The materials of the Ministry of Economic Development reveal a contradiction: the list of topics indicates the NAMI methodology, while in fact there are tasks based on the NIIAT methodology.

6.1.1. The NIIAT method (R-03112194-0377-98) uses the following relationship between the physical wear and tear of a vehicle and its age and mileage:

I F = 100 × (1 − e − Ω) , (\displaystyle (I)_(F)=100\times (1-e^(-\Omega )),)

Where: I F (\displaystyle I_(F))- physical deterioration, %; – the base of natural logarithms, e ≈ 2.72 (\displaystyle e\approx 2.72); – a function depending on the age and actual mileage of the vehicle since the start of operation, units.

Table 23 Parametric description of a function Ω (\displaystyle \Omega ), depending on the actual age and actual mileage since the start of operation, for various types of vehicles
No. Type of vehicle Type of dependency
1 Domestic passenger cars Ω = 0.07 × T F + 0.0035 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.07\times T_(F)+0.0035\times L_(F))
2 Domestic flatbed trucks Ω = 0.01 × T F + 0.003 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.01\times T_(F)+0.003\times L_(F))
3 Domestic tractors
4 Domestic dump trucks Ω = 0.15 × T F + 0.0025 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.15\times T_(F)+0.0025\times L_(F))
5 Specialized domestic Ω = 0.14 × T F + 0.002 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.14\times T_(F)+0.002\times L_(F))
6 Domestic buses Ω = 0.16 × T F + 0.001 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.16\times T_(F)+0.001\times L_(F))
7 European passenger cars Ω = 0.05 × T F + 0.0025 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.05\times T_(F)+0.0025\times L_(F))
8 American-made cars Ω = 0.055 × T F + 0.003 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.055\times T_(F)+0.003\times L_(F))
9 Passenger cars made in Asia (except Japan) Ω = 0.065 × T F + 0.0032 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.065\times T_(F)+0.0032\times L_(F))
10 Passenger cars made in Japan Ω = 0.045 × T F + 0.002 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.045\times T_(F)+0.002\times L_(F))
11 Foreign-made trucks Ω = 0.09 × T F + 0.002 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.09\times T_(F)+0.002\times L_(F))
12 Foreign-made buses Ω = 0, 12 × T F + 0, 001 × L F (\displaystyle \Omega =0.12\times T_(F)+0.001\times L_(F))

Symbols used: T F (\displaystyle T_(F))– actual age, years; L F (\displaystyle L_(F))– actual mileage, thousand km.

6.1.2. The NAMI method (RD 37.009.015-98) uses the following relationship between the physical wear and tear of a vehicle and its age and mileage:

I = I 1 × P F + I 2 × D F (\displaystyle I=I_(1)\times P_(F)+I_(2)\times D_(F)) I 1 (\displaystyle I_(1))- vehicle wear indicator by mileage (% per 1000 km); P F (\displaystyle P_(F))- actual mileage on the day of inspection (in thousand km, accurate to one decimal place) from the start of operation or after major repairs; I 2 (\displaystyle I_(2))- aging indicator by service life (in% for 1 year) depending on the intensity of use; D F (\displaystyle D_(F))- actual service life (in years, accurate to one decimal place) from the start of operation or after major repairs;

The values ​​of I1 and I2 are determined from statistical tables, depending on the specific type of vehicle and the intensity of operation (mileage).

6.1.3. What to pay attention to in practical activities: the NAMI method (RD 37.009.015-98) is not currently used, the validity period of the NIIAT method (R-03112194-0377-98) has been extended, but the method has limited application. For example, in determining the cost of restoration of a vehicle after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, exclusively the Unified Methodology approved by the Bank of Russia on September 19, 2014 No. 432-P is used.

6.2. Aircraft valuation

The wording of the topic is general. A number of voluminous methods and books (for example), their circulation and operation are regulated by a whole set of regulatory legal acts (primarily the Air Code of the Russian Federation) are devoted to the issues of assessing aircraft. The following in this section provides an extract from these sources.

6.2.1. In general terms, the algorithm for calculating the cost of aircraft is comparable to the algorithm for calculating the cost of other types of machinery and equipment. Features of aircraft assessment include: Aircraft elements that make the largest contribution to its cost:

  • airframe - the supporting structure of an aircraft, including structural parts of the aircraft of various purposes and design: wing, fuselage, tail, controls, landing gear and engine cowlings;
  • engines (the main engines that set the object in motion in standard modes);
  • avionics (control and automation systems).

Each of these elements, from the standpoint of cost formation, has its own specifics - pricing factors, the intensity of accumulation of various types of wear and obsolescence, the frequency of repairs, etc. Larger amount of information about technical condition. The operation of aircraft is subject to more stringent requirements to ensure safety and reliability. Relevant organizations constantly monitor the technical condition of aircraft, recording detailed information on the technical condition of key components. For example, information about the operating hours of each engine is usually available. Long service life of the aircraft as a whole, which can be extended conditionally an unlimited number of times.

6.2.2. Specifics of determining the physical wear and tear of aircraft: Terminology used:

  • reliability - the ability of a product to be operational at a given time while ensuring the properties of maintainability and storability. The level of failure-free operation is quantitatively characterized by the probability of failure-free operation within
  • flight, time between failures and failure rate;
  • durability - the ability of a product to be operational at a given time while ensuring the properties of maintainability and storability. The level of durability is quantitatively characterized by resources;
  • service life of the aircraft structure (engine, unit, equipment, etc.) - duration of operation (operating time) until the onset of a limit state at which further operation is terminated due to safety or operational efficiency requirements;
  • technical resource (or resource before decommissioning) - flight time (work), number of flights (cycles), calendar service life, the achievement of which is ensured when designing the main power structures, engine structures and other elements;
  • assigned resource - a resource upon reaching which operation stops regardless of the state of the object. The components of the assigned resource are the life before the first major overhaul and the life between repairs;
  • guaranteed resource - a resource during which the elimination of design and production defects is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer (supplier);
  • persistence - ensuring the operability of the entire aircraft (unit) while allowing for the possibility of failure of individual components. It is ensured by redundancy of parts with potential failures, controllability of failures, the presence of emergency systems, the ability to change the conditions and operating modes of failed units. The most important feature of aircraft compared to other types of equipment is the presence of requirements to ensure a given level of safety, airworthiness, and flight performance throughout their entire service life. Fulfillment of these requirements is regulated by special regulations and organizational and technical systems (certification, attestation, licensing). During operation, as a result of special resource studies and tests, decisions are periodically made to increase the assigned resource, which gradually increases from the initial assigned resource, temporary assigned resource to previously assumed (or larger) values ​​of the technical resource (resource before write-off), calculated (design ) the value of the resource before the first major overhaul or the service life between repairs. The currently used concept of operating aircraft “on condition” does not have prescriptively established assigned resources. Maintenance, repair and write-off are carried out depending on the actual technical condition of the objects. When determining the physical wear and tear of aircraft, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • the operation of aircraft is subject to requirements to maintain basic flight performance characteristics from the moment of production to decommissioning at a given level; maintaining reliability at a level not lower than that specified in the technical documentation;
  • the main flight performance characteristics and basic consumer properties of the aircraft are maintained at a given level from production to decommissioning, therefore irremovable physical wear and tear over operating time is determined mainly by a reduction in possible operating time and the corresponding income over the remaining useful life;
  • During repair activities, entire elements of the aircraft are often replaced - individual elements on the assessment date may have wear and obsolescence values ​​that differ significantly from similar indicators of other elements. Example problem: determine the market value of a twin-engine airplane. Initial data for evaluation: price of analogue 25 million rubles; 10% discount on bargaining; engine time between overhauls before major overhaul is 18,000 hours; the analog has an engine operating time of 9,000 hours; the engines of the subject of assessment have 14,000 hours of flight time; the cost of engine repair is 3.5 million rubles; in terms of other characteristics and resource development, the evaluation object and the analogue are identical.

Step 1 – determining the cost of the analogue, taking into account the bargaining discount: C A c t o r g = 25000000 × (1 − 10% 100%) = 22500000. (\displaystyle C_(A)^(c\;torg)=25000000\times (1-(\frac (10\%)(100\%) ))=22500000.)

Step 2 - determining the cost of the analog without taking into account the cost of engines: C A c t o r g . , b e z d v i g = 22500000 − 2 × 3500000 × (1 − 9000 18000) = 19000000. (\displaystyle C_(A)^(c\;torg.,bezdvig)=22500000-2\times 3500000\times (1-(\frac (9000)(18000)))=19000000.)

Step 3 – accounting for the cost of engines as part of the valuation object: C O O = 19000000 + 2 × 3500000 × (1 − 14000 18000) ∼ 20555000. (\displaystyle C_(O)O=19000000+2\times 3500000\times (1-(\frac (14000)(18000)))\sim 20555000.)


Table 24
Index Meaning (examples)
1 Identification characteristics of the valuation object Name. Type. Registration (account) number. Factory (serial) number. Date of issue. Name of the manufacturer. Owner's name and address. A copy (details) of the ownership document. Name and address of the operator (tenant). A copy (details) of the document for the right to operate (lease).
2 History of the object being assessed. Commissioning date. Initial cost at the date of commissioning (historical cost). Information about previous owners, operators (tenants), form of ownership and its changes. Book value. Information about major repairs carried out (dates, type, repair company), accidents, enterprises that performed maintenance and repairs, data on compliance with regulations for maintenance and repair, storage, etc.
3 Basic flight technical (flight tactical) characteristics For transport aircraft, the main flight characteristics that influence the cost estimate are: the number of passengers, the layout of the passenger cabin, carrying capacity, dimensions of the cargo compartments, flight range at maximum payload and maximum fuel capacity, airfield class, cruising speed.
4 Characteristics of the power plant. Type, quantity, power (thrust) of power plants (engines), type of fuel, consumption characteristics.
5 Characteristics of control systems. The composition of on-board flight navigation equipment and communications equipment, guidance systems, launch and flight control systems, etc.
6 Equipment characteristics. Composition and characteristics of passenger and cargo equipment, equipment for the use of aviation in the national economy, special equipment, etc.
7 Characteristics of the operating system. Fuel consumption. Availability and number of crew members. Specific operating costs (cost of a flight hour, launch of a launch vehicle, etc.). Type of maintenance and repair system (scheduled preventive maintenance, maintenance and repair “on condition”, etc.). Repair cost.
8 Resources established for the type of aircraft being assessed. The assessment takes into account the types of resources, in hours (minutes) of flight (work), flights (flight cycles, switching cycles), in calendar service life (in years) and other parameters.

6.3. Valuation of water vessels

In general terms, the algorithms for calculating the cost of water vessels and floating craft are comparable to the algorithms for calculating the cost of other types of machinery and equipment set out in the previous sections of the MM. There are nuances associated with the legislative regulation of the turnover and operation of water vessels, as well as with the presence of specific significant cost factors, the intensity of accumulation of wear and tear and obsolescence, sources of market information and information on the object of assessment. Over the past period, no questions related to these nuances were recorded in the exam.

What to pay attention to in practice: when identifying an object of assessment for assessment purposes, as well as selecting analogous objects, you should take into account the data in the following table.

Table 25 ,
Name Main technical and operational characteristics
Dry cargo ships:
  • vessels for general cargo: universal (with horizontal and vertical cargo handling); specialized (car carriers, container carriers)).
  • bulk carriers (for transporting ore, etc.).
Cell text
  • load capacity,
  • operating speed,
  • cargo capacity for bulk cargo,
  • displacement
Vessels for liquid cargo:
  • tankers (for transporting bitumen, crude and refined oil, chemical products, fruit juices, etc.);
  • chemical cargo ships;
  • gas carriers (for transportation of ethylene, ammonia, etc.).
  • load capacity,
  • speed,
  • maneuverability,
  • cruising range and autonomy,
  • displacement,
  • navigation area
Passenger, cargo and passenger ships and ferries:
  • passenger, cargo-passenger vessels (catamarans, floating restaurants, cruise ships, pleasure boats, floating hotels, etc.);
  • ferries.
  • load capacity,
  • speed,
  • maneuverability,
  • cruising range and autonomy,
  • displacements.
Service vessels:
  • icebreakers;
  • tugs (port tugs, rescue tugs, fire tugs, escort tugs, for ice support in the port, cant handlers, pushers, etc.);
  • other service vessels (pilot vessels, survey vessels, pilot vessels, etc.).
  • productivity units,
  • displacement,
  • power of main engines.
Fishing vessels.

Methodology for determining the market value of aircraft 01/01/2000 Author Luzhansky B. Aircraft are one of the most complex and expensive types of modern technology. When assessing their value, it is necessary to be guided not only by general approaches that consider aircraft as a specific class of property, but also by methods that take into account the specifics of assessing objects that are very different in functionality, principles of operation and design. This material presents a method for determining the market value of civil aircraft (AC) based on the costs of their reproduction, taking into account physical and functional wear and tear. First of all, it should be noted that in accordance with the Air Code of the Russian Federation (adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on February 19, 1997), aircraft are classified as aircraft that are supported in the atmosphere by interacting with air that is not reflected from the surface of the earth or water. In addition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation classifies aircraft subject to state registration as real estate, and the rest as machinery and equipment. Nevertheless, taking into account the functional purpose and design properties of aircraft, when assessing them, it is advisable to consider them as a single class of machines and equipment. Over the past few years, the fleet of domestic aircraft has become significantly outdated, both physically and morally. In the very near future, many types of aircraft are subject to write-off. At the same time, airlines often do not have the funds to purchase new aircraft, as a result of which serial production of most types of aircraft has practically ceased. Thus, it is very difficult for an expert to obtain reliable information about the replacement cost of the object in question, since the prices offered by manufacturers differ significantly from the amounts of specific transactions, which are traditionally not disclosed. Therefore, when conducting economic and legal research, a specialist must take into account the characteristics of the primary and secondary, global and regional aircraft markets, as well as structural inflation for the main types of aircraft. The market value of aircraft depends on many factors, the main of which include the principle of operation (aerostatic, aerodynamic, space, aerospace and rockets), functional purpose (research, economic, military and sports), flight performance characteristics (flight characteristics) ), parameters that determine the main operating costs, the maintenance and repair system (MRO), service life restrictions, and so on. The most important distinguishing feature of an aircraft from other types of equipment is the presence of requirements to ensure a given level of safety, airworthiness, and performance characteristics throughout its entire service life. Fulfillment of these requirements is regulated by special regulations and organizational and technical systems (certification, attestation, licensing). In accordance with the technical documentation being developed, the main power structures of aircraft are designed based on the condition of ensuring a given time and number of flights (technical resource). The modern concept of aircraft operation “according to condition” does not have any prescribed resource limitations. Aircraft are used until the end of their economic life, when the cost of repairing them becomes unprofitable. Therefore, at the initial stage of aircraft operation, a significantly lower resource value (assigned resource) is established, which is subsequently extended to the value specified in the technical specifications or a greater value. The timing of maintenance and repair activities, as well as the maximum performance indicators for aircraft operation, are measured by the duration of operating cycles (hours) or calendar time. The procedure for increasing assigned resources requires significant financial and time costs, which should be taken into account when performing the examination. Due to the fact that aircraft designs are constantly being improved, their full replacement cost is often calculated as replacement cost. At the same time, there are several approaches, most of which are based on the construction of calculation or resource-technological models. However, they are practically not applicable for assessing modern aircraft due to the significant complexity of collecting the necessary data. Therefore, to determine the full cost of reproducing an object, information is currently mainly used on the prices offered by airlines, adjusted by introducing the appropriate “bargaining” coefficients (obtained from market data averaged for similar products of the manufacturer in question). Calculation of the total depreciation (impairment) of the aircraft is carried out according to the formula: where: S - the amount of total depreciation, in shares; F, V, E - the amount of physical, functional and economic wear and tear, respectively, in shares. During normal operation, the physical wear of an aircraft is mainly determined by operating time in flight and on the ground, as well as time-dependent aging and corrosion processes of materials. The value of F acceptable for maintaining a given level of safety and airworthiness is ensured by a maintenance and repair system, the regulations of which provide for determining the actual level of wear and its elimination. In this case, prompt replacement of failed removable units is carried out during pre-flight and post-flight maintenance. Determining the degree of obsolescence of the most heavily loaded non-removable components of the airframe and engines, as well as their adjustment or replacement, is carried out during the process of overhaul (CR). Currently, the main form of MRO of domestic aircraft is a planned preventative system, which provides for appropriate maintenance of the aircraft depending on the operating time in flight hours, cycles (take-offs and landings, on-off) and calendar time. The frequency of repair work is established by the assigned resource before the first repair and by the between-repair resources for subsequent repairs. During the overhaul process, not complete, but partial elimination of physical wear and tear on aircraft and engines is ensured. Therefore, during calculations, irremovable wear is highlighted, the value of which is calculated using the formula: where: Fn - irremovable physical wear; NL - economic life expectancy (service life) ? the maximum value of the values ​​of technical and assigned resources; RL is the remaining useful life, defined as the amount of resource remaining before write-off; EA is the effective age, calculated as the difference between service life and remaining useful life. Depreciation of an aircraft as a vehicle as a result of irreparable physical wear and tear represents a deterioration in its consumer properties due to a reduction in possible operating time over the remaining useful life. For the aircraft as a whole, as well as for its main long-lived element that determines the functioning and service life of the aircraft (for example, an aircraft airframe, the price of which includes the cost of all components and assemblies with the exception of short-lived elements assessed separately), the proposed assessment methodology is based on the following provisions: 1. The effective service life strictly coincides with the actual operating time reflected in the documentation since the aircraft was produced, and the value of the remaining useful life and the degree of irreparable physical wear are determined by the formulas: where: A is the actual operating time since the aircraft was produced; i is the index of the operating time indicator (for hours flown i = 1, for the number of landings i = 2, and so on). 2. When assessing the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear by calendar time, the value of the remaining useful life is assessed taking into account the possible production of each of the life-limiting resources for the remaining calendar time. In this case, calculations are made according to the following dependencies: where: RLki is the remaining useful life in calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i for the calendar time remaining before write-off; Fnki is the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear according to calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i; NLk - economic life expectancy (service life) according to calendar time; Ak - calendar time from the moment the aircraft was released; Ri is the operating life with index i per unit of calendar time (annual flight hours, number of takeoffs and landings, engine starts per year, etc.), technically possible and realistically feasible under operating conditions (taking into account the principle of the best and most efficient use of the aircraft). Then, the calculated value of the degree of irreparable physical wear (Fnr) is taken as follows: The components and assemblies included in the aircraft as a whole must satisfy the general safety conditions of the aircraft, but they are not subject to the requirement for prompt elimination of physical wear during the pre-flight preparation process. In the event of a failure or exhaustion of between-repair resources, the MRO system provides for their replacement with subsequent repairs. Practice shows that with an increase in operating time, as well as as a result of repeated repairs, the failure rate of units, the cost and time of their setup may increase. Thus, there is an additional deterioration in consumer properties and depreciation of aircraft elements, characterized by a nonlinear dependence of the market value of the product on the duration of operating cycles. In addition, for short-lived units, physical wear in calendar time is determined by the aging processes of the materials of individual parts, which are replaced during the next repair. Therefore, as a rule, the calendar service life of products is taken into account when calculating removable wear and tear and does not affect the amount of irreparable obsolescence. Calculation of irreparable physical wear of individual units and components of the aircraft can be carried out for each type of operating time and calendar time using formula (2) with an additional assessment of the difference between their effective age and the actual age. The maximum value is taken as the calculated obsolescence value. Impairment due to reversible physical deterioration includes the cost required to replace or repair defects to the point where the loss in value of components and assemblies would be attributable solely to irreversible obsolescence, as well as the present cost of deferred scheduled major repairs of items that were operational at the time of the assessment. In this case, calculations are made according to the formulas: where: ADu - depreciation as a result of reversible wear and tear; Suj is the cost of troubleshooting the j-th unit; Crj is the cost of planned overhaul of the j-th unit; Mrji is the estimated value of the overhaul life with index i of the jth unit; OMrji is the calculated value of the overhaul life with index i of the j-th unit; I - discount rate; Tji is the calculated value of the time interval before the planned overhaul of the j-th unit, determined by the remainder of the overhaul life with index i; Rji is the operating time of the j-th resource unit with index i per unit of calendar time. The ratio of the amount of impairment as a result of irreparable and reversible wear and tear to the full replacement cost of the aircraft determines the amount of total physical obsolescence. Functional wear and tear is caused by a loss of value caused either by the appearance on the market of cheaper aircraft or vehicles, or by the inconsistency of the characteristics of the aircraft in question with modern standards, flight safety requirements, environmental restrictions, comfort indicators, quality of passenger service, and so on. Removable functional wear is measured by the amount of costs to compensate for it through structural modifications of the aircraft, officially permitted by the current documentation. Irremovable functional wear and tear is a consequence of deficiencies, the correction of which is currently practically impossible or economically impractical, and for a passenger aircraft can be determined by the formulas: where: ADvn is the functional depreciation of the aircraft due to differences in the main characteristics compared to its analogue; Cb - market value of the analogue; Nb, Nc - passenger capacity of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated with similar passenger cabin layouts; Kb, Kc - seat occupancy coefficients of analogue and aircraft; Vb, Vc - cruising speed of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated; Hb, Hc - flight hours of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated, hours per year; a, b - indicators that take into account the influence of differences in cruising speeds and annual flight hours (depending on the type of aircraft); NLc, NLb - economic life of the aircraft and its analogue, in flight hours; Chb, Chc - cost of a flight hour of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated; V is the current value of the monetary unit at the end of the economic life of the aircraft being evaluated; I - discount rate; Do - loss of profit for the year; Np - income tax rate. The calculation of economic (external) depreciation basically comes down to determining the current value of the loss of profit as a result of using an aircraft for the forecast period of time from the moment of assessment to the termination of operation. An additional type of external obsolescence can be attributed to the loss of value as a result of the transfer of an aircraft from the primary to the secondary market. The presented mathematical model for assessing civil aircraft formed the basis for the methods approved by the Federal Aviation Service (FAS) of Russia, used by practicing specialists in their work, as well as by educational and methodological centers in the training of independent experts. This approach can be used when calculating the cost of a wider class of machinery and equipment for which the requirements for ensuring the preservation of a given level of safety and basic operational and technical characteristics from the moment of manufacture to write-off when resources are exhausted are met. Boris LUZHANSKY

3 simple steps
to receive the report

Convenience of working with us

Our guarantees
correct assessment

Join the ranks of our clients:

Presentation of transport assessment services

Our low price guarantee

  • Our company is not bureaucratic and we do not have dozens of managers feeding off clients.
  • All our employees have extensive experience in assessing various objects and proven methods that greatly reduce labor costs for assessment.
  • We do not spend your money on our image paraphernalia. The best image for us is satisfied customers.

Aircraft are among the most expensive and technically complex types of equipment. They are subject to stringent requirements in terms of safety, airworthiness and compliance with established flight performance parameters. Experts must follow all these rules when conducting the assessment procedure. Highly qualified specialists of our company provide expert assessment services for aircraft of all types using the most effective tools, and taking into account the specifics of each specific object.

Aircraft valuation is a process aimed at determining the real market value of helicopters, airplanes and any other aircraft, as well as their individual components, for example, engines, navigation systems, etc.

Classification of aircraft according to various criteria

Today there is a huge variety of technical means for conquering airspace. All of them are intended for one purpose or another, and, therefore, differ in their design, capabilities and operating principles, therefore all aircraft are classified according to:

By functional purpose:

  • national economic (freight, agricultural, passenger, etc.);
  • research (experimental);
  • sports;
  • military.

Based on the operating principle:

  • aerostatic (balloons, stratospheric balloons; hybrid aircraft, airships);
  • aerodynamic (airplanes, helicopters, gliders, gyroplanes, cruise missiles, etc.)
  • missiles (combat and research missiles, launch vehicles);
  • spacecraft;
  • hybrid aircraft (aerospace aircraft).

Based on crew availability:

  • manned;
  • unmanned.

By use:

  • reusable;
  • disposable.

Features of the assessment of air transport vehicles

According to Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all air transport and space assets belong to the category of real estate. Despite this, the examination and assessment of aircraft and other aircraft is carried out using methods applied to movable technical objects. During the research process, specialists check the compliance of aircraft with the required operational parameters and determine their level of safety. Correct and accurate assessment of this type of technology is impossible only using standard approaches. In this case, non-standard methods play a big role, taking into account the specifics of aircraft as a separate class of property. Our company’s specialists, when assessing an aircraft or any other aircraft, consider each specific object from all possible angles: as a vehicle, real estate and an operating enterprise.

Reasons for assessing aircraft may be:

  • purchase and sale transactions;
  • registration of an aircraft as collateral for taking out a bank loan;
  • determining the amount of damage;
  • drawing up an insurance contract;
  • write-off of property;
  • resolution of property disputes;
  • attracting investments;
  • leasing an object or transferring it to trust management;
  • tax optimization;
  • confirmation of customs value;
  • redistribution of business shares;
  • reorganization of the enterprise;
  • contribution of property to the authorized capital of the enterprise;
  • execution of court decisions;
  • assignment of debt obligations;
  • forced sale of property as a result of bankruptcy, etc.

The total cost of appraisal operations and the timing of their implementation are determined in each case individually, because Even the assessment of aircraft of the same type may require the use of different methods and approaches; accordingly, the volume and duration of work will differ. The cost of the expert’s services will depend on these factors.

The standard assessment scheme is as follows:

  • negotiations with the Customer, conclusion of an agreement;
  • collection of documentation and data on the air vehicle;
  • analysis of the information received;
  • visual inspection of the object, photographing all elements of the aircraft and drawing up an inspection report;
  • development of tactics and strategies for assessment activities;
  • direct assessment of an aircraft or other object, calculation of its cost;
  • Formation of an official assessment report.

List of documents and information required from the customer when assessing the aircraft:

  • Full name of the aircraft, serial and tail numbers;
  • Manufacturer and country of production;
  • Release date and start date;
  • Details of the owner of the object;
  • Title documents for the object (copies);
  • Restrictions on ownership (if any);
  • Book value (full and residual (for legal entities);
  • Copies of all operational documents;
  • List of main operating costs (fuel used and its consumption; number of crew members);
  • Certificate of technical condition of the object;
  • Information about the manufacturer's warranty obligations;
  • The exact location of the object;
  • Estimated and residual life;
  • Data on the type and intensity of aircraft operation.

It should be noted that this list is not final, because can be adjusted during the inspection and assessment of the aircraft or any other vessel.

Assessment methods

The valuation of an aircraft, like other property, is carried out using one of three classical methods - cost, comparative or income, or by a combination of these methods.

The cost method is the process of determining the value of an object, taking into account the costs that may be required to restore it 100 percent. The basis is the statement that the price of a used vessel, together with the costs of its repair, will not exceed the cost of a new vessel. In this case, the expert calculates costs, analyzes the manufacturer's selling price, indexes the calculation and obtains the real cost of the aircraft.

The comparative method involves analyzing the market and market prices for similar objects. As a result of comparing the prices and physical characteristics of the valued object with analogues, the expert derives the correct value of the valued object. If using the comparison method is impossible or impractical due to high material or time costs, the statistical modeling method is used, which allows you to achieve the most accurate results.

The income method is based on the calculation of the expected economic benefits from a given aircraft, taking into account its current value.

Our company’s specialists select the optimal assessment method for each specific situation, which guarantees maximum accuracy of the final result.

Only in our company!

When ordering an assessment service for an amount exceeding 200,000 rubles
we give you a new one iPad 10




Basic provisions of STO ROO 21-04-98


Developer - Doctor of Technical Sciences B.E. Luzhansky,
DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by Technical Committee 389 “Property Valuation”

1. Adopted and put into effect by the resolution of the Board of the Russian Society of Appraisers on September 11, 1996, protocol No. 16, Moscow.

2. Introduced for the first time.

3. The standard fully complies with the Charter of the Russian Society of Appraisers, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 1, 1995. (registration certificate N 3054).

4. Information about the standard was sent to the Federal Standards Fund of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.


1 area of ​​use
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions

6. Contents of initial information
8. Deciding on the cost of the aircraft
9. Contents of the assessment report
10. Conditions for deviation from the standard


This standard was developed to develop the system of regulatory documents of the Russian Society of Appraisers.

The creation of the standard was due to the need for regulatory regulation of issues related to the assessment of aircraft.

The standard is aimed at regulating the basic concepts associated with the assessment of aircraft, including aircraft, the content of initial information, methodological approaches to the process of assessing aircraft, as well as requirements for assessment results and the content of the report.

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the procedure for assessing the cost of aircraft, including aircraft, and their components.

The procedure established by this standard is mandatory for use in all types of documentation and literature on property valuation that are within the scope of standardization work and (or) using the results of this work.

2. Normative references

The following standards are used in this document:

GOST R 1.5. -92. State standardization system of the Russian Federation. - General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.
- GOST R 51195.0.01-98. Unified property assessment system. Basic provisions.
- GOST R 51195.0.02-98. Unified property assessment system. Terms and Definitions.

3. Terms and definitions

In the process of assessing machinery and equipment, the definitions given in the documents of Section 2 of this standard are used, as well as the most important terms and definitions given below, grouped into thematic groups.

3.1. Property and fixed assets.

Real estate - land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies and everything that is firmly connected to the land, i.e. objects whose movement without commensurate damage to their purpose is impossible, including forests, perennial plantings, buildings and structures; immovable things also include aircraft and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, and space objects subject to state registration.

Movable property is objects of the physical world that are not real estate, including jewelry, rarities, money and securities.

Machinery and equipment are devices that transform energy, materials and information.

Vehicles are devices designed to move people and goods.

3.2. Aircraft and aircraft.

Aircraft - an aircraft maintained in the atmosphere by interaction with air other than interaction with air reflected from the surface of the earth or water.

Basic flight technical (flight tactical) characteristics are a set of quantitative indicators that determine the ability of aircraft to fulfill their intended purpose.

Operability is the state of the aircraft and (or) its parts, in which they are capable of performing specified functions, maintaining the parameter values ​​within the limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

Reliability is the property of the aircraft as a whole and (or) its parts to perform specified functions, maintaining the values ​​of operational indicators within established limits corresponding to the modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repair, storage and transportation. Includes the properties of reliability, durability, maintainability and storage.

Reliability is the ability of a product to be operational at a given time while ensuring the properties of maintainability and storability. The level of failure-free operation is quantitatively characterized by the probability of failure-free operation per flight, time per failure, and failure rate.

Durability is the ability of a product to be operational at a given time while ensuring the properties of maintainability and storability. The level of durability is quantitatively characterized by resources.

The service life of an aircraft structure (engine, unit, equipment, etc.) is the duration of operation (operating time) until the limit state occurs, at which further operation is terminated due to safety or operational efficiency requirements.

An aircraft (an aircraft element) can be operated within the established resource, expressed in hours (minutes) of flight (operation), flights (flight cycles, switching cycles), in calendar service life (in years) and in other parameters that determine the duration of operation object.

Technical resource (or resource before decommissioning) - flight time (work), number of flights (cycles), calendar service life, the achievement of which is ensured by the design of main power structures, engine structures and other elements.

An assigned resource is a resource upon reaching which operation stops regardless of the state of the object. The components of the assigned resource are the service life before the first major overhaul and the service life between repairs.

During operation, as a result of special resource studies and tests, decisions are periodically made to increase the assigned resource, which gradually increases from the initial assigned resource, temporary assigned resource to previously assumed (or larger) values ​​of the technical resource (resource before write-off), calculated (design) resource values ​​before the first major overhaul or between-repairs resource.

The modern concept of operating aircraft “on condition” does not have prescriptively established assigned resources. Maintenance, repair and write-off are carried out depending on the actual technical condition of the objects.

Guaranteed resource - a resource during which the elimination of design and production defects is carried out at the expense of the manufacturer (supplier).

Storability - ensuring the operability of the entire aircraft (unit) while allowing for the possibility of failure of individual components. It is ensured by redundancy of parts with potential failures, controllability of failures, the presence of emergency systems, the ability to change the conditions and operating modes of failed units.

Flight safety is a set of measures taken during the creation of an aircraft and its operation in order to eliminate the threat to human life and health.

Revolving fund of components and equipment - units, products and equipment necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of the aircraft.

3.3. Determination of types of estimated values, taking into account the specifics of aircraft

Replacement cost - for aircraft or their elements that are mass-produced at the time of evaluation - is the cost of manufacturing a new aircraft (element), the type and characteristics of which completely coincide with the object being evaluated.

Replacement cost is the cost of an analogue of the valuation object in prices on the valuation date.

The estimated replacement cost is determined for aircraft (or their elements), the serial production of which has been discontinued as of the valuation date, as the difference between the replacement cost of the analogue and the functional wear and tear of the valuation object compared to the analogue.

The salvage value of an aircraft is the amount in monetary terms that is expected to be received from the open sale of an aircraft at the end of its service life and the impossibility of its further use anywhere. Determined by the maximum amount:

Residual values ​​of units, equipment, components and parts when used for their intended purpose as spare parts or consumables;
- the cost of units, equipment and structural components that are expected to be obtained when using them for a purpose other than their intended purpose;
- the cost of scrap metal (scrap) of units, equipment and structural components.

The value of scrap metal is the amount in monetary terms that could be received for an aircraft (element) if it were openly sold at the price of the materials it contains, and not for productive use.

Value in use is the value of the aircraft being valued, determined on the assumption that it will not be sold on an open, free and competitive market, but will be used for the same purposes, in the same manner and with the same efficiency as it was at the date of valuation.

Value in exchange is the cost of the aircraft being evaluated, determined on the assumption of its possible sale in a free, open and competitive market under equilibrium conditions established by the conditions of supply and demand (for any, including alternative, existing methods of use).

4. Classification of aircraft

An aircraft is a device for flying in the Earth's atmosphere or in outer space.

4.1. By functional purpose:

Research (experimental);
- national economic (passenger, cargo, agricultural, etc.);
- military;
- sports.

4.2. According to the principles of operation, aircraft are divided into the following groups

Aerostatic (aeronautical) aircraft are devices in which the floating force is provided by the Archimedean force acting on a shell filled with light gas or warm air: balloons, stratospheric balloons, airships, hybrid aircraft.

Aerodynamic aircraft are devices that use aerodynamic lift for flight, which is formed when air flows around:

Wings: gliders, airplanes, flywheels, ekranoplanes, cruise missiles;
- rotor: gyroplanes, helicopters, flying platforms with a main rotor, etc.;
- load-bearing body: devices with a load-bearing body.

Hybrid aircraft include aerodynamic vertical take-off and landing aircraft: convertible aircraft, vertical take-off and landing aircraft, rotorcraft.

Spacecraft (at the launch site, a spacecraft is given one or another cosmic speed in accordance with its purpose, after which the vehicle continues its flight by inertia in the field of gravitational forces): orbital, interplanetary and other vehicles.

Rockets (capable of moving in the earth's atmosphere and in airless space under the influence of reactive force - thrust of a rocket engine): launch vehicles, combat missiles, scientific research (geophysical, meteorological), etc.

Hybrid aircraft (combine the properties of aerodynamic and space aircraft): aerospace aircraft.

4.3. According to current laws and regulations

4.3.1. The Federal Law "Air Code of the Russian Federation" (adopted by the State Duma on February 19, 1997, approved by the Federation Council on March 5, 1997) establishes the legal basis for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation and activities in the field of aviation. Its effect extends to some aircraft - aircraft.

Aircraft - an aircraft maintained in the atmosphere by interaction with air other than interaction with air reflected from the surface of the earth or water: all aerostatic and aerodynamic aircraft with the exception of ekranoplanes (see section 4.2).

For the purposes of state regulation of activities in the field of aviation, aircraft belong to the following groups.

Civil aircraft is an aircraft used to meet the needs of citizens and the economy.

State aircraft - an aircraft used to carry out military, border, police, customs and other government services, as well as to perform mobilization and defense tasks.

Experimental aircraft - an aircraft used for carrying out development, experimental, scientific research work, as well as testing aircraft and other equipment.

4.3.2. In accordance with Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, real estate includes aircraft and spacecraft subject to state registration.

Movable property includes other aircraft (not subject to state registration), including aircraft.

Civil and state aircraft intended for flight operations are subject to state registration. They relate to real estate.

Experimental aircraft intended for flight operations are subject to state registration. They are classified as movable property.

Thus, the same aircraft, depending on whether it belongs to different types of aviation or intended for flight at the valuation date, can be classified as real estate (subject to the relevant legislative and regulatory framework) and as movable property.

4.3.3. In accordance with the “All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets OK 013-94” (OKOF), approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994. No. 359 aircraft belong to the group Vehicles.
4.3.4. In accordance with GOST R 51195.0. ... - “...Unified system of property assessment. Cars and equipment. Primary requirements. (project)” vehicles and the aircraft included in them belong to the Machinery and Equipment group.

In addition to the parameters listed above, other parameters that have a significant impact on the cost of the aircraft being evaluated can be used to classify aircraft. Based on the presence of a crew, aircraft are divided into manned and unmanned, based on the degree of reuse - into single- and reusable, etc.

5. Procedure for assessing aircraft

5.1. Collection and analysis of preliminary information about the object, the purpose and date of the assessment, the owner and operator (lessee) of the aircraft, the customer of the assessment.

5.2. Conclusion of an assessment agreement

5.3. Classification of the object of assessment. The aircraft is classified in accordance with clause 4 of this standard, using, if necessary, additional classification features and specialized classifiers.

5.4. Identification and development of an expert opinion - a report on the technical condition of the assessment object. The analysis of forms, passports and similar documents containing the identification characteristics of the objects of assessment, documents confirming ownership or operation rights (lease), inspection and identification of objects in their locations is carried out.

An expert commission is formed, an examination plan is developed and approved, which, if necessary, may include special tests, defect detection and other work permitted by current regulations. Based on the results of the work, an expert opinion is developed - a report on the technical condition of the assessment object.

5.5. Collection and analysis of general data. Data are collected and analyzed that characterize the socio-economic operating conditions of the aircraft under evaluation, the state of the corresponding market segment, changes in international requirements for flight safety and environmental restrictions, as well as other factors affecting the estimated value of the object.

5.6. Collection and analysis of special data. Technical, operational and economic information on the aircraft under evaluation and its analogues appearing on the market in the recent period of time is collected and analyzed. Data collection was carried out by studying relevant documentation and consultations with specialists from competent organizations.

5.7. Best and most effective use analysis. The conclusion about the best and most effective use at the date of assessment is based on an analysis of the information collected, taking into account existing and planned for the near future restrictions on the use of the assessed and similar aircraft.

5.8. Selecting methods for assessing an object. The choice of general approaches (cost, market and income) and special methods is determined by the purpose of the assessment, the completeness and reliability of the initial information available and necessary for applying each method, as well as the terms of the assessment agreement. If necessary, existing assessment methods are modified or new special assessment methods are developed (with justification for their methodological correctness and accuracy).

5.9. Carrying out calculations and analyzing the results. Calculations are carried out to evaluate the object using various methods and analysis of the results. If necessary, additional information is collected, assessment methods are adjusted and additional calculations are made. Then a decision is made on the cost of the object.

5.10. Preparation of an assessment report and its delivery to the customer.

6. Contents of initial information used when assessing aircraft

6.1. Identification characteristics of the object of assessment:

- type;
- registration (account) number;
- factory (serial) number;
- Date of issue;
- name of the manufacturer;
- name and address of the owner;
- copy (details) of the document on the right of ownership;
- name and address of the operator (tenant);
- a copy (details) of the document for the right to operate (lease).

6.2. History of the property being assessed:

Commissioning date;
- initial cost on the date of commissioning (historical cost);
- information about previous owners, operators (tenants), form of ownership and its changes;
- book value according to accounting data;
- information about major repairs carried out (dates, type, repair company), accidents, enterprises that performed maintenance and repairs, data on compliance with regulations for maintenance and repair, storage, etc.

6.3. Basic flight technical (flight tactical) characteristics are a set of quantitative indicators that determine the ability of aircraft to fulfill their intended purpose.

For transport aircraft, the main flight characteristics that influence the cost estimate are: the number of passengers, the layout of the passenger cabin, carrying capacity, dimensions of the cargo compartments, flight range at maximum payload and maximum fuel capacity, airfield class, cruising speed. For transport helicopters - maximum transported cargo, cargo compartment dimensions, practical flight range, speed and static ceiling. For spacecraft - the speed of launch into space orbit, the mass and dimensions of the payload launched into orbit.

For combat aircraft, flight-tactical characteristics include most of the characteristics listed above, as well as combat survivability, combat effectiveness, visibility, etc.

6.4. Characteristics of the power plant. Type, quantity, power (thrust) of power plants (engines), type of fuel, consumption characteristics.

6.5. Characteristics of control systems. Composition of on-board flight navigation equipment and communications equipment, guidance systems, etc.

6.6. Equipment characteristics. Composition and characteristics of passenger and cargo equipment, equipment for the use of aviation in the national economy, special equipment, etc.

6.7. Operating system characteristics:

Fuel consumption;
- availability and number of crew members;
- specific operating costs (cost of flight hour, launch, etc.);
- type of maintenance and repair system (scheduled preventive maintenance, maintenance and repair “on condition”, etc.);
- cost of repairs.

6.8. The resources specified for the type of aircraft being assessed. The assessment takes into account the following types of resources (definitions are given in clause 3) in hours (minutes) of flight (work), flights (flight cycles, switching cycles), in calendar service life (in years) and other parameters:

Technical resource (or resource before write-off);
- assigned resource;
- assigned resource until the first major overhaul;
- assigned overhaul life;
- guaranteed resource.

6.9. Technical condition. The technical condition report (expert opinion) must contain the following data:

The composition of the commission, indicating positions, date, signatures of the chairman and members of the commission, certified by the seal of the organization that formed the commission;
- identification characteristics of the valuation object, its main units and components, which have a significant impact on the value of the object;
- location of the object;
- resources established for the assessment object - before write-off (technical resources), assigned resources, assigned and warranty resources before the first repair and between repairs, data on the extension of resources and other parameters necessary for assessment purposes, established for the assessed object by the relevant acts recorded in the forms, passports and similar documents;
- operating time of the aircraft and its separately assessed elements (from the beginning of operation and after the last repair;
- remaining resources before repairs (including extension);
- data on compliance with maintenance and repair regulations;
- data on repairs carried out;
- data on the latest forms of maintenance and storage work carried out;
- completeness of the object;
- list of removed units and components;
- list of faults of units and components;
- actual technical condition of the object;
- recommendations for the further use of the object, necessary repair and restoration work and, if necessary, a forecast of the service life of the object.

The conclusion of the act must contain a conclusion about the possibility of further operation of the facility and the necessary measures to restore the functionality of faulty facilities that have reached the end of their lifespan, that are in storage or mothballed.

6.10. Characteristics of environmental impact. The characteristics of the aircraft and current restrictions on noise in the area, emissions of harmful substances into the environment as a result of engine operation, microwave radiation, the presence of toxic substances in the fuel and the possibility of their release into the environment during normal operation or a disaster, etc. are taken into account. .

6.11. The legal, organizational and economic basis for the operation of aircraft regulated by laws and other regulations, which have a significant impact on the cost:

Documentation permitting the admission of aircraft to operation (for civil aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers - type certificates, airworthiness certificates (certificate of airworthiness) or a document equivalent to the airworthiness certificate, certificate of state registration (registration), etc.) n. Civil aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers manufactured in a foreign country and entering the Russian Federation for operation are certified in accordance with federal aviation regulations). In the absence of an appropriate permit, data must be provided on the costs of financial resources and time to obtain it (certification, licensing, state registration, accounting, etc. are usually carried out on a reimbursable basis and can significantly affect the cost estimate);
- current and planned environmental regulations that prohibit or limit the operation of aircraft in the relevant territory;
- current and planned restrictions to ensure flight safety, including the safety of air traffic control, etc.

6.12. Characteristics of the aircraft market. The state of production, the primary and secondary markets of the aircraft being assessed and its analogues, the rental market for the aircraft being assessed, as well as current government restrictions on the sale of certain special types of aircraft, their elements and technologies are taken into account.

7. Standard methods of assessment, analysis and presentation of assessment results

7.1. Types of cost. Depending on the purpose of the assessment, the following types of value are determined: market, investment, liquidation, insurance, recycling, tax value, collateral, scrap metal (scrap), etc.

7.2. Methods (approaches) of assessment. When evaluating aircraft, the following approaches can be used: cost, comparative sales analysis and income.

7.3. Cost-effective approach. When using the cost approach, the cost of an object is determined by the costs of its creation, acquisition, commissioning, modification and disposal, taking into account all types of wear and tear.

The basis for assessing value is:

- replacement cost - the cost of reproducing a copy of an aircraft or its element in prices as of the valuation date;
- replacement cost - the cost of an analogue of the valuation object in prices on the valuation date;
- residual value is determined by subtracting all types of depreciation from the replacement cost of the object or the replacement cost of an analogue.

When assessing aircraft, the following methods can be implemented:

Comparative unit cost (holistic assessment);
- cost of enlarged elements (assessment in parts).

7.3.1. Determination of replacement cost. The replacement cost for commercially produced aircraft or their elements at the time of evaluation is the cost of manufacturing a new aircraft (element), the type and characteristics of which completely coincide with the object being evaluated.

For aircraft (or their elements), the serial production of which has been discontinued as of the assessment date, the basis, as a rule, is taken as the replacement cost of the analogue - the minimum cost of manufacturing (at current prices) of a similar new aircraft (element), as close as possible to the one under consideration in all respects. functional, design and operational characteristics that are significant from the point of view of its current use. The requirement to minimize cost means choosing as a substitute not just any analogue, but one that is minimally sufficient in its characteristics.

Determining the replacement cost of an object using a costly method can be carried out using the following methods:

Comparisons with selling prices (offer prices) of the manufacturer;
- quantitative analysis (cost calculation);
- analysis and updating of existing calculations;
- calculations according to aggregated standards.

Note. For modern complex aircraft produced by multidisciplinary aerospace complexes, it is very difficult to use methods of quantitative analysis, updating calculations and calculations according to aggregated standards using resource-technological models. They can be used for fairly simple aircraft. To determine the cost of reproduction of modern complex aircraft, information on the supply prices of manufacturing plants is mainly used.

7.3.2. Determining aircraft wear

With a costly method of determining cost, it is necessary to take into account the amount of physical, functional and external wear and tear.

If it is possible to restore lost consumer properties, wear is divided into removable and irreparable.

Irremovable wear corresponds to deficiencies, the correction of which is currently practically impossible or economically impractical.

Recoverable wear is measured by the cost of eliminating it. Physical wear and tear of an aircraft is depreciation associated with a decrease in its performance and reliability as a result of both natural physical aging and the influence of external unfavorable factors.

According to the form of manifestation, wear is divided into technical, expressed in a decrease (compared to the standard, passport level) of the actual values ​​of technical and economic parameters, and structural, which is understood as an increase in structural fatigue of main components and parts that increase the likelihood of emergency failures, as well as a decrease in protective properties of external coatings.

The degree of physical wear is determined by the following methods.

- observation method- an accurate method for determining wear, based on the study of relevant objects, their testing, assessment of the actual wear of the most important components and assemblies by means of objective control, etc. The degree of real physical deterioration of the property being assessed is determined as the average of the depreciation of its most important components and assemblies, weighted by their share in the total original or replacement cost. The observational method is most applicable to determining impairment due to physical wear and tear on aircraft that are maintained and repaired on a condition-by-condition basis;
- direct methods- methods for determining the degree of wear based on the required costs of restoration (repair), based on actual and standard operating time, according to the degree of reduction in consumer properties or technical characteristics within the range from standard to maximum permissible values;
- effective age method- an indirect method based on a comparison of the standard and remaining service life. It is most applicable to the planned preventive maintenance and repair system of aircraft.

When determining the physical wear and tear of an aircraft, it is necessary to take into account the following features of the object being assessed:

1) maintaining the main flight performance characteristics from the moment of production to decommissioning at a given level;
2) maintaining, from the moment of release until decommissioning, flight safety, operability and reliability at a level not lower than that specified by the technical documentation confirming the airworthiness for the type and instance of the aircraft in question;
3) any physical wear and tear of the aircraft elements, leading to a violation of the requirements of paragraphs. 1 and 2), must be quickly eliminated by the maintenance and repair system (primarily by replacing failed elements during pre-flight and post-flight maintenance) to maintain a constant level of performance of the aircraft as a whole, regardless of the level of performance and physical wear of its individual elements;
4) determination of the degree of structural wear of the most loaded non-removable components of the airframe and engines, their repair or replacement is carried out in the process of special forms of maintenance and repair, including major ones;
5) in the process of overhaul of an aircraft (element), as a rule, not complete, but partial elimination of physical (including structural) wear is ensured, which determines the limitation of durability (service life);
6) in accordance with paragraphs. 1-5) the main flight performance characteristics and basic consumer properties of the aircraft are maintained at a given level from production to decommissioning, therefore depreciation - irremovable physical wear and tear over operating time is determined mainly by a reduction in possible operating time over the remaining useful life;
7) elements of the aircraft that have a modular design (providing the ability to quickly replace failed modules during pre-flight preparation without removing the main element from service) must satisfy conditions similar to paragraphs. 1-4) for the aircraft as a whole. Therefore, a conclusion similar to paragraph 6) fully applies to them - irremovable physical wear and tear based on operating time is determined mainly by a reduction in possible operating time over the remaining useful life;
8) elements (units) of an aircraft that have a non-modular design must satisfy conditions similar to paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5), but do not comply with the conditions of paragraph 3), since in the event of a failure or exhaustion of overhaul resources, they are removed from operation on an aircraft for repairs. If, with an increase in operating time as a result of physical wear, the failure rate increases, there is an increase in the time the unit is in repair and the cost of repair. Therefore, the depreciation of units as a result of irreparable physical wear and tear over operating time is determined not only by reducing the possible operating time over the remaining useful life, but also by additional deterioration in consumer properties - the level of failure-free operation and the cost of repairs;
9) in the process of overhaul of the structure of the main elements (assemblies) of the aircraft, as a rule, there is an irreparable deterioration in the level of their reliability, which leads to additional physical irreparable wear as a result of the repair impact;
10) the planned preventative system of maintenance and repair of aircraft (elements) provides for the regulated frequency and scope of forms of maintenance and repair, as well as the normatively established durability (service life) before decommissioning;
11) the “condition-based” operation system for aircraft does not have prescribed maintenance and repair periods, as well as restrictions on the overall service life; elimination of physical wear and tear during maintenance and repair is carried out mainly if the measured actual degree of technical wear exceeds the permissible level established for a specific unit; operation is carried out as long as it is technically possible and economically feasible.

Example 1. Typical methodology for determining the physical wear and tear of an aircraft and its elements using the “effective age” method with a planned preventative maintenance and repair system.

The degree of irreparable physical wear is determined by the dependence

Fn = (NL -- RL)/ NL = EA/ (EA + RL), (1)


Fn - degree of irreparable physical wear;
NL - economic life expectancy (service life, durability);
RL - remaining useful life;
EA - effective age.

The physical wear and tear of an aircraft during normal operation is mainly determined by operating time in flight and on the ground, as well as by calendar time-dependent aging and corrosion processes of materials.

The service life under a planned preventative maintenance and repair system for each of the operating hours and calendar service life parameters specified in clause 3 of this standard is determined by the maximum value of two values: technical and assigned resource.

The remaining useful life is determined by the estimated residual life before write-off.

Determining the effective age practically comes down to determining the service life, estimating the remaining useful life and calculating their difference.

For satisfying the conditions of paragraphs. 1-4) and the conclusions of paragraphs 6,7) aircraft and their elements (which include: the aircraft as a whole; the main long-lived element that determines the functioning and service life of the aircraft (for example, an aircraft airframe, which includes the cost of all components and units with the exception of separately assessed short-lived elements); assessed separately short-lived elements (for example, engines) having a modular design), the methodology is based on the following provisions.

1. The effective service life according to operating hours strictly coincides with the actual operating time reflected in the documentation from the moment of production, and the remaining useful life and the degree of irreparable physical wear are determined by the dependencies:

RLi = NLi -- Ai, (2)

Fni = Ai / NLi, (3)


A - actual operating time since the aircraft was released;
i - index of the operating time indicator (for hours flown i=1, for the number of flights i=2, etc.).

The remaining notations coincide with the notations of dependence (1).

2. When assessing the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear using calendar time, the remaining useful life is assessed taking into account the possible production of each of the life-limiting resources over the remaining calendar time. The remaining useful life and the degree of wear are calculated according to the following dependencies:

RLki = max (NLk -- Ak -- Tm, NLk (NLk -- Ak -- Tm) Ri / NLi), (4)

Fnk i = max (0, 1 -- RLki / NLk), (5)


RLki is the remaining useful life in calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i for the calendar time remaining before write-off;
Fnki - the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear according to calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i;
NLk - economic life expectancy (service life) according to calendar time;
Ak - calendar time from the moment of release;
Tm is the calendar time required to complete the act of transferring ownership rights, preparing for operation, as well as issuing an operator’s certificate (or a similar document) when changing ownership (when determining cost for use without transfer of rights property Tm = 0);
Ri is the operating time of the resource with index i per unit of calendar time (annual flight hours, number of flights, engine starts per year, etc.), technically possible and realistically feasible under operating conditions (taking into account the principle of best and most efficient use).

The maximum value of the degree of irreparable physical wear Fnr is taken as the calculated value

Fnr = max (Fni, Fnki: i = 1,..., n ). (6)

For satisfying the conditions of paragraphs. 1,2,4,5 and conclusions of paragraph 8 of aircraft elements, the calculation of the degree of irreparable physical wear of individual units and components can be made for each type of operating time and calendar time according to the general dependence (1) with an assessment of the difference between the effective age and the actual age using special models , taking into account the technical features of the unit being evaluated, as well as statistical data on changes in reliability and cost of repairs.

For example, for engines a dependency like

Fni = (Ai / NLi) N + Fr(Ai, OMri), (7)


A - actual operating time since engine release;
i - index of operating time (for operating hours i=1, for the number of cycles i=2, for calendar service life i=3, etc.);
N - exponent;
Fr(Ai, OMri) - the degree of additional irreparable physical wear as a result of repair impact;
OMri - the value of the remaining life between repairs with index i.

The maximum value for i is taken as the calculated degree of wear.

Irremovable physical wear and tear is determined by multiplying the replacement cost by the degree of irreparable wear and tear.

Recoverable physical deterioration includes the "cost of removal" as well as the present cost of deferred planned capital repairs.

Elimination cost - the costs that would be required to replace or repair faults to a state in which the depreciation of components and assemblies would be determined only by irreparable wear and tear. The cost of eliminating design and manufacturing defects during the duration of the guaranteed service life covering the defect in question is not included in reparable wear and tear, as it must be eliminated at the expense of the manufacturer (supplier).

The present cost of deferred planned overhaul of units and components that are operational at the time of assessment is calculated according to the dependencies:

ADu = ? (Suj + Crj (max ((Mrji -- OMrji) / (Mrji(1 + I) Tji): i = 1,...,n ))), (8)

Tji = OMrji / Rji, (9)


ADu - removable physical wear;
Suj is the cost of troubleshooting the unit with index j;
Crj is the cost of planned overhaul of the unit with index j;
Mrji is the value of the overhaul life with index i of the unit with index j;
OMrji is the value of the remaining service life before repair with index i of the unit with index j;
I - discount rate;
Tji is the calculated value of the time interval before the planned overhaul of the unit with index j, determined by the remaining service life with index i before repair;
Rji is the operating time of a unit with index j of a resource with index i per unit of calendar time.

If the remaining service life before write-off is less than the established overhaul life, then subsequent major repairs are not planned and its cost should not be included in removable wear and tear.

Note. The method described above for determining physical wear and tear can be used in a “condition-based” aircraft operation system. In this case, for the service life before write-off, the remaining resources before repair and the cost of planned repairs, instead of regulated values, it is necessary to use predictive statistical data, for example, mathematical expectations of the values ​​of the corresponding parameters included in dependencies (1)-(9).

Depending on the specifics of the aircraft and the purposes of the assessment, calculation of physical wear and tear can be carried out:

For the aircraft as a whole, according to the resource characteristics of the main long-lived element that determines the functioning and service life of the aircraft (for example, an aircraft airframe);
- for enlarged elements: for the main long-lived element (including the cost of all components and assemblies with the exception of elements assessed separately) and for short-lived elements assessed separately (for example, engines);
- element-by-element calculation for units, components, equipment, etc. (for example, when determining the salvage value of the aircraft as a whole or the value of elements of a decommissioned aircraft that are intended for use as spare parts and consumables).

With moderate degrees of wear of the aircraft (main element), the resulting error is not significant for the assessment. If the object of assessment or an analogue is close to being written off, a more detailed account of the physical wear and tear of elements suitable for further use and the cost of scrap metal (scrap) of the elements, units and equipment being written off is necessary.

The physical wear and tear of an aircraft is determined by the sum of irreparable and removable physical wear of all assessed elements.

The ratio of total physical depreciation to the total replacement cost of the object determines the degree of physical depreciation F. Functional wear and tear is a loss of value caused by the emergence of either cheaper (in terms of the total costs of both investment and operating) aircraft or other vehicles. Functional wear and tear also includes loss of value as a result of non-compliance of the characteristics of the aircraft in question with modern general and regional standards or flight safety requirements, environmental restrictions, market requirements for comfort and quality of passenger service, etc. For analysis purposes, functional wear is considered to be caused by:

Disadvantages that require adding elements to eliminate them;
- deficiencies that require replacement or modernization of elements to eliminate them.

Removable functional wear is measured by the cost of its elimination through structural modifications of the aircraft, permitted by the current documentation, revision bulletins, etc.

Elements that require addition include equipment and assemblies that are not present in the existing aircraft and without which it does not meet modern standards or market requirements and therefore can only be operated with significant restrictions. A quantitative measure of functional wear and tear is the difference in the total cost of installing the relevant equipment on the aircraft being assessed and installing this or similar equipment in the serial production of the aircraft, taken as an analogue to determine the replacement cost.

Elements that require replacement or modernization include equipment, units and components that still perform their functions, but no longer meet modern standards and market requirements. In this case, functional wear and tear is defined as the sum of the cost of new equipment minus the cost of existing equipment (taking into account its physical wear and tear and the possibility of its further use at other facilities), the full cost of installing modernized equipment and dismantling existing equipment.

Irremovable functional wear corresponds to deficiencies, the correction of which is currently practically impossible or economically impractical.

The most common and justified method for determining irreparable functional wear and tear is the method of capitalizing the loss of income or increase in costs (including investment) during the operation of the aircraft under evaluation from the moment of assessment to write-off.

The main task when calculating functional wear is to take into account significant improvements in the flight technical, operational and economic characteristics of the analogue compared to the aircraft under evaluation, which cannot be eliminated by modernization for technical or economic reasons. The general methodological approach to its solution is to assess the differences in the calculated (reduced to the same conditions) productivity, and in the service life of the aircraft under evaluation and its analogue, which determine the amount of investment required to perform the same amount of work (achieve the given goal of the operation), as well as losses profit due to differences in operating costs over the economic life.

Example 2. Typical method for determining irreparable functional wear of a passenger aircraft.

To assess the irreversible functional impairment of passenger aircraft due to differences in the main flight technical, operational and economic characteristics from analogues, dependencies can be used

ADvn = CNb((1 -- Nc Kc / (Nb Kb) (Vc/Vb)a (Hc / Hb)b) +Vn (1-- NLc / NLb Hb Hb / Hc))+(1--Vn) Do/ I, (10)

Vn = 1 / (1+I) NLc / Hc, (11)

Do = Hc (Chc -- Chb Nc Vc Kc / (Nb Vb Kb)) (1 -- Np), (12)

ADvn - functional impairment of passenger aircraft due to differences in basic characteristics compared to the analogue;
CNb - price of analogue;
Nb, Nc - passenger capacity of the analogue and the aircraft under evaluation, respectively, with similar passenger cabin layouts;
Kb, Kc - seat occupancy coefficients of analogue and aircraft;
Vb, Vc - cruising speeds of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated, respectively;
Hb, Hc - flight hours per year of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated;
a, b are exponents that take into account the influence of differences in cruising speeds and annual flight hours (depending on the type of aircraft);
NLc - economic life of the aircraft in flight hours;
NLb - economic life of the analogue in flight hours;
Chb, Chc - the cost of a flight hour of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated;
Vn is the present value of a monetary unit at the end of the economic life of the aircraft being valued;
I - discount rate;
Do - loss of profit for the year;
Np - income tax rate.

The ratio of the amount of irreparable and removable functional wear to the total replacement cost of the aircraft determines the degree of physical wear and tear V. External wear and tear is the depreciation of an aircraft as a result of changes in the external economic situation (market, legislative, financial conditions, etc.).

External wear is determined by two methods:

Comparison of sales of similar objects with and without external influences;
- capitalization of loss of income (increase in expenses) related to external influences.

The method of capitalizing the loss of income or profit requires determining the factors affecting the value and the characteristics of their change under the influence of external conditions. Quantitative assessment of external wear and tear comes down to determining the true cost of loss of income over the period of time from the moment of assessment until the cessation of operation of the aircraft.

An additional type of external depreciation includes impairment resulting from the transfer of an aircraft from the primary to the secondary market.

The total impairment resulting from external influences determines the amount of external depreciation.

The ratio of external wear to replacement cost determines the degree of external wear E.

7.3.3. The residual value of the aircraft (element) is determined by the replacement cost of a copy of the valuation object or its analogue, taking into account all types of wear and tear.

Example 3. Standard methodology for determining residual value.

Determination of the residual value based on the replacement cost of a copy of the valuation object is carried out according to the following dependencies:

СD = CNс (1 -- S) (11)

S = 1 -- (1 -- V) (1 -- E) (1 -- F), (12)


СD - residual value;
CNс - replacement cost of a copy of the appraisal object;
S - degree of cumulative wear;
F, V, E - expressed in fractions of the degree of physical, functional and economic wear and tear, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of wear and tear by the replacement cost of a copy of the appraisal object CNc.

Determination of the residual value of the aircraft based on the replacement cost of the analogue is carried out as follows.

In the case of calculating the physical depreciation of the valuation object as a whole (without separately taking into account the depreciation of the main long-lived and short-lived elements), the residual value is determined similarly to dependencies (11), (12):

СD = CNb (1 -- S), (13)

S = 1 -- (1 -- V) (1 -- E) (1 -- F), (14)

CNb - replacement cost of an analogue of the valuation object;
S - degree of cumulative wear;
F, V, E - expressed in shares of the degree of physical, functional and economic impairment, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of depreciation by the replacement cost of an analogue of the valuation object CNb.

In the case of calculating the physical depreciation of an object using the method of element-by-element accounting of wear of the main long-lived and short-lived elements, the residual value is determined according to the dependencies:

СD = CN (1 -- S1), (15)

CN = CNb -- ADVb = CNb (1 -- ADVb / CNb), (16)

S1 = 1 -- (1 -- V1) (1 -- E1) (1 -- F1), (17)


ADVb - functional wear of the assessed object relative to its analogue;
CN - estimated replacement cost of the appraisal object;
S1 - degree of cumulative wear;
V1 - the degree of functional wear of the analogue, expressed in shares, relative to modern market requirements, obtained by dividing the corresponding type of wear by the estimated replacement cost;
F1, E1 - expressed in fractions of the degree of physical and economic wear and tear, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of wear and tear by the estimated replacement cost CN.

7.4. Sales comparison method

The sales comparison method is based on the analysis of data on purchases, sales and offers for aircraft similar to the object being valued.

Methods used:

Direct comparison with a close analogue;
- statistical price modeling.

When applying the method of direct comparison with an analogue, adjustments are made to the sales price of the comparison object for the following items.

1. Property rights. Restrictions on property rights are taken into account.
2. Financing terms. Calculation conditions that affect the cost of the object are taken into account.
3. Terms of sale. The adjustment for the terms of sale reflects the atypical relationship between seller and buyer in the market.
4. State of the market. Market adjustment takes into account changes in market conditions over time: inflation, deflation, changes in tax laws, changes in supply and demand, etc. One of the significant factors is the reduction in prices when an object is transferred to the secondary market. The economic crisis, which determines the decline in demand for transportation, may also contribute to the reduction in prices.
5. Physical characteristics. Almost always, objects of comparison have different physical characteristics: flight performance, assigned service life, operating time since the beginning of operation and after repair, the presence of additional equipment that expands functionality, etc.

The list of main physical characteristics that should be taken into account when adjusting the sales price is determined by the specifics of the aircraft, the compliance of the object of evaluation and its analogue with current and planned restrictions, standards and regulations, etc.

6. Economic characteristics. Economic characteristics include those that affect the amount of net current income - the cost of a flight hour and its components, rental conditions and terms, etc.
7. Use. When choosing comparison objects, you should avoid those that, after sale, are used differently from the object being valued.
8. Non-aircraft cost components. The cost of equipment not related to the aircraft should be taken into account separately and separated from the cost of objects of assessment and comparison.

The specifics of using the method of direct comparison of sales to evaluate aircraft are associated with taking into account the characteristics of the market, the use of dependencies (1)-(9) for adjustments for physical wear, elements of dependencies (10)-(12) for adjusting the cost of analogues for the main flight technical, operational and economic characteristics, as well as methods similar to methods for determining functional wear for adjusting sales prices when the composition of the equipment of the aircraft being evaluated and its analogue differs.

When adjusting the sales price according to the degree of physical wear and tear of the valuation object and its analogue, determined by dependencies (1)-(9), it should be taken into account that the sale price of an aircraft that has a significant degree of wear and tear can be determined as the use value of its use for its intended purpose, and disposal cost.

When assessing the physical wear and tear of an aircraft as a whole and when taking into account the physical wear and tear of several main elements, the degree of physical wear of a significant part of expensive units and equipment is determined by the resources and operating time of the main element that includes them (for example, the airframe). In addition, the cost of scrap metal and scrap is not taken into account.

Example 4. Standard methodology for adjusting the sale price according to the degree of physical deterioration of the appraised object and its analogue, if it is necessary to take into account the disposal values ​​of the appraised object and its analogue.

The value of the valuation object using the method of direct comparison of sales is determined by the dependence

Co = (Cb -- Ub) (1 -- Fo) / (1 -- Fb) + Uo, (18)

Co is the value of the valuation object;
Cb - sales cost of the analogue;
Ub is the part of the recycling cost of the analogue that is not taken into account when determining the degree of physical wear and tear of the analogue;
Uo is the part of the salvage value of the valuation object that is not taken into account when determining the degree of physical deterioration of the object;
Fo is the degree of physical wear of the object;
Fb - degree of physical wear of the analogue.

The method of statistical price modeling is used in the absence of direct analogues. The use of correlation and regression analysis of aircraft sales costs allows us to identify the main (statistically significant) parameters and develop dependencies for determining the cost of the object.

7.5. The income approach is based on assessing the investor's expectations and calculating the current (discounted) value of the economic benefits expected from owning the assets being valued.

Capitalization of income can be done in two ways.

The direct capitalization method converts annual income into value by multiplying annual income by the capitalization rate.

The rate of return capitalization method converts future benefits into present value by discounting each future benefit at an appropriate rate of return to reflect the sequence of income, changes in property and income values, and the rate of return itself.

The main method is capitalization based on the rate of return.

The assessment includes the following main steps.

7.5.1. Collection and analysis of information on real costs and income from operating the type of aircraft in question for the period preceding the assessment date using the principle of best and most efficient use.

7.5.2. Developing a reconstructed income statement based on accounting data - net operating income and market data. To determine net operating income used for valuation purposes, the following items must be excluded from the financial statements:

Business-related expenses (not related to the cost of the aircraft);
- accounting depreciation;
- corporate expenses (dividend payments, etc.);
- capital investments and expenses for major repairs.

7.5.3. Choosing an assessment method. If there are statistical data on specific operating costs (for example, the cost of a flight hour, the cost of a launch, etc.), taking into account all the costs of the ground complex related to the aircraft being evaluated, the cost of one aircraft is calculated taking into account the cost of components provided regulations to ensure operation.

Otherwise, the residual method is used, taking into account individual factors of income generation for the main elements included in the aircraft operation system.

7.5.4. Development of a forecast of changes in income, expenses, property value and expected rate of return for the period of expected ownership of the property being valued.

The following data must be taken into account:

Macro- and microeconomic forecasts of general and structural inflation, economic and transport development, supply and demand for work performed by the assessed object, changes in the structure of operating expenses, the taxation system, etc.
- forecasts of changes in the interest rate and return rate, characterizing the risks in the market segment under consideration;
- forecasts of service life, repair time and decommissioning of the aircraft and its main short-lived elements (based on current regulations for maintenance and repair), data on technically possible and realistically feasible developments under similar operating conditions, data on a decrease in productivity during repair periods, etc. P.;
- forecasts for the cost of major repairs, capital investments for the purchase of short-lived elements (instead of spent resources);
- data on the cost of the working capital of components and equipment necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation (for example, engine reserve);
- forecasts of reversion - the residual value of the aircraft (in the event of termination of the project before its write-off) or the salvage value of the aircraft in the event of its write-off.

7.5.5. Justification and choice of risk level - discount rates.

7.5.6. Carrying out calculations of the cost of the aircraft from the condition of equality of the initial investment (the price of the aircraft and the cost of the working capital of components and equipment) to the amount of discounted cash flows, taking into account reversion.

8. Making a decision on estimating the cost of the aircraft.

The decision-making process on assessing the market value of an aircraft is not a formal act and includes the following main stages.

8.1. Analysis of the completeness and reliability of the initial information used for each method.

8.2. Ranking of applied assessment methods according to the following criteria:

Compliance with the purpose of the assessment;
- provision of reliable information;
- differences in the main parameters of the assessed object from analogues, the characteristics and cost of which are used in the assessment.

8.3. Determination of cost estimation restrictions from above and below.

8.4. Comparison of the resulting cost range with data on assessing the errors of the valuation method, as well as with other additional data.

8.5. Making an expert decision.

9. Contents of the assessment report.

In the assessment report in accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 135-F3 dated July 29, 1998. must be indicated:

Date of preparation and serial number of the report;
- the basis for the appraiser to evaluate the object of assessment;
- legal address of the appraiser and information about the license issued to him to carry out appraisal activities for this type of property;
- an accurate description of the valuation object, and in relation to the valuation object owned by a legal entity - details of the legal entity and the book value of this valuation object;
- valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object, justification for their use when assessing this valuation object, a list of data used in the assessment of the valuation object, indicating the sources of their receipt, as well as assumptions adopted when assessing the valuation object;
- the sequence of determining the value of the valuation object and its final value, as well as the restrictions and limits of application of the result obtained;
- date of determination of the value of the valuation object;
- a list of documents used by the appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal object.

The composition and form of the data and sections of the aircraft assessment report that meet the general requirements of the above federal law are contained in paragraphs. 6, 7 and 8 of this standard.

The report may also contain other information that, in the opinion of the appraiser, is essential for the complete reflection of the method used by him to calculate the value of a particular appraisal object.

Example 5. Contents of a typical report on the assessment of the market value of an aircraft.

A summary of the main facts and conclusions.

Basic assumptions and limiting conditions.

Information about the object of assessment.

1. Determination of market value.
2. Scope and stages of the study.
3. History of the object.
4. Description of the object.
5. Market characteristics at the valuation date.
6. Determination of market value.
6.1. Costly method.
6.2. Sales comparison method.
6.3. Income capitalization method.
6.3. Making a decision on estimating the cost of the aircraft.

Certificate of market value.


10. Conditions for deviation from the standard.

If the appraiser is required to perform a task that is not consistent with these Standards, he must do so if:

10.1. The appraiser will determine that the results of the work will not mislead the client, users of the report or the appraiser's services, or the public.

10.2. The appraiser will make the client aware that the engagement includes special assumptions or deviations from standards, which must be fully reflected in the report and/or third party submissions made by the appraiser as a work product.

10.3. As a condition of the contract, the appraiser will require that any published document with reference to the appraiser's opinion contain a statement of all assumptions and deviations from the Standards.

Assessment of aircraft and aircraft. General requirements - page No. 2/2

5. Procedure for assessing aircraft

5.1. Collection and analysis of preliminary information about the object, the purpose and date of the assessment, the owner and operator (lessee) of the aircraft, the customer of the assessment.

5.2. Conclusion of an assessment agreement

5.3. Classification of the object of assessment. The aircraft is classified in accordance with clause 4 of this standard, using, if necessary, additional classification features and specialized classifiers.

5.4. Identification and development of an expert opinion - a report on the technical condition of the assessment object. The analysis of forms, passports and similar documents containing the identification characteristics of the objects of assessment, documents confirming ownership or operation rights (lease), inspection and identification of objects in their locations is carried out.

An expert commission is formed, an examination plan is developed and approved, which, if necessary, may include special tests, defect detection and other work permitted by current regulations. Based on the results of the work, an expert opinion is developed - a report on the technical condition of the assessment object.

5.5. Collection and analysis of general data. Data are collected and analyzed that characterize the socio-economic operating conditions of the aircraft under evaluation, the state of the corresponding market segment, changes in international requirements for flight safety and environmental restrictions, as well as other factors affecting the estimated value of the object.

5.6. Collection and analysis of special data. Technical, operational and economic information on the aircraft under evaluation and its analogues appearing on the market in the recent period of time is collected and analyzed. Data collection was carried out by studying relevant documentation and consultations with specialists from competent organizations.

5.7. Best and most effective use analysis. The conclusion about the best and most effective use at the date of assessment is based on an analysis of the information collected, taking into account existing and planned for the near future restrictions on the use of the assessed and similar aircraft.

5.8. Selecting methods for assessing an object. The choice of general approaches (cost, market and income) and special methods is determined by the purpose of the assessment, the completeness and reliability of the initial information available and necessary for applying each method, as well as the terms of the assessment agreement. If necessary, existing assessment methods are modified or new special assessment methods are developed (with justification for their methodological correctness and accuracy).

5.9. Carrying out calculations and analyzing the results. Calculations are carried out to evaluate the object using various methods and analysis of the results. If necessary, additional information is collected, assessment methods are adjusted and additional calculations are made. Then a decision is made on the cost of the object.

5.10. Preparation of an assessment report and its delivery to the customer.

6. Contents of initial information used when assessing aircraft

The initial information recommended for use when assessing aircraft includes the following groups.

6.1. Identification characteristics of the object of assessment:

- Name;

- type;

– registration (account) number;

– factory (serial) number;

- Date of issue;

– name of the manufacturer;

– name and address of the owner;

– copy (details) of the document on the right of ownership;

– name and address of the operator (tenant);

– a copy (details) of the document for the right to operate (lease).

6.2. History of the property being assessed:

– date of commissioning;

– initial cost on the date of commissioning (historical cost);

– information about previous owners, operators (tenants), form of ownership and its changes;

– book value according to accounting data;

– information about major repairs carried out (dates, type, repair company), accidents, enterprises that performed maintenance and repairs, data on compliance with regulations for maintenance and repair, storage, etc.

6.3. Basic flight technical (flight tactical) characteristics are a set of quantitative indicators that determine the ability of aircraft to fulfill their intended purpose.

For transport aircraft, the main flight characteristics that influence the cost estimate are: the number of passengers, the layout of the passenger cabin, carrying capacity, dimensions of the cargo compartments, flight range at maximum payload and maximum fuel capacity, airfield class, cruising speed. For transport helicopters - maximum transported cargo, cargo compartment dimensions, practical flight range, speed and static ceiling. For spacecraft - the speed of launch into space orbit, the mass and dimensions of the payload launched into orbit.

For combat aircraft, flight-tactical characteristics include most of the characteristics listed above, as well as combat survivability, combat effectiveness, visibility, etc.

6.4. Characteristics of the power plant. Type, quantity, power (thrust) of power plants (engines), type of fuel, consumption characteristics.

6.5. Characteristics of control systems. Composition of on-board flight navigation equipment and communications equipment, guidance systems, etc.

6.6. Equipment characteristics. Composition and characteristics of passenger and cargo equipment, equipment for the use of aviation in the national economy, special equipment, etc.

6.7. Operating system characteristics:

- fuel consumption;

– availability and number of crew members;

– specific operating costs (cost of flight hour, launch, etc.);

– type of maintenance and repair system (scheduled preventive maintenance, maintenance and repair “on condition”, etc.);

- cost of repairs.

6.8. The resources specified for the type of aircraft being assessed. The assessment takes into account the following types of resources (definitions are given in clause 3) in hours (minutes) of flight (work), flights (flight cycles, switching cycles), in calendar service life (in years) and other parameters:

– technical resource (or resource before write-off);

– assigned resource;

– assigned resource until the first major overhaul;

– assigned overhaul life;

– guaranteed resource.

6.9. Technical condition. The technical condition report (expert opinion) must contain the following data:

– composition of the commission, indicating positions, date, signatures of the chairman and members of the commission, certified by the seal of the organization that formed the commission;

– identification characteristics of the valuation object, its main units and components, which have a significant impact on the value of the object;

– location of the object;

– resources established for the assessment object - before write-off (technical resources), assigned resources, assigned and warranty resources before the first repair and between repairs, data on the extension of resources and other parameters necessary for assessment purposes, established for the assessed object by the relevant acts recorded in the forms, passports and similar documents;

– operating time of the aircraft and its separately assessed elements (from the beginning of operation and after the last repair;

– remaining resources before repairs (including extension);

– data on compliance with maintenance and repair regulations;

– data on repairs carried out;

– data on the latest forms of maintenance and storage work carried out;

– completeness of the object;

– list of removed units and components;

– list of faults of units and components;

– actual technical condition of the object;

The conclusion of the act must contain a conclusion about the possibility of further operation of the facility and the necessary measures to restore the functionality of faulty facilities that have reached the end of their lifespan, that are in storage or mothballed.

6.10. Characteristics of environmental impact. The characteristics of the aircraft and current restrictions on noise in the area, emissions of harmful substances into the environment as a result of engine operation, microwave radiation, the presence of toxic substances in the fuel and the possibility of their release into the environment during normal operation or a disaster, etc. are taken into account. .

6.11. The legal, organizational and economic basis for the operation of aircraft regulated by laws and other regulations, which have a significant impact on the cost:

– documentation permitting the admission of aircraft for operation (for civil aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers - type certificates, airworthiness certificates (certificate of airworthiness) or a document equivalent to the airworthiness certificate, certificate of state registration (registration), etc. .p. Civil aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers manufactured in a foreign country and entering the Russian Federation for operation are certified in accordance with federal aviation regulations). In the absence of an appropriate permit, data must be provided on the costs of financial resources and time to obtain it (certification, licensing, state registration, accounting, etc. are usually carried out on a reimbursable basis and can significantly affect the cost estimate);

– current and planned environmental regulations that prohibit or limit the operation of aircraft in the relevant territory;

– current and planned restrictions to ensure flight safety, including the safety of air traffic control, etc.

6.12. Characteristics of the aircraft market. The state of production, the primary and secondary markets of the aircraft being assessed and its analogues, the rental market for the aircraft being assessed, as well as current government restrictions on the sale of certain special types of aircraft, their elements and technologies are taken into account.

7. Standard methods of assessment, analysis and presentation of assessment results

7.1. Types of cost. Depending on the purpose of the assessment, the following types of value are determined: market, investment, liquidation, insurance, recycling, tax value, collateral, scrap metal (scrap), etc.

7.2. Methods (approaches) of assessment. When evaluating aircraft, the following approaches can be used: cost, comparative sales analysis and income.

7.3. Cost-effective approach. When using the cost approach, the cost of an object is determined by the costs of its creation, acquisition, commissioning, modification and disposal, taking into account all types of wear and tear.

The basis for assessing value is:

replacement cost - the cost of reproducing a copy of an aircraft or its element in prices as of the valuation date;

replacement cost - the cost of an analogue of the valuation object in prices on the valuation date;

residual value is determined by subtracting all types of depreciation from the replacement cost of the object or the replacement cost of an analogue.

When assessing aircraft, the following methods can be implemented:

– comparative cost of the unit (holistic assessment);

– cost of enlarged elements (assessment in parts).

7.3.1. Determination of replacement cost. The replacement cost for commercially produced aircraft or their elements at the time of evaluation is the cost of manufacturing a new aircraft (element), the type and characteristics of which completely coincide with the object being evaluated.

For aircraft (or their elements), the serial production of which has been discontinued as of the assessment date, the basis, as a rule, is taken as the replacement cost of the analogue - the minimum cost of manufacturing (at current prices) of a similar new aircraft (element), as close as possible to the one under consideration in all respects. functional, design and operational characteristics that are significant from the point of view of its current use. The requirement to minimize cost means choosing as a substitute not just any analogue, but one that is minimally sufficient in its characteristics.

Determining the replacement cost of an object using a costly method can be carried out using the following methods:

– comparisons with selling prices (offer prices) of the manufacturer;

– quantitative analysis (costing);

– analysis and updating of existing calculations;

– calculations according to aggregated standards.

Note. For modern complex aircraft produced by multidisciplinary aerospace complexes, it is very difficult to use methods of quantitative analysis, updating calculations and calculations according to aggregated standards using resource-technological models. They can be used for fairly simple aircraft. To determine the cost of reproduction of modern complex aircraft, information on the supply prices of manufacturing plants is mainly used.

7.3.2. Determining aircraft wear

With a costly method of determining cost, it is necessary to take into account the amount of physical, functional and external wear and tear.

If it is possible to restore lost consumer properties, wear is divided into removable and irreparable.

Irremovable wear corresponds to deficiencies, the correction of which is currently practically impossible or economically impractical.

Recoverable wear is measured by the cost of eliminating it. Physical wear and tear of an aircraft is depreciation associated with a decrease in its performance and reliability as a result of both natural physical aging and the influence of external unfavorable factors.

According to the form of manifestation, wear is divided into technical, expressed in a decrease (compared to the standard, passport level) of the actual values ​​of technical and economic parameters, and structural, which is understood as an increase in structural fatigue of main components and parts that increase the likelihood of emergency failures, as well as a decrease in protective properties of external coatings.

The degree of physical wear is determined by the following methods.

observation method- an accurate method for determining wear, based on the study of relevant objects, their testing, assessment of the actual wear of the most important components and assemblies by means of objective control, etc. The degree of real physical deterioration of the property being assessed is determined as the average of the depreciation of its most important components and assemblies, weighted by their share in the total original or replacement cost. The observational method is most applicable to determining impairment due to physical wear and tear on aircraft that are maintained and repaired on a condition-by-condition basis;

direct methods- methods for determining the degree of wear based on the required costs of restoration (repair), based on actual and standard operating time, according to the degree of reduction in consumer properties or technical characteristics within the range from standard to maximum permissible values;

effective age method- an indirect method based on a comparison of the standard and remaining service life. It is most applicable to the planned preventive maintenance and repair system of aircraft.

When determining the physical wear and tear of an aircraft, it is necessary to take into account the following features of the object being assessed:

1) maintaining the main flight performance characteristics from the moment of production to decommissioning at a given level;

2) maintaining, from the moment of release until decommissioning, flight safety, operability and reliability at a level not lower than that specified by the technical documentation confirming the airworthiness for the type and instance of the aircraft in question;

3) any physical wear and tear of the aircraft elements, leading to a violation of the requirements of paragraphs. 1 and 2), must be quickly eliminated by the maintenance and repair system (primarily by replacing failed elements during pre-flight and post-flight maintenance) to maintain a constant level of performance of the aircraft as a whole, regardless of the level of performance and physical wear of its individual elements;

4) determination of the degree of structural wear of the most loaded non-removable components of the airframe and engines, their repair or replacement is carried out in the process of special forms of maintenance and repair, including major ones;

5) in the process of overhaul of an aircraft (element), as a rule, not complete, but partial elimination of physical (including structural) wear is ensured, which determines the limitation of durability (service life);

6) in accordance with paragraphs. 1-5) the main flight performance characteristics and basic consumer properties of the aircraft are maintained at a given level from production to decommissioning, therefore depreciation - irremovable physical wear and tear over operating time is determined mainly by a reduction in possible operating time over the remaining useful life;

7) elements of the aircraft that have a modular design (providing the ability to quickly replace failed modules during pre-flight preparation without removing the main element from service) must satisfy conditions similar to paragraphs. 1-4) for the aircraft as a whole. Therefore, a conclusion similar to paragraph 6) fully applies to them - irremovable physical wear and tear based on operating time is determined mainly by a reduction in possible operating time over the remaining useful life;

8) elements (units) of an aircraft that have a non-modular design must satisfy conditions similar to paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5), but do not comply with the conditions of paragraph 3), since in the event of a failure or exhaustion of overhaul resources, they are removed from operation on an aircraft for repairs. If, with an increase in operating time as a result of physical wear, the failure rate increases, there is an increase in the time the unit is in repair and the cost of repair. Therefore, the depreciation of units as a result of irreparable physical wear and tear over operating time is determined not only by reducing the possible operating time over the remaining useful life, but also by additional deterioration in consumer properties - the level of failure-free operation and the cost of repairs;

9) in the process of overhaul of the structure of the main elements (assemblies) of the aircraft, as a rule, there is an irreparable deterioration in the level of their reliability, which leads to additional physical irreparable wear as a result of the repair impact;

10) the planned preventative system of maintenance and repair of aircraft (elements) provides for the regulated frequency and scope of forms of maintenance and repair, as well as the normatively established durability (service life) before decommissioning;

11) the “condition-based” operation system for aircraft does not have prescribed maintenance and repair periods, as well as restrictions on the overall service life; elimination of physical wear and tear during maintenance and repair is carried out mainly if the measured actual degree of technical wear exceeds the permissible level established for a specific unit; operation is carried out as long as it is technically possible and economically feasible.

Example 1. Typical methodology for determining the physical wear and tear of an aircraft and its elements using the “effective age” method with a planned preventative maintenance and repair system.

The degree of irreparable physical wear is determined by the dependence

Fn = (NL - RL)/ NL = EA/ (EA + RL), (1)

Fn - degree of irreparable physical wear;

NL - economic life expectancy (service life, durability);

RL - remaining useful life;

EA - effective age.

The physical wear and tear of an aircraft during normal operation is mainly determined by operating time in flight and on the ground, as well as by calendar time-dependent aging and corrosion processes of materials.

The service life under a planned preventative maintenance and repair system for each of the operating hours and calendar service life parameters specified in clause 3 of this standard is determined by the maximum value of two values: technical and assigned resource.

The remaining useful life is determined by the estimated residual life before write-off.

Determining the effective age practically comes down to determining the service life, estimating the remaining useful life and calculating their difference.

For satisfying the conditions of paragraphs. 1-4) and the conclusions of paragraphs 6,7) aircraft and their elements (which include: the aircraft as a whole; the main long-lived element that determines the functioning and service life of the aircraft (for example, an aircraft airframe, which includes the cost of all components and units with the exception of separately assessed short-lived elements); assessed separately short-lived elements (for example, engines) having a modular design), the methodology is based on the following provisions.

1. The effective service life according to operating hours strictly coincides with the actual operating time reflected in the documentation from the moment of production, and the remaining useful life and the degree of irreparable physical wear are determined by the dependencies:

RL i = NL i - A i , (2)

Fn i = A i / NL i , (3)

A - actual operating time since the aircraft was released;

i - index of the operating time indicator (for hours flown i=1, for the number of flights i=2, etc.).

The remaining notations coincide with the notations of dependence (1).

2. When assessing the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear using calendar time, the remaining useful life is assessed taking into account the possible production of each of the life-limiting resources over the remaining calendar time. The remaining useful life and the degree of wear are calculated according to the following dependencies:

RLk i = max (NLk - Ak - Tm, NLk (NLk - Ak - Tm) R i / NL i ), (4)

Fnk i = max (0, 1 - RLk i / NLk), (5)

RLk i is the remaining useful life in calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i for the calendar time remaining before write-off;

Fnk i - the degree of irreparable physical wear and tear according to calendar time, determined taking into account the possible operating time of the resource with index i;

NLk - economic life expectancy (service life) according to calendar time;

Ak - calendar time from the moment of release;

Tm is the calendar time required to complete the act of transferring ownership rights, preparing for operation, as well as issuing an operator’s certificate (or a similar document) when changing ownership (when determining cost for use without transfer of rights property Tm = 0);

R i is the operating time of the resource with index i per unit of calendar time (annual flight hours, number of flights, engine starts per year, etc.), technically possible and realistically feasible under operating conditions (taking into account the principle of best and most efficient use).

The maximum value of the degree of irreparable physical wear Fnr is taken as the calculated value

Fnr = max (Fn i , Fnk i: i = 1,..., n ). (6)

For satisfying the conditions of paragraphs. 1,2,4,5 and conclusions of paragraph 8 of aircraft elements, the calculation of the degree of irreparable physical wear of individual units and components can be made for each type of operating time and calendar time according to the general dependence (1) with an assessment of the difference between the effective age and the actual age using special models , taking into account the technical features of the unit being evaluated, as well as statistical data on changes in reliability and cost of repairs.

For example, for engines a dependency like

Fn i = (A i / NL i) N + Fr(A i , OMr i), (7)

A - actual operating time since engine release;

i - index of operating time (for operating hours i=1, for the number of cycles i=2, for calendar service life i=3, etc.);

N - exponent;

Fr(A i, OMr i) - the degree of additional irreparable physical wear as a result of repair impact;

OMr i - the value of the remaining time between repairs with index i.

The maximum value for i is taken as the calculated degree of wear.

Irremovable physical wear and tear is determined by multiplying the replacement cost by the degree of irreparable wear and tear.

Recoverable physical deterioration includes the "cost of removal" as well as the present cost of deferred planned capital repairs.

Elimination cost - the costs that would be required to replace or repair faults to a state in which the depreciation of components and assemblies would be determined only by irreparable wear and tear. The cost of eliminating design and manufacturing defects during the duration of the guaranteed service life covering the defect in question is not included in reparable wear and tear, as it must be eliminated at the expense of the manufacturer (supplier).

Present cost of deferred planned capital repairs units and components operational at the time of assessment is calculated according to the dependencies:

ADu = ? (Su j + Cr j (max ((Mr ji - OMr ji) / (Mr ji (1 + I) T ji): i = 1,...,n ))), (8)

T ji = OMr ji / R ji , (9)

ADu - removable physical wear;

Su j is the cost of troubleshooting the unit with index j;

Cr j is the cost of planned overhaul of the unit with index j;

Mr ji is the value of the overhaul life with index i of the unit with index j;

OMr ji - the value of the remaining service life before repair with index i of the unit with index j;

I - discount rate;

T ji - the calculated value of the time interval before the planned overhaul of the unit with index j, determined by the remaining service life with index i before repair;

R ji is the operating time of the unit with index j of the resource with index i per unit of calendar time.

If the remaining service life before write-off is less than the established overhaul life, then subsequent major repairs are not planned and its cost should not be included in removable wear and tear.

Note. The method described above for determining physical wear and tear can be used in a “condition-based” aircraft operation system. In this case, for the service life before write-off, the remaining resources before repair and the cost of planned repairs, instead of regulated values, it is necessary to use predictive statistical data, for example, mathematical expectations of the values ​​of the corresponding parameters included in dependencies (1)-(9).

Depending on the specifics of the aircraft and the purposes of the assessment, calculation of physical wear and tear can be carried out:

– for the aircraft as a whole, according to the resource characteristics of the main long-lived element that determines the functioning and service life of the aircraft (for example, an aircraft airframe);

– for enlarged elements: for the main long-lived element (including the cost of all components and assemblies with the exception of elements assessed separately) and for short-lived elements assessed separately (for example, engines);

– element-by-element calculation for units, components, equipment, etc. (for example, when determining the salvage value of the aircraft as a whole or the value of elements of a decommissioned aircraft that are intended for use as spare parts and consumables).

With moderate degrees of wear of the aircraft (main element), the resulting error is not significant for the assessment. If the object of assessment or an analogue is close to being written off, a more detailed account of the physical wear and tear of elements suitable for further use and the cost of scrap metal (scrap) of the elements, units and equipment being written off is necessary.

The physical wear and tear of an aircraft is determined by the sum of irreparable and removable physical wear of all assessed elements.

The ratio of total physical depreciation to the total replacement cost of the object determines the degree of physical depreciation F. Functional wear and tear is a loss of value caused by the emergence of either cheaper (in terms of the total costs of both investment and operating) aircraft or other vehicles. Functional wear and tear also includes loss of value as a result of non-compliance of the characteristics of the aircraft in question with modern general and regional standards or flight safety requirements, environmental restrictions, market requirements for comfort and quality of passenger service, etc. For analysis purposes, functional wear is considered to be caused by:

– shortcomings that require adding elements to eliminate them;

– shortcomings that require replacement or modernization of elements to eliminate them.

Removable functional wear is measured by the cost of its elimination through structural modifications of the aircraft, permitted by the current documentation, revision bulletins, etc.

Elements that require addition include equipment and assemblies that are not present in the existing aircraft and without which it does not meet modern standards or market requirements and therefore can only be operated with significant restrictions. A quantitative measure of functional wear and tear is the difference in the total cost of installing the relevant equipment on the aircraft being assessed and installing this or similar equipment in the serial production of the aircraft, taken as an analogue to determine the replacement cost.

Elements that require replacement or modernization include equipment, units and components that still perform their functions, but no longer meet modern standards and market requirements. In this case, functional wear and tear is defined as the sum of the cost of new equipment minus the cost of existing equipment (taking into account its physical wear and tear and the possibility of its further use at other facilities), the full cost of installing modernized equipment and dismantling existing equipment.

Irremovable functional wear corresponds to deficiencies, the correction of which is currently practically impossible or economically impractical.

The most common and justified method for determining irreparable functional wear and tear is the method of capitalizing the loss of income or increase in costs (including investment) during the operation of the aircraft under evaluation from the moment of assessment to write-off.

The main task when calculating functional wear is to take into account significant improvements in the flight technical, operational and economic characteristics of the analogue compared to the aircraft under evaluation, which cannot be eliminated by modernization for technical or economic reasons. The general methodological approach to its solution is to assess the differences in the calculated (reduced to the same conditions) productivity, and in the service life of the aircraft under evaluation and its analogue, which determine the amount of investment required to perform the same amount of work (achieve the given goal of the operation), as well as losses profit due to differences in operating costs over the economic life.

Example 2. Typical method for determining irreparable functional wear of a passenger aircraft.

To assess the irreversible functional impairment of passenger aircraft due to differences in the main flight technical, operational and economic characteristics from analogues, dependencies can be used

ADvn = CNb((1 - Nc Kc / (Nb Kb) (Vc/Vb) a (Hc / Hb) b) +

Vn (1- NLc / NLb × Hb / Hc))+(1-Vn) Do/ I, (10)

Vn = 1 / (1+I) NLc / Hc, (11)

Do = Hc (Chc - Chb Nc Vc Kc / (Nb Vb Kb)) (1 - Np), (12)

ADvn - functional impairment of passenger aircraft due to differences in basic characteristics compared to the analogue;

CNb - price of analogue;

Nb, Nc - passenger capacity of the analogue and the aircraft under evaluation, respectively, with similar passenger cabin layouts;

Kb, Kc - seat occupancy coefficients of analogue and aircraft;

Vb, Vc - cruising speeds of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated, respectively;

Hb, Hc - flight hours per year of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated;

a, b are exponents that take into account the influence of differences in cruising speeds and annual flight hours (depending on the type of aircraft);

NLc - economic life of the aircraft in flight hours;

NLb - economic life of the analogue in flight hours;

Chb, Chc - the cost of a flight hour of the analogue and the aircraft being evaluated;

Vn is the present value of a monetary unit at the end of the economic life of the aircraft being valued;

I - discount rate;

Do - loss of profit for the year;

Np - income tax rate.

The ratio of the amount of irreparable and removable functional wear to the total replacement cost of the aircraft determines the degree of physical wear and tear V. External wear - depreciation of the aircraft as a result of changes in the external economic situation (market, legislative, financial conditions, etc.).

External wear is determined by two methods:

– comparison of sales of similar objects with and without external influences;

– capitalization of loss of income (increase in expenses) related to external influences.

The method of capitalizing the loss of income or profit requires determining the factors affecting the value and the characteristics of their change under the influence of external conditions. Quantitative assessment of external wear and tear comes down to determining the true cost of loss of income over the period of time from the moment of assessment until the cessation of operation of the aircraft.

An additional type of external depreciation includes impairment resulting from the transfer of an aircraft from the primary to the secondary market.

The total impairment resulting from external influences determines the amount of external depreciation.

The ratio of external wear to replacement cost determines the degree of external wear E.

7.3.3. The residual value of the aircraft (element) is determined by the replacement cost of a copy of the valuation object or its analogue, taking into account all types of wear and tear.

Example 3. Standard methodology for determining residual value.

Determination of the residual value based on the replacement cost of a copy of the valuation object is carried out according to the following dependencies:

СD = CNс (1 - S) (11)

S = 1 - (1 - V) (1 - E) (1 - F), (12)

СD - residual value;

CNс - replacement cost of a copy of the appraisal object;

S - degree of cumulative wear;

F, V, E - expressed in fractions of the degree of physical, functional and economic wear and tear, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of wear and tear by the replacement cost of a copy of the appraisal object CNc.

Determination of the residual value of the aircraft based on the replacement cost of the analogue is carried out as follows.

In the case of calculating the physical depreciation of the valuation object as a whole (without separately taking into account the depreciation of the main long-lived and short-lived elements), the residual value is determined similarly to dependencies (11), (12):

СD = CNb (1 - S), (13)

S = 1 - (1 - V) (1 - E) (1 - F), (14)

CNb - replacement cost of an analogue of the valuation object;

S - degree of cumulative wear;

F, V, E - expressed in shares of the degree of physical, functional and economic impairment, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of depreciation by the replacement cost of an analogue of the valuation object CNb.

In the case of calculating the physical wear and tear of an object using the method of element-by-element accounting of the wear of the main long-lived and short-lived elements The residual value is determined according to the following dependencies:

СD = CN (1 - S 1), (15)

CN = CNb - ADVb = CNb (1 - ADVb / CNb), (16)

S 1 = 1 - (1 - V 1) (1 - E 1) (1 - F 1), (17)

ADVb - functional wear of the assessed object relative to its analogue;

CN - estimated replacement cost of the appraisal object;

S 1 - degree of cumulative wear;

V 1 - the degree of functional wear of the analogue, expressed in shares, relative to modern market requirements, obtained by dividing the corresponding type of wear by the estimated replacement cost;

F 1 , E 1 - expressed in fractions of the degree of physical and economic wear and tear, obtained by dividing the corresponding types of wear by the estimated replacement cost CN.

7.4. Sales comparison method

The sales comparison method is based on the analysis of data on purchases, sales and offers for aircraft similar to the object being valued.

Methods used:

– direct comparison with a close analogue;

– statistical price modeling.

When applying the method of direct comparison with an analogue, adjustments are made to the sales price of the comparison object for the following items.

1. Property rights. Restrictions on property rights are taken into account.

2. Financing terms. Calculation conditions that affect the cost of the object are taken into account.

3. Terms of sale. The adjustment for the terms of sale reflects the atypical relationship between seller and buyer in the market.

4. State of the market. Market adjustment takes into account changes in market conditions over time: inflation, deflation, changes in tax laws, changes in supply and demand, etc. One of the significant factors is the reduction in prices when an object is transferred to the secondary market. The economic crisis, which determines the decline in demand for transportation, may also contribute to the reduction in prices.

5. Physical characteristics. Almost always, objects of comparison have different physical characteristics: flight performance, assigned service life, operating time since the beginning of operation and after repair, the presence of additional equipment that expands functionality, etc.

The list of main physical characteristics that should be taken into account when adjusting the sales price is determined by the specifics of the aircraft, the compliance of the object of evaluation and its analogue with current and planned restrictions, standards and regulations, etc.

6. Economic characteristics. Economic characteristics include those that affect the amount of net current income - the cost of a flight hour and its components, rental conditions and terms, etc.

7. Use. When choosing comparison objects, you should avoid those that, after sale, are used differently from the object being valued.

8. Non-aircraft cost components. The cost of equipment not related to the aircraft should be taken into account separately and separated from the cost of objects of assessment and comparison.

The specifics of using the method of direct comparison of sales to evaluate aircraft are associated with taking into account the characteristics of the market, the use of dependencies (1)-(9) for adjustments for physical wear, elements of dependencies (10)-(12) for adjusting the cost of analogues for the main flight technical, operational and economic characteristics, as well as methods similar to methods for determining functional wear for adjusting sales prices when the composition of the equipment of the aircraft being evaluated and its analogue differs.

When adjusting the sales price according to the degree of physical wear and tear of the valuation object and its analogue, determined by dependencies (1)-(9), it should be taken into account that the sale price of an aircraft that has a significant degree of wear and tear can be determined as the use value of its use for its intended purpose, and disposal cost.

When assessing the physical wear and tear of an aircraft as a whole and when taking into account the physical wear and tear of several main elements, the degree of physical wear of a significant part of expensive units and equipment is determined by the resources and operating time of the main element that includes them (for example, the airframe). In addition, the cost of scrap metal and scrap is not taken into account.

Example 4. Standard methodology for adjusting the sale price according to the degree of physical deterioration of the appraised object and its analogue, if it is necessary to take into account the disposal values ​​of the appraised object and its analogue.

The value of the valuation object using the method of direct comparison of sales is determined by the dependence

Co = (Cb - Ub) (1 - Fo) / (1 - Fb) + Uo, (18)

Co is the value of the valuation object;

Cb - sales cost of the analogue;

Ub is the part of the recycling cost of the analogue that is not taken into account when determining the degree of physical wear and tear of the analogue;

Uo is the part of the salvage value of the valuation object that is not taken into account when determining the degree of physical deterioration of the object;

Fo is the degree of physical wear of the object;

Fb - degree of physical wear of the analogue.

The method of statistical price modeling is used in the absence of direct analogues. The use of correlation and regression analysis of aircraft sales costs allows us to identify the main (statistically significant) parameters and develop dependencies for determining the cost of the object.

7.5. The income approach is based on assessing the investor's expectations and calculating the current (discounted) value of the economic benefits expected from owning the assets being valued.

Capitalization of income can be done in two ways.

The direct capitalization method converts annual income into value by multiplying annual income by the capitalization rate.

The rate of return capitalization method converts future benefits into present value by discounting each future benefit at an appropriate rate of return to reflect the sequence of income, changes in property and income values, and the rate of return itself.

The main method is capitalization based on the rate of return.

The assessment includes the following main steps.

7.5.1. Collection and analysis of information on real costs and income from operating the type of aircraft in question for the period preceding the assessment date using the principle of best and most efficient use.

7.5.2. Developing a reconstructed income statement based on accounting data - net operating income and market data. To determine net operating income used for valuation purposes, the following items must be excluded from the financial statements:

– business-related expenses (not related to the cost of the aircraft);

– accounting depreciation;

– corporate expenses (dividend payments, etc.);

– capital investments and expenses for major repairs.

7.5.3. Choosing an assessment method. If there are statistical data on specific operating costs (for example, the cost of a flight hour, the cost of a launch, etc.), taking into account all the costs of the ground complex related to the aircraft being evaluated, the cost of one aircraft is calculated taking into account the cost of components provided regulations to ensure operation.

Otherwise, the residual method is used, taking into account individual factors of income generation for the main elements included in the aircraft operation system.

7.5.4. Development of a forecast of changes in income, expenses, property value and expected rate of return for the period of expected ownership of the property being valued.

The following data must be taken into account:

– macro- and microeconomic forecasts of general and structural inflation, economic and transport development, supply and demand for work performed by the object being assessed, changes in the structure of operating expenses, the taxation system, etc.

– forecasts of changes in the interest rate and return rate, characterizing the risks in the market segment under consideration;

– forecasts of service life, repair time and decommissioning of the aircraft and its main short-lived elements (based on current regulations for maintenance and repair), data on technically possible and realistically feasible developments under similar operating conditions, data on a decrease in productivity during repair periods, etc. P.;

– forecasts for the cost of major repairs, capital investments for the purchase of short-lived elements (instead of spent resources);

– data on the cost of the working capital of components and equipment necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation (for example, engine reserve);

– forecasts of reversion - the residual value of the aircraft (in the event of termination of the project before its write-off) or the salvage value of the aircraft in the event of its write-off.

7.5.5. Justification and choice of risk level - discount rates.

7.5.6. Carrying out calculations of the cost of the aircraft from the condition of equality of the initial investment (the price of the aircraft and the cost of the working capital of components and equipment) to the amount of discounted cash flows, taking into account reversion.

8. Making a decision on estimating the cost of the aircraft.

The decision-making process on assessing the market value of an aircraft is not a formal act and includes the following main stages.

8.1. Analysis of the completeness and reliability of the initial information used for each method.

8.2. Ranking of applied assessment methods according to the following criteria:

– compliance with the purpose of the assessment;

– provision of reliable information;

– differences in the main parameters of the assessed object from analogues, the characteristics and cost of which are used in the assessment.

8.3. Determination of cost estimation restrictions from above and below.

8.4. Comparison of the resulting cost range with data on assessing the errors of the valuation method, as well as with other additional data.

8.5. Making an expert decision.

In the assessment report in accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 135-F3 dated July 29, 1998. must be indicated:

– date of preparation and serial number of the report;

– the basis for the appraiser to evaluate the object of assessment;

– legal address of the appraiser and information about the license issued to him to carry out appraisal activities for this type of property;

– an exact description of the valuation object, and in relation to the valuation object belonging to a legal entity - details of the legal entity and the book value of this valuation object;

– valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object, justification for their use when assessing this valuation object, a list of data used in the assessment of the valuation object, indicating the sources of their receipt, as well as assumptions adopted when assessing the valuation object;

– the sequence of determining the value of the valuation object and its final value, as well as the restrictions and limits of application of the result obtained;

– date of determination of the value of the valuation object;

– a list of documents used by the appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal object.

The composition and form of the data and sections of the aircraft assessment report that meet the general requirements of the above federal law are contained in paragraphs. 6, 7 and 8 of this standard.

The report may also contain other information that, in the opinion of the appraiser, is essential for the complete reflection of the method used by him to calculate the value of a particular appraisal object.

Example 5. Contents of a typical report on the assessment of the market value of an aircraft.

A summary of the main facts and conclusions.

Basic assumptions and limiting conditions.

Information about the object of assessment.

1. Determination of market value.

2. Scope and stages of the study.

3. History of the object.

4. Description of the object.

5. Market characteristics at the valuation date.

6. Determination of market value.

6.1. Costly method.

6.2. Sales comparison method.

6.3. Income capitalization method.

6.3. Making a decision on estimating the cost of the aircraft.

Certificate of market value.


10. Conditions for deviation from the standard.

If the appraiser is required to perform a task that is not consistent with these Standards, he must do so if:

10.1. The appraiser will determine that the results of the work will not mislead the client, users of the report or the appraiser's services, or the public.

10.2. The appraiser will make the client aware that the engagement includes special assumptions or deviations from standards, which must be fully reflected in the report and/or third party submissions made by the appraiser as a work product.

10.3. As a condition of the contract, the appraiser will require that any published document with reference to the appraiser's opinion contain a statement of all assumptions and deviations from the Standards.