The morning, quiet and clear, stunned me. A narrow but deep river, pink in the rays of the sun, splashes at your very feet. A light breeze barely sways the coastal bushes. No noise, no rustling.

There were several anglerfish sheltered on the shore, who, as it turned out, had come from nearby villages. A fisherman sits on a sandbank, near a snag that was once thrown out by the wind. His tackle is simple and reliable. He attaches a piece of raw crayfish neck to the hook (the crayfish are lying next to him in the bag) and throws the bait into the middle of the river. His weight, I noticed, was heavier than usual. The lead semicircular plate fits tightly to the bottom, and water flows well around it without moving it from its place. However, there is almost no current felt here.

Having cast his fishing rods, the fisherman becomes alert and for some time stares at the flexible twig stuck in the sand. But then the twig begins to twitch and shake, and soon several fish are fluttering on the sand: a handsome perch, a red roach, a silver ide.

Fishing is, of course, an amazing thing! (142 words) (According to V. Soloukhin)

I received the task of bringing several rare animals from an expedition sent to Transcaucasia.

A few minutes later I was already at Uncle Prokhor's. There was a crowd standing there, watching a large jungle cat lying on the ground. A short chain of a trap, attached to a stake driven into the ground, brought the cat to the ground. I threw off my leather jacket and, covering my face with it, approached the beast. The beast was tied up and placed in a cage. However, he behaved strangely: he did not try to free himself, lay motionless in the corner of the cage, not touching the food offered to him, and did not seem to notice people.

Fearing for the cat's life, I let a live chicken into his cage - a cat's favorite food in the wild. At first, the chicken, frightened by its dangerous neighbor, rushed around the cage, but then calmed down. The predator didn't pay any attention to her. After living two more days, the cat died. Apparently, he could not come to terms with the loss of freedom. The chicken, doomed to be eaten, remained unharmed and was released into the wild. (162 words) (According to E. Spangenberg)

Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners

The brothers Cyril and Methodius brought the light of writing and knowledge to the lands of the Slavs. They compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated sacred and church books from Greek into Slavic.

Cyril (before becoming a monk his name was Constantine) and Methodius lived in Thessaloniki, the famous trading city of Byzantium. Around Thessaloniki, Slavic tribes grew bread. Craftsmen lived in the city, but they were illiterate. A book was considered an unaffordable luxury.

Several years have passed, and Konstantin, already famous for his learning, comes to the capital. Here, in Constantinople, he studies with famous scientists: with Photius - literature, with Leo the Mathematician - mechanics, astronomy.

To obtain a higher education, one was required to study seven sciences: grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, arithmetic, geometry, and music. Konstantin gradually becomes the best student. Over the course of ten years, he mastered a number of languages: Slavic, Greek, Arabic. Knowledge of Slavic, which then existed only in oral form, determined his future life and activities. (139 words)

(According to V. Yanchenko)

A sensitive ear catches the familiar sounds of spring. Up above, almost overhead, a drum trill was heard, ringing and joyful. No, this is not the creaking of an old tree, as inexperienced urban people usually think when they find themselves in the forest in early spring. Having chosen a dry tree, the forest musician, the spotted woodpecker, drums like spring. Everywhere: in the forest, closer and further, drums sound solemnly, as if echoing one another. This is how woodpeckers welcome spring.

Here, warmed by the rays of the March sun, a heavy white cap fell from the top of the tree, crumbling into snow dust. And, as if alive, the green branch, freed from the winter shackles, sways for a long time, as if waving its hand.

A flock of spruce crossbills, whistling cheerfully, scattered like a red-lingonberry necklace over the tops of spruce trees hung with cones. Only a few know that these cheerful, sociable birds spend the entire winter in coniferous forests, skillfully arranging warm nests in thick branches. Leaning on your ski poles, you admire for a long time how nimble birds fiddle with the cones with their beaks, choosing seeds from them, how, circling in the air, light husks quietly fall onto the snow. (149 words)

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Migration is a difficult period in the life of birds, requiring them to devote all their strength. However, they become travelers, despite the difficulties they have to overcome along the way.

One of the mysteries of nature is the ability of birds to determine the start time of migration. It is not difficult for them to set harvest dates for wintering. Inclement autumn weather, shortening daylight hours - all this hurries you on the road. Another thing is returning to nesting sites, to their homeland. How do birds, living in the tropics, determine the approach of spring in our country? Apparently, they are helped by the bird's biological clock.

As you know, the sun moves from the eastern regions of the sky to the western ones during the day. Surprising observations show the ability of birds to navigate by the sun. For many birds this ability is innate. For birds who have not inherited this knowledge, a fantastic memory helps them remember the landmarks they need along the way. Birds, scientists say, also sense earthly odors, listen to sounds coming from below, take into account the magnitude of the centrifugal force that arises when the Earth rotates, and react to changes in its magnetic field. (148 words) (According to B. Sergeev)

The approach of night

The summer day is fading, and a resounding silence reigns in the falling forest. The tops of the giant pines are still red with the gentle glow of the burnt dawn, but below it is becoming dark. The aroma of resinous branches, sharp and dry, weakens, but the cloying smell of smoke spreading across the ground from a distant forest fire is stronger through it. Silently and quickly, night falls to the ground. As the sun set, the birds fell silent.

It got completely dark. The eye, accustomed to the gradual transition from light to darkness, discerns the vague silhouettes of trees around. Not a sound or rustle is heard in the forest, but in the air you can feel the amazing herbal smell floating from the fields.

Everywhere: both to the right and to the left of the path - there are low tangled bushes, and around it, clinging to branches, swaying and stretching, torn shreds of fog, unclear, white, wander.

A strange sound suddenly echoes through the forest. It is long, low and seems to come out of the ground. (133 words)According to A. Kuprin)

In distant childhood, with a special joyful feeling, we greeted the cranes returning to their homeland in the spring. Hearing their voices coming from the high sky, we left our games and, raising our heads, looked into the blue heavenly heights.

“Cranes! Cranes! - we shouted loudly, rejoicing at the arrival of spring guests.

The cranes flew in slender schools. They were returning from distant warm countries. Having circled over a swamp or over a river bank, they sometimes sat down to rest and refresh their strength after a long journey.

I once had the opportunity to observe cranes closely. I hunted a wood grouse near a large, almost impenetrable swamp. While spending the night in the forest, you know, many times at dawn I heard the cranes dancing in circles. Having made my way to the swamp, hiding in the dense dense bushes, I watched these wonderful birds through binoculars. Gathered in a wide circle, flapping their strong wings, the cranes trumpeted and danced. This, of course, was the spring wedding crane festival.

Grammar tasks.

Option 1.

2. Extract from the sentence Circling over the swamps...

1. Parsing the sentence

Having made our way to the swamp, hiding in the dense bushes,...

2. Extract from the sentence Hearing their voices coming from the high sky... all phrases, make their diagrams, indicate the types of connections between words.

Final control dictation in 8 grades A-B.

On the hunt.

Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed to be asleep. Ermolai and I walked along the pond, but, firstly, the duck, a cautious bird, did not stay close to the shore; secondly, even if some teal was subjected to our shots, our dogs were not able to get it.

We swam quite slowly. Finally, we got to the reeds, and the fun began. Of course, we didn’t get all the birds we had shot, but by lunchtime our boat was still filled with game. Vladimir, to Yermolai’s great consolation, did not shoot well at all. Yermolai shot, as always, victoriously.

Towards the end of the hunt, the ducks began to rise in such flocks that we barely had time to load our guns. Suddenly, from the strong movement of Ermolai, a healthy and strong man, our dilapidated vessel was scooped up and quickly sank to the bottom, fortunately, not in a deep place.

A moment later we were standing in water up to our necks. Now I cannot remember the frightened and pale faces of my comrades without laughing. But at that moment, I admit, it never occurred to me to laugh.

(I. Turgenev)

Grammar tasks.

Option 1.

1. Full parsing of the sentence

Vladimir, to the great consolation of Ermolai,...

2. Extract from the sentence

When suddenly, from the strong movement of Ermolai, a healthy and strong man,

... all phrases, make their diagrams, indicate the types of connections between words.

We were sitting in the Suchka boardwalk. It was not very convenient for us, but hunters are an unscrupulous people. Suchok stood at the blunt rear end of the boat and worked with his pole. Vladimir and I were sitting on the beam of the boat. Ermolai placed himself in front, right next to the nose. Despite the tow, water soon appeared under our feet. Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed to be asleep.

We swam quite slowly. The old man had difficulty pulling his long pole out of the viscous mud, all tangled with green threads of underwater grasses. The solid, round leaves of the marsh lilies also interfered with the progress of our boat. Finally we reached the reeds, and the fun began. The ducks rose noisily from the pond, frightened by our unexpected appearance in their domain. Shots rang out in unison after them, and it was fun to see how these short-haired birds tumbled in the air and splashed heavily on the water. Of course, we didn’t get all the shot ducks. The lightly wounded dived. Others, killed on the spot, fell into such thick reeds that even Yermolai’s lynx eyes could not find them. But still, by lunchtime our boat was filled to the brim with game.

Vladimir, to the great consolation of Yermolai, did not shoot well at all and after each unsuccessful shot he was surprised, examined and blew out the gun, was perplexed and, finally, told us the reason why he missed. Ermolai shot, as always, victoriously, I shot rather poorly, as usual. Twig looked at us with the eyes of a man who had been in the lord’s service from his youth and occasionally shouted: “There, there’s another duck!”

The weather was beautiful: white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water. The reeds whispered all around. The pond in places sparkled like steel in the sun. We were about to return to the village, when suddenly a rather unpleasant incident happened to us.

We could notice for a long time that water was gradually gathering into our boardwalk. Vladimir was tasked with scooping it out with a ladle. Things went as they should until Vladimir forgot his duty. But towards the end of the hunt, as if saying goodbye, the ducks began to rise in such herds that we barely had time to load our guns. In the heat of the firefight, we did not pay attention to the condition of our plank. Suddenly, from the strong movement of Ermolai, our dilapidated ship tilted, scooped up water and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately, not in a deep place. We screamed, but it was already too late. A moment later we were standing in water up to our necks, surrounded by the floating bodies of dead ducks. Now I cannot remember the frightened and pale faces of my comrades without laughing. But at that moment, I admit, it never occurred to me to laugh. Each of us held his gun above his head, and Suchok, probably out of habit of imitating his masters, raised the pole up.

Exercise 282. In an excerpt from the story of I.S. Turgenev “Lgov” determine the aesthetic function of various parts of speech in the process of figurative concretization. Analyzing the content of the text, show how the increase in the dynamism of the action is reflected in the particular use of nominal and verbal forms. Name the verbs that convey the dynamics of struggle, hunting, and verbs that depict gesture, human behavior; indicate their grammatical features (type, mood, tense, etc.). Evaluate the stylistic use of verbs.

A quarter of an hour later we were already sitting in the boarding house Suchok... At the blunt, rear end stood Suchok and “pushed”; Vladimir and I were sitting on the beam of the boat; Ermolai placed himself in front, right next to the nose. Despite the tow, water soon appeared under our feet. Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed to be asleep.

We swam quite slowly. The old man with difficulty pulled his long pole out of the viscous mud, all tangled with green threads of underwater grasses; The solid, round leaves of the marsh lilies also interfered with the progress of our boat. Finally we reached the reeds, and the fun began. The ducks rose noisily, “flew” from the pond, frightened by our unexpected appearance in their domain, shots rang out in unison after them, and it was fun to see how these short-bodied birds tumbled in the air and splashed heavily on the water. Of course, we didn’t get all the shot ducks: the easily wounded ones dived; others, killed on the spot, fell into such a thick mayor that even Yermolai’s lynx eyes could not open them; but still, by lunchtime our boat was filled to overflowing with game.

Vladimir, to the great consolation of Yermolai, did not shoot well at all and after each unsuccessful shot he was surprised, examined and blew out the gun, was perplexed and, finally, told us the reason why he missed. Ermolai shot, as always, victoriously, I shot rather poorly, as usual. The knot looked at us... occasionally shouted: “There, there’s another duck!” - and every now and then he scratched his back - not with his hands, but with his shoulders set in motion. The weather was beautiful: white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water; the reeds whispered all around; The pond in places sparkled like steel in the sun. We were about to return to the village, when suddenly a rather unpleasant incident happened to us.

Exercise 283. In an excerpt from the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” determine the expressive function of verbs. Indicate in what time frame the narrative is being told, pay attention to the change in forms of present and past tense in the speech of the author and participants in the dialogue, to the use of verbs in the indicative and imperative mood. Highlight those sentences in which the expressive meaning of verbs is enhanced. Evaluate the writer’s artistic use of the stylistic resources of morphology.

Are you that disappointed? - asked Bazarov.

No,” Odintsova said deliberately, “but I’m not satisfied.” It seems that if I could become strongly attached to something... ‹...›

“You’re flirting,” he thought, “you’re bored and teasing me because you have nothing to do, but I...” His heart really was breaking. ‹…›

“Why is Katya playing so late,” Odintsova noted. Bazarov stood up.

Yes, it’s definitely too late now, it’s time for you to rest.

Wait, where are you rushing... I need to tell you one word.

Wait,” Odintsova whispered. Her eyes settled on Bazarov; she seemed to be examining him carefully.

He walked around the room, then suddenly approached her, hastily said “goodbye,” squeezed her hand so that she almost screamed, and walked out. She raised her stuck fingers to her lips, blew on them and suddenly, impulsively rising from her chair, walked with quick steps towards the door, as if wanting to bring Bazarov back... The maid entered the room with a decanter on a silver tray. Odintsova stopped, told her to leave and sat down again, and again began to think. Her braid unfurled and fell like a dark snake onto her shoulder. The lamp burned for a long time in Anna Sergeevna’s room, and for a long time she remained motionless, only occasionally running her fingers over her hands, which were slightly bitten by the night cold.

Exercise 284. In an excerpt from the novel by A.I. Herzen “The Past and Thoughts” show the features of the use of verb forms in different parts of the text, distinguishing between description, narration, reasoning; monologue and dialogic speech. Analyze the choice of forms of aspect, mood, tense, person, number; appreciate their expressive capabilities.

Once, on a long winter evening at the end of 1838, we were sitting, as always, alone, reading and not reading, talking and being silent and silently continuing to talk. It was freezing outside, and the office was not entirely warm. Natasha felt unwell and lay on the sofa, covered with a mantilla, I sat nearby on the floor; reading was not going well, she was absent-minded, thinking about something else, she was preoccupied with something, her face changed.

Alexander,” she said, “I have a secret, come closer here, I’ll tell you in your ear, or not, guess it.” ‹…›

Just as the human breast is rich in sensations of happiness, if only people knew how to surrender to them without being amused by trifles. ...We waste, let the best minutes slip through our fingers, as if God knows how many of them are in stock. We usually think about tomorrow, about next year, while we need to grab with both hands the overflowing cup that life itself holds out, unbidden, with its usual generosity - and drink and drink until the cup passes on to others. hands. Nature does not like to treat and offer for a long time.
Exercise 285. In an excerpt from M. Gorky’s story “Kalinin,” highlight the verbs, noting the features of the use of their aspectual and tense forms. Determine the functional-semantic type of speech and show the expressive function of verbs in context.

Autumn, autumn - the wind whistles from the sea and wildly drives the foaming waves ashore - black ribbons of algae flash like snakes in the white manes, and the air is filled with damp, salty dust.

The coastal stones hum angrily; the dry rustling of the trees is alarming, they shake their tops, bend, as if they want to tear the roots out of the ground and run to the mountains, dressed in a heavy coat of dark clouds.

Above the sea, the clouds are torn to shreds and rush to the ground, revealing bottomless blue abysses where the autumn sun burns restlessly. Shadows slide across the rutted sea; on the ground, the wind presses the clouds to the sides of the mountains, the clouds wearily creep up and down, huddle in the gorges and smoke there smoky.

Everything around is frowning, arguing with each other, angrily darkening and shining coldly, blinding the eyes; Along a narrow road, covered from the sea by a ridge of stones caressed by the waves, leaves of plane trees, black maples, oaks, and cherry plums are running, chasing each other. Splashing, rustling, whistling - everything boiled into one continuous sound, you listen to it like a song, the uniform impacts of waves on stones sound like rhymes.

Exercise 286. Determine the expressive function of verbs, noting the features of the use of forms of aspect, tense, mood.

The green Antelope, creaking in all its parts, rushed along the outer passage of the Boulevard of Young Talents and flew out into the market square. There, the crew of the Antelope saw a strange picture. A man with a white goose under his arm was running bent over from the square towards the highway. With his left hand he held a hard straw hat on his head. A large crowd ran after him screaming. The man running away often looked back, and on his handsome actor’s face one could see an expression of horror.

Panikovsky is running! - Balaganov shouted.

The second stage of stealing the goose,” Ostap noted coldly. - The third stage will begin after the culprit is caught. It is accompanied by sensitive beatings.

Panikovsky probably guessed that the third stage was approaching, because he ran at full speed. Out of fear, he did not let go of the goose, and this caused great irritation in his pursuers.

Article one hundred and sixteen,” Kozlevich said by heart. - Secret as well as open theft of cattle from the working agricultural and pastoral population.

Balaganov laughed. He was consoled by the thought that the violator of the convention would receive legal retribution.

The car got out onto the highway, cutting through the noisy crowd.

Save! - Panikovsky shouted when the Antelope caught up with him.

“God will provide,” answered Balaganov, hanging overboard. The car doused Panikovsky in clouds of crimson dust.

Take me! - Panikovsky screamed with all his strength, staying close to the car. - I'm good.

Maybe we can take the bastard? - asked Ostap.

“No need,” Balaganov answered harshly, “let him know how to violate conventions next time.”

But Ostap had already made his decision.

Panikovsky immediately obeyed. The goose got up from the ground dissatisfied, scratched himself and, as if nothing had happened, went back to the city.

Get in,” Ostap suggested, “to hell with you!” But don’t sin again, otherwise I’ll tear your hands out by the roots.

Panikovsky, shuffling his legs, grabbed the body, then leaned on the side with his stomach, rolled into the car, like a swimmer in a boat, and, knocking his cuffs, fell to the bottom.

Full speed ahead,” Ostap commanded.

The meeting continues.

(Ilf I. and Petrov E.)
Exercise 287. Highlight the verbs; indicate their grammatical features (aspect, tense, mood, person, number, voice meanings); Note the features of use in the context of verb forms. Evaluate the expressive capabilities of the verb as a part of speech and the traditions of its stylistic use for expressive purposes that have developed in Russian literature.

1. The whole hut shook, trembled, and the cochet in the entryway screamed in a bad voice, howled and banged his head against the eaves (Paust.). 2. She used to come running: “Uncle Misha, catch the muskrat, it’s really necessary!” Now I’m taking a net, I know all the holes, bring the net to the exit, scare it - it’s done (Sol.). 3. So... that’s right, let’s create such a comprehensive team without bureaucracy (Polev.). 4. Come here, Globa!.. That’s the thing. You will go to the other side, you will find Vasily, you will tell him to put off the explosion of the bridge (Sim.). 5. Pass through the light - nowhere will you find that holy and purer friendship that happens in war (Tvard.). 6. Why do you think I should lie still like a stone? I’m as healthy as an ox, I’ve never been sick in my life (Kar.). 7. The boy... spun the wheel with all his might (N. Evdokimov). 8. ...And the doctors, who have their own opinion... remained silent. The sixteen-year-old boy died, and he died! (German) 9. At the Lesogorsk plant, it was difficult for Yulia and me at first... And then this Sonechka Chelishcheva appeared! (Kar.) 10. No, you’re wearing a pouch! Lost somewhere, grab-grab, and there’s no trace (Tvard.). 11. I really miss you. For work, for school, for people. And you take it and come. - So, you still miss me? - he asked less confidently (Germ.). 12. “Let’s go to bed while the sun is shining,” suggested the new comrade. - Now at least let’s get some sleep, otherwise we won’t be able to close our eyes at night because of the cold (Hyde.). 13. Kirill’s [eyes] changed quickly: then suddenly they would flash heavily with the matte tint of old copper, then they would lighten like tobacco (Fed.). 14. Among her bitter thoughts and regrets, Katya suddenly remembered the sandy wet path... She herself, Katya, was walking along the path in a brown dress and a black apron. The sand crunches under your shoes. Katya feels how light and thin she is, how the breeze blows her hair... (A.T.)

Exercise 288. Evaluate the use of conjugated forms of the verb. Note the unmotivated use of present tense verbs to mean past tense and vice versa; indicate the diversity of temporal, specific, species-temporal forms. Edit the text.

1. After graduating from school, Kovalev goes to work at a factory, where in a short time he acquired the qualifications of a turner. 2. Moscow pigeon breeders annually hold various competitions, during which the birds cover distances from 300 to 1,500 km. 3. The deceased writer makes a statement of protest against falsification. 4. He dreams of devoting himself to literary activity, but the play he had conceived remained unfinished, and he quit his literary studies. 5. The regional services department takes the wrong position. It not only calmly reacted to violations in the work of Rembyttekhnika, but also itself established tasks in which the needs of farmers were assigned a secondary role.
Exercise 289. Analyze the use of verbs. Indicate the confusion of subject-object relations and the resulting ambiguity and ambiguity of the statement as a result of the incorrect use of reflexive verbs.

Indicate speech errors in the use of verb forms (use of colloquial variants, use of intransitive verbs in the meaning of transitive ones, unmotivated use of reflexive forms, errors in the choice of aspectual and tense forms of the verb, etc.). Eliminate any errors you notice by suggesting options for stylistic corrections.

1. Car after car came up and loaded themselves with vegetables. 2. Major research in the field of animal husbandry theory continued. 3. The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works was annually included on the Board of Honor... 4. 250 hectares that were occupied with corn were treated with disc harrows after deep plowing. 5. Now our site has been taken over by housing. 6. The cyclone threatened to flood. 7. The sky is covered in a glow, and it becomes creepy. 8. Work is performed with high quality. 9. Recently, the connection between the workshop staff and the students of the vocational school has weakened. 10. The seeds are placed in a jar, which is sealed and sealed with sealing wax or paraffin. 11. Boil 1/4 liter of milk and dilute 10 grams of soaked gelatin in it. 12. The tree spread thick branches, so that our cars could sit comfortably under it. 13. Khanov said as he walked: “I’m in a hurry, the car has broken down.” But he could not refuse his comrades, and the car suddenly corrected itself. 14. I achieved what I wanted. Let others support you! 15. The performance was performed on stage for 18 years in a row. During this time, the actors and spectators grew old, but it seems to me that the mood in the hall did not change. 16. Pervitsky was courted by noisy fame and went to others. 17. The writer introduces a hero who does not know how to put on stockings himself and lies on the sofa all day.

Exercise 290 Compare the unedited and edited versions of the sentences; Explain what errors have been eliminated, make your own adjustments to the stylistic edits.
1. Anna Fedorovna organizes an excursion to the library, introduces the children to its collections and staff.

1. Anna Fedorovna organizes an excursion to the library, introduces the children to its collections and staff.

2. A good grade, even given in advance, would cheer up the girl, inspire the desire to learn, and dispel the fog of indifference.

2. A good grade, even given in advance, would encourage the girl, make her believe in herself, and make her want to learn.

3. During the year, the plan was adjusted several times, some topics were diversified.

3. During the year, we repeatedly adjusted the plan and made changes to some topics.

4. In order to work on your own idea from a young age, you need to be a genius, be able to not be afraid of the difficulties that immediately arise if a student or even a graduate student wants to tackle a topic that does not work on the theory of his supervisor.

4. In order to work on your own idea from a young age, you need to be talented and not be afraid of the difficulties that will immediately arise if a student or even a graduate student wants to tackle a topic not related to the theory of his supervisor.

5. When measuring illumination, accidental darkening should be avoided, however, shadows on the working surface should not be specially eliminated at the time of examination.

5. When measuring illumination, accidental darkening must be avoided; at the same time, shadows on the working surface at the time of measurement should not be eliminated.

6. We manufacture reinforced concrete products that are used for the construction of factories and factories.

6. We manufacture reinforced concrete products that are used for the construction of factories and factories.

7. The formulas are simplified and will look like this...

7. The formulas are simplified and look like this...

8. Exhausted, he fell into a short sleep, but suddenly woke up from a sharp jolt of the carriage.

8. Exhausted, he fell into a short sleep, but at times he woke up from a sharp jolt of the carriage.

9. He dreams of devoting himself to literary activity, but the works he conceived remained unfinished.

9. He dreamed of devoting himself to literary activity, but the works he conceived remained unfinished.

himself in the circle of students, whom he constantly selflessly helps.

10. He felt best among his students, whom he constantly selflessly helped.

11. Maybe this globality of a soldier’s feat was written too loudly for me.

11. Perhaps the greatness of the soldier’s feat was described by me too pathetically.

6.5.1. Participle

Exercise 291. Use the correct participle form, choosing from those given in brackets; justify your choice.

1. Gorky is a writer, from childhood (imbued, imbued) with sympathy for his people. 2. The (swollen, swollen) buds on the trees opened. 3. A man sat in front of me, slightly tired, (accustomed, accustomed) to everyone’s attention. 4. The problem (discussed, debated) on the pages of the newspaper is not very simple. 5. Now I see that this is an author who carefully (treats, treats) his native word.
Exercise 292. Correct errors in the formation and use of verbs, participles, and gerunds. Pay special attention to the use of aspect and mood tense forms.
1. Stolypin significantly expanded the curriculum at the Ural Military School. The students listened to lectures on history, mastered military affairs, and after graduating from college... were promoted to cornet. The children of ordinary Cossacks, having graduated from college, mostly entered the Ataman’s office, where they were promoted to constables. 2. Leaving Kronstadt and landing the first troops off the coast of... the Moray Peninsula, the first squadron of Admiral Spiridonov, together with the rebel Greeks, captured the cities of Mizithra and Arcadia. 3. A fire occurred due to careless handling of fire while drunk. 4. It is necessary not only to notify about the successful work of the team, but also to reveal the secrets of these achievements and tell how they organize their work. 5. Persons who try to go to the pier at night will be faced with the fact that the lights are not lit along the entire route to the pier. 6. - And Polina’s husband? - This figure is almost intangible. - Where he works? We see him constantly babysitting children and busying himself around the house. 7. Experts unanimously noted positive changes in this previously lagging sport. 8. Some enterprises that were very popular in the past are now performing worse. 9. The installation of the turbine was completed a month ahead of schedule. 10. The artist’s plan reflected the importance that he attached to the cause of the Decembrists, the confidence that it would be continued by descendants who wished to see in person the first heroes of the liberation movement in Russia... 11. Organizations that were the first to pave the access roads to the railway line will be awarded a prize . 12. There are many workers at the factory who would be willing to do aerobics in health groups.

Exercise 293. Indicate errors in the use of non-conjugated forms of the verb (unmotivated use of participles, gerunds, incorrect formation). Replace inconjugated forms of the verb with conjugated ones as necessary; edit the texts.

1. Titov, risking his life, saving the mine from disaster, becoming a writer, is also Korchagin’s heir. 2. Illuminated by enemy searchlights, under a shower of machine-gun fire, amidst explosions, the assault column rushed forward. 3. In the morning, passengers and pilots, partially frostbitten, were transported to the city by helicopter rescuers. 4. Particular attention should be paid to existing shortcomings in the quality of canned food and sausages. 5. The reason for the rupture of diplomatic relations between a number of powers in 1853 and the subsequent outbreak of hostilities was a long-standing dispute between the Orthodox and Catholic churches over the ownership of Christian shrines in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. 6. So what has long been expected by our peasantry has happened: the Law on Land has been adopted.
Exercise 294. Analyze the expression of voices in participles; eliminate errors in their formation and use. Edit the sentences.

1. This ensemble has both folklore and an ultra-modern singing style, but, most importantly, there is an idea that can be traced literally in all directions. 2. We will show you footage from a new film being filmed at the Mosfilm film studio. 3. When a year later I stood in front of this painting in the basement, that era seemed to me completely foggy and long ago pushed into the depths of centuries. 4. Located on an island washed by river branches, the exhibition will occupy an area of ​​40 hectares. 5. This year an event that was important for the entire enterprise occurred: we began to produce shoes that were awarded the Quality Mark. 6. Do not leave heating stoves unattended. The latter is important for everyone, but especially for schools, hospitals, childcare centers, and vegetable stores. 7. Gregory scattered the debris that filled the well, without thinking about what could damage the spacesuit. 8. Sailors heading to a ship going on voyages operated by ships of our shipping company must have the opportunity to quickly undergo a medical examination.

Exercise 295. Compare the unedited and edited versions of the sentences. Indicate the corrected errors (unmotivated use of participles, creating speech redundancy or distorting the meaning of the statement; unjustified replacement of the conjugated form of the verb with a participle when indicating the main action; stringing together participial phrases, creating cumbersome construction; use of an active participle in the meaning of the passive; incorrect formation of participles and other shortcomings of style ); If you disagree with the editor, make your own adjustments.
1. This marked the beginning of the process of returning into the hands of the nation its natural resources, which had been plundered by foreign monopolies for decades.

1. Thus began the process of returning to the people the country’s natural resources, which had been stolen by foreign monopolies for decades.

2. The existing shortcomings in this matter necessitate the distribution of circulations in accordance with the personnel stationed in the country.

2. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to take into account the location of educational institutions throughout the country when distributing circulations.

3. In place of dilapidated buildings that did not represent historical value, buildings of 12-story buildings with public service enterprises located in them will rise.

3. In place of dilapidated buildings of no historical value, 12-story buildings will rise. Their lower floors will house consumer service enterprises.

4. The school located next door will be represented at the rally by twenty students.

4. A neighboring school will be represented at the rally by 20 students.

5. T. Novikov defended his diploma excellently, graduating from a factory technical school.

5. T. Novikov graduated from the factory technical school, defending his diploma with excellent results.

6. Atoms are structured in such a way that one or more electrons can be relatively easily removed from the atom.

6. The structure of atoms is such that one or more electrons can easily be detached.

7. The simultaneous growth of all these solid crystalline formations, colliding with each other, crowding each other and preventing the neighbors from developing normally, led to the fact that the crystals were unable to obtain their characteristic correct polyhedral shape.

7. The regular polyhedral shape characteristic of crystals is not formed if several solid crystalline formations grow in solution at the same time; they collide, crowd each other and thereby interfere with the formation of regular polyhedra.

8. Mechanical properties of steel, tested on samples made from rods forged from a piece cut from profit ingots, presented in table. 2, met the requirements of the technical specifications.

8. Samples for mechanical testing of steels were cut from rods obtained from the profitable part of the ingots. The test results showed (Table 2) that the mechanical properties of these steels meet the requirements of the specifications.

6.5.2. Participle

Exercise 296. Indicate errors in the formation of gerunds and their use in speech; edit sentences.
1. Menshoi-Dodonov constructed a phrase when writing feuilletons, with the same sweet intonations with which he spoke in life. 2. Having learned about the poet’s death, Varvara Alexandrovna was never able to recover from the blow, although she lived for another 10 years, dying at the age of thirty-six. 3. Having determined these quantities from astronomical and geodetic observations, the compression of the Earth is derived based on formulas. 4. They read instructions very vigilantly, taking note of everything new and interesting. 5. When you get ready for the holiday, don’t forget to buy rattles and sparklers. 6. In the World Chess Championship, G. Kasparov, meeting with A. Karpov, won a brilliant victory. 7. We took second place in the region, exporting 11,116 tons of fertilizers. 8. The height of the working plane and the top line of a person’s leg in a sitting position allows a drawer to be installed in the middle part of the table. 9. As chairman of the commission, I had to take exams from applicants for two months. 10. The course of treatment is designed for three months of daily taking two tablets with meals, washed down with water.

Exercise 297. In sentences, determine the subject of action for the predicate and for the gerund. Explain what are the errors in the construction of participial phrases; edit sentences.

1. While studying in the section, the boy had little time left. 2. Reasoning in this way, various options gradually disappeared. 3. I think that after graduating from college, my dream will come true. 4. Listening to these messages, one thought kept drilling into me. 5. So, preparing for the campaign, the days passed. 6. Having lowered the fishing rod, the spoon with a thicker layer of tin does not fall vertically, but goes to the side. 7. By moving the roller in different directions, the varnish is evenly distributed over the surface. 8. Limiting ourselves to the first two terms of the equation, a linear relationship is obtained. 9. Using nouns in different genders, the meaning changes. 10. While still on the road in a comfortable carriage, tourists are introduced to the city, its historical and architectural monuments via radio. 11. Thank you, of course, for your care and attention, but, having spent the night lying on the floor under our fur coats, in the morning we had no time for competition. 12. When leaving home after a night shift, the equipment was covered to allow the builders to continue carrying out the necessary work during the day. 13. In preparation for the spring-summer season, 850,000 flowers of 60 names are planted in April and May, and another 5,000 shrubs and 160 large trees will be added to them. 14. This analysis is the most general; having it in hand, it is unclear what measures can be used to secure workers at enterprises. 15. The buildings are dismantled, carefully delivered to the museum and, having chosen a suitable location, are reassembled.
Exercise 298 Compare the unedited and edited versions; indicate which errors have been corrected. If you disagree with the editor, change the texts.
1. Gavrilov did not sleep for days, moving houses, saving equipment or clearing the runway.

1. Gavrilov spent days moving houses, rescuing equipment or clearing the runway.

2. Moving along a suburban highway and overtaking a city bus, I was stopped by a traffic police inspector for overtaking in the area of ​​a speed limit sign, which I did not see behind the overtaken vehicle.

2. When I was driving along a suburban highway and overtaking a city bus, a traffic police inspector stopped me in the area of ​​a speed limit sign, which I did not see because of the car overtaking me.

3. The plan for this operation was discussed at several meetings, without leading to any specific preparation.

3. The plan for this operation was discussed at several meetings, but there was no real preparation for it.

4. Looking into the group, we were presented with an interesting picture.

4. When we looked into the group, we were presented with an interesting picture.

5. Having read the story a second time, I think that it truthfully reflects the events of the war years.

5. Having read the story a second time, I came to the conclusion that it truthfully reflects the events of the war years.

6. By pushing his left leg forward and bending it slightly, the artist seeks to give the figure movement.

6. The artist seeks to convey movement by moving the statue’s left leg forward and slightly bending it at the knee.

7. The snake's teeth serve to hold the egg without crushing the shell.

7. The snake's teeth allow you to hold the egg without crushing the shell.

8. Having recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary, “Ryabinka” is full of strength and enthusiasm.

8. “Rowan”, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, is full of strength and enthusiasm.

9. Looking into the near future, the laboratory team, introducing their developments at other enterprises, hopes to obtain an even greater economic effect.

9. The laboratory team, implementing their developments at other enterprises, hopes to receive an even greater economic effect in the near future.

Exercise 299. Compare different editions of excerpts from the works of Russian writers. Explain the preference for some verbs and their grammatical forms over others, the refusal to use participles, gerunds, or the use of them instead of personal forms of the verb when auto-editing. Evaluate the stylistic use of the verb in the text.

I. 1. “What a fool the old man is!” - said their pale, thin and kind mother.

1. - Look, good people: the old man has gone crazy! Completely crazy! (G.)

2. The Metropolitan himself arrived... He promises royal forgiveness.

2. The Metropolitan himself appeared... “Repent, brothers!” - says (N.).

3. - Meanwhile, we should pay the laundress.

Really, it would be better to deal with the washerwoman.

It would be better if you paid the laundress.

3. - Settle accounts, madam, with the laundress! (N.)

II. 1. Chelkash interrupted his questions, turning away from the guy.

1. Chelkash spat contemptuously and turned away from the guy.

2. And in the quiet noise there sounded a song about a brave bird who loved the sky.

2. In their lion's roar, a song about a proud bird thundered, the rocks trembled from their blows, the sky trembled from a menacing song.

3. The boat moved quickly, with nervous jerks, noisily cutting through the water.

3. The boat seemed to be frightened and moved with quick nervous jerks.

4. Chelkash, bending forward, looked like a cat ready to jump.

4. Bent over, leaning forward, he looked like a cat ready to jump.

6. But Vyesovshchikov did not answer him and left.

6. Vyesovshchikov left without answering.

7. Pavel grinned, was silent and looked into the girl’s face with the same look with which he had previously looked at Natasha’s face.

7. Pavel, smiling, was silent and looked into the girl’s face with that soft gaze... (M. G.)

III. 1. I began to listen to agronomists.

1. ...listen to agronomists.

2. I am carrying out the order of the Soviet government.

2. I am following the order of the Soviet government (Shol.).

6.6. Adverb

Exercise 300. In excerpts from the poem by N.V. Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, indicate the adverbs and highlight those that perform an expressive function in speech. What categories of meaning do these adverbs belong to, what are the features of their word formation? Identify stylistic techniques for enhancing the expressiveness of adverbs that perform an expressive function (repetition of them, combination of synonyms, antonyms, strengthening their meaning with the help of adverbs of measure and degree, etc.).

The entire next day was devoted to visits; the visitor went to make visits to all the city dignitaries. …It’s a pity that it’s somewhat difficult to remember all the powers that be; but suffice it to say that the visitor showed extraordinary activity regarding visits: he even came to pay his respects to the inspector of the medical board and the city architect. And then he sat in the chaise for a long time, trying to figure out who else he could pay the visit to, but there were no other officials in the city. In conversations with these rulers, he very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone. He somehow hinted in passing to the governor that entering his province was like entering paradise...

The visitor seemed to avoid talking much about himself; if he spoke, then in some general places, with noticeable modesty, and his conversation in such cases took somewhat bookish turns: that he was an insignificant worm of this world and was not worthy of being cared for much, that he had experienced a lot in his life, endured in the service of truth, he had many enemies who even attempted his life, and now, wanting to calm down, he is finally looking to choose a place to live... After a short afternoon nap, he ordered to wash himself and rubbed both cheeks with soap for an extremely long time, propping them up from the inside with his tongue; then, taking a towel from the inn servant’s shoulder, he wiped his plump face from all sides with it, starting from behind his ears and first snorting twice or twice into the inn servant’s very face. Then he put on his shirtfront in front of the mirror, plucked out two hairs that had come out of his nose, and immediately after that he found himself in a lingonberry-colored tailcoat with a sparkle. ... Entering the hall, Chichikov had to close his eyes for a minute, because the shine from the candles, lamps and ladies' dresses was terrible. Everything was flooded with light. Black tailcoats flashed and fluttered separately and in heaps here and there, like flies scampering on white shining refined sugar during the hot July summer... Many of the ladies were well dressed and in fashion, others dressed in what God sent to the provincial city. Men here, as elsewhere, were of two kinds: some thin, who all hovered around the ladies; some of them were of such a type that it was difficult to distinguish them from those from St. Petersburg, they also had very deliberately and tastefully combed sideburns or simply beautiful, very smoothly shaven oval faces, they also casually sat down to the ladies, they also spoke French and they made the ladies laugh just like in St. Petersburg. Another class of men were fat or the same as Chichikov, that is, not too fat, but not thin either. These, on the contrary, looked askance and backed away from the ladies and only looked around to see if the governor’s servant had set up a green whist table somewhere... Alas! fat people know how to manage their affairs in this world better than thin people. The thin ones serve more on special assignments or are just registered and wander here and there; their existence is somehow too easy, airy and completely unreliable. Fat people never occupy indirect places, but all are straight, and if they sit somewhere, they will sit securely and firmly, so that the place will sooner crack and bend under them, and they will not fly off.

Exercise 301. Give a stylistic assessment of the use of adverbs. Indicate adverbs that perform the function of epithets and comparisons; highlight adverbs that appear in various forms of degrees of comparison and degrees of quality; In their composition, differentiate between bookish, outdated forms and colloquial, folk poetic forms. Give your examples of stylistically motivated use by poets of adverbs that have different stylistic connotations.

I. 1. Between business and leisure, she discovered the secret of how to autocratically rule a spouse, and then everything went smoothly. 2. Onegin walked quickly with Olga; leads her, gliding casually, and, bending over, gently whispers some vulgar madrigal to her, and shakes her hand - and the blush flared brighter in her proud face. 3. Chu... snow crunches... passerby; the maiden flies towards him on tiptoe, and her voice sounds more tender than a pipe tune. 4. It’s nice to infuriate a mistaken enemy with a daring epigram; It’s nice to see how he, stubbornly bowing his eager horns, involuntarily looks in the mirror and is ashamed to recognize himself; It’s more pleasant if he, friends, foolishly howls: it’s me! It is even more pleasant for him to prepare an honest coffin in silence and quietly aim at the pale forehead at a noble distance; but it will hardly be pleasant for you to send him to his fathers. 5. The river, dressed in ice, shines more neatly than fashionable parquet. The joyful people of the boys cut the ice sonorously with their skates; a heavy goose on red paws, having decided to swim along the bosom of the waters, steps carefully onto the ice, slides and falls. 6. The wind ran away. The prince burst into tears. 7. Ivan Petrovich was content with this first information and did not listen to me further. 8. Don’t call me back to labors abandoned forever. 9. Alexey liked Lisa more and more from hour to hour. 10. Mary, believe: I love you more than fame, more than power. 11. “Vanity of vanities,” said the priest, “and they will sing eternal memory to Kiril Petrovich, just like now for Andrei Gavrilovich, except the funeral will be richer, and more guests will be called.” 12. Buy what you can, cheaper and better (P.).

II. 1. I heard a cheerful voice: “Ah! Hello my dear! I haven’t seen you for a long time” (Es.). 2. “You’re a joker...” - “You too, Anna.” - “Do you love anyone?” - "No". - “Then it’s even more strange to ruin yourself from these years: such a road lies before you...” (Es.). 3. But most of all, love for my native land tormented, tormented and burned me (Es.). 4. I loved you more than all the successes and troubles because the yellowed white light with you is whiter than white (Past.). 5. We are forgotten, alone on earth. Let's sit quietly in the warmth. ...Only now you started threading light beads on threads again, as you once did, do you remember then... Oh, what a year those were! But when you were younger, you took brighter silks, and your hand moved faster... So now take more colorful ones, so that the silk that you thread into the needle will overcome this darkness with its diversity (Bl.).

III. 1. The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly nudges the bear with his foot (Kr.). 2. I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to approach the capitals for a shot! (Gr.) 3. Chairman of the treasury chamber, a representative obese old man, and director. I heard the debate, but about what? didn’t delve into it well (N.). 4. I feel sorry for the poor peasant, and even more so I feel sorry for the cattle; Having fed her meager supplies, the owner drove her into the meadows with a twig, but what could she take there? Chernekhonko! (N.) 5. You look to the right or to the left from the road: couples are walking friendly, are they heading towards the wrong grove? (N.) 6. I see Silantius holding pale Fedot by the ear. “Why are you holding him?” - “We want to flog Manenichko: he decided to feed the wolves with sheep!” (N.). 7. Tomorrow I’ll go to work early, I need to sleep better before light (N.). 8. Far, far away the bell is ringing. The fishermen in the hut woke up (Nikit.).
Exercise 302. Indicate occasional adverbs that create figurative speech; determine the sources of their expression (correlation with figurative adjectives and participles, the meaning of comparison contained in them, violation of lexical compatibility with verbs, etc.).

1. It [the field] glowed evenly (Bon.). 2. The tops of the pine trees rustled thickly overhead (Bon.). 3. The white and red steppe lay ahead (Lid.). 4. At dawn and cold the fog swirled around the Desna (Nose). 5. The windows of some buildings were blazing at sunset (Nose). 6. Onega, getting dark before winter, walked between the islands (Nose). 7. Is it possible to forget how the water smoked then, ringing like a bell with the November slush? (Yu. S.) 8. The Moscow River (St.) was blue and gleamed like scales in the free bend. 9. The sun rises higher, and the sea reflects it blindingly (Hol.). 10. The frozen branches of the poplar (Kal.) rang like glass in the blizzard wind. 11. And Lydia Anisimovna walked up to the table, kissed her husband on the cheek, and sat down (Lip.). 12. His allergic spots glowed like beets (Nag.). 13. Her eyes glowed amber (Yush.). 14. On the wooden platform, cans shone white and aluminum (Grove). 15. Metal obediently, stearin donkey (Nose).

Exercise 303. Compare different editions of excerpts from the works of Russian writers; explain the preference of some adverbs over others, the refusal to use certain adverbs and their inclusion in the text. At the same time, take into account the lexical meaning and stylistic features of adverbs, their use in literal and figurative meaning, their phonetic correspondence to the sound structure of poetic speech. Give a stylistic assessment of the artistic use of adverbs by writers.
I. 1. Peter, hearing the laughter and these screams, immediately left the other room.

1. Peter, hearing the laughter and these screams, left the other room.

2. Peter was extremely pleased with him.

2. Peter was very pleased with him.

3. Thus I learned the end of the story, whose beginning so amazed me in my first youth.

3. Thus I learned the end of the story, the beginning of which had once so amazed me.

4. They not only willingly accepted Vladimir’s offer, they swore to him eternal friendship and readiness to sacrifice their lives for him.

4. They not only accepted Vladimir’s offer, but even swore to him that they were ready to sacrifice their lives for him.

5. They remember past days and battles, where they (gloriously) fought together.

5. They remember days gone by and the battles where they fought together.

6. You will be able to appreciate your work better than everyone else.

6. You will be able to evaluate your work more strictly (P.).

II. And often, suddenly, shackled by dreams, he sat alone until late at night.

Sometimes caught in the steppe by dreams, he (L.) sat alone until late at night.

III. 1. The sea unfolded before them, going far into the distance, where full clouds floated out of its waters into the sky.

1. The sea unfolded before them, leaving into the blue distance, where mountains of clouds rose into the sky from its waters.

2. The sleepy sound of the waves splashing against the ships threatened with something, warned about something.

2. The sleepy sound of the waves hummed gloomily and was scary.

3. The sea shone, all in the southern sun, and the waves crashed noisily against the shore.

3. The sea shone, everything was in bright light, and the waves beat menacingly against the shore.

4. All these sounds, swaying hesitantly, stand in the sky above the harbor.

4. All these sounds, swaying rebelliously, stand low in the sky above the harbor (M.G.).
Exercise 304. Indicate stylistic shortcomings and errors in the use of adverbs (unmotivated use of a reduced (outdated) version, pleonastic combinations when using degrees of comparison, their colloquial forms, incorrect choice of adverb, etc.); correct them if the violation of the norm is not stylistically motivated.

1. “Further to the Kara Sea the coast is wider, about three kilometers, or even more,” noted Sergeant Antipov, behind whose rustic appearance hid an intelligent, strong-willed man, for whom danger and risk were his native element. 2. In every tree here there is a piece of Michurin’s soul, and it always seems that he just left the garden and will now return to his green pets. 3. The properties of the bred varieties are more intensely manifested under conditions of strict compliance with all requirements of agricultural technology. 4. This is a large, friendly family raising eight children: the eldest sister is not yet 15 years old, and the youngest is just almost born. 5. The new method turned out to be simpler and more economical, but mastering it required better organization of our work. 6. No one in the brigade can perform this operation more dexterously than Nina Petrovna. 7. The second pattern was made a little better, but there were still a lot of comments. 8. The work had to be submitted by tomorrow, but we had less and less hope for its successful completion. 9. The fog outside the door is getting thicker... 10. Here is the dog. How much simpler it is than the ancient magnificent fortresses! 11. There is nothing more disgusting than duplicity and servility, with which we will decisively and more and more fundamentally fight. 12. Vika put the raincoat on Mitya and fastened the buttons. “Pull up your collar,” I said. - You have to go out into the night with your collar up. It’s so beautiful.”

“Let’s go to Lgov,” Yermolai, already known to readers, once told me, “we’ll shoot plenty of ducks there.” Although for a real hunter a wild duck does not represent anything particularly captivating, but, for lack of other game (it was at the beginning of September: the woodcocks had not yet arrived, and I was tired of running through the fields after partridges), I listened to my hunter and went to Lgov. Lgov is a large steppe village with a very ancient stone one-domed church and two mills on the swampy Rosota River. This river, about five versts from Lgov, turns into a wide pond, along the edges and here and there in the middle overgrown with dense reeds, in Oryol's - Mayer. On this pond, in the backwaters or lulls between the reeds, countless numbers of ducks of all possible breeds were bred and kept: mallards, half-mallards, pintails, teals, pochards, etc. Small flocks every now and then flew over and rushed over the water, and rose when fired such clouds that the hunter involuntarily grabbed his hat with one hand and said in a drawn-out voice: phew! Ermolai and I went along the pond, but, firstly, the duck, a cautious bird, did not stay close to the shore; secondly, even if some backward and inexperienced teal was subjected to our shots and lost his life, then our dogs were not able to get him out of the continuous mayor: despite the most noble self-sacrifice, they could neither swim nor step on the bottom and only in vain did they cut their precious noses on the sharp edges of the reeds. “No,” Ermolai finally said, “things are wrong: we need to get a boat... Let’s go back to Lgov.” We are going. Before we had time to take a few steps, a rather crappy pointer dog ran out to meet us from behind a thick willow tree, and after it appeared a man of average height, in a blue, very shabby frock coat, a yellowish vest, and trousers the color of gris-de-lais or bleu-d -Cupid, hastily stuffed into holey boots, with a red scarf around his neck and a single-barreled gun over his shoulders. While our dogs, with the usual Chinese ceremony characteristic of their breed, sniffed at a new person for them, who, apparently, was cowardly, tucked his tail, threw back his ears and quickly turned over with his whole body, without bending his knees and baring his teeth, the stranger came up to us and bowed extremely politely. He looked about twenty-five years old; his long brown hair, heavily soaked in kvass, stuck out in motionless braids, his small brown eyes blinked affably, his whole face, tied with a black scarf, as if from a toothache, smiled sweetly. “Allow me to recommend myself,” he began in a soft and insinuating voice, “I am the local hunter Vladimir... Having heard about your arrival and learning that you deigned to go to the shores of our pond, I decided, if you don’t mind, to offer you my services.” Hunter Vladimir spoke like a provincial young actor playing the role of first lovers. I agreed to his proposal and, before even reaching Lgov, I had already managed to learn its history. He was a freed servant; in his tender youth he studied music, then served as a valet, knew how to read and write, read, as far as I could notice, some little books and, living now, like many people live in Rus', without a penny in cash, without a constant occupation, he just ate manna from heaven. He expressed himself with unusual grace and, apparently, flaunted his manners; The red tape, too, must have been terrible and, in all likelihood, he succeeded: Russian girls love eloquence. By the way, he let me notice that he sometimes visits neighboring landowners, and goes to the city to visit, and plays preference, and gets to know people from the capital. He smiled masterfully and extremely varied; What especially suited him was the modest, restrained smile that played on his lips when he listened to other people's speeches. He listened to you, he agreed with you completely, but still did not lose his self-esteem and seemed to want to let you know that he, too, could, on occasion, express his opinion. Ermolai, as a not very educated person and no longer at all “subtle,” began to “poke” him. You should have seen the grin with which Vladimir told him: “You, sir...” - Why are you tied with a scarf? - I asked him. - Toothache? “No, sir,” he objected, “this is a more harmful consequence of negligence.” I had a friend, a good man, sir, but not at all a hunter, as it happens, sir. So one day he says to me: “My dear friend, take me hunting: I’m curious to find out what this fun is.” I, of course, did not want to refuse my comrade; For my part, I got him a gun and took him hunting, sir. Well, we've had a good hunt; Finally we decided to rest, sir. I sat down under a tree; he, on the contrary, for his part, began to throw out the article with his gun, sir, and aimed at me. I asked him to stop, but due to his inexperience, he did not listen, sir. The shot rang out and I lost my chin and the index finger of my right hand. We reached Lgov. Both Vladimir and Ermolai both decided that it was impossible to hunt without a boat. “Suchok has a plank,” Vladimir noted, “but I don’t know where he hid it.” We need to run to him. - To whom? - I asked. “And here is a man who lives, his nickname is Bitch.” Vladimir went to Suchka with Ermolai. I told them that I would be waiting for them at the church. While examining the graves in the cemetery, I came across a blackened quadrangular urn with the following inscriptions: on one side in French letters: “Ci gît Théophile Henri, vicomte de Blangy”; on the other: “Under this stone is buried the body of a French subject, Count Blangius; born 1737, died 1799, his entire life was 62 years”; on the third: “Peace be upon him,” and on the fourth:

Under this stone lies a French emigrant;
He had a noble breed and talent,
Having mourned the beating of my wife and family,
I left my homeland, trampled upon by tyrants;
The Russian country has reached its shores,
In his old age he found a hospitable shelter;
Taught children, laid parents to rest...
The Supreme Judge reassured him here...

The arrival of Ermolai, Vladimir and a man with the strange nickname Suchok interrupted my thoughts. Barefoot, ragged and disheveled, Suchok seemed to be a retired servant, about sixty years old. - Do you have a boat? - I asked. “There is a boat,” he answered in a dull and broken voice, “but it’s painfully bad.”- And what? — Unstuck; Yes, rivets fell out of the holes. - Great trouble! - Yermolai picked up. - You can plug it with tow. “It’s known, it’s possible,” confirmed Suchok.- Who are you? - Lord's fisherman. - How come you are a fisherman, and your boat is in such trouble? - Yes, there are no fish in our river. “Fish don’t like marsh rust,” my hunter remarked with importance. “Well,” I said to Yermolai, “go and get some tow and make us a boat, and quickly.” Ermolai left. - But we’ll probably go to the bottom this way? - I said to Vladimir. “God is merciful,” he answered. - In any case, it should be assumed that the pond is not deep. “Yes, it’s not deep,” noted Suchok, who spoke somehow strangely, as if half asleep. - Yes, there is mud and grass at the bottom, and it is all overgrown with grass. However, there are also potholes. “However, if the grass is so strong,” Vladimir noted, “it will be impossible to row.” - Who rows on planks? We have to push. I'll go with you; I have a six-pointer there, and you can even use a shovel. “It’s awkward with a shovel, you probably won’t be able to reach the bottom in any other place,” said Vladimir. - It's true that it's awkward. I sat down on the grave waiting for Ermolai. Vladimir moved away, for the sake of decency, a little to the side and also sat down. The knot continued to stand in place, hanging its head and folding its hands behind its back, according to an old habit. “Tell me, please,” I began, “how long have you been here as a fisherman?” “The seventh year has begun,” he answered, perking up. - And before you studied? — I used to work as a coachman. - Which coachman demoted you? - And the new lady.- Which lady? - Why did she buy us? Don’t you deign to know: Alena Timofevna, she’s so fat... not young. “Why did she decide to make you a fisherman?” - God knows. She came to us from her estate, from Tambov, ordered the entire household to be gathered, and came out to us. We first went to the pen, and she didn’t say anything: she wasn’t angry... And then she began asking us in order: what did you do, what position did you hold? It was my turn; So he asks: “What were you?” I say: “Coachman.” - “A coachman? Well, what kind of coachman are you, look at yourself: what kind of coachman are you? You shouldn’t be a coachman, but be my fisherman and shave your beard. In case of my arrival at the master’s table, supply fish, do you hear?..” Since then, I have been listed as a fisherman. “Yes, I have a pond, look, keep it in order...” And how to keep it in order? -Whose were you before? - And Sergei Sergeich Pekhterev. He got it by inheritance. And he didn’t own us for long, only six years. It was he who had me as a coachman... but not in the city - he had others there, but in the village. - And you were always a coachman from a young age? - What a coachman! I became a coachman under Sergei Sergeich, and before that I was a cook, but not a city cook either, but in the village. -Who were you a cook for? - And the former master, Afanasy Nefedych, Sergei Sergeichin’s uncle. He bought Lgov, Afanasy Nefedych bought it, and Sergei Sergeich inherited the property.-Who did you buy it from? — And Tatyana Vasilievna’s. - Which Tatyana Vasilievna? - But she died last year, near Bolkhov... that is, near Karachev, as a girl... And she was never married. Would you like to know? We came to her from her father, from Vasily Semenych. She owned us for a long time... about twenty years. - Well, you were her cook too? “At first I was definitely a cook, and then I ended up in the coffee shop.”- What? - To the coffee shops. - What kind of position is this? - I don’t know, father. He was at the buffet and was called Anton, not Kuzma. So the lady deigned to order. — Your real name is Kuzma?- Kuzma. - And you were a coffee shop the whole time? - No, not all the time: I was also an akhter.- Really? - Well, I was... playing the keyatra. Our lady started a keytar at her place. — What roles did you occupy? - What do you want, sir? — What were you doing at the theater? - Don’t you know? They'll take me and dress me up; I walk around dressed up, or stand, or sit, as necessary. They say: say what you say, and that’s what I say. Once I imagined a blind man... They put a pea under each eyelid... Of course! - And then what was he? - And then I became a cook again. - Why were you demoted to cook again? - And my brother ran away. - Well, what were you with the father of your first lady? “And he held different positions: at first he was in the Cossacks, he was a faletor, a gardener, and even a driver. - Travelers?.. And did you travel with dogs? “I also rode with dogs, but I was killed: I fell with a horse and killed the horse.” Our old master was very strict; He ordered me to be flogged and apprenticed to a shoemaker in Moscow. - How are you studying? Yes, you, tea, didn’t end up with the riders as a child? - Yes, I was more than twenty years old. - What kind of education is there at twenty years old? “So it’s okay, it’s possible, if the master ordered it.” Fortunately, he died soon, so they returned me to the village. - When did you learn the skill of cooking? The bitch raised his thin and yellow face and grinned. - Do they really learn this?.. Women cook! “Well,” I said, “you’ve seen some sights in your lifetime, Kuzma!” What are you doing now as a fishermen, since you have no fish? - And I, father, am not complaining. And thank God they made me a fisherman. And then the lady ordered to put another old man like me - Andrei Pupyr - in the paper mill, in the scooping room. It’s a sin, he says, there’s bread for nothing... But Pupyr was still hoping for mercy: his cousin’s nephew works as a clerk in the master’s office: he promised to report to the lady about him, to remind him. That’s what he reminded me of!.. And in my eyes, Pupyr bowed at his nephew’s feet. - Do you have a family? Was married? - No, father, I wasn’t. Tatyana Vasilievna is deceased - may she rest in heaven! — she didn’t allow anyone to marry. God forbid! Sometimes he would say: “After all, I live like this, among girls, what kind of self-indulgence! what do they want? - What do you live for now? Do you receive a salary? - What a salary, father! .. They give out grub - and then thank you, Lord! very pleased. May God prolong our lady's life! Ermolai has returned. “The boat has been straightened,” he said sternly. - Go get the pole, you!.. The knot ran after the pole. Throughout my conversation with the poor old man, the hunter Vladimir looked at him with a contemptuous smile. “Stupid man, sir,” he said when he left, “a completely uneducated man, a man, sir, nothing more.” You can’t call him a farmer, sir... and he kept bragging, sir... Where can he be an actor, sir, judge for yourself, sir! It was in vain that you deigned to worry, you deigned to talk to him, sir! A quarter of an hour later we were already sitting in the Suchka boardwalk. (We left the dogs in the hut under the supervision of the coachman Yehudiel.) We were not very clever, but hunters are an unscrupulous people. At the blunt, rear end stood Twig and “pushed”; Vladimir and I were sitting on the beam of the boat; Ermolai placed himself in front, right next to the nose. Despite the tow, water soon appeared under our feet. Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed to be asleep. We swam quite slowly. The old man with difficulty pulled his long pole out of the viscous mud, all tangled with green threads of underwater grasses; The solid round leaves of the marsh lilies also interfered with the progress of our boat. Finally we reached the reeds, and the fun began. The ducks rose noisily and “flew” from the pond, frightened by our unexpected appearance in their domain, shots rang out in unison after them, and it was fun to see how these short-tailed birds tumbled in the air and splashed heavily on the water. Of course, we didn’t get all the shot ducks: the easily wounded ones dived; others, killed on the spot, fell into such a thick mayor that even Yermolai’s lynx eyes could not open them; but still, by lunchtime our boat was filled to overflowing with game. Vladimir, to the great consolation of Yermolai, did not shoot well at all and after each unsuccessful shot he was surprised, examined and blew out the gun, was perplexed and, finally, told us the reason why he missed. Ermolai shot, as always, victoriously, I shot rather poorly, as usual. Twig looked at us with the eyes of a man who had been in the lord’s service from a young age, and occasionally shouted: “There, there’s another duck!” - and every now and then he scratched his back - not with his hands, but with his shoulders set in motion. The weather was beautiful: white round clouds rushed high and quietly above us, clearly reflected in the water; the reeds whispered all around; The pond in places sparkled like steel in the sun. We were about to return to the village, when suddenly a rather unpleasant incident happened to us. We could have noticed for a long time that water was gradually getting into the boardwalk. Vladimir was instructed to throw her out using a ladle, stolen, just in case, by my prudent hunter from a gape woman. Things went as they should until Vladimir forgot his duty. But towards the end of the hunt, as if saying goodbye, the ducks began to rise in such herds that we barely had time to load our guns. In the heat of the firefight, we did not pay attention to the condition of our plank - when suddenly, from the strong movement of Yermolai (he tried to get the dead bird and leaned his whole body on the specks), our dilapidated ship bent over, scooped up and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately not in a deep place. We screamed, but it was already too late: a moment later we were standing in water up to our necks, surrounded by the floating bodies of dead ducks. Now I cannot remember without laughing the frightened and pale faces of my comrades (probably my face was not distinguished by its blush then); but at that moment, I confess, it never occurred to me to laugh. Each of us held his gun above his head, and Suchok, probably out of habit of imitating his masters, raised his pole up. Ermolai was the first to break the silence. - Ugh, abyss! - he muttered, spitting into the water, - what an opportunity! And that's all you, old devil! - he added with heart, turning to Sitch. -What kind of boat is this? “I’m sorry,” the old man stammered. “Yes, and you’re good,” my hunter continued, turning his head in the direction of Vladimir, “what were you looking at?” what didn't you draw? you you you... But Vladimir had no time for objections: he was trembling like a leaf, teeth were not falling on teeth, and he smiled completely meaninglessly. Where did his eloquence, his sense of subtle decency and self-respect go? The damned plank swayed weakly under our feet... At the moment of the shipwreck, the water seemed extremely cold to us, but we soon endured it. When the first fear passed, I looked back; all around, ten steps from us, reeds grew; in the distance, above their tops, the shore was visible. "Badly!" - I thought. - What should we do? - I asked Yermolai. “But let’s see: we can’t spend the night here,” he answered. “Here, you, hold the gun,” he said to Vladimir. Vladimir obeyed unquestioningly. “I’ll go find a ford,” Ermolai continued with confidence, as if there must certainly be a ford in every pond. “He took the pole from Suchok and went in the direction of the shore, carefully probing the bottom. - Do you know how to swim? - I asked him. “No, I can’t,” his voice came from behind the reeds. “Well, he’ll drown,” said Suchok indifferently, who had previously been afraid not of danger, but of our anger, and now, completely calmed down, only occasionally puffed and seemed to feel no need to change his position. “And it will disappear without any benefit,” Vladimir added pitifully. Ermolai did not return for more than an hour. This hour seemed like an eternity to us. At first we called to him very diligently; then he began to answer our cries less often, and finally fell completely silent. The village rang for vespers. We didn’t talk to each other, we even tried not to look at each other. Ducks flew over our heads; others were about to sit down next to us, but suddenly rose up, as they say, “in a stake,” and flew away screaming. We were starting to stiffen. Bitch blinked his eyes as if he was about to sleep. Finally, to our indescribable joy, Ermolai returned.- Well? — I was on the shore; I found a ford... Let's go. We wanted to leave immediately; but he first took a rope from his pocket underwater, tied the dead ducks by the legs, took both ends in his teeth and wandered forward; Vladimir follows him, I follow Vladimir. The knot brought up the rear of the procession. It was about two hundred steps to the shore, Ermolai walked boldly and non-stop (he noticed the road so well), only occasionally shouting: “Left, there’s a pothole on the right!” or: “Move to the right, then you’ll get stuck to the left...” Sometimes the water reached our throats, and once or twice poor Twig, being shorter than all of us, choked and blew bubbles: “Well, well, well!” - Yermolai shouted at him menacingly, - and Suchok climbed, dangled his legs, jumped and finally got out to a shallower place, but even in the extreme he did not dare to grab the hem of my coat. Exhausted, dirty, wet, we finally reached the shore. About two hours later we were all sitting, dried as much as possible, in a large hay barn and getting ready to have dinner. The coachman Yehudiel, an extremely slow man, slow to move, thoughtful and sleepy, stood at the gate and diligently treated Sochochka with tobacco. (I noticed that coachmen in Russia very quickly become friends.) The twig sniffed furiously, to the point of nausea: he spat, coughed and, apparently, felt great pleasure. Vladimir assumed a languid look, tilted his head to the side and spoke little. Yermolai wiped our guns. The dogs swung their tails with exaggerated speed in anticipation of the oatmeal; the horses stamped and neighed under the canopy... The sun was setting; its last rays scattered in wide crimson stripes; golden clouds spread across the sky smaller and smaller, like a washed, combed wave... Songs were heard in the village.

Control dictations

for 8th grade

Prepared by:

Kudryashova Olga Vladimirovna

Dictation No. 1

Repetition of what was learned in grades V – VII


There were still ten miles left to the nearest village, and a large dark purple cloud was quickly moving towards us. The sun, not yet hidden by the clouds, brightly illuminates her gloomy figure 4. Occasionally, lightning flashes in the distance, and a faint rumble is heard, gradually intensifying, approaching and turning into intermittent peals that embrace the entire sky.

The coachmen put on their overcoats and at every clap of thunder they take off their hats and cross themselves, the horses prick up their ears, flare their nostrils, sniffing the fresh air, and the chaise quickly rolls along the dusty road. I feel terrified and I feel the blood circulating faster in my veins. But the advanced clouds are already beginning to cover the sun. Here it looked out for the last time, illuminated the terribly gloomy side of the horizon and disappeared 4. The whole neighborhood suddenly changes and takes on a gloomy character 4 .

According to L.N. Tolstoy

116 words

Vocabulary work

Versta is an old Russian unit of length equal to 1.06 km.

Coachman - a servant, a worker who drives the horses in a carriage

Armyak - in the old days among peasants: a caftan made of thick cloth

Britzka - a light wheeled vehicle, sometimes covered

Grammar task

Perform syntactic analysis of sentences: the second sentence for both options, the seventh for option I, the eighth for option II.

Dictation No. 2

Phrase. Two-part sentence

About the Volga.

At the edge of a young forest there is a small pond. An underground spring flows out of it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river 4. The Volga is born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, plant cover and wildlife. The beauty of the Volga is glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk the Volga turns southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the further you go, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Gorky is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga. Volga! This name is near and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland.

132 words

Vocabulary work

Volga, Kostroma, Zhigulevskie Mountains, Rybinsk

Cradle - baby crib - hanging (cradle) or swinging on round supports

A quagmire is an unsteady, swampy place

Climate is the long-term weather regime of a particular area, one of its geographical components.

Legend - a story (mostly folk) of historical or legendary content

Grammar task

    Parsing the third sentence

    In the fourth sentence, find one phrase for all three types of communication

    From the sentences of the first paragraph, write out all the predicates and determine their type

Dictation No. 3

Secondary members of the sentence. Punctuation under circumstances

The fog completely cleared, the air became clearer and somewhat softer. In the north, from behind the crest of hills covered with a black mass of forests, faintly shimmering, some whitish clouds rose and quickly ran across the sky 4 . It seemed as if someone was sighing quietly in the middle of the deep cold night, and the clouds of steam flying out of the giant chest silently swept across the sky from edge to edge and then quietly faded away into the deep blue. It was the faint northern lights playing.

Succumbing to some kind of sad charm, I stood on the roof, thoughtfully watching the faint tints of the flash 4 . The night unfolded in all its cold and dreary beauty. The stars were blinking in the sky, below the snow stretched into the distance like an even veil, the taiga crested black, the distant mountains turned blue. And from all this silent, cold picture, a condescending sadness breathed into the soul.

V. Korolenko

120 words

Vocabulary work

Whitish - dull and light to white

A cloud of steam is a spherical, volatile, smoky mass

Northern lights

Charm - charm, attractive force

Spolokh is the popular name for the northern lights, as well as lightning

Taiga - in northern Europe, Asia and North America: wild coniferous forest

Condescending – not strict, not demanding

Grammar task

Syntactic analysis of the sentence: Option I – second sentence, Option II – fifth sentence

Dictation No. 4

One-part sentences. Incomplete sentences.


Autumn. Grey sky. Low heavy clouds.

The old trees have long since fallen away. Only young individual birch trees retain their withered, shining golden leaves when they are touched by the slanting rays of the low autumn sun. Evergreens stand out brightly through the reddish network of birch branches, as if rejuvenated spruce and pine trees, refreshed by the cold air. The ground is covered with dry colorful leaves.

Quiet in the air. You can hear the jumping of a hare and squirrels at a great distance. The tits, which had not flown away for the winter, moved towards human habitation. Bullfinches got out of the forest thicket and appeared in gardens and vegetable gardens. Their creaky singing, not devoid of some pleasant melody, is quietly heard in the bare bushes and trees. Blackbirds that have not yet flown away gather in large flocks and fly away to gardens, where elderberries, honeysuckle, and red rowan berries attract them.

The river also took on a special appearance. This is the kind of autumn I love not only as a hunter, but as a passionate nature lover.

137 words

Vocabulary work

Withered - lost freshness, dried out

Melody is a euphonious sequence of sounds that forms a musical unity, a tune

Elderberry is a shrub or tree of the honeysuckle family with black or red berries.

Honeysuckle is a shrubby, sometimes climbing, plant with fragrant flowers.

Grammar task

Write down all one-part sentences, underline their main member and give a description in brackets.

Dictation No. 5

Sentences with introductory words, addresses and interjections

On the hunt.

Fortunately, the weather was calm and the pond seemed frozen. We swam quite slowly. Finally, we reached the reeds. Of course, we didn’t get all the shot birds, but still, by lunchtime our boat was filled to overflowing with game. Vladimir, to the great consolation of Ermolai, did not shoot well at all and after each unsuccessful shot he was surprised, inspecting and blowing the gun, perplexed and, finally, stated the reason why he missed. We could notice for a long time that the water was gradually creeping into the boat. Vladimir was instructed to throw it out with a ladle. Towards the end of the hunt, the ducks began to rise in flocks. We barely had time to load our guns. Because of Yermolai’s strong movement (he tried to get the dead bird and leaned his whole body on the edge), our dilapidated ship tilted, scooped up and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately, not in a deep place 4.

According to I. Turgenev

127 words

Vocabulary work


Dilapidated - decaying from old age, decrepit

Grammar task

    Write down all the introductory words and determine their meaning.

    Parse the last sentence.

Dictation No. 6

Proposals with separate definitions and applications

Rock science is an interesting science.

More than fifty years have passed since I began to become interested in stones. I remember my first childhood experiences associated with collecting stones.

We spent the summer near Simferopol in an old landowner's house, surrounded by an orchard. Not far from the house on a stone hill we 1 - cheerful kids 1 – spent whole days crawling along the rocks, descending to a slowly flowing river, which attracted us with an abundance of turtles, these interesting reptiles covered with a bony shell 4 .

Once on one rock, unsightly in appearance, we, that is, me and a friend, discovered a vein of rock crystal, then another, a third 4 . We managed to obtain wonderful pyramid-crystal rock crystals, transparent as glass. In our imagination, somewhere in the depths, behind unknown doors, underground caves with sparkling gem crystals were pictured.

In the evenings at home we no longer listened to mysterious fairy tales, but to stories, interesting and entertaining, from the science of mineralogy, the science of stones, which was not yet accessible to us. My uncle, a chemist, took us to the laboratory, where he showed us different salts and their crystals. My passion for mineralogy grew every day.

According to Fersman

153 words

1 – a comma is acceptable

Vocabulary work


Reptile – a class of vertebrate animals that move mainly by crawling or dragging their belly along the ground (snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles)

Mineralogy – the science of minerals

Laboratory - an institution, department where scientific and technical experiments, experimental studies, and analyzes are carried out

Grammar task

Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence: option I – first sentence in the third paragraph, option II – first sentence in the fourth paragraph. In the second paragraph, the second sentence is for those who complete their task before others.

Dictation No. 7

Sentences with clarifying isolated members

About the Don Cossacks.

From the fugitive peasants in the south, namely on the Don and its tributaries, large settlements of Don Cossacks arose.

But in the middle of the seventeenth century, the Cossacks on the Don did not have equality. Some Cossacks seized the best lands, acquired a farm, traded, and became wealthy or house-loving 4 . Others remained poor, that is, naked. Golytba had to go into bondage to rich Cossacks or live by robbery.

The tsarist commanders caught the fugitives and returned them to their owners, that is, the landowners. The Golytba have accumulated a lot of hatred against the Moscow landowners, their constant oppressors 4 .

Golytba was raised in rebellion by a Cossack named Stepan Timofeevich Razin. Stepan Razin was elected ataman, that is, the main commander, and with seven thousand people he attacked Tsaritsyn on the Volga and took it.

The peasant war led by Stepan Razin was reflected in a number of folk songs in which the exploits of the famous ataman and his comrades, simple and brave people, were glorified. Stepan Razin is presented in them as a “sorcerer”, so the successes of the peasant leader struck the imagination of the people.

144 words

Vocabulary work

Don, Stepan Timofeevich Razin, Tsaritsyn, Volga, Don Cossacks, housewife, golytba

Bondage - in ancient and medieval Rus': an agreement or debt obligation that places the debtor in personal dependence on the lender, as well as such dependence itself

Voivode - in ancient Rus' and some Slavic states: head of the army, region, district

Ataman - the highest commander in the Cossack troops, as well as the military-administrative chief in the Cossack regions

A comrade-in-arms is a proven, reliable comrade in battle, as well as a general comrade in struggle and activity.

Sage - sorcerer

Grammar task

Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence: option I – second sentence in the second paragraph, option II – second sentence in the third paragraph.

Dictation No. 8

Methods of transmitting someone else's speech

"Tribute grass"

On the field road I came across two village girls. They were chatting about something, laughing, but when they saw me, they immediately fell silent, hastily straightened their blond hair under their scarves and pursed their lips angrily.

I was already ready to be offended, but the girls, as soon as they caught up with me, stopped and both immediately smiled at me so shyly and easily that I was even confused.

“Thank you,” the girls told me.

- For what?

- Because you met us with these flowers.

The girls suddenly started running.

On the outskirts of the village I met a hurried, clean old woman:

- Oh, honey! And how wonderful it is that you met me on the way.

Only in the village was the mystery finally clarified.

“You have found a rare flower,” the amateur gardener told me. “It’s called “tributary grass.” There is a belief that this flower brings happy love to girls and a calm old age to older people. And in general – happiness.”

According to K. Paustovsky

136 words

Vocabulary work

Outskirts - a fence around a village or at the edge of a village; generally the edge of the village

Belief is a belief that comes from antiquity and lives among the people, belief in a sign


    600 best modern dictations in the Russian language for grades 5-11 / Comp.: V.V. Androsova, E.A. Stogny. Rostov n/a: LLC Publishing House BARO-PRESS, 2003.-344 p.

    Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. A manual for teachers of grades V—VIII. Fifth edition, revised / Compiled by: M.I. Rudyakova. Yu.A. Ganshina. M.: State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1963.-

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. /The Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov.-4th ed., supplemented.- M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.-944 pp.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan

City Education Department

Secondary school No. 27

with in-depth study of individual subjects

Control dictations

For 6th grade

Prepared by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

II qualification category

Kudryashova Olga Vladimirovna

Nizhnekamsk, 2007-2008 academic year

Dictation No. 1

Repetition of what was learned in grade V

Streams run and gurgle in the ravines. From the roofs, from the frozen icicles, drops poured onto the ground 4. The village began to ring loudly, as if a bell had been hung at every gate. I saw a yellow-breasted bird land on the road. Jump-jump, fluttered onto the willow tree, looked back and sang: “Blue-blue-blue.”

I also looked around. Indeed, everything is blue and blue: the sky, the fluffy willow, and the willow tree 4 . Even the edge is all blue from the flowers of the woodlands.

The bird sat, swayed on the willow tree and sang again: “Blue-blue-blue.”

Grandfather said: “That’s right, oatmeal!” April has blue eyes!”

A. Barkov

85 words

Vocabulary work

Drops - drops of melting snow falling from roofs, from trees, as well as these drops themselves

Gate - a door in a fence, in a gate

Willow is a tree or shrub of the willow family with fluffy buds

Ivnjachok - willow thicket

Bunting is a small migratory bird of the passerine family.

Grammar task

Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence: Option I – the second sentence in the first paragraph, Option II – the second sentence in the second paragraph.

Dictation No. 2

Vocabulary. Word formation


The day was approaching evening. The slanting rays of the sun illuminated 2 forest clearings. Long shadows were cast from the spreading trees. The orang wandered through the forest, climbed trees, jumped from tree to tree, looked around, looking for something. Finally he climbed into the thickest of the branches, reached the middle and sat down.

The forest became quieter and quieter. The monkeys calmed down, the fussing of the birds in the branches stopped. The beetles did not buzz and the bumblebees did not make noise. Bending the branches of the tree towards him, the orang began to break them, stacking them in a heap. The work moved forward quickly. About half an hour passed, and a large nest was already ready on the tree. Orang perched himself in it and spent a long time adjusting himself 2, straightening individual branches. Finally got settled.

According to Plavilshchikov

100 words

Vocabulary work



Thickness - dense thicket

Grammar task

Perform word-formation analysis of words: option I – illuminated, forest, advanced; Option II – spreading, long, adjusted.

Dictation No. 3

Morphological analysis of a noun

battle of Borodino

The famous Battle of Borodino began early in the morning with a French offensive against Russian troops.

Division after division in columns attacked our fortifications. Behind the attacking infantry rode regiments of light and heavy cavalry. The cavalry sparkled with gold on their uniforms and the steel of their 3 naked sabers. The drums beat, the banners waved 3.

The defenders of the Motherland fought fiercely in this battle. The fire of Russian artillery was not inferior to the fire of 3 French guns. Kutuzov 3 was at that time 3 at the command post near the village of Gorki. He knew about the actual position of the troops on the battlefield and controlled the battle.

Help was immediately on its way to the dangerous place. So the soldiers of one battery helped the other battery; the commander of a division or regiment who fell in battle was replaced by another. Only by nightfall did Napoleon 3 withdraw the remnants of his army from the battlefield.

In the Battle of Borodino, the Russian commander Kutuzov turned out to be more skillful than the famous Napoleon.

124 words

Vocabulary work

Battle of Borodino, Kutuzov, Napoleon

Division - the main tactical formation in various types of armed forces

Attack - rapid offensive movement of troops

Artillery - firearms (guns, howitzers, mortars)

Battery - an artillery unit consisting of several guns and controls, as well as the position that such unit occupies

Column - about people, objects located or moving one after another in an elongated line

Uniform - military or civilian uniform

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of nouns: Option I – steel, banners, Napoleon; Option II – fire, Kutuzov, time

Dictation No. 4


About cranberries

Anyone who has not seen how cranberries grow can walk through a swamp for a very long time and not notice them.

The blueberry is growing, and you can see it. The stalk is thin, stretches up along the stem 3, like wings, small green leaves diverge in different directions, and on the leaves 3 there are blueberries, black berries with blue fluff, sitting like small peas.

In remote places 3 there is a stone fruit, a ruby ​​berry with a brush, and each ruby ​​in a green frame.

Only one cranberry we have is hidden in a swamp hummock 3. Only when there is a lot of it in one place do you notice. You take one to try, and along with one berry you pull a green thread with many cranberries. If you want, you can pull out a whole necklace of large, blood-red berries from the hummock.

According to M.M. Prishvin

113 words

Vocabulary work

Cranberry is a creeping marsh shrub of the lingonberry family with red sour berries, as well as its berries

Drupe is a forest herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family with edible bright red sour berries, as well as its berries

Ruby is a red gemstone, a transparent variety of corundum.

Necklace - neck decoration

Blueberry is a shrub of the lingonberry family with round black-blue sweet berries, as well as its berries

Grammar task

Morphological analysis of nouns: I option – along the stem, in places; Option II – near the leaves, in the hummock

Dictation No. 5


Spring morning

How nice it is on the 3rd spring morning in the forest! 4 A huge red sun rolled out from behind a blue jagged strip of a distant forest. In the rays of the morning sun, the tops of the mighty pines that rise above the steep cliff near the river are blazing.

The river has not yet woken up from its night 3 nap. But then the sun's rays pierced the veil of thick fog, and it swirled with golden-pink steam, gradually melted, disappeared and opened the water surface.

Proud pine trees peer into the depths of the river. A tiny bump appeared on one of them. In her first spring she was still so small that she couldn’t see anything around her. And now, when she is exactly one year old, pictures unfold before the little bump, one better than the other.

The baby looks at the wide field across the river, sees slender spruce trees with fluffy branches in the forest, inhales the aroma of light spring air, listens to the joyful singing of birds. Together with her, other tiny tender cones-sisters, who saw the beautiful world for the first time, also rejoice in spring.

143 words

Vocabulary work

The veil is a continuous cover; what it covers, it envelops on all sides.

Proud – expressing pride and dignity, arrogant

Aroma – fragrant, pleasant smell

Grammar task

    Determine the categories of adjectives in the entire text

    Parse the first sentence in the first paragraph

    Perform a morphological analysis of adjectives: option I – good, morning; Option II – night, small

Dictation No. 6


I transported two chests from the ship to the boat

In the first 3 there were several pieces of very good shirts, about one and a half dozen white linen handkerchiefs and the same number of colored neckerchiefs. At the bottom of it I found three large bags of money. In total, they contained one thousand one hundred and three silver octagons, and one contained six more gold doubloons and several small gold bars weighing about a pound. The second 3 chest contained about two pounds of fine gunpowder in three flasks and another fifty 3 pieces of various coins.

Money had no value to me, it was unnecessary rubbish. I would willingly give all my gold for three or four pairs of simple shoes.

According to D. Defoe

105 words

Vocabulary work

A dozen – twelve pieces (counting homogeneous objects)

Octagon - an old Russian measure (of weight, counting), containing some eight units, as well as an object containing some eight units

The doubloon is an old Spanish (as well as Italian, Swiss and Latin American) gold coin minted until the end of the 19th century.

Pound – 1. ancient Russian unit of weight equal to 409.5 g;

2. English measure equal to 453.6 g, as well as the corresponding ancient weight measure in other European countries

Gunpowder - an explosive compound or mixture

Flask - a flat bottle for wearing on a belt or braid

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of numerals: option I – first, one thousand one hundred; Option II – second, fifty

Dictation No. 7


Who 3 chirps so loudly in the spring in the yard? These are swift-winged swallows returning from the south.

The barn swallow is also called the killer whale. They called her 3 because her 3 tail looks like two long black braids.

In spring, swallows immediately begin to build nests. And they build them 3 completely differently from 3 other birds. Swallows sculpt it from lumps of clay.

They will choose a suitable place for the nest under the roof of the house and fly to the shore of the pond. They will sit near the water, find a piece of clay with their beak and hurry back. And while they carry the clay in their mouth, it becomes sticky from saliva and easily sticks to the wall. So, lump to lump, and the birds will fashion their own cozy nest out of clay.

According to G. Skrebitsky

107 words

Vocabulary work

Chirps - about birds: sing

Cozy – having coziness, comfortable and pleasant, giving comfort

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of pronouns: option I – who, her, what; Option II - they, like, their own

Dictation No. 8



The winter wind howled, but the house was warm and cozy. A flower was hidden in it. He took refuge in a bulb under the ground and snow. Then it rained 3. The drops broke through the snow cover. They talked about the bright above-ground world. Following them, a gentle and persistent ray of sunlight came through and warmed the bulb.

- Who's there? Sign in! 3 - said the flower.

- I can not! - said the sunbeam. - Wait until summer, then I will gain strength.

But summer was still far away.

Time has passed. The flower is tired of living in the dark. He stretched, leaned on his shell, rushed up and found himself in the snow. The snow was cold, but it was easier to break through it. The sun's rays were now very close. They rang 3 and sang: “Welcome!”

According to H. K. Andersen

110 words

Vocabulary work

Bulb - in some lily plants: a spherically thickened (usually underground) part of the shoot from layers tightly adjacent to each other

Terrestrial – located, acting on the surface of the earth

Grammar task

    In the first paragraph, determine the aspect and conjugation of all verbs;

    In the second, third and fourth paragraphs, determine the mood of all verbs

    In the last, fifth paragraph, determine transitivity and reflexivity for all verbs

    Perform a morphological analysis of verbs: option I – dropped out, enter; Option 2 – wait, they rang

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan

City Education Department

Secondary school No. 27

with in-depth study of individual subjects

Control dictations

For 7th grade

Prepared by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

II qualification category

Kudryashova Olga Vladimirovna

Nizhnekamsk, 2007-2008 academic year

Dictation No. 1

Repetition of what was learned in grades V-VI

Living lanterns

It's nice on a June night in the forest! At this time it is filled with the aroma of herbs, flowers, and fresh leaves 4. Here and there mysterious sounds and rustling sounds are heard.

Greenish lights flashed among the grass. They move, they are alive! The lights will shine for a long, long time, and at dawn they will go out 4. These are fireflies.

There are especially many fireflies at the end of June. People used to call them “Ivan’s worms 2”, because the bugs appeared on the eve of Ivan Kupala, an ancient agricultural holiday.

The light of our bugs is quite weak, but in South America there are insects that give off very bright light. These are cucubano beetles. They glow 1 so beautifully that women even decorate their hairstyles 2 with live lanterns.

According to B. Rzhevsky

105 words

Vocabulary work

“Ivan’s worms”, Ivan Kupala, South America, cubano beetles

Aroma – fragrant, nice smell

The day before - the previous day

Grammar task

    Perform phonetic analysis of words: I option - distributed; Option II – glow

    Perform word-formation analysis of words: option I – worms, option II – hairstyles

    Perform a morphological analysis of words: I option – ancient, II option – living

    Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence: Option I - second sentence in the first paragraph; Option II – third sentence in the second paragraph

Dictation No. 2

Active and passive participles

Wolf's Lair

One day, an experienced tracker managed to track down a wolf's den in a deep, overgrown ravine in the middle of the forest. In a hole under the upturned roots of an old pine tree, felled during a storm, this robber's nest was located.

We decided to watch the wolves at night near a deer that had been killed by someone and was lying in a clearing. So that the wolves would not sense human traces, they rode to the hunting site on a horse harnessed to a narrow, light droshky.

The moon emerged from behind the darkening forest on the left side. Immediately everything around became brighter, only the mosquitoes attacking us completely tormented us. With bated breath, the hunters waited for the wolves to finally come to feed on their prey.

Some shadow that flashed across the clearing began to cautiously approach. It was a fox approaching a deer carcass. But suddenly she jumped back and rushed into the forest.

At the same moment, other shadows appeared at the other end. We clearly distinguished two strong, lean wolves boldly walking toward their prey.

According to Skrebitsky

132 words

Vocabulary work

Lair – a place where an animal lives (on the ground, in a shallow hole)

A droshky is an elongated carriage without a body with a long longitudinal beam connecting the front axle to the rear.

Carcass - the skinned and gutted body of a killed large animal

Lean - lean and muscular, lean

Grammar task

Determine the rank of all participles in the text

Creative dictation No. 3


Winter in the North

A huge river spreads, which is shrouded in a white cover and flows into an icy lake.

It’s hard to tell how unbearably cold it feels at fifty degrees to a person sitting motionless in a sleigh. Neither woolen underwear, nor a fur coat with squirrel or bear fur, nor hare fur hats help. If you run next to the sled, you can warm up a little. But as soon as you grab something with your bare hands, you will see how in a minute your fingers turn white, then you have to rub snow on your frostbitten hands for a long time. Even tanned leather freezes your fingers so much that you hide leather bags away and replace them with linen or canvas ones.

This time it was so cold that the horses, who were breathing heavily, were covered with frost. The blizzard, which did not stop for a minute, covered the road that led to the house of Andrei Petrovich, a local old-timer. There was noise all around from trees that had not been cut down, and forests that had not been touched. It was especially cold on the high bank, which was not protected from the wind.

We finally made it to a place where we could spend the night.

140 words

Vocabulary work

Tanned leather – processed, manufactured, usable

Linen - smooth linen or cotton fabric made from warp and weft of the same thickness and density

Canvas - coarse thick linen or semi-linen fabric

Blizzard - strong blizzard, snow storm

An old-timer is a person who has lived in one place for many years.

Grammar task

Convert all phrases with the pronoun “which” into participles and correctly use punctuation marks when writing. For example, “A huge river spreads, which is shrouded in a white cover and flows into an icy lake.” - “A huge river, shrouded in a white cover, spreads out and flows into an icy lake” or “A huge river, shrouded in a white cover, spreads out and flows into an icy lake.”

Dictation No. 4



The thunderstorm in the village left an unforgettable impression.

It started in the evening. The bright dawn, not yet covered by the 3 black approaching 3 clouds, illuminated our bedroom with pink light. Suddenly a terrible thunderclap shook the whole house, and rain poured down, not stopping for a whole hour. Lightning was constantly visible through the uncurtained windows. The peals of thunder, which did not stop for a minute, shackled us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It seemed that some force would demolish our house, which stood on a high bank of the river and was not protected in any way from the winds.

When my fear passed, I began to ask what lightning is, why it lights up, why thunder roars.

All night I listened to my father's stories with unflagging interest. And only when the sky cleared and the stars began to twinkle, I fell asleep in my crib and slept soundly until late in the morning.

According to Aksakov

124 words

Vocabulary work

Impression is a trace left in the mind, in the soul by something experienced or perceived.

Illuminate – illuminate brightly

Incessant - long, continuous

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of participles: option I - unforgettable, approaching; Option II – standing, not closed

Dictation No. 5



On Sundays, all three of them gathered at Smolin’s and, climbing onto the roof of the outbuilding, released pigeons 4 .

Beautiful, bright birds, one after another, flew out of the dovecote and sat in a row on the ridge of the roof. Illuminated by the sun, cooing, they showed off in front of the boys. Smolin waved a long pole with a mop at the end in the air and whistled. Frightened pigeons rushed into the air, filling it with the hasty noise of their wings.

And so they smoothly, describing wide circles, rise into the blue depths of the sky and float, sparkling 3 with silver 4 . Some of them strive to reach the dome of heaven with the smooth flight of a falcon, spreading their wings wide and seemingly not moving them, others play and tumble in the air.

Throwing back their 3 heads, the boys silently admire the birds, without taking their eyes off them. A small group of dots barely visible to the eye attracts the imagination of children, and Yezhov defines the feeling common to everyone, thoughtfully saying: “We, brothers, should fly like this...”

According to M. Gorky

138 words

Vocabulary work

Outbuilding - an extension to the side of the main building or a house in the courtyard of the building

Ridge - a beam that runs along the crest of the roof and fastens its slopes, as well as a carved decoration at the end of this beam

Bast - the soaked bast part of the bark of a young linden tree, divided into narrow strips - fibers used to make matting, sacks

Dome - convex roof, vault in the form of a hemisphere

Grammar task

    Perform a morphological analysis of gerunds: option I – sparkling; Option 2 – by throwing

    Perform syntactic analysis of the sentence: Option I - the first sentence in the first paragraph; Option II – first sentence in the third paragraph

Dictation No. 6

Semantic groups of adverbs. Morphological analysis of the adverb

Long before the fish approached the boat, the old man strained all his strength and began to pull as hard as he could. But the fish only turned slightly 3 on its side, then straightened up again and swam away into the distance 3 .

“Listen, fish! - the old man told her. - You still have to die. Why do you need me to die too?

His mouth was so dry that he could no longer speak. “I won’t last long,” he thought.

During the next circle, the old man almost got it, but the fish straightened up again and slowly swam away 3 .

“You are ruining me, fish,” thought the old man. – This, of course, is your right. Never in my life have I seen a creature more enormous, calm and noble than you. Well, kill me. I don’t care anymore who kills who.”

According to E. Hemingway

120 words

Grammar task

1. For all adverbs in the text, determine their belonging to the semantic groups of adverbs

2. Perform a morphological analysis of adverbs: option I – long, slightly, away; Option II - into the distance, slowly, for a long time

Dictation No. 7


April evening

I am again 3 in the fields, again in the open air, again breathing air that smells of earth and greenery. April is coming to an end.

Spring was early and friendly. The snow has long since disappeared from the fields. Everywhere, to the right 3, to the left of the road, far and near, along all the hills and slopes, winter trees were green, illuminated by indirect golden rays. Here and there a strawberry leaf, soft as velvet, unfurled and showed through.

But how good it was already 3 in the field! The silence is extraordinary. The sun is everywhere 3 and everywhere. The sun penetrates through the dense thickets, the sun pours hot rays over the fields. With what pleasure you expose your back and bare arm to the spring sun! You no longer feel the dampness in the air that is noticeable in the first spring, when the river is in flood. In some places the dirt road is still wet, but nowhere is there a trace of dirt.

It was a great time to travel!

According to Grigorovich

111 words

Vocabulary work

Slope - an inclined surface of something, a gentle slope

Winter - plants sown in autumn, overwintering under snow, their seedlings

Velvet - dense silk or cotton fabric with soft, smooth and thick pile

Spring - spring

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of adverbs: option I – long ago, to the right, good; Option II – again, everywhere, through

Dictation No. 8


Japan is located on 3 four large and many small islands. The northernmost island, Hokkaido, was sparsely populated in 3 ancient times and was not of significant importance for the country’s economy. To the south of it lies the main island - Honshu, which occupies an area larger than Great Britain.

The climate in Japan is subtropical, monsoonal, and temperate in the north. Throughout the entire territory, with the exception of the island of Hokkaido, there are two periods of heavy monsoon rains - in June and from the end of July to 3 mid-September.

Due to the fact that Japan is located in the volcanic belt of the Pacific basin, tremors are often recorded on the islands. But thanks to the favorable location of active volcanoes, away from densely populated areas, the consequences of eruptions, with rare exceptions, are not so significant. Due to 3 frequent tremors, housing in Japan was built from wood. During earthquakes, such houses were subject to less destruction than stone ones.

By C. Dunn

126 words

Vocabulary work

Japan, Hokkaido, Honshu, UK, Pacific

Economy is a set of production relations corresponding to a given stage of development of the productive forces of society, the dominant mode of production in society

Climate is the long-term weather regime of a particular area, one of its main geographical characteristics.

Monsoon is a stable seasonal wind that blows from land to sea in winter, and from sea to land in summer.

Territory – limited land space

Grammar task

    Select all prepositions in the text and determine what relationships they express between words

    Perform a morphological analysis of prepositions: option I – on, in, thanks to; Option II – to, before, as a result

Dictation No. 9


At six o'clock they announced that food was served. The owner led me into a spacious dining room, where many guests had gathered. They were obviously people of noble birth, good manners, and their clothes were strikingly luxurious.

The dining room, comfortable and spacious, was not distinguished by the elegance of its furnishings. There was no carpet. There were no curtains on the windows either. The shutters were securely fastened with iron bolts, just like in shops.

The table was quite luxurious. Barbaric abundance!

My eyes were hurt by the swaying of many candles in silver candelabra placed on the floor and throughout the hall, wherever there was a place.

I couldn’t help but think that there was a lot of strangeness in everything I was seeing. But people generally behave so differently, think so differently. I have traveled a lot and am accustomed not to be surprised, and therefore I calmly sat down next to the owner and paid tribute to the good treats.

By E. Po

126 words

Vocabulary work

Manner is a way of doing something, one or another feature of behavior, a way of acting.

Luxury - wealth and splendor

Grace – subtle and strict artistic proportionality and beauty

Shutter –

Shop - small store

Deadbolt - large door latch

Barbarian - an ignorant, rude, cruel person

Abundance – complete abundance

Candelabrum - a candlestick for several candles, as well as a lamp stand with several candle-shaped lamps

Pay homage

Grammar task

Perform a morphological analysis of all conjunctions that are in the text (do not analyze repeating ones)

Dictation No. 10


Leaf fall music

Magical autumn of the parks. Quiet. A little damp. The leaves reluctantly come off and seem to hang on invisible cobwebs. The maple leaves have been falling for a long, long time. How good! I wanted to tell the gardener not to sweep. Let people walk on a golden carpet.

The kids, like sparrows, scurry around underfoot. They quarrel over the most beautiful leaves. The boys and each girl have a bouquet in their hands.

The leaves are not falling silently. It seems that the flight is accompanied by quiet music. Bom-bom! One sheet, another, a third. Slender music in the park.

Am I the only one hearing?

No. The girl raised her head and followed the leaves with sparkling eyes. Nearby is a woman under an umbrella. Book. But she doesn't read. She listens to the golden round dance.

According to V. Peskov

104 words

Vocabulary work

Slender - about sounds: consistent, harmonious

Round dance is a folk game - the movement of people in a circle with singing and dancing, as well as a general ring of people holding hands - participants in some kind of game, dance

Grammar task

Write out all the particles from the text and perform their morphological analysis

Dictation No. 11


It's time! Vasyutka quickly got down on one knee and tried to land the worried bird on the fly. Finally, the trembling in my hands subsided, the fly stopped dancing, its tip touched the capercaillie. Fuck! And the black bird, flapping its wings, fell down. Without touching the ground, she straightened up and flew into the depths of the forest.

“Wounded!” — Vasyutka perked up and rushed after the wounded wood grouse.

Only now did he realize what the matter was and began to mercilessly reproach himself:

— He banged it with small shot. Why is he petty?

The bird left on short flights. The capercaillie was weakening.

Quickly throwing the bag off his shoulder, Vasyutka raised his gun and fired. In a few leaps I found myself near the wood grouse and fell on my stomach.

- Stop, darling, stop! – Vasyutka muttered joyfully. – You won’t leave now!

Thinking about his luck, Vasyutka, happy, walked through the forest, whistling, singing whatever came to mind.

Suddenly he realized: where are the lines? It's time for them to be.

- Fu, damn it! Where are the places? – Vasyutka’s heart sank, sweat appeared on his forehead.

According to V. Astafiev

147 words

Vocabulary work


The capercaillie is a large forest bird of the grouse family.

Front sight - a small protrusion on the front of the barrel of a small weapon, used for aiming

To reproach – to reproach, to reproach

Shot - small lead balls for shooting from a hunting rifle

Zatesi - a notch in a tree

Perspiration - profuse sweat (usually in a patient after a fever)

Grammar task

Write out all interjections and perform their morphological analysis