Kozhnik aims for the royal throne, tries to lure the skin-visual women of the urethral with gifts, copy his habits and way of life. Hence the erroneous idea that if a leather worker trains a little, he can take the place of a leader, become an “alpha male”...

Under the term Alpha male in modern society, it most often means a person who is confident in himself and realizes his leadership qualities. He achieves success, strives for power and has many one-day sexual partners. A kind of male. Alpha is the first letter of the Latin alphabet; an alpha male man is, by definition, the most desirable sexual partner for women, because a woman evaluates not only the physical qualities of the father of her future children, but also his social status.

Who is an alpha guy? Alpha males are successful businessmen, managers, top managers surrounded by subordinates. Dressed in luxury clothes and wearing expensive watches, owners of luxury cars, villas and so on... When you mention the alpha male, images from films and advertisements immediately come to mind, the center of which is a luxurious life and beautiful young women - in a word, the American -Hollywood clichés, widely replicated around the world. On the Internet you can find a large number of articles and tips on how to become an alpha male.

Consider the scientific definition of an alpha male. Wikipedia relates the designation “alpha male” to biology, or more precisely, to the biological hierarchy of dominance in a pack of primates. Dominance is understood as the alpha individual’s preferential access to resources, its high status compared to other members of the pack who are submissive to the dominant individual. Alpha is a leader. It is the submissiveness of the pack that allows the dominant individual to gain access to resources without the use of aggression.

In ethology, in order of dominance in a flock, individuals are usually designated by letters of the Greek alphabet, from alpha to omega. The letter “alpha” denotes the individual occupying a dominant position. Alpha male, alpha male - who is this? He serves as the leader and protector of the pack. He is also the most attractive to females in mating, often being the father of most of the children. In ethology, it is unknown how alpha males take their leading position, how they become leaders and where they come from. There is an assumption that such males occupy a leading position due to their aggressiveness, strength or some other innate qualities. Who are alpha males and is it possible to become an alpha male? Let’s look at it systematically.

A systematic view of the phenomenon of “alpha males”

Proofreader: Zifa Akhatova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

MALE, male animal, diminishes. male, sib. little man; female, female: female animal, sib. wifey, little wife. The male of predatory animals is larger and stronger than the female, but in birds of prey, on the contrary, the female is taller than the male. | Male, in cars,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Drone, womanizer, male, nutrets, whore, producer, stag, cleaver, sampler, cryptorchid, cat, lonchak Dictionary of Russian synonyms. male noun, number of synonyms: 28 abutor (2) ... Synonym dictionary

Male- * male * male or sire or ander an individual that produces male gametes and does not produce female reproductive cells. In bisexual organisms, S. is an individual that acts as a male parent in this crossing... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

MALE, male, husband. 1. A male animal. S. at the head of the herd. 2. About an overly sensual man. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

male- MALE, mtsa, m. (usually plural, mtsy, mtsov). Appeal to peers. Come on, males, beat the chocks (the so-called “persons of southern nationality”)... Dictionary of Russian argot

male- An individual that produces male gametes, or (in bisexual organisms) an individual that acts as a male parent in a given cross. [Arefyev V.A., Lisovenko L.A. English-Russian explanatory dictionary of genetic terms 1995 407 pp.] Topics... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Male- in society and the animal world, a creature capable of having offspring and not knowing it. Male is a biological, primary concept. In society, an analysis of the qualities inherent in males has made it possible to distinguish the category of men from them. In human society, every man... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the environmental problem: interpreter of words and ideomatic expressions

This term has other meanings, see Male (meanings). “Shield and spear” is a symbol of the male gender, as well as the sign of the planet Mars and the god of the same name Male (male ... Wikipedia

Male, sire, ander male. An individual that produces male gametes, or (in bisexual organisms) an individual that acts as a male parent in a given cross. (Source: “English-Russian explanatory dictionary of genetic terms.” Arefiev V.A., ... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.


  • Combed male, Anatoly Drozdov. The adventures of the “disheveled male” in the world of Pax continue! Igor Ovsyannikov, a doctor from our world,...
  • Male, Dmitry Cherkasov. A cheerful, ironic detective story by a famous master of the detective genre and apt parody...

Differences between males and females (sexual dimorphism) appeared in animals during the process of evolution. In addition to the principle of “survival of the fittest,” there is sexual selection itself—the exclusion of less adapted individuals from reproduction, and the separation of the sexes itself also arose as an evolutionary adaptation.

In nature, there are unimaginable ways of mating males with females and truly paradoxical - in some cases - differences between the former and the latter. Some of the most notable examples are presented below. You just need to remember that evolution is a process, which means that all these phenomena are temporary. No one is allowed to know how sexual intercourse will end.

Lose your head

Female Hefty and very aggressive
Male Fragile

Female praying mantises are fierce animals. They chew up everything that is their size: insects, reptiles, sometimes birds and mice. Gerald Durrell describes a terrible battle between the gecko Geronimo and the female praying mantis Cicely, which, however, ended in favor of the evolutionarily advanced gecko: “A large piece of skin was torn out of his shoulder, in its place there was a red, bleeding wound, drops appeared all over his back blood - traces of the claws of the praying mantis, and the bloody stump of the tail left a red mark on the sheet.”

Mating with a monster, as you understand, is difficult, and besides, during the mating season, the female becomes especially aggressive. However, it is still necessary to mate, and brave males do this: they sneak up on the female from behind, immediately freezing if she turns her head in their direction. Otherwise they will eat it.

Having approached closely, the male quickly inserts the copulatory organ into the copulatory bursa of the female, after which he must run. Otherwise, again, they will eat it. There is a widespread belief that they will eat it either way: they say, the female praying mantis rips off the male’s head during sexual intercourse, otherwise nothing will happen.

This is not entirely true. Indeed, it has been experimentally confirmed that when the cerebral ganglion (brain) is removed from a male, the nerve impulses going to the copulatory organs are strengthened. Thanks to this, the brainless mantis mates more actively. However, the impulses themselves are also present in males with the head, but they work a little worse. Therefore, there is still a chance to have sexual intercourse and save your head.

They eat only those who hesitate, and only for the sake of procreation: the female needs nutrients. That is, about half the time. Quote: “Botvinik’s head had not yet separated from his body when Pena realized that the exam had been passed” (Viktor Pelevin).

Among vertebrates, there is no more radical inequality of sexes than among anglerfish. These ocean fish live at a depth of one and a half to three kilometers. There is constant calm, darkness and terrible pressure of 150-300 atmospheres. In such extreme conditions, the species developed a whole bunch of unimaginable adaptation mechanisms.

Males and females are so different from each other that for about seventy years they were generally considered different species. It is known that the first female was removed from the water column back in 1837, after which many similar fish were caught, rightly classified as “sea devils”. Only there were no males among the devils. At the same time, small fish with large eyes and nostrils were caught from the depths, among which, on the contrary, no females were found. And only in the 20s of the last century did scientists realize that this little thing was the wife of devils.

The anglerfish, in fact, is the female. This predator lures prey with a “fishing rod”, a dorsal fin protruding forward with a luminous thickening at the end - a neck filled with luminescent bacteria. In complete darkness, the prey - usually another fish - mistakes it for a flickering shrimp and ends up in a huge mouth with many teeth. The female’s greed knows no bounds: sometimes she swallows prey twice her size, which is why she dies along with it, being unable to digest it.

It is clear that with such a life, the smaller the male, the better: he consumes fewer resources. For example, a female Greenland angler fish with a length of 119 cm and a weight of 7 kg is described, and with her a male weighs 16 mm and 14 mg, respectively. That is, 74 times smaller and half a million times lighter.

Battle for the Harem

Animals Bighorn sheep
Female Gracefully built with horns about 30 cm
Male Powerful, twice as heavy as a female, with horns up to 8o cm

Rams are herd and harem animals. That's why males have big horns. To assemble a harem during the rut, males fight. Something like this, as researchers Vladimir Fil and Vladimir Mosolov write: “Animals collide head-on with a running start. The blows are usually taken on the front surface of the horns. The crash from collisions is quite strong and can be heard at a distance of up to a kilometer, especially in the early morning in frosty, windless weather. One day I even had to wake up from these sounds.”

Rams have no other use for their horns than to fight. And most often, the rivals, having looked at each other, disperse: the weak one understands that he has no chance. The winner receives as a reward the love of several females, or sheep, in our opinion. Now he can cover them at his pleasure and spread the genes to his offspring.

However, with some dexterity, even young, weak rams can get what they want from life, as hunters say: “During the rut, young males run from one herd of females to another, find those that are in a state of readiness for mating, cover them and run further".

It is all the more surprising that with such liberalism, sometimes battles for a harem among “serious men” end in severe injuries and deaths. Quote: “These observations of the behavior of rams and other ruminants during the rut do not correspond to the generally accepted idea that the mating behavior of males usually boils down to harmless bluffing and other kinds of demonstrations” (Burn Grant).

Beating up the drones

Animals Honey bees
Queen female Large, with hypertrophied ovaries, a sting, but not adapted to obtain food
Female worker Small bee with reduced genitals
Drone Large male, unable to feed on his own

Three bees live together. That is, in reality they live in a family of 60-80 thousand individuals, but among this multitude there are three types that differ sharply from each other. Almost the entire population of the hive is worker bees, supplemented by several hundred drones. And there is only one mother.

Life in the family is arranged in the best possible way. In spring and summer, a young queen, preparing to replace the already old one, flies out of the hive. It flies at a height of several meters and leaves behind an odorous tail of pheromones. Local drones flock to the smell and follow the female in a crowd. They mate there, in the air.

The drone throws a huge number of sperm into the young body - up to 10 million! - and after sexual intercourse he immediately dies, because for better adhesion his penis turns outward, and then comes off completely, remaining in the copulatory pocket of the uterus. Without a penis, a drone has no reason to live.
The uterus does not stop there, copulating until it completely fills the sperm receptacle with sperm. In total, she can mate more than two dozen times - sometimes this requires repeated flights.

This is how a young bee walks. Once, since the extracted sperm lasts her until the end of her life, that is, for 2-4 years. Then she will live in a hive and do only two things: eat and lay thousands of eggs a day. And sleep in winter.

Some eggs are not fertilized - they produce the mentioned drones. From a fertilized egg, either the same queen (rarely) or a worker bee develops. The latter's life is short; her active life is a little more than a month. All this time she works: first she feeds the queen and larvae, then she builds honeycombs, then she cleans up garbage, collects honey and then dies. She will never experience the joy of sex. Even if the uterus dies and the worker’s ovaries begin to function from good nutrition, she will not be able to mate with a drone: the genitals are underdeveloped.

But it is the worker bees who decide everything in the hive: when to get a new queen (this depends on feeding), where to fly for food and whether to keep drones in the nest. Usually, by winter, they drive the drones out into the cold and commit outright genocide, stinging and biting wherever they find them. Evolutionarily, of course, it makes sense.
Quote: “At the end of summer, the drones, driven out, hungry or stung, meet an inglorious end at the gates of the bee’s home” (Karl von Frisch).

Tail problem

Animals Peacocks
Female Gray, nondescript
Male Handsome with a dazzling tail

The peacock's tail is a complex scientific problem that biologists have been struggling with since the time of Darwin (strictly speaking, it is not exactly a tail, but other feathers, but in this case it does not matter). On the one hand, such a long tail is clearly needed for some reason, especially for males. On the other hand, it is obvious that for survival it is rather harmful and evolution should have limited its size.

At one time, Darwin put forward the hypothesis of sexual selection: the female chooses for beauty. But in this case, the tail would eventually become so beautiful that it would be difficult to combine with the life of the species. We do not observe anything like this: yes, it is difficult for the peacock, but it is tolerable. And the chickens like it (peacocks really belong to the order Galliformes). Evolutionists came up with another explanation: the female sees that the male survived even with such a tail, which means he has the right genes, he can join the harem.

Or this: in ancient times, peacocks fought like roosters, and the tail somehow helped in these fights. So the females gave preference to the most tailed ones, and then morals softened - they chose them for their beauty.

However, in 2008, Japanese scientists measured the length of peacocks' tails and the brightness of the spots on them, trying to find out whether those with the healthiest and most colorful tails are indeed the most popular with the ladies. It turned out that females are deeply indifferent to these details. They mated equally well with the most beautiful, from the Japanese point of view, specimens, and with absolutely nondescript types. This means that we were able to discern in them something inaccessible to the cold mind of a natural scientist.

By the way, there is another hypothesis: the tail is so bright that it distracts predators from hiding females with chicks. Quote “...preferences of females in the appearance of males or in something else will almost definitely lead to their change; and these modifications may, in the course of time, reach almost any degree compatible with the life of the species” (Charles Darwin).

Gynandromorph butterflies

Animals Butterflies
Male Combines male and female characteristics

In fact, butterflies are dioecious, and it is not difficult to distinguish a male from a female. However, sometimes the genetic mechanism goes astray, and butterflies with characteristics of both sexes are obtained at the same time. This happens in other species, but more often in insects - due to chromosomal features.

In butterflies, the result is sometimes wonderfully beautiful specimens, divided in half into male and female parts, or even mosaic. The event is rare - approximately one in a hundred thousand.
The genital organs of such animals are also both male and female, which allows them to mate with normal individuals. Sometimes even offspring are born. Also with a tendency towards gynandromorphism.

“However, in these, the aberration, reminiscent of the Canary race of the species, could still be healed with a few drops of glue, but the precious ginan-dromorph - male on the left, female on the right - whose wings were torn off and not even traces of the abdomen remained, died completely: attach it was still possible to replace the wings, but how can you now prove that the whole four belonged to this headless thorax on a bent pin! (Vladimir Nabokov).

Hero Father

Animals Sea Horses
Female Fish without a pocket on its belly
Male Fish with a pocket on its belly

When seahorses flirt, they first nod to each other and then waltz - synchronously maneuvering in the water, pressing their bodies together. The male opens his pocket, which often happens in humans. However, later the mating strategies of people and pipits diverge. For human females, the purpose of a pocket is to get into it. In skates, on the contrary, the female places eggs in the male's pocket.

The male then fertilizes the eggs in his pocket, carries the offspring there, and then gives birth. The walls of the pocket are similar to the placenta of mammals: they are riddled with blood vessels that supply the eggs with oxygen and remove waste. A month later the children appear.

The father's birth is sometimes quite difficult, he may even die. Some species bear up to one and a half thousand fry at a time. By the way, the female seahorse remains faithful to the male during the entire period of his pregnancy. According to other data cited by the famous researcher Amanda Vincent - all my life. In the East, these fish are used as a remedy for impotence.

Fight off the boy

Animals Emu
Female Almost no different from the male
Male Almost no different from the female

Among the Australian analogues of ostriches - emus - girls fight for boys. This happens if a new girl approaches an already established couple with the clear intention of luring the gentleman.

Seeing this, the first female stands in a threatening pose, and if her male suddenly decides to fluff his feathers, he rushes at his rival. There are always not enough good producers, so the second lady can show persistence - then the fight can continue for up to five hours. But it all ends with a family reunion.

The male incubates the emu; the female lays an egg every day or two in a primitive nest until 10-20 of them accumulate. And all this time the male does not eat, does not drink, and does not even go to the toilet - by the way, for more than 50 days. Loses up to a third of weight. Quote “The female begins to make low rattling sounds, reminiscent of the noise of a motor scooter. The male listens carefully to this calling cry, answers it and heads towards the female” (Bernhard Trzimek).

Child sex

Animals Axolotls (these are underdeveloped amphibians)
Female The overgrown larva is slightly thicker than the male
Male The overgrown larva is thinner than the female, there is a seal under the tail

There is nothing special in the mating games of axolotls: the male walks along the bottom of the reservoir and shakes his tail in front of the female’s nose - she crawls after him. Then the male throws out a lump of sperm, the female picks it up with the cloaca and is fertilized. Then it spawns.

Nothing special, except for the fact that sexually mature children reproduce. The axolotl is known to be an Ambystoma larva. If things get tough, that is, the reservoir begins to dry out, the larva turns into an adult without external gills. But as long as the conditions are mild, she does not need adult life. By the way, the ability to reproduce without completing development is called neoteny and is generally quite often used by evolution.

This is like a step back to the moment when the morphology of the individual has not yet been completely formed and can change. In the broadest sense, we humans are also a product of neoteny. Quote: “There was a time when I thought a lot about axolotls” (Julio Cortazar).

Sexiest Brains

Animals People
Female Graceful build (ideally), the mammary glands are pronounced, juvenile features appear to a greater extent than in the male
Male Athletic build (ideally), protruding (unlike the female) copulatory organs, pronounced fur on the adoral part of the head.

Information about sexual dimorphism in the genus Homo appeared quite a long time ago. The first research in this area has not been preserved in publications and is now available only in a later presentation (see, for example, Genesis, chapter 2, 21-22). Generations of researchers have worked extensively and fruitfully on this topic, as a result of which modern methods make it possible to confidently identify whether an individual is male or female. The most complete answer is provided by chromosomal and especially genomic analyses, but visual inspection also allows one to fairly accurately determine the male or female of Homo sapiens.

The mating behavior of this species, however, is so variable and complex that numerous studies have not yet answered even the following obvious question: “On the basis of what characteristics do the male and female choose a mate?” (People are known to be conditionally monogamous.) Or even this one: “Does the male choose the female or does the female choose the male?”

The study is complicated by the fact that humans lead a predominantly gregarious lifestyle and use reward mating (as do other representatives of Homo, such as bonobos). This mating, which results in male and female satisfaction but no offspring, is a social mechanism that is necessary for the survival of the species but makes research difficult.

Both males and females have two strategies for sexual behavior: short-term relationships and family. With a short-term connection aimed at maximizing the distribution of genes, selection is softer and the criteria are not so strict. A stable pair, on the contrary, is created to raise offspring together, and here the selection is very strict.

There are many hypotheses explaining human sexual selection. We will focus on two, which, in our opinion, are not without wit. First: the most sexual organ in a person is his brain. The female evaluates the male by his cognitive abilities, but for this she must possess them herself. This explains two striking facts: the very rapid development of the human brain in the process of evolution and very weak dimorphism in brain size - on average, the female organ weighs only 100 grams less than the male organ (at the same time, human females themselves are smaller than males).

Researchers believe that the assessment of a male's cognitive abilities is made by the female based on his ability to speak well. The male evaluates the female, accordingly, by her ability to evaluate what was said. In both cases, the result of sexual selection is the complication of the brain and speech.

Second hypothesis: attractiveness of juvenile traits in females. In humans, the female attracts the male with physical characteristics. Outwardly, she resembles children: smooth skin, fragility, and so on, right down to her behavior. “If a woman has failed to retain some of the attributes of her childhood body, she may be at a severe disadvantage in terms of her ability to participate in procreation. Most men will refuse to have sex or live with a woman with a beard! Bony eye sockets, a thick neck, a deep note in the voice - all this is not considered feminine,” writes researcher David Brin.

What is the purpose of physical neoteny in females? Answer: you need to attract not just any male, but one who is inclined to protect the offspring. That is, childish traits should cause attraction on the part of the male.
On the other hand, to prevent children themselves from becoming objects of sexual desire, evolution has provided the species with many “switches.” For example, in immature females the mammary glands are not formed, but in mature females they are hypertrophied compared to other animals. Anyone who has ever observed Homo sapiens in natural conditions will recognize other switches. When the choice is made, males and females experience what is called falling in love. In general, this phenomenon reduces the adaptability of individuals to the environment, but helps children survive. Here's what Jack and Linda Palmer write:

“Usually, falling in love lasts long enough for the child to be born and achieve a certain level of independence. The state of falling in love is maladaptive and even destructive, and there are strong behavioral and physiological parallels with drug use.”

“But when the penguins put on their veils, the penguins will no longer be so aware of what attracts them. Their vague desires will turn into dreams and illusions - in a word, my father, they will know love and its insane torments. Meanwhile, the penguins will lower their eyes and purse their lips, looking as if they were hiding some treasure under their clothes...” (Anatole France).

The term “alpha male” was coined by the famous zoologist David Mech in the 70s of the last century. According to this scientist, all males can be divided into so-called alpha, beta and gamma males, in terms of their behavior and biological characteristics. By the way, Mech subsequently abandoned his own theory, but it still remained popular.

The phenomenon of the leader

If you believe the theory of Fur (by the way, who conducted his research not on people, but on wolves), then alpha males began to manifest themselves at the dawn of evolution. They were the leaders of monkey packs, and when monkeys, according to Darwin, evolved into people, they became tribal leaders or won for themselves another high status. They gained access not only to power, but also to the best food and other benefits, including the most beautiful and popular women of the tribe.

Alpha males in modern society

What signs indicate an alpha male? Some sources claim that this is primarily arrogant and aggressive behavior. But the fact is that a real leader has absolutely no need to show arrogance and aggression. Both in a pack of animals and in primitive society, the strongest, most agile and hardy male always became the leader, since he could get more food. Accordingly, he was granted various privileges, and the females clung to him, because they understood that such a partner would be able to take care of the survival of the offspring.

Sometimes alpha males actually had to assert their power through force and aggression. But that was in the distant past. Nowadays social success, skill, professionalism, and the ability to make money are more valued, but an aggressive brawler is simply not accepted in a decent society.

So, the modern alpha male is usually well built and physically attractive. He often plays sports seriously. He literally exudes self-confidence and willpower; he is cool-headed, courageous and purposeful. He is ready to fight for his goals, but at the same time tries not to go beyond the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. He rarely uses violent methods to maintain his leadership status. But those around him tend to fear and respect him because he can provide what they need, as well as protection and security. Or maybe take it all away.

Most often, the social and financial status of alpha males is above average: they own large businesses, occupy high public positions, and have power.

Alpha males tend to be popular with women, who are attracted to their masculine charm, strength, and self-confidence. They are ready to take responsibility for their woman and their family. This is what they say about them: “A real man.” At the same time, alpha males demand complete submission to themselves and are not always faithful to their halves, since too many women strive to win their attention. This is why such men have a reputation as “womanizers.”

"Beta" and "gamma"

As for beta males, they are smart, reliable and often successful. They make good performers and specialists. In the zoological hierarchy, these are ordinary members of the pack. They are decent, have a gentle character, and with such a partner a woman often feels more comfortable than with an alpha male. But the problem is that in an extreme situation, a beta male can give up; it is not easy for him to make a responsible decision.

Gamma males are “defective” specimens. In nature, they are ballast for the flock, since they are not able to hunt or generally bring any practical benefit. In human society, a gamma male is a man who does not express his masculinity in any way. He may be an alcoholic, unemployed, and most often lives at the expense of other people - his wife or relatives. Many gamma males are also impotent.

At About male mammals
I was once riding in a taxi, and the driver really wanted to talk about various “smart topics,” and he expressed a “smart idea” so popular among men that “men are polygamous by nature, since males are polygamous in nature.” To which I replied that if you take animals as role models, then do not demand to be treated like people. Such a simple thought did not occur to him, and for the rest of the journey he shook his head in admiration and rejoiced at this discovery.

I have long been infuriated by the logic of other male mammals regarding the “natural conditionality” of male polygamy. Because this thesis contradicts the very nature to which they refer. Just yesterday, one commented on stereotypes in films in the sense that long ago, they say, the behavior of male mammals explained the behavior of men, and further in the same spirit. This thesis has already stuck in my teeth, but as absurd as it is, it is just as tenacious because it is profitable.

So I decided to talk about “nature” and “natural polygamy”.
Firstly, if we take “nature” as a whole, then polygamy does not exist as a principle; all species live differently. And certainly there is no polygamy as a privilege of one sex.

In the same way, caring for the offspring of a pack or herd in animals is in no way connected with polygamy or monogamy. And in the same way, the dominance of one sex over the other does not correlate with polygamy or monogamy and joint or separate care of offspring.
So, "nature".

To begin with, we can recall the spiders of the species Argiope Aurantia or Latrodectus, in which the females eat the males after mating. Also interesting is the example of seahorses, in which the male, after fertilization of the eggs, takes them for himself, carries the eggs and, in due time, gives birth to fry instead of the female.

You can think of birds such as white swans, bald eagle, penguins and black vultures - all of these species form monogamous pairs for life.
No, they will tell me, we take mammals as a model!

Okay, let's say mammals. If we appeal to mammalian species, then everything is even less clear. Among the same species one can find both polygamous and monogamous subspecies. For example, prairie voles lead a monogamous lifestyle, unlike their closest relatives, field and mountain voles.
No, they will tell me, we take large mammals as a model!

OK Blue Whale? This species mates for life.
No, they will tell me, we take large land mammals as a model!

Okay, let them be large, for example, artiodactyls.
Among the artiodactyls we can name Kirk's dik-dik antelopes, which live in East Africa. Males mate with only one female, but then do not take care of the family or cubs, but drive them out of their area.
No, they will tell me, we take large mammals as a model, but not horned ones! Let there be predators! (They're so good to follow)

Okay, let the predators.
Among predators, I will give wolves as an example. These animals are so tenacious that they are practically indestructible, and all due to the incredibly stable social organization of the pack. So, they create pairs for life; a pair of wolves, a female and a male, dominates in the pack; together or in turns they play the role of leaders. Wolves also have an institution of nannies. Nannies are young wolves who have not found a mate, who look after the pups while the pack hunts. They live with their family, without having any “frivolous” relationship with the she-wolf.
No, they will tell me, we take large mammalian predators that are polygamous as a model.

Okay, let the polygamous predators. However, again, in its justification for the right of males to polygamy, polygamy is taken out of the context of the life of the species as a whole. So for some reason, none of those who like to justify their polygamy think about the fact that in nature there are no polygamous or monogamous floors, there are polygamous and monogamous kinds .
That is, if the species is polygamous, then in the spring “everyone is with everyone,” both males and females are polygamous. For example, there is a herd of deer, approximately the same number of males and females, in the spring during the rut, the female chooses which male she likes and mates with him. And not a single male would think of charging a female for the fact that she mated not only with him. Or she didn’t mate with him at all. Lost, your horns were broken off, the female didn’t want you? - take a walk.
No, they will tell me, we are talking about those species where one male has many females!

Here it already becomes clear that only those species are taken as role models that are beneficial to take to justify their own “polygamy.”
Great. Such species exist either in conditions of artificial breeding, for example, a herd of cows or chickens. That is, these are animals, the number of male and female individuals is regulated by man according to his needs. One of the best bulls is left for breeding, the rest are used for cutlets; one rooster for the chicken coop, the rest of the young broilers for the soup. But even here, not a single rooster would think of accusing the female of infidelity if another rooster wanders into the chicken coop.

If in nature there are species where there are several females for one male, then there is strict natural selection, in which, yes, 50/50% of females and males are born, but upon reaching puberty, the males begin to fight for territory and the females on it . Those males who cannot withstand the competition live outside this territory. They wander around without females or food and slowly die out. As for the main male in a given territory, sooner or later he is replaced by another, younger and stronger, and this one goes to the savannah to die. That is, the period of his “reign”, to put it mildly, is short.

But let us take as a model some look that is most advantageous to men. Why, of all the distinctive features of the species, is polygamy of males taken into account and polygamy of females denied? After all, this does not occur in nature. Why is only the issue of polygamy-monogamy taken into account, and other features of life are ignored?

Let's take the lion for example. Why do lionesses tolerate him? Because he can mate with them up to 40 (!) times a day (!), and they ovulate only during mating. Can the average man do the same, forty times a day with just one “lioness”?

Is the average man ready for the competition to be 1/49? There are 49 adult young men, and he must defend his right to territory and females in a bloody battle? And defend every time someone makes an attempt? Is he ready for any young, stronger male to kill him or drive him away at any moment? Is he ready that in his old age he will be kicked out “from home” to die, but by definition he does not know how to hunt, and a painful death awaits him - he will either be devoured, or he will die of hunger and get sick? And why does he even think that he will be one of the 49, and not the second or forty-eighth, for example, who will not get females or prey at all?
No, they will tell me, let there be deer. They are more humane.

Okay, let there be deer. Are human males ready for the fact that they will have to mate only in the spring, for two weeks? Are you willing to mate with females and then watch those same females mate with other deer? Are human males ready for females not to feed them, care for them, cook for them, etc.? I mated for two weeks - and go for a walk, no one needs it until next April.

As for dominance in a pack-herd, I have already mentioned wolves, in which the leader of the pack can be either a male or a female. I can add elephants, meerkats and dolphins to the same list. By the way, only dolphins, just like humans, can mate all year round. However, their males do not dominate their females. At the same time, everyone lives with each other and does not bother.
No, they will tell me, let there be cows. There is no need to fight with bulls, there is one bull for the whole herd.

Yes, with one caveat - where is the guarantee that you will not end up among 49 other bulls who were sent to slaughter before reaching maturity? Here you don’t even have the opportunity to fight for the right to cover all the heifers; the owner of the herd decides whether you want to live here or not.

If male human mammals want to justify their right to polygamy by “nature,” then let them accept the rules of the species they take as a model in its entirety, with all the ensuing consequences - polygamy of females, cruel natural selection and starvation after a short time of dominance. And let them not be surprised that they are treated like animals.