Modern methods of teaching English can be clearly divided into two groups: communicative and grammatical-translation systems. Traditionally, schools and universities use the second method, which allows you to master grammar perfectly and gain a good vocabulary. Diligent students translate successfully and read well, but even they fall into a stupor when trying to understand by ear the fluent speech of a native speaker.

Reasons for the appearance of a hearing barrier

Many people who study a language from textbooks do not understand it by ear, even if they are masters of technical or literary translation. Naturally, if a language is not perceived by ear, then it is also impossible to speak it. Finding themselves in a situation where understanding spoken language is required, they find themselves in unfamiliar conditions.

A serious gap between the understanding of text and spoken language is associated with the following features of English pronunciation:

  • Set expressions and figures of speech in spoken English are pronounced fluently, from sentences sounds and syllables are often dropped. The sound of the simple phrase “I should’ve talked to him, but I didn’t,” which uses expressions that are common and familiar to English-speaking people, has nothing to do with the written text. A Russian-speaking person who does not have listening skills may be able to discern the words “talked”, “him”, “didn’t” in it, but the general meaning will remain a mystery.
  • Intonation plays a big role in understanding speech, and each language has its own. To master them and learn to distinguish them, it takes some time, as well as practical skill, which is developed through regular training.

Emotionally charged speech, diluted with abbreviations, idioms and unfamiliar words, has nothing in common with familiar literary texts. That is why the listening skill requires special study.

Unlike grammar, which is best learned with a teacher, comprehension skills can be practiced on your own. Most modern distance teaching centers begin training with communication skills. Progressive techniques push grammar into the background. It has been proven that the structure of a language is absorbed by the brain much better if a person is immersed in the language environment.

Only one person in a thousand can afford to travel to an English-speaking country for a month or two to practice speaking. For the vast majority of people, the only way out is the Internet, which is replete with audio and video materials.

When starting to study a language on your own, you should take into account several rules:

  • Literally necessary surround yourself with audio, video and texts in English. Complete immersion in the environment involves leaving your comfort zone, that is, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be incomprehensible and uncomfortable. You need to listen to English speech regularly, day after day, diligently, making an effort on yourself. The intensive course involves working on perception for at least one hour a day.
  • You need to find a mentor or teacher online or in your city. He will point you in the right direction, help you decide on a topic, and provide you with materials. In addition, an experienced trainer will provide language practice.
  • It is important to compare your level of preparation with the level of difficulty of the audio material. Exercises that are too simple do not contribute to improving the skill, and exercises that are too complex discourage the desire to move on. Ideally, you need to understand 50% - 60% of the text you hear.
  • Regularity of classes – the most important condition for success. Human memory is designed in such a way that constant return and repetition of the material covered reinforces the information in memory. Discipline and hard work are the keys to success in language acquisition.

Listen to audio materials

Listening comprehension is trained by regular listening. You need to listen everywhere: on the road, in the gym, while walking. Scientists have calculated that to successfully master the skill of perception, you need to listen and work about 40 hours of audio.

Use audiobooks

Audiobooks are a godsend for beginners. Audiobooks are good because they are written in a harmonious literary language, recorded legibly and not very emotionally by a professional speaker. The dialogues in them are read slowly, the articulation is quite clear.

Audiobooks are divided into 7 levels of difficulty. To determine your level, you need to open the text of the book on any page, read it and try to understand it. If only a few unknown words are found, then it is obvious that the difficulty needs to be increased.

Ideally, the percentage of unfamiliar words should be about one tenth of the total. With this ratio, it is still possible to grasp the general meaning, while at the same time replenishing your vocabulary with new phrases.

Work on increasing your vocabulary

The inability to perceive by ear is associated not only with difficulties in pronunciation. Often, a simple, meager vocabulary makes understanding the text impossible.

There is a technique that allows you to increase it while working with audio material:

  • Audio or video required with text support;
  • You need to listen to it first and try to understand the general meaning;
  • Then the text is processed: you need to read it, write down new words and repeat them several times;
  • The text is no longer needed, only new words are used in further work. With repeated listening, when the meaning of unfamiliar words is already clear, new expressions are firmly fixed in memory.

Work on grammar

English grammar and vocabulary are not so difficult if you study them already having mastery of perception skills. Obviously, young children begin their exposure to language with communication, not with grammar. By the age of five or six, every person can correctly construct sentences and use the necessary forms of words. This approach also applies to those who begin learning a language as adults.

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  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
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  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

Improve your pronunciation

They learn to listen and speak at the same time. It is important not just to listen and understand the text. English-speaking people speak fluently, have characteristic abbreviations, and skillfully use intonation. This skill can be learned by trying to repeat after the announcer everything he says. In this case, you need to literally copy his facial expressions, intonation and speech rate.

Speaking practice

Literary language, business and colloquial speech are three different styles that need to be mastered evenly. In a cafe or on the street it is hardly possible to hear passages characteristic of classical English. In the same way, business speech and journalism have characteristic features.

You should start mastering it with journalism, this provides some advantages:

  • A huge amount of material on the Internet.
  • Interesting topics.
  • Rich language, the opportunity to expand your vocabulary.
  • Modern and commonly used words are used.

Trying to think in English

Thinking in a language is a skill in which a phrase in English is immediately formed in the head, bypassing the stage of thinking in Russian, translating and substituting grammatical rules. People think not in sentences, but in pictures. Thoughts turn into words if there is an internal dialogue.

The concept of “thinking in English” consists of two components:

  • Elimination of the translation stage, even mental;
  • Ability to formulate complete phrases taking into account context and ethical standards.

Listen to English songs

Learning a language through songs is a great way to spend time usefully and have fun. The main rule for the effective use of song material is the presence of text with which you need to work in parallel. One detail is also important: it is better to listen to different performers with different intonations and timbre of speech.

Write dictations

Advanced students who have good listening comprehension and also know the basics of grammar can test themselves using dictations. Exercises vary in difficulty level. This is an excellent method for testing your language proficiency. Dictations can be found online for free.

Don't be afraid to listen

Listening comprehension is the most difficult of all language skills. To learn to listen, you need to do it as often as possible. It is necessary to connect figurative perception. Information is a combination of images and words; memory does not retain individual fragments of structures or words. Understanding the ethics and culture of the carrier of information is another component of successful language acquisition, which makes it not only understandable, but also interesting and voluminous.


Any skill, including listening comprehension, needs to be trained. Since at first this seems to be a very difficult task, most students try, consciously or not, to leave these classes “for later”; first they try to master grammar, learn, but avoid listening. But no skill can be mastered in theory; practice is necessary. After all, you can’t learn to swim just by reading about how to do it correctly.

Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Using the Internet, listen to English-language radio broadcasts, watch English and American films without dubbing, and use educational audio materials. At the same time, it is not necessary to set aside time for this - just listen while washing dishes, ironing, or cleaning. Even if you don't understand certain words or can't even tell what is being said, listening this way will help you get used to the tempo of the language.

Try to use materials that are interesting to you personally - for some, listening to British news is more suitable, for others, listening to songs by English-speaking performers may be more useful for hours, for others, it seems more useful and effective to listen to special educational texts, while others see the point only in direct communication with friends.

Practice regularly, make it a rule to devote some time to listening every day - as much as you can, but the more, the better.

When starting listening, do not forget about training other skills - grammar, reading, speaking, writing. To get the maximum effect when learning a language, you need to study comprehensively.

When you listen purposefully to a text, be focused but not tense. Build images and pictures based on familiar vocabulary, without paying attention to unfamiliar ones. This is a common mistake - students hear an unclear word or phrase and, wondering what it means, lose their thoughts and become completely disoriented in the text, although these words may be absolutely unimportant for understanding the meaning.

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Many people who studied English at school and college experience certain problems not only with speaking a foreign language, but also with listening to English. If there are a few secrets on how to learn to understand English speech by ear.


Of course, in order to understand speech by ear, you need to know at least 75% -100% of ordinary, non-specialized text in English. If your knowledge of the language is not up to the required level, it will be very difficult for you to distinguish even everyday language. Therefore, first of all, you need to improve your English.

Many people, believing that their English is at a sufficient level, rush to watch English films in the original without subtitles. And after that, in frustration, they give up trying to learn to understand English by ear. The fact is that in phrases in this language, individual words can merge into structures that are incomprehensible to the ear, so you can’t tell where the y is and where the end is. Therefore, it is best to watch English films and TV series with English subtitles. So all these long chains of words immediately break down into understandable components. If you are not at all confident in your English level, start with children's cartoons. And to begin with, you can start with the American ones. The fact is that Americans tend to collect all the words into one whole a little less; at first they are easier to understand.

Then try to find an English-speaking person on the Internet; you can find him on various linguistic resources, on Facebook or some thematic forums. If you find one, invite him to chat on Skype, preferably with .

After this practice, try watching news or documentaries with real people. If you feel unsure, help yourself with subtitles. Listen to audio books in the language. A good option would be Harry Potter, read by Stephen Fry, whose pronunciation is very clear. And the book is written in a fairly simple but colorful language.

Try to gradually turn off subtitles. A good film to test how much your listening comprehension of English has increased is “Forrest Gump.” The main character speaks slowly and very simply, the other characters speak differently, but in general it is also understandable. With the exception, perhaps, of John Lennon, who appeared for half a minute in the recording, whose Liverpool pronunciation is difficult to understand even for some Englishmen.


If you want to test your increased ability to understand speech, take some unfamiliar song (blues, rock and roll songs or anything where the vocals are clearly distinguishable are suitable), listen to it a couple of times and write down the lyrics you hear. Find the original one on the Internet and compare.

Helpful advice

If you play computer games, try playing them in English, with subtitles if possible. This way, games will not only help you relax and unwind, but will also bring additional benefits.

As you know, listening is the most difficult skill. Sometimes we in Russian cannot make out something in the speech of another person, what can we say about foreigners. However, a few simple tips will help solve this problem.


Constant replenishment of vocabulary

Always try to expand your vocabulary. Better study the words you use in life. On the topic of everyday life, family, study, work, home, etc. As a rule, such collections are offered in applications that can be downloaded to your phone. However, your task is not only to remember the word and its translation, but to be able to imagine it (create an image). Then the word, or better yet the phrase, will be perceived easily.

Listening to music, watching movies

It is very important to listen to a lot of English music and watch foreign films in the original language. This way you will get used to foreign speech and it will be easier for you to perceive it. However, do not forget that before you start listening to a song, you should translate it, and either watch films with subtitles (for the first time), or watch already familiar films, but in English.

Dialogue with yourself in English

You definitely think about household chores every day, telling yourself that you need to go to the store, do the cleaning, get ready for work, and so on. Translate your thoughts into English and speak to yourself in it. This way you will quickly master English words and learn to use them directly in communication. It is not necessary to immediately speak to yourself in English completely; first, let it be in English words. Increase your vocabulary gradually.

Communication in English

Still, the most effective way is to communicate with other people. Only when you begin to understand another person’s speech without problems and are able to answer him easily, then you will have the feeling that you know the language.

Tip 4: How to learn English with pleasure. Listening, communication

If everyone was taught reading and translation at school, then there were and are big problems with listening and pronunciation. Of course, the skill of listening comprehension takes longer and harder to develop than the perception of textual speech. This often stops those who want to learn the language. However, developing difficult skills is not at all boring, on the contrary, it is very interesting. How to master listening and pronunciation skills?

Are you interested in how to understand English by ear? Use the suggested tips to “accustom” your ears to foreign speech. Take your first steps towards understanding English by ear!

Those who study English have heard more than once about the language barrier, and this refers specifically to the fear of speaking a foreign language. However, few people mention that there is also a hearing barrier, that is, poor understanding of speech by ear. What causes this obstacle and how to destroy it? How to learn to understand English by ear? Let's reason together!

Reasons for the appearance of a hearing barrier

A wise old owl
Sat in an oak.
The more he saw,
The less he spoke.
The less he spoke,
The more he heard.
Why can't we be like
That wise old bird.

  • Features of personality type. In the article “” we talked about visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital learners. If you are not an auditory learner, you may have a hard time understanding English by ear. These are innate or acquired abilities; it is impossible to radically change them, but you can develop in yourself those qualities that you lack.
  • Neglect of listening. Some people don’t know how to approach audio recordings or where to start their learning, so they don’t spend any time developing this important English language skill.
  • Low level of knowledge. Remember at what level you know English (if you find it difficult to make an objective assessment, ours will help you), what is your speech rate when you speak it. You will be able to understand speech at approximately the same pace, so develop all the skills together.
  • Ignorance of short forms and slang in spoken English. For example, want to is replaced by wanna, and this creates difficulties in understanding live speech. If you don't know these abbreviations, this expression may confuse you.
  • Too difficult material. There is an opinion on the Internet that you can learn English from scratch “just” by watching the series “Friends” / “How I Met Your Mother” / “House”, etc. in the original. These are wonderful series, but they are completely unsuitable for beginners with levels or, because these people do not yet have the necessary vocabulary and other skills, so they will not understand speech well and may be completely disappointed in their abilities.

How to learn to understand English by ear: some useful tips

1. Listen to a variety of audio materials regularly

It is impossible to learn to dance by watching couples waltz, you need to start dancing yourself! How can you understand English by ear without making any effort? Rather, move from theory to practice, from words to deeds. Listen to audio lessons, podcasts, songs, watch films and TV series in English (focus on your level of knowledge). The main thing is to choose interesting material for yourself. Try to awaken your interest and love listening, then it will be much easier to do it.

What resources can you use:

  • will give you a lot of pleasure and help you understand English by ear;
  • and add it to your bookmarks and visit at least a couple of times a week;
  • to find out how well you have become in your listening comprehension of English and to test your spelling skills, visit one of

It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed.

The real blessing is not only doing what you love, but also loving what you have to do.

Another important point: exercise regularly. If you spend at least 20-30 minutes daily listening to various audio recordings, then after a couple of weeks you will feel little progress. If this becomes your good habit, after a few months you can improve your listening comprehension of English (the period depends on your abilities and the presence of an ear for music).

2. Study with audiobooks

Audiobooks themselves are an excellent resource for developing listening skills. However, if you find it difficult to understand the speaker's speech, then listening can turn into real agony. In this case, we recommend using a wonderful technique for working with audiobooks. Find the text of the recording and read it to yourself in parallel with the announcer. After 10-20 minutes, you will get used to the pace of speech and the speaker’s voice, and it will be easier for you to recognize individual words. Close the text and listen to the audio recording. You may not understand every word, but you will notice that you catch most of what the announcer is saying. And if you listen to a book every day, then after a while you will calmly do without text. Read our article “”, in it you will find a detailed guide to choosing a book, an effective method of working with it, and 7 sites where you can find free materials for studying.

3. Increase your vocabulary

The larger your vocabulary, the easier it will be for you to perceive speech by ear. You will not be able to understand native speakers until you acquire a decent “baggage” of words. Pay special attention to colloquial vocabulary, all kinds of abbreviations, as well as interjections. Oddly enough, but ignorance of the simplest Eh, Oh, Uh, Um can confuse you: you will think that this is part of an unfamiliar word and lose the thread of the story.

Don't forget to learn idioms and slang expressions, they are often used in spoken English. They are especially popular among young people, so if you want to watch a TV series or listen to a song by your favorite artist, be interested not only in the “classics”, but also in modern vocabulary.

4. Develop grammar skills

Don’t be surprised, knowledge of grammar also plays an important role in removing the hearing barrier. You don’t need to memorize all the rules, but the difference between “What do you do?” and “What are you doing?” need to understand.

5. Improve your own pronunciation

If you yourself learn to pronounce words correctly, then it will be easier to recognize them in someone else’s speech. The principle is simple: when you learn a word, you also learn how it “sounds”, so you can easily recognize it in spoken language. When learning new vocabulary, open the Lingvo dictionary (or any other electronic reference book convenient for you) and listen several times to how to pronounce this word, try to copy the accent of a native speaker. Now that you hear this vocabulary, recognizing it will not be so difficult. And in order to learn how to pronounce English sounds correctly, we recommend that you read our article “”, where you will find useful training videos for improving pronunciation.

6. Speak more English

To better master English by ear, develop all skills at the same time: not only passively listen, but also actively communicate. Communicate in English as often as possible with your teacher, course classmates, friends studying the language, and foreigners. This way you can hear “live” speech and get used to the fact that English can sound different, because each person has their own pronunciation and accent. And if you want not only to talk with your interlocutor, but also to increase your level of knowledge, we suggest signing up for. Our teachers will help you speak quickly and correctly.

7. Learn to think in English

This is a very useful habit. It’s not easy to develop, but the skill will come in handy more than once. When you read or listen to any text, you do not need to mentally translate it into Russian. Don't think about translation at all. This is why it is so important to choose information that is interesting to you: you will be carried away by the story and will not be distracted by literal translation.

8. Take advantage of all technological advances

Do not neglect the “miracles of scientific and technological progress.” It happens that it is difficult for a person to understand English by ear, even if the recording is quite clear. The slow-motion playback function will help you out; virtually every new video and music player has it. Reduce the playback speed until you can hear the speaker's speech.

9. Actively seek opportunities to practice listening.

Busy people don’t always have the opportunity to watch TV series, but you can find a couple of minutes to install a special application on your tablet or smartphone, for example, LearnEnglish Podcasts from the British Council. Don't forget to read the article about. You can download individual audio lessons or podcasts on the Internet, and it is also interesting to listen to audiobooks, since they are easy to find in the public domain. Try listening to audio on the way to and from work, during your lunch break (or while working when no one is looking :-)).

10. Develop an ear for music

11. Don't be afraid to listen

We live in a world where everyone hears, but no one listens. To easily understand English by ear, learn not only to hear, but also to LISTEN. None of the language barriers will bother you if you break the psychological barrier. Almost all people experience fear of novelty and the unknown. Remember, when you start mastering a computer program or a new gadget, everything seems very difficult, but after a few days or weeks you become an active “user”. Becoming an English “user” is a little more difficult, you will have to spend more time, but you can do it. The main thing is to have the desire to solve the problem, and sooner or later the path to success will be found!

As you can see, the reasons for the appearance of a hearing barrier are quite commonplace, and tips for getting rid of it are easy to apply. Choose the recommendations that best suit you on how to learn to understand English by ear, and in the next article we will talk about. Good luck in English!

One of the most common problems when learning English is the inability to perceive English speech by ear. To fully communicate in a language, it is important not only to be able to speak, but also to be able to understand what is being answered.

Are you familiar with the situation when you are listening to your interlocutor and can catch individual words, but you cannot fully understand what is being said? Or you can’t understand what actors say in films, or what is sung about in a song? Then this article is for you.

From the article you will learn:

  • Why is it difficult for you to understand English by ear?
  • How to listen correctly in order to learn to understand speech by ear;
  • 3 tips to improve your understanding of live spoken language.

Why is it difficult for you to understand English by ear?

There are 3 main reasons why you have difficulty understanding speech by ear:

1. Don't know English words

Of course, if you don't know the meaning of a word, you won't be able to understand it. The wider your vocabulary, the easier it is for you to understand speech by ear.

2. Don't know grammar

English grammar helps us connect individual words into a complete sentence. Only with its help can we understand the meaning intended by the speaker. After all, small changes in a sentence can greatly change its meaning.

3. No listening skills

Listening is the perception and understanding of foreign speech by ear.

The problem is that you don't have the speech recognition skill and you can't perceive it.

Remember any movie: all the actors speak fluently, at high speed. People talk in the same way in life. You cannot understand their speech because you are not used to sounding so fluent.

Due to the high speed of speech, all the words in a sentence seem to merge. You cannot recognize (hear) the individual words that make up a sentence, so you do not understand the meaning of what is being said.

Attention: Don't understand English? Find out how to learn to perceive English by ear.

All these difficulties can be overcome only by developing the skill of listening to speech. And now you will learn how to listen correctly in order to develop it.

How to learn to understand English by ear?

Listening comprehension is one of the 4 language skills. Therefore, the only way to learn to understand is to develop this skill. To do this, you need to listen to as much as possible in English: radio, music, podcasts, TV series, films, lectures, live speech.

We told you what exactly you need to listen to and why it is useful.

But you won't improve your listening comprehension by simply putting on a movie/music and going about your business. Otherwise, everyone would have long ago learned to understand English, since we listen to foreign songs every day.

In order to improve listening comprehension, you need to make an effort, especially at the initial stage. Let's look at the steps that will help you do this.

The best place to start is with podcasts! On this site you can select a podcast by level.

Step 1: Turn on and listen

Your task is to try to catch the words, parse and understand them. Do not try to translate literally, try to grasp at least the general meaning. It turns out? Most likely, on your first listen you will only understand some of the words and the main idea. It is enough to do this step 1-2 times.

Step 3: Listen and follow the text

Now we turn on the audio/video and at the same time follow the text. Don't try to just read the text. Remember how familiar and unfamiliar words sound. It is enough to do this 1-2 times.

Once you get used to the sound of the most common words, this item can be eliminated.

Step 4: Put the text aside and try to understand it by ear

If you've followed all the previous steps, you should now be able to easily understand what you're listening to.

The more you listen, the easier it will be for you to understand English. At first it will seem like it takes a lot of time. But after analyzing, for example, 10-20 podcasts/episodes/dialogues, your listening comprehension will improve significantly. You will soon notice that you can easily talk to people and understand what they are saying.

There are also several secrets that will help you understand English better.

3 tips for improving your understanding of live English speech

By following these tips, you will be able to better understand English by ear.

1. Learn words correctly

To protect yourself from not knowing the correct pronunciation of a word, it is better to listen to how it is pronounced correctly from the very beginning.

Listen carefully to how your teacher pronounces the word. Pay attention to where the emphasis is placed, that is, which part of the word we emphasize with intonation. Repeat the word after the teacher, imitating his pronunciation.

If you are studying without a teacher, click on the “listen” icon in the English dictionary and you will hear the correct sound.

2. Learn abbreviations used in English

There are generally accepted abbreviations in the English language, the knowledge of which should not be neglected, since when talking with an English-speaking person you will definitely hear them.

Abbreviations are used in conversation, songs, films and TV series. The English shorten auxiliary verbs in tenses (I have - I "ve), entire constructions (I am going to - I am going) and phrases (as soon as possible - ASAP).

3. Learn colloquial phrases and slang

Colloquial phrases and slang immerse you in the atmosphere of living human language. Remember, when talking, each of us inserts phrases that do not relate to the direct meaning of the sentence. For example: honestly, just a second, roughly speaking. Knowing the meaning of these phrases and how they sound will make it easier for you to understand what they are saying to you.

So, now you know what you need to do to learn to understand English by ear. Spend at least 30 minutes a day on listening, and soon the problem of not understanding English will be a thing of the past!

Post any questions you have in the comments below.

Beginners learning English are always advised to read and listen to English as much as possible. The texts posted here are very simple, some are funny and ridiculous, all of them are accompanied by audio with a slow piece, all sounds are very easy to listen to.

How to read and listen in English

These small texts can be read, listened to and repeated out loud at the same time. Do this every day, several times a day, as an exercise, this will help you learn the language on your own without a teacher. You may not like your pronunciation at first. It's okay, this is normal, continue, try to completely copy the announcer.

Speaking out loud allows you to tune your speech apparatus to a new language. How do young children learn a language? They repeat after adults. At first they do very poorly, but we enjoy their sounds, encourage them, try to find something similar to the spoken word. The more children repeat, the better they get.

Also in the case of adults - repeat, don’t be lazy. Repeat despite the fact that you have long understood the entire text and have even become quite bored with it. You can Beginners learning English are always advised to read and listen to English as much as possible. others are simple. Achieve automaticity, tune your speech muscles to English pronunciation.

1. The Flag

Tracy looked at the flag. The flag is red, white and blue. It has 50 stars. White stars on a blue square. The flag has six white stripes. It has seven red stripes. All stripes are horizontal. They are not vertical. The stripes don't go up and down. They go from left to right. Tracy loves her flag. This is the flag of her country. It is a beautiful flag. No other flag has 50 stars. No other flag has 13 stripes.

2. A piece of Paper.

Jimmy threw the piece of paper onto the floor. He bent down and picked it up. He folded a piece of paper in half. He put it on the table. He took the pencil. He wrote a phone number on a piece of paper. He put the pencil on the table. He took the scissors. He picked up a piece of paper. He cut a piece of paper in half. He placed one half of a sheet of paper on the table. He put the other half with the phone number in his shirt pocket. He put the scissors on the table.

3. A Storm.

Laura looked out the window. The storm is approaching. The sky became darker. The wind began to blow. Some trees were bent. Leaves flew through the air. It became cold. She closed all the windows. She went outside. Her car was on the street. She closed the windows in her car. She locked the car. She returned to her house. She turned on the TV. She wanted to see news about the storm. The announcer man said it was a big storm. He said it would rain heavily. He told people to stay home.

4. Cold Weather.

Thomas was not hot. He also didn't feel warm. He was cold. The weather was not hot. The weather was also not warm. The weather was cold. Thomas didn't like being cold. He looked for his jacket. He found his jacket. He put on his jacket. But he was still cold. He looked at the windows. Were all the windows closed? Yes they were closed. They were all closed. None of the windows were open. He looked at the door. The door was not open. It was closed. He was still cold. He looked for a warmer jacket.

5. A Thin Man.

Richard is a light eater. He doesn't eat much. He's not a glutton. He eats a light breakfast, a light lunch, and a light dinner. Richard is not fat. He is thin. He will always be thin because he is an easy eater. He eats a bowl of porridge for breakfast. He eats a bowl of porridge with milk. He eats a sandwich for lunch. Sometimes it's a fish sandwich. He loves fish. He eats rice and vegetables for dinner. All he eats for dinner is rice and vegetables. He will never be fat.

6. In Love.

Donna loved her husband. Her husband loved Donna. They were in love with each other. She wanted to give him a birthday present. He will be 40 next week. She wants to know what to give him. Maybe give him a watch? Maybe give him a sweater? Maybe give him a new guitar? What should I give him? She asked him what he would like for his birthday. He said he didn't want anything for his birthday. “Oh, you must want something!” she said. “You're right,” he said. "I want your eternal love."

7. Shoes.

Lisa loves to go shopping. Tomorrow she is going to go shopping. She needs a new pair of shoes. She wants to buy a pair of red shoes. She thinks the red shoes are beautiful. She will buy a pair of shoes at the mall. Lisa usually does her shopping at the mall. The shopping center is just a mile from her home. She just walks to the shopping center. It only takes 20 minutes. Tomorrow she will go to four different shoe stores. Tomorrow is Saturday. The shopping center always has sales on Saturday. If the sale price is good, Lisa will be able to buy two pairs of shoes.

8. To Buy a New Car.

Linda wants to buy a new car. She has an old car. Her old car is a white Honda. Linda wants to buy a new Honda. She wants to buy a new red Honda. She has saved $1000. She uses $1000 to buy a new car. She will give $1000 to the Honda dealer. The Honda dealer will let her sign the contract. The contract will pay her $400 a month for seven years. Her new red Honda will cost Linda a lot of money. But that's okay because Linda makes a lot of money.

9. Washing Hands

Faye went to the bathroom. She turned on the cold water. She turned on the hot water. Warm water came out of the tap. She put her hands under the warm water. She rubbed her hands. She took a piece of white soap. She rubbed the soap with her hands. She put the soap back. She washed her hands for half a minute. Then she rinsed her hands with water. She turned off the hot water. She turned off the cold water. She dried her hands with a towel.

10. Water and an Apple

Susan loves to eat apples. She loves to eat big red apples. She likes to wear a blue hat. She wears a large blue hat on her head. She wears a hat and eats an apple. She drinks water from a white cup. Susan drinks water and eats apples. She doesn't cut the apple with a knife. The knife is sharp. She's just eating an apple. She is holding an apple in her hand. She bites off an apple with her teeth. She licks her lips. She drinks more water. She wipes her mouth with her hand.

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