In Ukraine, a popular hobby is beekeeping. For the meticulous - not because
what Yushchenko is doing. It’s the President who is busy with bees so that
be closer to the people.

And so, it means that four men, all under fifty, met on
based on a hobby and decided to bring in their apiaries together - there would be less hassle. They are loading
That means they are evidence in the car. At first everything is fair, everyone works, and then
one of them begins to command, and, accordingly, time for
He no longer has the ability to lift and carry. The second one turns around and says: “Listen,
Stop bossing around, we’re all general directors here.”

When the apiaries were taken out and the labor acquaintance sat down to wash, the first
I specifically checked with each one. And yet, yes - they all turned out to be general.

It seems that this story did not exist (although I think similar ones happened)
Everyone knows the joke about how a man got a job and was asked
about hobbies.

Anecdotes come from life, and I will prove it to you.

My mother worked in a well-known company that sells books (Company
contains many large bookstores throughout Moscow).
I believe my mother 100%.

As part of her job, she communicated with recruiting managers (who didn’t
knows, among other things, these people conduct interviews with future
workers). A friend of hers, a business manager, told her about this incident.
personnel selection.

Since the company is large, it has its own large warehouse (larger than a football warehouse
fields, I saw it myself) and accordingly the company requires loaders, drivers and
other low-skilled personnel.
As a rule, all sorts of drunkards and drunks come to the position of loader, but
There are also normal people.

Ambula A man comes for an interview, he is questioned as usual
questions like what what, in general everything is standard, it comes down to Hobbies
- Do you have any hobbies? - Asks a friend.
- um.. hmm, excuse me, what? - the man somehow shrinks and feels shy.
- Well, do you have a hobby? and which one?
The man blushes and says
- Well, there is, which one? umm (a hitch again), well, 18-20 centimeters.
The friend is out of touch... the man is confused (he was never hired).

Then maybe I’ll tell you a couple more funny stories

Many people sooner or later acquire hobbies. Hobbies occupy our free time. You can spend several hours a week on hobbies, or even more than half a day. Many hobbies are quite rewarding. For example, sewing or provides you with clothes and household items, and fishing provides you with fresh fish for dinner. A hobby is relaxation, mental relief, and achieving mental balance. Among people's hobbies there are extremely unusual and funny activities.

Russian poultry farmer V. Komov breeds ornamental chickens. He has about four hundred birds. This is the only poultry farm in Russia. And its owner is widely known not only in our country, but also abroad. His passion for birds and complete dedication to his favorite business allowed V. Komov to restore the extinct breed of chickens - the Pavlovskaya.

Romanian I. Cioanca knits and uses her own hair as yarn! The woman began knitting in her youth. She is now over seventy. And during her life she knitted eight wardrobe items, including a shawl, gloves, wallet, bag, raincoat, blouse, skirt and hat.

Also today, such a torture hobby as tikling or is gaining popularity. There is a distinction between ticklers who love to be tickled and ticklers who are tickled. There are also switches that love both. Many sites and forums on the Internet are devoted to this phenomenon. According to one forum, the largest percentage of respondents are those who like to tickle. In order to tickle, various objects are used, such as combs, pens, brushes, and the like.

Extreme lovers choose hitchhiking as a hobby. Why is it extreme? Yes, because such an adventure may be unsafe. However, more and more people are taking to the road and voting. For some, this is romance: a long road, not a penny in your pocket, new lands. But kite lovers fly kites into the sky and watch them fly. But before you fly a kite, it must be made according to all the rules of aerodynamics.

Some people consider watching airplanes their hobby. One observer from Great Britain came to a military airfield and ended up accused of espionage!

A hobby can be incredibly beautiful! For example, freezelight is painting with light. Freezelighting requires a camera and a light source. By adjusting the shutter speed of the camera, the freezelighter gets a beautiful picture.

- a common hobby. What not is a collector's item! From harmless and cheap stickers and fruits to expensive retro cars. The American artist collects unusual toilet seats; he already has more than seven hundred of them. One of the UK residents collects adhesive plasters, another collects handcuffs; their collections are quite impressive in size. A resident of the Czech Republic, a former hockey referee, collects items thrown onto the ice by hockey fans. Collectors include many celebrities, domestic and foreign. What can you say about wits who collect autographs from various collectors?..

In our age of speed and high technology, when we are always rushing somewhere, snacking on the go, communicating with children or parents only by phone, and always in a hurry and in a hurry, every person needs some kind of outlet. A business that does not require fuss, an activity for the soul and heart. Therefore, almost every person has a passion or hobby that allows them to forget at least for a short time about the daily hustle and bustle, about pressing problems and plunge into the world of their interests. And if it seems to you that life is boring and monotonous, we recommend that you urgently find yourself a hobby. But what hobby you choose is up to you. Hobbies can be completely different, the main thing is that they bring pleasure. Hunting, fishing, knitting, collecting stamps or coins - all this can be classified as common hobbies. And we present to you “TOP 10 most unusual hobbies and interesting hobbies.”

So, the top ten unusual hobbies opens with one of the kindest hobbies in the world - charity.

Charity has always been considered a noble activity. So in the modern world, one not the richest person, once left without work, decided to distribute money to those in need. Reed Sandridge, walking the streets, gives ten dollars a day to the most needy person, in his opinion. Now this good deed has become a real hobby for Reed. But Sandridge records every good deed he performs in a special notebook, and at the same time maintains his own blog, where he talks about his hobby.

Ninth place among those who like to pretend to be a corpse or imitate death

Some may think that this is not a completely normal hobby. When a person travels around the world, but not to admire the beauty of nature and architectural monuments, but to be photographed in the form of... a corpse. But Chuck Lamb was driven to such a passion by the desire to act in a movie or at least get on television. But since his appearance is not “Hollywood,” he decided to attract the attention of producers in another way. For many years now, he has been posting photos and videos of his own “corpse.” To do this, he started his own website, which is visited by millions of curious visitors.

In eighth place is the King of Buttons

American Dalton Stevens became interested in this unusual hobby because of his insomnia. One night, when he couldn’t sleep again and the TV had already finished broadcasting, Dalton took out his old overalls and sewed several dozen buttons onto it. This was the beginning of the American’s unusual hobby. Buttons covered everything around Stevens. And a few years later, an inventive old man opened a museum of buttons, where everyone can see button masterpieces absolutely free of charge. And this is a whole bunch of clothes, a personal car, a couple of coffins, a hearse and other exhibits.

Seventh place among collectors of miniature things

This is one of the most stylish hobbies. To escape from the hustle and bustle of the “big world,” many passionate people create a miniature world. These can be doll and furniture compositions, miniature interiors and entire cities. And although this is a very painstaking task, it is very interesting and exciting. In addition to creating miniature compositions, there are collectors of the world's smallest objects. For example, József Tari from Hungary has been collecting a library for more than forty years, and the language of the books and the publication do not bother him at all, he is only interested in the size of the book. And the main thing is that it should not exceed 7cm 6mm, and the smallest book in his collection and in the world is 2.9x3.2 mm, it can be placed in a nutshell. These are the little things that can become a big hobby.

The sixth line is occupied by playing cards

You can play cards, you can play solitaire, show tricks, or you can build. Yes, yes, build houses, houses of cards, which everyone has heard about, that they can easily collapse. And you can build world-famous buildings, or rather copies of them, such as the Empire State Building, Burj Dubai, skyscrapers, casinos and other famous buildings. And which will not collapse, but will stand for a long time. Iowa resident Brian Berg has been interested in creating structures from playing cards since childhood; his hobby has long grown into a well-paid job, into art. And what could be better when your favorite hobby brings not only good money, but also worldwide fame?

In fifth place is the unusual coloring and haircut of dogs.

This hobby initially amazed the Chinese, but is already successfully sweeping the planet. Residents of the Middle Kingdom enthusiastically cut and color their dogs in original ways. Moreover, you don’t always immediately recognize the breed of dogs, and sometimes pets seem to be completely different animals. But this amuses the owners and pushes them to new fantasies.

Fourth place - navel fluff

Third place - an unusual hobby - creating a paint ball

This unusual hobby began out of boredom. One dyer, bored at work, decided to paint a baseball. And for almost forty years, every day, Mike Carmichael, which is the name of a man with such an original hobby, puts layer after layer on this ball. Mike's friends and guests are allowed to take part in painting the ball, but they must always come up with a new color. And now it is the largest paint ball in the world. And the most surprising thing is that this hobby has many fans.

Silver gets a very beautiful and difficult fascination with paintings from cassette tapes

It would seem that audio and video cassettes are a thing of the past. Indeed, in the modern digital world, many no longer remember such an invention of mankind as magnetic tape. And only truly creative people found a non-standard use for it. It turns out that you can make unique paintings from cassette tape. After all, it is elastic and looks like voluminous ink.

In first place is a very unusual hobby.

While it does not have its own unique name, it is a hobby for many people. What's the point? They roll ordinary dirt into a ball by hand, remove moisture from it and begin to polish it by hand. And now the ball of dirt turns into a glossy sphere. The smoothness is perfect. Such balls are considered a real work of art; many connoisseurs purchase mud balls as interior items. It would seem that from ordinary dirt, but straight into... an expensive and stylish interior.

So, we have presented you with a rating of the most unusual hobbies. You can always argue who will come out on top and which hobby will be the most unusual. But whatever your hobby is, it’s very good that you have it. This means that you are a creative, enthusiastic person. And you don't spend all your free time just lying on the couch. We are all different, and how to spend your leisure time is up to you to decide. And if you have the most unusual hobby, tell us about it!

Throughout life, every person tries to find himself, his place in life and a hobby that would bring joy and pleasure. Most often, people find an outlet in drawing, singing, creating something with their own hands, but there are some unique people who come up with absolutely unthinkable and ridiculous entertainment that an ordinary person would hardly think of. Some of these unexpected attractions even managed to bring eccentrics popularity, making them famous people. In the continuation of the article you will find the 7 strangest hobbies in the world!

Filing claims in court

Court is something that many, at least sensible people, try to avoid, but not Jonathan Lee Riches, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most litigious person in the world. He is currently serving time for fraud in a federal prison in Kentucky.

In pursuit of “legal masterpieces,” Riches has filed 2,600 lawsuits in various federal district courts from 2006 to the present day. The targets of his litigiousness included former US President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, the disappeared American labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, Holocaust survivors, the Roman Empire and even Buddhist monks. Jonathan Lee Riches has also sued various scientific ideas and inanimate objects, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Dark Ages and the Eiffel Tower.

Collecting ecstasy

In 2009, the police in the city of Irbeek (Netherlands) received a strange call: a 46-year-old man reported that an unknown person had stolen a collection of ecstasy from his home, which was stored in coin albums and numbered more than 2,400 tablets.

According to the victim, he himself never used drugs and was well aware that his unusual hobby was illegal. The man decided to report to the police for the simple reason that several dozen tablets in his stolen collection were poisonous.

The Irbik authorities did not press charges against him due to a lack of direct evidence. The man said that he no longer hopes to see his amphetamine collection again.

Flying... without a plane

Have you ever jumped from a plane with a parachute? And without a plane in a wingsuit, soaring like a bird above the ground?

Wingsuits appeared in the early 1930s and were made of canvas and whale bone, which naturally had a negative impact on the duration, range and safety of the flight.

Modern wingsuits began to be developed in the mid-1990s. Thanks to their improved design, they allow the athlete to travel tens of kilometers through the air (the current record is just over 27 km) when falling from a height of 5,000 meters.

Purchasing a wingsuit in the United States, for example, is quite difficult, since the government of the country, as well as a number of manufacturers, require a person to have serious experience in this matter - at least 200 standard free fall jumps, completed no earlier than 18 months before submitting the request to buy a suit.

Extreme ironing

Ironing clothes is a rather boring and tedious task. What if you combine it with rock climbing, snowboarding and other extreme sports? “Nonsense,” you say. But no!

It all started in 1997, when a resident of the East Midlands (a region in England) named Phil Shaw was given a choice: stay at home and do his favorite thing - ironing - or go rock climbing with friends. Being a completely sensible person, Shaw decided to combine both, therefore, in addition to climbing equipment, he also took with him an ironing board and an iron. This is how a new hobby was born - extreme ironing, which in 15 years managed to conquer the whole world. Fans of the sport (if you can call it that) have ironed their shirts on kayaks, mountaintops, and even in the middle of busy highways.

Participation in artistic dog grooming competitions

People who take part in dog grooming competitions “abuse” the poor animals as much as they want. What can I say?! Judge for yourself:

News bombing

Some people make history, while others are constantly trying to “get noticed” in news reports, just at the moment when this story is being conveyed to the audience. These background characters are called “news bombers.”

The man who is captured in all the frames presented below is London resident Paul Yarrow. Over the course of several years, he managed to appear in many reports from such well-known television companies as the BBC, al Jazeera, Sky News and others.

Yarrow finds out about the places where the live broadcast will be broadcast, comes there, and while the correspondent talks on camera about the events that took place, he simply stands in the background, not disturbing anyone.

Trainsurfing (travel outside trains)

Trainsurfing originated in Germany in the 1980s and from there spread throughout the globe. Its essence is to find a train - the faster the better - jump on it and, probably, die after that. What other consequences can we expect from such a dangerous undertaking?

In 2008, more than 40 people, mostly young, died from train jumping in Germany.

How much energy is wasted on weaknesses!...

Anna Akhmatova

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for that all other pleasures no longer exist.

Anton Pavlovi Chekhov

Creativity is a manifestation of God in man. This suggests that there is not a single person in the world who is deprived of creativity. Creativity is our essence. Each of us, consciously or not, creates our own reality and the world around us. The world will change if all the people on the planet do what they love, not something with a big salary, but something that awakens the soul.

Ara Arush

Living means doing things, not acquiring them.


If you look closely at a truly happy person, you will find that he is building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not look for happiness like a collar button that has rolled behind the radiator. He will not pursue it as an end in itself. He will feel happy, being in love with life all twenty-four intense hours of the day. U. Beran Fulf

Doing what you enjoy means being free.


Whatever you do, you do yourself.

Eastern wisdom

If you are crazy enough to do what you love, you are destined to live a life full of meaning.

Herbert Kelleher

Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Dale Carnegie

Each of us has something that others don't have. You can do what others cannot. Look for it in yourself, find it, take care of it and develop it! You will never fail doing what you are meant to do.


Life is, first of all, creativity, but this does not mean that every person, in order to live, must be born an artist, ballerina or scientist. Creativity can also be done. You can simply create a good atmosphere around you.

Dmitry Likhachev

You must create, always and in everything. If you believe in something, you must act. Talking about what you're going to do is like bragging about paintings you haven't painted yet. This is not just bad form, it is an absolute loss of Face.

John Fowles "The Collector"

My inspiration in life is very simple: if you can't have the best, make the best of what you have.

Yogi Bhajan

Handmade things are a luxury, and not everyone needs to have them. Who wants to receive them - either pays the master for the work, or does it himself."
Coco Chanel.

Find something you like - and there will be no everyday life in your life...


The creator of poverty does not know.

Far from worldly bounties,

I am not busy with the extraction of wealth, -

He takes them out of their souls...

Lev Boleslavsky

The main thing is to do everything with PASSION: it terribly DECORATES LIFE!

Lev Landau

If you are passionate about what you love, you can even miss the apocalypse.

Max Fry

My friend, in the end, what you do is not needed by people anyway. Only you and God need this.

Mother Teresa

You don't have to do great things. You can do small ones, but with great love.

Mother Teresa

For twenty whole years a person does something, for example, reads Roman law, and on the twenty-first it suddenly turns out that Roman law has nothing to do with it, that he doesn’t even understand it and doesn’t like it, but in fact he is a subtle gardener and burns with love to the flowers. This happens, presumably, from the imperfection of our social system, in which very often people find their place only at the end of their lives.

Mikhail Bulgakov

The truth is this: each of us has our own gift - a talent, a skill, a craft - that gives us pleasure and inspires us. The path to happiness lies in using this gift.

Nick Vujicic. Life without limits

If you work on something constantly with your whole soul, it will happen, because that is the function of the mind - to make things happen.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

A person gets bored only from spiritual emptiness. And those who have a rich inner world will always find something interesting to do.

Oleg Roy

Create - only creativity and creation will give an incentive to further life!

Pavel Bronstein

Creativity comes when you are relaxed, happy and enjoying the present.

Robin Sharma

Or maybe a person’s soul lives in his hands? After all, everything we do with the world, we do with our hands...

Ray Bradbury. Golden apples of the sun

Sometimes life hits you over the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is great work. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.
Steve Jobs

If you are going to one day create something great, remember that one day is today.
Steven Spielberg

The more I want to do something, the less I call it work, it is pleasure for me...
Urren Buffett

An adult creative person is a child who survived...
Ursula Le Guin

A person finds time for everything he really wants.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Every person needs some kind of hobby - supposedly with the goal of “getting out of stress,” but you understand perfectly well that in reality people are simply trying to survive and not go crazy.
Frederic Beigbeder "99 francs"

You should do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you're happy working in a village store, work. You only have one life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Put your love into everything you do.

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you want, then you want what you imagined, and finally you create what you want.

A woman who does more of what she enjoys, achieves her goals, and embraces a healthier lifestyle begins to radiate femininity. A woman shining with happiness, confidence and self-love is an irresistible force!

Each person is given his own task, and each task has its own time.

Those who don't knock don't open. Those who don’t try will not succeed.

Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur; professionals built the Titanic.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

There is no need to think long about what happiness is! Just do what makes you feel happy!

The one who doesn’t know how to do it is the one who doesn’t undertake to do it.

The best job is a highly paid hobby.

Create a lot, a lot!! Often, often! Every day:)

You don't have to do what you love, love what you do.

A person finds time for everything he really wants.

It's okay to lose yourself for a while. In books, in music, in art. Let yourself get lost.