Montenegro is a small, hospitable country located in Europe. Tourists flock to it for the warm Adriatic Sea, beautiful mountain landscapes and natural attractions. Below we will talk about the process of registering tourists in Montenegro, and also discuss all the fees and taxes that vacationers must pay.

What you need for a trip to Montenegro

During the summer season, citizens of the CIS countries have a visa-free regime in Montenegro. Every year, the requirements and permitted dates of stay in this country change.

In 2018, the visa-free regime for Russian citizens is valid from April to October, that is, throughout the entire tourist season.

Despite the fact that there is no need to obtain a visa, foreigners wishing to holiday in Montenegro still need to go through bureaucratic procedures. These include payment of tourist tax and tourist registration.

You must pay for every day you stay in this country. Sum tourist tax in Montenegro depends on the specific city and resort. In touristically developed places (Budva, Tivat, Kotor) the fee is 1 euro per day per vacationer. In less popular places it decreases somewhat: in Herceg Novi you need to pay 0.9 euros per person, in Ulcinj - 0.7 euros per day. The fee for children from 12 to 18 years old is halved.

If you book your hotel online, chances are the tourist tax is already included in the price. It is better to find out about this in advance by writing a message to the hotel administration.

Who is exempt from tourist tax

The following are not subject to tourist tax:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • disabled people;
  • foreigners with real estate in Montenegro;
  • relatives of property owners;
  • tourists who arrived in the country for a period of more than 90 days and have a visa.

Where to pay the tourist tax

Tourist tax can be paid:

  • at the post office;
  • in the bank;
  • at the tourist office.

It is important to note that not all travel agencies accept tourist taxes. In many of them it can only be paid by non-cash method.

How is the tourist tax paid?

It takes no more than 5 minutes to pay the tourist tax. If you decide to pay at a bank or post office, then you need:

  • provide the cashier with your passport;
  • say what exactly you are paying for;
  • indicate the number of days of stay in Montenegro.

Afterwards, the cashier will give you a one-time paper, with which you will need to go to the tourist office to register. It is important to save the document before leaving the country. You may still have to provide it to the border guard.

Any foreign citizen arriving in Montenegro on holiday is required to go through the registration process. Once upon a time, it was accompanied by the issuance of a “White Card” - a paper that was issued in a couple of minutes and gave the tourist the right to stay in Montenegro. Now vacationers are not issued such a document, but they are still required to register.

Why registration is needed

Registration of tourists in Montenegro has two main tasks:

  • collect money from vacationers that will go to the state treasury;
  • control the movement of tourists around the country.

What the law says

The tourist registration process is regulated by Montenegrin law. It states that any foreigner arriving in Montenegro is required to register with the tourist office. According to the law, this must be done within 24 hours of arrival in a foreign country. If the arrival falls on a weekend or holiday, the foreigner is given 3 days to register. Registration must be completed at the place of stay in Montenegro. The tourist registers for each day of his planned vacation.

Who is responsible for registration

As a rule, most often registration is carried out not by tourists themselves, but by the owners of the accommodation where they stay. This is also regulated by law. It states that all citizens of Montenegro who provide living space to tourists on legal grounds must register their guests themselves. They are given 12 hours for this. In most cases, apartment owners immediately ask their guests to present them with a passport. If you haven't been asked to do so, remind the property owner to register. Afterwards, it is also advisable to make sure that he has performed all the necessary operations.

Those who come to Montenegro on a tourist package also do not need to worry about registration. They are registered in advance by the tour operator.

Foreigners who arrive in Montenegro without a tourist package and do not intend to stay in an official hotel or inn must register themselves. Upon arrival at the hotel, it is advisable to immediately inquire whether its owners have a license. To avoid self-registration, you should look for apartments not on local, but on international sites.

How to register

Registration can be done at any tourist office. To do this you need to have with you:

  • passport;
  • receipt for payment of the fee (if you do not fall into the category of citizens who are exempt from payment);
  • a document confirming membership in a preferential category (this applies to those who are exempt from paying the tourist tax).

After presenting the documents, you need to tell the bureau employee the address of the hotel and the duration of your planned stay in Montenegro. There is a registration fee of 1 euro per person.

As tourists note, the registration process takes no more than 5 minutes. As a rule, you have to wait longer in line.

Where to register

As we said above, foreigners register at travel agencies, which are found in all Montenegrin cities. Most often they are small stalls or offices with a separate entrance. They almost always have a sign on them « TURIST INFO. Below we will indicate on the map the location of each such office in all popular tourist areas of Montenegro.



Herceg Novi



Is it possible not to pay the fee and not register?

Theoretically, you can not follow the rules and forget about the tourist tax and registration. However, when leaving Montenegro you will have to pay a fine of 200 euros. This sanction amount is approved by law. According to some tourists, fines are not imposed on everyone and not always.

What should I do if I did not have time/forgot to pay the fee and register?

The outcome of this situation depends on the mood of the employees of the bank, post office or travel agency. Some people don't pay attention to this. Others issue fines and send forgetful foreigners to an inspector. In practice, some tourists were even expelled from the country for such a violation.

What if I'm going to live in different places?

According to the law of Montenegro, every tourist must re-register in each city to which he arrives. Many people bypass this rule by registering in one place for the entire duration of their stay and then moving freely around the country. This allows you to save time that would have to be spent on repeated trips to tourist centers, waiting in queues and all bureaucratic procedures.

What to do if I want to combine a holiday in Montenegro with a trip to a neighboring country

For example, you registered in Montenegro for a period of 30 days, and in the middle of your trip you decided to go to a neighboring country. In this case, you must take with you a receipt for payment of the tourist tax. If you don't do this, you may have problems when leaving home. When you return to Montenegro from a neighboring country, you will not have to pay the fee again.

Bottom line

Tourist registration is a mandatory procedure for all foreigners arriving on holiday in Montenegro. The tourist tax is not levied on certain categories of citizens. Payment can be made at any bank or at the nearest post office, and there are special travel offices for registration. Failure to register and pay the fee will result in a fine of 200 euros. We recommend that you do not forget about payment and registration, because both of these procedures are controlled by Montenegrin border guards.

In some countries, tourist tax is paid upon entry, at the border. In Montenegro, tourists are required to register and pay a tourist tax upon entering the country if they are traveling independently and not on a tourist package. Where and when register in Montenegro I will now tell you what is needed for this and other details of tourist registration.

Tourist registration- This is a mandatory procedure for all foreigners arriving in Montenegro. You provide your passport details, arrival and departure dates, and the address where you live in Montenegro, while paying the tourist tax.

Persons who “forgot” to register and pay the tourist tax have a chance to pay a fine upon leaving Montenegro in the amount of 200 euros.

Until April 1, 2015, after registration and payment of tax, tourism organizations issued a confirmation - “white cardboard”.

After April 1, 2015, instead of “white cardboards”, an electronic database appeared, common to tourist organizations, police, border and customs services.


From June 3, 2016, citizens of the Russian Federation can continuously stay in the territory of Montenegro for 90 days until October 31. At the same time, Russian citizens who own real estate in Montenegro can register upon arrival immediately for the entire period (90 days), without paying a tourist tax, but only by presenting a certificate of indecency. Those who do not have their own property will have to register every 30 days for 90 days, paying a tourist tax, but not traveling abroad.

Where to register?

The place of registration depends on the type of accommodation you have in Montenegro, as well as on the landlord.

If you are staying at a hotel, upon check-in, just mention the tourist registration and add 0.60-1.5 euros (price varies by city) per day per person to the amount of your stay.

If you are renting an apartment or villa, when you check in, check with the landlord or realtor who placed you in if he/she will register you for the duration of your stay or if you need to do this yourself.

Most landlords register their guests. To do this, they take the passport details of tourists and the amount of tourist tax, in accordance with the number of days of stay in the country.

You can independently register with any official tourist organization of the city where you are staying in Montenegro.

The map shows the tourist organization and post office in Petrovac. The tourist organization office looks like this:

When should I register?

Registration must be done within 24 hours after crossing the border of Montenegro. For example, it may happen that you arrive on a Friday or Saturday in May, when tourism organizations operate on a reduced schedule with weekends, and will not have time to check in after 24 hours. No need to worry, come register on Monday. In this case, there will be no fine for exceeding the 24-hour limit due to the work schedule of the tourist organization.

It is important to know that when leaving Montenegro and arriving back, you must register again. This applies even to a one-day excursion to a neighboring country. Therefore, it is very important to plan your trips in advance and register in accordance with the dates of crossing the borders of Montenegro.

What do you need for self-registration?

  1. passport;
  2. the date of your arrival in the territory of Montenegro and the date of departure from the country;
  3. address of the apartment where you are staying;
  4. first and last name of the property owner;
  5. money (about 1 euro per day per person).
After your personal data is entered into the database, you will be given details to pay the tourist tax at the post office or at a branch of any bank. You must keep the payment receipt. It will serve as proof of payment of the tourist tax if, for technical reasons, your data is not displayed in the database.

Who can avoid paying tourist tax?

There are a number of persons exempt from paying the tourist tax. To obtain this right, you must confirm your belonging to one of the listed categories of people. Tourist tax is not paid:

  1. children under 12 years of age;
  2. persons with sensory or physical disabilities (blindness, muteness, etc.);
  3. persons referred by the health care committee for treatment or rehabilitation;
  4. persons who continuously reside in one accommodation facility for more than 30 days (a rental agreement can serve as proof);
  5. owners of real estate on the territory of Montenegro (must present a certificate of indemnity).
A 50% discount is provided to persons aged 12 to 18 years.

Registration histories

It turns out that citizens of Ukraine and other countries who have the right to continuously stay in Montenegro for up to 90 days are not required to pay a tourist tax if they live in Montenegro at the same address for more than 30 days.

So Bogdan and I registered at the travel agency for 90 days without paying a cent. Our data was entered into a common database and our passports were returned. An employee of a tourism organization explained that this rule has been in effect for a long time and has nothing to do with changes in the Law on Foreigners. We were very pleased that we saved 150 euros for our 90 days stay in Montenegro.

Although, our friend from Ukraine applied for 60 days at the same travel agency a week earlier, and paid 50 euros. Error or human factor?

After the introduction of a new electronic database, checks of payment of tourist taxes at the border of Montenegro have become more frequent. Therefore, it is better to register within 24 hours of arrival and rest easy.

All tourists entering Montenegro must pay a tourist tax and register with the local tourist office within 24 hours of arrival.

What is a tourist tax?

Tourist tax in Montenegro (turistička taksa) is a tax that a foreign citizen must pay while in the country. The tax amount depends on the resort and region. At the most popular resorts it is usually 1 euro per day per adult and 0.5 euro per child 3-12 years old. Prices at different resorts may vary by ±50 cents.

If you plan to stay at a hotel, they will usually take on the responsibility for paying the fee. During the stay, this fee is already included in the price of your stay. If you are planning to live in a private sector, be sure to check with the owner in advance whether he is responsible for registration or whether this will be your responsibility.

Where and how to pay the tourist tax in Montenegro yourself?

You can pay the tourist tax yourself at the post office or at the bank.

To pay the fee, show the cashier your passport and tell them that you are going to pay a “tourist tax.” State the number of days you will stay in the country.

After payment you will receive a receipt with which you will need to proceed to the tourist office for registration. Keep the receipt throughout your entire stay in Montenegro!

Registration for the tour. the Bureau

Proceed to the tourist office with your tax receipt and passport. Present these documents to the operator and provide your residential address in Montenegro. The registration procedure takes a few minutes.

Responsibility for non-payment of tourist tax

Tax payment is checked at the borders when leaving Montenegro. For non-payment of tax, according to the law, you can be fined 200 euros.

Every new tourist is interested in whether there is a visa to Montenegro, whether the country is safe, whether a holiday here is expensive or cheap, whether prices in supermarkets differ from yours, whether English and Russian are understood here. The most important thing before any trip is to study the characteristics of the country, the mentality of the people, gastronomic preferences, climatic conditions and local traditions. If Montenegro did not live up to your expectations, then you were not information savvy 😉

Visa to Montenegro in 2018

Residents of Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan A visa is not required for Montenegro. That is, all you need is a valid passport! Ukrainians have the right to enter for 90 days, then they must leave the country for 90 days. They cannot be visited every month, but they can live for 3 months in a row... Russians have the right to rest for 90 days only during the tourist season. In 2018, it is introduced for the period from April 15 to October 31, that is, you can rest for no more than 3 months during this period, you do not need to go to visaran! If you want to live in Montenegro for six months to a year, then put a stamp every 30 days on any border about exit and entry, register at the tourist office and live happily! This right is given only to holders of Russian passports!

Citizens of Belarus They can fly to Montenegro without a visa, but with a voucher (from a travel agency) or with an invitation from a private person, officially certified. Belarusians can also enter the territory of Montenegro with a valid Schengen visa, US or UK visa.

Citizens of Kazakhstan get visa-free entry to Montenegro only for a season, in 2018 they have already announced the abolition of visas from April 1.

Registration of tourists in Montenegro (white cardboard)

Every foreign citizen must be registered at a tourist information point or electronically (done in hotels). A tourist in Montenegro needs to pay a boravishnu tax, this is a tax for accommodation - 1 euro per day, free - children under 12 years old and disabled people, teenagers from 12 to 18 years old - 50%. Previously, they gave out white cardboard with the dates of arrival and departure, and paid at the Post Office. Now everything is done electronically; the owner of the villa or at the reception must do this within 24 hours of arrival.

If you rent an apartment without travel agencies and the owners are not going to pay tax, ask them for their full name and address, and go to the tourist office yourself on the first day. If you are the owner of your own home in Montenegro, you and your family members do not pay tourist taxes, but you are also required to register when crossing the border. On the map in your city, look like this - Turistički informativni centar

What are the consequences of non-payment of the tour? tax? At airports, it is rare that anyone checks this information on a computer, but there have been cases of a fine of 200 euros and lengthy proceedings... Most often, questions arise from border guards at the road borders, especially in front of Bosnia (Trebinje), where Russians go for visas. The border guards there, lured with money, behave like greyhounds, and will definitely check your data in the database for paying the Boravish tax. If you don’t have it, the fine is from 60 to 200 euros.

How to protect yourself from a fine when traveling in the Balkans? Be sure to check with the hotel reception whether you have been registered and tell them about your upcoming trip to Bosnia, Albania, Serbia, and Croatia. Hotels often give you a receipt for payment, or take a photo of it on your phone. If you pay the tourist tax yourself, keep the payment in your wallet. This check will also protect you if the data was entered incorrectly into the computer database (extra space, wrong letter - this has happened to me personally).

Insurance for a trip to Montenegro?

If you are not going to rent a car, try extreme sports, or are worried about the health of your children, I advise you to take care of insurance; you can buy it online at , tourists say it works great Alfa insurance— solves your insurance questions in 15 minutes, even in the Kotor hospital.

Such a widespread disease in July-August as rotavirus “mows down” almost everyone, young and old, on the city’s crowded beaches. And simply appendicitis can happen to you, only in Budva there is no surgery, you will be sent to Kotor, where services for foreigners cost 10 times higher than in other hospitals in Montenegro. I know how our people were billed there for appendicitis surgery for 5,000 - 7,000 euros, instead of 500 as in Podgorica, or 0 euros if there was insurance. Read.

Is it safe in Montenegro

One of the few countries in Europe where you can feel completely safe. This applies to both women and children. You will be amazed that:

  • The lockers in the supermarket don't have locks.
  • many people on the beach leave personal belongings unattended and swim away to the buoys
  • there are no high fences near the houses, they often don’t lock the car
  • Montenegrins do not steal what is lying badly on the street
  • hitchhiking in this country is a free and fairly safe service, but if you are a girl, I recommend immediately clarifying that you are married in order to protect yourself from a long dialogue about what you are beautiful and let's go for coffee.
  • at night you can not be afraid to walk around the city, although crowds of men will get in your way, they will not offend you

Of course, there is a black sheep in a family. During the tourist season, neighbors from Balkan countries come to Montenegro to steal small things: tourist apartments on the 1st floor, bicycles, bags on the beach, etc. Don't relax completely! I will also note that in the tourism business in Montenegro, more than half of the workers are Serbs, Bosnians, Kosovars, Macedonians, and I can’t vouch for them. And don’t forget about the gypsies, they usually operate in the summer in old cities, on the embankments and on the street terraces of restaurants.

As for me, it’s dangerous in Montenegro in the wild mountains, and not in crowded places. There you are alone with a wolf, a bear, a wild boar and a poisonous snake 😄 Don’t go to the mountains alone!

Smoking in Montenegro

One of the most slippery topics... people smoke a lot in the Balkans! Therefore, come to terms with this fact or do not fly here on vacation. Although outdoor café terraces are a lifesaver in the summer, you won’t have to sit in smoky rooms. A Montenegrin cannot imagine his morning without coffee and a cigarette. Moreover, both sexes “suffer” from this addiction, according to statistics - every third Montenegrin smokes.

Once they tried to ban smoking in cafes and restaurants at the state level, so Montenegrins stopped going to them. And for them this is the second home, or rather the first and main one. A couple of months later the authorities gave relief. Still, the treasury also needs to be replenished; the mercantile Montenegrin government does not want to lose cigarettes on the income from catering. Now restaurateurs pay a fine for smokers, agreeing in advance with this situation. Therefore, you, tourists, will have to endure and choose a non-smoking area.

If you look closely at an old photo of a Montenegrin family, you will notice that the old people have long smoking pipes - a mandatory attribute, as well as weapons.

You won’t believe it, but even in hospitals and maternity hospitals, doctors and nurses smoke. No, they don’t run outside to do this... they usually smoke in the kitchen or in their office. A Serbian website cited statistics - 29% of doctors and 42% of nurses smoke! I do an annual medical examination for a work visa in Montenegro, I go to the small clinic in Przno, where a gray-haired man signs for all the doctors, glancing at me -Are you healthy? - Certainly“, I answer. And he makes sweeping strokes with one hand, and smokes a cigarette with the other. Two things do not change in this clinic from year to year - the Soviet interior and Balkan habits 😉

With children at sea in Montenegro

There is a cult of children in Montenegro; they are loved here and will never be offended. And since Russian children sometimes have blond hair and blue eyes, for Montenegrins this is a doll! They will squeeze you in the store while you pay at the checkout, pay attention to you on the beach and in restaurants, and let you skip the line. Montenegrin dads are very caring and often go for walks with their children.

In Montenegro there is no developed service for families with children, as in Turkey. If you are looking for hotels in Montenegro, where everything is inclusive, you will find a dozen options... Look at hotels in Becici, they have their own territory, swimming pools, animators somewhere, good food and a good small-pebble beach with a smooth entrance. In the photo - the 5-star Splendid Hotel, good because it is open all year round and has an excellent SPA. There is a 4-star Iberostar hotel nearby; mothers and children praised it to me. In Budva, I advise you to pay attention to the luxury apartments Lux Sunrior, since during the season, guests can relax by the pool and have breakfast there on the roof of the Tre Canne building overlooking the sea.

Ready-made tours to Montenegro

Ready-made tours to hotels in Budva and Becici, where all-inclusive, buy at Lavel.Travel. For example, for good hotels with their own beach, food and swimming pool for 8 nights for 2 people in June, prices start from 85 thousand rubles.

Many cafes on the embankment of Budva, Becici, Bar have playgrounds for parents to relax and gossip with friends, and for children to play. In the summer, attractions, a trampoline will be installed in Budva, and a children's submarine will operate for walking on the sea and exploring its inhabitants. Also, at some cafes there are game girls (gamelands), check their addresses at your place of residence. There are children's clubs, kindergartens with hourly fees, there are a lot of festivals and carnivals, the main thing is to be aware

And even if the service in Montenegro does not reach the standards you are used to, it is safe, there is a pleasant climate, a clean sea, good ecology and an understandable language. A child can find holiday friends on the beach or in the sandbox in a couple of minutes.

What kind of money is in Montenegro

In Montenegro, there is exactly one currency - the euro! But the country is not part of the European Union, yes, this happens, for example, even on the territory of the Muslim part of Kosovo. Montenegro does not have its own currency, and before the euro there was the German mark (they abandoned it in 2002), and before that there was the Yugoslav dinar, which was “eaten” by inflation and the Yugoslav war.

The only period when Montenegro printed its own money was from 1906 to 1916, these were perpers and coins of the couple. The Kingdom of Montenegro gained independence at the end of the 19th century and developed as an independent state until the First World War began... There is a Money Museum in Cetinje, be sure to stop by!

Ruble to euro exchange rate today:

Dollars are not accepted anywhere in Montenegro, it is better not to bring them. Or you will have to look for banks for exchange, but they are open until 16:00, and there are no regular exchange offices in the resorts of Montenegro! Cash rubles and hryvnia will not be useful to you here either.

Take only euros in cash, and smaller denomination bills are valued more. A Montenegrin will react badly to 200 or 500 euros if you want to pay 1 euro for ice cream 😜

Bank cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants, grocery supermarkets and boutiques. Card payments are NOT accepted in Montenegrin taxis, in markets, in remote mountainous and northern areas in shops and restaurants. In Montenegro, you can cash out euros from a ruble card at any ATM! By the way, there is a network of NLB ATMs with menus in Russian.

How much does a trip to Montenegro cost?

The price of a holiday in Montenegro consists not only of air tickets and accommodation... It also includes, from the airport, groceries in the store and trips to restaurants, medical insurance, shopping and souvenirs. Believe me, you can spend a lot of money on vacation! You can save money in the off-season, when it is already warm, there is even a warm sea: April-May and September-October. All goods and services will fall in price by 10-40%, including tickets! About food in Montenegro, restaurants and some prices.

If you decide to look for apartments in Montenegro on your own, no need to bombard me with questions - Where should we live, find a hotel. I have 2 jobs, a yacht and this guide site - I physically have no time to deal with your resettlement! There have been excellent services for a long time - Arnbnb, using this link you will receive a discount of 25 euros on your first booking. And also look at housing for any budget on.

Do you need insurance for a trip to Montenegro?

If you buy a ready-made tour, for example, in - then medical insurance is already included, as well as. But when planning your trip on your own, I advise you not to ignore insurance. Especially on vacation with children. After all, climate change, other foods and water, and possible rotavirus during the peak season affect children first of all. More details about medicine in Montenegro and where to buy insurance in Russia -. The most popular online service for purchasing insurance is , where you can choose the time of your vacation, the country, which insurance events are covered, and most importantly, good assistance.

Which airlines fly to Montenegro

There are 2 airports in the country - Podgorica (further from the sea) and Tivat. It’s better to choose the second one, it’s closer to the resorts, for example, it takes half an hour to get to Budva. From May to October the number of flights increases many times - charters appear. See in this widget which airline to fly from Moscow to Tivat

How much money to take to Montenegro

Montenegrins - mentality and their 10 commandments

Montenegrins are considered lazy, unhurried people, they live in the “polako” style - slowly, enjoying every moment and not rushing anywhere. Tourists coming from big cities are amazed at this life, criticize or envy! On magnets and souvenir mugs you will see the “10 commandments of Montenegrins”:

They don’t like to work a lot; it’s better to grab a big jackpot once a month or six months than to work every day. In the largest areas of employment - tourism and construction - foreign labor (Serbs, Bosnians, Macedonians) are allowed to work, considering that this is menial and low-paid work... Many live from season to season, and in winter they suffer from boredom, lack of money and Russian tourists

Comic announcement “Montenegro working hours”:
7:00 - start of working hours
7:30 - arrive at work
7:45 - rest with morning coffee
8:15 - reading newspapers, news
9:00 – go to a cafe for breakfast
11:00 - return to work
11:15 — coffee break
11:30 — politics: arguing with a colleague
13:00 – cup of coffee with a friend
14:00 - nerves from overwork
14:15 - leaving the office
15:00 - end of the working day

Marry a Montenegrin

I want to warn our girls, be careful with Montenegrin men. They are beautiful, tall, captivating in an instant with their fairy tales, according to them, they are rich, super-businessmen and lovers. But in fact, after marriage you find yourself in a terribly patriarchal environment, where his word is law, for example, he can sit in cafes with friends for days, but you cannot. Montenegrin traditions are above your desires and habits. You will get up at dawn and bake bread, cook only Montenegrin high-calorie dishes, endlessly host his relatives, lend money to everyone, serve them coffee from morning to night, listen to the advice of his wise mother, get used to smoking in the apartment, carry bags of groceries yourself, work like crazy and help in every possible way with his business. And the most unpleasant thing is that 90% of Montenegrins, especially those living by the sea, cheat on their wives; every summer this list is replenished with several mistresses, or even a dozen.

If you have arrived in Montenegro for the first time, be vigilant on the embankments and beaches, gigolos and summer renters catch their victims there every day. Under no circumstances admit that you have a business, your own apartment and a desire to move to this country.

I will quote a Russian traveler who found himself in Montenegro at the end of the 19th century:
Since there are no carts in the whole country and only the rich have mules, all supplies are transported and brought back on the shoulders of women, who represent a true example of tolerance. In the house, women do almost all the work; Only men help them in farming, gardening and beekeeping. The Montenegrin despises crafts, although he has a great ability for them; does not engage in trade either, but provides all this to the Turks who have settled in Montenegro.

But I would like to say a few good words about the Montenegrins. The further away from tourist spots you meet them, the more sincerely they will express love and hospitality to you. There is only one reason - you are a Russian person (ex-USSR), and for this alone you will be shown respect, assistance in traveling, free treats, invitations home for coffee, and so on. A common history, financial assistance since the time of Peter I, provided to poor Montenegro almost every year, marriages in royal families, and a common Orthodox faith have done their job.

Weather in Montenegro and water temperature

I'm tired of daily questions about the weather in Montenegro. And all because the country is mountainous, the climate in different regions changes sharply, near the sea coast there is one temperature, for example, +25 in May in Budva, while in Cetinje it is 7 degrees colder, and in Lovcen or Zabljak it can be rain, snow or be +4. Look, you can go around the city for 7 days, there is an hourly forecast, I believe it only for 3 days in advance. If they promise a sunny day, add +5 degrees.

I can’t call the Adriatic Sea warm, but rather invigorating. But in the heat of +35+40 it’s impossible not to take a swim! Water temperature in Montenegro by month:
— in May +20 +22
— in June and September +22 +24
— in July and August +24 +26
— in April and November +18

But there are rare days when northern winds bring cold currents overnight. And the sea will become +19 for the next three years; even in August such a phenomenon can occur. You must understand that Montenegro is influenced by many natural factors, the weather is unstable in the off-season, there are sandstorms and strong winds, rain and snow. I do not recommend going on excursions to the mountains of Prolektiye and Durmitor in the off-season, and do not climb mountain passes, especially on cloudy and snowy days.

From May to October the weather in Montenegro is pleasant, warm, with rare precipitation, you can swim, sunbathe and overeat. I and the Russian emigrants who have lived here for a long time love it most of all.

Video about Montenegro