How often does this happen to you that you wake up on Monday with a severe hangover and think that it would be better if you died? And when you open your contact page, you see the inscription “You were tagged in 18 photos” and you realize that the weekend was a success, although it’s very embarrassing afterwards!

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and you'll get rid of him for the whole weekend.

"Zenna Shaffer"

Do you remember what the weekend is? These are two such inappropriate days at the end of the week...

"Anna Gavalda"

I work all week and don't do anything on the weekend either.

"X. Jagodzinski"

She loved weekends only because she could wake up for a long time, take a long shower, and drink coffee for a long time. On weekends it was possible to stretch out those tiny pleasures for which there was not enough time in ordinary life.

For some people, weekends are a reminder that other days are work days.

"Pulat Ergashev"

Everyone just complains about the crisis, but when they get drunk on the weekend, everyone sits with Hennessy.

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Did you know that weekends are called that because some people go to work on them? And holidays are called that because work is a holiday.

All workers have two days off per week. We kings work seven days a week.

"Ivan Vasilievich Bunsha"

On weekends, after 12 o'clock at night, I temporarily have twice as many friends.

A true Christian on Sunday sincerely repents of what he did on Friday and what he will do on Monday.

"Tomas Ibarra"

There is such an important law - the law of the Sabbath. According to him, stopping is more important than building a temple.

The best employees work harder than others and rest more than others.

"Tom Hopkins"

If you have no memory of the past two days, then congratulations! You had a great weekend.

All week you make incredible plans for the weekend, but you wake up at one and stupidly sit in contact all day.

A classic example of a double-edged sword: the closer the weekend gets, the more inevitable Monday is.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

The list of deadly sins somehow looks suspiciously like the list of my weekend plans.

Weekdays are different from weekends because you don’t have to think about anything.

"Gennady Malkin"

On Saturdays and Sundays, few people write on social networks... It’s immediately obvious that people are doing business and not sitting at work.

A day off is always a holiday, and a holiday is always a day off.

Do you see? Something flashed before my eyes! It's your weekend!

Weekends also count towards your lifespan.

"Emil the Meek"

Damn, after a long weekend I can’t get back into work - I forgot how to play solitaire

This magical time is the weekend... A little chaos in the orderly system of responsibilities.

A selection of statuses about the weekend

SATURDAY! Today we can do anything!!! Cinema, wine and dominoes. Striptease, cruise, any whim! stockings, lipstick, heels! Hang in there, you guys!

Princess girls only exist in fairy tales. In fact, we also smoke, drink vodka and reinstall Windows ourselves. And we believe in love. Mostly on weekends...

Monday - we take a break from the weekend, Tuesday - we get ready for work, Wednesday - we work, Thursday - we take a break from work, Friday - we get ready for the weekend. Conclusion: maybe stop working on Wednesdays!!!

I rent out a bad mood for the weekend.

How sweet the word sounds - FRIDAY, almost as well as WEEKEND!!!

If the parents arrived after the weekend and were very orderly, then it was a very messy place.

And may O T D Y X be with us.

The weekend passed... with a headache... with a hangover...

My head is still paying for that weekend, and the next weekend has arrived...

Taking as a basis the fact that fools are lucky and adding to this the fact that the sea is knee-deep for a drunk, it turns out that on weekends I am immortal.

You need to live as if every day is Friday.

To the inventor of the weekend - a monument and a certificate.

Friday is the best day of the week, especially its evening, since the weekend has not yet begun, and work has already ended.

Mom, today is the weekend. Can my friends bring me later than usual?

I just got ready for work - and suddenly it’s Friday again, rest again... It’s always like this!

Thinking about the weekend, I dream of inventing a time machine

An awesome weekend is not when the photos are in classmates, but when they are hidden in hidden folders far, far away on the computer...

To make the weekend come faster, you need to start drinking on Thursday...

The world is unfair, why are there 5 weekdays and 2 weekends?!?

Over the weekend I cooked delicious meals, cleaned the entire apartment, ironed a huge pile of laundry, and in the evenings I made my husband happy; the Internet didn’t work for two days

We decided to go to your dacha next weekend. Will you come with us?

If weekends and holidays are highlighted in red on the calendar, then why isn’t Friday highlighted in blue?

The weekend is ahead - watch out for your pocket!

How long will you be busy this Friday?
- This Friday I’m busy until Monday!

I worked hard today, and realized that today was Friday only when at 4 o’clock, shouting “Whoever is last is a sucker!” The director ran away.

Choose me, choose me, weekend happiness stick!

Why are you interested in my plans for the weekend?

I'm thinking where to go so as not to meet you.

Friday, Friday... I want to do a mischief, so much so that I feel ashamed, at least until Wednesday...

Only money runs out faster than the weekend.

The way you start on Friday is how you will spend your day off.

Meet - quotes about the weekend, Saturday and Sunday:

I work all week and don't do anything on the weekend either. X. Jagodzinski

Weekdays are different from weekends because you don’t have to think about anything. Gennady Malkin

I was raised in the Jewish tradition, which prohibits marrying a non-Jewish woman, shaving on Saturday night, and especially a non-Jewish woman shaving on Saturday night. Woody Allen

Weekends also count towards your lifespan. Emil Krotky

Desires have no days off. Robert Burton

Envy knows no days off. Francis Bacon

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening. Gilbert Sesbron

Every morning I read the obituaries section and am glad not to find my name there. Neil Simon.

Not only is there no God, but try to find a plumber on a non-working Saturday! Woody Allen

What a wonderful obituary! I would like to live and live with this! Mikhail Genin.

Who will remember the times when he actually rested on Sundays and not on Mondays? Frank Hubbard.

The easiest way is to waste your free time. Sandland Law. The best workers work harder than others and rest more than others. Tom Hopkins.

How nice it is to do nothing and then relax! Spanish saying.

A true Christian on Sunday sincerely repents of what he did on Friday and what he will do on Monday. Thomas Ibarra

Toothache usually begins on Saturday night. "Johnson and Laird Law"

Talent is a year-round holiday that you work hard at without days off.

If you believe the obituaries, mediocre and good-for-nothing citizens do not die at all. Lawrence Peter.

Organize your Sabbath according to everyday life, as long as you don’t have to resort to other people’s help. Talmud

Eternal vacation is a good definition of hell. George Bernard Shaw.

I'm a day off after a day off, and after a day off I'll be a day off again. film Foundling. "Mosfilm" 1939

It was my first day off, because for the first time in my life I spent a whole week in first grade. Shoo, Two Briefcases and a Whole Week - a story by Yuz Aleshkovsky.

Topic: quotes about the weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

Workdays drag on long and tediously, and weekends, no matter how many there are, fly by unnoticed.

Wishes for a wonderful weekend will help to sweeten this bitter pill a little and lift your spirits, as well as charge you with positivity for the whole weekend.

Share with your friends and people close to you. Have a great weekend, friends!

Have a wonderful weekend wishes in poetry and prose

I wish you a wonderful weekend!
And so that there are no others!
May life always be fragrant in spring!
And let everyone always dream!
Let your best friends be nearby,
You can't quarrel with them!
I wish to be desired in love,
Find everyone's soul mate with fate.
I also want you to be reasonable,
If they are guilty, then they should ask for forgiveness.
Let others, on the contrary, not be proud,
They forgive and fuss less in life.
Maybe then we will become kinder
And we won’t get tired of each other for a long time.
I can imagine how we live in the world,
Where only spiritual wealth is in power.
So, we should all be more tolerant,
Take it and forget everything!

Finally the weekend
There's a problem car behind...
Evil everyday life has flown away into the distance,
Life is in full swing!
I'd like to try
And have a nice rest...
Or better yet, break away
And have time to sleep a little!

I am sending you this kind verse
Wishing you a good weekend!
Visit where you have long wanted,
Do something you haven't done before.

Sipping aromatic coffee...

Rest your body and soul,
Enjoy your day off!

I wish you a great weekend,
Let all your plans come true immediately.
I'm sending a magic letter
Now everything must definitely happen.
Take a good rest first
Then you solve urgent matters.
And in the evening with cake and cookies
Come and visit us for an intimate conversation.

I wish you to forget about alarm clocks, traffic jams and a computer for two days. But remember what rest, friends and a good mood are. Have a good weekend!

Trinket - day off,
Relaxation and peace.
Forest, clearing, stream,
Beer, vodka, kebab.
Have a blast, don't be bored
Yes, pour it full.
Drink, walk, have fun!
Weekend! Get hurt!

Great weekend
Beautiful Saturday evening
Let's forget about business
About the eternal vanity in vain,

About thoughtless words.
How funny you and I are!
So why sit here and be sad?
That's why they're weekends

To leave the house!
Let's go, my dear, with you
Without clear plans, at random,
To where the white arrow

Clouds are flying over the forest.
Or museum silence
Let's please our hearts
And we will be happy with you
As before on weekends.

Have a wonderful weekend, the most beautiful wishes

Today let your dreams come true
There will be no sadness and unnecessary fuss,
So that from the beginning of the day to its end
The smile did not leave his face.

Let there be only wonderful moments
Compliments ring out non-stop,
And every new turn in life
It will certainly lead to success.

In general, yes, friends. For today, all work matters are completed, boring and uninteresting news has also come to an end, the most wonderful day of this week - Friday - is coming into its full rights! I ask everyone to relax and dedicate this wonderful evening to yourself and your family and friends! You and I don’t get this opportunity very often, so I ask everyone to be very careful about their weekends! Meet and spend Friday at the highest level! We forget about work, problems, troubles, we send things of special importance to the back of the box until Monday and enjoy Friday! Let's have fun, relax, spend time in a friendly company, a cozy family circle, at the dacha, visiting or at home under a fluffy blanket with a book in hand! Everyone chooses their leisure time according to their taste. And no objections are accepted. That's why it's Friday! Have a great weekend, friends!

What happiness: everyday life has flown by!
You smile at the sun, laughing.
And you can bask in bed for a long time,
And drink coffee without any rush.
And there is so much fun ahead:
Go to the theater, to an exhibition, to the cinema,
Absorb more impressions
And, of course, relax at the same time.
So that later, on a quiet Sunday evening,
Sigh that the holiday has flown by,
And suddenly think: it has become easier
Back to the world of urgent matters.

Recharge your mood in the morning.
Don't rush to get out of bed.
And let yourself soak up for an hour,
Sipping aromatic coffee...

There are so many interesting things in the plans,
Make sure you don't miss anything!
Rest your body and soul,
Don't drag everyday problems with you!

I wish you a wonderful day today. May it pass quickly and cheerfully and bring you many creative ideas, victories and achievements. Let the whole day pass on an optimistic note. May you be accompanied by success and good luck in all your endeavors today. So that the management praises and raises the salary. May your guardian angel help you today and protect you from all adversity. Let the sun illuminate your path and warm you with its rays. I wish you a great mood and vigor for the whole day. May this new day bring many new impressions, pleasant moments, many discoveries and bright emotions. Let all your plans come true and everything be successful!

Have a wonderful weekend wishes in pictures

Dear weekend! I swear weekdays mean nothing to me! I want to be only with you!

Horror!!! Saturday... 2 am... All normal people are having sex... and I'm planting zucchini on the Odnoklassniki farm...

On weekends, after twelve, I have only two states - insomnia and shamelessness...

Remember: the decisions you make after two in the morning on Saturday are the wrong decisions!

Cool status about the weekend: Faster than the weekend, only money is running out.

A popular saying: if you get so drunk on Thursday that you can’t get out of bed on Friday, you’ll probably spend the weekend in a park or a museum!

Weekends on the calendar should be highlighted in blue, not red.

Everything in the world should be divided equally: there should be as many weekends as weekdays.

The weekend took a toll on my wallet...

We spend every weekend with my mother-in-law... I feel like I’m in medieval slavery...

Weekends take such good care of me: they let me sleep, feed me well and tasty, help me take a leisurely bath, do beautiful hair and makeup, and then entertain me until I drop for two days in a row!!!

For some it’s Sunday, for others there’s a terrible hangover.

If Sunday and Saturday are DAYS OFF - that is, we go out for a walk, to visit, to shops, then all other days of the week should be called NON-Weekends.

Cool status about the weekend: There are no hopeless situations in life...

I leave my conscience at work and run for the weekend!

My sexual fantasy for the weekend is to sleep in all positions.

The way you start on Friday is how you will spend your day off.

There's nothing better than arriving at work and finding out you have the day off.

Why are the days when you clean, cook and do laundry called days off?

How time flies on a weekend... I just woke up and was already late for work.

Left for the weekend. My roof...

Einstein was right: weekends are a relative concept.

The only thing worse than your own repairs is the neighbors' repairs started at 9 am on a weekend.

I work all week and don't do anything on the weekend either.

Yesterday was Saturday, we had a great time! I returned home early! The buses haven't even started running yet.

Cool status about the weekend: I rent out a bad mood for the weekend.

How was your weekend? - In 3D format. - Did you go to the cinema? - No. Sofa of the House of Dawil.

Life is a movie. On weekends - romantic comedy, on Mondays - horror, on Friday - action films.

On weekends I eat once! - Are you losing weight? - No, I eat from morning to evening!

Cool weekend: "Drink vodka, lie down!"

Thinking about the weekend, I dream of inventing a time machine.

Honey, let's give each other a great weekend? - Oh! Of course, beloved. - Well then, until Monday.