Do you know the secret that will make you the most valuable employee at work? In a professional environment, there is no universal formula that guarantees success, but there are recommendations from experts that will help you become an indispensable and most valuable personnel.

Follow the company's success

If a company has a successful year, its employees will also prosper. This suggests that your work is bringing tangible results, so you need to continue moving along your chosen trajectory. According to Pavel Felzen, president of an insurance company in New Jersey, if your activities are bearing fruit, there is no need to complicate your life by looking for new methods.

Stop surfing the Internet

You're lucky if your working Internet gives you the opportunity to order a gift for your daughter's birthday or view a timeline of events on a social network. But still, doing this during working hours is unprofessional. It is unlikely that the boss will be happy with his employees aimlessly surfing the Internet. The management expects the project to be delivered on time and an efficient work regime. Nobody wants to pay money for downtime or your travels in cyberspace.

Try to solve the problem yourself

Marketing and communications manager Julia Dellitt complains that her subordinates are not used to handling complex tasks on their own. They come up asking for help, but don’t even try to figure out the issue. Sometimes this behavior comes from a feeling of insecurity or fear of slipping up, but often behind this behavior there is banal laziness.

Expand your professional credentials

Consider how you can expand your professional credentials. If your company is running some interesting projects outside of work hours, express your interest in becoming a volunteer. Find out how you can join a group or participate in a brainstorming session. Any creative work will demonstrate your best qualities to the manager. Know that this extra effort will not go unnoticed.

Stop apologizing

Many people apologize out of politeness, but, in essence, they are not to blame for anything. If this habit is ingrained in your professional environment, it will interfere with the creation of a favorable image. Initially, your intentions were good, and polite words helped avoid a rude and aggressive image. However, too many apologies make you appear soft and compliant. The professional environment favors risky individuals.

Don't think only about yourself

Your office should not be built around you, even if you consider yourself the most competent professional. Before you make any statement, try to imagine yourself in the place of your interlocutor. Nonprofit executive director Christina Hartman advises figuring out how you can be helpful to other employees. The mantra of mutual help will help you achieve success faster than many other methods.

Be proud of your achievements

Everything that happens in your workplace is achieved through hard and painstaking work. You contribute to success, so make sure that contribution is tangible. Don't be content with little - become a champion in your industry.

Build a professional network

Building an extensive professional network will help you build your own career. It is also important for increasing sales and growth of your company. Set a goal of making 10 new partnerships every year. The same applies to building a customer base.

Create a buffer between thoughts and actions

When there is a lot of work to do, there is no time to stop and analyze the progress of tasks, there is no time to rethink global values. Ideally, you want to create space between your thoughts and your actions. This will save you from making impulsive decisions and prevent most of the mistakes. Entrepreneur and author Jason Harber says rushed judgments lead to unforced errors: "Sometimes it's better to think and then act, even if that principle forces you to slow down."

Be open to new experiences

Happiness is not a reflection of the actual state of affairs, but what you can take out of this situation. Be open to new experiences, look for opportunities to take on new responsibilities, take part in new projects, seek out new mentors. Use your organization as a stepping stone to achieve something great.

Focus on quality, not quantity

In the workplace, your performance is assessed by your boss. It so happens that modern enterprises are primarily focused on multitasking. The manager requires the repairman to be a jack of all trades and assigns several projects to work on simultaneously. Select the most important assignments from this entire string, focus on a few key tasks. Do not take on all the tasks at once; among them there may be very insignificant ones - those that will not bring bonus points to your professional piggy bank.

Make plans for the year ahead

Think about what you want to achieve professionally in the coming year. If you've been planning to look for a new job, get a mentor, or expand your client base, don't put it off indefinitely. You can start having lunch with colleagues, attending office parties, and opening up about your personal life. All this will make you one of the most popular members of the team. And if you want to get promoted by the end of next year, develop a strategic plan and stick to it.

Accept the changes

Whether you like it or not, you will have to deal with changes in the workplace. Scientific and technological progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds, introducing new requirements into professional activities. Manager Ashley Roos complains that not all of his employees are ready to challenge the constantly changing conditions. It's much easier to do the same tasks day after day while sitting at your desk from nine to five. Treat new products as a unique chance to challenge your colleagues and show your best side. Use all these changes to your advantage. When your boss notices that you are resilient and adaptable, he will know that you are a prime candidate for a promotion.

Get back to learning

As employers place more and more demands on their employees, the only way to meet all of these demands is to be able to return to training. Find continuing education courses with a certificate that will help you advance your career. The knowledge gained during training will give you the opportunity to expand your role in the team, gain the respect of your colleagues and additional privileges from your superiors. You may also consider obtaining higher education in one of the related specialties. As a result, you can truly become one of the most indispensable employees in the company.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

The desire to ask for help is not a sign of weakness or unskilledness of the employee. Ask questions and ask for clarification if you need guidance. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been working in this position, but it’s better to ask once about what you’re not sure about than to embarrass yourself later for your mistakes.

I run the Essence brand studio and constantly receive resumes. I have already learned to read these messages between the lines and see through people. Many don’t even have a resume, but a collection of random work connections. There is no logic or consistency - they work anywhere for three months: merchandiser, supervisor, animator, tow truck. At the same time, everyone wants stability, vacation, social package, white salary and a black Volga with a driver. Guys, what will you give in return if you are better at looking for a job than at working?

Here are some tips for those who actually want to be a good employee, and not appear to be one.

1. Accept the fact that you are an employee

Everyone knows the disparaging expression “working for your uncle.” Instead, everyone wants to make easy money, have money, mine cryptocurrency, and so on, but let's be honest - thousands have the talent to make money on their own, but millions are burned out. Millions are burning into millions! Are you ready for this level of responsibility? If not, follow the pattern: denial → anger → bargaining → depression → acceptance.

2. Find your calling

This is the most banal phrase of all time, but it is also the most relevant. Even in children's fairy tales, Ivan ceases to be a fool when he finds his way. You are ready to do your life’s work for free or even at a loss.

Some will have to do some serious soul searching. There is a good exercise for revealing subconscious desires: you need to write down on a piece of paper 100 different answers to the questions “Who am I?” and “What do I want to do?”

3. Don't spray yourself

This advice is especially relevant for young and active people, with a motor in the butt. For such people, it is normal to often change jobs or combine everything. After 30, you still have to get the motor out and start living with your head. Isn’t it better to immediately hit one point while you have the strength?

4. Solve your boss's problems, don't create them.

Many people confuse him with a primary school teacher. He, of course, teaches, explains, punishes, sometimes forces you to wear a uniform, but that’s where the similarities end. No one will wipe your snot. Talk to your manager - not often, but thoroughly. Write everything down and remember it on your mind. Perhaps somewhere on a shelf there is already an instruction manual that contains all your “Whys?”

5. Learn and develop

Someone will say to themselves: “I’m already an excellent worker and I know my profession by heart!” Perhaps now you have really reached the peak in your sandbox and rested your head against the iron fungus, but the world does not end there, and the stars are much higher. Ask your boss for more responsibility, take on students, participate in professional skills competitions. Develop your skills!

6. Learn to take feedback

These are not bottles - there is no shame in collecting reviews. Create a portfolio and get recommendations. For all of this, I use the acronym DBD (evidence of vigorous activity). Instead of thousands of wonderful stories about yourself, just show your portfolio and that’s it.

7. Save your time

I always respect people who are greedy for time, those who understand that this is an irreplaceable and important resource. You won't be able to turn the mince back, so stick to the skills that speed you up: speed reading, touch typing, and so on. By the way, this text was recorded by me using voice typing. Time management makes the difference!

8. Resist less

Many people have had the same pattern since childhood: to spite my mother I will freeze my ears. Defend your opinion at any cost! No step back! Never bend under those on top! Sound familiar? But you come to work for a person, and he does not come to work for you. You are not even partners or rivals. There is a vertical of power, and it is not for you to shake it. Are you really right? Or maybe it just seems so to you? If you are really right, state it correctly and without pressure. You shouldn't create a storm in a teacup every day.

If this all seems trivial to someone, I’m sorry, but these things are absolutely working. I tested them on myself and give them with all my heart. Thank you for your attention.

They say that there are no irreplaceable people. This statement is highly doubtful. At every enterprise, in every office, there is always at least one special employee who is rightfully valued as worth his weight in gold.

Such a person is often pampered with letters of commendation and gratitude. His photograph is sure to be on the honor board. Articles about him are published in the regional newspaper for his professional holiday. Finally, he is less likely than all other colleagues to be laid off if the company’s financial situation worsens.

If you want to be one of the truly useful members of the team, get ready for serious work. First of all, you will have to work not so much even on fulfilling specific instructions from your manager, but on yourself.

You must :

  1. love your chosen business with all your heart;
  2. get used to thinking broadly;
  3. learn to get along well with people.

Your profession is the best

You've probably heard the famous joke in verse - “I love my job. I’ll come here on Saturday and, of course, on Sunday, here I’ll celebrate my birthday... The horses are dying from work, but I’m an immortal pony.”

She perfectly expressed the thoughts of thousands of poor fellows who despise the content of their own work and put formal performance at the forefront.

You can fall in love with almost any activity, be it repairing wastewater treatment plants at a plant or searching for advertisers for thematic booklets.

Lack of interest in an activity usually becomes a natural result of a shallow knowledge of its laws.

To get carried away with something, learn about it, experiment.

Information around the sea - all Internet resources are at your disposal:

  • read reference books;
  • download and listen to audio courses;
  • communicate on forums with more experienced colleagues.

Apply for advanced training courses. Never turn down the opportunity to take part in professional skills competitions.

Cherish the place that allows you to discover your individual abilities.

In order to become indispensable, you do not have to take a management position. The role of career as such is not particularly important in reality. A smart mechanic can enjoy much more respect in his team than a dressed-up production manager. A polite and helpful salesperson who makes a big profit for the company can, over time, earn himself a salary almost at the director’s level.

You are part of the company

Avoid the temptation to take a comfortable “my house is on the edge” position. An irreplaceable employee sees his own modest responsibilities in relation to the entire mechanism of the company.

You cannot blindly listen to your boss, trustingly looking into his eyes; You need to independently analyze any order to determine its appropriateness.

Don't be afraid to take the initiative and express your opinion.

True, it is worth remembering that any opinion must be able to be proven.

When warning a manager against any mistake or coming up with an idea to introduce innovations, provide supporting calculations and rely on the experience of other companies in the industry.

Colleagues are not enemies

A good employee easily finds a common language with colleagues and does not get involved in long, sluggish conflicts. Try to fuss less with your own “I”. Try to either turn any minor disagreement with your colleagues into a joke, or resolve any serious dispute without delay - directly, frankly.

Be more willing to help colleagues, especially newcomers. Be understanding of other people's mistakes.

Try to conscientiously follow the suggested recommendations, and you will soon notice that you are truly valued at work. However, we warn you about the other side of the coin: irreplaceable people are forced to constantly sacrifice their own time and effort. They literally live by their profession, denying themselves peace of mind, peace, and rest.

How to become the best employee in the eyes of your manager

Natalia, working hopelessly overtime and even going to work on weekends, has been unable to earn a promotion for three years now. She still holds the same position, although the scope of her responsibilities has tripled, and her salary during this time increased by only 20% and has remained unchanged over the past year.

Possessing a sound mind and exceptional responsibility, she is the only one left without a bonus for the holidays. Unlike even my colleague Lyudmila, who knows absolutely nothing about her business (and all others!), but regularly receives bonuses, and can boast of a salary twice as large. And Dmitry, in general, in three months has already managed to skip two positions, having reached deputy, he receives a salary four times more than Natasha’s and has already taken out a loan from the company for an expensive foreign car. But if the lack of a promotion is sometimes just a formality that can only negatively affect our mood (keeping our social status at the same level), then a lot depends on the size of the salary! As you know, you always want to eat. And at the same time, get dressed, put on shoes, relax, have fun... and show off, in the end.

Dmitry's education is no better, and Lyudmila's is worse than Natasha's! The situation is the same with work experience. Then what is it?
But the point, it turns out, is not always about professional skills, but, above all, about personal qualities and attitude to work.
Here are the main ones that will help you achieve the desired reputation in the eyes of the manager, in particular, who is also the owner of the company. Remember, the rules of the “game” may differ depending on the form of management (board of directors, executive director, owner director) and may have their own characteristics and nuances.

Adapting to your superiors is not only possible, but absolutely necessary!

This point is the starting point for your career, since an owner who is a director of a company or firm is much more demanding than a director who is not a founder or owner. Every person has a number of strange characteristics and weaknesses, the same applies to the director. Only in the latter case they cannot be ignored, they must be known and, if not shared, then at least respected.

The ability to adapt to a manager is the main commendable quality for a subordinate. The way you dress, talk, and negotiate is just a drop in the bucket. You need to feel his aspirations, guess his desires and anticipate his reaction. The closer you are spiritually to the boss, the more chances you will have of “conquering” him.
Forget about pride, about your personal beliefs and be humble. Any order from your boss must be carried out unquestioningly, even if you are reasonably confident that it is inappropriate. At the same time, your face should also depict complete submission, and not express something like: “I’ll do something, but this is obvious stupidity!” Since in the eyes of the leader this is equivalent to “You are a fool!” You need to defend your point of view extremely rarely and only if you are fluent in the skills of a diplomat. And don’t forget to improve your relationship with your boss’s wife. ESPECIALLY if she works here. But don't apply the same approaches to her as to him - they think differently. Most often, wives have little understanding of the affairs of their husbands and only create the appearance of active activity, but this will not stop them from putting thick spokes in your wheels. And their opinion is oh how important for your reputation...

Smile - the boss loves idiots!

This does not mean at all that you should pretend to be a fool. But you must always be in a good mood! None of the successful people (and since your boss has reached the level of an entrepreneur, then he is one) likes sour and sleepy faces. A vigorous and blooming appearance should become your constant companion.

"For discipline!"

One of my acquaintances, who has great power at work, often repeated the toast “To discipline!” at home events. One of his daughters-in-law said the following about this: “I’m already afraid of doing something wrong in his presence, and after such words I generally try to behave perfectly.” So, many bosses, if they don’t say such toasts, then think about the same thing, so be vigilant and don’t relax in the workplace. That is, be punctual and careful, follow all the rules of the internal charter. Don’t smoke often (don’t follow the example of your boss - he’s allowed to do this!), don’t chew or drink every 20 minutes, don’t use your phone, don’t play on the computer...

Say no!" intrigues

To begin with, learn not to express negative opinions about your bosses and their families out loud. And best of all, give up such an opinion altogether! Even to myself. Nowadays, many owners equip their offices with surveillance cameras and listening devices, so any word you say can be used against you. Therefore, you should not get involved in such conversations, even if your colleagues started them - many do this on purpose. For the same reason, carefully weigh your every action before you do anything.

Well, and secondly, also speak politely about any of the employees. It happens that the boss himself decides to ask you about your colleagues. In this case, keep your eyes open! If an employee, in your opinion, is incompetent, do not praise him, but also refrain from criticism. Otherwise, don't criticize, but don't over-praise either. Stick to the golden mean!

Lack of initiative is punishable!

As, indeed, is initiative shown at the wrong time in the wrong place. Do not be ashamed to express your opinions on increasing income or optimizing workflow, etc., if any. But do it in the form of suggestions or wishes. Under no circumstances insist on the correctness of your judgment!
And before you say this, it is better to read specialized literature, collect the necessary information in order to convince yourself of the rationality of such an introduction and to present more convincing arguments to your boss. Otherwise you will look extremely stupid in front of him!

Study your competitors, find their weak points - any information of this kind is very valuable for your superiors. But just don’t start a very close friendly relationship with an employee of a competing company - you risk being left without a job!

The only thing in which you definitely shouldn’t take the initiative is making comments to your colleagues about being late, taking breaks, etc. It's easier to work in a supportive team.

Confidence is always valuable!

Remember that those who are confident in themselves look more convincing! Confidently express your opinion, confidently state your plan, confidently report on your actions - do not give another reason to doubt your professionalism. If you think it’s time to increase your salary, then say it confidently (but not arrogantly!).

Addiction is in your favor!

From conscientious and competent subordinates (like Natasha) you can often hear the opinion that borrowing from your boss is bad. But believe me, in most cases management thinks differently! If you are not tied to a company in any way, you are unlikely to remain faithful to it for a long time, so there is no need to invest in improving your qualifications and, even more so, in paying for your services. And if a subordinate takes on a debt, and a big one (like Dmitry), then this is a guarantee that he will serve you faithfully for many more years.

Oh those hormones...

And finally, about the sometimes difficult relationship between subordinates and the leader, if they are of opposite sexes. There are often cases when a director shows his interest in a subordinate on a personal level, which can have a beneficial effect on his career and salary. But how to proceed in this case?

There are three ways:

  • reciprocate (but only if you really need it and you know how to continue playing this “game”);
  • reject any hints and advances (then you risk working in this company with no prospects for life, and in the worst case scenario, you may lose your job);
  • maneuver between “yes” and “no” (very often such an intriguing game is enough, but if you need to decide something, by then you will quite possibly gain experience and be ripe for another job).

It's up to you to decide, but for most people the best option is the latter.

In any case, it is impossible to take everything into account, because there are an unlimited number of different situations, both the characters of managers and working conditions! And even in basic advice there are exceptions. And at the same time, most of them are relevant to any leadership.

But if you're trying hard, doing your best, and things still aren't improving, then you're doing something wrong. Analyze the behavioral tactics of your most successful colleagues and find the main differences in your and their behavioral styles. If you have put these tricks into practice and there is no improvement, try having a frank conversation with your boss. A frank conversation, even if it does not have the desired impact on your current situation, can at least enlighten you in terms of what needs to be done to achieve the desired result.
Good luck to you!

Wherever you work, be it an office, a call center or a fast food restaurant, it is important to work hard and be a good employee. Give your all to solving problems and tirelessly improve your skills. Always treat employees, customers and managers with professional respect. Carrying out your duties diligently will show your boss that you are dedicated to your job and may lead to a promotion.


How to do your job successfully

    Maintain a strong work ethic and meet basic requirements. It is important to get comfortable in a new place of work as quickly as possible. Many employees are in a hurry to understand their responsibilities and take a more comfortable position. If you want to prove yourself to be a good employee, always complete tasks on time and have a strong work ethic.

    • Never make excuses for why you failed to complete a task.
  1. Look beyond the general task to show initiative. Show your boss that you can work hard and be a model employee. Take the initiative into your own hands and solve problems without outside help, so that your manager does not have to control your every action. If you can go beyond the basic requirements of a task, go the extra mile and prove yourself to be an outstanding performer.

    • If you don't know how to complete a task, ask your boss or co-workers.
  2. Acquire new skills and don't miss opportunities to learn. It is not uncommon for many employers to provide periodic on-site training or pay for courses online. In some cases, it is required to attend classes outside the company. Take advantage of such valuable opportunities as they allow you to acquire new skills and develop. Upskilling and professional development will demonstrate your commitment to becoming a more valuable asset to the company.

    • Also, in the event of a tense financial situation and staff reductions, qualified employees have a better chance of maintaining their position.
  3. Look for opportunities and volunteer to take on additional tasks. The voluntary desire to perform optional work allows you to choose your role in the labor process, as well as show concern for the company and your desire to be useful. Managers highly value loyalty and ambition in their subordinates.

    Collaborate effectively with colleagues on group projects. Your ability to work collaboratively and for the benefit of the team will demonstrate that you care about the company and its employees. On the other hand, turning down projects may be perceived as a lack of interest in the work.

  4. During the last 15–20 minutes of your work shift, actively prepare for the next work day. Often workers leave 15 minutes early or spend the last minutes of their working time on the Internet. Start using this time productively to show yourself as a hardworking and helpful employee. For example, organize your workspace for the next working day.

    • Clean up your desk and documents, and prepare materials for tomorrow.

    How to develop relationships with colleagues

    1. Build good relationships with employees. The most important feature of an employee is the ability to interact with colleagues. A positive attitude helps improve overall morale and shows that you are committed to working as a team. Treat employees with courtesy, courtesy and kindness.

      • Even if you work from home and don't see each other in person, develop a respectful relationship over email.
    2. Show yourself as a professional and don't participate in gossip . You are not paid to spread rumors and kill time with side conversations. It is important to stay focused on work tasks. A good employee is always interested in the success of the project. Don't participate in office games.

      • Of course, you will want to find a common language with employees, which short conversations on abstract topics will help you with. Strive to remain professional and not talk about other colleagues behind their backs.
    3. Be a mentor to younger employees. Your formal or informal role as a mentor is a great way to show yourself as a valuable employee. Train and guide new employees in various aspects of their work. If you feel like the person hasn't figured it out, offer your help. Give advice, but don't do the work for others.

      • Consider your words carefully and remember to be professional. There is no need to share personal grievances, disappointments or interpersonal conflicts with them.
    4. Exude a positive attitude to improve your overall productivity. A positive attitude is a sure sign of a good employee who will not escape the attention of his superiors. In every discussion with your boss about work difficulties, be prepared to offer at least one solution to the problem. Show your desire to solve problems rather than complain, even if your approach is not accepted.

      • If you constantly sow negativity and complain, the morale of others will also deteriorate.