Fraud at the Tuapse refinery was estimated at half a billion.

As it became known to Kommersant, the main investigative department of the TFR for the North Caucasian Federal District completed the investigation of the criminal case against the deputy of the Tuapse City Council, the ex-director of the All People Are Equal group of companies, Alexander Firichenko. According to investigators, he, together with the former vice-president of Rosneft Oil Company Andrey Votinov, committed a number of frauds when concluding lease agreements for territory and premises with the Tuapse Oil Refinery, which caused damage to the owner of the enterprise, Rosneft, in the total amount of 501.4 million rubles.

Law enforcement sources told Kommersant about the completion of the preliminary investigation in a criminal case against a deputy of the Tuapse City Council, the former director of the All People Are Equal construction group of companies Alexander Firichenko. The case was initiated in December 2015, it involves two episodes of "particularly large-scale fraud committed as part of a group of persons by prior agreement" (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Initially, the amount of damage in these episodes was estimated by law enforcement officers at 113.8 million and 128.3 million rubles, but in the course of the investigation they increased to 156.9 million and 344.5 million rubles. respectively.

As Kommersant previously told, according to investigators, in 2010 then. about. Director General of RN-Tuapse Refinery LLC Andrey Votinov (later serving as vice president of Rosneft, now on the international wanted list), together with his friend Alexander Firichenko, planned the theft of funds belonging to the refinery. To do this, they created the construction group "All people are equal." To implement the criminal plan, the case says, in 2012 a construction company and the Tuapse refinery concluded a sublease agreement for a land plot with a total area of ​​17.2 thousand square meters. m (Tuapse, Sochinskaya street, 3) in the amount of 113.8 million rubles. This land belonged to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and was leased from a construction company. Investigators believe that Andrey Votinov and Alexander Firichenko were aware that the land plot could not be used in full by the Tuapse Oil Refinery (as it was believed, as a warehouse), because the All People Are Equal Group of Companies had already planned the construction of various buildings and structures on it. In addition, later the construction company leased the unfinished ten-story building on this site to the plant. As a result, according to the investigation, the damage caused to the refinery and, accordingly, to Rosneft from August 2012 to April 2015 amounted to 344.5 million rubles for the sublease of the site, and 156.9 million rubles for the lease of the unfinished building.

It should be noted that the other day the Stavropol Regional Court granted the investigator's petition to extend the term of arrest for the accused Firichenko until April 28, 2017, considering that the investigator needed to complete the procedural actions in the case and that Alexander Firichenko, once free, would be able to hide abroad, since he had I have a Schengen visa until 2019. In turn, the defense asked the court to change the measure of restraint to house arrest or release him on bail of the property of a construction company in the amount of its book value - 459.4 million rubles. The defense also submitted to the court petitions for guarantees from the staff of the construction company, its current general director and deputies of the Tuapse city council. Guarantees from the company and its director were supported by guarantees for collateral amounts - 5 million rubles each. each.

According to Aleksey Kasatkin, the defendant's representative, the court unreasonably granted the investigator's petition, since the procedural actions in the criminal case had already been completed. Alexander Firichenko's defense intends to appeal the court's decision.

It should be noted that the current director of the construction company, Mikhail Maslov, claims that the construction was carried out on a plot of 600 square meters. m, and the rest of the land involved in the case, according to him, was provided for use by the refinery. Mr. Maslov believes that the civil law conflict, which has already been considered in arbitration, was unreasonably transferred to the criminal procedural plane.

Yesterday, the court of the Leninsky district of Kirov sentenced Andrey Votinov, adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, to three years in a penal colony. He was detained two years ago when receiving 2 million rubles. bribes from the director of State Unitary Enterprise Kirovles, to whom Mr. Votinov promised to keep his position during the reorganization of the enterprise, although, according to the investigation, he could not really influence the processes. The adviser to the governor himself believes that the case was falsified. The defense will appeal the verdict - it turned out to be even tougher than that required by the prosecutor's office: the state prosecution proposed limiting it to six years of probation and a fine of 1 million rubles.

Andrey Votinov, an adviser to the Kirov governor, was detained on February 16, 2010 while receiving a bribe from Vyacheslav Opalev, the director of Kirovles KOGUP. According to the investigation, he promised the head of the enterprise to keep his position during the reorganization of the State Unitary Enterprise initiated by the regional government and to influence the results of the police check that was being conducted at the enterprise at that moment. Referring to the fact that he is acting jointly with the then director of the state property department Konstantin Arzamastsev, according to the investigation, the governor's adviser estimated his services at 10 million rubles. Vyacheslav Opalev agreed to the proposal.

According to the materials of the case, he had to collect money from the heads of the forestry enterprises of the region (100 thousand rubles each). In addition, according to the investigation, the adviser said that in 2010 he would like to receive money under a flexible system - 5% of the annual turnover of Kirovles, while specifying that "the initiative should come" from the head of the enterprise himself. When Vyacheslav Opalev informed Andrey Votinov that he managed to collect only 2 million rubles, the governor's adviser volunteered to collect the money personally, so that no one would know about their transfer. When the men met, according to investigators, the adviser did not take the money in his hands and refused to count it, asking him to put it on the mat in front of the front seat of his car. As soon as the transfer took place, Andrey Votinov was detained by officers of the FSB department, who had been following the development of the situation for a long time at the request of Vyacheslav Opalev. As a result, the governor's adviser was charged under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”).

The case was expected to go to trial in August 2010. But the prosecutor's office repeatedly returned him for additional investigation. Moreover, when in July 2011 the case nevertheless reached the court, after the first hearings it was returned to the prosecutor's office. During the trial, state prosecutor Maxim Buchnev stated that the preliminary investigation authorities “overestimated” the amount that Nikita Belykh’s adviser intended to receive, and reduced the “bribe” imputed to the adviser to 2 million rubles - they say that on the day of detention, Mr. Votinov intended to receive only this part of the money .

Andrei Votinov himself pleaded not guilty, saying that the criminal case was completely fabricated and falsified. His defense petitioned for the exclusion from the case of records of some telephone conversations. According to lawyer Andrey Sachikhin, most of the audio and video recordings provided as evidence were obtained illegally - "by provoking the client to participate in the investigative action." The investigation partially agreed with this, refusing to use some of them.

At the announcement of the verdict, Andrey Votinov, who during the trial was under house arrest (almost immediately after his arrest, he was released on bail of 2 million rubles - Kommersant), arrived about half an hour before the start, accompanied by his wife and Konstantin Arzamastsev. The wife, until the hall opened, tried to close her husband from the cameras of journalists. The judge read the case materials for more than an hour. All this time, Mr. Votinov stood, nervously fiddling with the skirts of his jacket, and swayed almost imperceptibly. As a result, the sentence - three years in a penal colony - turned out to be tougher than the state prosecution had originally demanded (six years of probation and 1 million rubles in fine). Andrei Votinov's wife burst into tears, and he himself was taken into custody. When asked by the judge whether he understood the verdict, Andrey Votinov barely audibly asked for time to talk with his wife and lawyers. While the couple were talking, Konstantin Arzamastsev brought a large sports bag into the meeting room, in which several packs of cigarettes were seen. After that, accompanied by an escort, Andrei Votinov was taken out of the courtroom. The defense is preparing to appeal the verdict.

["New Region", 06/05/2001, "Perm. Head of the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments (GUIN) for the Perm Region, Major General of the Internal Service Andrey Votinov resigned": Head of the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments (GUIN) for the Perm Region, Major General internal service Andrey Votinov resigned. The head of the Perm GUIN filed a report on dismissal for health reasons back in February - Insert]

Governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh in 2010, he was the first to report the arrest of his adviser, at the same time completely trusting justice. “I have known Andrey Votinov for a very long time, since 1991. I don't know if he is guilty or not. This must be decided by the court. But if he broke the law, then he should be punished. I am conducting a systematic fight against corruption and I will not cover up or hush up such facts. Whoever falls under suspicion. This is my position,” the governor wrote in his blog, noting that the reorganization of Kirovles would continue.

“Apart from the personal side of the topic, from my good attitude towards Votinov, then I must say that this is, of course, a victory for the territorial FSB,” commented the verdict, the former vice-governor of the Kirov region, who was in charge of contacts with law enforcement agencies, Sergey Karnaukhov. - They overcame colossal resistance for three years. But nevertheless brought the started production to the end. It is important. Lobbyists around the government should understand that being close to the governor does not guarantee anything.”

The former official recalled that another high-profile trial, the “Navalny case”, was tactically connected with the “Votinov case”: in the middle of last year, a lawyer Alexei Navalny he was suspected of having introduced himself as an adviser to the Kirov governor (although at that time he was not such), in 2009 he misled the general director of the State Unitary Enterprise Kirovles about his powers and allegedly persuaded him to sign a knowingly unprofitable contract for the sale of forest products. “The same witnesses, the time of events. However, according to Navalny, everything is not so dynamic and promising. And the resistance there is not at the regional level. This case has already been closed twice by a “command from above”. They changed investigators. We lost an operational case, without which the investigation is practically impossible, since there is no evidence obtained in the course of technical and other operational measures. The investigation into other applications we have already filed is slowing down. But still, I hope that the case will also receive an accusatory vector and will be brought to its logical conclusion, ”concluded Sergey Karnaukhov.

Anatoly Kaverov, the Croatian authorities refused to extradite Russia. There, the security service of Rosneft, headed by Vasily Yurchenko, is waiting for him.

Anatoly Kaverov, ex-head of the capital construction department of the Tuapse refinery, accused of embezzling 137 million rubles. at his native plant, owned by Rosneft, was detained in Croatia in early April last year and sent to prison. The border guards "punched" the fugitive through the Interpol database, into which Kaverov got literally 3 hours before the arrest.

The Prosecutor General's Office sent a request for the extradition of Kaverov to Russia, but the Croatian authorities refused to extradite him. Anatoly Kaverov will be sent back to Slovenia, where he was being treated. In this country, Kaverov has a residence permit and government guarantees that his application for political asylum will be considered.

Why does Anatoly Kaverov consider himself a political refugee? Probably because the powerful Rosneft, the head of which is close to the President of Russia, is involved in the embezzlement case.

Recently, some people have been threatening Kaverov's family, demanding that he give the "correct" testimony. Otherwise, you may not get out of prison alive. The Rosneft security service is also taking part in the investigation of the theft at the Tuapse refinery. Are there threatening calls from her employees?

Who owes whom?

The very case of embezzlement at the refinery suggests such an idea. The funds were allegedly stolen by the Graviton construction company, which carried out the work in 2013. for the dismantling of a temporary berth owned by the refinery. Rosneft claims that the money was paid, but the work was not done.

The contract with Graviton was signed by the general director of the refinery Andrei Votinov, technical director Alexander Kiryanov, head of the capital construction department Anatoly Kaverov and ex-head of the Krasnodar construction company Graviton Rodion Romanov.

Criminal cases were opened against Kiryanov (who is wanted) and Kaverov. Romanov was detained in Gelendzhik in April last year. And in fact, the main person involved in the case, Andrey Votinov, whose signature is under the contract and recognized by the examination as genuine, becomes the vice president of Rosneft for capital construction. For what such merits, one asks? For withdrawing money from the refinery?

Rodion Romanov, the ex-director of Graviton, claims that it is not his company that owes Rosneft, but that it owes Graviton 660 million rubles. This is evidenced by several cases on the claims of Graviton against Rosneft.

It turns out that "Rosneft" just translates the arrows? Not wanting to pay his debts, he “cooks” a case against Graviton? And at the same time, he does not spare his employees, except for Andrey Votinov. Or is Romanov also in business? And, having transferred 137 million to Rosneft, he simply cannot understand why he is being persecuted.

Andrey Votinov dragged chestnuts out of the fire for Rosneft?

The likelihood of this version is evidenced by the criminal case initiated against Andrey Votinov. In the same 2013, while still the director of the refinery, he signed a lease agreement with the company "All People Are Equal", which belonged to his sister. The company was headed by Alexander Firichenko, a deputy of the City Council.

According to the agreement, the refinery rented an unfinished building from the All People Are Equal firm. From January to September 2014 128 million rubles were transferred to the settlement account “All people are equal” for rent. The building was completed in September 2014. It turns out that the money was paid for an object that the refinery did not use.

Andrey Votinov and Alexander Firichenko were also involved in the theft of Rosneft funds in the amount of 113 million rubles. Under a sublease agreement, in 2012 Votinov leased a land plot from the All People Are Equal company, on which a warehouse and a building were later built.

The most interesting thing, realizing that the refinery cannot use this land, since it will be built by the All People Are Equal company, Votinov persuaded the management of Rosneft to sublease it.


I wonder how he did it? Or 113 million rubles. "sawed" between "Rosneft" and the company "All people are equal"?

In general, it is clear that in comparison with Andrey Votinov, the fugitive Anatoly Kaverov is simply the lamb of God. And Rosneft is looking for a scapegoat, as Andrey Votinov, who was dismissed a year after his appointment, fled abroad and was put on the international wanted list. And neither the hands of justice nor the hands of the Rosneft security service can reach him. Or, for some reason, they don't want to.

scapegoat hunter

But on Anatoly Kaverov, it is not only possible, but necessary to “run over”. Since the all-powerful Rosneft needs to be shown that it punishes the guilty or scapegoats. And this task in Rosneft is performed by the security service, which has been working since August 2015. headed by the former General of the Federal Drug Control Service Vasily Yurchenko. After his appointment, Yurchenko brought his team to Rosneft, displacing his predecessors, who were current state security officers. And if little is known about the former head of the service, Nail Mukhitov, then Yurchenko very often became a defendant in various scandals.

In general, the change in the security service also indicates that the leadership of Rosneft at some stage decided to “reset” and remove those people who could know too much about what no one is supposed to know. Including the details of fraud with the Tuapse refinery.

Vasily Yurchenko began his service as a district policeman, and in 1984 he was fired from the Soviet police. From the post of deputy head of the district department of the BHSS, from which they were not dismissed without initiating a criminal case. They also brought him up against Vasily Yurchenko. However, somehow the case was closed, and Vasily Yurchenko was reinstated in the police. After that, he was sent from Moscow for the blue forest, away from the eyes for correction. A few years later, Yurchenko returned to Moscow again.

In the position of the chief of police of the Southern District of Moscow, Vasily Yurchenko becomes a defendant in the case of the purchase of a kitchen worth $3,600 for budget money.

And already in the position of deputy head of the Moscow police department, Vasily Yurchenko is being searched, during which they find receipts for hundreds of thousands of dollars and an unregistered pistol in his mansion, illegally guarded by police officers.

However, Yurchenko again managed to elude responsibility. He actually betrayed his superiors, saying that his leaders had committed the same acts. Apparently, in order to hide their own sins, Yurchenko's superiors closed the case.

There is also a known case when the son of Yurchenko was stopped by traffic police officers in a car that was wanted by Interpol. The son laughed in the eyes of the employees and trumped his name on the driver's license. And laughed for good reason. The case was covered up, and the car was removed from the Interpol database.

In 2011 Vasily Yurchenko is appointed to the post of head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Moscow Region. However, it didn't show up on her. And it was only mentioned in 2012. in connection with the scandal. Guest workers illegally residing in Yurchenko's house were suspected of robbery. The general not only prevented their detention, but also persecuted the officers conducting the investigation.

In 2013 Yurchenko's employees made an illegal armed raid on the Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers chemical plant, paralyzing the work of the enterprise. And although these actions were declared illegal by the court, no criminal case was initiated on the fact of abuse of power.

Such a person heads the Rosneft security service and “hunts” for Anatoly Kaverov.

Yurchenko also carries chestnuts for Rosneft?

Vasily Yurchenko immediately proved himself in the refinery business. First, he appointed Anton Grachev, the former police chief of the Rostov region, to the post of deputy head for economic security of the refinery. And already together with him he took up "Graviton" and "All people are equal."

By the way, Grachev was dismissed from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the revealed numerous violations. And Grachev himself often played tricks. Either he was taken down from a drunken tree, or he acted as a victim in the case of a fight with a deputy who allegedly beat Grachev. Him, a candidate for master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. In general, Yurchenko and Grachev stand by each other. Two of a Kind.

Experts say that Yurchenko and Grachev are actually carrying out a raider seizure of Graviton and All People Are Equal in the interests of Rosneft. This is evidenced by the fact that Yurchenko personally flies to the Krasnodar Territory to direct the investigation. And this despite his high status, acting. vice premier.

And the affairs of the refinery are handled by an investigator from the anti-terrorism unit. And why exactly this unit investigates economic relations is completely incomprehensible.

To date, Yurchenko and Grachev have taken control over the conclusion of all contracts at the refinery and payment for them, explaining this by a personal order of the head of Rosneft. And this also indicates a special attention to the refinery. Unless, of course, the "two boots" are not covered by orders for their own personal purposes

And, given the reputation of Yurchenko and Grachev, their control could be dangerous for Rosneft itself. Votinov's history may repeat itself. And who will then look for the already former head of the security service?

Andrey Votinov

State corporation or bandit?

Anatoly Kaverov, most likely, will not be given back to Russia. Croatia has no such agreement with Russia. But they can ruin his life. This is clearly evidenced by threatening calls.

And why be surprised if the security service of the largest corporation Rosneft is headed by such a person as Vasily Yurchenko? On which there is no place to put stamps.

And the corporation itself behaves, to put it mildly, not very nicely. Everything in the history of the refinery is too muddy. And it is hard to believe that the real perpetrators will be punished. So they will translate arrows and hunt for scapegoats. And the methods used are completely uncivilized, to say the least.

Rosneft is a state corporation. And who in Russia can put her in her place?

According to a source close to the investigation, the amount of damage caused by the former director of the construction group of companies "All People Are Equal" Alexander Firichenko to the company "Rosneft", headed by Igor Sechin, tends to increase in the course of the investigation. Recall that the case of embezzlement of the budget for the modernization of the Tuapse refinery was almost a year and a half ago - in December 2015.

Today there are two episodes of "particularly large-scale fraud committed as part of a group of persons by prior agreement" (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Initially, the amount of damage by episodes was estimated by law enforcement officers at 113.8 million and 128.3 million rubles, but during the investigation the figures increased to 156.9 million and 344.5 million rubles.

According to investigators, in 2010 and. about. Director General of RN-Tuapse Refinery LLC Andrey Votinov (later vice president of Rosneft, now fled Russia and is on the international wanted list), together with his friend Alexander Firichenko, planned the theft of funds belonging to the refinery. To do this, they created a construction group of companies "All people are equal."

In order to implement the criminal plan, in 2012 this group of companies and the Tuapse Oil Refinery concluded a sublease agreement for a land plot with a total area of ​​17.2 thousand square meters. m (Tuapse, Sochinskaya street, 3) in the amount of 113.8 million rubles. This land belonged to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and was leased from a construction company.

Investigators believe that Andrei Votinov and Alexander Firichenko were aware that the land plot could not be used in full by the Tuapse Oil Refinery (as it was believed, as a warehouse), because the All People Are Equal Group of Companies had already planned the construction of various buildings and structures on it. Later, the developers leased the unfinished ten-story building on the same site to the plant. As a result, the damage caused to the refinery and Rosneft from August 2012 to April 2015 amounted to 344.5 million rubles for the sublease of the site, and 156.9 million rubles for the lease of unfinished construction.

Recently, the Stavropol Regional Court granted the investigator’s petition to extend the accused Firichenko’s arrest until April 28, 2017, considering that the investigator needed to complete the procedural actions in the case and that Alexander Firichenko, once free, would be able to hide abroad, since he had a Schengen visa until 2019.

The defense asked the court to change the measure of restraint to house arrest or release him on bail of the property of a construction company in the amount of its book value - 459.4 million rubles. The defense also submitted to the court petitions for guarantees from the staff of the construction company, its current general director and deputies of the Tuapse city council. Guarantees from the company and its director were supported by guarantees for collateral amounts - 5 million rubles each.

According to Aleksey Kasatkin, the defendant's representative, the court unreasonably granted the investigator's petition, since the procedural actions in the criminal case had already been completed. Alexander Firichenko's defense intends to appeal the court's decision.

The current director of the construction company, Mikhail Maslov, claims that the construction was carried out on a plot of 600 square meters. m, and the rest of the land appearing in the case was provided for use by the refinery. Maslov believes that the civil law conflict, which has already been considered in arbitration, was unreasonably transferred by Igor Sechin to the criminal plane.

As reported, the company “All People Are Equal” itself previously also belonged to the fugitive Votinov. When in 2008 Votinov headed RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt, he transferred the company to his sister Irina Paley. By the end of 2011, when Vladimir Putin reprimanded the energy companies for a conflict of interest (“they are already completely outraged ... they manage it themselves, they give money to their affiliated structures”), 100% of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies was transferred to Orsell Equities from the British Virgin Islands, and already from it - to Alexander Firichenko.

As it became known to Kommersant, the main investigative department of the TFR for the North Caucasian Federal District completed the investigation of the criminal case against the deputy of the Tuapse City Council, the ex-director of the All People Are Equal group of companies, Alexander Firichenko. According to investigators, he, together with the former vice-president of Rosneft Oil Company Andrey Votinov, committed a number of frauds when concluding lease agreements for territory and premises with the Tuapse Oil Refinery, which caused damage to the owner of the enterprise, Rosneft, in the total amount of 501.4 million rubles.

Law enforcement sources told Kommersant about the completion of the preliminary investigation in a criminal case against a deputy of the Tuapse City Council, the former director of the All People Are Equal construction group of companies Alexander Firichenko. The case was initiated in December 2015, it involves two episodes of "particularly large-scale fraud committed as part of a group of persons by prior agreement" (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Initially, the amount of damage in these episodes was estimated by law enforcement officers at 113.8 million and 128.3 million rubles, but in the course of the investigation they increased to 156.9 million and 344.5 million rubles. respectively.

As Kommersant previously told, according to investigators, in 2010 then. about. Director General of RN-Tuapse Refinery LLC Andrey Votinov (later serving as vice president of Rosneft, now on the international wanted list), together with his friend Alexander Firichenko, planned the theft of funds belonging to the refinery. To do this, they created the construction group "All people are equal." To implement the criminal plan, the case says, in 2012 a construction company and the Tuapse refinery concluded a sublease agreement for a land plot with a total area of ​​17.2 thousand square meters. m (Tuapse, Sochinskaya street, 3) in the amount of 113.8 million rubles. This land belonged to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and was leased from a construction company. Investigators believe that Andrey Votinov and Alexander Firichenko were aware that the land plot could not be used in full by the Tuapse Oil Refinery (as it was believed, as a warehouse), because the All People Are Equal Group of Companies had already planned the construction of various buildings and structures on it. In addition, later the construction company leased the unfinished ten-story building on this site to the plant. As a result, according to the investigation, the damage caused to the refinery and, accordingly, to Rosneft from August 2012 to April 2015 amounted to 344.5 million rubles for the sublease of the site, and 156.9 million rubles for the lease of the unfinished building.

It should be noted that the other day the Stavropol Regional Court granted the investigator's petition to extend the term of arrest for the accused Firichenko until April 28, 2017, considering that the investigator needed to complete the procedural actions in the case and that Alexander Firichenko, once free, would be able to hide abroad, since he had I have a Schengen visa until 2019. In turn, the defense asked the court to change the measure of restraint to house arrest or release him on bail of the property of a construction company in the amount of its book value - 459.4 million rubles. The defense also submitted to the court petitions for guarantees from the staff of the construction company, its current general director and deputies of the Tuapse city council. Guarantees from the company and its director were supported by guarantees for collateral amounts - 5 million rubles each. each.

According to Aleksey Kasatkin, the defendant's representative, the court unreasonably granted the investigator's petition, since the procedural actions in the criminal case had already been completed. Alexander Firichenko's defense intends to appeal the court's decision.

It should be noted that the current director of the construction company, Mikhail Maslov, claims that the construction was carried out on a plot of 600 square meters. m, and the rest of the land involved in the case, according to him, was provided for use by the refinery. Mr. Maslov believes that the civil law conflict, which has already been considered in arbitration, was unreasonably transferred to the criminal procedural plane.

Oleg Goryaev, Rostov-on-Don