
Stewed cabbage in a slow cooker It has been a very popular dish in Russia and Ukraine for quite a long time. It’s very easy to prepare, and it doesn’t take much time. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing this delicious dish. Stewed cabbage is prepared with the addition of meat, potatoes, mushrooms, minced meat or sausage. Moreover, they stew not only fresh cabbage, but also sauerkraut. It is not necessary to choose a specific variety of this vegetable. You can try experimenting and make stewed cauliflower or broccoli.

An interesting fact is that by consuming about two hundred grams of stewed cabbage per day, you get the daily requirement of vitamin C, which predominates in the composition of this product. In addition to it, stewed cabbage also contains vitamins such as A, B, E, P and even such rare ones as K and U. In addition to vitamins, this dish contains microelements such as potassium, calcium, healthy vegetable fats and pectins . All this together provides our body with reliable protection against colds and significantly strengthens our immunity.

This vegetable itself is low in calories. Although in general the calorie content of the dish depends on the products that are added to the stewed cabbage. Without adding other ingredients, the calorie content of cabbage is only 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. That is why this dish is highly recommended by nutritionists for inclusion in the diet of people who are watching their figure. Even though the stewed cabbage contains few calories, it perfectly saturates the body, and the feeling of hunger will not overtake you soon.

A multicooker, which has become an integral part of our lives not so long ago, and, of course, our recipe with step-by-step photos will help you prepare a tasty and healthy lunch. By following our recommendations, you will understand how simple the cooking process can be.


  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (a little for frying)

  • (taste)

How to cook delicious stewed cabbage in a slow cooker?

There are many options - with mushrooms, vegetables, sausages, rice, meat.

Mushroom and vegetable options are excellent side dishes for any meat and even fish dishes, for example.

Such recipes without meat are good during Lent and on the diet table as an independent dish.

Usually fresh cabbage is used for stewing, but there are also wonderful recipes for sauerkraut.

Cauliflower, broccoli and even more delicate Savoy or Peking can also be stewed. - not only tasty, but also unusual in appearance.

Classic recipe for stewed cabbage in a slow cooker

This is a basic cooking method, on the basis of which almost any other can be made.

The vegetable side dish is stewed without any fat at all, so it is quite suitable for both children and those losing weight. If desired, you can pour in 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: main course
  • Cooking method: in a slow cooker
  • Servings:4-5
  • 30 min


  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • white cabbage – ½ pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • dill – 1 bunch
  • tomato sauce – 1-2 tbsp.
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.


Finely dice the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Place tomato sauce (in summer - fresh chopped tomatoes), a little chopped dill and half the water into the multicooker bowl.

Then add the onions and carrots and cook with the lid closed for 10 minutes on the “Stew” mode.

Finely chop the cabbage and place it in the bowl. Add salt to taste.

Add dill, stir well, pour in the remaining water, close the lid and simmer until done. This is approximately 30-40 minutes.

The dish is ready! If it is not intended for fasting or dieting, then serve with sour cream. However, simply with a piece of black bread it is no less appetizing.

Stewed cabbage with meat

This delicious dish is prepared quickly in a slow cooker, especially if you use a pressure cooker.

Products are available at any time of the year and in any location.


  • cabbage - about half a medium fork
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • meat – 500 g,
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Slice the vegetable ingredients thinly and long.
  2. Dilute tomato paste with a glass of boiled water. You can replace it with fresh tomatoes - cut 5-6 pieces into cubes or mince them.
  3. We cut the meat into pieces and either fry it in the “frying” mode, or pour in a small amount of water – so that it barely covers – and simmer until half cooked.
  4. Afterwards we just simmer everything together.

What is the best way to deal with meat – fry or stew – depends on its type and variety:

Beef- a guarantee that stewed cabbage with meat in a slow cooker will not lose its dietary value. It needs to be cut into small cubes and simmered in a multicooker bowl in a small amount of water. Then add the chopped vegetables, mix with a special spatula, pour in tomato paste and simmer until tender. Without pre-braising, the beef will be tough.

A recipe for stewed cabbage with meat in a slow cooker has a magical aroma and taste if add pork. But the dish is far from the PP (proper nutrition) standards. Fry the pork until golden brown in the “frying” mode with the addition of oil. As a result, excess fat will melt away. Then remove the meat and let the fat drain off. Pour fresh oil into the bowl, add carrots, cabbage and onions one by one at intervals of a couple of minutes in the “stew” mode. Close the lid and wait half of the indicated cooking time. Then add the meat to the vegetables, mix with a spatula and leave until the end of cooking.

If used rack of pork ribs, then after preliminary frying you should remove the seeds from them and cut off pieces of fat. The bones make an excellent broth for any soup. It’s better to throw away fat, since eating it is harmful to the liver and especially the pancreas. You can take smoked ones rather than raw ones - then frying is not necessary.

A rabbit you need to fry until golden brown in butter. Then take it out, replace the butter with vegetable oil, fry the vegetables until soft, add pieces of rabbit to them, pour in diluted tomato paste, add a couple of tablespoons of rich sour cream, stir and keep until done.

Meatballs with rice- Another great addition to stewed cabbage. Pour boiling water over 100 g of rice for 10 minutes, drain, and cool. Mix rice with 300 g of minced meat, add 1 egg and Adyghe salt. Form balls of the same size, fry on all sides in vegetable oil, turning with a spatula, for 10 minutes. The time varies depending on the size of the meatball. You can line the multicooker bowl with paper, grease it with oil, select the “baking” mode, and set the cooking time to 20 minutes. After 10 minutes from the start of baking, turn the products over with the browned side up. Remove the meatballs.

Pour fresh oil into the bowl, add vegetables, turn on the stew mode. When a third of the time allotted by the program remains until the end of cooking, mix the vegetables, put the meatballs on top, add water and tomato paste, close the lid and leave until the end of the program.

The most “lazy” recipe is stewed cabbage with stew in a slow cooker. Simply add the contents of the jar 15 minutes before the end signal, stir and wait.

Recipe with potatoes and chicken

Initially, the recipe was made with chicken meat, but it turns out just as good with other poultry.

Chicken hearts are also quite suitable.

I like to cook this stew during the season of fresh vegetables, then to the standard recipe I add everything that is in the garden beds - eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini etc.

What you will need:

  • cabbage - half a fork,
  • potatoes – 5-7 pcs.
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck) – 500 g
  • tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Chop vegetables, except potatoes. It needs to be cut into cubes.
  2. Cut chicken fillet (you can take chicken breast or turkey) across the grain and place in a bowl with vegetable oil, add potatoes.
  3. Turn on extinguishing mode. After 10 minutes, add the vegetables, pour in the tomato paste and cook until the end signal. Such stewed cabbage with chicken in a slow cooker is quite suitable for children.
  4. If duck or goose meat is used, it is also stewed first with a small amount of water, and the rendered fat is drained. Then add chopped vegetables, pour in paste and cook as usual.

Stewed cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker

A hearty, tasty and simple dish turns out different every time due to the use of different types of sausages.

Stewed cabbage with sausage is prepared in a slow cooker in just half an hour!


  • cabbage - about half a fork
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • sausages or cold cuts – 300 g
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, spices - to taste.


Chop the vegetables and simmer as usual. Cut sausages or sausage into cubes and add to the almost finished dish along with tomato and sour cream - 10-15 minutes before the end of time.

Recipe with mushrooms and sauerkraut

Stewed sauerkraut in a slow cooker is an excellent solution for a Lenten table.

You can add dry, fresh forest products, store-bought champignons or home-grown oyster mushrooms - this will give you the opportunity to diversify the taste.


  • sauerkraut – 500 g,
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.,
  • fresh mushrooms – 200 g,
  • tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Rinse and squeeze if it is overly sour or salty.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots. Cut the onion into half rings. Mushrooms - in thin slices.
  3. Pour oil into the bowl and turn on the “stew” mode. Add the mushrooms first, after a couple of minutes the onions, after a few more - the cabbage. Stir and close the lid. About 10 minutes before the readiness signal, pour in the tomato paste diluted with a glass of water.
  4. If dried mushrooms are selected, they need to be soaked in water for an hour, then drained, rinsed and lightly stewed in oil. After 5-7 minutes, the remaining products are added to the mushrooms.
  5. Into the dish you can add boiled beans or canned beans in tomato sauce along with the pasta(in the second case there is no need to add paste). It is also placed 10 minutes before the readiness signal.
  6. Instead of fresh carrots, Korean carrots would be good. It is added along with tomato paste.

To the hostess in the piggy bank

  • The dish tastes best when the cabbage is chopped thinly and long, the carrots are grated on a coarse grater, and the onion is cut into thin half rings.
  • To give pork a brighter taste, cut it into approximately equal pieces with sides no larger than 2 cm and marinate in onions for half an hour. Then fry briefly in vegetable oil, and use the onion when stewing cabbage and carrots.
  • To prevent the turkey from being dry, before cooking it is good to marinate it in lemon juice with the addition of grated ginger root.
  • If the cabbage is a little tough, then before stewing it should be poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes, then drained, squeezed and cooked according to the recipe.
  • Multicookers "Panasonic" and "Polaris" simmer for 2 hours, "Redmond" - from an hour, "Philips" - from 45 minutes. “Moulinex” can be stewed for at least an hour, but you need to periodically look under the lid and stir: they sometimes “fry” the food.

Useful video

I highly recommend stewing cabbage with red fish in a slow cooker! This recipe is not popular, but it is so tasty that even my children eat it! The video below tells you how to cook in a frying pan. In a multicooker, everything is even simpler: load the ingredients into the multibowl, set the “stew” mode for 1 hour and you’re done! And what a great filling for pies this is - another idea to add to the collection!

Stewed cabbage is a dish that everyone knows. It itself is not difficult to prepare, but it can be simplified if you use a slow cooker. The miracle helper will prevent burning and eliminate the need to constantly stir the dish. How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker?

Stewed cabbage in a slow cooker - general principles

Cabbage for stewing is chopped into strips; you can use a special knife or grater. Then the vegetable is placed in the slow cooker on its own or with other ingredients, a little liquid is added, the “Stew” mode is turned on and brought to readiness.

What to put in cabbage:

Meat, sausage, offal;

Various vegetables;

Tomato paste, ketchup;

Spices, herbs.

But this is the simplest option. A dish made with preliminary frying of selected ingredients is much tastier and more aromatic. Usually these are meat products, onions and carrots, but cabbage can also be lightly fried before stewing. To do this, use the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, add a little oil to the bowl.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with carrots and onions

A simple and easy way to stew cabbage in a slow cooker. Apart from vegetables and spices, nothing is added to it.


1 kg cabbage;

0.15 kg of onion;

0.15 kg carrots;

3 tablespoons of oil;

2 tomatoes;


1. Chop the carrots into strips and cut the onion into similar pieces.

2. Throw the vegetables into the slow cooker, add oil and lightly fry so that the taste of the finished dish is richer. We use the frying or baking modes.

3. Add shredded cabbage, close the multicooker and fry for another 20 minutes on the same program, stirring occasionally.

4. Grate the tomatoes and pour into the cabbage.

5. Throw in pepper, salt and stir well. Place a bay leaf on top.

6. Close, set the stewing program and bring to readiness. Young and juicy cabbage needs 15 minutes. If the vegetable is not so soft, then cook further. We check periodically.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with meat

For such a dish, you can use any meat, only the cooking time will change. If you use beef, then it is advisable to first simmer the product under the lid for about an hour until almost completely cooked.


0.5 kg of meat;

0.1 kg of onion;

1 kg cabbage;

0.1 kg carrots;

50 ml oil;

2 tablespoons of tomato paste;


100 ml water.


1. Cut the washed meat into strips or small cubes. Throw in the multicooker, pour in a spoonful of oil and cook on baking mode under the lid for about twenty minutes. If you use beef, you can pour in a little water and simmer.

2. Open, add onions and carrots, pour in the rest of the oil and fry the vegetables along with the meat.

3. Shred the cabbage, mash it a little with your hands so that it is slightly moistened and loses its volume. Transfer to a slow cooker.

4. Fry with vegetables and meat for another quarter of an hour, stirring regularly.

5. Dilute tomato paste in water, which is according to the recipe. Pour into a slow cooker.

6. Close, set the “Stew” mode and cook for 30 minutes.

7. Open, add salt to the cabbage, throw in any spices. Cook for another fifteen minutes.

How to stew sauerkraut in a slow cooker

Sauerkraut stewed cabbage is a dish with a very bright and pronounced taste. It can be served with mashed potatoes, buckwheat, and used as a filling for pies. How to stew such cabbage in a slow cooker?


40 ml sunflower oil;

2-3 onions;

0.1 kg cabbage;

1 tsp. dry dill.


1. If the cabbage is very sour, then fill it with cold water and leave for ten minutes, all the excess will come out. If the taste is normal, then simply squeeze out the excess brine.

2. It’s better to add more onions and it will taste better. Cut into cubes or strips.

3. Set the multicooker to the baking program, pour in sunflower oil and add onions. Fry until the pieces are transparent.

4. Add cabbage, stir and close the lid. Cook for another half hour, preferably stirring every 10 minutes.

5. Pour in half a glass of boiling water, you can throw a spoonful of pasta into it, change the stewing mode, forget about the cabbage for half an hour.

6. Open, add dry dill. Instead, you can throw in a pinch of seeds. Stir.

7. We insist. The dish usually does not require salt and other spices, but you can always add them if necessary.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with mushrooms

Another version of lean stewed cabbage, which turns out amazingly tasty and aromatic. The mushrooms are fresh. But if non-greenhouse species are used, then it is advisable to boil them for half an hour in salted boiling water and only then use them according to the recipe.


0.3 kg of mushrooms;

0.1 kg cabbage;

0.2 kg of onion;

0.2 kg carrots;

70 ml oil;

Seasonings, garlic, herbs;

2 tomatoes or a spoonful of pasta.


1. Wash the mushrooms and cut into pieces.

2. Pour half the oil into the multicooker, heat it on frying mode, add the mushrooms and cook until the water has completely evaporated.

3. As soon as the mushrooms begin to “crackle” and fry, add chopped onions to them and add the rest of the oil.

4. After another five minutes, add the grated carrots, but you can stew the cabbage simply with onions and mushrooms. Let's fry further.

5. Shred the cabbage, mash it with your hands and transfer it to the mushrooms and vegetables. Stir, close, set the “Stew” mode, cook for half an hour.

6. Now it’s the tomatoes’ turn. Cut it in half, take a grater and grate the pulp into a puree. We throw away the skins. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can dilute a spoonful of tomato paste in 150 ml of water.

7. Pour the tomato mixture into the slow cooker. Immediately add salt to the dish and stir.

8. Close again and continue to simmer for another twenty minutes. At the end, throw chopped garlic and herbs under the lid.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with potatoes

Everyone loves stewed potatoes and cabbage, but how to cook it? This dish is distinguished by the addition of a large amount of water. You can take any broth, including mushroom broth. If you need to get thick cabbage, you can reduce the amount of liquid by 50%.


6 potatoes;

A kilogram of cabbage;

Water 1.5 cups;

Spoon of pasta;

Onions and carrots;

A little oil, fat.


1. Cut the onion (you can take more), grate the carrot coarsely and place the vegetables in the multicooker container. Add oil immediately.

2. Set “Baking” and cook for about eight minutes.

3. While the vegetables are fried, peel the potato tubers and cut into small pieces. Shred the cabbage.

4. Throw everything together into the slow cooker, add the recipe water or broth. It is advisable to pour in hot liquid so as not to provoke a temperature change.

5. Close and cook on the same program for half an hour.

6. Open it, add tomato paste, now you can salt the dish and add other spices.

7. Stir and cook for another half hour.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with sausages

A recipe for stewed cabbage in a slow cooker for those who don’t want to deal with meat or simply don’t have it. Instead of sausages, you can take sausage or sausages.


0.2 kg sausages;

0.7 kg cabbage;


4 spoons of ketchup;


100 ml water.


1. Chop the onion into half rings. Fry in oil for five minutes. The “Baking” program is suitable.

2. Add carrots, and after a couple of minutes, shredded cabbage. Fry until volume reduces.

3. As soon as the dish becomes denser, scatter the sausages, cut into pieces, on top.

4. Pour in the recipe water, close and cook for half an hour on the “Stew” mode.

5. Open, add ketchup and salt. Instead of ketchup, adjika or tomato paste will do, but in this case you can add a little extra spices.

6. Stir everything thoroughly, cover and continue to simmer for another ten minutes. But we are guided by the readiness of our cabbage. If the vegetable is tough, you can always increase the cooking time.

How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker with chicken gizzards

Another way to stew cabbage in a slow cooker is tasty and economical. You will need chicken gizzards.


Cabbage 1.5 kg;

0.5 kg of ventricles;

1 sweet pepper;

Garlic 2-3 cloves;

60 ml oil;

A pair of onions.


1. We wash the chicken stomachs and inspect them. If necessary, remove any remaining film. Cut into pieces and throw into a slow cooker with oil.

2. Close and simmer for half an hour. We do not add any liquid.

3. Open, evaporate the remaining moisture, add chopped onion, set the “Fry” mode and fry a little.

4. Next, add the shredded cabbage and continue frying for another ten minutes.

5. As soon as the mass settles, pour in half a cup of water, add chopped sweet pepper and close the multicooker.

6. We return again to the “Stew” mode and cook for half an hour.

7. Open it, throw in spices, garlic, you can add tomato paste or ketchup to taste, and add salt at the same stage.

8. Close, leave the cabbage to cook for another 15 minutes, do not change the program. At the very end, stir the stew well again.

Cabbage will stew for a very long time and will remain tough if you add tomato right away, regardless of whether it is ketchup, tomato or paste. Therefore, to shorten the process, the vegetable is first stewed without spices and additional additives, and only in the second part of cooking or at the very end is it all thrown in.

It is better to remove thick cabbage veins immediately during cutting. Otherwise, the tender leaves will boil, and these will remain hard for a long time.

Cabbage will taste better if you add a little vinegar and a spoonful of sugar at the end of cooking.

Stewed cabbage in a slow cooker is an economical dish, easy on the body, and at the same time nutritious and tasty. Feel free to cook it for dinner without worrying about too many calories and heaviness in your stomach. And since cabbage contains a huge amount of useful substances, dishes made from it can even be offered to children.

The value of stewed cabbage in a slow cooker lies in the fact that it is prepared in the most useful mode - “Stewing”. This program ensures high-quality and long-term simmering of products, preserving all useful substances. The products are heat-treated by simmering, just as our ancestors once cooked in a Russian oven.

Cabbage in a slow cooker goes well with other products, which makes it possible to combine and invent new dishes, for example: stewed cabbage with meat in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with potatoes in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with mushrooms in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with sausage in a slow cooker and others. Meat dishes with stewed cabbage can be easily varied, depending on the type of meat. In any case, the dish will turn out very tasty and rich in meat flavors. You can prepare the following options: stewed cabbage with chicken in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with pork in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with minced meat in a slow cooker. Tougher and drier types of meat, such as beef, are less suitable for such dishes.

But cabbage loves potatoes. A combination dish - stewed cabbage with potatoes and meat in a slow cooker - can decorate any table. Cabbage also complements some cereals well, especially rice. Stewed cabbage with rice in a slow cooker is generally a classic food combination. Cabbage rice is used in many cuisines and dishes.

Many lovers of vegetable dishes especially appreciate stewed sauerkraut in a slow cooker for its sweet and sour taste and indescribable aroma.

If you haven't tried this dish before, believe me, you will definitely love stewed cabbage in a slow cooker. Get the recipe on the website, and don’t forget to study the photo of the dish. Stewed cabbage in a slow cooker with a photo will be better remembered by you. And in general, I must say that it’s easier to cook this kind of stewed cabbage in a slow cooker, the recipe with photos of which you chose from many because you liked it.

Prepare more complex dishes right away, take, for example, a recipe for stewed cabbage with meat in a slow cooker or a recipe for stewed cabbage with potatoes in a slow cooker. Learn to make good holiday dishes right away, and master the rest of the recipes without any problems.

We hope our tips on how to cook stewed cabbage in a slow cooker will help you:

You need to remove old and dried leaves from the cabbage, rinse, then chop;

On the multicooker, set the “Stew” mode and the time for 1 hour. To make the cabbage more tender, add another 20 - 30 minutes, but at the same time it is better to control the process;

If raw meat is used in preparing a dish, it is placed together with cabbage and cut into small pieces. The cooking time needs to be increased slightly;

The core of cabbage (the so-called stalk) should not be used in cooking;

Sometimes you come across a variety of cabbage that is not very juicy. In this case, add some boiled water to the device. If, on the contrary, you have excess water left, you need to fry the cabbage a little in the “Baking” mode;

Care for the multicooker properly: wipe the containers with a dry cloth. Do not leave moisture on its surfaces. Do not wash the device in the dishwasher or completely immerse it in water; use only napkins and towels;

You can serve stewed cabbage as a side dish with any hot product, or as an independent main course.

If you look at it, cabbage is like cabbage, nothing special, a long-known, tasty, healthy vegetable that has been loved by many since childhood. It appears on our menu so often that sometimes the question arises: “Well, what else can you make from cabbage that is so unusual, besides already known dishes?” They cooked borscht and cabbage soup, and stewed it, and put cabbage filling in pies, and prepared vitamin salads with it, and fermented it, and prepared it for the winter. It would seem that it is no longer possible to surprise anything. But no, cabbage in a slow cooker is what can surprise and delight at the same time. Firstly, the ease of preparation, secondly, the rich taste and aroma and, thirdly, the knowledge that the beneficial properties of the vegetable will be preserved as much as possible.

Are you already eager to learn how to cook cabbage in a slow cooker? Whatever you want, in any way: stew, fry, bake, and also steam or boil. Cabbage pancakes, omelettes or lazy cabbage rolls, as well as pies and pies cooked in a slow cooker, are delicious. This truly versatile vegetable goes well with other vegetables: potatoes, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, corn, beets, and beans. Dishes made from cabbage with meat, mushrooms, rice or buckwheat are incredibly tasty. And if you consider how many types of cabbage there are, then, you see, you can fantasize with cabbage in a slow cooker every day. So let's pamper our homemade people with delicious and healthy cabbage dishes in a slow cooker.

Fried cabbage with vegetables in a slow cooker

1 kg white cabbage,
1 carrot,
1 onion,

Finely chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, put all the prepared vegetables in it, salt and pepper to taste, close the lid and set the “Frying” or “Baking” mode for 15-20 minutes. After the readiness signal, stir the dish and leave for 10-15 minutes in the heating mode.

Stewed cabbage with chicken fillet in a slow cooker

300 g chicken fillet,
1 kg white cabbage,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
1 tomato
1 bunch of greens,
salt, spices - to taste.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and add finely chopped onion, diced chicken fillet, peeled tomato, cut into slices. Place shredded cabbage on top, sprinkle it with chopped herbs, salt and season with spices. Place the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, covering all the ingredients with it. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Stew” mode for 1.5-2 hours. Mix the finished dish well and serve.

Stewed cabbage with pork and yogurt in a slow cooker

500 g cabbage,
600 g pork,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
1 sweet pepper,
250 g natural yogurt,
salt, spices for pork - to taste.

Chop the cabbage, salt it, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Rinse the pork, let the water drain and cut the meat into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add onion into it and set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. After a few minutes, when the onion has softened, add the pieces of pork sprinkled with spices. After 15 minutes, add carrots, peppers and cabbage to the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” mode for 30-40 minutes. Pour yoghurt over the finished cabbage and let stand for a while in the heating mode.

Vegetable stew from cabbage and potatoes with beef in a slow cooker

500 g cabbage,
300 g boiled beef,
3-4 potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
2 tbsp. butter,
2 tbsp. tomato paste,
1 bay leaf,
salt, pepper, parsley - to taste.

Shred the cabbage and crush it well with your hands to release the juice. Chop onions and carrots. Turn on the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. Add onion and oil to it, fry for 10 minutes, then add carrots and fry for another 10 minutes. Add tomato paste, cabbage, diced potatoes, meat cut into small pieces, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, bay leaf to the vegetable mixture and stir. Then set the “Quenching” mode for 1.5 hours.

Stewed cabbage with meat dumplings and pumpkin in a slow cooker

400 g cabbage,
200 g minced meat,
50 g pumpkin,
150 g carrots,
100 g onion,
1.5 stack. water,
50 g vegetable oil,
salt, spices, pepper, bay leaf - to taste.

Season the thawed minced meat with salt and pepper, add pumpkin pulp, grated on a fine grater. Form small dumplings from the minced meat and fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 3 minutes on each side. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion. Place all the prepared vegetables in a multicooker bowl, add dumplings, salt, pepper, water, spices, vegetable oil and bay leaf. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.

Stewed cabbage with buckwheat and mushrooms in a slow cooker

1 medium head of cabbage,
1 multi-cup buckwheat,
400 g mushrooms,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1.5 multi glasses of water,
2-4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add washed chopped mushrooms to it and turn the multicooker to “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, add chopped carrots and onions to the mushrooms and fry for another 10-15 minutes. Then add cabbage and buckwheat washed under running water (it can be soaked in advance for 30-40 minutes), salt and pepper and pour in water. Mix well and cook the dish in the “Pilaf” mode.

Cabbage solyanka in a slow cooker

½ head of cabbage,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
300 g mushrooms,
3 pickled cucumbers,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
1 tbsp. tomato paste,
salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Turn the multicooker to the “Frying” mode, pour in the vegetable oil and fry the chopped onion until golden brown, then add the grated carrots and fry together a little more, then alternately, every 2-3 minutes, add tomato paste to the vegetable mass, finely chopped mushrooms, chopped garlic and finely chopped cucumbers. Continue frying for another 3 minutes. Then place the shredded cabbage in a bowl, add salt, pepper, add spices to taste, mix well and, closing the lid, set the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. Be sure to stir the dish twice during cooking. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped greens. If you don’t have time to bother with pre-frying, feel free to add all the ingredients at once and set the “Stew” mode for 1.5-2 hours.

Cabbage casserole-pie in a slow cooker

350 g white cabbage,
1 multi-cup kefir,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp. flour,
1 onion,
50 g cheese,
1 pinch of baking powder,
salt, spices - to taste.

Fry the onion, cut into thin half rings, for 3-5 minutes in the “Baking” mode in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent. Chop the cabbage thinly and finely, rub it with your hands with salt and spices (thyme, dried garlic, dried ginger powder, black and white pepper are ideal for preparing this dish). Mix cabbage with onion and grated cheese. Separately, prepare a dough from eggs, kefir, flour, and baking powder, which should resemble pancake dough in consistency. Place the cabbage mixture in a greased multicooker bowl and pour the dough on top. Cook the casserole in the “Bake” mode for 40 minutes. After the signal, let the casserole cool and turn it out onto a flat plate.

Bigus with seafood in a slow cooker

500 g fresh cabbage,
400 g squid,
300 g onion,
2 tbsp. tomato paste,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Scald the squids with boiling water, clean and cut them into strips. Chop the cabbage and onion. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and place squid in it, cabbage and onions on top. Mix everything, add tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.

Red cabbage with raisins and prunes in a slow cooker

1 kg red cabbage,
80 g purple onion,
50 g prunes,
50 g raisins,
80 ml water,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar,
2 buds of cloves,
1 bay leaf,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add the onion and fry it in the “Fry” mode for 15 minutes. After the readiness signal, turn off the multicooker and put cabbage, washed raisins, soaked and cut into large pieces prunes into the bowl, pour in apple cider vinegar diluted with boiled water at room temperature, add salt and pepper, stir the contents of the multicooker, close the lid and set the “Stew” mode to 1 hour. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf and cloves to the cabbage and stir.

Flemish red cabbage in a slow cooker

1 small head of red cabbage,
4 green apples,
3 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. red wine vinegar,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage. Heat the butter in a multicooker bowl, add cabbage to it, salt and pepper, pour in vinegar and cook in the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. Cut the washed apples into 4 parts, remove the core, cut into slices and mix with sugar, add the apples with sugar to the cabbage and mix. Set the "Baking" mode and cook for 20 minutes.

Steamed Brussels sprouts with ham in a slow cooker

400 g Brussels sprouts,
400 g potatoes,
2 slices of ham
2 carrots,
1 onion,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
green onions, parsley, salt - to taste.

Wash the cabbage, remove the outer leaves and place in a basket for steaming. Peel the potatoes and place along with the cabbage. Place the basket and cook the vegetables in the “Steam” mode for 25 minutes. Then remove the potatoes and cabbage, cool and cut into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add finely chopped onion and grated carrots and fry until golden brown in the “Baking” mode. Place the prepared onions and carrots into the cabbage and potatoes, add finely chopped ham, salt and mix. Before serving, garnish the dish with chopped herbs.

Brussels sprouts with Bechamel sauce in a slow cooker

400 g Brussels sprouts,
50 g cheese.
For the sauce:
250 ml milk,
40 g butter,
2 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
a pinch of nutmeg,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the cabbage from the top leaves, rinse and place in a steaming basket. Set the “Steam” mode for 15 minutes. Then remove the basket from the multicooker. To prepare the sauce, melt the butter in a multicooker bowl, add flour and lightly fry. Then pour in warm milk and stir. After 10 minutes, turn off the multicooker and add pepper to taste, lemon juice and chopped nutmeg to the sauce. Stir and let the mixture thicken. Place steamed cabbage into the thickened sauce, close the lid and cook on the “Stew” mode for 30-40 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese.

Omelette with cauliflower in a slow cooker

500 g cauliflower,
1 stack milk,
3 eggs,
50 g butter,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Turn on the multicooker to the “Steam” mode for 7-10 minutes and boil the cabbage inflorescences in the steamer bowl. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, place cabbage inflorescences and chopped herbs in it. Thoroughly whisk the eggs with milk, salt and pepper, pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage and turn on the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.

Broccoli with fish in a slow cooker

150-200 g frozen broccoli,
250 g hake fillet,
3 eggs,
50 g sour cream,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Thaw broccoli and fish fillets. Cut the broccoli florets into 2-3 parts, salt and pepper the fish fillets, cut into small pieces. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place fish and broccoli in it. Lightly beat the eggs with sour cream with a fork, add salt to taste and pour this mixture over the fish and cabbage. Set the “Baking” mode and cook the dish for 30 minutes. Once cooking is complete, cool it, then transfer it to a plate.

But cabbage is not as simple as it seems! Look how many amazingly tasty and original dishes can be prepared from it in a slow cooker, without spending a lot of effort, time and using quite affordable ingredients.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina