Pathology of the urinary system, characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys themselves or the urinary tract, is called urolithiasis (urolithiasis).

In the presence of negative predisposing factors, it also occurs during pregnancy by the expectant mother.

Why do kidney stones appear during pregnancy?

The formation of stones is promoted by:

  • Physical inactivity, i.e. tendency to a sedentary rhythm of life of a woman at the time of bearing a baby
  • Birth defects of the kidneys or urinary tract
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system
  • Overindulgence in foods containing elements such as purines
  • Inflammation of the urinary system (for example, cystitis)
  • Hobbies for a variety of carbonated drinks that have chemical dyes, as well as other synthetic components
  • Changes in the acid composition of urine
  • Pathologies of the nervous system, due to which the normal functioning of the bladder occurs
  • Urinary retention and disruption of its normal outflow
  • Not drinking enough fluid during the day
  • Long-term use of certain subgroups of medications before pregnancy and during pregnancy
  • Lack or excess of individual microelements in the menu


Kidney stones, as a rule, do not bother a woman in any way if they are small in size and do not have a tendency to move. In the absence of inflammatory pathologies in the kidneys, a woman should not be afraid of them, since they will not cause harm to the unborn child.

The danger is an attack of renal colic, i.e. significantly expressed pain, provoked by the movement of stones along the ureters. With their rough surfaces, they injure the tissues of the urinary tract, thereby provoking such severe pain that it can cause spontaneous abortion.

It should be borne in mind that exacerbations of renal colic during pregnancy occur somewhat more often. This is related to hormonal changes in the expectant mother.

Symptoms of kidney stones during pregnancy:

  • The occurrence of dull or aching pain in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys from the back. They are provoked by physical activity or uncomfortable body position.
  • Hormonal changes contribute to significant relaxation of the kidney structures, and formed stones are prone to migration. When they move, pain may shift to the groin or thigh area.
  • A woman may notice an admixture of blood in the urine or a change in its color, up to brown or bright burgundy. This is due to traumatization of the ureteral tissues by sharp protrusions on the surface of the stones.
  • Visiting the toilet may also be accompanied by pain. The stone rushing with the urine current injures the surrounding tissues, which leads to pain.
  • There may be a feeling of nausea or vomiting, an increase in body temperature, as well as previously uncharacteristic flatulence and chills.

The expectant mother is advised to remember that there is a threat of miscarriage at the time of renal colic, so the presence of any of the above signs of kidney stones should be alarming. Treatment should only be in a hospital setting, under the supervision of obstetric specialists.

Dangers to Pregnancy

The stones identified as a result of the diagnostic procedure make the woman worry and ask the question at the doctor’s appointment: “How dangerous is this for the health of the unborn child?”

The calculus itself is not dangerous, since it does not have any effect on the formation of the baby’s organs and tissues. Danger can arise in the case of a large stone, when it clogs the duct, urine stagnates, inflammatory processes occur and severe pain occurs.

Premature birth can be triggered by a severe attack of renal colic. At this moment, the pain is so pronounced that the woman may even lose consciousness. And the passage of a calculus through the ureter can contribute to the separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus.

In addition, the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys can provoke pyelonephritis, an inflammation of the renal tubular system of bacterial etiology. And this threatens not only the infection of the expectant mother’s body, but can also affect the health of the fetus.

These points should be taken into account not only by the woman herself, but also by the specialist observing her. A careful history can help prevent such negative conditions. According to women, kidney stones that begin to manifest themselves during pregnancy do not have significant distinctive features; many are not even aware of them.

An attack of renal colic in a pregnant woman: tactics of action

If pain of any nature occurs in women during pregnancy, it is imperative to call emergency medical services.

If kidney stones during pregnancy provoke severe renal colic, what should you do in this case?

  • Sharp pain most often occurs when the ureter is blocked by a calculus, preventing the passage of urine. Therefore, you can try to find a body position that will allow you to move the stone, ensuring the unimpeded passage of urine.
  • Medications called antispasmodics help relieve spasms. But they can only be taken if the woman is completely sure of the cause of pain - the passage of stones. In other situations, it is recommended to wait for an examination by a specialist.
  • The use of relaxing baths with hot water is absolutely prohibited. The same goes for using heating pads and other warming procedures.
  • In a hospital setting, the expectant mother will be examined by a specialist who will choose an adequate treatment strategy aimed at alleviating the condition of the pregnant woman, as well as preserving her fetus.

Treatment of urolithiasis

If the need arises to begin treatment of the disease, the doctor may resort to the following methods:

  • Conservative treatment. It is based on taking medications to relieve pain, break down and remove stones, as well as alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. For these purposes, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which can be used during pregnancy.
  • Homeopathy. Despite the controversy of this method of treatment, the doctor may also recommend homeopathic medicines. Their advantages include safety in use for both the expectant mother and her baby. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take herbal remedies, but only those prescribed by a doctor.
  • Diet. A particular diet for a pregnant woman can be recommended only after examination and determination of the nature of the stones:
    • If you have urate stones, you need to increase plant foods in your diet and give up meat and meat-based products.
    • For calcium stones, on the contrary, meat products, as well as cereals and fruits, should be introduced into the diet. The consumption of milk, eggs, potatoes and legumes should be seriously limited.
    • Oxalate stones, formed due to excess amounts of oxalic acid in the body, require avoidance of eggs, tomatoes, dairy products and beans.
  • Surgical treatment. If the methods listed above are not effective, the woman’s condition worsens significantly or there is a need for emergency treatment, surgical intervention remains. The operation is performed under anesthesia and involves removing stones from the urinary system.

Prevention of stone formation

During a consultation with a doctor, a pregnant woman is given recommendations to prevent the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys.

Recently, kidney stones have become increasingly common during pregnancy. The appearance of this disease in pregnant women is greatly facilitated by hormonal changes in the body. ICD can manifest itself in different ways, so you need to clearly understand if you find a kidney stone during pregnancy, how dangerous this condition is, and what it can mean.

How does ICD manifest during pregnancy?

A woman who is carrying a child must listen carefully to her condition, and at the slightest sign of trouble, go to the doctor for examination and treatment. The sooner it is started, the more favorable the outcome. So, you should be wary if:

  1. Pain appeared in the lumbar region. It should not be ignored, because if it is a sign of a kidney stone, then the symptoms will only intensify and the stone will grow. This condition is characterized by acute, cramping pain that radiates to the groin area. But such sensations can be a sign of another pathological condition, and therefore require a visit to a specialist for differential diagnosis.
  1. Hematuria occurred. During pregnancy, a woman experiences physiological relaxation of smooth muscles. Therefore, the ureters, the collecting segment of the kidneys and the bladder are in a more relaxed state. As a result, the stone may begin to pass through the urinary tract. Bladder stones during pregnancy are detected as a result of their leaching from the kidney in the urine. Sand and stone fragments sometimes injure the inner surface of the urinary organs, which leads to the appearance of blood in the urine.
  1. Unpleasant sensations appeared while emptying the bladder. The irritation experienced by the bladder and urethra when small stones and sand come out causes pain when urinating. If an infection occurs at this moment, the woman feels chills, her temperature rises, and sometimes she experiences nausea and bloating.

Why are stones formed?

The formation of stones during pregnancy does not occur without reason; it occurs as a result of the following conditions:

  • the presence of small formations or sand that were not noticed before pregnancy;
  • metabolic disorders, especially with low physical activity in a pregnant woman;
  • sometimes, when the load on the kidneys increases, a pregnant woman develops edema, which leads to limited fluid intake and increased urine concentration;
  • poor nutrition with a predominance of canned foods and fast food products, lack of sufficient quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Most often, if the disease occurs during pregnancy, it occurs as a result of calcium deposition in the later stages, since it is removed from the body much more slowly in this situation.

In other cases, the reasons for the development of urolithiasis during pregnancy are the same as for other people:

  • urinary tract abnormalities;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • some diseases of the nervous system.

Complications of ICD

If a woman is diagnosed with a kidney stone during pregnancy, treatment should begin immediately, otherwise the following complications will arise:

  1. Severe pain syndrome like renal colic, which can result in premature birth or miscarriage.
  1. The addition of an infection, which often accompanies KSD, can lead to infection of the unborn baby or placenta. The condition is usually aggravated by a decrease in the immune strength of the expectant mother.
  1. Urine stagnation occurs, which leads to the development of hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis. It can also provoke increased growth of old and the appearance of new stones. This happens especially often if a stone occurs in the ureter during pregnancy. It prevents fluid from leaving the kidney freely into the bladder.

How to treat

Treatment of stones during pregnancy is carried out using a conservative method. A radical solution in the form of surgical intervention to remove stones is used only in the most extreme case - in the event of the development of renal failure or the addition of a purulent process with the risk of infection. As a rule, if a kidney stone is 4 mm during pregnancy, and there are no signs of complications, then assistance is carried out using medication and prescribing the right diet.


An attack of renal colic can be stopped using antispasmodics or analgesics. If such treatment is ineffective, the woman is given a novocaine blockade, and the urine is released by catheterization.


Diet plays a very important role in stopping the growth of stones and preventing the appearance of new stones. It is prescribed only by a specialist, depending on the type of formation:

  1. For oxalate stones, meat, poultry and small amounts of fish are used as food. All types of milk and dairy products, non-acidic fruits, eggs, compotes and jelly are not prohibited. All types of broths are excluded, except vegetable ones, smoked meats, some spicy dishes (horseradish, mustard), carrots, tomatoes and cabbage. Consumption of sweets, cocoa and coffee is not recommended.
  1. If a pregnant woman has urates, she can eat dairy products, bread, fish or boiled meat, ripe fruits and non-acidic berries, and any vegetables. You can consume bread, no more than one egg per day, cereals and pasta (with the exception of buckwheat porridge). Broths, sauces, canned food, pickles and smoked dishes are excluded. You should not eat fried meat, sour foods, sorrel, spinach, or legumes.
  1. If phosphate stones are discovered during pregnancy, then you need to eat sour foods (fruits and berries), any cereals, but you should cook without milk. You can eat honey, bread and bakery products. You should not serve fish, any dairy products, spices, smoked foods, salads, canned products, or vegetables.

Many expectant mothers, when stones are discovered, wonder what if there are kidney stones during pregnancy, how to give birth. Only a specialist can answer this question in each individual case. In most cases, childbirth proceeds normally, and in the presence of large stones, the main treatment is prescribed after the birth of the baby. But it is best to plan your pregnancy in advance and treat all diseases so that they do not worsen later and create problems.

Kidney stones during pregnancy have recently been diagnosed more and more often. The manifestations of this disease are largely facilitated by active hormonal transformations that occur in the body of the expectant mother.

It is very important to notice the symptoms of this disease in time and not confuse them with manifestations of other ailments. But how dangerous is this disease for the pregnant child and for the pregnant woman herself?

Kidney stones during pregnancy: symptoms

Every pregnant woman should learn to listen sensitively to her own body and, at the slightest change, already know what exactly is happening to her. This also applies to kidney stones. The sooner you begin to suspect that you have this disease, the faster you will alleviate your condition and neutralize the danger.

How should the kidneys function during pregnancy when it comes to the formation and passage of stones?

If you feel it, don't ignore it. With stones, the pain is progressive: it will increase every day and reach severe attacks with colic and fever.

These pains are strong, cramping. They begin in the lumbar region and then descend along the path of the ureter. Refers pain to the groin and genitals. Remember that kidney pain during pregnancy can be a symptom of other diseases, so look for other distinctive signs of this disease so as not to make a mistake in diagnosis.

2. Blood in urine

This is another sure symptom of the disease. Stones can spontaneously pass, destroying nearby tissue. This is facilitated by the increased level of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman: they have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the abdominal cavity - including the ureters and renal pelvis. This provokes the movement of stones. Very often, when exiting, it is also indicated by blood in the urine.

Also read:

Urate kidney stones, lesser evil

3. Pain when urinating

The passage of stones cannot be painless, so every trip to the toilet will be accompanied by pain and acute pain.

In addition to the main symptoms, during an exacerbation or an advanced form of the disease, chills, fever, nausea, even vomiting, and flatulence may be observed. If most of the symptoms of kidney stones are present and are no longer in doubt, urgent measures need to be taken.

Causes of kidney stones during pregnancy

It is very important to understand the causes of your illness, because kidney stones in pregnant women do not form without reason. Depending on the reasons, the doctor will be able to choose the right course of treatment.

What can provoke their formation?

  • development of the disease even before pregnancy, which was not noticed in a timely manner
  • physical inactivity: a sedentary lifestyle caused by pregnancy can lead to disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism in a woman’s body
  • unhealthy diet: purines contained in meat by-products (sausages, sausages, sausages, etc.) have a bad effect on uric acid salts.

The causes of the disease can be very different, and this is fraught with negative consequences if you do not pay attention in time to the fact that the kidneys hurt more and more during pregnancy.

Danger of disease to the fetus

Kidney stones can have the most tragic consequences:

  • severe renal colic, which may be accompanied by a severe fever, can lead to miscarriage
  • if urolithiasis is complicated by infection, this can lead to infection of the placenta and baby
  • stagnation of urine increases, and this is fraught with the development of a new disease - pyelonephritis.

So if you are worried about even mild pain in the kidneys during pregnancy, urgently try to find out the cause of these sensations: are it stones that bother you?

Treatment of urolithiasis

In the hospital, you will be prescribed thermal imaging or color tests, on the basis of which a general picture of the disease will be drawn and appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Also read:

Oxalates in urine during pregnancy are a warning sign

1. Drug treatment

First of all, doctors will block the pain with injections of no-shpa, papaverine, baralgin, and platyphylline. In extreme cases, narcotic analgesics are used. If the pain does not decrease, a novocaine blockade is performed on the uterine ligaments, and at this time urine is drained with a catheter.

Now there are different ways to remove kidney stones, but it is better to do this before pregnancy so that the operation does not in any way affect the development of the child. Surgery is performed only in case of renal failure or when purulent processes are discovered.

2. Diets

Drug treatment of the disease can be supported by diets, which, depending on the type of stones, are prescribed by the doctor:

  • kidney stones during pregnancy are urate: the basis of the diet is plant and dairy foods, restrictions apply to meat products
  • calcium salts in the kidneys in the form of stones: the diet increases the amount of meat, fruits and cereals in the diet, but limits the consumption of eggs, milk, potatoes and legumes
  • oxalic acid: milk, tomatoes, eggs, legumes are excluded.

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Today, kidney stones during pregnancy are diagnosed quite often. Internal changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy often provoke an exacerbation of latent forms of kidney stones. The attentive attitude of expectant mothers to their well-being, regular examinations by specialists and laboratory monitoring of health status make it possible to identify the disease at an early stage.

Why are kidney stones dangerous for a pregnant woman and her baby? What treatment and prevention methods can be used at this stage of a woman’s life?

Causes and symptoms

Hormonal “storms” that occur in the female body during pregnancy provoke a number of serious changes. The blood volume increases significantly, the uterus grows, puts pressure on the organs of the urinary system, the load on the kidneys increases, and urination becomes more frequent. As a result of the influence of progesterone and estrogen, the ureters bend and lengthen, which delays the outflow of urine. These factors can provoke the movement of stones and acute renal colic, even if the woman previously suffered from kidney stones in a sluggish (latent) form.

Kidney stones during pregnancy are dangerous, as they can cause complications that negatively affect the health of the mother and the development of the fetus.

The main complications of kidney stones in pregnant women:

  • stagnation of urine and swelling of the kidneys;
  • primary or secondary infectious inflammation of the kidneys, renal pelvis and urinary tract;
  • renal colic (cramping intense pain);
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • stroke;
  • sepsis.

Symptoms of kidney stones in pregnant women:

  • painful, difficult and frequent urination (especially at night);
  • severe pain radiating to the lower back, abdomen, groin area and genitals;
  • drops of blood in urine;
  • chills, fever, increased sweating;
  • aversion to food, nausea and vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure (occurs due to excess water and salt in the blood);
  • muscle weakness, drowsiness;
  • convulsions.

In case of an acute attack, you should immediately call an ambulance, as the pathological process can lead to intoxication of the body of the mother and child, rupture of the membranes, miscarriage and premature birth. In a mild form, all signs of urolithiasis are a signal for a pregnant woman to visit a doctor and begin treatment. If a gynecologist or therapist, after conducting the necessary research and making a diagnosis, offers the patient hospitalization, you should not refuse.

Treatment tactics

Even with a severe form of kidney stones, normal pregnancy and delivery are possible. The earlier the disease is detected, the better. The health of the expectant mother will be monitored not only by a gynecologist, but also by a nephrologist who will offer treatment options that are acceptable during pregnancy.

Treatment of kidney stones in pregnant women may include:

  • taking medications that are safe for the fetus and promote crushing, dissolving and removing stones;
  • blocking pain with injections of antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Platiphyllin, Baralgin, Papaverine);
  • antibacterial therapy (in cases of complications in the form of pyelonephritis and strictly according to indications);
  • in emergency cases - surgical intervention.

During pregnancy, crushing kidney stones with ultrasound or laser is contraindicated.

Surgery is advisable in difficult situations when the life of the mother and child is at risk.

For example, if the outflow of urine stops, blood poisoning begins, severe intoxication is observed, and attacks of renal colic are constantly repeated and intensified. If the pregnancy period allows, the expectant mother may undergo a cesarean section simultaneously with surgical removal of the stone.

Preventive measures

Self-medication of kidney stones is unacceptable, especially during pregnancy. Popular folk methods for passing stones (such as a warm bath and a heating pad on the lower back) can lead to the loss of a child. But the preventive measures recommended by experts are safe and can significantly improve the condition of the pregnant woman.

Prevention of kidney stones during pregnancy includes the following:

  1. Compliance with the diet prescribed by the nephrologist depending on the type of kidney stone. With urate stones, the basis of the diet is dairy products and plant foods. For oxalate - fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, white meat. You should limit the consumption of eggs, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, legumes, lard, beef and pork, and fresh milk. If phosphate stones are detected, you must eat fish, cottage cheese, and red meat with caution.
  2. Compliance with drinking regime. The amount of recommended fluid to drink per day depends on the type of stones and is discussed with your doctor.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle. Yoga for pregnant women and leisurely walking are an excellent prevention of stagnation of urine, the formation of salts and kidney stones, as well as many other pathologies.

The best thing a woman can do for her body and the health of her unborn child is to undergo a comprehensive examination before pregnancy. Kidney stones identified at the planning stage are much easier to cure.

Even a normal pregnancy is a real stress for the female body. On this basis, all chronic diseases immediately remind the expectant mother of themselves. Kidney stones during pregnancy are a clear confirmation of this. The pathology poses a serious danger to the woman and the baby she is carrying. But a prudent examination of the urinary system even at the stage of planning offspring helps to avoid problems in the future. We will talk about the symptoms and treatment of the disease in the article.

Factors that provoke the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system are divided into internal and external. The main catalyst for the development of urolithiasis is considered to be impaired water-salt metabolism in the body. However, there are other reasons for the formation of kidney stones in the mother during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • susceptibility to the disease due to a genetic factor;
  • specific nutrition (the disease can be caused by a large number of meat dishes in the diet);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • bacteriuria occurring without visible signs;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout;
  • disorders in the development of the nervous system;
  • chronic diseases of the urinary system;
  • disturbances in the activity of the urinary system;
  • dehydration of the body.

The risk of kidney stones is especially high in the last trimester of pregnancy, when a large belly prevents the expectant mother from leading an active lifestyle. Also during this period, metabolic disorders often occur due to unstable hormonal levels. How dangerous is it to have kidney stones during pregnancy? A real threat to the well-being of the mother and baby is the rapid exacerbation of the pathology, while the sluggish form of the disease does not harm their health.

Why does urolithiasis worsen during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal activity increases noticeably, and this leads to an inevitable exacerbation of urolithiasis. That is why expecting a baby and attacks of renal colic are often parallel processes. The body of the expectant mother synthesizes the hormone progesterone in large quantities, since a high level of this substance is the key to a successful pregnancy. There are numerous progesterone receptors in the tissues of the urinary system, so when there is more of it, the urinary ducts dilate and lose tone, facilitating the movement of stones. At this very time, the uterus constantly increases in size, compresses the ureters and interferes with the free excretion of urinary fluid.

Signs and specifics of the course of urolithiasis during pregnancy

Symptoms of the disease appear in expectant mothers in the period from 12 to 16 weeks of the “interesting” position, sometimes several weeks before the baby is born. A pregnant woman is tormented by sharp paroxysmal pain. An exacerbation occurs due to the heavy load experienced by the urinary tract of a pregnant woman. In some cases, urolithiasis in an expectant mother is diagnosed against the background of the development of pyelonephritis.

The clinical picture of urolithiasis is very extensive:

  • the appearance of sharp pain in the lumbar region;
  • an increase in discomfort when walking, changing body posture, during and after physical activity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of trembling in the body;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • problems with urination (if the stones are large);
  • the appearance of pain in the groin, perineum and lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of bloody impurities in the urine.

The main and most eloquent sign of urolithiasis is an attack of renal colic, which literally covers a person with sudden and very acute pain. This is how the body reacts to the movement of stones when they block the urinary ducts and prevent the normal excretion of urine. During an attack, short periods of relief occur, followed by relapses. The attack passes when the stone changes position in the body or leaves the duct.

Consequences of kidney stones during pregnancy

Chronic urolithiasis occurs without obvious signs and does not pose a serious danger to pregnant women. However, the appearance of attacks of renal colic or the development of an extensive inflammatory process can result in premature birth or spontaneous abortion.

During an attack, the smooth muscle cells of the urinary tract contract. Because of this, the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity. Severe tension leads to placental abruption, miscarriage or premature labor. The presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder is a real obstacle to natural delivery, so doctors often decide on surgical delivery through cesarean section.

Kidney stones are also dangerous because they are a provoking factor for the development of another inflammatory disease – pyelonephritis. In this case, the infection not only threatens the woman, but also calls into question the health of the fetus. Treatment of pregnant patients is carried out under strict medical supervision.

Treatment of kidney stones during pregnancy

To alleviate the condition of an expectant mother suffering from urolithiasis, all means are good, so the course of treatment is usually comprehensive.

Conservative treatment of kidney stones during pregnancy

This therapy is complicated by the fact that many effective drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. Treatment of urolithiasis in expectant mothers is aimed at suppressing pain symptoms, breaking down and removing stones from the body, as well as relieving the inflammatory process.

To alleviate the condition of a pregnant patient, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs, the effect of which does not threaten her condition. Along with treatment that improves the general well-being of the expectant mother, the doctor certainly pays attention to her drinking regime. It is adjusted properly: the daily volume of drinking water consumed is determined individually for each patient.

This measure is necessary to stimulate urine production and change the acidic environment to an alkaline one. In severe cases of urolithiasis, when medications that have a gentle effect do not help relieve pain, resort to painkillers of narcotic origin. If the painful sensations are not eliminated, a novocaine blockade of the round ligament of the uterus is performed and at the same time urine is drained through a catheter.

Homeopathic treatment for kidney stones during pregnancy

Homeopaths know how to remove kidney stones during pregnancy. Homeopathic medicines become especially relevant when it comes to treating a pregnant patient. Such medications have a natural and safe composition for women and fetuses and successfully cope with the correction of impaired metabolic processes. To enhance the effect, in parallel with taking homeopathic medicines, the expectant mother is prescribed herbal treatment. Considering that many herbs cannot be taken during pregnancy, only a doctor can develop a treatment program.

Diet for the treatment of urolithiasis during pregnancy

To keep the disease in check, diet should not be underestimated. This issue is of particular importance when it comes to treating an expectant mother. Before prescribing a particular diet, the attending physician will examine the pregnant patient to find out the composition of the stones that have formed in her kidneys.

Basically, the nutritional requirements of pregnant women are as follows:

  • with stones of urate nature, the emphasis is on plant foods, sharply limiting the amount of meat and offal;
  • calculi in the form of calcium salts require the presence of meat products, various cereals and fruits in the diet. A partial taboo is imposed on eggs, dairy and legume products, potatoes;
  • If the examination shows that the stones are based on oxalic acid salts, you need to give up tomatoes, eggs, dairy and legumes.

For any form of urolithiasis and any composition of stones, spicy, salty and fried foods are contraindicated. In this case, it is best to give preference to steamed fish and meat of low-fat varieties, and foods of plant origin, namely:

  • watermelons, pears, melons and gooseberries (natural diuretics);
  • white cabbage (normalizes diuresis);
  • cranberry juice (an effective diuretic and bactericidal agent).

Surgical treatment of kidney stones during pregnancy

If conservative therapy turns out to be ineffective and the expectant mother does not feel better, doctors are forced to take extreme measures. It cannot be denied that surgical intervention can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and provoke its spontaneous termination, however, in especially severe cases, the expected harm from the operation turns out to be much less than the danger of losing the baby.

Surgery is performed using anesthesia. During the operation, the cavities of the urinary system are cleared of stones. This method of treatment allows a woman not only to keep the child, but also to give birth to it on time. If the symptoms of urolithiasis make themselves felt at 36 weeks of pregnancy, labor is stimulated, and the stones are removed after the birth of the baby.

Kidney stones during pregnancy: what to do during an attack of renal colic

A painful attack of urolithiasis in a pregnant woman usually begins suddenly and rapidly. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, first aid consists of using an antispasmodic drug, which will partially eliminate the painful sensations. However, it should be remembered that not all antispasmodics are suitable for a pregnant woman. According to doctors, it is safest to take No-shpu (Drotaverine), Papaverine and Nitroglycerin. A Nitroglycerin tablet is placed under the tongue - the fast-acting drug stimulates the relaxation of smooth muscle muscles. Until the doctor arrives, it is imperative to monitor the volume of urine excreted, which is collected in a dry, clean container for further examination.

Kidney stones during pregnancy: what not to do during an attack of renal colic

  1. Under no circumstances should you warm the areas of greatest pain (back, lower back) with a hot heating pad.
  2. You can't take a hot bath.
  3. You should not take medications that contain narcotic substances.

Prevention of the development of attacks of renal colic during pregnancy

According to reviews of women who encountered kidney stones during pregnancy, they were able to avoid painful attacks by following certain preventive measures:

  • a balanced diet (a doctor will help you prepare it, taking into account the specifics of the disease);
  • refusal of all spicy, fried and salty foods;
  • drinking regime (you need to acquire the healthy habit of drinking at least 2 liters of purified drinking water per day);
  • healthy lifestyle: regular exercise (after agreeing on an exercise program with your doctor), daily walking and a good night's sleep.

These rules are relevant not only for expectant mothers, who often exhibit symptoms of urolithiasis, but also for women with a history of various anomalies of the urinary system.

By regularly collaborating with a doctor, the expectant mother will ensure the normal development and course of pregnancy, as well as the safe birth of the baby. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable, since urolithiasis can lead to serious consequences for the health of the woman and her child. If any incomprehensible symptoms or pain appear, you should immediately report this to the specialist managing the pregnancy.