Having in hand a professional sample business plan for the construction of a mini hotel, a businessman can easily analyze the cost of hotel rooms in order to set optimal prices for hotel accommodation. This document contains a complete description of the hotel business, including the intricacies of running a hotel business in accordance with laws and regulations, which will greatly help the entrepreneur in the future.

Such a business fully pays for itself in 5 years in tourist centers, in other cities - in 9. If you use ready-made real estate, you can make a profit by the end of the first year. The proposed mini-hotel business plan calculates the approximate costs necessary to open and continue its operation.



It is recommended to start calculating and drawing up a business plan for a mini-hotel by defining the basic number of services provided.

At the first stage, you can limit yourself to standard offers, such as:

  • change of linen;
  • washing and ironing;
  • cleaning;
  • communication services;
  • breakfasts;
  • perhaps parking.

If you intend to open a mini-hotel in a tourist center, it would be useful to organize excursions.


The more developed the tourism and business infrastructure, the higher the need for new places to receive guests, which means the higher the profit for room owners. Not everyone can afford to stay in five-star hotels, so the demand for budget overnight stays is higher. Opening a guest house is especially important in tourist centers. People purposefully go there for impressions and are willing to pay for service and quality of services.

B&B options

The hotel business is so developed that there are at least 20 types of hotels, but the following would fit the definition of “mini” (6-20 rooms):

  1. Bed and Breakfast (English: “bed and breakfast”). These are mini-hotels that do not have “star” qualifications. In fact, all that is required of them is a clean room with a bed or two, breakfast in the morning, or the presence of a kitchen for preparing (warming) their own food.
  2. Hostel. Designed for those who want to visit a particular city on a budget. As a rule, guests are offered a large room with several double beds, each person receives a bedside table with a lock where they can put things. Up to 20 people can stay in one room, and the cost depends on the number of beds.
  3. Mini-hotel or mini-hotel. They have 6–20 rooms, a small kitchen and a reception at their disposal. Breakfast is not served here, but it offers a "homey" atmosphere and a relatively small check for accommodation.
  4. Motel. A roadside hotel, not distinguished by its special appearance or frills, the motel is located along a major highway. The advantage is the low price, but the level of comfort and safety leaves much to be desired.

Market description and analysis

By studying competitors' offers, you can determine the demand for hotel services in the region and the needs of the target audience. By taking a closer look at existing hotels, you can determine the price range of offers and create an approximate list of services provided to city guests.

For example, in city “X” there are 7 hotels, with a total of 350 rooms with standard offers (cleaning, washing, ironing). Today their occupancy rate is 70-80%. This means that the budget guest accommodation market is oversaturated with supply and does not need additional players. There is a risk of going bankrupt in the first months.

The target audience

The target audience depends on the social role of the hotel. If a hostel is suitable for young people, such accommodation is problematic for a married couple with a child. For a business traveler, the location of the hotel is important, as close as possible to the place of his intended work. Some guests who are staying for 1-2 nights will not require a high level of comfort, in such cases just a motel is quite suitable.-

Competitive advantages

With high competition for standard hotels in the region, it would be an advantage to open a themed mini-hotel, for example, a cozy spa hotel or a mini-hotel for pets.

A conference room can be provided to attract the business community present in the city. Even with low room occupancy, you can make money by renting it.

Advertising campaign

The main thing is to choose the right tools, for this you can:

  • post the video on your website;
  • contact a popular blogger who will tell you about the hotel;
  • install a banner on the city hall website.

In any case, when choosing where to place information, it is better to be guided not by your feelings, but by the expected portrait of the target audience.

Step-by-step instructions and what you need to open

Having decided on the direction and type of hotel, you need to do:

  • preparation of documents;
  • search and design of premises;
  • purchasing the necessary equipment;
  • personnel selection.


At the first stage, you need to decide on the form of business registration. Considering that it is not licensed, an individual entrepreneur can engage in it. However, to expand the possibilities for concluding contracts with companies, it is still recommended to organize a limited liability company (LLC) or a joint stock company (JSC).

In the future, a license may be required, for example, to sell alcohol.

If you open an individual entrepreneur, you must provide the tax authority with:

  • application in form P21001 (it indicates: name, passport data, address, OKVED codes);
  • a photocopy of all pages of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application for transition to a simplified taxation regime (3 copies);
  • power of attorney if you are represented by another person.

More information about what is needed to open an individual entrepreneur can be seen in the video published by Vyacheslav Khokhryakov.

If you open an LLC you will need:

  • registration of the name of a legal entity;
  • exact legal address of the LLC;
  • activity codes according to OKVED;
  • calculation of the size of the authorized capital of the LLC and its contribution;
  • checking account.

The package of documents required for registration with the tax office includes:

  • application in form P11001;
  • decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting of founders;
  • LLC charter (2 copies);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the presence of a legal address.

Room and design

When designing a future hotel, you should focus on the potential target audience. If we are talking about young people, you can afford bright colors, while older people want a more relaxed atmosphere.

According to the state standard GOST R 54606-2011, a mini-hotel is a small accommodation facility with a capacity of 5 to 15 rooms.

If you convert an apartment or private house into a hotel, it would be useful to pay attention to GOST and other conditions imposed on the premises:

  • constant power supply;
  • provision of water;
  • availability of ventilation;
  • telephone communications;
  • TVs (in rooms or in the hall);
  • special room for washing;
  • rest room.

As for the rooms themselves, according to GOST, the minimum room area in a “small accommodation facility” in single rooms is at least 9.0 m2.

In double and multi-bed rooms per person:

  • for year-round operation - at least 6.0 m;
  • during seasonal operation - at least 4.5 m.

Equipment and inventory

When choosing the necessary equipment and inventory for a hotel, it is best to focus on the star rating.

1 star

2 stars

3 stars

4 stars

5 stars

Comfort level:High
Room area:From single rooms with a size of at least 16 square meters. m., up to several rooms
Equipment:Bed, chairs, wardrobe, cabinets, TV, telephone, mirrors, tables, armchairs, minibar, air conditioning, safe
Nutrition:There are several restaurants and bars on site
Facilities:The room has a bath, bidet, jacuzzi, large selection of cosmetics, bathrobes, slippers, hairdryer, ironing unit
Cleaning:Daily, change of linen and towels - every day
Location:In the city center or on the first line of the beach
Additional characteristics:Availability of elevators and a conference room in the building. The territory has a guarded parking lot, a swimming pool, shops, beauty salons, a night club, a gym, and an entertainment complex for children. Catering services, postal delivery, dry cleaning, atelier, etc.


At the beginning of the activity, a minimum number of workers can be hired, which will ensure relatively modest wage costs.

You can reserve the position of director. Considering that the hotel is small, combine it with the position of a manager. It is not recommended to replace the receptionist at the reception due to the heavy workload. Over time, the combination with the manager will become inappropriate, but by that time the hotel will reach a new level of income.

The proposed approximate estimate is relevant for provincial cities. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, costs will have to increase.

Job titleNumber in accordance with the staffing tableSalary, rub.Total, rub.
Director1 0 0
Administrator1 40 000 40 000
Accountant1 20 000 20 000
Manager1 0 (20 000) 0 (20 000)
Cook1 40 000 40 000
Cleaning woman2 11 000 22 000
Technician2 12 000 24 000
Housemaid3 12 000 36 000
Security guard2 10 000 20 000
Total, rub.: 202,000 (222,000)

As for recruiting personnel, you can find it yourself by placing an ad on websites, in a newspaper, or by placing an advertisement on television. If you don’t have the time or desire to search for a long time, it’s better to contact a specialized recruitment agency.

Calendar plan

It is important for investors and banks to see the calendar plan for opening a business.

Stage name/months1 month2 month3 month4 month5 month6 month7 month8 month
Company registrationx
Purchasing premisesx
Repair, redevelopmentxxxxxx
Ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systemxx
Interior decoration, purchase of furniture and equipmentxx
Coordination with the responsible services (fire department, SES)xxx
Start of activityx

Financial plan

When drawing up a financial plan, an assessment of the amount of own funds and attracted investments is required. For example, there is a premises available, but there is no money for its equipment, therefore, in a business project it is necessary to calculate the costs of repairs and equipment.

Approximate costs of opening a hotel

Thus, the share of own investments will be about 36.2%.

Share of investments Investment structure by month

Opening dates

When studying the calendar plan, it is clear that work on opening a mini-hotel begins long before the start of receiving guests.

In about 8-10 months you need to:

  • draw up a business plan;
  • consider the issue of financing and the possibility of attracting investments;
  • prepare a detailed calculation.

After receiving money, ensuring obligations to investors requires tireless monitoring of repairs and redevelopment of premises.

Risk analysis

The most common risks of the hotel business include:

  • market - changes in the economic situation, as well as the needs of the target audience;
  • financial - changes in prices for equipment, energy, or increases in wages;
  • competition - reduction of prices for services from competitors, introduction of new offers, etc.

Income and payback

To calculate profit, the following parameters are taken as a basis:

  1. Number of rooms - 15.
  2. The average room rate is 1800 rubles/day.
  3. Occupancy rate – 65%.
  4. The cost of staff work (based on the previously presented estimate) is 202,000 rubles/month, taking into account the combination of the position of director and manager.
  5. Depreciation of equipment and operating expenses (water, electricity, taxes, etc.) approximately 100,000 rubles/month.
  6. Starting next year, it is planned to increase the cost of living by 10%, increase current expenses by 10%, and increase wages by the same 10%.

Considering that in the first year the hotel will begin operating no earlier than the eighth month from the start of planning, the imputed calculation begins in January of the first year.

Approximate estimate for the first year.

Month / number of daysRevenueSalary to employeesDepreciation and other expenses
August31 544050 202000 100000
September30 526500 202000 100000
October31 544050 202000 100000
November30 526500 202000 100000
December31 544050 202000 100000
Total2 685 150 1 010 000 500 000

Total profit: 1,175,150 rubles.

Approximate estimate for the second year.

Month / number of daysRevenueSalary to employeesDepreciation and other expenses
January31 598455 222200 110000
February28 540540 222200 110000
March31 598455 222200 110000
April30 579150 222200 110000
May31 598455 222200 110000
June30 579150 222200 110000
July31 598455 222200 110000
August31 598455 222000 110000
September30 579150 222000 110000
October31 598455 222000 110000
November30 579150 222000 110000
December31 598455 222000 110000
Total7 046 325 2 666 400 1 320 000

Total profit: 3,059,925 rubles.

With a conditional profit of 3 million rubles/year, the hotel will recoup its investment in three to four years. Perhaps earlier, given that the calculations are based on occupancy at 65%.

Opening a mini hotel is a good business idea for entrepreneurs who have good management skills, know how to properly organize work and reduce unnecessary expenses. The attractiveness of this idea lies in the fact that people constantly need hotel services, even during an economic crisis. Only the emphasis of demand is changing from luxury category to standard or economy. In this article, we present a detailed business plan for a mini hotel, which will help to properly organize work, calculate the profitability and payback of the business, conduct a SWOT analysis and build a competent marketing strategy.

In order to immediately determine the format of the business, it should be stipulated that the room capacity of a mini hotel, according to GOST, should be between 3-15 rooms. At the same time, a business can be implemented in several directions at once. This includes the creation of youth hostels and the opening of cozy family hotels. A 15-room hotel, which will attract the attention of business travelers and tourists, will be much more expensive for a novice businessman.

GOST also regulates the placement of a mini hotel only in a separate building with its own entrance. You may need an emergency exit - this will be determined by the Fire Inspectorate.

A mini hotel can only be located in a non-residential building.

Despite the economic instability in the country, the demand for hotel services has not fallen. Today, preference is given not to fashionable hotels, but to practical and inexpensive mini-hotels that can offer quality service at an affordable price.

Let's look at the main points that you should pay attention to in order to launch a successful project.

The implementation of any project is preceded by a stage of careful planning. No matter how original and relevant a business idea is, without strategic planning, analysis of the competitive environment, and market capacity, it is impossible to launch a project.

The hotel business involves large investments and, perhaps, it will not be possible to do without the assistance of investors. On the other hand, the profit from this business promises to be large.

A business plan will allow you to build a strategy of actions that are necessary for the successful implementation of an idea.

The document must:

  • justify the relevance of the idea;
  • perform an analysis of the environment in which the business will develop;
  • calculate additional sources of financing;
  • draw up a schedule for completing tasks.

Evaluating a business idea: pros and cons

Before we begin drawing up a business plan, let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this project, identifying its strengths and weaknesses.


  • High demand. This aspect largely depends on the attractiveness of the region and the location of the hotel. Therefore, to choose a location, be guided by an analysis of the competitive environment, study transport accessibility, the location of the bus and railway station, and the presence of attractions near the site.
  • Regular customers. With a properly developed marketing strategy and a high level of service, you will be able to occupy your niche in the market and work with regular customers who, through word of mouth, will promote your hotel for free.
  • Opportunity to receive high income. A well-organized hotel business is profitable with 30-35% occupancy. And already at 50% occupancy it begins to generate income.


  • High competition. Considering the stability of this business and the possibility of obtaining high income, many novice businessmen turn their attention towards opening inexpensive mini-hotels. With a properly structured strategy and high quality services, this drawback can be leveled out.
  • Large starting capital. This business is associated with large financial investments, without which it will not be possible to organize a company. Renting premises or purchasing your own real estate, renovations, purchasing furniture and equipment - all this will require capital investment.

Where to start - determining the hotel format

Before drawing up a cost estimate, you need to determine what size and concept your mini-hotel will be.

Starting a business - where to start?

  • A small mini hotel is designed for 10-12 people and allows you to create 3-4 separate rooms for overnight stay. This form is distinguished by a quiet, cozy environment and, in comparison with other options, does not require large investments. But you shouldn’t expect much income in this case either.
  • The average size of a hotel is designed for 15-20 guests.
  • If you decide to open a hotel with 15 rooms and the ability to accommodate up to 40 guests at a time, you will be faced with a large investment. To open such a business, entrepreneurs buy out part of apartment buildings or build separate mansions, initially designed for the hotel business. The disadvantage of this option is the serious investment, but the advantage is the possibility of large profits.

Before opening a mini-hotel, it is important to make sure that it will be able to offer its clients all the necessary services.

The range of services largely depends on the chosen target audience, as well as the intensity of the competitive environment.

The standard service includes:

  • daily room cleaning;
  • wake-up call in the morning at the request of guests;
  • provision of ironing equipment;
  • delivery of correspondence;
  • change of towels at least once every three days;
  • calling an ambulance and providing a first aid kit;
  • safe;
  • change of bed linen at least once every five days;
  • calling a taxi.
  • breakfast in the room;
  • sauna;
  • billiard room;
  • providing access to a computer with Internet access;
  • pool.

Market analysis

Considering the high competition of this business, it is necessary to clearly define the target audience for which the hotel will be designed.

It can be:

  • tourists;
  • vacationers;
  • people who came for treatment;
  • business trips;
  • romantic clientele.

Each group of people will have its own requirements, so you need to clearly understand what category of clients your business is designed for.

Analyze the market and identify the main players in your region. As a rule, a large number of hotels are concentrated in places where there are large concentrations of tourists. But quiet residential areas or the entrance to the city often go unnoticed by businessmen. Calculate the feasibility of placing a mini hotel, depending on the range of services and the selected target audience.

Please also pay attention to the fact that the location next to a landmark and a large crowd of tourists largely determines the seasonality of the business.


This indicator is significantly influenced by factors such as:

  • competitive environment;
  • hotel location;
  • range of services;
  • room category;
  • selected target audience.

The average price range of mini hotels ranges from 1400-1800 rubles per day, with breakfast included.

SWOT analysis

To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, we will perform a small SWOT analysis.

Strengths of a mini hotel:

  • high quality of service;
  • high demand;
  • designer renovation;
  • location in a park area;
  • additional level of service (breakfast in the room, transfer, laundry).

Weak side:

  • large capital investments;
  • lack of parking;
  • high competition.

  • economic instability in the country;
  • emergencies, accidents;
  • seasonality of demand.

Project capabilities:

  • increase in demand;
  • powerful advertising;
  • offering additional services.

Production plan

The main production costs include:

  • purchase of real estate (or rental);
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • renovation of the premises.

Organizational plan

The hotel business is in the sight of the state. To register it you will need a certain package of documents. As a rule, mini hotels are registered as an LLC, which allows them to operate under a more favorable taxation scheme.

When contacting the tax office, prepare the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • Application on form P21001.

To open a business, you must have the following documents on hand:

  • charter, which will specify the type of activity of the enterprise;
  • company current account;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • authorized capital;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders (if required).

To open a hotel, you must obtain a License, which gives the right to provide public services.

As for the form of taxation, this choice will depend on the scale of the hotel. For a medium-sized business, it is advisable to choose the Single Tax. In the future, as the project develops, you can always switch to another form of taxation.

After registering all primary documents, you need to obtain a conclusion from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station that the hotel complies with all legal standards.

In order to obtain such a Conclusion, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the appropriate authorities:

  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur (or LLC);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate confirming tax registration and taxation form;
  • premises rental agreement or document confirming ownership;
  • medical records of employees.

Personnel search

An important stage in the work of opening a mini hotel will be the search and selection of personnel. The success of the enterprise largely depends on the level of qualifications, their communication skills and appearance.

Considering that the mini hotel will operate around the clock, the work of the staff will need to be organized in 2-3 shifts.

To operate a hotel with 10 rooms, you will need about 5-7 employees. The larger the hotel, the wider the staff will be. At the first stages, you can combine management functions, as well as the functions of a production manager. However, over time, you will face the need to separate them.

The main staffing units include:

  • Administrator. Considering the hotel operates around the clock, you will need at least two people who will receive guests, keep order, and answer phone calls.
  • A maid whose duties will include cleaning rooms, changing and washing linen, keeping the recreation area and kitchen in order.
  • Accountant. For a small hotel, you can find a person who will combine the functions of accountant and administrator.

If the range of hotel services is not limited to standard room cleaning, but includes a sauna and serving breakfast, you will need to hire a cook. However, this type of service can be organized in another way.

It is enough to enter into a partnership agreement with a cafe or restaurant that is located in close proximity to the hotel. This will save money on paying for a chef and purchasing equipment for cooking.

Search for premises

The level of service and range of services that you can offer to clients largely depends on the correctly selected premises.

Pay special attention to the area where the mini hotel will be located. If there is an industrial zone, nightclubs, market, railway nearby - all this will significantly reduce the demand for the services of your business and affect pricing.

Regarding the issue of renting premises or purchasing real estate, you should carefully study the issue of investment and payback.


The ideal location is the central part of the city, a quiet residential area, entering or exiting the city.

Please pay attention to the following criteria when selecting a building to buy or rent:

  • good transport interchange;
  • attractiveness from the point of view of the tourist route;
  • parking space;
  • quiet cozy area.

Many owners prefer to open mini-hotels in the city center, which ensures good traffic. The only downside to this is the high price of real estate, which will significantly reduce the payback period.

In addition, there are a number of standards that a mini hotel must comply with.

You will have to provide:

  • constant cold and hot water supply;
  • electricity supply;
  • room temperature is at least 18.5 degrees;
  • television broadcasting;
  • ventilation;
  • telephone connection.

And if household appliances help create an optimal hotel microclimate, you cannot influence the level of noise and odors in any way.

Experienced hotel owners advise to be very careful when choosing a hotel location and to visit the place more than once at different times of the day and year in order to correctly determine all the advantages and disadvantages.

Please also pay attention to the requirements for room size and availability.

The area of ​​a single room should not be less than 9 square meters.

The area of ​​a double room must not be less than 12 square meters.

For multi-bed rooms the following calculation applies: basic 9 square meters + 6 sq.m. for each guest. The only exceptions are seasonal mini-hotels - in this case, there can be 4.5 square meters per person.

The completeness of hotel rooms is regulated by GOST as follows:

  • bed;
  • table;
  • chair;
  • cabinet;
  • storage space;
  • mirror;
  • one lamp (minimum);
  • carpet or bedside rug;
  • door lock;
  • curtains.

Also, upon check-in, each room must have a set of bed linen and a set of towels.


The success of the hotel depends on high-quality and stylish renovations, because this will be the calling card of the mini-hotel. Therefore, you need to approach this issue responsibly and not save money on design.

After completing the repairs and arranging the furniture, you should take care of other important points in organizing the hotel business.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • provide customers with drinking water;
  • install fire-fighting equipment and purchase fire-fighting equipment;
  • ensure cleaning of hotel premises, treatment of towels and bed linen;
  • ensure the maintenance of cleaning equipment and equipment;
  • take care of maintaining the surrounding areas in proper condition;
  • ensure waste disposal, as well as protection from various insects and rodents.

When the initial issues have been resolved and a suitable premises have been selected, it is time to start purchasing equipment for the work.

When selecting equipment and furniture for a mini hotel, follow the following rules:

  • the equipment of the rooms should not be luxurious, but overly cheap furniture is also inappropriate;
  • choose durable and comfortable furniture and textiles;
  • The ideal option is to purchase special hotel equipment. Depending on the price level and target audience, choose a set from the economy class or luxury categories.

Even in a small hotel, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. The beauty of the interior alone will not attract a client. In a hotel, he needs convenience first.

  • rooms (beds, tables, chairs, TVs, split systems, wardrobes, mirrors);
  • laundry (washing machine and dryer);
  • reception (bar counter, armchair, coffee table, sofa, chairs for staff;
  • means of communication;
  • plumbing;

Marketing plan

You need to take care of how you will promote the service on the market long before the hotel opens. A plan must be drawn up that includes a detailed description of the proposed activities to popularize the service.

In this article we present classic marketing methods

In order for a mini hotel to become popular and recognizable, it is necessary to choose a sonorous and meaningful name for it, and also to create a unique logo. This data is placed on signs, business cards, leaflets and any promotional materials.

Important! Instagram, VK thematic group and YouTube channel are best suited for promotion.

Financial plan

Calculation of starting investments

  • Regional peculiarity.
  • Market saturation.
  • Quality and level of hotel service.

We will present general items of expenses (indicating the average cost in Russia), which cannot be avoided when opening a hotel.

  • Buying or renting premises. In the first case, you need to have at least 10-20 million rubles. The price will vary greatly depending on the region and the choice of hotel location. Renting a building for 15 rooms will cost 80-100 thousand rubles. Obviously, purchasing premises as a property is much more efficient and economical.
  • Room renovation. This factor determines the status of the hotel, its “star” category and is a calling card. Therefore, you can’t do without a stylish design.
  • Purchase of furniture, plumbing, household appliances - from 1 million rubles.
  • Registration of documents will cost approximately 300 thousand.
  • Expenses for a marketing company - from 100 thousand.

Monthly costs

For the normal functioning of the business, you will have to make certain cash injections every month. The costs can be represented as follows:

  • salaries to employees. Depending on the format of the business and the number of staff, it can be 100 thousand rubles monthly.
  • payment for utilities is a significant expense item and will amount to approximately 40 thousand rubles monthly;
  • taxes from 20 thousand rubles;
  • consumables – 10 thousand rubles.

Total: 170 thousand rubles.

When determining the pricing policy of your business, carefully analyze the market in your region and competitors’ offers. It is important to understand what exactly competitors include in their standard set of services.

In some mini-hotels, the price consists of only one bed with a standard set of services.

Other owners offer extended service, which affects the price. Of course, each of these categories will have its own target audience. In order to avoid mistakes and not to overestimate or, on the contrary, underestimate the price, you need to clearly calculate the profitability.

Cost of accommodation 1 person/day 1000 rubles, occupancy 80%

20 people * 1500 * 30 days = 600,000 rubles

With a successfully built marketing strategy, good location and high quality of services provided, the profitability of the hotel business ranges from 15 to 75 percent.

The return on investment is 4-5 years.

Additionally, to increase profitability and increase profits, you can implement related services:

  • laundry, ironing;
  • snacks in vending machines;
  • TV, game consoles;
  • massage;
  • billiards, board games;
  • excursion services;
  • nutrition;
  • transfer, etc.

Important nuances for organizing a mini hotel

In addition to production costs, it is important to take care of the following nuances for opening a mini hotel:

  • It is necessary to organize good security. Do not neglect hiring additional personnel (security guards) and installing an alarm system.
  • the hotel must provide 24-hour check-in for guests;
  • To organize catering in hotels, you will need additional permits and codes in registration documents.


The hotel business, despite high competition and large initial investments, can bring good profits. It is important to clearly define the target audience, choose the right location and correctly set the pricing.

The high professionalism of the staff and high-quality repairs will become the hotel’s calling cards and will serve as additional advertising, so the implementation of these points of the plan must be approached with full responsibility.

Video. Business plan for opening a mini hotel

Previously, the word “businessman” made the average person imagine a respectable man in a suit, who sits behind the wheel of an expensive car. However, today a sixth of the country's population is engaged in business. Some trade in the market, others engage in large and risky investments. (See How to make money on). In this article we will talk about opening a mini-hotel or hotel; below is an example of a business plan for a hotel with 24 rooms (44 beds).

Building for a hotel or hotel

Hotel business: how to open a mini-hotel, hotel

Today, the hotel business is quite stable and profitable. You can start earning income from the hotel business in any region of the country. It is the safest type of business activity. An investment in a (mini) hotel will guarantee a permanent income, but only if the hotel is run by a knowledgeable person.

Creating a hotel should begin with the selection of premises. It is best to build or buy a suitable building, because renting it for a long time is not the best idea. (Business ideas for a small town, see). A building with several floors is perfect for creating a small mini-hotel. A well-written hotel business plan is needed for many purposes:

  1. Used as a ready-made presentation for investors.
  2. Constantly used for internal use as the main management tool.
  3. Needed to determine all costs, risks, and pitfalls. It roughly helps to calculate the future income of a business and its prospects.

Description of the business plan for a three-star hotel with 24 rooms

Purpose of the project: open a 3-star hotel for 44 places (24 rooms)

Objective of the project: service and accommodation for a comfortable stay for city guests and tourists.

Demand: In Russia, the demand for hotel services is constantly growing. There are many reasons for this: a surge in the tourism business in Russia, an increased influx of foreign tourists, the opening of large enterprises together with other countries, holding exhibitions and seminars throughout the Russian Federation.

Given the deteriorating quality of the environment, hotels located in clean, untouched corners of nature, far from civilization, are becoming more in demand.

Marketing campaign: To ensure a sufficient number of clients, the hotel will be advertised using printed publications (newspapers, magazines), leaflets with advertising information about the new hotel, and the Internet. Agreements will also be concluded with several travel agencies to advertise our hotel to tourists.

Hotel production plan

The area of ​​the hotel is 1200 square meters. Includes 24 rooms for accommodation, including:

  • Luxury rooms - 4 pcs.
  • 2-seater - 16 pcs.
  • 1-seater - 4 pcs.

The hotel also has entertainment facilities:

  • Cafe;
  • Restroom;
  • Billiards.

Financial side of a hotel business plan

The duration of the calculation period is 2 years (the time of construction of the building) plus the time of subsequent operation.

A) Total investment amount - 18 - 24 million rubles:

  • construction of a building - 800 thousand - 1.2 million rubles.
  • landscaping of the territory, construction of a parking lot - 3 million rubles.
  • design and pre-design work - 11.4 - 14 million rubles.
  • purchase and installation of equipment - 2.8 - 4.8 million rubles.

It is necessary to take into account possible unplanned expenses.

B) Current costs will consist of:

  • Salaries and transfers to social funds.
  • Operating costs.
  • Spending on repairs and hotel maintenance.
  • Possible tax for the use of land.

The salary of employees (manager and six to seven service personnel) will be 1.44 million rubles. in year.

Operating costs consist of payment for electricity, water and heat supply. This also includes the purchase of food and cleaning supplies, payment for communications, etc. The cost of operation will be 800 thousand - 1 million rubles. during the accounting period of hotel operation.

B) Main sources of income:

  • Income from renting rooms - 6 - 7 million rubles,
  • Income from food and drinks 1.4 - 1.8 million rubles.

Additional sources of income:

  • Billiards - 100-200 thousand rubles.

The total annual income of the hotel will be: 7.7 - 9.5 million rubles.

The project will pay for itself in 5 years, the profitability is 60%. Using discounting when determining payback periods, we can give a figure of 6 years.

The discount rate in a market economy depends on the percentage of the deposit on deposits, but in practice, most often, increased values ​​are used, taking into account the unstable economy and investment risks.

Over time, the scope of hotel services can be significantly expanded by adding several innovations:

  • Pool;
  • Sauna;
  • Summer cafe;
  • Playground for children;
  • Bowling;
  • Massage room.

This example of a hotel business plan will help you open a mini hotel (hotel), as well as take out a bank loan for your business. Good luck to you!

This business plan is a visual aid for entrepreneurs who are interested in developing the hotel business. The main stages of opening a mini-hotel and the economic calculations of the project are described in detail here. A business plan can be used to justify obtaining a bank loan or presentation to a potential investor.

The goal of the following project is to find and attract investment to open a mini-hotel.

Opening a mini-hotel: planning stage

Justification of the feasibility of the project

To develop our business, we take into account the abstract city of N. Currently there are four hotels here, the total number of rooms of which is 320 rooms. Hotels have a very high occupancy rate of 75%. As it became known, the city of N has become of interest to a large industrial holding, which plans to build a new electric steelmaking complex here. Construction of the plant is expected to take four years. The work here will be carried out by both local contractors and visitors (who are expected to be the majority), including foreign ones. In this regard, an increase in business travel and an increase in demand for housing is expected.

Local authorities have already stated that to meet this need, it is necessary to increase the number of rooms by about 100 units, so opening a mini-hotel is in this case a very profitable business project.

The mini-hotel will consist of 15 rooms. An administrative building was chosen as the site, which is currently not functioning and is being put up for sale by the owner. To open a mini-hotel on its base, major repairs and redevelopment of the premises will be required.


The cost of rooms in a mini-hotel will be in the middle price segment and will average 1400-1800 rubles per day, depending on the season. This price already includes the cost of breakfast for guests.


According to calculations, the hotel staff will consist of nine people who will work in two shifts. There will be four people per shift (two maids, one cook and one administrator)

Salary volume

Total, rub.




Starting from 2016, wages for mini-hotel employees will be indexed by 10%.

Project implementation

Phased calendar plan

This table details the entire progress of work prior to the opening of the mini-hotel. Due to the fact that the start of construction of the electric furnace complex is scheduled for February 2014, the hotel should open at least a month earlier.

Stage name

August 2013

September 2013

October 2013

November 2013

December 2013

January 2014

LLC registration

Purchasing premises

Carrying out renovation and redevelopment work

Coordination with Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, etc.

Recruitment and training of personnel

Start of activity

The stages preceding the opening of the hotel will be carried out both on our own and with the involvement of third-party contractors. For example, to carry out repair work, work on replacing windows and doors, installing a ventilation and air conditioning system and work on coordinating the project with supervisory authorities.

General expenses

To open a mini-hotel, a financial investment of 15,000,000 rubles will be required.

Expense item

Amount of expenses, rub.

Source of financing

Purchasing premises

Investor funds

Carrying out repairs and redevelopment

Own investments

Replacement of window and door structures

Own investments

Installation of ventilation systems, fire alarms, air conditioners

Own investments

Purchase of furniture, household appliances, plumbing fixtures

Own investments

other expenses

Own investments

Own investments

Own investments

Project investment schedule (Chart 1)

The distribution of funds will occur in approximately equal shares: 43.3% - own investments, 56.7% - investor funds.

Fund distribution scheme (Chart 2)

Economic forecast for the development of the project until 2020

Revenue and profit forecast

The volume of revenue is calculated based on the room rate of 1600 rubles per day, with a room occupancy rate of 70%. Starting from 2016, it is planned to increase the room rate by 10% annually.

General expenses

As can be seen from the table above, the largest share of expenses is the payment of wages to employees. In general, the net profitability of a mini-hotel will be approximately (specify how much)%.

Project payback calculations:

  • Project start date: July 2013
  • Hotel opening: January 2014
  • Break-even point: March 2014
  • Full payback of the project: December 2020
  • Project payback period: 80 months.
  • Return on investment: 15.36% per annum.

Prepared by the editors: “Business GiD” Use of the material is prohibited without the written consent of the administration.