• You must be able to work with site code. Otherwise, seek help from a web developer or tech-savvy colleagues.
  • To be able to serve ads, your remarketing list must contain .
  • Once you add the necessary tags to your site, data about its visitors will begin to be automatically included in remarketing lists in accordance with the rules you set.
Instructions How to set up remarketing using the AdWords tag How to set up remarketing for the first time
  • Open the Campaigns tab.
  • From the menu on the left, select Shared Library
  • Select Audiences.
  • Click Set up remarketing.
  • Select.
  • Select View AdWords Site Tag.
  • Select and copy the remarketing tag code. It can be added to both the regular and mobile versions of the site.
  • Paste the code at the bottom of each page, just before the closing tag. If your site uses a shared footer file, you can place the code there.
  • Save the pages and publish them.
  • Using the Tag Assistant extension for the Google Chrome browser (available in English only), check whether the tag is implemented correctly on the site.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click Return to Audiences page.

    After a few days, the tag will begin collecting cookies from your site visitors. The data will be entered into the "All Visitors" list. If not, look for the Remarketing Tag window on the right.

  • Click Tag Information.
  • Select Settings.
  • If your site is managed by a developer, do the following:
  • Find the Email AdWords Tag and Instructions box.
  • Enter the developer's email address.
  • Click Send message.
  • Click Finish.
  • If you manage the site yourself, do the following:
  • Select View AdWords Site Tag.
  • Select and copy the remarketing tag code. It can be added to both the regular and mobile versions of the site.
  • Click the Finish button.
  • Paste the code at the bottom of each page, just before the closing tag. If your site uses a shared footer file, you can place the code there.
  • Save the pages and publish them.
  • Using the Tag Assistant extension for the Google Chrome browser (available in English only), check whether the tag is implemented correctly on the site.
  • Setting up remarketing on Google takes a few minutes. This can be done in two ways - we will analyze the simplest of them. Sit back, I’ll quickly tell you how in just 7 minutes you will create your first audience in Google Adwords and set up displaying ads to it.

    Remarketing or retargeting?

    Yes, these are synonyms. It’s just that retargeting is used in the terminology of Yandex Metrica, and remarketing is used in Google. Therefore, these concepts are one and the same. But since we refer this article to the Google Adwords section, we will speak His language :)

    2 ways to set up remarketing on Google

    Hereinafter, I will assume that you, dear reader, already have an account in Google Adwords. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be wondering how to set up remarketing - after all, this is the next step in working with contextual advertising.

    So, there are two options for setting up remarketing.

    Using Google Adwords tag

    To do this, go to the “Shared Library” (menu on the left), the “Audiences” tab and click “Set up remarketing”.

    Then click on the blue “Set up remarketing” button and you will see setup instructions. The system will offer to copy the remarketing code to all pages of the site so that it becomes possible to collect an audience.

    I’ll be honest, I’ve never tried setting up remarketing using the Adwords tag. Why, if this can be done using Google Analytics without installing additional code on the site :)

    Remarketing with Google Analytics

    The simplest option, because it involves setting up remarketing during the process of setting up the Analytics counter. Of course, in this option it all starts with installing a counter on the site.

    Then, in the counter settings at the Resource level, we link the Analytics and Adwords accounts. If the Analytics account is created in the same Google account on which you work with Adwords, then the setup is done in just a couple of clicks. If Analytics is on a different account, you will have to give access to the counter. I'm sure you have everything in one account, so I won't dwell on this point.

    Go to “Resource Settings” - “Connection with AdWords”. Next - it’s elementary, a beginner will figure it out. If you still have problems at this stage, see. In this article, I also discussed this point in detail.

    After the connection between the Analytics and AdWords accounts is established, go to the “Audience Settings” - “Audiences” section there at the Resource level.

    Click the big red “+Audience” button. In the instructions that appear, select a view (you will most likely have the only one), select the associated AdWords account and click the “Next” button.

    Here the system prompts you to select an audience. I suggest not to bother at the beginning and create a basic audience “All users” with a maximum participation period of 540 days (as opposed to 90 in Metrica). Click on the appropriate field in the list, name the audience in a way convenient for you and press the “Save” button. Specify the duration of participation in the next step.

    Fabulous! The hardest part is over - the first audience has been created and is ready to launch. Here the system will prompt you to immediately create a Remarketing campaign.

    Quick instructions for your first campaign

    To do this, click on the “Create Campaign” button and you will be redirected to the AdWords page at the stage of creating a new campaign. This is convenient because the system automatically indicates the campaign type “Display Display Only”, and at the stage of creating an ad group, by default it targets the remarketing list that has just been created.

    In fact, all you have to do is set the advertising campaign settings and make advertisements. Oh, and uncheck the targeting optimization box. At the initial stage, I do not recommend it, because in this case the system will actively expand its reach, showing ads not only to users from the remarketing list. But we want to start neatly and without draining, right?

    • create an advertising campaign of the “Display Display Only” type;
    • create an ad group and name it the same as the remarketing audience (for your own convenience);
    • create a text and image ad in an ad group;
    • set targeting for the ad group as: “Interests and remarketing” - and here select the audience created in analytics.
    • launch an advertising campaign on a test budget of $5, setting the maximum bid at the ad group level to $0.03.

    And of course, don’t forget about conversion tracking and study first- and last-click attribution models to improve your brain in this regard. And I will help you.

    Good day to all. This article gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with instructions for setting up dynamic remarketing for Google AdWords for countries where Google Marchant Center is not connected. At the same time, we will also consider the option of connecting Dynamic Remarketing through Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

    Data feed

    We create a data feed for uploading to AdWords (How to create a feed - https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6053288). This feed should contain basic information about the product, namely:

    • Product ID;
    • Name of product;
    • Product URL;
    • URL address of the product image;
    • The price of the product;
    • Discount price.

    As you can see from the examples, there can be many lines in the feed, but the ones mentioned above will be enough for us.

    Once the feed is ready, you need to add it to your account. Open an AdWords account. Open the “Shared Library” -> “Commercial Data” tab. Next, click the red “+Data” button and select “Dynamic display ad feed” -> “User selected”. For clarity, we show a picture that should appear in your working window.

    If everything is done correctly and there are no errors in the feed, then you will see that N number of elements have been added.

    If there are errors in the feed, this will also be displayed in a similar window and you can view which lines of the feed contain errors and correct them.

    If the feed is not formed correctly, or there are too many errors, then the file will not be able to be downloaded at all, and you will be notified in red letters.

    If we have Google Merchant Center, then we take the data for the feed from it.

    After loading the feed, it will be checked for some time, after which you can safely start creating ads.

    While the review is underway, we will begin adding tracking codes to the site. This operation can be carried out using a large number of methods:

  • Via standard AdWords tag.
  • Through Google Analytics and Custom Dimension - this is more interesting.
  • Through Google Tag Manager based on the first or second method.
  • Dynamic Remarketing via AdWords Tag

    We take a regular AdWords tag, which is located "Shared Library" -> "Audiences" -> "Tag Information" -> "Settings" -> "Show AdWords Remarketing Tag" (Sounds scary, but it's not far) and add it to the standard tag has several lines.

    Copy the code below and paste it between the tags on each page of the site

    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || ;

    function gtag())(dataLayer.push(arguments);)

    gtag("js", new Date());

    gtag("config", "AW-XXXXXXXXXX");

    Copy the code below and paste it between the tags just after the Global Site Tag on the pages you want to track.

    gtag("event", "page_view", (

    "send_to": "AW-XXXXXXXXXX",

    "ecomm_pagetype": "replace with value",

    "ecomm_prodid": "replace with value",

    "ecomm_totalvalue": "replace with value"

    Where REPLACE_WITH_STRING_VALUE should be replaced in accordance with the product ID on its page. That is, in the product page code, each product will have its own dynx_itemid, dynx_pagetype, dynx_totalvalue . This can be done by the programmer either manually, or by writing a special parser that will substitute values ​​automatically.

    Dynamic Remarketing via Analytics Tag

    Let's consider the sequence of steps of those who decided to use this method. First, go to your Analytics account in the “Administrator” tab.

    On the resource panel we find “Custom Definitions” -> “Custom Parameters”.

    Click the red button "+Special parameter"

    We give each parameter an appropriate name: dynx_itemid, dynx_pagetype, dynx_totalvalue.

    We leave the remaining parameters unchanged:

    After that, we need to create a Dynamic attribute in the "Remarketing" tab:

    Click the red button "+Attribute"

    In the drop-down list, select “Special topics”:

    We move on to the next stage and here we already choose which parameters will be substituted and where. According to the example, everything should look like this:

    If there is id2, then we also create dynx_itemid2 and substitute it in “Identifier 2”.

    The setup is complete, now you need to add 3 lines of code to the Analytics tag to transfer data:


    (i[r].q=i[r].q||).push(arguments)),i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),



    ga("create", "UA-xxxxxxx-x", "auto");

    ga("require", "displayfeatures");




    ga("send", "pageview");

    Where dimension1, dimension2, dimension3 are indicated as such. Don't change them. but when transferred to Analytics they will correspond to dynx_itemid, dynx_pagetype, dynx_totalvalue.

    You can see in more detail which dimension corresponds to which parameter in the "Custom Parameter" tab. No. dimension is its index in the second column:

    With REPLACE_WITH_STRING_VALUE - the same situation as in the previous method when installing the AdWords code.

    Dynamic Remarketing via Tag Manager

    I would like to warn you right away that to implement this feature, you either need to know how to write JavaScript code that will extract (parse) the required values ​​from the page, or ask your developer to do this.

    Open Tag Manager and enter or create the container you need. Then click the “Create” button and select “Tag”. Let’s give it, for example, the name “AdWords Remarketing”. In the tag type, select AdWords remarketing. We enter all the necessary parameters. After we have done all the initial steps, a little lower, in the “User Options” category, switch the “Use data layer” value to “Specify manually”. And we add the names of the parameters being passed to the keys: dynx_itemid, dynx_pagetype, dynx_totalvalue. For the “Value” column we will use our own macro. Below is what you will see on the screen.

    If you already have a macro, then immediately add it. If not, then click “New Macro” and a window will open where you can set the name and type of the macro. You can choose any name, but we are interested in “Custom JavaScript Code” as the macro type. In the code line we write a parser for your parameter and save it.

    The end result should be something like this:

    After setting all the keys and macros, click “save” and complete the setup.

    As when working only through Analytics, you will need to create “Custom Parameters” and “Dynamic Attributes”. How to do this is described in the article above.

    After we have everything ready in Analytics, we move on to setting it up in Tag Manager.

    Create a Tag. Select the type Analytics -> Universal Analytics. Let's give him a name. We enter the identifier of your analytics into the identifier, and enable functions for remarketing in the Display Network.

    After that, open the “Advanced Settings” item and select Special Settings. “+Add special parameter.”

    In the “index” value we indicate the index of the parameter that is specified in our analytics. And for the value of the parameter, we take the same macro in which, as in the version with the AdWords tag, the product parser is written.

    Add all the parameters we need and click the “Save” button.

    So, we looked at various options for setting up dynamic remarketing, applicable to all countries. Different ways. The first two methods are much simpler, since they do not require special professional knowledge. And product parameters can be entered manually, although this will take a lot of time. The second method is more complicated and requires special knowledge, but you can’t do without it if you use Tag Manager for analytics.

    Which Option to choose is up to you!

    Oleg Poddubny

    Alena Aleshina

    Account Manager

    If you want to do the same for yourself - leave a request!

    • You must be able to work with site code. Otherwise, seek help from a web developer or tech-savvy colleagues.
    • To be able to serve ads, your remarketing list must contain .
    • Once you add the necessary tags to your site, data about its visitors will begin to be automatically included in remarketing lists in accordance with the rules you set.
    Instructions How to set up remarketing using the AdWords tag How to set up remarketing for the first time
  • Open the Campaigns tab.
  • From the menu on the left, select Shared Library
  • Select Audiences.
  • Click Set up remarketing.
  • Select.
  • Select View AdWords Site Tag.
  • Select and copy the remarketing tag code. It can be added to both the regular and mobile versions of the site.
  • Paste the code at the bottom of each page, just before the closing tag. If your site uses a shared footer file, you can place the code there.
  • Save the pages and publish them.
  • Using the Tag Assistant extension for the Google Chrome browser (available in English only), check whether the tag is implemented correctly on the site.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click Return to Audiences page.

    After a few days, the tag will begin collecting cookies from your site visitors. The data will be entered into the "All Visitors" list. If not, look for the Remarketing Tag window on the right.

  • Click Tag Information.
  • Select Settings.
  • If your site is managed by a developer, do the following:
  • Find the Email AdWords Tag and Instructions box.
  • Enter the developer's email address.
  • Click Send message.
  • Click Finish.
  • If you manage the site yourself, do the following:
  • Select View AdWords Site Tag.
  • Select and copy the remarketing tag code. It can be added to both the regular and mobile versions of the site.
  • Click the Finish button.
  • Paste the code at the bottom of each page, just before the closing tag. If your site uses a shared footer file, you can place the code there.
  • Save the pages and publish them.
  • Using the Tag Assistant extension for the Google Chrome browser (available in English only), check whether the tag is implemented correctly on the site.
  • How to return a visitor to the site who did not complete the target action? Run remarketing on the Google Display Network: attractive banners will remind users of your product, and you can direct your advertising budget to the “hot” audience. In this article I will describe the setup step by step remarketing in Google Ads.

    1. Add the remarketing code to the site

    To collect lists of users who visited the site, you can:

    • install the Google Ads remarketing tag;
    • use modified Google Analytics code.
    1.1. How to add a Google Ads remarketing tag?

    1.1.1. Open Google Ads and go to the Shared Library - Audiences tab.

    In the “Site Visitors” subsection, click on the “Set up remarketing” link.

    1.1.2. In the window that opens, click on the “Set up remarketing” button. You will only need the checkbox next to the “Use dynamic ads” field when setting up dynamic remarketing, to create a regular remarketing campaign, leave the field blank.

    1.1.3. A pop-up window will appear asking you to install the Google Ads remarketing tag. You can immediately send the code and its instructions to programmers - just enter the recipient’s email.

    To copy the remarketing code, click on the "View Google Ads Website Tag" link.

    This code must be inserted on all pages of the site between the tags.

    Choosing to set up remarketing with Google Analytics gives you several benefits:

    • More flexible audience settings are available - you can take into account user behavior on the site and the goals they achieved;
    • You can quickly create remarketing audiences using scripts and ready-made templates from the Solution Gallery.

    1.2.1. Go to Google Analytics and click on the gear to open the Admin panel. In the resource settings, go to the sub-item “Tracking code” - “Data collection”.

    1.2.2. In the remarketing settings, move the slider to the “On” position. and save the changes.

    1.2.3. If Google Analytics is installed using Google Tag Manager, you just need to enable data collection in your account settings. If the analytics code is installed directly on the site, the Analytics tag must be replaced after remarketing is activated.

    In the resource settings, go to the “Tracking Code” item and copy the script highlighted in the screenshot.

    Paste this code on all pages of your site before the closing tag.