Warm days will begin very soon, but many girls have already begun to prepare for the beach season. They want to be beautiful and slim so they can look good in a swimsuit. However, sometimes the desire for a beautiful figure forces girls to use very strict diets. Not all ladies have good willpower. Some girls cannot stand the restrictions and abandon their plans. How to maintain a very strict diet?

How to maintain a very strict diet, experts give advice

First of all, experts advise thinking about why you are going to lose weight. It is worth remembering that any diet imposes a number of restrictions. If you love candy so much that you're not ready to give it up, you might want to consider a one-piece swimsuit. If you are ready for any restrictions for the sake of beauty and slimness, you should accept the fact that in the first two weeks of the diet it will be quite difficult for you. That is why you should not introduce dietary restrictions during times of severe stress, for example during a session or taking an annual test. Experts say that habits are formed within three weeks. If you can withstand the restrictions during this period, then it will be much easier for you later.

In addition, experts remind that during work or rest a person rarely thinks about it. That is why you need to use your free time for useful activities. Of course, you can exercise in the gym and swimming pool. However, visiting concerts and exhibitions will also be beneficial, because during your vacation you will not think about food.

Recently, experts have begun to talk about planned diet violations. It is assumed that a person plans in advance that he can eat a small piece once a week. So, some girls eat one ice cream cone, while others eat chocolate. It is worth remembering that such violations should not be of an everyday nature, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Every woman knows that the perfect look cannot be created without the use of accessories and lingerie. It is also important to choose tights that are in harmony with the image. This can be done by visiting the store http://kolgotok-mania.com.ua, which offers a wide selection of not only tights, but also stockings.

But this often happens: the first day on a diet flies by, the second drags on unbearably long, by the third you seem to get used to it, and your figure begins to visually shrink. The stomach tightens, the double chin disappears, and everything is fine, but at some point, in the evening or at night, something went wrong, and we run to the refrigerator. And we eat the entire annual supply of the nation, and after saturation, the entire diet goes down the drain. The mood is below par and self-esteem is in the same place. So what can you do to avoid going off the diet? Let's ask the experts. If you are not a Tibetan monk and do not practice, then any diet should, first of all, be gentle and reasonable and not bring your psyche and body to the brink. A diet is not fasting, but a healthy, conscious refusal of some high-calorie foods, in exchange for which other, less high-calorie foods are eaten.

A diet is not only a refusal of “harmful” foods, but also a reduction in the portion of food eaten by increasing the number of snacks. During a diet, it is optimal to eat little, but often, ideally 5-6 meals a day.

Attention! The tougher and stricter the diet, the more hungry you feel, the greater the chance of breaking down and not sticking to the diet to the end.

Tip two. Don’t completely limit yourself to eating sweets

, this is not only a physical shake-up for the body, but also real stress. Psychologists say that during a diet, the psychological load on the body increases significantly. It’s not for nothing that it has been noticed that a woman on a diet is usually angry, gloomy and whiny. And this happens due to the fact that by denying ourselves sweet foods, we automatically deprive ourselves of the hormone of joy, which is contained, for example, in chocolate. Sweet pastries have already been proven to give the body the effect of satiation, peace, calm and stability (that’s why during times of stress you crave a bun with tea so unbearably). By abruptly depriving itself of saturated hydrocarbons, the body experiences shock, which is further aggravated by the feeling of hunger.

Attention! If you completely give up any sweet foods during a diet, this usually leads to worsening mood, tearfulness, and even depression. What do we usually do during depression? That's right - eating food.

Ideally, the diet should not exclude all sweet foods; you can and should leave honey, tea with sugar, or diet baked goods in your diet.

Everyone knows that diet and alcoholic drinks are incompatible, and not only because alcoholic drinks are very high in calories, but also because alcohol causes... Even a glass of light wine drunk with fruit can awaken a brutal appetite, and a consciousness slightly clouded by alcohol will ultimately make a deal with conscience and the diet will be completed in most cases.

Attention! Each glass of alcoholic drink increases the chance of ending the diet early.

In times of the “great diet,” it is better not to provoke yourself with lavish feasts, preparing “thirty-three dishes” for dinner for the family. If it is impossible to avoid routine cooking, then you need to allocate yourself a separate shelf in the refrigerator, on which only your low-calorie foods will be stored.

Attention! The more time you spend in the kitchen preparing a variety of dishes, the higher the chance that once you start “tasting” what you get, you will eat to your heart’s content.
Those women who, at least once, remember very well that the most dangerous time for a breakdown is the late evening, gradually turning into night. Usually, the darker it is outside, the more circles there are around the refrigerator, and the more often its door slams. As a rule, all thoughts in the evening are tightly concentrated on food, and therefore psychologists advise finding something exciting to do for the whole evening. An exciting activity means a favorite hobby, evening walks, an exciting TV series or an entertaining book with a cup of tea and no cookies.

Attention! The more interesting you find something to do for the evening, the greater the chance that this evening will not be the last evening of your diet.

By the way, experts advise attaching a bell to the refrigerator door and at the moment when the losing weight lady turns to the treasured door again, the ringing of the bell will return her wandering thoughts about food to the right direction.

Tip six. Do not engage in strenuous physical activity

Fitness and diet are incompatible, just like alcohol and diet. When choosing between fitness classes, sports or any serious physical activity (apartment renovation, gardening, etc.) and diet, you will have to choose one thing. Or exercise or diet.

The thing is that after fitness you feel unbearable, you just want to eat like crazy, because the body is trying to restore lost calories in this way. In addition, it is known for certain that a healthy lifestyle (with the exception of apartment renovations) improves complexion and increases appetite.

Attention! Serious physical activity provokes acute attacks of unbearable hunger.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Formed over the years, eating habits take our body “hostage”. When we go on a diet, we hope that this time we will be able to stick with it to the end and... we break down again. Why does our body resist such a “noble” cause of getting rid of extra pounds?

15 ways to stay on your diet:

  1. Choose the optimal diet. When choosing a method of losing weight, proceed from the preferences of your own body. Some people like meat and seafood, others prefer vegetables and fruits.
  2. When away from home, give preference to “allowed” products. You shouldn't recommend healthy dishes in someone else's home. Fill your plate 80% with foods that are not forbidden to you, leaving 20% ​​for treasured treats.
  3. When going on a visit, take with you a dish with your usual diet food. Are you afraid of not being able to resist temptations? When visiting friends or your mother, prepare your own “diet delicacy” to enjoy during your visit.
  4. Allow yourself a little weakness by “working off” those extra calories in the gym. The more strictly you limit the body, the more it despises prohibitions and conventions. Occasionally treat yourself to something you really want to eat, keeping in mind portion sizes and calorie content.
  5. Don't try to lose weight at an accelerated pace. A sharp refusal of high-calorie nutrition leads to metabolic disorders and mental disorders. The desire to lose extra pounds “here and now” is fraught with bulimia.
  6. Eliminate alcohol from your diet. Alcoholic drinks, in addition to their calorie content, pose the threat of reducing the ability to control one’s own eating behavior.
  7. Indulge yourself with delicious meals based on diet-allowed foods. Knowing that the chosen diet is based on foods that are unpalatable to you, you subconsciously set your body into “waiting for treats” mode.
  8. Maintain a good mood - happy people want to eat less. Endorphins produced by the endocrine system are the strongest stimulants of the satiety center in the brain. Sports activities that stimulate the release of hormones will help lift your mood and gain a slim figure.
  9. Use appetite tricks. A glass of warm water with lemon, a cup of milk, and low-fat kefir will perfectly cope with hunger by deceiving the receptors.
  10. Prepare single servings. A fresh dish retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, and the absence of a ready-made hearty dinner will help you not to fall off your diet.

  11. Drink plenty of fluids. Berry fruit drinks, warm teas, still water are a great way to maintain water balance and stay on a diet.
  12. Encourage your family to follow a healthy diet. The fewer temptations there are in your refrigerator, the greater the chances of not falling off your weight loss program.
  13. Enjoy every bite of your food. You should not combine watching TV, reading books, or working at the computer: the brain is not able to control the amount of food consumed.

  14. Lose weight with your friend, husband (if you can persuade it). By exchanging delicious recipes and sharing your weight loss achievements, you can successfully limit your appetite, striving to be “slimmer, prettier, healthier.”
  15. Do not go to relatives or friends, shops or cafes hungry. Feeling the aroma of delicious pastries, fried pork or a hamburger, it is difficult to remain indifferent. Therefore, when choosing a cafe/restaurant, give preference to cuisine with dietary meals, and go shopping after eating.

It’s not as hard to keep your promise and start losing weight on Monday as it is to stick to your diet and not fail. This disappointing discovery has to be made by everyone who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life.

Diet according to your figure

How to sit down and not break down? First of all, you need to choose a diet that suits you in all respects. Get tested, find out your hemoglobin and blood sugar levels, remember any chronic diseases you have. Write down your current parameters: weight, waist, hips and chest, and opposite them indicate the results you want to achieve. Using this data, you will choose a diet that is easy to maintain. Ideally, this should be done with a doctor.

A wish list

When answering the question of how to stay on a diet, motivation plays a key role. To create a clear attitude, psychologists advise writing down on a piece of paper all the positive changes that await you after losing weight. New beautiful clothes, the opportunity to show off on the beach in an open swimsuit, career prospects, etc. Hang the list on the refrigerator - this is a kind of reminder and will help you stay on your diet and not break.

Help from neighbors

Don't know how to adjust to a diet and not fail? Reach out to your family for support. Explain that it will be easier for you if everyone’s favorite buns disappear from the house for a while. Talk to your friends so they won't be offended if you don't try their signature roast. It will be great if you find allies and start losing weight at the same time. The most adventurous ones can make a bet with someone. With such an incentive, you will definitely stop breaking your diet.

No sudden movements

“I sat down and lost…” Most often, this problem arises due to the fact that we sharply limit ourselves in familiar products. A constant feeling of hunger and accumulated irritation will sooner or later lead to a breakdown. Therefore, the transition to a new power system should be smooth and gradual. If at the same time you notice a deterioration in your health, the chosen method needs to be changed. This is the only way you will stop breaking down during your diet and overeating.

All moves are recorded

A food diary is your main assistant, which will make it easier for you to stay on a diet and not break. Keep a notebook and write down all your meals, the amount of calories and liquid you consume, your current weight for each day and the degree of physical activity. Keeping such records disciplines and helps to develop an optimal diet. And even if you break your diet for one day, it will be easier for you to return to it.

Useful habits

Can't go on a diet, constantly break down and suffer from remorse? This means that you need to accustom yourself to useful habits that will help you tune in to the right mood. Go shopping with a grocery list and be sure to have a full stomach. Go only to those restaurants that have a diet menu. Stop eating in front of the TV or while reading books. Then the question “Why do I break my diet?” will stop pestering you.

Smart Snacks

Most often, when we diet, we indulge in sweets. When there is a feeling in the pit of our stomach, we try to drown out this feeling with what we think is a harmless chocolate candy or cookie. This is where the root of evil lies. Bananas, apples, dried fruits or homemade muesli are what you should use to satisfy your hunger pangs. They contain treasured carbohydrates and a lot of filling fiber. So if you feel that the desire to eat something sweet is stronger than you, urgently replace unhealthy snacks with healthy ones.

Holiday for yourself

“I fell apart, I can’t stop...” Is this a familiar story? It often starts something like this. Having lost a few extra pounds, we, paradoxically, celebrate our victory with a symbolic piece of our favorite cake. And after such a “reward” it is no longer possible to stop. Psychologists recommend pampering yourself with non-edible rewards: new clothes, an accessory, jewelry, or a trip to the spa. This will help you not to constantly break your diet and will charge you with positivity.

Truth is in the water

“Why do I break my diet, because I don’t allow myself too much?” Another insoluble question for those losing weight. Sometimes the reason lies not in food, but in water, or more precisely, in its consumed volumes. Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. In addition, make different teas and herbal infusions. Remember: freshly squeezed juices are considered a separate meal, and any alcohol adds calories and whets your appetite. So the chances of going off the diet become greater.

For bedtime

Often the cause of “diet breakdowns” is a lack of adequate sleep. In the evening and especially at night, those losing weight are more vulnerable than ever. Often we break our diet not every day, but every night. Having satisfied our hunger, we blissfully fall asleep, while the digestive system has to work hard. Go to bed early, and then nighttime overeating will forever be a thing of the past.

We hope that now the issue of “diet breakdowns” will no longer be an insoluble problem for you. If you can add your own proven techniques to this list, tell us about them in the comments.