Seven-shot, called “Softening Evil Hearts”

icon of the Mother of God

The icon depicts the Gospel story of how the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed brought the Infant Christ to the Jerusalem Temple on the 40th day after His birth. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was present in the temple, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw in the Infant God the Messiah, the Redeemer expected by all the Israeli people.

Anticipating the sorrow that the Mother of God would have to endure at the crucifixion of Christ, Righteous Simeon turned to Her with the words: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and as a subject of controversy - and a weapon will pierce your very soul” (Gospel of Luke , chapter 2, verses 34-35). Symbolically, the sorrow of the Mother of God is depicted on the icon with seven arrows or swords piercing Her heart. The number seven in this case means the fullness of sorrows that the Mother of God endured in her earthly life.

The following legend has been preserved about the first glorification of this icon. A certain peasant from the Kadnikovsky district of the Vologda province suffered for many years from general relaxation and painful lameness. One night he had a vision in which an unknown voice commanded him to find the icon of the Mother of God on the bell tower of the Church of St. John the Theologian and to pray in front of it. Twice he came to the temple and, talking about his dream, asked to be let into the bell tower. But they did not believe the peasant and refused to fulfill his request. Finally, for the third time they let him in, and he immediately found the holy icon he had seen in a dream. The icon was cleaned of debris and dirt, washed and a prayer service was served in front of it, after which the peasant was healed of all his illnesses.

The icon became especially famous in 1830, when cholera was raging in Vologda. Residents, in fear, resorted to the help of the Queen of Heaven and, raising Her holy icons “Seven Arrows” and “Semigradskaya”, carried them around the city in a solemn religious procession, after which the diseases began to noticeably decrease, and soon the epidemic completely stopped.

After the revolution, the miraculous icon disappeared.

There is a very similar type of icon of the Mother of God, which is called “The Softening of Evil Hearts”, or “Simeon’s Prophecy”. Its difference lies in the fact that the arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God in this image are located three on the right and left, and one on the bottom, while the “Seven Arrows” icon has four arrows on one side and three on the other. In modern iconography, these icons, despite their differences, are often called the same - “Seven Shots” (“Softening Evil Hearts”).


Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon,

called“Softening Evil Hearts” (“Semistrelnaya”)

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, let's call you T:

Ikos 1

The angel who announced the Nativity of the Savior of the world to the shepherd of Bethlehem, and with him many heavenly powers, praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But you, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den and, having wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger; thereby recognizing the sorrow of Your heart, crying out to You:

Rejoice, having warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath;

Rejoice, you who wrapped the eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk;

Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who hast become the throne of a cherub;

Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at the Nativity and after the Nativity.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Eternal Child, the midwife lying in the manger, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him and spoke about the verb spoken to them by the Angel about the Childhood, and Mariam kept all these verbs in Her heart; and after seven days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man of eight days; Glorifying Your humility and patience, O Mother of God, we sing to the eternal God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind established in God and observing the law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, His parents ascended Jesus to Jerusalem to set Him before the Lord and give a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord; We cry out to You:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the temple of Jerusalem to fulfill the law;

Rejoice, you were joyfully welcomed there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, one pure and most blessed among women;

Rejoice, O Thy Cross, adorned with sorrows, and carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who disobeyed the will of God in no way;

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 3

You were strengthened by the power from above, Mother of God, when you heard the words of Elder Simeon, saying: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, and is a sign that can be contradicted, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that many hearts may be opened.” thoughts,” and pierce the heart of the Mother of God with great sorrow, and cry out to God in sorrow: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the desire to destroy the Child, the ambassador Herod killed all the children in Bethlehem and its borders from two years ago and below, according to the time of the hedgehog from the wise men and behold, according to the command of God given through an Angel in a dream to the elder Joseph, the whole holy family fled to Egypt and remained there seven years before the death of Herod. With the same emotion we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey;

Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt, unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who remained with the wicked pagans for seven years;

Rejoice, you who came to Nazareth with the Eternal Child and Your Betrothed.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker;

Rejoice, you who spent all your time in labor.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 4

The storm of sorrow overcame the Most Pure Mother, but those returning from Jerusalem did not find the Child Jesus on the way. For this reason, she returned seeking Him, and after three days found Him in the church, sitting among the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions. And His Mother spoke to Him: Child, what have you done to us? Behold Thy father and I am the most painful in quest of Thee? And he said to him: what is the source of Me, don’t you know that in those who are My Father, the essence is worthy of being Me; and His Mother kept all these words in Her heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the Mother of God, as Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching in their congregations, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every ailment and every ulcer among the people, and the rumor went out throughout all Syria and brought to Him those who were sick with various illnesses and passions, possessed and demons, and paralyzed and healing them. But You, Mother of God, leading the prophecies, grieved in your heart, knowing that the hour would soon come when Your Son would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. We also please You, long-suffering Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people;

Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin;

Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who offered yourself a living sacrifice to God;

Rejoice, the Lord is with you, O Blessed One.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. Tis, listening to His parables, understood what He was saying about them, and sought His yat, but was afraid of the people, because they had His prophet; Knowing all this, the Mother of God grieved for her beloved Son, fearing lest they kill Him, crying out in grief: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the resurrection of Lazarus from the Jews, he went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done, and Caiaphas, the bishop, spoke this year: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole tongue perish,” from that day they conferred , let them kill Him; We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world;

Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing.

Rejoice, pre-chosen from birth as the Mother of our Savior;

Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, who has become the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, I will take you out to pray for us.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 6

First a preacher of the word of God, later a traitor - Judas Iscariot, one of the two ten apostles, went to the bishop to betray his Teacher; When they heard it, they were very happy and promised to give him pieces of silver; But you, Mother of God, grieving for your beloved Son, cried out to the mountain God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The last supper was celebrated by the disciples of Christ, and at it the Teacher bore his mind, thus showing an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only from you will betray Me, the one who eats with Me.” We, with compassionate grief for the Mother of God, cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, weary of heartache;

Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer;

Rejoice, joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows;

Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 7

The Lord Jesus Christ, who wanted to show His love for the human race at the Last Supper, blessed and broke bread, gave His disciple and apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body,” and having received the cup and given praise, He gave them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, when He promised to send them the Comforter of the Spirit of Truth, Who comes from the Father and will testify about Him. To you, the Mother of God, twice sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we cry:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, all-bright devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word;

Rejoice, you who produced Divine beads.

Rejoice, through Thy Nativity, who opens the doors of heaven to us;

Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and regrettable for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss, and Spira and the captain and the servants of the Jews brought Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting the mortal counsel of Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate, having questioned Him, told them that not a single person found guilt in Him; we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, heart tormented by grief, who had;

Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, you who groan and weep.

Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants;

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 9

All generations bless Thee, the most honorable cherub and the most glorious without comparison seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with Her Nativity, who later had great sorrow, seeing His beloved Son mocked and beaten to the death of the betrayed, but we bring tender singing to Thee, Most Pure , singing to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The prophets of many things will not be able to express all the sufferings You have endured, O our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns on Your head and put on Your scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews” and beating You on the cheeks. We, Mother of God, recognizing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, You nourished Him with Your milk, having seen Him tormented;

Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering;

Rejoice, having seen Him abandoned by all His disciples.

Rejoice, you who were condemned by His unrighteous judges;

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 10

To save Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “It is a custom for us that I will release one to you, so do you want to release the King of the Jews to you?” They all cried out, saying: “Not Him, but Barrabas!” Singing the mercy of God, who gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that He might redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Be a wall and fence for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness. You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him.” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy; taking away every tear from the cruelty of those who suffer;

Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners;

Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from passions;

Rejoice, you who give joy to the broken heart.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-congratulatory singing to the Savior of the world, going to His free suffering and carrying His Cross to Calvary upon Him; standing at the Cross of Jesus His Mother, Mary of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loving him, said to His Mother: “Woman, behold Your son!” then the verb to the student: “Behold your Mother!” And from that hour the disciple went home. You, Mother of God, seeing your Son and Your Lord tormented on the Cross, cried out to the Highlander God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

My Light, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how did you endure the passions on the Cross? - The Pure Virgin weepingly said about Your strange Christmas: “My son, I was exalted above all mothers, but, alas, “I, now seeing You crucified, am burning with the womb”; we shed tears, listening to You, crying out to You:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy;

Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the Cross.

Rejoice, Thy beloved child who matured in the wounded;

Rejoice, O Lamb, see Thy Child as a Lamb to be led to the slaughter.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers;

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your Spirit on the Cross and accepted the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, My good Light, My God is extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin lamented. “Try, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that Thy Teacher be taken down from the tree. Having seen You wounded naked on the tree without glory, My Child, My soul was pierced by a weapon according to the prophecy of the righteous Simeon,” the providence of the Mother of God, crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Though You saved Thy creation, Thou didst lift up death,” said the Most Pure One, but by Thy resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all, but we call upon Thy Most Pure Mother with tenderness:

Rejoice, dead, visibly lifeless, of the most blessed Lord;

Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, Thou didst bear forth the naked and wounded dead of Thy Light;

Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Light to the grave.

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the new shroud around His Body;

Rejoice, you who saw Him risen.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the Cross of Your Son and God, listen to our sighs and tears and deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times. Then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O long-suffering Mother of God, who exceeds all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm preference, but, as you have boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.


Troparion, tone 5

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls, for as we look at Your holy image, we are touched by Your compassion and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, O Compassionate Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.

Kontakion, tone 2

By Thy grace, Lady, soften the hearts of evildoers, send down benefactors, keeping them from all evil, to those who fervently pray to Thy before Thy honest icons.


Troparion, tone 8

Having received the souls of men and quenched the evil advice, crush the Mother of God, the Lady, and disperse the darkness of sins, and guide us on the path of humility, so that we too will walk in the light of deeds, and triumph at the appearance of Your icons, and trust in Your help, and call with a touching voice , Lady, from the depths: help, O One Blessed One.

Canon, voice 4

Song 1

Irmos:I will open my mouth, and be filled with the Spirit, and I will vomit the word to the Queen Mother, and I will appear brightly triumphant, and I will sing, rejoicing, of Her miracles.

Chorus :

Lord my God, grant me a tongue and open my mouth to praise Your Mother, and bring a red song to Her image, crying out loudly: soften the evil hearts, O Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

You are my salvation and refuge, O Lady, you have given protection through Your honorable icon; all people stand before her, asking for help, and we cry to You: soften the hearts of evil men, O Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Mary, Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, send me the grace to sing to You and venerate Your icon more honestly, crying out: soften the evil hearts, Lady.
Glory: Abolish slander and slander and save from all malice, be, O Lady, intercession, with Your wonderful icon protect those who cry: soften the evil hearts, O Lady.

And now: God has shown You to us as an Intercessor and Helper in sorrows, and has given us Your honorable icon for the glorification of all and for the healing of those crying out: soften the evil hearts, O Lady, of sons.

Song 3

Irmos:Thy hymns, Mother of God, Living and Unenvious Source, establish the face of yourself spiritually united, in Thy Divine glory grant crowns of glory.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice, unashamed Guardian; Rejoice, Mother of God, even as we rejoice in Your wonderful icon, we cry out in beauty: Rejoice, softening of evil hearts, Mother of God.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

A truly honorable icon was given by people named after Christ to drive away unclean spirits and for the health of all who require help from it, crying out: Rejoice, softening of evil hearts, Mother of God.
Glory: Your venerable icon appeared on a luminous cloud, shining more than the sun and extending a ray to all, delivering from illnesses and sorrows and weaning away the evil, and we all call to her: Rejoice, softening of evil hearts, Lady.

And now: As if through Your prayers we are delivered, O Virgin Mother of God, save us, we glorify the Intercessor, and we venerate Your most honorable icon, and we pray to You according to God, as the Mother of God: soften those who cry out to the evil hearts, O Theotokos.

Save Thy servants from troubles, Mother of God, for we all, according to God, resort to Thee, as an unbreakable wall and intercession.

Lord have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:

Troparion, tone 2

Warm prayer and an insurmountable wall, source of mercy, refuge of the world, we diligently cry out to Thee: Mother of God, Lady, advance and deliver us from troubles, One who will soon appear.

Song 4

Irmos:The unexplored Council of God, hedgehog from the Virgin, the incarnation of You, the Most High, the prophet Habakkuk saw, calling: glory to Your power, Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

We have been given this shameless representative, the icon of His Mother, whoever sees Her, we rejoice and tenderly call: help, O Lady, everyone, and save us from all the evil ones, and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By You we are all saved and freed from the devil’s presence. God has shown us Your Intercessor and given us Your honorable icon. We cry out to Her: Help the Lady, save us from all evil people, and grant us the Kingdom.
Glory: Let us not be silent, O Lady, of Your miracles, for with Your honest icon You save everyone and deliver those suffering from troubles, give healing to the sick, and save us from all the evil ones and make us worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
And now: Accept the singing from the unworthy servants, Mother of Christ God, and do not cast me away from Your Most Pure Face, but save me from the evil ones and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Song 5

Irmos:Everyone was terrified of Your Divine glory: You, the unartificed Virgin, had God in your womb above all, and You gave birth to the Flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing Your praises.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I am amazed by my mind, horrified by my soul and tremble all over, but I hope in the mercy of Your mercy, O Pure One, and I cry out from my heart: as you who gave birth to God, pray to Him to save my soul from the evil ones.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Come, all you faithful, let us sing to the Most Pure Virgin Mary and worship Her venerable image, crying out from the heart: Rejoice, Gabriel's Annunciation; Rejoice, having received the King Christ, and holding Him in Your hand like the sun. Pray to him, O Pure One, to save my soul from the evil ones.
Glory: Let us please the Mother of God with Divine songs, where the Most Honorable Name is glorified, that demonic fortress is destroyed, Her forces cannot tolerate it, and they run away. We rejoice in Her and cry out to Her: pray to Your Son to deliver my soul from the evil ones.
And now: To the Most Blessed Virgin Mother of God, all people, let us fall and offer a prayer, that He may implore His Son, Christ our God, to save us all from the evil ones.

Song 6

Irmos:This divine and all-honorable celebration, God-wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clasp our hands and glorify the God who was born from Her.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Your divine icons are a holy manifestation, like the sun, rising in the hearts, the all-honorable ray enlightens with its light all who cry out to Her: Rejoice, our Good Representative and speedy Helper, praising You, Most Pure One, have mercy on all.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Those who faithfully honor Thee, the Queen of all God, and Thy most wonderful icon of saints, we kindly bow down, crying out: O Mother of God, save evil people from the slander, and deliver me who glorify Thee, and have mercy.
Glory: We worship Your most divine icon, Virgin Mother of God, asking from You great mercy, grant to Your servants, O One Pure One, deliver from all malice and have mercy on those who glorify You, the Most Pure One.
And now: O Mother of the Lord, my Creator, You gave birth to the King Christ of all, pray to Him, Pure and Blessed One, to deliver our souls, who glorify You, the Most Pure One, have mercy.

Lord have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 6

The eyes of my heart confuse, and evil advice ruins me, crush these, O Pure Virgin, and do not despise my sighing, and soften the adversaries against us, O Most Blessed Lady.


Rejoice, fiery Throne of God;

Rejoice, O Maiden, royal seat, a bed full of colors sent, a golden porphyry chamber, a flower-rayed robe, an adorned image, a lightning weapon, a multi-illuminated lamp,

Rejoice, Mother of God, twelve-walled city and gilded door;

Rejoice, light-shaped chamber, gilded refectory, God-decorated canopy;

Rejoice, Pure Dove;

Rejoice, for you save people from evil, O Most Blessed Lady.

Song 7

Irmos:Having not served the creature with divine wisdom more than the Creator, but the fiery rebuke stood up manfully, rejoicing, singing: O venerable Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

There are no other Imams as Intercessors, only You, All-Immaculate One, and we all praise You as the Intercessor, and I tenderly call: Pure One, save me from all evil ones.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Have mercy on my prayer, and grant joy instead of sorrow, O Lady, and deliver me from the slander of the evil ones, so that I cry to You: save me from all the evil ones.

Glory: Let us offer a hymn to the most pure and sung icons of the Mother of God, crying out in praise: pray, O Pure One, to the Son and God born of You, to save me from all evil.

And now: O God-seeing One appeared on earth above all generations, Pure Mother of God, save all who honor the day of Thy feast, Virgin Mother of God, save me from all evil ones.

Song 8

Irmos:The pious youths in the cave saved the Nativity of the Theotokos to eat; Then what is formed, now in action, raises up the entire universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, O works, and exalt Him to all ages.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

To the Most Kind Lady, the moon-shining, Pure, Thy womb has appeared, giving birth to the Deliverer, Whom pray that we may be preserved from the devil’s pretext, for those who honor Thee, the Intercessor, and to Thy icon we bow, crying out with tears: Virgin Mother of God, who honor Thee, the Many-chanted One, preserve forever.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I look at Your Divine image, and I honor the Lady Mother of God, and I look at the likeness of Her Most Pure Face, I bow and cry: Virgin Mother of God, who honor You, the Many-Sung One, preserve forever.
Glory: Chamber of the Word, animated Church, fiery Throne, verbal paradise, mental grapes, bearing grapes, Christ, in your hand, Pure, incline Your ear and hear the prayer of Your servant, Virgin Mary: preserve those who honor Thee, the Many-chanted One, forever.
And now: Let me sing a song from my heart to you, save, O Pure Virgin, and pray for peace, as if we place our hope in you with God and cry out: Virgin Mother of God, preserve those who honor You, the All-Singing One, forever.

Song 9

Irmos:Let every earth-born leap, let us be enlightened by the Spirit, let the nature of the bodiless minds, which honors the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, triumph, and let it cry out: Rejoice, All-Blessed Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Let every age move towards the praise of the Virgin Mother of God and let everyone worship Her honorable image, but we, the faithful, will sing to the true Virgin, the Mother of Christ, saying to her: O Virgin Mother of God, crush the arrows of the enemy and soften the evil hearts, for we all dutifully magnify You.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Raise up, Mother of God, the horn of our faithful people and give help to our enemies, overthrow the vacillations of foreigners, Most Pure Mother of God, preserve and preserve all the cities that are not at war, and preserve all Christian countries, in them Your name is magnified and glorified by faith from everyone, and You are all, Mother God, we honor him out of duty.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Heaven and earth will praise Thee, the whole tongue of the fatherland, and all hands will clasp the Mother of the Lord and Her image, the shitty Angel, and worship with us crying out: glory to the multitude of Thy bounty, O One who loves mankind, We all duly magnify Thee.

Glory: Rising for the fallen and joy for the despondent, the erring Mentor, visitation and healing for the sick, salvation for sinners, victory in battle, and faithful Guardian and softening of evil hearts for all Christians, Virgin Mother of God, we all dutifully magnify You.
And now: Accept the original hymn, Mother of the Living God, and save all who faithfully worship Your holy image and miraculous icon and cry out to You, the Mother of God: pray, O Most Pure One, to Your Son to have mercy on us from all evil ones.

To the chosen Virgin Mary, who is higher than all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy call T:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Ikos 1

The angel who announced the Nativity of the Savior of the world to the shepherd of Bethlehem, and with him many heavenly powers, praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But you, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den and, having wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger; thereby recognizing the sorrow of Your heart, crying out to You:

Rejoice, You who warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the Eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk;

Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who hast become the throne of a cherub;

Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at the Nativity and after the Nativity.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Eternal Child, the midwife lying in the manger, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him and spoke about the verb spoken to them by the Angel about the Childhood, and Mariam kept all these verbs in Her heart; and after seven days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man of eight days; Glorifying Your humility and patience, O Mother of God, we sing to the eternal God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind established in God and observing the law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, His parents ascended Jesus to Jerusalem to set Him before the Lord and give a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord; We cry out to You:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the temple of Jerusalem to fulfill the law;

Rejoice, you were joyfully welcomed there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, One Pure and Most Blessed among women;

Rejoice, O Thy Cross, adorned with sorrows, and carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who disobeyed the will of God in no way;

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 3

You were strengthened by the power from above, Mother of God, when you heard the words of Elder Simeon saying: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and is a sign that can be contradicted, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” "; and great sorrow pierce the heart of the Mother of God, and cry out in sorrow to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the desire to destroy the Child, the ambassador Herod killed all the children who were in Bethlehem and its borders from two years ago and below, according to the time of the hedgehog's experience from the wise men and behold, according to the command of God given through an Angel in a dream to the elder Joseph, fleeing the entire holy family to Egypt and remained there seven years until the death of Herod. With the same emotion we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey;

Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt and were unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who remained with the wicked pagans for seven years;

Rejoice, you who came to Nazareth with the Eternal Child-Youth and with Your Betrothed.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker;

Rejoice, you who spent all your time in labor.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 4

The storm of sorrow overcame the Most Pure Mother, but those returning from Jerusalem did not find the Child Jesus on the way. For this reason, she returned seeking Him, and after three days found Him in the church, sitting among the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions. And his Mother spoke to Him: “Child, what have you done to us? Behold Your Father and I have sorely sought You?” And he said to him: “What is the source of Me, don’t you know that in those who are My Father’s essence is worthy of being Me”; and His Mother kept all these words in her heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the Mother of God, as Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching in their congregations, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every ailment and every ulcer among the people, and the rumor went out throughout all Syria and brought to Him those who were sick with various illnesses and passions, possessed and demons, and paralyzed and healing them. But You, Mother of God, leading the prophecies, grieved in your heart, knowing that the hour would soon come when Your Son would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. We also please You, long-suffering Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people;

Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin;

Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who offered yourself a living sacrifice to God;

Rejoice, the Lord is with you, O Blessed One.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. Tis, listening to His parables, understood what He was saying about them, and sought His yat, but was afraid of the people, because they had His prophet; Knowing all this, the Mother of God grieved for her beloved Son, fearing lest they kill Him, crying out in grief: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen from the Jews the resurrection of Lazarus, he went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done, and Caiaphas, the bishop, spoke this year: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole tongue perish”; from that day they took counsel, that they might kill Him; We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world;

Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing.

Rejoice, pre-chosen from birth as the Mother of our Savior;

Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, who has become the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, I will take you out to pray for us.

Rejoice, Much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 6

First a preacher of the word of God, later a traitor - Judas Iscariot, one of the two ten Apostles, went to the bishop to betray his Teacher; When they heard it, they were very happy and promised to give him pieces of silver; But you, Mother of God, grieving for your beloved Son, cried out to the mountain God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The last supper was celebrated by the disciples of Christ, and at it the Teacher bore his mind, thus showing an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only from you will betray Me, the one who eats with Me.” We, with compassionate grief for the Mother of God, cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, weary of heartache;

Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer;

Rejoice, joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows;

Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord Jesus Christ wanted to show His love for the human race at the Last Supper, blessing and breaking bread, He gave His disciple and apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body”; and having received the cup and given praise, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, when He promised to send them the Comforter of the Spirit of Truth, Who comes from the Father and will testify about Him. To you, the Mother of God, twice sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we cry:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, all-bright devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word;

Rejoice, you who produced Divine beads.

Rejoice, through Thy Nativity, who opens the doors of heaven to us;

Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and regrettable for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss, and Spira and the captain and the servants of the Jews brought Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting the mortal counsel of Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate, having questioned Him, told them that not a single person found guilt in Him; we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, heart tormented by grief, who had;

Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, you who groan and weep.

Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 9

All generations bless Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with her Nativity, who later had great sorrow, seeing her beloved Son mocked and beaten and betrayed to death, but we bring tender singing to Thee, The Most Pure One, singing to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of many things will not be able to utter all the suffering You have endured, our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns on Your head and put on a scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews”; and Biyahu Ty on the cheeks. We, Mother of God, recognizing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, You nourished Him with Your milk, having seen Him tormented;

Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering;

Rejoice, having seen Him abandoned by all His disciples.

Rejoice, having been condemned by His unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 10

To save Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “It is a custom for us that I will release one to you, so do you want to release the King of the Jews to you?” They all cried out, saying: “Not Him, but Barrabas!” Singing the mercy of God, who gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that He might redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Be a wall and fence for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness. You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him!” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, who takes away every tear from the fiercely suffering;

Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners;

Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from passions;

Rejoice, you who give joy to the broken heart.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-congratulatory singing to the Savior of the world, I went to His free suffering and carried my Cross to Calvary upon Him; standing at the Cross of Jesus His Mother, Mary of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loving him, said to His Mother: “Woman, behold Your Son!” Then the verb to the student: “Behold Thy Mother!” And from that hour the disciple went home. You, Mother of God, seeing your Son and Your Lord tormented on the Cross, cried out to the Highlander God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

“My Light, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how did you endure the passions on the Cross?” - The Pure Virgin weepingly said about Your strange Christmas: “My son, I was exalted above all mothers, but, alas for Me, now seeing You crucified, my womb is on fire”; We shed tears, we cry out to You attentively:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy;

Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the Cross.

Rejoice, Thy beloved child who matured in the wounded;

Rejoice, O Lamb, see Thy Child as a Lamb to be led to the slaughter.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers.

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your Spirit on the Cross and accepted the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, My good Light, My God was extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin lamented. - “Try, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask to remove Your Teacher from the tree. Having seen You wounded without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, a weapon passed through My soul, according to the prophecy of the righteous Simeon,” - see the Mother of God, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Though You saved Thy creation, Thou didst lift up death,” said the Most Pure One, but by Thy resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all, but we call upon Thy Most Pure Mother with tenderness:

Rejoice, dead, visibly lifeless, of the most blessed Lord;

Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, Thou didst bear forth the naked and wounded dead of Thy Light;

Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Light to the grave.

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the new shroud around His Body;

Rejoice, you who saw Him risen.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the Cross of Your Son and God, listen to our sighs and tears and deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “The angel who announced to the shepherd of Bethlehem...” and the 1st kontakion: “To the Chosen Virgin Mary...”

First prayer

Oh, Long-Suffering Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured to the earth! Accept our many painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know no other refuge and warm intercession, but as you have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity of the One God, always, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you, do not leave us perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us - You extend Your love to us, if the world persecutes us - You accept us, give us the blessed strength of patience - to endure the trials that happen in this world without grumbling. Oh, Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil - but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, may he pacify their hearts with peace, but let the devil - the father of evil - be put to shame! We, singing Thy mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to Thee, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin, hear us at this hour, those who have contrite hearts, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”

Kontakion 1

And to the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, to Her is given the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you have endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, let's call you T:

Ikos 1

And the angel proclaimed as the shepherd of Bethlehem about the Nativity of the Savior of the world, and with him many heavenly hosts praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But You, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger. Moreover, knowing the sorrow of Your heart, we cry out to You:

Rejoice, having warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath; Rejoice, you who wrapped the Eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk; Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who hast become the throne of the cherubim; Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at Christmas and after Christmas.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 2

While the Eternal Child was walking, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him, lying in a manger, and spoke to them about the Childhood. Mariam kept all these words in her heart. And after eight days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man. Singing Thy humility and patience, O Theotokos, we sing to the Eternal God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind established in God and observing the Law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, Jesus was taken up to Jerusalem by His parents, who set Him before the Lord and gave a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord; We cry out to the Mother of God:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the Temple of Jerusalem in fulfillment of the Law; Rejoice, you were joyfully met there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, One Pure and Blessed One among women; Rejoice, Thy cross, adorned with sorrows, carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who never disobeyed the will of God; Rejoice, you who have shown us the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Son of the Only Begotten Heavenly Father.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 3

With the silt from above, you were strengthened, Mother of God, when you heard the words of the righteous elder Simeon: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and the rising of many in Israel and is a sign that can be contradicted, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that many hearts may be opened.” thoughts." Otherwise, great sorrow pierced the heart of the Mother of God, and this cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And being determined to destroy the Child, Herod sent the ambassador to kill all the children who were in Bethlehem and its borders, from two years old and lower, according to the time they experienced it from the Magi. And behold, by the command of God, given through an angel in a dream to Elder Joseph, the entire Holy Family fled to Egypt and remained there for seven years until the death of Herod. Let us also sing with tenderness to You, Mother of God:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey; Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt, unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who abided with the wicked pagans; Rejoice, you who came from Egypt with the Firstborn Youth and Your betrothed to Nazareth.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker; Rejoice, you who spent all your time in your labors.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 4

Through the storm of sorrow she supported the Most Pure Mother, but when she returned from Jerusalem she did not find the Child Jesus on the way. For this reason, I returned to Jerusalem, seeking Him. And it came to pass after three days that He was found in the church, sitting in the midst of the teachers, and listening to them, and questioning them. And His Mother spoke to Him: “Child, what have you done to us? Behold, Thy Father and I, painfully, seek Thee.” And Jesus said to him: “What do you seek Me? Don’t you know that in those who are My Father, I am worthy to be?” But You, Most Pure One, kept these words in Your heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

You heard, Mother of God, how Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching the crowds, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every disease among the people. And the rumor about Him went out throughout the whole country, and they brought to Him all those suffering from various ailments and passions, the demon-possessed and the weakened, and He healed them. But you, Mother of God, leading the prophecy, grieving at heart, knew that the hour would soon come when Your Son would offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In the same way, we please You, the much-sorrowful Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people; Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin; Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who sacrificed yourself to God; Rejoice, the Lord is with you, blessed one.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. Moreover, hearing His parables, they understood what He was saying about them, and sought to take Him, but were afraid of the people, because they had His prophet; This is the all-knowing, grieving Mother of God for Her beloved Son, the sufferer, so that they do not kill Him, but rather cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In the event that the Jews raised Lazarus from the Jews, they went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done; and Caiaphas, the bishop of that year, spoke to them: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole people perish.” And from this day on they conferred that they might kill Him. We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world; Rejoice, our salvation is paramount.

Rejoice, pre-chosen from birth into the Mother of our Savior; Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, become Queen of Heaven; Rejoice, I will take it out for you to pray for us.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 6

First a preacher of the word of God, then a traitor, Judas Iscariot, one of the ten apostles, went to the bishop, even though he betrayed his Teacher; When they heard it, they were delighted and promised to give him pieces of silver. But You, Mother of God, grieving for Your beloved Son, cried out to the mountain God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The last supper of the disciples of Christ shone, and at it the Teacher touched their minds, showing them an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only the one who eats with Me will betray Me from you.” We, who grieve the Mother of God with compassion, sing to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, exhausted by heartache; Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer; Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows; Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 7

X refused to show His love for the human race, our Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, having blessed and broken the bread, He gave His disciple and apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My body,” and, having received the cup and given praise, He gave to them, saying: “This is My blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the Merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, promising to send them another Comforter - the Spirit of truth, Who proceeds from the Father and testifies of Him. To you, Mother of God, once again sanctified by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, all-holy devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word; Rejoice, you who produced Divine Beads.

Rejoice, through Your Nativity you open the doors of heaven to us; Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God's mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and sad for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss. Spira and the captain and the servants of the bishop took Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting mortal counsel on Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Now the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate questioned Him and told them that you had not found a single fault in Him. We, however, cry out to the Mother of God, who sees the reproach of Her Son, touchingly:

Rejoice, you who had a heart tormented by grief; Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, Your beloved Child, ripened at the judgment seat; Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord.

Rejoice, you who groan and weep; Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 9

In this birth they bless Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with Her Nativity, but afterward had great sorrow, seeing His beloved Son mocked, beaten and betrayed to death. We offer tender singing to You, Most Pure One, crying out to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the process of multiplying, they will not be able to utter all the sufferings You have endured, our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns and placed it on Your head, and clothed You in a scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews,” and beating You on the cheek. We, Mother of God, knowing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son; Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, You who saw Him tormented You nourished Him with Your milk; Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering.

Rejoice, you who saw His disciples abandoned by all; Rejoice, having been condemned by His unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 10

From the mouth of Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “This is your custom, that I may let you have only one for Easter. Do you want, that I may release to you the King of the Jews?” But they all cried out, saying: “Not this one, but Barabbas.” Glorifying the mercy of the Heavenly Father, Who so loved the world, as He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that He might redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

With shadow and protection, be for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness. You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, who takes away every tear from the fiercely suffering; Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners; Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from passions; Rejoice, you who give joy to the brokenhearted.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to the Savior of the world, who walked into free suffering and carried His cross. The warriors came to Golgotha ​​and drank Him. I stood at the cross of Jesus His Mother, and His Mother’s sister Mary of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loved him, saying to His Mother: “Woman, behold Thy son”; then the verb to the student: “Behold your Mother.” And from that hour the disciple was drunk in his own home. But you, Mother of God, were dishonored seeing the Son and the Lord on the cross, you were tormented, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11


From now on, My and Eternal God, Creator of all creatures, Lord! How you endure passion on the cross, - Pure Virgin, weeping, verb. “For Your terrible Christmas, My Son, I would be exalted above all mothers, but alas for Me: now seeing You, my heart is on fire.” We, shedding tears and listening to You, cry out to You:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy; Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the cross.

Rejoice, Thy beloved child who matured in the wounded; Rejoice, Lamb, led to the slaughter, Mother.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers; Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your spirit on the Cross and tore apart the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, my sweet light, my good hope and belly, my good God, you were extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin, lamenting, said. Trying, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask him to take down his wounded Teacher from the tree: “Give me this strange one, who has nowhere to lay his head.” The Mother of God, having seen Her inglorious Son, naked on the tree, cried out: “Alas for Me, My Child, alas for Me, My light, the weapon passed through My soul according to the words of the righteous elder Simeon.” We, the Most Pure Virgin with compassion, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Drinking Thy mercy, O Lover of mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Even though you saved Thy creation, You lifted up death,” said the Most Pure One, “but by Your Resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all.” We cry out to the Mother of God, who prays for us:

Rejoice, you who see the dead, the lifeless of the Most Blessed Lord; Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, ripening of Your sweet naked and wounded Dead Light; Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Son to the grave.

Rejoice, you who wrapped the new shroud around His body; Rejoice, you who saw His Resurrection.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy and softening the hearts of evil people.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the cross of Your Son and God! Listen to our sighs and tears, soften the evil hearts that rise up against us, deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all those who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Raise the angel...” and the 1st kontakion “To the Chosen Virgin Mary...”.

First prayer

O much-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our many painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. For you know no other refuge and warm intercession, but since we have boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always , now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O who will not please Thee, O Blessed Virgin, who will not sing of Thy mercy to the human race. We pray to you, we ask you: do not leave us, who are perishing in evil, dissolve our hearts with love and send your arrow to our enemies, may our hearts be wounded by peace against those who persecute us. If the world hates us, You extend Your love to us; if the world persecutes us, You accept us. Give us the blessed power of patience - to endure trials without grumbling, which happens in this world. O Lady! Soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us, so that their hearts do not perish in evil, but pray, O Blessed One, Thy Son and our God, that he may pacify their hearts with peace, and let the devil, the father of evil, be put to shame! We, chanting Your mercy towards us, the evil, the indecent, will sing to You, O Most Wonderful Lady of the Blessed Virgin: hear us at this hour, contrite hearts of those who have them, protect us with peace and love for each other and for our enemies, eradicate from us all malice and enmity, let us sing to You and to Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Troparion, tone 8

Having comprehended the human soul and quenched the evil advice, crush, O Lady of God, and disperse the darkness of sins, and guide us on the path of humility, so that we too will walk in the light of deeds, and triumph in Your icons at the appearance, and trust in Your help, and touching call with a voice, Lady, from the depths: help, O One Blessed One.

Troparion, tone 5

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls, for as we look at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, O Compassionate Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.

Kontakion, tone 6

Oh, they confuse my heart, and evil advice ruins me, crush these, O Pure Virgin, and do not despise my sighing, and soften the adversaries against us, O Most Blessed Lady.

In Kontakion, voice 2

By Thy grace, O Lady, soften the hearts of evildoers, send down benefactors, keeping them from all evil, to those who earnestly pray to Thy before Thy honest icons.


We glorify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and we honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

Interpretation of the meaning of the Seven Arrows icon of the Mother of God

The “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most miraculous icons in Rus'. For many centuries, Christians appealed to the Queen of Heaven through this icon if wars or riots broke out in the country.

The “Seven Arrow” Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Gospel story of how the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed brought the Infant Christ to the Jerusalem Temple on the 40th day after His birth. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was present in the temple, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw in the Infant God the Messiah, the Redeemer expected by all the Israeli people. Anticipating the sorrow that the Mother of God would have to endure during the crucifixion of Christ, righteous Simeon turned to Her with the words: “Behold, this One lies for the fall and rebellion of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy—and a weapon will pierce your very soul.”(Luke 2:34-35).

The icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos without the Infant God with seven arrows or swords piercing Her heart. The number 7 in Holy Scripture generally means the “fullness” of something. In this case, seven arrows piercing the Body of the Most Pure One, about which Simeon the Receiver of God allegorically prophesied: "Weapons will pierce the soul", mean the fullness of that grief, “sadness and heart disease” that were suffered by the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her earthly life.

This image is sometimes supplemented by the image of the deceased Christ on the knees of the Mother of God.

There is another interpretation of the image: the seven arrows piercing the chest of the Most Holy Theotokos represent the seven main human sinful passions, which the Mother of God is easily able to read in every human heart. And the passions of fallen nature pierce her soul no less than the vision of a host of demons rejoicing around the desecrated Son, tormented on the Cross.

According to legend, the original miraculous image of the “Seven Arrow” Mother of God was painted in ancient times, more than 500 years ago.

The appearance of the icon is associated with healing help given to a peasant in the Vologda province who was ill for a long time in the Kadnikovsky district near Vologda (on the banks of the Toshni River). He suffered from weakness and lameness for many years and tried unsuccessfully in various ways to overcome his illness. One day, in a subtle dream, a Divine voice commanded him to find the image of the Most Holy Theotokos in the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, where the old icons were kept, and to pray with faith before it for the healing of his illness. Arriving at the temple, the peasant was not immediately able to fulfill what was indicated to him in the vision. Only after the peasant’s third request did the clergy, who did not believe his words, allow him to climb the bell tower. It turned out that for a long time this holy image was located at the turn of the stairs of the church bell tower. The icon turned face down was mistaken for an ordinary board, which served as a step in the staircase along which the bell ringers climbed. Horrified by this involuntary blasphemy, the clergy washed the image and served a prayer service in front of it, after which the peasant received complete healing.

Unfortunately, after the revolution the miraculous icon disappeared. But there remain numerous lists that are also miraculous.

There is also a very similar type of icon of the Mother of God, which is called Icon of the Mother of God “SOFTENING EVIL HEARTS”,or"Simeon's Prophecy". Its difference lies in the fact that the arrows piercing the heart of the Mother of God in this image are located three on the right and left, and one on the bottom, while the “Seven Arrows” icon has four arrows on one side and three on the other.

In modern iconography, these icons are considered to be varieties of the same iconographic type, and despite the differences, they are often combined and called the same - “Semistrelnaya” (“Softening Evil Hearts”). Moreover, in prayer practice these two images are also combined, because have the same meaning.

Finally, there is another image, similar in iconography to the “Seven Arrows” and “Softening Evil Hearts” - this icon is called, which was previously located in the village of Zhizdra, Kaluga region, "Passionate"or “And a weapon will pierce your very soul”. It was established that the celebration should take place on the same day as the “Seven Shot”. Unlike the widespread icons of the Mother of God “Passionate”, which belong to a completely different iconographic type - Hodegetria, the image from Zhizdra depicts the Mother of God in a prayer pose. With one hand she supports the Baby Jesus, and with the other she covers her own chest, at which 7 swords are aimed. It is customary to pray to the Mother of God and ask Her intercession before this icon in the same way as before the “Seven Arrows”.

Zhizdra Passion Icon of the Mother of God or “And a weapon will pierce your very soul”

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” takes place once a year - August 26 (August 13, old style). This date coincides with the miraculous deliverance of Vologda from cholera in 1830 after the townspeople fervently prayed to the Mother of God in front of Her image of the “Seven Arrows” and made a religious procession around the city with the icon.

They pray in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos when any discord, quarrel, enmity or complex litigation occurs in a person’s life. This bright image of the Mother of God is also revered as the guardian of the hearth. They pray to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the “Seven Arrows” icon in order to maintain harmony in the house, reconcile with relatives, resolve a long-term conflict with loved ones, and improve relationships between spouses, as well as children and parents.


on All Saints Sunday

Troparion, tone 5

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls, for as we look at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, O Compassionate Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the softener of evil hearts.

Kontakion, tone 2

By Thy grace, Lady, soften the hearts of evildoers, send down benefactors, keeping them from all evil, to those who fervently pray to Thy before Thy honest icons.

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, Who gave salvation to the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, let us call Tee:

Ikos 1

The angel who announced the Nativity of the Savior of the world to the shepherd of Bethlehem, and with him many of the Heavenly Powers, praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But you, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den and, having wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger; thereby recognizing the sorrow of Your heart, crying out to You:

Rejoice, having warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath.

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the Eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk.

Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who art become the throne of the Cherubim.

Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at the Nativity and after the Nativity.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Eternal Child, the midwife lying in the manger, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him and spoke about the verb spoken to them by the Angel about the Childhood; Mariam kept all these words in her heart. And after seven days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man of eight days. Singing Thy humility and patience, O Theotokos, we sing to the eternal God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a mind established in God and observing the law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, Jesus ascended to Jerusalem His parents, in order to set Him before the Lord and give a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord. We cry out to You:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the temple of Jerusalem to fulfill the law.

Rejoice, you were joyfully welcomed there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, one pure and most blessed among women.

Rejoice, O Thy Cross, adorned with sorrows, and carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who did not listen to the will of God in any way.

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 3

By the power from above you were strengthened by the Mother of God, when you heard the words of Elder Simeon saying: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, and as a sign it is reproached, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” . And great sorrow pierced the heart of the Mother of God, and cried out to God in sorrow: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the desire to destroy the Child, the ambassador Herod killed all the children who were in Bethlehem and its borders, from two years old and below, according to the time they were tested by the Magi; and behold, according to the command of God, given through an Angel in a dream to Elder Joseph, the entire Holy Family fled to Egypt and remained there for seven years, until the death of Herod. Also with tenderness we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey.

Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt, unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who remained with the wicked pagans for seven years.

Rejoice, you who came to Nazareth with the Eternal Child-Youth and with Your Betrothed.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker.

Rejoice, you who spent all your time in labor.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 4

The storm of grief overcame the Most Pure Mother, and when she returned from Jerusalem she did not find the Child Jesus on the way; for this reason he returned seeking Him. And it came to pass after three days that she found Him in the church, sitting in the midst of the teachers, and listening to them, and asking them questions. And his Mother spoke to Him: “Child, what have you done to us? Behold, Thy Father and I painfully seek Thee.” And he said to him: “What is it that I am asking for? Isn’t it true that in those who are My Father, I am worthy of being?” And His Mother kept all these words in Her heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the Mother of God, as Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching in their congregations, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every ailment and every ulcer among the people, and the rumor went out throughout all Syria, and brought to Him those suffering from various ailments and passions, possessed by demons, and weakened. , and healed them. But You, Mother of God, leading the prophecies, grieved in your heart, knowing that the hour would soon come when Your Son would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. We also please You, long-suffering Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people.

Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin.

Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who brought yourself as a living sacrifice to God.

Rejoice, the Lord is with you, O Blessed One.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. And when they heard His parables, they understood what He was saying about them, and sought His burden, but they were afraid of the people, because they had not His prophet. Knowing all this, the Mother of God grieved for her beloved Son, fearing lest they kill Him, crying out in grief: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen from the Jews the resurrection of Lazarus, he went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done; and the speech of Caiaphas, the bishop of that year: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole language perish”; and from that day they conferred, that they might kill Him. We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world.

Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing.

Rejoice, pre-chosen Mother of our Savior from birth.

Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, who has become the Queen of Heaven.

Rejoice, I will take you out to pray for us.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 6

First a preacher of the word of God, later a traitor - Judas Iscariot, one of the two ten Apostles, went to the bishop to betray his Teacher; When they heard it, they were very happy and promised to give him pieces of silver. But You, Mother of God, grieving for Your beloved Son, cried out to the mountaineer: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The last supper was celebrated by the disciples of Christ, and at it the Teacher bore his mind, thus showing an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only from you will betray Me, the one who eats with Me.” We, with compassionate grief for the Mother of God, cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, exhausted by heartache.

Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer.

Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows.

Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to show His love for the human race, the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, blessing and breaking bread, gave His disciple and Apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body”; and having received the cup and given praise, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the Merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, when He promised to send them the Comforter of the Spirit of Truth, Who proceeds from the Father and will testify about Him. To you, Mother of God, twice sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we cry:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, all-bright devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word.

Rejoice, you who produced Divine beads.

Rejoice, through Your Christmas you open the doors of heaven to us.

Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and sad for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss; Spira, and the captain, and the servants of the Jews brought Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting the mortal counsel of Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate, having questioned Him, told them that not a single person found guilt in Him. We cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, heart tormented by grief, who had.

Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord.

Rejoice, you who groan and weep.

Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 9

All generations bless Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with Her Nativity, who later had great sorrow, seeing His beloved Son mocked, beaten, and betrayed to death; We offer tender singing to You, Most Pure One, singing to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of multi-proclamation will not be able to utter all the suffering You endured, our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns on Your head and put on a scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews,” and hitting You on the cheeks. We, Mother of God, recognizing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, You who saw Him tormented You nourished Him with Your milk.

Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering.

Rejoice, having seen Him abandoned by all His disciples.

Rejoice, having been condemned by His unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 10

To save Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “This is your custom, but I will release only one thing to you; Do you want, then, that I will release to you the King of the Jews?” They all cried out, saying: “Not Him, but Barabbas!” Singing the mercy of God, who gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that He might redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Be a wall and a fence for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness: You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him!” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of mercy, who takes away every tear from the cruelty of those who suffer.

Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners.

Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, you who deliver us from passions.

Rejoice, you who give joy to the broken heart.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 11

We offer all-contrite singing to the Savior of the world, who went to free suffering and carried His Cross to Golgotha, that He may be pierced. I stood at the Cross of Jesus His Mother, Mary of Cleopas and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loved him, and said to His Mother: “Woman, behold Thy son.” Then the verb to the student: “Behold your Mother.” And from that hour the disciple began to drink in his own way. But you, Mother of God, seeing your Son and Lord on the Cross, tormented, cried out to the mountaineer: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

“My Light, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how did you endure the passions on the Cross?” - The Pure Virgin weepingly said, “Over your strange Christmas, My Son, I was exalted above all mothers: but alas for Me. Now, seeing You crucified, I am incinerated within the womb.” We shed tears, listening to You, and cry:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy.

Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the Cross.

Rejoice, O Child of Your beloved, who matured with the wounded.

Rejoice, O Lamb, seeing Your Child as a Lamb being led to the slaughter.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers.

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your spirit on the Cross and condemned the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, My good Light, My God is extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin lamented, “Try, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask him to take down your Teacher from the tree. They see You wounded, without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, a weapon has pierced My soul, according to the prophecy of the righteous Simeon,” the providence of the Mother of God, crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Even though you have lifted up death to save your creation,” said the Most Pure One, by your resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all. We call upon Your Most Pure Mother with tenderness:

Rejoice, you who see the dead and lifeless Lord.

Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, for you have seen the naked and wounded dead of Your Light.

Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Light to the grave.

Rejoice, you who wrapped the new shroud around His body.

Rejoice, you who saw Him risen.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the Cross of Your Son and God, listen to our sighs and tears and deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all those who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


O Many-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You brought to the earth! Accept our much-painful sighing and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy, for refuge and warm intercession are not known to You, but as we have boldness towards Him Who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may unfalteringly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where we with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts” (“Simeon’s Prophecy”)

The icon “Softening Evil Hearts” is also called “Simeon’s Prophecy.” As the holy evangelist Luke narrates, the righteous elder Simeon the God-Receiver was predicted by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he saw the Messiah. And when the parents, on the fortieth day after the birth of the Baby, brought Him to the temple, Simeon also came there “by inspiration,” took the Baby in his arms (hence the nickname God-Receiver) and uttered the famous words with which since then every Vespers service has ended and are known as Prayer of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver: “Now dost thou dismiss Thy servant, O Master, according to Thy word, in peace...” Then he blessed St. Joseph and the Most Pure Mother of the Savior and turned to Mary with the same “Simeon’s prophecy”: “Behold, this one lies for the fall and rebellion of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy, - and a weapon will pierce your own soul, - so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed." Just as Christ will be pierced with nails and a spear, so the soul of the Most Pure Virgin will be struck by a certain “weapon” of sadness and heartache when She sees the suffering of the Son; Afterwards, the hitherto hidden thoughts (about the Messiah) of people who will have to make a choice will be revealed: they are with Christ or against Him. This interpretation of Simeon’s prophecy became the subject of several “symbolic” icons of the Virgin Mary. All those who come to them with prayer feel that when the heart is softened, mental and physical suffering is alleviated, and they realize: when they pray in front of these images for their enemies, then their hostile feelings soften, giving way to mercy, internecine warfare and enmity subside.

The image “Softening Evil Hearts” apparently comes from Southwestern Rus', but, unfortunately, there has never been any historical information about it; it is not even known where and when the icon appeared. The Mother of God in the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” is depicted with swords stuck into Her heart - three on the right and left, one on the bottom. The number “seven” in the Holy Scriptures usually means the completeness, redundancy of something, and in this case, the completeness and vastness of the grief, sadness and “heart disease” that the Mother of God experienced during Her earthly life. Sometimes the Eternal Child is also written on the lap of the Most Pure Virgin.

Another miraculous image is very close to “Softening Evil Hearts” - the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Mother of God. The only difference between them is that on the “Seven Shot” the swords are written differently - three on the right side of the Most Pure One and four on the left, and her celebration takes place on August 26 in the new style.

During World War II, in the south of the Voronezh region, in an area known as Belogorye (from the chalk cliffs on the right bank of the Don near the city of Pavlovsk), Italian mountain rifle units fought on the side of the Nazis. In the second half of December 1942, soldiers from the platoon of Lieutenant Giuseppe Perego found the icon “Softening Evil Hearts” in a house destroyed by bombing, which they gave to their military priest, chaplain Father Policarpo from Valdagna. According to local residents, this icon came from the cave Resurrection Belogorsk Monastery near Pavlovsk. The Italians called her “Madonna del Don” (“Madonna of the Don”; this image should not be confused with the “Our Lady of the Don”). After the Ostrogozh-Rossoshansky offensive of Soviet troops in January 1943, the remnants of the defeated Italian corps left the borders of our country. Chaplain Policarpo took the “Madonna of the Don” with him to Italy, where in the city of Mestre (mainland Venice) a chapel was built especially for her, which still remains a place of mass pilgrimage for relatives and friends of Italian soldiers who died on Russian lands.

By blessing

Metropolitan John of Kherson and Tauride

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which bears the name Seven Shots, is a protector and amulet for many Orthodox Christians. People pray to her and give her praise, and the Orthodox akathist to the Mother of God of Seven Arrows is endowed with miraculous power and can protect from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. through her icon to all believers who with faith ask for her help and will never leave those who pray to her in trouble. The Virgin Mary adopted the entire human race and considers everyone, without exception, her children, who are equal to each other. She is sure to forgive the sinner who prays to her for forgiveness because she herself prays day and night to the Lord for the forgiveness of all the sins of mankind.

How to read the akathist to the Seven Shot Icon of the Mother of God

For a long time, akathist has been called a laudatory and grateful genre of church choral singing in the Orthodox Church. Few people know that at the beginning of the existence of the genre, an akathist was a name given to a certain work that was created for the glory of the Mother of God - “The Great Akathist.” This work is necessarily sung by the church choir during Lent, and such singing is performed at the service, which takes place in Orthodox churches on Saturday morning in the fifth week every year. Of course, this is not the only day when the akathist is read at the services, but this genre should rather be attributed to cell prayers or home reading because it is not regularly included in the liturgical day of the Orthodox Church. The Akathist to the Seven Shots Icon of the Mother of God is also read mainly at home or they independently order a prayer service in her honor when they feel that it is necessary.

You can find the church akathist to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Seven Arrows in any Orthodox prayer book, which can be bought in icon shops on the territory of Orthodox monasteries, as well as on Internet sites dedicated to Orthodox topics. The Orthodox Church has been using Internet sites for informational and other purposes for a relatively long time. Consequently, on Orthodox websites you can find a lot of useful material that will be useful for the personal and spiritual development of any Orthodox Christian. Recordings of church singing of akathists, including the Russian Orthodox akathist to the Mother of God of the Seven Shots, are always available to listen to on the Internet. By listening to recordings of the singing of Orthodox akathists to the Mother of God and other chants, you can learn to sing them yourself and better understand the meaning of the works, and also learn how to correctly place emphasis while reading.

Text of the Orthodox Akathist to the Seven Shot Icon

Kontakion No. 1

To the chosen Virgin Mary, who is higher than all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy call T:

The angel who announced the Nativity of the Savior of the world to the shepherd of Bethlehem, and with him many heavenly powers, praised God, singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” But you, Mother of God, who had no place to lay your head, no place in the monasteries, gave birth to Your Firstborn Son in a den and, having wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger; thereby recognizing the sorrow of Your heart, crying out to You:

Rejoice, You who warmed Your beloved Son with Your breath

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the Eternal Child in swaddling clothes.

Rejoice, Thou who nourished the Bearer of the universe with Thy milk;

Rejoice, you who turned the den into the sky.

Rejoice, thou who hast become the throne of a cherub;

Rejoice, thou who remained the Virgin at the Nativity and after the Nativity.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 2

Seeing the Eternal Child, the midwife lying in the manger, the shepherds of Bethlehem came and bowed to Him and spoke about the verb spoken to them by the Angel about the Childhood, and Mariam kept all these verbs in; and after seven days Jesus was circumcised according to the law of Israel, as a man of eight days; Glorifying Your humility and patience, O Mother of God, we sing to the eternal God: Alleluia.

Having a mind established in God and observing the law of the Lord, on the fortieth day, when the days of purification were fulfilled, His parents ascended Jesus to Jerusalem to set Him before the Lord and give a sacrifice for Him according to what was spoken in the Law of the Lord; We cry out to You:

Rejoice, you who brought the Creator of the universe to the temple of Jerusalem to fulfill the law;

Rejoice, you were joyfully welcomed there by Elder Simeon.

Rejoice, One Pure and Most Blessed among women;

Rejoice, O Thy Cross, adorned with sorrows, and carried in humility.

Rejoice, you who disobeyed the will of God in no way;

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, vessel filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 3

You were strengthened by the power from above, Mother of God, when you heard the words of Elder Simeon saying: “Behold, this One is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and is a sign that can be contradicted, and a weapon will pierce your very soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” "; and great sorrow pierce the heart of the Mother of God, and cry out in sorrow to God: Alleluia.

Having the desire to destroy the Child, the ambassador Herod killed all the children who were in Bethlehem and its borders from two years ago and below, according to the time of the hedgehog's experience from the wise men and behold, according to the command of God given through an Angel in a dream to the elder Joseph, fleeing the entire holy family to Egypt and remained there seven years until the death of Herod. With the same emotion we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, you who bore all the hardships of the journey;

Rejoice, for all the idols fell in the land of Egypt and were unable to endure the strength of Your Son.

Rejoice, you who remained with the wicked pagans for seven years;

Rejoice, you who came to Nazareth with the Eternal Child-Youth and with Your Betrothed.

Rejoice, you who lived in poverty with Elder Joseph the treemaker;

Rejoice, you who spent all your time in labor.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 4

The storm of sorrow overcame the Most Pure Mother, but those returning from Jerusalem did not find the Child Jesus on the way. For this reason, she returned seeking Him, and after three days found Him in the church, sitting among the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions. And his Mother spoke to Him: “Child, what have you done to us? Behold Your Father and I have sorely sought You?” And he said to him: “What is the source of Me, don’t you know that in those who are My Father’s essence is worthy of being Me”; and His Mother kept all these words in her heart, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Having heard the Mother of God, as Jesus passed through all of Galilee, teaching in their congregations, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every ailment and every ulcer among the people, and the rumor went out throughout all Syria and brought to Him those who were sick with various illnesses and passions, possessed and demons, and paralyzed and healing them. But You, Mother of God, leading the prophecies, grieved in your heart, knowing that the hour would soon come when Your Son would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. We also please You, long-suffering Mother of God, crying out:

Rejoice, you who gave your Son to serve the Jewish people;

Rejoice, sorrowful at heart, but submissive to the will of God.

Rejoice, you who saved the world from the flood of sin;

Rejoice, you who have erased the head of the ancient serpent.

Rejoice, you who offered yourself a living sacrifice to God;

Rejoice, the Lord is with you, O Blessed One.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 5

Preaching the Kingdom of God on earth, Jesus denounced the pride of the Pharisees, who imagined themselves to be righteous. Tis, listening to His parables, understood what He was saying about them, and sought His yat, but was afraid of the people, because they had His prophet; Knowing all this, the Mother of God grieved for her beloved Son, fearing lest they kill Him, crying out in grief: Alleluia.

Having seen from the Jews the resurrection of Lazarus, he went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done, and Caiaphas, the bishop, spoke this year: “We have no choice but to let one man die for the people, and not the whole tongue perish”; from that day they took counsel, that they might kill Him; We cry out to You, Most Pure One:

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Savior of the world;

Rejoice, our salvation is the main thing.

Rejoice, pre-chosen from birth as the Mother of our Savior;

Rejoice, Mother of God, doomed to suffering.

Rejoice, Blessed One, who has become the Queen of Heaven;

Rejoice, I will take you out to pray for us.

Rejoice, Much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 6

First the preacher of the word of God, later the traitor - Judas Iscariot, one of the two ten Apostles, went to the bishop to betray his Teacher; When they heard it, they were very happy and promised to give him pieces of silver; But you, Mother of God, grieving for your beloved Son, cried out to the mountain God: Alleluia.

The last supper was celebrated by the disciples of Christ, and at it the Teacher bore his mind, thus showing an image of humility, and saying to them: “Only from you will betray Me, the one who eats with Me.” We, with compassionate grief for the Mother of God, cry out to Her:

Rejoice, Mother of God, weary of heartache;

Rejoice, all who endured much sorrow in this vale.

Rejoice, you who found peace in prayer;

Rejoice, joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, quenching our sorrows;

Rejoice, you who save us from the mire of sin.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 7

Although the Lord Jesus Christ wanted to show His love for the human race at the Last Supper, blessing and breaking bread, He gave His disciple and apostle the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body”; and having received the cup and given praise, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which was shed for many for the remission of sins.” Giving thanks to the merciful God for His ineffable mercy towards us, we sing to Him: Alleluia.

The Lord showed a new sign of His mercy to His disciples, when He promised to send them the Comforter of the Spirit of Truth, Who comes from the Father and will testify about Him. To you, the Mother of God, twice sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we cry:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, all-bright devil.

Rejoice, vast village of God the Word;

Rejoice, you who produced Divine beads.

Rejoice, through Thy Nativity, who opens the doors of heaven to us;

Rejoice, you who have shown us a sign of God’s mercy.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 8

It is strange and regrettable for us to hear that Judas Iscariot betrayed his Teacher and Lord with a kiss, and Spira and the captain and the servants of the Jews brought Jesus and bound Him, and led Him to the high priest Annas first, then to Caiaphas the bishop. The Mother of God, awaiting the mortal counsel of Her beloved Son, cried out to God: Alleluia.

All the Jews took Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetor to Pilate, saying that He was a villain. Pilate, having questioned Him, told them that not a single person found guilt in Him; we cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, heart tormented by grief, who had;

Rejoice, you who shed tears for your Son.

Rejoice, you who endured everything without complaining, as a servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, you who groan and weep.

Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and earth, who accepts the prayers of Her servants.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 9

All generations bless Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Lady and Mother of our Savior, who brought joy to the whole world with her Nativity, who later had great sorrow, seeing her beloved Son mocked and beaten and betrayed to death, but we bring tender singing to Thee, The Most Pure One, singing to Almighty God: Alleluia.

The branches of many things will not be able to utter all the suffering You have endured, our Savior, when the warriors wove a crown of thorns on Your head and put on a scarlet robe, saying: “Hail, King of the Jews”; and Biyahu Ty on the cheeks. We, Mother of God, recognizing Your suffering, cry out to You:

Rejoice, You nourished Him with Your milk, having seen Him tormented;

Rejoice, thou who hast ripened with crimson and a crown of thorns.

Rejoice, you who suffered through His suffering;

Rejoice, having seen Him abandoned by all His disciples.

Rejoice, having been condemned by His unrighteous judges.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 10

To save Jesus, Pilate spoke to the Jews: “It is a custom for us that I will release one to you, so do you want to release the King of the Jews to you?” They all cried out, saying: “Not Him, but Barrabas!” Singing the mercy of God, who gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that He might redeem us from eternal death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Be a wall and fence for us, Lady, who are exhausted from sorrow and illness. You yourself suffered, hearing the Jews crying: “Crucify Him!” Now hear us crying to You:

Rejoice, Mother of Mercy, who takes away every tear from the fiercely suffering;

Rejoice, you who give us tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, you who save perishing sinners;

Rejoice, shameless intercession of Christians.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from passions;

Rejoice, you who give joy to the broken heart.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 11

We offer all-congratulatory singing to the Savior of the world, I went to His free suffering and carried my Cross to Calvary upon Him; standing at the Cross of Jesus His Mother, Mary of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing, loving him, said to His Mother: “Woman, behold Your Son!” Then the verb to the student: “Behold Thy Mother!” And from that hour the disciple went home. You, Mother of God, seeing your Son and Your Lord tormented on the Cross, cried out to the Highlander God: Alleluia.

“My Light, Eternal God and Creator of all creatures, Lord, how did you endure the passions on the Cross?” - The Pure Virgin weepingly said about Your strange Christmas: “My son, I was exalted above all mothers, but, alas for Me, now seeing You crucified, my womb is on fire”; We shed tears, we cry out to You attentively:

Rejoice, deprived of joy and joy;

Rejoice, you who freely saw the suffering of Your Son on the Cross.

Rejoice, Thy beloved child who matured in the wounded;

Rejoice, O Lamb, see Thy Child as a Lamb to be led to the slaughter.

Rejoice, you who saw the Savior of mental and physical ulcers covered with ulcers.

Rejoice, Thou who hast ripened Thy Son risen from the dead.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 12

Grant us grace, O All-Merciful Savior, who gave up Your Spirit on the Cross and accepted the handwriting of our sins. “Behold, My good Light, My God was extinguished on the Cross,” the Virgin lamented. - “Try, Joseph, to approach Pilate and ask that Your Teacher be taken down from the tree. Having seen Thee wounded without glory, naked on the tree, My Child, a weapon passed through My soul, according to the prophecy of the righteous Simeon,” foresaw the Mother of God, crying out: Alleluia.

Singing Thy mercy, O Lover of Mankind, we bow to the riches of Thy mercy, O Lord. “Though You saved Thy creation, Thou didst lift up death,” said the Most Pure One, but by Thy resurrection, O Savior, have mercy on us all, but we call upon Thy Most Pure Mother with tenderness:

Rejoice, dead, visibly lifeless, of the most blessed Lord;

Rejoice, thou who kissed the body of Thy beloved Son.

Rejoice, Thou didst bear forth the naked and wounded dead of Thy Light;

Rejoice, Thou who betrayed Thy Light to the grave.

Rejoice, thou who hast wrapped the new shroud around His Body;

Rejoice, you who saw Him risen.

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

Kontakion No. 13

O All-Singing Mother, exhausted from sorrow at the Cross of Your Son and God, listen to our sighs and tears and deliver from sorrow, illness and eternal death all who trust in Your ineffable mercy and cry out to God: Alleluia.

/This kontakion is read 3 times, then 1 ikos and 1st kontakion/