School events and school holidays


The scenario is suitable for holding a disco in the evening after school for students in grades 5-8.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Number of participants: 30-80 people.

Age of participants: 13-15 years old.

Event duration: 4 hours.

Material support:

for room decoration: balloons, posters with invitations to dance, drawings of dancing couples;

musical accompaniment;

props for competitions: newspapers for the “Dancing on Ice” competition, balloons;

prize fund.

Room decoration

The decoration of the room may correspond to the time of year when the event is held, or to a specific dance that will be learned during the evening. You can decorate the room with balloons, dance invitations, and posters of dancing couples. For a dance evening, color music and various lighting effects are required.

The original decoration of the room is cords stretched under the ceiling, on which you can attach balloons, New Year's rain, stars and crescents cut out of cardboard and pasted over with foil. These objects should be hung so that children can touch them by jumping.

Preparing for the event

The host of the holiday needs to learn a fairly simple dance in advance. It can be a popular dance (for example, Macarena), a forgotten dance (for example, Letka-enka), a simplified version of a ballroom dance (for example, tango, cha-cha-cha, jive). You can come up with some original dance moves of your own.

When preparing for the evening, special attention should be paid to musical accompaniment.

Event plan

  1. Dance quiz.
  2. Dance competitions.
  3. New dance.
  4. Games.
  5. Dancing.
  6. Natural selection.

Games are held if the activity of those present decreases. At the same time, most of the games and competitions are held to music, which allows those who do not participate in competitions to dance the way they like.

1. Dance quiz

Host: Greetings to all guests of our disco club. Let's check your “dance literacy” - how much do you know about dancing, do you know how to dance?

Competition 1

The guys must list the names of the dances. The most active participants receive prizes.

This competition can be held in the following form. Participants list the names of the dances in random order. After each named word, the presenter counts to three, and if during this time no one names a new dance, victory is awarded to the player who said the last word.

Competition 2 - quiz

The host asks a question related to dancing, and the participants answer in random order.

The guys who give the most correct answers receive a prize.

Examples of questions for the quiz

  1. Polish dance, the name of which is derived from the name of the city in which it was invented. (Krakowiak)
  2. Ballroom dance, a “relative” of rock and roll (Jive)
  3. Gopak is the folk dance of which country? (Ukraine)
  4. Greek dance, which was danced by the gods and heroes of Ancient Hellas. (Sirtaki)
  5. Sailor dance. (Bullseye)
  6. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: mamba, papamba, samba? (Pa-pamba)
  7. J. Strauss was called the king of what dance? (Waltz)
  8. What kind of dance can you dance to this music? (Several musical fragments are played)

Competition 3

The presenter offers not only to name, but also to show several movements of the named dance. Participants who name and demonstrate the most dances receive prizes. When choosing winners, preference is given not to those who pronounce the name of the dance, but to those who show it.

Leading: I see that you are well prepared for coming to the disco club. Welcome!

(30-40 minute dance block)

2. Dance competitions

The following competitions can be held between dances.

Dance competition Dancing on an ice floe

Participants are given newspapers. They must dance without leaving the newspaper. At each signal from the host, the newspaper is folded in half and the dance continues. Music changes all the time. If anyone steps off the newspaper during the dance, they are eliminated from the competition. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.

The game can be played for dancing couples.

Dance competition Originality

Participants dance to the music. At the same time, the music is constantly changing. The audience jury evaluates the dancers and awards prizes.

Examples of nominations for awarding prizes

The most original dance.

The most flexible dance.

The most exciting dance.

The best dance technique.

The most resourceful dancer.

The most tireless dancer.

The most inventive dancer.

3. New dance

Leading: I made sure that you all dance beautifully. But do you know such an amazing, fiery dance as... ( name of the dance being learned ). Do not know? It's horrible! How could there be guests in our club who don’t know how to dance the most fashionable, most popular... (name of the dance)! Well, it’s okay, the matter can be fixed - now I’ll teach you.

The presenter is learning a dance with the guys. This can be done not by the presenter, but, for example, by a rhythm teacher.

4. Games

After learning the dance, the disco continues. In between dances, the host offers the following games to those present:

Game Brook

Everyone becomes pairs one after another. The players of each pair join hands and raise their clasped hands in a “house” so that a corridor is formed between all pairs. The driver, who does not have a pair, walks along this corridor, chooses any player and becomes the last pair with him. The player left without a pair becomes the leader.

Game London Bridge

This is an old English game. All participants sing a song. Two drivers take both hands and lift them up in the form of a bridge, and the rest pass “under the bridge.” When the line "My Fair Miss" is sung, the "bridge" is lowered and the one who is caught replaces one of the drivers. To make the game more interesting, you can play with several “bridges” (several pairs of drivers). And in order for one of the participants to be caught every time the bridge is lowered, those passing under the “bridges” join hands, forming a chain. The driver who was replaced takes the place of the caught player in the chain.

It is better to learn the words of the song in advance, but you can play the game to a musical recording of the song.

Lyrics of the song London Bridge in Russian

Falls, collapses
London Bridge,
Falling, falling down.
Who will fix it?
London Bridge,
My fair miss?

So as not to fall down.
We will build a bridge from clay and wood,
My fair miss.

It will wash away, no matter how hard you try.
A tree with clay will be washed away by a wave,
My fair miss.

He won't fall down.
We will build a bridge of iron and steel,
My fair miss.

The bridge still cannot be saved.
Iron and steel will bend and crack,
My fair miss.

Let's build from gold and silver
A bridge so you don't fall down.
We will build from gold and silver,
My fair miss.

And gold protects the way.
Let a watchman watch the bridge all night,
And our bridge will not fall!

London Bridge is falling, collapsing,
Falling, falling down.
But we'll fix it
London Bridge,
My fair miss?

Game Tail of the Dragon

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold onto the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. The chain should not break.

Game Centipede

The players stand in a row one behind the other, and each one holds onto the belt of the player standing in front of him. The presenter gives the “centipede” various tasks that it must perform.

Game of Shapes

All participants are divided into pairs. Then, together with the leader, the pairs learn several figures. After this the game begins. The presenter says the name of the figure, and each pair must depict it as quickly as possible. The pair that made a mistake or showed the figure later than the others performs a penalty task. Then the game resumes. If there are a large number of pairs (more than 7), you can play for elimination. In this case, the last pair remaining in the game is considered the winner. The figures in this game can be dance movements from various dances.

5. Dancing with games

It is necessary not to forget about the theme of the evening and devote most of the time to dancing. The dances themselves can be diversified, including from time to time non-standard music (Russian folk music, songs from cartoons, etc.) or declaring “Dance of the Papuans,” “Dance of the Snowflakes,” “Dance of Friendship.”

In addition, games can be played during dancing.

Game Little Engine

The participants become a train one after another and “ride” around the hall, between other dancers. “Train Locomotive” is started by two or three participants, and other dancers are gradually added to them.

Snake game

Participants join hands and move with side steps around the hall. When a sufficiently large number of participants join the snake, the “head of the snake” (the first person standing in the chain) begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the snake ends up coiled in rings, the beginning of the snake is in the very middle of the rings, from where it is impossible to get out without undoing the chain. The game ends with a fun unraveling of the rings.

Game Do as I do

Participants stand in a circle. The dancers take turns showing various movements, which are repeated by other participants standing in a circle.

Game Come out in a circle

Participants dance in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center of the circle and starts dancing there. After some time, he pulls another participant into the center of the circle, and he takes his place.

The best way to end the holiday is to play a game.

Game Natural Selection

Participants stand in a circle and dance. During the dance, they pass each other an object (a plush toy or a small balloon). Suddenly the music stops, and the one who still has the object in his hands drops out of the circle. Then the music plays again and the dance continues. The last participant remaining in the circle receives a prize.

It is advisable to involve everyone present in this game. At the beginning, the pauses between musical fragments are quite long. Then the intervals between turning off the music decrease.

Alevtina Krivaksina
Disco scenario “Move more!” Dance and game program for preschool children

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today to our gaming room disco« Move more.

Today we will relax, have fun, play and most importantly dance! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

Answer - "Yes!" Well, then let's go!

« Dance warm-up» . The presenters show the movements to the music, and the children repeat.

Dance break.

Leading: Well done! That's how you should dance throughout our programs. The one who is the most active today will receive a good prize! So it's worth the fight!

To the music Pippi enters dancing

Pippi: Hello, girls and boys! Those who have 100 freckles on their nose and those who do not have a single freckle. Hello those with bows and pigtails sticking out in different directions. Hello those who have straight bangs and curly forelocks! Hello everyone! Allow me introduce yourself:

Peppilotta - Victuolina - Rodgaldina - Long Stocking! Or maybe just Pippi! Oh, I'm just dying of curiosity! Just think, I was invited to this... what's it like?

Leading: On disco!

Pippi: What does it mean?

Leading: Well, this is when everyone is together dancing, but have nothing to do with each other! Long live dancing!

(gives Pippi program) : Announce program!

Pippi is reading: First - dancing!

Second - funny dancing!

Third - fast dancing!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dancing until you drop!

Sixth - somersaulting and walking on your head!

Leading: Well, Pippi, it doesn’t say anything about tumbling!

Pippi: I just want say:

Disco, disco!

This is fun, this is fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

That's what it means disco!

I offer a gaming disco!

Dance game"Changing".

Everyone circles in pairs arm in arm as soon as I say the word "Changing", everyone immediately begins to look for another partner and also continues to spin, arm in arm, to the music, etc.

Dance break.

Pippi: Thank you! You were all amazing at this dance. We were especially captivated by... (names). Here's our prize! But that is not all. Now it's you you will"head" trains – "locomotive" in an outdoor game "Train". In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. Train head - "locomotive"– runs quickly, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Leading: We will call the part of the body that you should grab while moving (belly, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Then let's go!

Music game "Locomotive"

Dance break.

Leading: Our playroom the disco continues, and I offer you a very fun competition “Mom, I’m done!”

To do this you need to split into two teams.

The first person standing on the team puts a cap on his head, runs to the potty, sits on it and shouts “Mom, I’m done!”, then runs to the next participant, hands him the cap and he does the same, etc.

Presenter 2: Whose team comes faster, wins. On your marks! Attention! March!

Contest - “Mom, I’m done!” (Requisites: caps 2 pcs., pots 2 pcs.)

Dance break.

Leading: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle and put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and follow my tasks:

1 put your right hand on your neighbor’s head;

2 remove the hat from your neighbor with your right hand and put it on your head;

3 take your hat off your head and shout out "Hop";

4 put both hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Ready? Answer - "Yes" Well then let's go!

Contest "Hats" (Props : hats 8 pcs., prizes 8 pcs.)

Dance break

Leading: Well done everyone! On this cheerful note, our the disco is over!

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

municipal department for culture and interethnic issues of the administration of the Pavlovsky municipal district of the Voronezh region



I affirm:

Director of MKUK "DK "Sovremennik"

A.D. Skrynnikov

Children's disco

Compiled by screenwriter:

Co.Mpaneytseva Elizaveta Aleksandrovna

methodologist for working with children



Date: 08/30/2015

Time spending: ____

Venue: Palace of Culture "Sovremennik"


Presenter 1 –

Presenter 2 –

Veselushka –

Presenter 1: Dear friends, I welcome you to our super-duper disco – a celebration of music and dance!

Presenter 2:

Make jokes, sing, laugh.
At our holiday,
Dance whatever you want
The desired hour has come.

Smeshinki - fun
They call us to dance,
And the songs are familiar
We'll sing along.

Music block. (Song from the cartoon Masha and the Bear)

(3 – 5 songs)

Presenter 1: This means that at our disco everyone should be cheerful, smiling, active and the most energetic.

Presenter 2: Let us all show together what can and cannot be done at our holiday. I will tell you, and you listen carefully and show me everything.
At our disco you cannot:
- to be bored and sad;
-whine and roar;
- frown and get angry;
- make faces and stick out tongue...
- stomp your feet loudly;
- clap your hands loudly;
-screaming and hooting;
-smile at each other...

Presenter 1: Today you will find not only dancing, but also fun games. First, let's all do a dance warm-up together.
(Charging melody sounds)
There lived a parrot in the world,
Spread your wings wider.
(Arms - to the sides, left, right)
He loved to fly higher than everyone else
Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.
(Stretch on your toes, arms up.)
He flew to visit the children,
I rested with them.
Jumped, bowed, played pranks
And he spoke to the children.
(Tilt the head and torso forward and backward).

Presenter 2: We live according to a schedule
In the morning we do...
We are always in the heat and cold
Very physical...
(we're friends).
The skating rink doesn't bother us
Do it on time...
We are skipping down the hill,
In the diary we carry...
We never lose heart
At home mom...
(we help).
Let's not waste time,
We follow the regime...

(a cheerful circus melody sounds and Veselushka comes out)
Presenter 1:

Everyone is quickly in place,
A guest has come, children, to us.
Hello. Let me get to know you.
Veselushka: Hello.(shakes hands with the presenter) I'm a girl - Veselushka!
Presenter 2: Veselushka, why didn’t you say hello to the guys?Veselushka: Didn't say hello? Yes, this is my favorite thing to do - say hello!(Veselushka shakes hands with several guys.) I can even say hello with my eyes closed, look.(Greets children by the nose, ear, leg, etc.)
Presenter 1: Wait, is that really how people say hello? Let's start all over again and say hello to everyone at once. Watch me do it. Hello kids, girls and boys!
Veselushka: Ah-ah-ah! Understood!
Hello guys, pink heels! No, not like that.
Hello kids, potato noses! No, not like that.

Hello kids, polka dot panties! No, not like that.
Hello, little babies, chubby little bellies! No, not like that.
Hello children, the best in the world!
Presenter 2: This is another matter.
Veselushka: What's going on here?
Children: Disco!
Presenter 1: What is a disco? Will you teach me to dance?
Children: Yes!
Presenter 2: There's no time to lose
Let's start dancing.

A music block sounds, children dance (2 melodies)

Veselushka: And now, I will show you my dance. Don’t yawn, repeat after me.

Any lively dance with comical movements

(e.g. “I dance to the right”).

Veselushka and the presenters play games:

Game "Piggy Bank".

2 teams of 6 people play. A coin is placed on the toe of the first team member's foot. The player tries to carry it from the start line to the finish line without dropping it and throw it into the piggy bank. The player who dropped starts over.

Music block (1 song).

Game "Apple Relay" .

Competition between two teams. One player from the team sits on a chair, the rest line up behind him. The person sitting holds an apple in his hands and one under his chin. The first person standing behind the chair goes around it and, having taken all three apples (he takes two apples with his hands, and the third with his chin), sits down on the chair. The one who gives up his place goes to the end of the column. The team that passes all the apples to each other the fastest wins. If the apple is lost, then the team is awarded penalty points or after the game, the one who dropped the apple grants the opponents’ wish.
Music block (1 Song).

Riddles - deceptions Presenter 1: Do you like riddles?
Guess them then.
And in riddles there is a secret -
Give the correct answer.
There is no need to hesitate here at all,

Answer quickly, friendly!
On the fence in the morning
(No - rooster).
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Did you guess it? This is...a whale
(No – bear).
Eating flies and mosquitoes is healthy,
A cow is croaking in the swamp.
(No – frog).
He walks with a red mane,
The king of animals, of course... is the elephant.
(No – lion).
He knows a lot about raspberries
Well, of course, it's... a wolf.
(No – bear).
Gray and big, like a closet,
It's called... giraffe.
(No - elephant).
Cheerful company, double your attention!
Rhyme used to help, but now it has become insidious.
Don't rush, my friend, don't get hooked!
All black, like a rook, climbing from our roof
…(Chimney sweep)
Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight
I set off brave and strong...
I've already planted hundreds of roses
In the city garden...
Rolls for us and rolls

They bake every day...
Cooks porridge and broth

Good fat one...
Arius, opera composer
It's called...
There are three shifts at the factory
Standing at the machines...
Trains lions and dogs
Our brave, brave...
Who grazes the cows and sheep?
Sweeps the yard clean
At six in the morning, of course...
(Street cleaner)
Folds, pockets and smooth edging -
I made a beautiful dress...
Plant new seedlings in the spruce forest
Will leave again in the morning...
A knight and a rook move across the squares -
Preparing his victorious move...
(Chess player)

Music block (2 songs).

Game "Shepherds".

To play you need 2 chairs, 10 balloons of two colors and 2 empty plastic bottles. Place chairs 10 meters apart. At the signal from the leader, 2 shepherds must drive their sheep (balls of a certain color) into their barn (that is, onto their chair) with a plastic bottle. This must be done quickly and not lose a single sheep.

Music block (3 songs)

Presenter 2:

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be brief:

We tell you: goodbye!

And childhood memories

Try to save!

Presenter 1: See you again!

Veselushka: Bye Friends!

Disco script "Joke Show"

Goals and objectives:

Introduce children to the culture of different countries (Germany, England, etc.);

Instill in children a sense of pride in the achievements of each participant individually and the team and the camp as a whole;

Introduce the children to such a small literary form as an anecdote.

Time spending: 2 hours.

Location: dance hall.

Props: pipes for steam locomotives, signs with station names, balloons, tape, sheets of paper, pens, gas masks.

Any cheerful music sounds. The Presenter enters the stage.

Leading. Once two snakes were crawling, and one of them asked: “Listen, are you and I poisonous?” - "Well, yes!" - the other one answers. “Then I’ll die tomorrow.” - "Why?" - “Why, why... I bit my tongue!” Good evening, my friends! Welcome to the "Joke Show"! Your applause! Today you all have an amazing opportunity to view the hit parade of jokes from all over the world. To do this, we will take a short trip, and first I suggest going to Germany. Yes, yes, oddly enough, it is the Germans who are considered the most cheerful nation in the world. And you and I will go there on a steam locomotive.


The presenter selects 2 willing people in the hall and announces them as the heads of steam locomotive No. 1 and No. 2, hands each a pipe from the train and hangs a sign “Starry - Berlin” around their neck. At the command of the presenter, the “locomotives” descend into the hall, and all the guys choose the “locomotive” they like, cling to it - this is how they get trailers. Everyone “rides” together around the dance hall and, at the command of the leader, shouts loudly: “Tut-tu!” The engine that collects the most carriages wins, that is, it arrives in Berlin first. The presenter counts the trailers and awards the winner.

Leading. Here we are in Germany. I have already said that the Germans are a very cheerful nation. For example, on the first of April, adults and children deceive each other by sending them to the store with impossible tasks. For example, buy mosquito oil. And before we find out which joke took first place in Germany, I propose holding one purely German competition.


The presenter brings 3 boys onto the stage, takes large balloons and ties them with tape to the children’s bellies, after which he declares the boys penguins and offers to watch penguins dance in a German zoo. The DJ plays the group "Ramstein".

Presenter: And now the Germans’ favorite joke.

The general noticed that one of his soldiers was behaving strangely: every now and then he picked up pieces of paper from the ground, looked at them and threw them away with the words: “Wrong again.” The soldier is sent to a psychiatrist and declared insane. Having received the commission paper, the soldier reads it carefully and, putting it in his pocket, mutters: “Well, here it is.”

And now I am announcing a competition in which anyone can take part. (He brings out a table on which there is a stack of sheets of paper and a dozen pens.) In general, guys, everything is very simple: we take the sheets of paper and pens, write our favorite, treasured joke, not forgetting to sign, and hand it over to me. And at the end of our journey, I will reward the authors of the three funniest jokes about / l "Star". Good luck, guys! And now - musical break!

The disco begins with 2-3 dances.

And our journey continues, and I say to you: “Welcome to England!” By the way, the British believe that the most cheerful bird in the world is the domestic duck. And before we find out the funniest joke in Foggy Albion, we will hold a competition that is very popular in England.


The presenter invites 3 guys from senior squads to go on stage, after which he gives each a gas mask. On command, the participants put on gas masks and begin to dance like merry ducks to the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, which the DJ played for them.

Leading. And now - the most favorite joke of the British.

A woman with a child in her arms gets on the bus. The driver, looking at the baby, remarks: “A noble freak!” The woman goes to the back of the bus and tells her neighbor that she was just insulted by the driver. “We can’t leave it like this. Come over immediately and tell him everything you think about him! - the man exclaims. “Let me hold your monkey for now.”

And again a musical break!

The disco continues with 2-3 compositions.

Leading. We have come to America! Americans also love to have fun. Especially in Texas, people laugh until they drop, sometimes until they fall off their horses, and often funny stories are accompanied by gunshots. Before we get into America's favorite joke, let's look at a game that's so popular in Texas. On New Year's Eve, when all the people in Texas decorate their Christmas trees, real cowboys dress up their four-legged friends...


The presenter invites 3 girls and 3 boys to the stage, divides them into pairs: boys - horses, girls - cowboys. On command, the boys begin to depict horses, and the girls begin to decorate them with any objects they find

in the hall. 3 minutes are given for the entire game, the best dressed horse wins this competition.

Leading. And now you will find out what the funniest joke among Americans is.

Two people play golf. A funeral procession passes by the field. Seeing this, one of the players takes off his baseball cap, closes his eyes and says a prayer. “Oh, what a wonderful person you are,” his playing partner tells him. - This is the most touching scene I have ever seen. You must be very kind!” - “You will be kind here! After all, she and I lived together for thirty-five years!”

And again a musical break!

There is a disco.

So, you and I are returning home to Russia. And the Russians’ favorite joke goes like this: “Ivan Tsarevich jumped for three days and three nights until the rope was taken away!” And before we find out who was the author of the funniest joke in our camp, I will hold another competition.

Fun Zoo

The presenter invites 7 people to the stage and invites everyone to imitate the laughter of one of the animals: a bear, a goat, a wolf, a mouse, a cow, an elk, a dog... The brightest performer is declared the winner.

The presenter announces the last musical break and collects anecdotes from the guys. There is a disco.

Magic hat

Leading. A few minutes remain until I read out the three funniest jokes from O/L “Star”. But before that, let's get your thoughts. (Takes out a hat.) I have in my hands a hat that clearly has magical properties. If I put it on the head of any of you, I will know his innermost thoughts.

The presenter goes down into the hall, puts a hat on the girl’s head, after which the DJ turns on the music.

Options for “thoughts”:

1. What a wonderful day, what a wonderful tree stump! (Song of a mouse.)

2. I'm lying in the sun! (Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle.)

3. We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this! (Antoshka.)

4. I play the harmonica... (Song of Crocodile Gena.)

5. We are banditos, famous! (The Adventure of Captain Vrungel.)

6. A strong friendship will not break. (Song about friendship.)

7. If I'm scratching my head, it's okay. (Song of Winnie the Pooh.)

8. Twice two is four... (Twice two is four.)

9. And then, for sure, the clouds will suddenly dance... (Song of the Raccoon.)

Leading. So, the solemn moment is coming when I will read out the three funniest jokes, but first I want to invite their authors to the stage. (Names the names of the winners.)

The owners of the funniest jokes come on stage to friendly applause, after which the presenter reads out their work and rewards the guys.

But our “Joke Show” doesn’t end there. Want to know the funniest joke in the world? Then listen!

Two hunters climbed far into the forest. One of them suddenly fell. He's not breathing. His friend takes out his cell phone, dials 911 and shouts to the operator: “My friend is dead! What to do?" - “Calm down, I will definitely help you! - says the operator. “First, make sure your friend is dead.” The sound of a weapon shot is heard, after which the hunter says to the operator: “I’m convinced, now what?”

This particular anecdote was recognized as the funniest according to the results of the research institute... Well, friends, I say goodbye to you, I wish you great success in the field of jokes and good weather. Laughter prolongs life, so laugh often, with or without reason. And remember, he who laughs without consequences laughs well!

With all the richness and variety of children's programs, without filling them with suitable, properly selected competitions and games, the holiday will not be successful. It is very important to have not only a huge list of games, but to know how to present them and present them under different thematic programs.

On this page we will offer you birthday competitions that are not entirely boring for children of different ages, which can be held both at home and at any site.

Competitions and games for children 2-4 years old

At this age, birthday parties are usually organized at home. The number of invited children does not exceed 5, all games are designed for a small group of participants. Within an hour, you can hold 3-4 competitions in which there is no joint activity, which is not necessary for kids. Happy birthday greetings are included in any form.

  • “The Fox and the Bunnies” The presenter agrees on where the common house will be. Then he sings a song
    "I'm a red fox
    I'm a master of trickery
    I was walking in the forest
    And I was looking for bunnies...
    Into the hole "Boom!"
    And the hares: “Jump-jump, jump-jump
    We galloped onto the meadow
    Everyone saw the fox and ran to the tower!”
    The fox is trying to catch those children who did not hide in the house.
  • Analogue with words for ages 5 years and older:
    "At the bear in the forest
    I take mushrooms and berries.
    But the bear doesn't sleep
    And the bear is growling!”
    After growling, all the kids run into the house. The one who is caught becomes a bear. You can scatter mushrooms on the floor at home to make playing more interesting.
  • Game “Planting Carrots” Two leaders or assistants stretch a canvas - a bed with holes for carrots. Children “plant” soft toys, after which the mole shakes the bed and the carrots are planted again. An option is a garden bed higher than the kids, who reach behind it and pull the carrot towards themselves by the root.
  • Musical game, repetition of movements to the music, boogie-woogie “right hand forward, and then back…”
  • The nose-floor-ceiling game is about attentiveness. The presenter confuses the children at her discretion.
  • I’ll freeze the analogue. The presenter reads aloud:
    evil mosquitoes,
    They were spinning and spinning
    They grabbed my nose."
    The child covers the named part of the body with his hand.
  • “Guess what!” Children dance with their eyes closed, an adult covers one of them with a cloth. He sits quietly under cover, when the children open their eyes, they are asked to guess who is not with them. They name the options. The presenter offers the hidden child:
    “If you are Olya, meow like a cat.”
    Olya meows (barks, crows).

Competitions and games for children 5-8 years old

You can already invite many children to the birthday party of a child of this age. The guests may include friends from the kindergarten group and the playground. At the age of seven, children already invite school friends to their birthday parties. You can hold competitions at home parties, on the street, depending on the number of invitees. The whole holiday can consist of competitions, the guests will only be happy. You can include relay races with balloons and competitions for agility and speed.

  • Children stand in a circle holding hands. The presenter pronounces the actions, the children repeat:
    “Let’s go three steps to the right - one, two, three,
    And then let's go left - one, two, three.
    Together we will now come together one, two, three,
    And then we will separate one, two, three.
    And let's clap our hands once, twice, three times.
    Let’s spin a little, once, twice, three times.”
    Can we do it faster? It pushes the pace beyond impossibility in 3-4 games.
  • For a large number of children, an option with the words:
    "We were riding on a swing,
    and then on the carousel,
    And then, then, then, then,
    Everybody run, run, run,
    Faster and faster..."
    The presenter announces at any time
    “Wait, wait, stop the carousel!”
  • The players stand against one wall. The leader is at some distance, with his back to them. The task is to touch until he sees them moving. You can turn around at any time, while players freeze so that they are not sent back to their starting point.
  • "Sea-land." The section can be a long rope. Participants stand along the rope on dry land. The presenter calls “sea” or “land” alternately, trying to confuse the players. Their task is not to confuse the teams and to always be on the right side of the divide at the right time. For elimination.
  • The leader stands in the center with a thick rope. The rest are in a circle, dodging the untwisting rope. When it flies at the bottom, everyone jumps. The rope can fly along the top, a rather unexpected move, then the players duck down. For elimination.
  • "Walk under the rainbow." The players take turns walking under the rope, which drops lower each time. It is necessary to walk, bending back and looking up.
  • Tug of war is a team game for any age and number of participants. The task is to use the leader’s whistle to drag the opposing team to your place at an agreed distance.
  • With props - any objects that children must recognize with their eyes closed. For example, dummies of vegetables and fruits. We play in teams. We use the same props for the game “cook”.
  • "Cook". The teams are given the task of cooking soup and compote. The winners are those who have chosen the most complete and correct composition of products from the offered range.
  • Teams are located on opposite sides of the net, rope, border. An equal number of foam balls or cubes are distributed. At a signal, children begin to throw objects to the enemy’s side. The presenter begins the countdown. At the words “stop,” everyone freezes with their hands raised. The team with the fewest foam items left on its territory wins.

Competitions and games for children 9-12 years old

The age when birthdays are celebrated in restaurants, cafes, children's clubs or anti-cafes. Games are more relaxed and do not require a large space. They can also be carried out at home, in a limited area.

  • "Crocodile". The child, without the help of words, tries to convey a phrase or phrase to others. The one who guessed correctly becomes the leader.
  • A piece of paper is glued to the player’s forehead, indicating who he is now in this game. Those around him try to help him guess who he is, without saying the word itself and answering his questions only “yes” and “no.” The more players, the more interesting and confusing the game.
  • Pieces of paper with inscriptions of 2-3 words are glued to the backs of a couple of players. They put them face to face and announce the start of the competition. Everyone's task is to be the first to find out the contents of the note and not show theirs to their opponent.
  • Blind maniac. Participants hold a rope in a circle, forming the boundaries of the playing field. A loud countdown from 1 to 10 begins. Inside there is a blindfolded “maniac” and a “victim.” The “maniac’s” task is to catch the victim before the final number “10” sounds. If the “victim” runs out of bounds, he is considered a loser.
  • "Golden Gate". Two players, holding hands, form an arch, under which a line of participants passes in a chain. At the same time, they recite the poems: “Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen! The first time is forgiven, the second is not forbidden, and the third time we won’t let you through!” With these words, the arch lowers and the slowest ones fall into the ring. The losers join the group of leaders and, holding hands, form a new passage arch. Thus, the number of players decreases, and the leaders increase until the “golden gate” wins completely.
  • “Burn, burn clearly.” It is not carried out at home; a large site is required. The players stand in a large circle and sing the words: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out! Look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing. One or two, don’t be a crow, run like fire!” In this case, the presenter with a bright scarf in her hand stands between any neighboring players standing in a circle. Those who find themselves on opposite sides race around, trying to be the first to snatch the scarf from her hands.
  • "Minefield". Each team is delegated 1 player, who is blindfolded. Balls of 3 colors are scattered on the floor - black, white and red. Teams orient their delegates without touching them so that they crush the balls of their color without being blown up by black mines. The first team to complete their task wins.
  • “Go through the gate.” Two or more players, depending on the size of the goal, are blindfolded. They stand with their legs “glued”, but work with their torso and arms. The presenter places them so that they overlap each other. The task of the players of the other team is to go through the guarded gate without allowing the guards to touch them. To be clear: the movements of the defenders resemble the dance of aeromen.

Dance competitions for children's disco

When organizing a disco, one of the main tasks is animation to catchy music. Children should be interested in dancing, and continuous entertainment with dance competitions is the best way to engage children in the program.

  • They dance in pairs, clutching the balloon with their knees, backs, and bellies.
  • The same without the ball. “Sticking” with elbows or heels, dance movements are performed.
  • Dance with a specific part of the body. The presenter calls in turn: finger, hand, eyebrows, elbows, knees. The remaining parts are resting.
  • At the direction of the leader, the specified number of children gather and dance together. Pairs, threes, eights and fives break up and form again, attracting free dancers.
  • The hat is on the leader who sets the dance pattern. Everyone repeats his movements until he puts it on someone else.
  • The host selects a player and takes him aside. With the rest, a “lighter” is assigned, after which all movements are repeated, as in the previous competition. The chosen one released into the circle of dancers must identify the “lighter”. The unmasked leader of the disco is taken aside. Everything is repeated in a new circle.