The famous and richest Orthodox monastery of Kykkos is located at a colossal height in the Troodos mountain gorge, in the west of the island of Cyprus. This monastery is famous for the fact that real miracles happen there. The history of this monastery is full of extraordinary events. It is in this monastery that the world Christian legend is kept - the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God.

The day of honoring this famous miraculous icon is December 26 (or January 8 according to the new style). An imperial monastery was erected in honor of this image, where it is currently kept.

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History of Kykkos Monastery

According to existing legend, the creator of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God was the Apostle Luke himself. It was created during the earthly life of the Most Pure Mother of God. The Holy Virgin herself blessed this icon with her own hand.

The legendary icon belongs to a variety of images "Eleusa" - Merciful. This image symbolizes love and favor towards all living things on this earth.

Kykkos is a monastery with a very ancient and rich history. The first written mentions of this monastery date back to 1136. The emergence of the monastery is covered in legends and in itself is miraculous.

  1. According to legend, the governor of Byzantium in Cyprus, Manuel Voutomitis, was hunting in this place, got lost in the forest and accidentally met an old hermit named Isaiah. The governor wanted to ask the elder the way to the capital, but the hermit could not answer, as he had taken a vow of silence. The angry Manuel hit the elder.
  2. Very soon the governor was struck by paralysis. Manuel realized that the illness was sent to him as punishment for the offense inflicted on the holy man. By order of the governor, the old man was found and brought to the palace. Manuel apologized to the hermit and soon the illness subsided.
  3. As a sign of gratitude, Isaiah asked the governor to bring from Constantinople image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was written during her lifetime. The governor fulfilled this request and made a request to the emperor himself. Although the latter did not want to give up the precious icon, he was forced to meet him halfway.
  4. The emperor left a copy of this icon for himself, and soon he was struck by the same mysterious illness that was on the eve of Manuel. Paralysis also struck the imperial daughter. After the ruler gave the icon to Isaiah and allocated funds for the construction of the monastery, he and his daughter were healed. Erected the monastery was named Kykkos. The legendary icon of the Mother of God is still there today.

An abbot was appointed over the monks and the rules of the monastery were given. The governor donated several villages to the monastery. This decision was confirmed and approved by the emperor. Since the monastery was built with the money of the ruler of Byzantium, it received the name Tsarskoye.

Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God

There is a belief that the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God, called the Merciful, was created by the hands of the holy Apostle Luke himself. In addition to this icon, he painted two more images and sent all the icons to Egypt. From Egypt the holy icon was transported to Constantinople to protect this relic from the persecutors of Christianity. This happened in 980. However, on the way to Constantinople, the ship on which the icon was transported was captured by the Saracens. Soon the wicked themselves became prisoners of the Greeks, and the shrine was delivered to its destination.

After numerous misadventures, the icon finally reached Constantinople and remained there in the imperial palace until the 12th century. In the 12th century, the image was transported to Cyprus.

Icon of the Mother of God in Cyprus

During the reign of Emperor Alexios I Komnenos in Byzantium (beginning of the 12th century), the holy icon was transported to the island of Cyprus. This decision was preceded by a series of events, which are described above.

The holy hermit Isaiah received a revelation that the icon of the Mother of God, painted by the Apostle Luke himself, should be transferred to the island of Cyprus from the imperial palace. The elder fulfilled God's command and revealed the truth to the governor of Byzantium in Cyprus. Manuel hesitated for a long time to turn to the emperor with such a request, however, the elder insisted, saying that the Mother of God herself would patronize Manuel in this matter.

Ultimately, the governor agreed on the condition that Isaiah follow him to Constantinople. Together with the hermit, the governor soon arrived in the capital. For a very long time Manuel did not dare to appear before the emperor with such a daring request. As a result, the elder decided to return to Cyprus. However, before leaving, he persistently asked Manuel to fulfill God’s commandment, which was revealed to him, as quickly as possible.

In his solitude, the elder gave in to despair due to an unsuccessful trip. However, he soon had a dream in which he heard words of consolation that the miraculous icon would soon come to the island by the will of the Mother of God.

Delighted by this vision, the elder began construction of a temple in honor of the Mother of God. Construction was carried out with funds donated by the governor.

Emperor's illness

It was at this time that the emperor's daughter became seriously ill. Her illness was very similar to the one that struck the governor in Cyprus the day before. As soon as Manuel Vutomitis found out about this, he considered the moment most opportune to address his request to the emperor. All the famous doctors gathered in the palace around the bed of the sick princess. But no one could help her. The emperor was inconsolable.

Arriving at the palace, Manuel told the emperor that not so long ago he was struck by the same illness that had now struck the princess. And if it were not for God’s help through the prayers of the holy hermit Isaiah, the governor would have already been dead. Then the governor conveyed to the emperor the demand of Elder Isaiah to transfer the icon of the Mother of God to the island of Cyprus. He assured the ruler that after this the latter’s daughter would certainly be healed.

In a fit of despair, the emperor gave his word to his viceroy that he would fulfill the will of the Mother of God and transfer the icon to the island of Crete. And very soon the emperor’s daughter was miraculously healed. However, the ruler was in no hurry to fulfill his promise. He really didn’t want to lose the great shrine that had belonged to his family for so long. And then the ruler of Byzantium himself suffered a serious illness as a punishment for negligence and false vows.

Then the emperor called the best icon painter and ordered him to make a copy of this icon. It was this list that he intended to send to the island. However, his deception was miraculously discovered. In a dream, the Queen of Heaven herself appeared to the emperor and threateningly ordered him to leave a copy of the icon in the palace and send the original to the island, as she ordered.

Another legend

There is another legend, according to which Elder Isaiah arrived a second time in Constantinople with the intention of taking the icon.

  1. The emperor decided to deceive the monk and allowed him to choose from two icons, one of which was a copy, and the other was genuine.
  2. At night, the Mother of God appeared to the monk in a dream and promised him her help. She pointed out to Isaiah that a bee would land on the original icon. That's exactly what happened the next day.
  3. Thanks to this event, the bee became one of the symbols of the Kykkos icon.
  4. After such a miracle, the emperor no longer risked keeping the shrine and equipped a ship on which he sent the icon and Isaiah himself. In addition, the monarch gave the elder the necessary amount of money to build the temple.
  5. Then the emperor gave orders to the governor Manuel to assist the elder in everything.

Nevertheless, the emperor gave a strict order to cover the faces of the Virgin and Child with a veil so that no one else would dare to look at them.

Miracles performed by an icon

When the icon of the Mother of God, called the Gracious, was brought to Cyprus, all the inhabitants of the island came to meet the ship. The meeting was organized with the greatest honors. Not only people, but even nature itself rejoiced at the arrival of the shrine. The trees bowed their crowns, and sea shells rose from the bottom and accompanied the ship.

Today in Troodos you can see living evidence of that wonderful event - pine trees with bowed crowns. In this way, nature expressed its delight and admiration for the shrine.

Starting from the very construction of the monastery and to this day, numerous pilgrims come to it from all sides, who ask the Mother of God for help and receive it according to their faith.

  1. This miraculous icon is worshiped and offered prayers not only by Orthodox Christians, but also by representatives of other religious denominations.
  2. Through the prayers of the pilgrims, abundant rain was repeatedly sent to the earth, which saved the harvest from drought, and residents from imminent hunger.
  3. With the help of a miraculous icon infertile women gained the ability to have children. The Holy Mother of God also helps with bleeding in women.
  4. There is information that after praying at this icon, a mute teenager received ability to speak. The warrior who injured his leg was healed near this icon. A man lying on his deathbed came to life and was healed.
  5. Another case of the miraculous influence of the icon is described. One day, a monk, who was doing his lesson in obedience, turned to the Mother of God complaining about thirst. A voice answered him and ordered him to hit the stone on which he was sitting with his hand. After this, a stream of clean water came out of the stone, which quenched the monk’s thirst. Subsequently, this place was formed life-giving source, where many found healing. One of the monks, who suffered from a severe headache and could not find a way to heal, felt completely healthy when he washed his head in this spring with prayer. Many other monks were also healed near this source.
  6. One day, a wicked pagan decided to raise his hand to the holy icon, after which punishment immediately befell him. His hand immediately began to dry out. In memory of this event, the icon has since hanging hand made of iron.
  7. In 1751, the temple was seriously damaged by a strong fire. When the temple vaults began to be restored, they suddenly collapsed. However, by the grace of the Mother of God, none of the workers in the temple were injured. Some monks claimed that shortly before this they had seen a woman in rays of light walking around the monastery.

On the island of Cyprus this icon became known as Eleusa. The literal translation of this word is Gracious. For many centuries, this icon has been widely known and revered among Orthodox believers in Greece, Georgia, Russia, and Bulgaria. The shrine became equally famous even in Ethiopia and Egypt.

Mother of God under cover

Decorates the legendary icon the richest frame made of silver with gilding. Since the time of Emperor Alexei Komnenos, there has been a custom according to which icon paintings the faces are covered with a veil that is never removed. There are exceptions only during periods of severe drought. At this time, the holy image is transferred to the top of Mount Troni, where the monks serve a solemn prayer service for the sending of rain to the earth. Here the monks take off their veil, but do not look at the bright faces, turning the image of the Mother of God to the sky.

There is a legend according to which in the 17th century Gerasim, Patriarch of Alexandria, dared to lift the veil and look at the image of the Virgin Mary. Soon the Patriarch was punished with blindness for his insolence. Realizing his mistake, he cried and repented for a very long time, begging for forgiveness from heaven. After some time, forgiveness was granted to the Patriarch. Since then, there has been a belief that anyone who dares to look at the face of the Mother of God will immediately be punished with blindness.

What can you pray for in front of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God?

The following prayers can be addressed to the icon of Our Lady of Eleus:

  1. About sending down rain during a drought.
  2. About getting rid of infertility and having a baby. These prayers are often addressed to the list of the Icon of the Merciful, which is now kept in. Even the name itself Monastery "Zachatievsky" gives believers hope for the mercy of the Mother of God.
  3. About getting rid of a wide variety of ailments– muteness and deafness, bleeding, severe headache.
  4. About deliverance from natural disasters and all sorts of other misfortunes.
  5. About sending peace in the family, ending quarrels and good relationships.
  6. About salvation from epidemics of dangerous diseases.

If you pray to the image with all sincerity and passion, you can even heal an incurable patient.

The Kykkos icon today

And today people revere and adore the legendary shrine. Many songs of praise were composed in her honor, including laudatory. The Kykkos Icon of the Virgin Mary is the greatest treasure of the island of Cyprus. Miracles performed in this way are observed in our time.

At all times, pilgrims who followed to the Holy Land always stopped by or visited Cyprus in order to venerate the shrine and bow before its greatness and holiness. This tradition has continued to this day. Thousands of believers come from all over the world to pray to the image of the Mother of God. Divine services are held here and an akathist to the Most Merciful Mother of God is read.

The Most Holy Theotokos the Merciful listens to everyone who turns to her with prayer in their grief, asking for help and healing from ailments of soul and body. This applies not only to Orthodox Christians, but also to those who adhere to other religions.

Poetic works dedicated to this great icon were repeatedly collected and published in large editions. The Akathist to the Gracious Icon of the Mother of God is read on the day of celebration - January 8, new style. Copies of the icon of the Mother of God of Mercy are available in many churches and monasteries, including the Moscow Conception.

Date of publication or update 02/01/2017

The story of the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, which is in the Conception Convent.

1. “Merciful-Kikkskaya.”
2. Shrine of the Conception Monastery.
3. Return of the heavenly abbess.
4. “Hail, O Most Merciful, Helper of Christians.”
5. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon, called “Merciful”.
6. From the teaching on the day of the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” by Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovsky.
7. Brief history of the Conception Stavropegic Convent.

1. “Merciful-Kikkskaya.”

On a frosty November morning in 1999, the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” was returning to her native Convent. In a procession of only half a mile they carried the icon from the Church of the Prophet Elijah, which is in Obydensky Lane, and as if there had not been seventy-four years of separation from the holy land of the most ancient nunnery in Moscow, where the miraculous icon remained, covering the monastery from all sorts of misfortunes and abundantly exuding grace-filled help to everyone resorting to her. The history of the appearance of the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” dates back to apostolic times.

According to legend, the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke painted three icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, worthy of Her blessing and blessed by Her.

One of them is “Merciful-Kykkos”, so called after its place of residence - Mount Kykkos, located on the northwestern side of the island of Cyprus.

The Holy Apostle Luke sent this image along with two other icons to Egypt. When persecution of Christians began here, the icon was sent in 980 to Constantinople. But on the way the ship was captured by the Saracens. However, the wicked enemies of the Christian faith were also captured by the Greeks, who brought the image to Constantinople. Here the icon was kept in the royal palaces until the beginning of the 12th century.

During the reign of Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (reigned 1081 - 1118), this image was transported to the island of Cyprus under the following circumstances. One day, the ruler of Cyprus, Manuel Voutomitis, was hunting in the mountains. Having lost his way, he got lost and met the pious monk-hermit Elder Isaiah. Not wanting to be recognized, the elder tried to hide from Manuel, but he considered the monk’s act to be disdain for himself and, catching up with the elder, beat him severely. A little time passed, and Manuel suffered God's punishment: he fell into a serious illness - relaxation. Remembering his act with the monk, Manuel realized that his illness was a punishment for the sin he had committed. With tears, he turned to the Lord, asking Him to grant healing and the opportunity to ask the elder for forgiveness.

Meanwhile, the elder received a revelation that everything that happened to the ruler was sent down by God so that the icon of the Mother of God, painted by the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, would be transferred from the imperial palaces of Constantinople to Cyprus. The elder was ordered to reveal this to the ruler of the island when he came to him.

The elder fulfilled the command, but when Manuel Vutomitis heard about the revelation, he was afraid and said to Isaiah:

Forgive me, father! This matter is beyond my strength. Who am I to dare to say something like that to the emperor? Demand another satisfaction from me.

But the elder answered him:

If you want to be forgiven, then do just that; By fulfilling what is ordered, you will have the Mother of God as your Helper, for this is revealed to me.

Manuel promised to assist in the transfer of the image, but asked the elder to go with him to Constantinople. Isaiah agreed, and both of them arrived in the capital. For a long time Manuel did not dare to inform the emperor about the purpose of his visit and explained this to the elder by saying that he was afraid to bother the king with his request and was waiting for this opportunity. Then the elder decided to return to Cyprus. Before leaving, he again asked Manuel to quickly fulfill the commandment of God revealed to him.

Returning to his solitude, Isaiah indulged in great sorrow over his unsuccessful journey. But one day in a dream he heard comforting words:

Don't worry, old man! The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, oozing grace, will soon come to you, as the Most Holy Lady wills.

Encouraged by this revelation, Isaiah set about building a temple in the name of the Most Holy Trinity with funds given to him by Manuel.

At this time, Alexei Komnin's only and beloved daughter became dangerously ill. The princess's illness was similar to the illness suffered by the ruler of Cyprus. Having learned about what had happened, Vutomitis considered it possible now to approach the emperor with his request. Meanwhile, the doctors despaired of saving the princess, and the emperor indulged in inconsolable sadness and crying. Manuel came to the palace and, seeing the ruler crying, he himself burst into tears. Then the emperor said to Manuel:

Can't anyone console me and indicate a cure for my daughter?

Sovereign! - Manuel began his speech. “I suffered from the same illness on the island of Cyprus, and if the Lord had not helped me through the prayers of the ascetic Isaiah, I would have died long ago. This elder commanded me to tell you to transfer the icon of the Mother of God located in your palace to Cyprus, to his monastery, as it was revealed to him in a vision. If you do not do this, your daughter will not be healed. The elder himself came with me to, through my mediation, declare to you the will of God, but I, not finding an opportunity, did not dare to speak about this to your majesty. The ascetic had already returned to the island, but before his departure he bequeathed to me to tell you everything. Do as you please. The emperor, hearing these words, was saddened. Promising Manuel to fulfill the will of the Mother of God, he exclaimed with tears:

If such is Your will, Virgin Mary, then can I, poor one, resist Your will, My Lady and Lady?! But I pray to You: deliver my daughter from an incurable and serious illness, and I will most readily release the honest icon to the island of Cyprus.

Soon the princess was healed, but Alexei Komnin hesitated to fulfill his vow, because he did not want to part with the great shrine of his city. Then the careless earthly ruler suffered God's punishment: the emperor himself fell into a serious illness. In illness, he saw the action of God's Providence, commanding him to fulfill his promise. Repenting of not fulfilling his vow, the emperor ordered the best icon painter to make a copy of the icon that was in his palace. He intended to send this copy to the island, but the Blessed Virgin appeared to him in a dream and said menacingly:

Leave your icon here, and immediately send Mine to the island to the monk Isaiah, for it pleases Me.

According to another oral tradition, but sacredly preserved to this day in the Kykkos monastery, the monk Isaiah arrived in Constantinople for the second time to receive the icon of the Mother of God. Showing cunning, the autocrat forced him to make a choice, showing him two seemingly completely identical icons, one of which was the original, and the other only a copy. That same night, the Most Holy Lady Herself appeared in a dream to the monk Isaiah, telling him the following: “The icon on which the bee lands is genuine.” And so it happened - and monk Isaiah, with the help of the Mother of God, made the right choice. Therefore, the bee became an emblem - a kind of “coat of arms” of the Kykkos monastery. After this, the king did not dare to keep the image. He equipped the ship and with great honor transported the icon to Cyprus to Isaiah, sending him a significant amount of money for the construction of the temple. Manuel ordered to assist the monk in everything. However, the emperor strictly ordered that the faces of the Mother of God and the Infant God be covered with a veil, so that no one would dare to look at them.

When the icon arrived in Cyprus, she was greeted with great honors. The inhabitants of the island walked with her from the sea coast to Troodos. Not only people, but also trees, birds, and sea shells joyfully greeted the Blessed Lady. The trees bowed before the holy image, and shells, rising from the bottom of the sea, accompanied the procession. Even in our time, you can see bent pine trees - wonderful evidence of the general rejoicing and honors with which Cyprus greeted the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Isaiah erected another temple on Mount Kykkos, in the name of the Mother of God, and placed Her image in it. He also built cells for monks near the temple, appointed an abbot, and provided monastic regulations and maintenance for the monastery. Manuel donated three villages to the monastery, and this gift was confirmed by an imperial charter. The monastery received the name Tsarskaya, as it was built at the expense of the emperor.

From ancient times to the present day, those suffering from all kinds of ailments flock to the monastery of the Mother of God from all sides and, by their faith, receive healing. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also Gentiles bow before the miraculous grace of the holy icon. Through prayers before her, abundant rain fell to the earth many times during a drought, barren women received fertility, and those with bleeding were healed. One day, the mute youth spoke after praying at the icon. Another, who was on his deathbed, came to life. The warrior George, who broke his leg on the road, was miraculously healed here.

One day on a hot day, a monk, who was working in obedience, became weak from thirst and in his misfortune turned to the Mother of God. Suddenly he heard a voice commanding him to hit the stone with his hand, on which the ascetic sank in exhaustion. Immediately, upon fulfilling the command, water flowed from the stone, quenching his thirst. A spring formed at this place, at which many miracles took place. Hieromonk Meletios, who suffered from a severe headache and sought relief from doctors in vain, washed his head in the waters of this source and immediately received healing. Monk Anthony was healed here from a wound on his leg, and monk Parthenius was healed from a fever that tormented him for 13 months.

One day, a pagan boldly raised his hand to the holy image and was immediately punished: his hand instantly dried up, in memory of which an iron hand was hung to the icon. When the monastery was restored in 1751 after a fire, the vault of the already completed temple suddenly collapsed on the builders. But the intercession of the Mother of God kept them unharmed. Shortly before this miracle, some of the brethren saw a radiant Woman walking around the monastery.

The holy icon is known in Greece and Cyprus as the Most Holy Theotokos Eleusa, which translates as the Merciful, the Merciful. For many centuries it has been glorified in Greece, Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Egypt and Ethiopia. The icon is decorated with a gilded silver frame. According to the custom established back in the time of Alexei I Komnenos, the faces of the Mother of God and the Infant are covered with a veil, which is never removed. Only during periods of drought do monks move the icon to a nearby peak known as Troni (Throne), where they serve a prayer service for the granting of rain. There the cover is removed, but they do this without looking at the image of the Mother of God, turning it towards the sky.

A legend has been preserved that in 1669, Patriarch Gerasim of Alexandria dared to lift the veil to see the face of the Mother of God, but his daring act was punished - the Patriarch suddenly became blind. For a long time he lamented and cried, asking for forgiveness, which after some time was granted to him by the Gracious Lady. Since then, there has been a belief that anyone who dares to look at the face of the Virgin Mary will go blind.

They pray to her for the birth of children. They pray for deliverance from drought, for healing from bleeding, infertility and the gift of childbearing, for strengthening in needs and sorrows, for help in bearing the monastic cross, for healing from headaches, for healing of the paralytic and in family sorrows.

According to legend, this image was painted by the holy Apostle Luke; the icon depicts the Queen of Heaven, who prays for the salvation of her God and Son for the salvation of the Christian race. From this she received the name merciful, her other name, Kykkos, she received in honor of the mountain located in Cyprus - Kykkos.

Until the 10th century, the image of the Mother of God “Merciful” was in Egypt, where the Evangelist Luke transferred it there. Later (980) due to defeats and persecution of Christians, the shrine was transferred to Constantinople, where it remained for almost two centuries.

The ruler of the island of Cyprus had a vision that he needed to bring the miraculous icon back to the monastery on Mount Kykkos. Ruler Manuel Vutomit went to Constantinople to see Emperor Alexy Komnev. At that time, the sovereign’s daughter was very ill, and the doctors could not help her. Hearing Manuel’s request, Alexy decided to give away the miraculous icon, and at that time his daughter became completely healthy. But Alexy’s greed did not allow him to part with the icon and he began to stall for time to transfer the image. Unexpectedly, Alexy himself fell ill with a serious illness. In a dream, the Queen of Heaven appeared to him and strictly ordered that Her icon be urgently transferred to a monastery in Cyprus. The emperor ordered an exact copy of the image to be painted, which he kept for himself. After it was ready, he transferred the shrine to Cyprus with honors.

The king allocated funds for the construction of a temple at the monastery in Cyprus, and the temple was named Imperial. On Mount Kykkos, in the monastery, a chronicle book was found that talks about multiple miraculous healings and help for Christians and even people of other faiths. The Mother of God did not refuse anyone who came to her for help with a pure heart.

In the image, the face of the Most Holy Theotokos is always covered with a veil, on which the outline of the image is embroidered. Once a year, during a prayer service on the top of the mountain, the monks take the icon there, they open its image. The monks pray to the Mother of God for a good harvest and rain, but even at this moment they do not allow themselves to look at the face of the Queen of Heaven.

In the Conception Monastery, which is located in Moscow, the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” is highly revered. In the Soviet years, after the plunder of the monastery, the miraculous icon was miraculously preserved. It was transferred to the Temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane and remained there for several decades. She was returned to the Conception Monastery only in November 1999.
On the days of veneration, November 25 and January 8, childless mothers call on her for help, asking her for the healing of illnesses and a good harvest.

The images of the Mother of God have incredible power; they are able to help a person at the time of life’s difficulties. Sincerely pray before the face of the Mother of God, and she will definitely answer your requests.

It is difficult to count the exact number of images of the Mother of God existing on Earth. Each of them has its own rich history. Some of them appeared in our lives miraculously, but all of them, without exception, were painted by talented icon painters who put a piece of their soul into their creations. One of these is the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Merciful”. For a long time, the icon wandered around the world, moving from one temple to another, and finally found its place.

History of the image of the Mother of God

The image of the Mother of God “Merciful” is one of the creations of the Evangelist Luke. The icon is also called “Kykkos” - so it was named after Mount Kykkos, which is located in Cyprus. Initially, the icon was in Egypt, but after a riot against believers it was sent to Constantinople, where Emperor Alexius Komnenos ruled at that time. One day his daughter fell ill with a terrible and incurable disease, and not a single doctor could help her. At the same time, the ruler of Cyprus, Manuel Vutomith, arrived in Constantinople. He received an order to beg for the image of the Virgin Mary and take it to the monastery, which was built on Mount Kykkos. After Emperor Alexy gave his consent, his daughter miraculously began to recover. However, after this he felt sorry for giving away the miraculous icon, and he began to delay fulfilling his promise. After this, he himself began to get very sick, and one day the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream. She demanded that the image of the Virgin Mary “Merciful” be immediately sent to Cyprus, and that she keep a copy of it for herself. Without hesitation, the emperor fulfilled her request.

Description of the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”

In the icon we can see the Virgin Mary holding Jesus Christ in her arms. Both of them are in a red robe, and the baby’s hand is in the palm of the Mother of God, which shows the sincere love of the son for his mother. The face of the Virgin Mary is usually covered with a veil, which is literally sewn into the image. The veil is opened only once a year, when the monks climb Mount Kykkos. On this day they ask the Mother of God to protect them from drought so that the year will be fruitful. Only at this moment can they look at the face of the Mother of God.

Where is the miraculous image of the Mother of God located?

The original image is still kept in Cyprus, in the monastery, which is located on the top of Mount Kykkos. The monastery was attacked several times, but no one was able to destroy it.

Copies of icons can be seen in many countries, including Georgia, Bulgaria, Ethiopia and so on. At the moment in Russia you can pray before the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Merciful” in the Conception Monastery, which also repeatedly became a victim of atheists, but was still able to resist, and its servants managed to preserve the icon of the Mother of God.

How does the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” help?

Throughout the history of the icon’s existence, people who turned to the Mother of God for help have repeatedly noticed real miracles. Like most images of the Virgin Mary, the “Merciful” icon helps in curing ailments and serious illnesses.

People involved in agriculture ask Our Lady for protection from drought and a good harvest.

Infertile women pray to conceive a child. Pregnant women ask to give them a healthy and happy child.

Many Orthodox believers, faced with life's difficulties and serious problems, also ask the Queen of Heaven for help in front of the “Merciful” icon.

You can turn to the image of the Virgin Mary if you have a headache and severe weakness. It will help you get rid of even minor diseases.

Date of celebration of the icon of Our Lady “Merciful”

There are two dates set for the celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” in the year - November 25 and January 8. These days, it is advisable to visit a temple where you can pray in front of the icon and ask the Virgin Mary for help. If you don't have the opportunity, just say the prayer at home. Because of this, it will not lose power if your faith in the power of the Heavenly Queen is sincere.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God

“O Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God and our Guardian! I will fall into Your image and share with You the most secret things. See all my sorrows and sorrows, find out what worries me. Send me Your blessings and strength so that I can survive all the difficulties and adversities. Beg the Lord God to deliver me from sins and atrocities. Ask Him to be merciful to me. I honor the Heavenly Father and believe in His power. Help me, Lady of Heaven. Hear my prayer requests. Amen!".

There is nothing more important for a person in life than family. It is important for us that our loved ones are always healthy and happy. Sometimes we cannot provide them with maximum protection, and in this case a strong prayer addressed to Our Lady will help you. With its help, happiness and prosperity will always reign in your home. We wish you success in life and sincere love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Shrine of the Conception Monastery.

Days of celebration: November 25 / November 12 according to the old style, January 8 / December 26 according to the old style. style

In the Conception Convent in Moscow, there has long been a copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”. The first mention of the icon is found in the monastery inventory of the 18th century. Before the closure of the monastery in 1925, the image of the Queen of Heaven was in the cathedral church of the monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the inventory compiled under the last abbess Maria, this icon is called one of the especially revered shrines of the Conception monastery. It is indicated that on Wednesdays, before the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Merciful,” a prayer service was performed with an akathist. In 1918, the confiscation of church valuables began. In order to protect the shrines and charitable institutions of the monastery, Abbess Maria founded a brotherhood in the name of the Queen of Heaven, in honor of Her “Merciful” icon, under the patronage of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon of All Russia. At the closure of the monastery, Mother Maria gathered all the sisters for the last prayer service before the venerated image of the Queen of Heaven “Merciful”. After the prayer, Mother Abbess addressed her sisters with a farewell word, saying that she could no longer manage the monastery and was entrusting everyone to the Mother of God - the Heavenly Abbess. In confirmation of her words, as a sign of the transfer of hegumen power, Mother Maria placed her staff next to the icon. The expensive silver robe was left in the monastery, and the miraculous image of the Most Pure Lady itself, along with the abbot’s staff and other shrines, was transferred to the neighboring Church of the Prophet Elijah, in Obydensky Lane. Since then, the Elijah Church has become a refuge for clergy, nuns and parishioners of the ruined monastery and the guardian of its shrines. The nuns who survived the repressions found refuge in the basements of surrounding houses and passed obediences at the temple, sacredly protecting the monastery relics, preserving the traditions of the Conception monastery. The feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful,” which the sisters revered as their Abbess, celebrated on November 25 (NS), became a particularly revered feast of the Elias Church. In the post-war years, the right side chapel, where the miraculous image of the Lady stood, was crowded with nuns on this day. According to the monastic tradition, a solemn all-night vigil was served with the singing of an akathist. After the Divine Liturgy, one of the nuns hosted a meal at her place, to which the clergy of the Ordinary Church and all the Conception sisters were invited. This was the only day of the year when all the monastics of the closed monastery met at the image of the Heavenly Mother Superior. Temple icon Through the zeal of the parishioners of the Church of St. In the 50s, the icon of the Prophet Elijah was set in a silver gilded robe with precious stones. Years passed, one after another the monastery sisters began to depart on the journey of the whole earth. On November 23, 1984, the last inhabitant of the monastery, schema-nun Nina, reposed in the Lord. She was buried in the Church of the Prophet Elijah on November 25, on the feast of the image of the Mother of God, dear to the monastery, who once again revealed Her merciful providence for the nuns of the Conception Monastery. Since 1951, one of the clergymen of the Church of Elijah the Ordinary, Archpriest Alexander Egorov (d. March 5, 2000), became the confessor of the Conception orphans. After the death of Schema-nun Nina, Father Alexander handed over the monastery icons and photographs kept by the elder to his spiritual daughter Maria Kaleda. Then, in 1984, neither the priest nor the young girl could imagine that the monastery would be revived, and Maria would become its abbess. In the 90s, destroyed churches began to be restored and monasteries opened. The parish of the Church of the Prophet Elijah considered it its spiritual duty to revive the Conception Monastery. For this purpose, at the temple, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus', the Sisterhood was created in 1991 in the name of the “Merciful” Icon of the Mother of God. Every Thursday, the sisters began to gather in the Ordinary Church at the miraculous icon of the Heavenly Abbess and sing an akathist, asking the Mother of God to revive monastic life in the destroyed monastery. In the fall of 1992, the first nuns entered the monastery, and from December 22, the day of the patronal feast, they began to live in the monastery. In 1993, the Gate Church in the name of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands was transferred to the Sisterhood, and from Lazarus Saturday, after many years of desolation, Divine services began to be performed there again.

Return of the Heavenly Mother Superior.

The time has come for the monastery shrines to gradually return to their native walls of the monastery. It was very difficult for the parishioners of the Ordinary Church, who fell in love with the image of the Mother of God “Merciful,” to part with it, and then, with the blessing of Archpriest Alexander Egorov, a list was written. In contrast to the miraculous image, on the newly painted icon the Mother of God was depicted with the abbot’s staff. The list was intended for the Ordinary Temple, and the miraculous image itself was to be transferred to the newly opened monastery. However, by that time they had not received the blessing of the hierarchy, and therefore the list was transferred to the Conception Monastery. The sisters were saddened, but Fr. Alexander consoled: “Don’t grieve, the icon must be imbued with the monastic spirit, and then we will exchange.” Two weeks later, the newly painted image began to bleed into peace.

On May 5, 1995, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus', the Conception Convent was re-established by the decision of the Holy Synod. On November 25, 1999, after much anticipation, the monastic miraculous image of the Mother of God “Merciful” returned to the monastery. In 1984, when the funeral service for the last nun of the monastery, Schema-nun Nina, was held in the Ilyinsky Church on November 25, it seemed to everyone that the history of the Conception monastery was over. The return of the monastery shrine 15 years later, and precisely on this day, testified to the continuing invisible spiritual life of the monastery.

Never before has the Conception Monastery seen such a celebration. The night before, November 24, in the Church of the Prophet Elijah the Ordinary, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, a solemn all-night vigil was held in front of the monastery shrine. The service was led by His Eminence Arseny, Archbishop of Istra, concelebrated by His Eminence Alexy, Bishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsky, His Eminence Kirill, Bishop of Bogoroditsky and a host of clergy. Together with the people, the rulers sang an akathist to the Queen of Heaven. The Elijah Church, which had lovingly preserved the image for many years, said goodbye to the shrine.

After the service, Bishop Arseny said a heartfelt word in which he thanked those gathered for their fervent prayer, and the clergy and parishioners of the Elias Church for their love, attention and care for the monastery shrines, and asked in the future not to leave and support the young Conception monastery, which received a rebirth within the walls of this holy temple.

The next morning, the sisters of the monastery reverently transferred the myrrh-streaming list that was in the monastery to the Ilinsky Church. More than a hundred clergy from the city of Moscow gathered. After the Divine Liturgy, a majestic religious procession began to the ringing of bells. The procession was led by four bishops: His Eminence Arseny, Archbishop of Istra, His Eminence Alexy, Bishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsky, His Eminence Kirill, Bishop of Bogoroditsky, and His Eminence Innocent, Bishop of Korsun. The monastery sisters walked ahead with banners and flowers, followed by deacons, priests and, surrounded by bishops, the Mother of God Herself. And in front of the image of the Queen of Heaven, the mother abbess solemnly carried the staff of the last abbess of the monastery, decorated with flowers.

Along the way of the religious procession, vehicle traffic was blocked, and Ostozhenka Street, like a river, was filled with clergy and people, glorifying the Queen of Heaven with one mouth and one heart. The day was frosty, but the joy of the holiday seemed to warm the air itself. Truly, the meeting of the image of the Most Holy Lady was similar to the meeting of the ancient “Merciful-Kykkos” icon when it entered the island of Cyprus - both nature and people greeted their Lady with glee, giving Her honor and praise. In the Conception Monastery, everything was ready for the meeting of the image of the Queen of Heaven. The day before the holiday - November 23, at 21:20, after many years of petitions, the liquidation of the gas station, which had stood opposite the Holy Gate since 1938, began. By the morning of November 25, the pit was filled in and the area in front of the monastery was paved. Once again, as in the good old days, a beautiful view of the monastery opened from Ostozhenka.

While the religious procession was being built in the Ordinary Church, the High Hierarch of the Russian Church, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy, arrived at the monastery. The Patriarch, together with the abbess of the Conception Monastery, met the miraculous icon of the Mother of God at the Holy Gates.

The religious procession approaching the monastery left a deep heartfelt feeling. At the Holy Gates the procession stopped. The Moscow clergy passed by their ruling Bishop, giving him due honor, and His Holiness reverently greeted the icon of the Queen of Heaven, venerating it. Further, already led by His Holiness, the procession continued its path through the monastery, past the burial place of the founders of the monastery, to the Conception Church. At the porch of the temple the religious procession paused again. The High Hierarch of the Russian Church while singing “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” three times he overshadowed the people with the image of the Mother of God “Merciful”. After this, the icon took its place in the Conception Church in an ancient monastery icon case, brought from the Elias Church the day before. The Divine Liturgy began. Concelebrating with His Holiness were four bishops, nine priests and six deacons. During the small entrance, the abbess of the monastery, nun Juliania (Kaleda), was elevated to the rank of abbess by His Holiness the Patriarch. The monastery sisters with the mother abbess and all the people praying in the church thanked and glorified the Lord and His Mother, begging them not to forsake them with His heavenly mercy. At the end of the Liturgy, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus' addressed Mother Abbess, the clergy, the nuns of the monastery and everyone who came to the church that day for prayer. His Holiness the Patriarch wished that the shrine returned on this day would strengthen everyone in bearing the cross of life. The High Hierarch of the Russian Church noted that the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” is “a great celebration both for the Conception Monastery and for our entire capital city.”

In connection with the revival of the monastery, for the sake of restoring historical justice, His Holiness the Patriarch handed over to Mother Juliana the ancient abbess’s staff, once left by the last abbess at the image of the Mother of God, as a symbol of the fact that on this day she is entrusted with the care of the sisters of the monastery who are performing their monastic feat here, and expressed the hope that the intercession of the Merciful Queen of Heaven will always be over the monastery and its inhabitants.

Just as once upon a time the orphans of a devastated monastery, so now in their sorrows and needs the sisters resort to the help of the Heavenly Intercessor.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” has recently become popularly called the “Hearer” because the Mother of God’s ear is slightly open in the image. The Queen of Heaven hears all the prayers and sighs offered to Her, and certainly shows Her mercy and maternal love.

The Mother of God heals and admonishes, kindles faith and does not abandon us in the most hopeless circumstances of life. Many people, coming to the monastery, testify to the gracious help they received from the Most Holy Theotokos through Her “Merciful” image.

Thus, one servant of God, whose old mother was seriously ill, came to the temple, poured out her heartfelt need to the Mother of God, saying only three words to Her in front of the image of “Merciful One,” and a miracle happened! Five days later, the patient was discharged, while of her two roommates with the same disease, one died and the other suffered serious complications.

One of the already middle-aged spouses, after sudden attacks of severe headache due to spasms of blood vessels, was commanded by the Mother of God in a dream to come to the Conception Monastery. The pain has not recurred since then, and when the couple came to the monastery together, they recognized in the image of the “Merciful” the icon in which they were married many years ago in the temple of the Prophet Elijah the Ordinary, and the priest who performed the Sacrament, it turned out, now serves in the monastery.

Servant of God N, having become a widow, raised two daughters alone for 11 years and sometimes grieved heavily. Arriving one day at the Conception Monastery for a service, she saw the icon of the Queen of Heaven “Merciful,” and faith was kindled in her heart and hope strengthened in the successful outcome of her everyday adversities. Soon the daughter, about whom N was so worried, with the help of the Queen of Heaven, who sent people and arranged the circumstances, entered the university to the great joy of her mother, who found in the Most Holy Theotokos a faithful Intercessor and Helper. To another servant of God NN, who wanted to move from Turkmenistan to Moscow, the Mother of God also showed Her mercy. At night, the hotel room was illuminated by a wondrous radiance emanating from the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, which NN acquired at the monastery. The extraordinary phenomenon deeply struck the grieving woman and prompted her to turn with fervent prayer to the Heavenly Lady with a request to arrange the life of her family, which was in danger of being left without shelter and means of subsistence. Soon, complex housing problems were miraculously resolved and, despite financial difficulties, NN and her household managed to move safely to Moscow, for which she never ceases to thank the Merciful Mother of God, constantly visiting the Convent of Conception.

Both in ancient times and in our days, wives deprived of childbearing come running to the Conception Monastery for the intercession of its heavenly patrons - the Mother of God, the saints and righteous Joachim and Anna, the Venerables Juliana and Eupraxia, with a contrite, earnest prayer for the gift of children, for the arrangement of the family well-being and many find relief from infertility. Once in the Conception Church at the end of the Liturgy, a certain servant of God publicly thanked the Queen of Heaven, who had given a child to her forty-year-old daughter, who had been married for more than 20 years and had no children, who had been unsuccessfully treated by many doctors, who unanimously diagnosed her with infertility.

Once upon a time, by Divine inspiration, the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” appeared, painted by an unknown master, one of the most ancient images of the Heavenly Lady. By the providence of God she found herself in the ancient Conception Monastery and immutably testifies that the Mother of God is the Comforter and Healer, the Patroness and Mentor of the sisters of the monastery and all who come to her with faith and hope for intercession and help in the difficult life of earthly life.

In our difficult time of increasing lawlessness and impoverishment of love, the Mother of God does not abandon those who sincerely seek a way of salvation, in Her miraculous images giving an invaluable opportunity to touch Divine grace, healing, restoring, transforming, replenishing the human soul stricken by sin.

We take refuge under Your mercy, O Virgin Mother of God, do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles, O One Pure and Blessed One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon called "Merciful"

O Most Holy and Blessed Mother of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, Merciful Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary! Falling before Your holy and miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, our Good and Merciful Intercessor: listen to the voice of our sinful prayers, do not despise the sighs from the soul, seeing the sorrows and misfortunes that have befallen us, and like a truly loving Mother, striving to help us helpless, sad, Those who have fallen into many and grave sins and continually anger our Lord and Creator, pray to Him, our Representative, not to destroy us with our iniquities, but to show us His philanthropic mercy. Ask us, O Lady, from His goodness, bodily health and spiritual salvation, a pious and peaceful life, fruitful earth, goodness of the air, well-timed rains and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings, and as of old you mercifully looked upon the humble doxology of the novice of Athonite. , who sang a song of praise to You before Your Most Pure Icon, and You sent Archangel Gabriel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the angels of the mountain glorify You, graciously accept our prayer now fervently offered to You, and bring it to Your Son and God, may He be merciful He will be a sinner for us, and He will add His mercy to all who honor Thee and worship Thy Holy Image with faith. O All-Merciful Queen, All-merciful Mother of God, stretch out your God-bearing hands to Him, in His image, as if you were carrying a baby, and beg Him to save us all and deliver us from eternal destruction. Show us, O Lady, Your generosity: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, help the needy: make us all prosperous to bear the yoke of Christ in patience and humility, grant us a pious end to this earthly life, receive a Christian shameless death, and inherit the Heavenly Kingdom, through Your maternal intercession to To Christ our God, who was born of You, and to Him with His Originless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, befits all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.