Rational and integrated use of raw materials is of critical importance, since currently only about 10% of the mass of natural resources used is included in the final product, and the remaining 90% is lost. The highest form of rational environmental management is human activity that almost completely uses natural resources, does not generate pollution and waste, and ultimately returns everything back to nature without disturbing its condition. With waste-free production, it is assumed that optimal technological schemes with closed material and energy flows will be created. Ideally, such production does not have harmful emissions into the atmosphere, wastewater or solid waste.

The term “waste-free technology” was first formulated by our chemist scientists N.N. Semenov and I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov in 1956. It became widespread not only here, but also abroad. Below is the official definition of this term, enshrined in 1984 in Tashkent by a decision of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Waste-free technology- this is a method of production (process, enterprise, territorial production complex), in which All raw materials and energy are used most rationally and comprehensively in the cycle: primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary resources, and any impacts on the natural environment do not disrupt its normal functioning.

Waste-free technology includes the following processes:

    comprehensive processing of raw materials using all of their components and obtaining products with no or the least amount of waste;

    creation and release of new products taking into account their reuse;

    processing emissions, waste, production waste to produce useful products;

    drainless technological systems and closed gas and water supply systems using advanced methods for purifying polluted air and wastewater;

    creation of territorial-industrial complexes (TICs) with a closed technology of material flows of raw materials and waste within the complex.

Low waste technology- this is an intermediate step in creating waste-free production, when a small part of raw materials goes into waste, and the harmful impact on nature does not exceed sanitary standards.

Waste-free ratio (or complexity coefficient) is the proportion of useful substances (in %) extracted from processed raw materials in relation to their total quantity.

This coefficient is widely used in non-ferrous metallurgy and is proposed as a quantitative criterion for non-waste: for low-waste technology it should be at least 75%, for non-waste technology - at least 95%.

Currently, there is some experience in the creation and implementation of low-waste and non-waste technologies in a number of industries. For example, the Volkhov Alumina Refinery processes nepheline into alumina and simultaneously produces soda, potash and cement using a virtually waste-free technological scheme. The costs of their production are 10-15% lower than the costs of obtaining these products by other industrial methods.

However, the transfer of existing technologies into low-waste and waste-free production requires solving a large complex of very complex technological, design and organizational problems based on the use of the latest scientific and technical achievements. In doing so, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles.

Systematic principle. According to him processes or production are elements of the system industrial production in the region (TPK) and further - elements of the entire ecological and economic system, which includes, in addition to material production and other human activities, the natural environment (populations of living organisms, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biogeocenoses), as well as man and his habitat. Therefore, when creating waste-free industries, it is necessary to take into account the existing and increasing interconnection and interdependence of production, social and natural processes.

Complexity of resource use. This principle of creating waste-free production requires maximum use of all components of raw materials and the potential of energy resources. As you know, almost all raw materials are complex in composition. On average, more than a third of its quantity consists of associated elements, which can only be extracted through complex processing of raw materials. Thus, complex processing of polymetallic ores makes it possible to obtain about 40 elements in the form of high-purity metals and their compounds. Already at the present time, almost all silver, bismuth, platinum and platinum metals, as well as more than 20% of gold, are obtained as a by-product during the complex processing of polymetallic ores.

The specific forms of implementation of this principle will primarily depend on the level of organization of waste-free production at the stages of an individual process, production, production complex and ecological-economic system.

Cyclicity of material flows. This general the principle of creating waste-free production. Examples of cyclical material flows are closed water and gas cycles. The consistent application of this principle should ultimately lead to the formation, first in individual regions, and subsequently throughout the entire technosphere, of an organized and regulated technogenic gyre matter and associated energy transformations.

Limiting and eliminating the harmful effects of production on the biosphere with a systematic and targeted increase in waste-free production volumes. This principle must ensure the conservation of natural and social resources, such as atmospheric air, water, land surface, and public health. This principle is feasible only in combination with effective monitoring, developed environmental regulation and multi-level environmental management.

Organizational rationality creating waste-free production: reasonable use of all raw material components; minimizing energy, material and labor intensity of production; search for new environmentally sound raw materials and energy technologies that eliminate or reduce harmful effects on the biosphere; cooperation of production using waste from some industries as raw materials for others; creation of waste-free TPK.

When creating waste-free production by improving existing and developing new technological processes, the following methods and methods are usually used:

    implementation of production processes with the minimum possible number of technological stages (devices), since at each of them waste is generated and raw materials are lost;

    increasing the unit capacity of units, using continuous processes; intensification of production processes, their optimization and automation;

    creation of energy-technological processes that combine energy with technology;

    Energy technological processes make it possible to more fully utilize the energy of chemical transformations, save energy resources, raw materials and materials, and increase the productivity of units.

For the transition of individual, especially new industries, to waste-free technology, it is necessary for individual enterprises, associations, industries and government structures in general to develop comprehensive government programs for the creation and implementation of waste-free industries and territorial-industrial complexes.

General ways to solve environmental problems

    instead of declarations - environmentally sound and economically secure projects within the global framework;

    integration of intellectual forces, technology and finance of all countries of the world for the implementation of these projects;

    regulation of population growth and people's needs, their environmental education;

    introduction of economic activities within the limits of ecosystem capacity based on the widespread introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies;

    transition to waste-free production technologies; development of agriculture based on environmentally progressive technologies adapted to local conditions.

The possibility of stabilizing and improving the quality of the environment through more rational use of the entire complex of natural resources is associated with the creation and development of waste-free production. Resource conservation is a decisive source of meeting the growing needs of the national economy.

It is important to ensure that the increase in needs for fuel, energy, raw materials and materials by 75-80% is satisfied as a result of their savings, i.e., the maximum elimination of losses and wasteful expenses. It is important to widely involve secondary resources, as well as by-products, into economic circulation.

By non-waste technology we understand such a principle of organizing production, in which the cycle “primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials” is built with the rational use of all components of raw materials, all types of energy and without disturbing the ecological balance.

Waste-free production can be created within a plant, industry, region, and ultimately for the entire national economy.

An example of natural “non-waste production” is natural ecosystems - stable sets of co-living organisms and the conditions of their existence, closely related to each other. In these systems, a complete cycle of substances occurs. Of course, ecosystems are not eternal and develop over time, but they are usually so stable that they are able to overcome even some changes in external conditions.

In determining waste-free production, the stage of consumption is taken into account, which imposes restrictions on the properties of manufactured consumer products and affects their quality. The main requirements are reliability, durability, the ability to be returned to the cycle for recycling or converted into an environmentally friendly form.

The most important component of the concept of waste-free production is also the concepts of the normal functioning of the environment and the damage caused to it by negative anthropogenic impacts. The concept of waste-free production is based on the fact that production, while inevitably affecting the environment, does not disrupt its normal functioning.

The creation of waste-free production is a long and gradual process that requires solving a number of interrelated technological, economic, organizational and other problems. The basis for creating waste-free industrial production in practice should be, first of all, fundamentally new technological processes and equipment.

1.2 Zero waste criteria

In accordance with the current legislation in Russia, enterprises that violate sanitary and environmental standards do not have the right to exist and must be reconstructed or closed, i.e. all modern enterprises must be low-waste and non-waste.

However, the question arises: what is the permissible portion of raw materials and supplies in low-waste production that can be sent for long-term storage or disposal? In this regard, in a number of Russian industries there are already quantitative indicators for assessing wastelessness. Thus, in non-ferrous metallurgy, the complexity coefficient is widely used, determined by the proportion of useful substances (in %) extracted from the processed raw materials in relation to its entire quantity. In some cases it already exceeds 80%.

In the coal industry, a waste-free production coefficient has been introduced and is calculated using the formula:

K b p = 0.33 * (K b t + K b f + K b g),

where K b t, K b g, K b g are the utilization coefficients, respectively, of rock formed during mining operations, associated water taken from coal (shale) mining and the use of dust and gas waste.

As is known, coal mining is one of the most material-intensive and environmentally complex processes in the national economy. For this industry, it has been established that production is waste-free (more correctly, low-waste) if the waste-free coefficient exceeds 75%. If waste dumps from previous years are used along with newly formed rock, the waste-free ratio can be more than 100%.

Probably, as a first approximation, for practical purposes, a value of a waste-free coefficient (or complexity coefficient) equal to 75% and higher can be taken as a quantitative criterion for low-waste, and 95% - waste-free production in a number of other material-intensive sectors of the national economy. In this case, of course, the toxicity of the waste must be taken into account.

Waste-free technology is an ideal production model, which in most cases is currently not fully implemented, but only partially (hence the term “low-waste technology” becomes clear). However, there are already examples of completely waste-free production. Thus, for many years, the Volkhov and Pikalevsky alumina refineries have been processing nepheline into alumina, soda, potash and cement using practically waste-free technological schemes. Moreover, operating costs for the production of alumina, soda, potash and cement obtained from nepheline raw materials are 10-15% lower than the costs of obtaining these products by other industrial methods.

The successful development of B. t. is associated with the development of technology. methods for extracting components from solid and liquid mixtures at low concentrations, methods for recycling waste by bringing them to marketable condition, as well as optimizing industrial schemes. B. t. taking into account environmental requirements. An integral part of biotechnology is a drainless technology that does not have liquid waste (effluent). Basic directions for creating drainless technology: introduction of waterless technologies. processes and processes with a minimum. water consumption, choice of production. complex with sequential reuse of water, max. development of water circulation systems, local wastewater treatment with the disposal of valuable components, improvement of existing and development of new (mainly reagent-free) methods of wastewater treatment, replacement of water cooling with air cooling, removal of waste from industrial processes. process in the form of a solid phase or highly concentrated. solutions for the purpose of their subsequent disposal or disposal. B. t., in which solid waste is not formed, called. non-dumping (related to the processing of solid waste into construction materials - cement, glass, etc.). The problem of B. t. is reflected in a number of international. agreements on environmental issues.

Waste-free technology, which implies the most rational use of natural resources and energy in production, ensuring environmental protection. Waste-free technology is the principle of organizing production in general, implying the use of raw materials and energy in a closed cycle. A closed cycle means a chain of primary raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials. The USSR was the initiator of the idea of ​​waste-free production and the term “waste-free technology” was first proposed by the Commission for the Protection of Natural Waters of the USSR.

Principles of waste-free technology Systematic approach Integrated use of resources Cyclicity of material flows Limitation of environmental impact Rational organization

Requirements for waste-free production. Carrying out production processes with the minimum possible number of technological stages (devices), since each of them generates waste and loses raw materials; increase (to the optimum) unit power of units; intensification of production processes, their optimization and automation; creation of energy technological processes. The combination of energy and technology makes it possible to more fully utilize the energy of chemical transformations, save energy resources, raw materials and materials, and increase the productivity of units. An example of such production is the large-scale production of ammonia using an energy technology scheme.

Waste-free technology in the energy sector Solid and liquid fuels are not fully used when burned and also form harmful products. There is a technique for burning fuel in a fluidized bed, which is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Gas emissions must be purified from sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and the ash formed as a result of filtration must be used in the production of building materials.

Waste-free technology in metallurgy It is necessary to widely use solid, liquid and gaseous waste from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, along with a simultaneous reduction in emissions and discharges of harmful substances. In non-ferrous metallurgy, it is promising to use the liquid bath smelting method, which requires less energy and causes fewer emissions. The resulting sulfur-containing gases can be used in the production of sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur.

Mining. In the mining industry it is necessary to: introduce developed technologies for complete waste disposal, both in open and underground mining; make wider use of geotechnological methods for developing mineral deposits, while striving to extract only target components onto the earth's surface; use waste-free methods of enrichment and processing of natural raw materials at the site of their extraction; make wider use of hydrometallurgical methods of ore processing.

Chemical and oil refining industry. In the chemical and oil refining industries on a larger scale it is necessary to use in technological processes: oxidation and reduction using oxygen, nitrogen and air; electrochemical methods, membrane technology for separating gas and liquid mixtures; biotechnology, including the production of biogas from the remains of organic products, as well as methods of radiation, ultraviolet, electric pulse and plasma intensification of chemical reactions.

Mechanical engineering. In mechanical engineering in the field of electroplating production, research and development activities should be directed to water treatment, move to closed processes of water recycling and extraction of metals from wastewater; in the field of metal processing, to introduce more widely the production of parts from press powders.

Paper industry. In the paper industry, it is necessary, first of all, to implement developments to reduce fresh water consumption per unit of product, giving preference to the creation of closed and drainless industrial water supply systems; make maximum use of extractive compounds contained in wood raw materials to obtain target products; improve processes for bleaching cellulose using oxygen and ozone; improve the processing of logging waste using biotechnological methods into target products; ensure the creation of capacities for processing paper waste, including waste paper.

RECYCLING AND USE OF WASTE. Industrial waste is the remnants of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, chemical compounds generated during the production of products or the performance of work (services) and which have lost, in whole or in part, their original consumer properties. Consumer waste is products and materials that have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical or moral wear and tear. Production and consumption wastes are secondary material resources (SMR), which can currently be reused in the national economy. Waste can be toxic and hazardous. Toxic and hazardous waste - containing or contaminated with materials of such a nature, in such quantities or in such concentrations that they pose a potential hazard to human health or the environment. In the Russian Federation, about 7 billion tons of waste are generated annually, while only 2 billion tons are recycled, i.e. about 28%. Of the total volume of waste used, about 80% - overburden and enrichment waste - is sent to fill the mined-out space of mines and quarries; 2% are used as fuel and mineral fertilizers, and only 18% (360 million tons) are used as secondary raw materials, of which 200 million tons are used in the construction industry. On the territory of the country, about 80 billion tons of solid waste have been accumulated in dumps and storage facilities, while hundreds of thousands of hectares of land are being withdrawn from economic use; Waste concentrated in dumps, tailings ponds and landfills is a source of pollution of surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, soils and plants.

STATE PROGRAM "WASTE". In order to implement the norms and provisions of the Law “On Environmental Protection”, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources is developing the Russian State Program “Waste”. The main goal of this program is to ensure one of the conditions for the environmentally safe development of the country: stabilization and further reduction of environmental pollution by waste and saving natural resources through the maximum possible recycling of waste into economic circulation.

The program provides for solving the following tasks: reducing the volume of waste generation through the introduction of low-waste and non-waste technologies; reduction, through the use of new technological solutions, of the types and volumes of toxic and hazardous waste; increasing the level of waste utilization; efficient use of raw materials and energy potential of secondary material resources; environmentally safe waste disposal; targeted distribution of financial and other resources for waste removal and its involvement in economic circulation.

Scientific and technical support. Currently, in the Russian Federation, scientific research and development in the field of waste disposal is carried out in almost all sectors of the national economy, at the regional level, at individual enterprises, in associations created in recent years, etc. However, the projects they develop concern, as a rule, only those types of waste whose recycling is justified from an economic point of view. Problematic scientific and technical developments are of great importance for enterprises in various regions and sectors of the economy, but their implementation is associated with a certain economic risk, and the implementation of such developments requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists. Based on this, such developments should be financed from centralized sources. Such developments include the processing and neutralization of difficult-to-process and multi-component waste, inter-industry waste, especially toxic waste, etc.

Improving the waste management system. Under the conditions of radical economic reform in Russia, issues of waste use essentially fell out of the sphere of centralized government management. The development of the “Waste” program required the formation of a structure and the definition of functions for managing and coordinating activities in the field of generation, use and disposal of waste. This, in turn, necessitated the creation of a special unit (department) within the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources or under it, which would implement state policy in the field of waste. A similar task faces the territorial committees on ecology and natural resources. Since the waste problem is large-scale, other government bodies should take part in solving it: the Ministry of Economy of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, line ministries, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia and its territorial departments, as well as sanitary services, the State Statistics Committee of Russia with local divisions and the State Standard of Russia. The legislative and executive authorities of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous entities, and cities should play an important role in solving the assigned tasks.

CONCLUSION. The current ecological state of the territory of Russia can be defined as critical. Intensive pollution of the natural environment continues. The decline in production did not lead to a similar reduction in pollution, since in economic crisis conditions enterprises began to save on environmental costs. State and regional environmental programs developed since the beginning of perestroika and partially implemented do not contribute to improving the overall environmental situation, and every year in Russia more and more regions, cities and towns become dangerous for the population. In the Russian Federation over the past few decades, in the context of accelerated industrialization and chemicalization of production, environmentally dirty technologies have sometimes been introduced. At the same time, not enough attention was paid to the conditions in which a person would live, i.e., what kind of air he would breathe, what water he would drink, what he would eat, what land he would live on. However, this problem worries not only Russians; it is also relevant for the population of other countries of the world. This paper examines the principles of introducing low-waste and non-waste technologies as the most promising areas for careful environmental management and environmental conservation.

Bibliography. 1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Production and Consumption Waste”. 2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”. 3. Vinogradova N.F., “Nature management”. – M., 1994. 4. Kikava O. Sh. et al. “Building materials from industrial waste” - “Ecology and Industry of Russia”, 12, 1997. 5. Protasov V. F., Molchanov A. V. “Ecology , health and environmental management in Russia" - M., "Finance and Statistics", 1995. 6. "Ecology". Textbook, ed. S. A. Bogolyubova - M., “Knowledge”, 1997.

As a result of its activities, humanity has come to understand that it is necessary to introduce technological processes that produce minimal emissions, in which the self-cleaning ability of nature will sufficiently prevent the occurrence of irreversible environmental changes. Experts have proposed a definition of waste-free technology, which is accepted as the main one for further use:

Waste-free technology is the practical application of knowledge, methods and means to ensure, within the framework of human needs, the rational use of natural resources, energy and environmental protection.

By waste-free technology we mean ideal production model , which in most cases cannot be fully realized, but with the development of technological progress it is increasingly approaching the ideal. More specifically, a waste-free technological system (BTS) should be understood as such production, as a result of which there are no emissions into the environment. Waste-free production represents a set of organizational and technical measures, technological processes, equipment, materials that ensure maximum and comprehensive use of raw materials and minimize the negative impact of waste on the environment.

Waste-free production can be characterized by the fullest possible utilization of waste generated in direct technological processes. Low waste technology is an intermediate non-waste stage and differs from it in that it ensures the production of a finished product with incompletely recyclable waste.

The tasks for implementing waste-free technology arise from the following:

ü the largest part of environmental pollution is a consequence of insufficient development of industrial technology;

ü unused production waste is a loss of natural resources;

ü the receipt and use of secondary raw materials (waste) with an increase in the need for natural materials can become an important source of increasing the productivity of social labor;

ü a prerequisite for the rationalization of industrial technology is the development of technical and economic solutions for “closed” technologies (circulation of materials);

ü a unified and economical way to solve the main problems in the field of metabolism between man and nature should be carried out on a state scale.

Analysis of domestic and foreign materials shows that waste-free technology can develop in four main directions:

1) creation of various types of drainless technological systems based on existing, implemented and promising cleaning methods. In this case, a sharp reduction in water consumption is achieved, but, as a rule, secondary pollution is formed in the form of solid sediments or saturated solutions;

2) development and implementation of systems for processing industrial and consumer waste, which should not be considered as an environmental burden, but as a BMP. It must be taken into account that during the operation of modern water and gas purification systems, solid waste is generated, which is a complex concentrated mixture of pollutants;

3) organization of fundamentally new processes obtaining traditional types of products that make it possible to eliminate or reduce processing stages or technological stages at which the bulk of waste is generated;

4) development and creation of territorial-industrial complexes (TPC) with a closed structure of material flows of raw materials and waste within the TPK, with a minimum of emissions.

Isolation of toxic components from exhaust gases and wastewater was carried out mainly to convert these components into a harmless form and was rarely combined with their reuse. In many cases, attempts have been made to reduce the concentration of toxic waste when releasing it into the biosphere. Measures to reduce waste and waste heat from the production of products, as well as to reuse these wastes, were implemented primarily for the purpose of saving materials and energy and were not considered as measures to protect the environment.

The constant increase in the use of natural resources and increased environmental pollution require the implementation of a waste-free technology strategy. The fundamentals of this technology are that unused production waste is at the same time an underutilized natural resource and a source of environmental pollution. Reducing the amount of waste used in relation to the amount of manufactured products will make it possible to produce more products from the same amount of raw materials and, at the same time, will be an effective measure for protecting the environment.

The biosphere provides natural resources from which products are made in the production sector, which generates waste. In many cases, after appropriate processing, they can be used as secondary raw materials or as secondary energy carriers. If for technical or technological reasons this is impossible or economically unprofitable, then they must be released into the biosphere in such a way that, if possible, they do not harm the natural environment.

A general balance equation for the spheres of production and consumption is proposed:

R = A(1 - S m) + S, .

where R is the consumption of natural resources, kg/s; A is the amount of waste generated in the spheres of production and consumption, kg/s; S m – average waste utilization rate, kg/kg; S – amount of substances accumulating in production areas, kg/s.

Reducing the specific unused amount of production waste A (1 - S m) and thereby the specific consumption of natural resources is possible by reducing the generated specific amount (A) of production waste or by increasing the waste utilization rate (S m). The choice of one of the paths depends on both technological capabilities and economic conditions. The primary goal of waste-free technology is to reduce the flow of unused waste released into the biosphere per unit time so much that the natural balance of the biosphere is preserved and the availability of basic natural resources is ensured.

The final achievement of waste-free production is determined by the presence of n number of stages for processing waste of all types. The system becomes waste-free when at the nth stage a quantity of waste is released that does not have a noticeable negative impact on the environment. If waste at some stages is sent back for recycling, at the initial stage it turns out BTS closed or partially closed type .

· raw materials, semi-finished products, energy, cooling products : make maximum use of waste and waste heat; minimize the use of raw materials, semi-finished products and working energy during the extraction and production of which relatively large quantities of software and waste heat are generated or which are available only in limited quantities (for example, electricity or cooling water); as far as possible, avoid using raw materials containing a high proportion of useless impurities;

· Technical equipment : use technical devices with a long service life and low weight, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of waste-free technology; use technical devices of an optimal operating principle, for example, with a high degree of separation or with a high coefficient of heat and mass transfer, with minimal pressure loss and low heat loss;

· main processes : use low-energy processes with high selectivity; apply highly efficient catalytic processes;

· technology system : apply the principle of counterflow or circulation; avoid the principle of direct flow and mixing;

· process parameters : choose optimal reaction temperatures; select small driving forces; exclude limiting technological parameters, for example, temperature and pressure;

· products : incorporate a low specific gravity into the design (composition) of the product; provide for a long service life, as well as minimal generation of waste and waste heat during its use; ensure the suitability of the worn-out (consumed) product as a secondary raw material (secondary energy carrier);

· waste, waste heat : receive waste in recyclable form.

Since these requirements partially contradict each other, and are partially not feasible due to lack of capabilities, then for each technological process it is necessary to look for the optimum, taking into account labor productivity and savings.

One of the promising, profitable and developing areas for the use of software included in the system of waste-free technologies is the exchange of them both between enterprises within countries and between states in order to use them in suitable technological processes.

Thus, the export and import of polymer waste is widely developed in the EEC countries, as well as Austria, Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries. Polymer wastes are in particular demand: polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and cellulose acetate. The leading position in European waste exchange is occupied by Italy (annual imports amount to over 90 thousand tons of polymer waste), Germany (export 65 thousand tons) and France (export 50 thousand tons). Japan, China and other countries satisfy most of their metal needs by importing scrap metal from other countries. China imports garbage from the USA to produce paper.

Currently, in Western Europe and the United States, there are two types of intermediary exchanges: exchanges that provide information on the amount of waste, its qualitative composition and methods of processing, and exchanges that directly exchange waste by finding the appropriate consumer.

The successful operation of such systems, which in their own way close the cycle of waste-free technologies, is possible on the basis of automated means of communication and control, carrying out their operations on an interstate scale or within an industrial area. Thus, since the mid-1970s in Germany and France, waste wood, paper, cardboard, metals and other software have been sold through the intermediary of exchanges between enterprises. Despite the relatively small contacts between supplier and consumer so far, such exchanges are economically beneficial for the state. This is also evidenced by the experience of the USA and Japan, where there is a wide network of intermediary exchanges that promote the introduction of progressive technological processes for the neutralization and processing of industrial waste and the exchange of waste between enterprises.

To rationally manage a complex system of collection, transportation, neutralization and disposal of waste and pollution on the scale of an industrial region, an individual country or a group of countries, it is necessary to have operational information about the location of waste, its quantity, composition and properties, and the possibilities of disposal or disposal. Information retrieval systems make it possible to identify and establish connections between waste and raw materials and supplier and consumer. Coordination centers for the mutual exchange of industrial waste for the purpose of their further disposal, for example, operate successfully in Japan.

The reserves of waste-free technologies are enormous. It is estimated that per capita in our country, up to 20 tons of various natural raw materials are processed per year, while only 5...10% goes into finished products, the rest is waste, an unused part of the raw materials. During the operation of industrial products, as they wear out or become obsolete, they also become consumer waste. Thus, almost the entire volume of materials taken from nature is returned to it, but with new properties that lead to a disruption of the ecological balance.

An analysis of the results of scientific research carried out by a number of institutes in the country shows that almost all types of production and consumption waste can be used in the national economy as secondary raw materials for the production of many types of technical and consumer goods. The reality and technical feasibility of using waste has been proven, for example, by the practice of many domestic and foreign enterprises in various industries.

Currently, territorial connections and combinations of various technological processes with areas of municipal consumption are becoming increasingly important for the use of waste and waste heat. Thus, in many cases it seems possible to use water first for domestic purposes, and then, after purification, which requires relatively low costs, to use it for industrial purposes.

Drainless system for industrial use water is a special type of BTS, in which at least 90% of it is in the water circulation cycle and no more than 10% is made up of fresh water. In this case, it is necessary that the amount of blowdown water discharged from the system into a reservoir or treatment plant does not exceed 5% of those in the water cycle.

Drainless systems, in turn, are divided into systems with complete recycling of components or without disposal , i.e. with storage in special containers, storage tanks or with injection into underground horizons. An example of a drainless system for industrial water use is the “Crystal” water treatment plants developed by MosvodokanalNIIproekt and implemented in many motor vehicles across the country, which operate in a closed cycle and allow saving hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of valuable drinking water.

Economic assessment of the efficiency of BTS is to determine the economic effect of waste disposal and processing at all stages, including other industries, as well as to calculate the prevented damage to the environment based on a comparison of BTS and enterprises with traditional technology.

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that the further development of the economy in the environmental aspect is closely connected with solving the problems of more complete use of natural resources and with the creation of recycling material and energy flows.

From a technological point of view, the introduction of waste-free and low-waste production will certainly require the creation of new materials and substances, for example, new membrane materials, ion exchange resins, synthetic flocculants, chemical reagents, as well as devices and devices that will improve or intensify various processes of media separation, neutralization and waste disposal. To expand the scale of implementation of waste-free technological processes, it is necessary to further improve the methods of using waste, as well as methods of economic incentives in order to increase the interest of workers in various industries in preparing waste for subsequent processing and disposal. An important incentive is also the planned reduction in the enterprise's consumption of natural raw materials and the transition to the use of secondary material resources.

For the organization of low-waste and waste-free industrial production, the cooperation of enterprises from various industries is of exceptional importance. The most favorable opportunities for the cooperation of production develop in the conditions of a territorial production complex, where a set of interconnected and interdependent proportionally developing objects of various sectors of the national economy is planned. These facilities were created to jointly solve one or several specific national economic problems, and are distinguished by the size of their production and clear specialization throughout the country and their economic region. They are concentrated in a limited, necessarily compact territory, which has the necessary set and quantity of resources sufficient to solve the relevant tasks.

In addition, they effectively (from the standpoint of the national economy) use local and externally received resources, ensure environmental protection, and have a unified production and social infrastructure.

Economic advantages with the correct and optimal development of industrial production allow for profitable and expedient transportation of waste over relatively short distances within the TIC, which facilitates the solution of many issues related to the territorial location of enterprises.

The integrated development of the industrial and industrial complex proceeds through the gradual organization of interconnected production, in which the products of one enterprise become raw materials or semi-finished products for another. At the same time, individual production facilities are being improved in order to reduce energy and water consumption, as well as increase labor productivity and increase the complexity of processing primary raw materials.

The creation of low-waste and waste-free industrial complexes is an important direction for the development of the national economy, the rational use of natural resources and the preservation of environmental balance.

Scientists from the National Research Technological University "MISiS" and the Vtoraluminproduct enterprise commissioned a unique pilot plant for the production of cast iron and non-ferrous metal concentrate from industrial waste in the city of Mtsensk.

This development aroused the interest of domestic energy engineers and ferrous metal producers. The fact is that more than 95% of the cast iron produced in the world is still produced in blast furnaces. These are powerful units that produce thousands of tons of metal per day. But conventional blast furnaces require prepared high-quality raw materials; it is technologically and economically infeasible or even impossible to process waste in them. But at Russian enterprises alone, more than 5 million (!) tons of secondary raw materials are generated annually.

The innovative furnace is built on the bubbling principle, which is based on the rise of gas bubbles in the melt. The ultimate goal of the process is to restore the mixed melt to pure cast iron. First, in a furnace at a temperature of 1400-1500°C, the iron ore concentrate is converted into a melt, which is then purged with gaseous carbon monoxide with impurities of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The bubbles formed in this case significantly accelerate the chemical processes in the bath and intensively mix the ferrous melt and slag (waste from metal production).

According to the developers, they improved the Romelt technology, created in the USSR on the basis of MISiS back in the 1980s, and divided the reactor into two zones: melting and reduction. Iron-containing materials, steam coal, and fluxing additives are supplied to the surface of the melt bath. In this case, coal is drawn by slag flows into the lower zones of the bath, where, due to the oxygen flow, it burns with the release of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Next, the melt flows into the reduction zone, where it is finally reduced to cast iron.

At the customer's request, the composition of the slag can be selected for subsequent processing into slag stone products, heat-insulating slag wool, and the production of intermediate products in the production of cement. Another advantage of the new installation is the reduced specific energy consumption. Due to the unique design of the unit, energy consumption can be increased to 500 kilograms of coal and 500 nm³ of oxygen per ton of cast iron produced. As a result, waste technogenic waste is processed and cast iron, commercial slag and non-ferrous metal concentrate are obtained. There is no waste in the new Russian technology. The pilot sample is also intended to test the technology of waste-free gasification of numerous carbon-containing wastes, including municipal solid waste.