Opening a gym is expensive, but with good planning, it could be profitable as early as the end of its third year. A well-designed gym business plan will help determine the costs and calculate its profitability.

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When opening a gym from scratch, first of all, it is necessary to meet the needs of its future visitors.

Most people go to the gym for:

  • cardio training;
  • strength training.

Given that they come to the gym unprepared, it is necessary to provide the services of a qualified trainer who will draw up a training program.

If there is free space, you can open an additional gym, where you can organize classes:

  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • dancing;
  • fitness.


The relevance of the business is determined by:

  • desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • the need for a beautiful figure;
  • lack of similar centers in residential areas;
  • relatively quick payback of the business.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym

Description and analysis of the market

Almost every major city has gyms. This is due to the needs of the population in taking care of themselves and their health.

  1. Moscow. The fitness services market is highly developed and is in steady demand among the population.
  2. St. Petersburg. Here the market is quite developed, but the leadership still remains with the capital.
  3. Million cities. The market is relatively underdeveloped, but is gaining momentum, there are opportunities to develop your own business.
  4. Other cities of Russia. The market is very poorly developed or not developed at all.

According to the data of major sociological services, it is considered promising to open gyms in small towns. Provided that the market is not crowded with offers from competitors.

To date, large fitness networks are represented in the capital regions, but they are beginning to expand.

So, the regions went:

  • X-FIT;
  • Fitness area;
  • Hammer;
  • Fit Studio.

The target audience

As a rule, people go to the gym:

  • from 15 to 50 years;
  • women who want to lose weight;
  • men who want to shape the figure;
  • to maintain physical tone;
  • office workers suffering from physical inactivity;
  • those who want to strengthen the heart muscle (cardio training).

They choose a gym according to the principles:

  • proximity to home;
  • proximity to work.

Therefore, when calculating the target audience, the location of the fitness center is taken as the basis.

To calculate the audience, you need:

  1. Determine the radius of action on the map. A dot is placed in the center of the proposed location and a radius of 2 km is outlined. There are potential visitors in houses and offices located in this segment.
  2. Define competition. If there is a competitor's gym within your intended range, it is recommended that you select a different location. It is desirable to be farther from the competitor than the border on the map passes.
  3. To study the need of the intended audience for the services of the gym. It is possible that in this area there is an outdoor workout area, which is popular among residents and you can attract them to a paid gym only in winter.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of the gym can be:

  1. Flexible pricing policy. The gym can launch a wholesale sale of subscriptions for a year at the price of a monthly payment of 10 months. This move will increase the loyalty of regular visitors.
  2. Flexible class schedule. A person is free to independently choose the schedule of classes (time, day). If he is limited only by the calendar month and the number of training sessions, he will be able to set his own schedule. This approach will appeal to those who want to control their workouts on their own. The coach is free to set the training time based on his schedule.
  3. Possibility of replacement. You can attract additional visitors by allowing the replacement of one visitor with another. At the same time, the number of classes per month is limited, so walking every day with one subscription will not work.
  4. Equipment. Most visitors will prefer to work on modern equipment.
  5. Strong coach. Attracting a strong coach, preferably a media person, people will come to the gym who want to get to know him or participate in bodybuilding competitions.
  6. Personal approach to lessons. The task of the coach is to motivate to do the right thing and to find a personal approach to each person. People are more willing to return to the gym with good motivation and interaction with the coach.

Advertising campaign

When compiling a business plan for a gym, it is necessary to provide for the costs of an advertising campaign.

  • external;
  • internal.

outdoor advertising

To get their attention, use:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • design of the facade of the gym;
  • email distribution;
  • distribution of brochures and flyers.

Internal advertising

Inside the hall you can place:

  • motivational posters;
  • leaflets;
  • branded products;
  • someone else's advertisement.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a gym

To open a gym, it is not necessary to contact specialized companies, just follow the instructions:

  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Create an opening schedule.
  3. Make a financial plan.
  4. Attract investments (bank, borrower, investor).
  5. Decide on the form of ownership of the business (IP, Company).
  6. Buy/rent premises.
  7. Furnish the room.
  8. Get approval from the inspection bodies (Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection, etc.).
  9. Hire staff.
  10. Launch an advertising campaign.
  11. Open a gym.

The documents

You can open your own gym in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a company (joint stock, limited liability).

  • simplified taxation system;
  • simplified reporting system;
  • the ability to work with small orders.
  • opportunity to work with large clients;
  • the possibility of using VAT.
  • it is impossible to conclude large contracts (over 100,000 rubles);
  • restrictions on activities (it is necessary to select several OKVEDs to expand the list, which affects taxes).
  • the need to frequently submit reports to inspection bodies;
  • the need to hire a full-time accountant;
  • a more complex system of taxation and deductions to off-budget funds.
List of documents to open
  • an application indicating the data of the entrepreneur and the selected OKVED codes;
  • photocopy of passport (full);
  • check for payment of state duty; application for the transition to the simplified tax system in 3 copies (simplified taxation).
Before you need:
  • open a current account;
  • calculate and pay the authorized capital.

The following are submitted to the tax office:

  • application R11001;
  • decision of the meeting of founders or one founder;
  • 2 copies of the charter of the LLC;
  • check for payment of state duty;
  • document on registration of the name of the legal entity;
  • a document confirming the legal address of the LLC;
  • OKVED activity codes.

For the work of the gym, the codes of the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED) are suitable:

  • 85.51 Individual lessons with trainers and teachers;
  • 93.11. Activities of sports facilities;
  • 93.13 Activities of fitness centers.

If necessary, you can choose one code, or you can choose all. The more codes, the higher the tax base. Often, entrepreneurs prefer to write an application for payment of 6% of income (simplified taxation).

Vyacheslav Khokhryakov tells how to register an IP on your own.

Also, to open a gym, you will need to conclude agreements with Rospotrebnadzor for servicing:

  • air conditioners;
  • fans;
  • ZhEKa;
  • recycling light bulbs.

Before opening, you will need to obtain permissions:

  • at the fire department;
  • in sanitary and epidemiological services;
  • with the local property management authority.

Room and design

For the successful operation of the fitness center, a large room with an area of ​​​​at least 100 square meters is required. m. The best option is to buy. Renting such a room can be more expensive than purchasing it, especially considering the need for its equipment.

In addition to the main hall, the room should be equipped with:

  • dressing room;
  • shower cubicles;
  • visitor area.

Often gyms also install:

  • sauna;
  • swimming pool;
  • sports bar.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • good ventilation;
  • the ability to control the temperature (17-19 degrees in the hall, 21-26 in the locker room);
  • air humidity 40-60%.

The premises for the hall must comply with the norms of SNiP:

  • 2.04-05-91;
  • 11-12-77;
  • 23-05-95;
  • 2.04.01-85.

In addition to the technical requirements for the premises, they also have aesthetic requirements. The hall with simulators should be spacious and equipped with mirrors.

  • receiving visitors;
  • cardio training;
  • strength training;
  • fitness.

The reception or reception area should be equipped with an administrator's desk and a soft seating area for visitors to the hall.

Equipment and inventory

The success of the gym directly depends on the equipment installed in it. If the hall is equipped with old exercise equipment, it will be difficult to attract visitors who are willing to pay money.

For those who came to the gym for cardio training, you need to put:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • stepper;
  • elliptical trainer.

For strength exercises you will need:

  • bars (minimum 3);
  • squat racks;
  • dumbbell complex (from 2 to 25 kg in increments of 1.5 kg);
  • bench for bench press;
  • press bench;
  • inclined bench.

Also, visitors will need auxiliary equipment:

  • deadlift belt;
  • wrist bandages;
  • weighting agents.

In addition, separate muscle simulators are purchased for the gym:

  • press;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • back;
  • chest.

Often put in the hall:

  • Swedish wall;
  • boxing bag.

For sports, you will additionally need to buy:

  • fitness ball;
  • fitness mats;
  • mats;
  • ropes;
  • gymnastic tape;
  • expanders.

You can save on the purchase of equipment if you purchase it from a bankrupt fitness club.


To ensure the operation of the gym, employees are needed:

  • director;
  • administrator;
  • trainer;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman.

For coaches, it is necessary to provide for a rolling schedule, which will ensure the constant presence of one or two specialists in the hall. To reduce the cost of their salary, you can set a salary and a percentage of personal training. He will be motivated and will try to keep clients in the room. However, personal training should not be free.

According to the requirements of the legislation, the employees of the sports club must have:

  • medical books;
  • certificates and permits to teach fitness.

Financial plan

The financial plan for opening a gym includes the costs of:

  • initial;
  • regular.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

The cost of opening a gym is calculated based on the planned costs of its operation. In order to calculate how much the opening costs at the first stage, consider the option of buying a room. Renting may be impractical due to its high cost.

At the first stage, to open a gym, you will need to spend at least 7 million rubles on premises and equipment.

Cost itemEstimated prices in rublesSource of funds
Purchase of premises4 000 000 Own
Hall equipment2 000 000 Borrowed
Changing room equipment250 000 Borrowed
Shower equipment150 000 Borrowed
Sports bar equipment150 000 Borrowed
Reception area equipment150 000 Borrowed
Renovation of premises500 000 Own
Permits from regulatory authorities50 000 Own
Advertising campaign100 000 Own
Total7 350 000 Own funds: 4,650,000 rubles

Borrowed funds: 2,700,000 rubles

Recurring costs

Recurring costs include:

  • employee salaries;
  • utilities;
  • advertising.

Estimated monthly labor costs:

To reduce costs, the position of director can be retained.

Costs for utilities, security, purchase of goods for a sports bar:


The fitness center is normally open on weekends and holidays, so staff are advised to have a staggered schedule.

To determine the profitability of a business, the following parameters are taken as a basis:

  • the cost of a monthly subscription to the gym - 2000 rubles;
  • the cost of a fitness subscription is 1500 rubles;
  • gym visitors per month - 80;
  • visitors to fitness classes per month - 40;
  • one-hour subscription - 150 rubles;
  • 30 such subscriptions are sold per month;
  • the monthly revenue of the sports bar is 300,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Risks and payback

The main risks of opening are the lack of customers. Therefore, before launching the simulator, it is important to assess the intended target audience and its ability to pay.

If we take the above financial parameters:

  • the monthly profit of the hall is 159,500 rubles;
  • the annual profit of the hall is 1,914,000 rubles.

With such a profit, it is possible to cover all initial expenses by the end of the third year. If the hall gains popularity - sooner.

How often do you visit the gym?

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A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, and the demand for the services of gyms, fitness centers and health centers is increasing. A good set of exercise equipment in your apartment, compared to the price of a gym membership, pays off over the years, takes up a lot of space, and is rarely used, so gyms, as the most affordable type of health services, are needed everywhere. If you are thinking: how to open a gym and whether it is worth taking on this project, do not hesitate: the need for gyms will only increase over time.

How beneficial is the gym?

A common belief is that a sports business is profitable, but it requires large initial investments and pays off no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years. We will try to find ways to reduce the amount of start-up costs by several times and reduce the payback period without compromising the quality of services.

Choose a room

How can a hall be equipped in any residential area, based on the real requirements of the mass consumer? We will proceed from a set of services that are mandatory for maintaining and strengthening health, which can be provided without having any special opportunities.


The best place to start a health business is the sleeping areas of the city. With one hall per 15,000 people, you can count on a solid income, and if there are more than 30,000 people per hall, then business development opportunities. Other factors (except for the height and area of ​​​​the room) are of no decisive importance. Active people will find their way to you, and citizens filled with beer on simulators cannot be dragged by force.


The area of ​​the room should be at least 2x2.5 m (5 sq. m per device) plus 25 - 30 sq. m. m for a shower and a changing room, plus 15 - 20 sq. m for a massage room. With a minimum set of 8 simulators, plus two free places for weight training, 90-100 sq. m. Of course, since there is no way without a shower, then appropriate communications are also needed - hot and cold water, drain.

If there is no hot water supply, we lay another 10 square meters. m for the boiler room; the boiler will need at least 180 liters. The power of such a boiler is from 5 kW, so with “hot self-supply”, reinforced electrical wiring will also be required.

Ultimately, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 100 square meters. m.

Ceiling height

The height of the ceilings in the gym room is of paramount importance. It must be at least 3.5 m, otherwise it will be very difficult to ensure proper air purity. The meeting recommendation is 3 m, does not pass in physics. The people on the shells are sweating. It is impossible to solve the problem by increasing ventilation - drafts in the gym are contraindicated.

In the basement, oddly enough at first glance, the ceiling may be lower. The basement is not heated by the sun and in it, with the same ventilation power, air circulation will be more intense.

Having found a suitable room and agreed in advance on the lease, it is too early to immediately calculate the future gym. A business plan should not be drawn up until the staffing issue is resolved.


For a gym, generally speaking, you need at least three staff units: an administrator, an instructor and a massage therapist. At first, you need to take over the functions of the administrator. Entrusting cash receipts at the start even to an absolutely reliable person is too risky.

It is better to combine an instructor with a masseur (massage is not often required by the mass consumer) and take it hourly; perhaps several, so that at least a third of the working time of someone other than you is working with visitors. The matter is facilitated by the fact that the greatest attendance of the halls falls on the weekend, and potential candidates for the position will have free time for part-time work.

Of course, the instructor must be an athlete who knows how to massage and provide medical assistance if necessary. But the main requirement for him is moral stability. The instructor needs to control himself, even if some charming lady throws meaningful glances and frankly demonstrates the seductive lines of her figure.

If you don't have a trusted gym companion, you need to consider who to hire. In order of preference, the following sequence is viewed:

  • Physical education teachers from local schools. No matter how the media exaggerate “school scandals”, for the most part, physical education teachers are quite reliable people. They are professionally trained in the management of the team, in the process of receiving pedagogical education they were trained in massage and the basics of medicine. And they have enough free time on weekdays, and since there are at least two physical education teachers in a regular school, you can immediately ensure the constant presence of an instructor in the hall. Another important point: teachers are not spoiled by salaries, and there is a chance to negotiate inexpensively.
  • Former servicemen from power branches of the armed forces: infantrymen, paratroopers, marines, special forces. In principle, they are in no way inferior to teachers, but many smoke, and a smoking instructor destroys the reputation of the hall once and for all.
  • Professional athletes of the middle hand. They can also do everything that is necessary for work, but for some, the termination of a sports career gives rise to moral emptiness and even hidden mental disorders. Before inviting such a person, make sure that he has not lost interest in life.

Having agreed with the instructors, you can figure out how much it costs to open a gym in a chosen room. For now, let's calculate the one-time costs.


The main costs will go to the purchase of exercise equipment, sports equipment and equipment. All this “iron” is not cheap, so we immediately look at ads for the sale of used branded ones.

We immediately exclude cheap analogues of Asian production with the epithet “homemade” from consideration: they will not withstand regular classes in the gym. But a second-hand “firm” can be bought quite inexpensively, and even with a warranty that has not yet expired.

For the sake of prestige, elite fitness centers are forced to update their equipment fleet quite often. A widely advertised novelty has appeared - you need to buy it, otherwise rich, fastidious customers will begin to wince in displeasure. There is a direct analogy here: a “cool” bigwig will not drive a car 4-5 years ago, and his “Mersu” or Audi will still run and run. There are not a lot of buyers for used sports equipment, so they sell it without being greedy, especially since it has already paid for itself a long time ago.

So, having pledged 200,000 rubles for the purchase of inventory, you will be able to look out for:

  • Two mechanical treadmills.
  • Two also mechanical exercise bikes.
  • One or two complex simulators with counterweights - "deltas", as they are called, although you can pump on them not only the deltoid muscle.
  • Maybe one cardio machine.
  • A bar with a set of pancakes and a stand.
  • 4-6 benches, a couple of sets of dumbbells, expanders, etc.

In a residential area of ​​the middle class, a hall with such equipment will immediately attract customers with its “coolness”. Maybe used equipment will have to be touched up, sorted out, adjusted and lubricated in some places, but this work is certainly worth the extra 200,000 - 300,000 rubles that would have to be paid for a completely new one.


Let's analyze the most difficult case to start: how to open a gym in the basement. Other options will be cheaper in initial costs, but then regularly more expensive in rent.

The most important thing when looking for a suitable basement is the ability to equip a shower and toilet drain. A gym without a shower is nonsense and doomed to failure. There will be no problems with strengthening the electrical wiring in the basement: the house switchboard is nearby.

The next important point is gender. First, it must be insulated and softened. Secondly, make it dielectric, not electrically conductive. Only then can the basement be removed from the “electrical” category of premises with increased danger or especially dangerous to premises without increased danger, and 220 V wiring can be laid there.

The problem of the floor is solved simply: the concrete screed is removed to the monolith, PVC moisture insulation is laid with an overlap of 15 cm and with an inversion of 10 cm on the walls. Then, along the expanded clay backfill, laminated slabs (puffs) of chipboard - foam plastic - decorative chipboard are laid on glue, and the floor is ready. In places of training with weights, you need to put additional mats, otherwise the puffs will have to be changed there often.

For repairs and equipment, it is better to hire, through the chief engineer of local public utilities, their own team. So it will be easier to resolve the issue with the RES on the reclassification of the premises.

In total, the basement equipment for the gym will cost 150,000 - 200,000 rubles, including light partitions, lockers for changing rooms, forced ventilation, a shower with a toilet and a minimum of office furniture.

Documents and office work

No special permits or licenses for the actual gym are required. Fairly ordinary. You can entrust registration to a law firm, since there are a lot of them now and services of this kind are inexpensive: 6-12 thousand rubles. depending on the region, including state duty. But it's easy to register yourself.

Bookkeeping is best left to an accounting firm. Here the situation is the same as with lawyers: inexpensive and as many as you like. On your own, not being an experienced accountant, you can “cheat” in such a way that fines and sanctions will block the payment for the services of an accountant for years to come.

But if you are planning to sell special nutrition with bodybuilding drugs along the way, do not be tempted by the 100-300% mark-up. For official, legalized such trade, a lot of expensive and troublesome papers, a license, a special permit will be required.

It is better to agree with the supplier on opening your outlet, or enter into a dealer agreement. Then you will be legalized immediately, and all that remains is to hang a framed copy of the license on the wall.

We draw up a business plan

So we figured out how to open a gym. It is not so difficult to draw up a business plan based on aggregated and generalized indicators, but, of course, it is necessary to clarify specific figures, knowing local conditions.

We have already determined a one-time initial investment: repairs with equipment and decoration - 362,000-412,000 rubles. A lot, but doable.

Now let's move on to the current costs for the year.

Let's sum up the total for the costs: 412,000 rubles. one-time, 816,000 current for the first year, total 1,228,000 rubles. And what will be the income and payback?

  • Let's say that our 10 training places will be loaded on average by 50% for a 10-hour working day. Then - 50 hours of classes per day. This is with a margin, the average value for budget halls is 60 hours / day.
  • 80 rubles per hour of training or 3000 rubles. for a monthly subscription, even in the outback is not considered excessive. Then we get 80x50x30 = 120,000 rubles / month.
  • Regular trainees prefer to buy subscriptions for a month; they need to be given a discount of at least 10%, i.e., if only subscribers deal with us, then we will receive 108,000 monthly income.
  • The initial investment of 412,000 will pay off in 3.8 months.
  • Monthly regular expenses will amount to 40,000 rent, 20,000 salaries and accounting payments and 8,000 utilities, total - 68,000; hence the profitability - 158.8%.

So, by applying two tricks: second-hand equipment and placement in the basement, we got impressive economic results.

But, of course, the founders of the case must themselves be athletes and optimists. The main condition for the attendance of the training hall is its owner, a cheerful and charming strong man.

Going to the gym is an essential attribute of many successful people.

The market for fitness services today is quite highly developed, and competition is strong on it. However, there is still one more niche in this market that is not completely filled, and this niche is economy class gyms designed for poor visitors. For this reason, many people today are asking the question: - how to open an economy class gym?

Gym plus other facilities

In fact, it is not so difficult to do this, it is enough to make simple calculations in order to make sure that this problem is completely solvable.

The first thing to do is to find a suitable room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be approximately at least 150 square meters.

Such a large area is necessary because, in addition to the actual gyms, it is necessary to place in it: locker rooms, showers, a cloakroom and administrative premises. Their total size can be up to two thirds of the total area.

Optimal economy class prices

Then you need to determine the optimal price for one hour session in your fitness club. Although, strictly speaking, an ordinary gym is not a fitness club, since it does not provide the volume of services that are provided there.

According to many people who have already been lucky enough to open their own gym, the optimal price for an hourly subscription today is 150 rubles.

And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening

The second most important issue that any owner of the gym needs to solve is the mode of operation. Given that the majority of those who want to work out in the "rocking chair", they prefer to do it in the afternoon. However, it would be inappropriate to limit opening hours to this period of time, since among potential visitors there will always be those who prefer to study in the morning.

Thus, the time of the gym should be set in the range from 9 hours to 21 hours. It is most expedient for such an institution as a gym to work without days off at all, with a minimum number of holidays.

Hall for men and hall for women

Since the visitors of the gym will be both men and women, it is most reasonable to open your fitness room taking into account this circumstance, that is, to have two locker rooms (male and female), two showers (male and female), respectively, two toilets, as well as two separate rooms.

Friendly atmosphere and friendly staff is the key to the success of your gym

Used trainers are not worse

The most important components of any "rocking chair" are simulators, their set should correspond to the maximum extent to the desires of visitors. However, given the category of the gym (economy class), you should not get carried away with the purchase of expensive equipment, since in this case it will not pay off soon. Today, you can easily purchase the necessary set of used simulators, which will cost several times cheaper than new ones and, in principle, will be no worse than new ones. For two halls of 30 square meters each, the cost of a set of used simulators will be very small.

The cost of used trainers:

  • Treadmill: 2 - 17,000 rubles apiece;
  • Swedish wall: 6 - 2000 rubles apiece;
  • Exercise bikes: 6 - 15,000 rubles apiece;
  • Complex power simulator: 2 - 12,000 rubles apiece;
  • Rowing simulator: 4 - 10,000 rubles apiece;
  • Press simulators: 6 - 12,000 apiece, total 248,000 rubles.

Cost of intangible assets

The total cost of intangible assets (state registration of the lease agreement and the costs of establishing an enterprise) is 5,000 rubles. Depreciation deductions are 10% or 500 rubles per year.

Calculation of working hours

When working seven days a week, with the deduction of holidays and sanitary days (14 days in total), it turns out that there are only 351 working days in a year. All employees have a "sliding" schedule, that is, each of them, in accordance with the Labor Code, has 2 days off per week or 101 days per year and 24 working days of vacation. In addition, it is assumed that each employee, for one reason or another, will not be able to perform his duties for 14 days during the year. Thus: (351 - 101 - 24 - 14) * 8 = 1696 working hours per year per employee.

Considering that the total number of working hours in both gyms will be (351 * 12 * 2) = 8424 hours per year, the need for instructors is calculated: (8424: 1696) = 4.96 people. Thus, in order to provide two gyms with the necessary staff of instructors, 5 people will be required.

Further, when answering the question: - “how much does it cost to open a gym?” – you need to decide on the required number of other workers. Considering that the duration of the work of the halls during one day is 12 hours, and according to the Labor Code, the duration of one working day cannot be more than 8 hours, that is, no more than 1696 hours per year, we determine the annual duration of the work of the halls in hours: 351 * 12 = 4212 hours per year.

HLS (healthy lifestyle) is an obligatory component of the image of any successful person. It is worth noting that fitness services are very popular these days. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch excites many novice businessmen. In popularity, this direction is second only to information technology and the entertainment business, for example,.

In big cities, there are a sufficient number of large fitness centers and very strong competition from network monsters. In the conditions of a small town, it is much easier to bring this idea to life. However, only a few are able to survive, namely those businessmen who can competently organize a business, soberly assessing their opportunities and possible risks. Let's talk about how to open a sports business from scratch and what awaits aspiring entrepreneurs who are going to develop this area.

How to open your own fitness club from scratch?

To open a sports center with start-up capital, you must:

  • decide what services the future fitness club will offer;
  • collect the required documentation;
  • choose a room;
  • to purchase equipment and shells;
  • hire qualified staff;
  • take care of advertising.

Fitness services

A modern sports club is not limited to a gym and a fitness training area. This is a whole project that combines a large number of complexes designed to increase efficiency, develop and strengthen the body and spirit.

Over the past decades, the range of group programs has expanded significantly. Various types of yoga are increasingly found in the schedules of fitness clubs. All kinds of dance programs are offered and even author's training complexes, consisting of elements of yoga, Pilates and stretching. For lovers of the pool and those who want to lose weight, there are water aerobics classes.

In addition to the above services, fitness clubs can have in their arsenal:

  • gym;
  • massage and other medical procedures;
  • Spa;
  • sauna and/or hammam;
  • solarium;
  • manicure;
  • bar, etc.

A fitness club can offer either part or a whole range of these services. However, you need to start with a limited set, subsequently expanding this range. The presence of a swimming pool will have a positive impact on the status of the sports center, but, on the other hand, will lead to significant costs. After all, most likely, a novice businessman will have to build his own building in order to open a pool.

Required Documentation

Paperwork and business registration should not cause any difficulties, because their set, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, are standard:

  1. Registration of the legal form in the tax. At the beginning of the activity, it is more expedient to use individual entrepreneurship (IP). This will allow working with a simplified taxation system in the future.
  2. Selection of OKVED indicating:
    • 04 - services in the field of sports and recreation;
    • 61 - activities of sports institutions;
    • 62 - other activities related to sports. If an entrepreneur plans to expand the list of services provided in the future, for example, to add a solarium, massage, nail service, then all the necessary OKVED codes must be specified in advance.
  3. Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To complete such a document, you need:
  • contract for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • contract for the maintenance of a housing maintenance office;
  • an agreement with an organization licensed for the disposal of fluorescent lamps;
  • medical records for staff;
  • PPC (industrial control program) and institution passport.

If it is necessary to open some grocery stores, then there is no need to obtain any license to open a fitness club without additional services. The exception is institutions providing medical services.

Room selection

The area and location of the fitness club depend on its format. If you plan to open a sports facility for a narrow purpose, for example, for "neighbors", then you should not consider premises with an area of ​​more than 150 m². Moreover, it can be located in a residential building in one of the sleeping areas of the city. True, in this case it would be more expedient to buy a room, since in this format the rent will be a significant part of the costs.

If you plan to open a fitness club with the “All inclusive” way, then you should think about a larger room. The size will be influenced by the format of the sports facility, the presence of a swimming pool, sauna and other components of a modern club.

The best location in this case would be the city center. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy a room, because rent will not be an invoice for such an enterprise, since it will be able to bring good profits.

Large dimensions will accommodate a large number of visitors on its territory, expand the range of services offered to the maximum. And the presence of presentable premises, equipped with modern equipment and simulators, will interest respectable clients who are willing to pay good money, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in profits.

When choosing a suitable room, it is important to consider the size and terms of the lease agreement. It is clear that this document will differ from . The price for temporary use can be about 30-90 dollars per m². Of course, it is worth looking for areas in the lower price segment. The lease agreement should be concluded for a period of at least 4-5 years. It is this period that should be considered as the latest payback period for invested funds.


When choosing equipment for the gym, it is necessary to take into account the needs of clients when working with all muscle groups. The more such needs are satisfied, the more consumers will be.

The minimum set of simulators, which is ideal for quality training, includes the following items:

  • treadmills (at least two);
  • fitballs;
  • exercise bikes;
  • steppers;
  • board with rack for horizontal/inclined bench press;
  • simulator for working out the pectoral muscles;
  • squat rack;
  • Smith machine;
  • exercise machine with free weights for leg flexion/extension;
  • barbells, dumbbells, pancakes, discs, yoga mats and other trifles.

Advice: don't buy a butterfly trainer, it's a completely useless trainer used mainly to satisfy curiosity.

Everything that was discussed above concerned only simulators. However, in addition to them, a good fitness club also needs equipment of a completely different kind. Locker rooms should be equipped with benches, wardrobes and showers. If the fitness club expects to offer clients the services of a beauty salon, then it will require a nail service, etc.


When all other points are considered and completed, you can proceed to the recruitment. Only experienced coaches should be hired who have the training and knowledge necessary to conduct effective sessions. The minimum staff in a small gym and shift work consists of:

  • administrators (2);
  • fitness instructors (2);
  • cleaners (2);
  • accountant (when opening an LLC).

Thus, to open a small fitness club from scratch, you need to hire 6-7 people. In the future, along with the expansion of the range of services offered, there will be a need for additional employees. Nurses, massage therapists, yoga or water gymnastics instructors, etc. may be required.

An important backbone of the team, of course, are the coaches. Their selection should be taken seriously. Preference should be given to former athletes, physical education teachers in schools and universities.

Advertising and promotion

This point should be given special attention, since each person approaches the choice of a gym and a fitness club very scrupulously.

Today, the choice of a sports institution begins with the Internet. Moreover, a potential consumer is looking for a fitness club that satisfies his needs as much as possible, paying attention to the location, the presence of a sauna and a swimming pool, the qualifications of instructors, the availability of modern equipment, etc.

In this regard, the marketing plan should begin with the identification of the target audience. At the same time, the more specific this segment is, the easier it will be to promote the club and the more information about it will fall into the hands of potential consumers.

The first thing to do is to create a colorful website. It is important to fill it with useful and relevant articles about training and proper nutrition. This will cause genuine interest not only in the site, but also in the fitness club itself. The use of SMM technologies will make it possible to spread information about the gym in social networks.

How to open a gym from scratch?

Significant start-up capital is required to enter the market of sports and fitness services and become its full participant. Not all businessmen have the necessary amount, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​opening a fitness club or gym from scratch. There is a way out - go to the bank and take a loan. At the same time, it is important to understand that with a competent business organization, it may well pay off in 1-3 years. Another option is to enlist the support of private investors who want to improve their image.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a gym from scratch with a limited wallet. Let's take a look at a few simple ways to save money.

What can you save on?

  1. Gym customers rarely pay attention to the decoration of walls and ceilings in the room. Refusal of elite materials in favor of conventional painting will save the lion's share of money on repairs.
  2. Touching upon the topic of simulators, it is worth noting that it makes no sense to buy expensive sports equipment. Consumers have little interest in the brand and manufacturer. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing inventory is quality and durability.
  3. An economy-format fitness club does not need expensive advertising (radio, television). It will be enough to stick leaflets around the area, at bus stops, to make a beautiful and bright sign. A good move is advertising on the Internet, for example, in social networks. It is very important that the first customers leave positive feedback about the work of the gym on the network.

Where is the economy irrational?

  1. Staff salary. The staff should consist of highly qualified personnel, and professionals will never work for meager wages.
  2. If the gym is hot and stuffy, customers will simply go to another fitness club. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the room is equipped with high-quality air conditioning and ventilation. This will achieve a comfortable atmosphere in the halls.
  3. Each locker room should have at least 2-3 showers. For these premises, it is advisable to purchase high-quality and expensive sanitary ware that has a presentable appearance and is distinguished by a long service life.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club from scratch?

The lion's share of the costs will be associated with renting or buying premises for a gym. If we consider an average room (250 m²) in Moscow, then the rent for three months will be about 600,000 rubles and more. It is worth noting that not all premises meet the requirements of fitness clubs, which means that you will have to fork out for repairs, which is about 200,000 rubles.

opening a gym is an excellent option for starting a business. A healthy lifestyle is now in vogue, and more and more people are watching their bodies.

Before starting a project, it is worth marking the gyms of the city or region. This will help in working with the concept of your project. You need to find out the number of halls in the region, their level, prices, work schedule, etc. Any information may be important.

Video How to open a fitness club

Even if you focus on the minimum requirements for gyms, the amount should be very rather big. The lion's share of expenses falls on (at least 200 square meters) and the purchase of exercise equipment, pancakes, vultures, benches.

You also need to rubberize the floor and install mirrors. When drawing up a project, you need to take into account the cost of design, because it is a creative approach to design that will attract the attention of customers to your hall.

Not superfluous in the gym will be:

  • shower cabins;
  • air conditioners;
  • bathrooms;
  • medical office.

In short, before you start planning a project, you need to be sure that opening a gym will be affordable for you.

If there are no problems with start-up capital, then you can proceed to planning the future. The layout of the main halls, showers, bathrooms and other premises can be drawn up on your own, but it is still recommended to use the services of an experienced designer who will help plan the room.

You can study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

The next stage is the purchase of simulators. It is easy to guess that this is the most important part of the whole project, since it is the quality of the equipment that affects the effectiveness of the training of visitors and can make them come back to you.

It would be nice to establish contacts with firms that sell simulators, but this is not so simple. Buying in the online store is also suitable.

Speaking of the necessary personnel, it is worth mentioning the need for several trainers with special education. In addition, you will need an administrator, an accountant and people at the reception.

Be sure to register with the city authorities and. A special license is needed if, in addition to exercising in the gym, you will also sell sports nutrition.

And will play an important role. There are a lot of gyms today, so you need to make sure that people pay attention to your offer.

It all depends on the available funds. You can limit yourself to flyers and leaflets, or you can rent several billboards. Remember that the business is seasonal, so discounts can be useful during the summer months.

Premium fitness club in the USA

How to write a business plan for a gym

Opening a gym is a rather profitable business, since such establishments are in incredible demand, and the contingent of clients is very diverse - from modest students to wealthy businessmen.

In addition, in order to start your own business in this area, you need to invest one-time funds, that is, there will be practically no large expenses in the future.

It will help you competently approach the issue of opening your own business, a ready-made business plan for a gym, which you can download on this page.

If you decide to open a gym, the business plan must include the criteria for choosing the location of the future sports facility, collecting the necessary documents, purchasing equipment, determining the pricing policy, the number of staff, working hours and other important aspects.

As for the location of the gym, it is advisable to rent a room in the city center or on the main streets of remote areas, where there are most potential customers.

It is very profitable to equip a sports facility in a large shopping center, because several thousand people pass there every day, who may be interested in such services.

Also important is the issue of purchasing sports equipment. The standard set of equipment includes dumbbells, weights, barbells, simulators for the press, arms, legs and back, a horizontal bar, as well as personal protective equipment: wristlets, gloves, belts, etc.

The equipment can be used both new and used, but it is very important that it be of high quality and durable.

You can’t do without hiring employees when opening a gym. The staff should include a manager, a cleaning lady and instructors.

Of course, the coaches are the most important in the team, because they will work with people and, accordingly, make a profit, therefore, young people of athletic build, who thoroughly know the operation of each simulator and are able to advise the client on any issue, should be preferred.


Of course, if you want to open a gym, the business plan must include all items of expenditure, which in general will determine the amount of capital investment.

The main points in this are:

  • rent or purchase of premises over 100 m2 for a gym;
  • initial cost and expenses for the further maintenance of sports equipment;
  • communal payments;
  • wages to employees;
  • advertising costs;
  • household and office expenses;
  • security services, etc.

Revenue Forecast

Income from this business is not exorbitant, but regular. Revenue depends directly on the number of customers. The cost of a subscription ranges from several thousand.

So, if 25 people work out in your gym, then every month you will be able to receive about half a million, respectively, for the year your profit will be more than 5 million. Thus, the profitability of this business is very high, and it is possible to recoup the investment within 1-2 years.