The modern concept of modernization of a comprehensive school presupposes the orientation of education not only on the students’ mastery of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on
development of his personality, his cognitive and creative
Modernization strategy
ability to carry

The result for the individual is success, social competitiveness.

Socialization is the process and result of a child’s appropriation of social experience as his psychological, intellectual and

Social experience is always the result of the child’s actions, active
interactions with the outside world. Mastering the social world means
not just to assimilate the sum of information, knowledge, skills, samples, but to possess,
own the way of activity and communication, the result of which he

A child's social experience is the result of his socialization and upbringing. Mastery of social experience occurs in three ways:

in interconnected ways.
Secondly, mastery
social experience
implemented as
process: education,
education, training.
First of all, it's coming
Thirdly, social
child's experience
folds up and

Working with primary school children, we, together with teachers, set ourselves the following tasks in the socialization of the child’s personality:

to kid
vat and
give your own
th experience;
important, but
phenomena and give
children about them
children from
asocial influences,
build skills
survival and spiritual
manifestations of social and
material stratification in children's
environment, to educate children about the basics
humanistic personal position in
conditions of property inequality;
to kid
contact your
life experience on
reflective level
make it an object

Working on the development of social activity will help the child:

acquire a clear understanding of the norms and
rules existing in society;
learn to feel and understand others
of people;
join the common humanity
values: goodness, beauty, health,
see the value of everyone and everything living
and growing on the earth;
gain self-confidence;
learn to make decisions and achieve
results according to
the set goal.

First, the idea of
yourself, your place in school
team. Games contribute to this
trainings, group work, reading and
discussion of books, role-playing games,
drawing, working with pictograms.
Games: “I am a student”, “Find a pair”,
"Getting acquainted", "Greeting"
"Talking on the phone".
Drawing on the topics: “My family”, “Who
dear to me", "The Beautiful and the Ugly",
drawing yourself


Development of civic skills in children
The formation in a child of such
personality traits as
entrepreneurship, activity,
Formation of environmental
consciousness and responsibility for
life of future generations.
Increasing the value of health,
formation of healthy
Formation of positive
systems of moral and
spiritual values.
Involving children in joint
work activity.

Formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s “I”.

Conversation on the topic “Who are you? Which
Game "Magic"
What do I believe?
What do I know? What can I do?
mercy courage nobility What actions do I do?
Who I want to be?
love joy determination
How can I help my loved ones?
luck honesty tenderness success
Who or what is helping you
become better?
What would you like
What action have you never
will you do it?
What are your shortcomings?
What can you teach
or wanted trouble
Games “Hot Chair”, “Day”
would “exchange” for what
is it in the “store”?

What beautiful and ugly things did you see on your way to school today?

How to do it better?

Why is this necessary? The main motto of our joint affairs:
Who if not us,
For whom?
When, if not now,
Who will be
Our life is in our hands.
Together with whom?
Who will help us?
To which
results we

While working on problems that interested them, the guys learned:

set a goal and go
to achieve it
work in a team,
attract to one's own
adult affairs,
defend your
point of view.

Landscaping and landscaping of school grounds,
holding clean-up days.
Action "Clean Rivers".

Caring for the Elderly
Organization of comradely mutual assistance

Conducting discussions, competitions,

Release of thematic booklets, collections
for students, publications in newspapers

Working on projects
"Plant a Christmas tree"
"Costume room for school"

Indicators of the formation of supra-subject concepts

level of formation
moral culture;
level of development of civil
identity and civic
level of development of patriotic
level of formation


"Level assessment
formation of civil
students' self-awareness";
“Introspection (analysis) of personality”;
"Conscientiousness Scale";
"Methodology for studying
socialization of the individual

Assessment of key student competencies

“How do I rate my health”;
"Reflecting on Life Experience"
(junior schoolchildren);
“Assessing the level of conflict”;
Test "Assessment of communicative skills"
Methodology for studying personality type in
“Assessing the level of sociability”;

“Turnip” (formation
competencies with/improvement,
s/regulation, s/development,
personal and subject reflection);
Motives for schoolchildren’s participation in
“Student’s position”, “Attitude towards
learning" (learning motivation).

Assessing Social Experience

"Assessing the level of creativity
“Personality orientation”;
"School Anxiety";
"Self-Esteem Research";
"Behavior style in conflict"

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Slide captions:

Plant and animal tissues N.I. Sony n Biology Living organism 6th grade Lesson 1. Plant tissues. Lesson 2. Animal tissues. Epithelial and connective tissue. Lesson 3. Animal tissues. Nervous and muscle tissue.

Organisms Unicellular Multicellular

Tissue and intercellular substance Tissue is a group of cells similar in size, structure and functions. Intercellular substance is a special substance that connects cells of the same tissue to each other.

Plant tissues Plant tissues Educational Integumentary Mechanical Conductive Basic

Table. Comparative characteristics of plant tissues. Name of fabric Location Structure Functions Educational Integumentary Mechanical Conductive Main

Educational tissue Location: shoot root tip, embryo. Structural features: small cells with large nuclei, no vacuoles at all. Functions: constant division, ensuring plant growth.

Cover tissue Location: leaf skin, cork layers of trees. Structural features: cells can be living or dead. The shells are thick and durable. Tightly connected to each other. Functions: protection from damage, adverse effects. Connects the plant with the external environment.

Mechanical fabric Location: nut shell, apricot kernel, stem fibers. Structural features: cells with thickened, lignified membranes. Live content is often missing. Special stony cells. Functions: supporting and protective.

Conductive tissue Location: root, stem, leaf. Structural features: cells can be either living (sieve tubes) or dead (vessels), elongated. Functions: conduction of water with mineral and organic substances dissolved in it.

Main tissue Location: pulp of leaves and fruits, core of stem and root, soft parts of flower, main mass of bark. Structural features: the cells of the leaf pulp contain chlorophyll. Functions: Photosynthesis, supply of nutrients.

Table. Comparative characteristics of plant tissues 1. Photosynthesis 2. Nutrient reserve The cells of the leaf pulp contain chlorophyll The pulp of the leaf and fruit, the core of the stem and root, the soft parts of the flower, the main mass of the bark 5. Basic Conducting water with mineral and organic substances dissolved in it Cells can both living (sieve tubes) and dead (vessels), elongated Root, stem, leaf 4. Conductive 1. Supporting function 2. Protective function Cells with thickened, lignified membranes. Live content is often missing. Special stony cells. Fibers Walnut shells, apricot kernels, etc., stem fibers 3. Mechanical 1. Protection from damage and adverse influences. 2. Connects the plant with the external environment. Cells can be living or dead. The shells are thick and durable. Tightly connected to each other Leaf skin, cork layers of tree trunks 2. Integument Constant division, ensuring plant growth Small cells with large nuclei, no vacuoles at all Tip of shoot root, embryo 1. Educational Functions performed Structural features Location Name of tissue

Reinforcement True and false statements Test

Homework pp. 30-31 retelling, questions from 8-12 orally. Make a syncwine.

The lesson is over. Good luck in your studies.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The concept of transshipment and replanting of plants. The meaning and techniques of transshipment of a houseplant. Selection of flower pots for transshipment plants.

The teacher introduces the children to the method of transplanting a plant, called transshipment. With this method of transplantation, the root structure of the transplanted plant is not disturbed and the earthen ball is not damaged....

Slide 1

Tissues and organs

Slide 2

it is a collection of cells and intercellular substance united by a common structure, function and origin.

Slide 3

Epithelial tissues: their structure and functions


Slide 4

Epithelium and its characteristic structural features
Covers the body, lines cavities, forms glands Cells fit tightly to each other, there is no intercellular substance Deprived of blood vessels Cells are located on the basement membrane High ability to regenerate

Slide 5

Single layer epithelium

Slide 6

Stratified epithelium
The cells are arranged in several layers.

Slide 7

Glandular epithelium
Glandular cells produce secretions

Slide 8

Epithelial tissues and their functions
The epithelium separates the organism (internal environment) from the external environment, but at the same time serves as an intermediary in the interaction of the organism with the environment (skin).
Epithelial tissue is involved in secretion (exocrine and internal secretion glands), absorption (intestinal epithelium), gas exchange (lung epithelium).

Slide 9

Connective tissues, their structure and functions
blood and lymph

Slide 10

Connective tissue and its characteristic structural features
Consists of cells, intercellular substance and connective tissue fibers. It consists of bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, blood, fat, it is present in all organs (loose connective tissue) in the form of the so-called stroma (framework) of organs. The intercellular substance is very well expressed.

Slide 11

Bone connective tissue
FORMS: skeletal bones FUNCTIONS: Supportive, motor, protective STRUCTURE: Living cells with long processes, interconnected, intercellular substance - inorganic salts and ossein protein.

Slide 12

STRUCTURE: Groups of fibrous, densely lying cells without intercellular substance FORMS: Skin itself, tendons, ligaments FUNCTIONS: Integumentary, protective, motor
Dense fibrous
Loose fibrous
STRUCTURE: Loosely arranged fibrous cells intertwined. FORMS: Subcutaneous fatty tissue. FUNCTIONS: Fills gaps between organs. Carries out thermoregulation of the body.

Slide 13

Fibrous connective tissue

Slide 14

Adipose connective tissue
The cells are large and filled with fat. Adipose tissue performs nutritional, shape-forming and thermoregulatory functions. Adipose tissue is divided into two types: white and brown.

Slide 15

Cartilaginous connective tissue
STRUCTURE: Living round or oval cells lying in capsules, the intercellular substance is dense, elastic, transparent
LOCATION: Intervertebral discs, cartilages of the larynx, trachea, auricle, surface of the joints
FUNCTIONS: Smoothing the rubbing surfaces of bones. Protection against airway deformation

Slide 16

Liquid connective tissue
Liquid connective tissue consists of formed elements (cells) and plasma (liquid with organic and mineral substances dissolved in it - serum and fibrinogen protein)

Slide 17

Liquid connective tissue
Carries O2 and nutrients throughout the body. Collects CO2 and dissimilation products. Ensures the constancy of the internal environment, chemical and gas composition of the body. Protective (immunity). Regulatory (humoral)

Slide 18

Muscle tissue classification
Muscle tissue

Slide 19

Properties of muscle tissue
Excitability Conductivity Contractility

Slide 20

Consists of myocytes that are long (up to several cm) and have a diameter of 50-100 microns; Cells are multinucleate, up to 100 nuclei;

Slide 21

The properties of this muscle tissue are a high rate of contraction and relaxation. Its activities are controlled by the will of man. It is part of the skeletal muscles, as well as the walls of the pharynx, the upper part of the esophagus, it forms the tongue, and the extraocular muscles.
Striated skeletal
In a light microscope, the cytoplasm appears as alternating dark and light stripes.

Slide 22

Consists of multinucleated cardiomyocytes with transverse striations of the cytoplasm. Cardiomyocytes are branched and form connections with each other - intercalary discs, which unite their cytoplasm. This type of muscle tissue forms the myocardium of the heart.

Slide 23

Striated heart
A special property of this tissue is automaticity - the ability to rhythmically contract and relax under the influence of excitation arising in the cells themselves. This tissue is involuntary.

Slide 24

Smooth muscle tissue
Consists of mononuclear cells - spindle-shaped myocytes with a length of 20 - 500 microns. This tissue has special properties: it contracts and relaxes slowly, is automatic, and is involuntary. It is part of the walls of internal organs: blood and lymphatic vessels, urinary tract, digestive tract.

Slide 25

Their cytoplasm in a light microscope looks uniform, without transverse striations.
Smooth muscle tissue

Slide 26

Nervous tissue
Nervous tissue consists of neurons and neuroglia.
Provides interaction between tissues, organs and systems of the body and their regulation.

The presentation was developed for a biology lesson in 8th grade, the section “General overview of the human body” contains not only material for the basic study of biology, but also for in-depth study. It may be useful for high school students and graduates in the process of preparing for the final certification in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam. The presentation widely presents examples of different types of fabrics and their descriptions.



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Slide captions:

Tissues of the human body Biology teacher of MKOU secondary school No. 1, Liski, Voronezh region Podvigina N. M.

Tissue is a collection of cells and intercellular substance that are similar in structure, origin and functions. Tissues of the human body Epithelial Muscular Connective Nervous

Epithelial tissues In epithelia there is almost no intercellular substance, and the cells are closely and firmly connected to each other. The epithelium is firmly attached to the underlying tissues by a basement membrane - a dense plate of protein fibers. There are integumentary epithelia (single-layer and multilayer), whose main function is barrier, and glandular epithelia, which perform a secretory function. Location of the epithelium

Single-layer epithelia Inner wall of the blood capillary Inner lining of the renal tubule Inner mucous membrane of the trachea

Stratified epithelia Outer layer of skin Inner mucous membrane of the esophagus

Glandular epithelium Glands are organs (or parts thereof) or individual cells, the main function of which is the formation and release (secretion) of certain substances. Exocrine glands (exocrine) remove substances to the external environment: to the surface of the body or into the lumen of hollow organs. Endocrine glands (endocrine) secrete substances (hormones) into the internal environment - into the blood. Diagram of the structure of the endocrine gland Diagram of the structure of the exocrine gland

Glandular epithelium The pancreas has both exocrine and endocrine parts, which is why it is called a mixed secretion gland.

Cuboidal epithelium

Ciliated epithelium

Columnar epithelium

Flat epithelium

Connective tissues Connective tissues are characterized by a strong development of intercellular substance. The mechanical properties of numerous varieties of connective tissues, the general function of which is to unite all other tissues and organs and create support for them, largely depend on its properties.

Dense fibrous tissue Dense fibrous connective tissue forms muscle tendons, ligaments, and the outer membranes of organs. The dense arrangement of protein fibers gives it greater strength.

Loose fibrous tissue Loose fibrous connective tissue is present in all organs, uniting their elements.

Adipose tissue Adipose tissue forms the layer under the skin and the layers between internal organs. Contains fat cells almost completely filled with a large drop of fat.

Blood and lymph Blood and lymph have a liquid intercellular substance (plasma). Therefore, they can move through blood vessels, transferring substances between different parts of the body.

BONE TISSUE The intercellular substance of bone tissue is hard due to the deposition of crystals of calcium salts. Cartilage tissue has high elasticity.

Tubular bone section

Cartilage tissue Cartilage tissue has high elasticity. Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage

Muscle tissue The main property of these tissues is contractility - the ability to tense and shorten. This property is provided by cellular contractile proteins. There are smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues. The last two are called striated because in them the contractile proteins are ordered so that under a microscope the muscle fibers appear striated. The work of contractile proteins

Striated muscle tissue Contractile proteins are collected in bundles and laid along one axis with alternating actin and myosin.

Striated muscle tissue Forms the basis of skeletal muscles, providing body movement, as well as breathing and a number of other functions. Contains long (up to 10 cm or more) muscle fibers formed by the fusion of individual cells. These fibers are isolated from each other and can contract separately. Therefore, the force of skeletal muscle contraction can be smoothly adjusted by changing the number of fibers included in the contraction.

Smooth muscle tissue Contractile proteins are located in different directions.

Smooth muscle tissue Smooth muscle tissue is located in many organs and facilitates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, urination, constriction of the bronchi and blood vessels, and other functions. Smooth muscle cells have an elongated shape and are usually combined with each other into bundles.

Cardiac muscle tissue Forms the heart muscle - the “engine” of blood circulation. The cells of this tissue are united into branched, interconnected fibers. Thanks to this structure, the heart muscle contracts as a single unit, which is very important for the normal functioning of the heart.

Nervous tissue Nervous tissue forms the nervous system and provides nervous regulation of body functions. It contains two main types of cells: nerve cells (neurons) and satellite cells (neuroglia cells).

Nervous tissue Nerve cells (neurons) receive, process and transmit information. A neuron consists of a body and processes. Dendrites are processes that transmit information to the neuron body. An axon is a process that transmits information from the body of a neuron. Functional types of neurons: 1. Sensitive neurons receive information. 2. Interneurons make up about 99% of all nerve cells and provide information processing. 3. Motor neurons transmit signals to the executive organs.

Nervous tissue Companion cells (neuroglia cells) provide support, protection, and nutrition to neurons. They are also involved in the formation of nerve fibers.

Synapses The transfer of information from neuron to neuron or to another cell is carried out by chemicals (mediators) through special intercellular connections - synapses. Synaptic vesicles are filled with transmitters. Between the membranes of neighboring neurons there is a synaptic cleft. Sodium ions float in it. When a neuron is excited, synaptic vesicles separate from the tubules and move to the outer membrane of the neuron. Having reached it, they open, and their contents (transmitter) enter the synaptic cleft. The mediators “float” to the membrane of the neighboring cell and “open” sodium channels. Na + ions rush into the neighboring neuron, causing a change in its charge.