Chanterelles (lat. Cantharellus) are mushrooms that belong to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Cantarellaceae, family Chanterelleaceae, genus Chanterelles. These mushrooms are difficult to confuse with others, as they have an extremely memorable appearance.

Chanterelles - description

The body of chanterelles is shaped like the body of cap-legged mushrooms, but the cap and stem of chanterelles are one whole, without visible boundaries, even the color is approximately the same: from pale yellow to orange. The cap of the chanterelle mushroom is from 5 to 12 centimeters in diameter, irregular in shape, flat, with curled, outstretched wavy edges, concave or pressed inward, in some mature individuals it is funnel-shaped. People call this type of hat “in the shape of an inverted umbrella.” The chanterelle's cap is smooth to the touch, with a skin that is difficult to peel off.

The flesh of chanterelles is fleshy and dense, fibrous in the stalk area, white or yellowish in color, has a sour taste and a faint smell of dried fruit. When pressed, the surface of the mushroom becomes reddish.

The leg of the chanterelle is most often the same color as the surface of the cap, sometimes slightly lighter, has a dense, smooth structure, uniform in shape, slightly tapered towards the bottom, 1-3 centimeters thick, 4-7 centimeters long. The surface of the hymenophore is folded, pseudoplastic. It is represented by wavy folds flowing down the stem. In some species of chanterelles it may be veiny. The spore powder is yellow in color, the spores themselves are ellipsoidal, measuring 8*5 microns.

Where, when and in what forests do chanterelles grow?

Chanterelles grow from early June to mid-October, mainly in coniferous or mixed forests, near spruce, pine or oak trees. They are found more often in damp areas, in temperate forests among grass, in moss or in a pile of fallen leaves. Chanterelles often grow in large groups and appear en masse after thunderstorms.

Types of chanterelles, names, descriptions and photographs

There are more than 60 species of chanterelles, many of them edible. There are no poisonous chanterelles, although there are inedible species in the genus, for example, the false chanterelle. This mushroom also has poisonous counterparts - for example, mushrooms of the genus omphalotes. Below are some varieties of chanterelles:

Common chanterelle

Gray chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus cinereus)- an edible mushroom of gray or brown-black color. The cap has a diameter of 1-6 cm, stem height 3-8 cm, stem thickness 4-15 mm. The leg is hollow inside. The cap has wavy edges and a depression in the center, the edges of the cap have an ash-gray tint. The pulp is elastic, gray or brownish in color. Hymenophore folded. The taste of the mushroom is inexpressive, without aroma. The gray fox grows in mixed and deciduous forests from late July to October. This mushroom can be found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, America and Western European countries. The gray fox is known to few people, so mushroom pickers avoid it.

Cinnabar red chanterelle

Cinnabar red chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus cinnabarinus)– an edible mushroom of a reddish or pinkish-red color. The diameter of the cap is 1-4 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the flesh is fleshy with fibers. The edges of the cap are uneven, curved, the cap itself is concave towards the center. Hymenophore folded. Thick pseudoplates are pink. Spore powder is pink-cream. The vermilion chanterelle grows in deciduous forests, primarily oak groves, in eastern North America. The mushroom picking season is summer and autumn.

Velvety Chanterelle

Velvety chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus friesii)- an edible but rare mushroom with an orange-yellow or reddish cap. The color of the legs is from light yellow to light orange. The diameter of the cap is 4-5 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the diameter of the stem is 1 cm. The cap of a young mushroom has a convex shape, which turns into a funnel-shaped shape with age. The flesh of the cap is light orange when cut, and whitish-yellowish in the stem. The smell of the mushroom is pleasant, the taste is sour. The velvety chanterelle grows in the countries of southern and eastern Europe, in deciduous forests on acidic soils. The collection season is from July to October.

Faceted chanterelle

Faceted chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus lateritius)- an edible mushroom of orange-yellow color. The fruiting body measures from 2 to 10 cm. The cap and stem are combined. The shape of the cap is carved with a wavy edge. The mushroom pulp is thick and dense, has a pleasant taste and aroma. The diameter of the stalk is 1-2.5 cm. The hymenophore is smooth or with small folds. The spore powder is yellow-orange in color, just like the mushroom itself. The faceted chanterelle grows in oak groves in North America, Africa, the Himalayas, and Malaysia, singly or in groups. Chanterelle mushrooms can be collected in summer and autumn.

Chanterelle yellowing

Chanterelle yellowing (lat. Cantharellus lutescens)- edible mushroom. The diameter of the cap is from 1 to 6 cm, the length of the stem is 2-5 cm, the thickness of the stem is up to 1.5 cm. The cap and stem are a single whole, as in other types of chanterelles. The upper part of the cap is yellow-brown, with brown scales. The leg is yellow-orange. The flesh of the mushroom is beige or light orange and has no taste or smell. The spore-bearing surface is most often smooth, less often with folds, and has a beige or yellow-brown tint. Spore powder is beige-orange. The yellowing chanterelle grows in coniferous forests, on moist soils, and bears fruit until the end of summer.

Trumpet chanterelle

Tubular chanterelle (funnel chanterelle, tubular cantarellus, tubular chanterelle) (lat. Cantharellus tubaeformis)- an edible mushroom with a cap diameter of 2-6 cm, a stem height of 3-8 cm, a stem diameter of 0.3-0.8 cm. The chanterelle's cap has the shape of a funnel with uneven edges. The color of the cap is grayish-yellow. It has dark velvety scales. The tube feet are yellow or dull yellow in color. The pulp is dense and white, with a faint bitter taste and a pleasant earthy smell. The hymenophore is yellowish or bluish-gray in color and consists of sparse brittle veins. Beige spore powder. Trumpet chanterelles grow primarily in coniferous forests, but are sometimes found in deciduous forests in Europe and North America.

Chanterelle Cantharellus minor

Chanterelle Cantharellus minor- an edible mushroom, similar to the common chanterelle, but smaller in size. The diameter of the cap is 0.5-3 cm, the length of the stem is 1.5-6 cm, the thickness of the stem is 0.3-1 cm. The cap of a young mushroom is flat or convex; in a mature mushroom it becomes vase-like. The color of the cap is yellow or orange-yellow. The edge of the cap is wavy. The pulp is yellow, brittle, soft, with a barely noticeable aroma. The hymenophore is the color of the cap. The color of the stem is lighter than that of the cap. The leg is hollow, tapering towards the base. The spore powder is white or yellowish in color. These mushrooms grow in deciduous forests (most often oak) in eastern North America.

Chanterelle Cantharellus subalbidus

Chanterelle Cantharellus subalbidus– edible mushroom of whitish or beige color. Turns orange when touched. A wet mushroom takes on a light brown tint. The diameter of the cap is 5-14 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the thickness of the stem is 1-3 cm. The cap of a young mushroom is flat with a wavy edge, and as the mushroom grows it becomes funnel-shaped. There are velvet scales on the skin of the cap. The pulp of the mushroom has no aroma or taste. The hymenophore has narrow folds. The leg is fleshy, white, uneven or smooth. Spore powder is white. The chanterelle mushroom Cantharellus subalbidus grows in the northwestern part of North America and is found in coniferous forests.

False chanterelles - description and photo. What is the difference between chanterelles and false chanterelles?

There are 2 types of mushrooms with which the common chanterelle can be confused:

  1. Orange talker (inedible mushroom)
  2. Omphalote olive (poisonous mushroom)

The main differences between the edible chanterelle and the false chanterelle:

  1. The color of the common edible chanterelle is uniform: light yellow or light orange. False chanterelles usually have brighter or lighter colors: copper-red, bright orange, yellowish-white, ocher-beige, red-brown. The center of the false chanterelle's cap may differ in color from the edges of the cap. Spots of various shapes may be observed on the cap of the false chanterelle.
  2. The edges of a real chanterelle's hat are always torn. The false mushroom often has smooth edges.
  3. The leg of a real chanterelle is thick, while the leg of a false chanterelle is thin. In addition, the edible chanterelle's cap and leg form a single whole. And in the false chanterelle, the leg is separated from the cap.
  4. Edible chanterelles always grow in groups. False chanterelles can also grow alone.
  5. The smell of an edible mushroom is pleasant, unlike an inedible one.
  6. When pressed, the flesh of the edible chanterelle turns red; the color of the false chanterelle does not change.
  7. Real chanterelles are not wormy, which cannot be said about their poisonous counterparts.

Chanterelle mushrooms: medicinal properties, vitamins and minerals

Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds, improves tone, helps with dermatitis, has bactericidal and antiviral properties, as well as anti-cancer effects.

Chanterelle fruiting bodies contain vitamins A, C, D, D2, B1, B2, B3, PP, microelements (zinc, copper), essential acids, antioxidant carotenoids (beta-carotene, canthaxanthin). For example, there is more vitamin C in percentage terms in chanterelles than in oranges. Vitamin A improves vision, prevents eye inflammation, and reduces dryness of mucous membranes and skin. Constant consumption of these mushrooms as food can prevent visual impairment, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, and hemeralopia (night blindness). Chinese experts recommend including them in the diet of those who constantly work at the computer.

Another active substance in chanterelles is ergosterol (K-10), which effectively affects liver enzymes. Therefore, they are useful for liver diseases such as hepatitis, fatty degeneration, and hemangiomas.

Recent studies have shown that the polysaccharide trametonolinic acid present in chanterelles successfully affects hepatitis viruses.

The effects of D-mannose also extend to worm eggs and cysts. After all, helminths, while in the body of a person or animal, constantly lay a huge number of eggs - this is their way of survival. Even if an adult dies, after some time dozens of others will take its place. In this case, the outer shell of the egg or cyst, being subject to dissolution by D-mannose, loses its protective function, which always leads to the death of the eggs.

Anthelmintic drugs from chanterelles are especially effective for enterobiasis, taeniasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis, schistosomiasis and giardiasis.

Previously it was believed that the chanterelle was capable of removing radionuclides from the body, but it has now been established that this is not the case. On the contrary, it is capable of accumulating and containing radionuclides, especially cesium-137.

How to store edible chanterelle mushrooms?

If you are lucky enough to harvest a bountiful harvest of these mushrooms, then it will not hurt to know how to store chanterelle mushrooms. Three methods are suitable for this: salting, drying and freezing. Moreover, the latter method is guaranteed to preserve in mushrooms their natural wealth of amino acids, vitamins and proteins. It is better not to store mushrooms at room temperature; a temperature no higher than +10 degrees is suitable for them. The shelf life of unprocessed mushrooms, even at low temperatures, is no more than 24 hours. Therefore, it is better to start processing immediately.

The most important thing is to clean the chanterelles from debris (sand, twigs, dirt, dry leaves), and separate damaged mushrooms. After this, the mushrooms should be rinsed thoroughly, paying special attention to the back of the cap, and then dried well by placing them on a towel. This step is mandatory, as excess moisture can be harmful. To prevent chanterelles from becoming bitter after freezing, they should be boiled first, and then they can be fried in a frying pan.

How to freeze chanterelle mushrooms

You can prepare fresh and boiled mushrooms for the winter. In the first case, thawed chanterelles may taste a little bitter. But if these are young, strong mushrooms, then bitterness will not be felt.

Boiled chanterelles are safer because... will not spoil if the freezer is defrosted, and take up less space.

  • Mushrooms should be frozen on the day of collection.
  • It is preferable to select young, strong mushrooms, without signs of drying out or mold. Can be cut into large slices. Next, the mushrooms should be washed well and drained in a colander. You can blot it with a paper towel. Place into bags and place in the freezer.
  • If you decide to boil the mushrooms, then the peeled chanterelles are placed in cold water and boiled for 15-20 minutes after the water boils. Another advantage of this method is that all dirt is washed away during cooking. Drain the water, cool and put into bags.
  • Mushrooms should only be defrosted at room temperature.

5 useful tips for those who love chanterelles, but don’t know how to cook them

  1. Chanterelles should be cooked within 8-10 hours after the mushrooms have been cut. If this is not possible, they must be placed in a cold place, otherwise there is a high risk of the development and excessive accumulation of harmful metabolites in the mushrooms.
  2. Before choosing what exactly you will cook, you should immediately pour the washed chanterelles with water, place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, then rinse well. After this, the chanterelles are ready for use in any recipe - be it soups or appetizers.
  3. To prevent the chanterelles from changing color after prolonged heat treatment, you should add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or a little citric acid to the water.
  4. If you want to stock up on chanterelles for future use and freeze them, do not under any circumstances put raw mushrooms in the freezer - after storage at deep sub-zero temperatures they will become mercilessly bitter, and you will have to throw away the entire carefully guarded and cherished stock. Exit? There is always a way out! To freeze chanterelles for the winter, you must first boil them (preferably in milk, but plain water will also work) or fry them in advance in a large amount of solid fat (melted butter, or better yet, lard), and then put them in a small container.
  5. Chanterelles are self-sufficient on their own, however, if you add a little sour cream to them, it will only be better, in any dish. In addition, these mushrooms “love” thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, and marjoram.
  • Chanterelles have excellent taste, can be stored for a long time and are easy to transport.
  • Unfortunately, these mushrooms cannot be dried, as the flesh of the chanterelles becomes “rubbery.”


The kingdom of mushrooms is diverse. For people there are edible and inedible mushrooms, medicinal and suitable for consumption. Chanterelles have a memorable appearance. The yellowish color resembles the fur of a fox, which is why this type of mushroom is called so. They grow from early summer to mid-autumn, so they can be harvested several times per season.

Description and types of chanterelles

Chanterelle mushrooms include several varieties. Not all of them are edible. Distributed throughout Russia and Belarus. Due to its special properties, it is exported to Germany and France. Due to its immunity to the fungus fly (which makes mushrooms wormy), chanterelle is considered a kosher product for Jews.

The common yellow chanterelle is called Cantharellus cibarius in Latin. The cap reaches a diameter of 12 cm. The colors range from light yellow to orange. Pulp characteristics:

  • fleshy to the touch;
  • white on the cut;
  • yellow at the edges.

The inner surface of the cap is folded. The leg is difficult to separate from it. Grows mainly in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Less known is the gray variety. Also edible mushrooms, colored in gray or black-brown tones. Distinctive features:

Distributed throughout America and the European part of Russia. Due to its unusual appearance, it is rarely collected.

The cinnabar-red variety is also an edible chanterelle. These mushrooms are pinkish or reddish in color. Small in size, with a cap diameter of up to 4 cm. They grow in the forests of America.

The medicinal properties of mushrooms are varied. They boost immunity and help fight colds. Thanks to quinommanosis, they are a good remedy for helminths. Large amount of vitamin A helps prevent eye diseases. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, visual impairment, night blindness - this is not the most complete list of ailments that this fungus successfully fights. Chinese doctors recommend eating it regularly for anyone who works at a computer.

Alcohol tinctures with mushroom fruiting bodies reduce the growth rate of cancer cells. The polysaccharide present in them actively fights the hepatitis virus.

In folk medicine it is used in the form of vodka tinctures. To make them, mushrooms are dried and ground into powder. For 1 liter of alcohol take one tablespoon of powder.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly shaken and left for 10 days. The bottle is shaken every day. You need to drink one tablespoon of the tincture every day. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.

Chanterelles ( Cantharellus) - mushrooms that belong to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Cantarellaceae, family Chanterelleaceae, genus Chanterelles. These mushrooms are difficult to confuse with others, as they have an extremely memorable appearance.

Chanterelles (mushrooms): description and photo

The body of chanterelles is shaped like the body of cap-legged mushrooms, but the cap and stem of chanterelles are one whole, without visible boundaries, even the color is approximately the same: from pale yellow to orange. The cap of the chanterelle mushroom is from 5 to 12 centimeters in diameter, irregular in shape, flat, with curled, outstretched wavy edges, concave or pressed inward, in some mature individuals it is funnel-shaped. People call this type of hat “in the shape of an inverted umbrella.” The chanterelle's cap is smooth to the touch, with a skin that is difficult to peel off.

The flesh of chanterelles is fleshy and dense, fibrous in the stalk area, white or yellowish in color, has a sour taste and a faint smell of dried fruit. When pressed, the surface of the mushroom becomes reddish.

The leg of the chanterelle is most often the same color as the surface of the cap, sometimes slightly lighter, has a dense, smooth structure, uniform in shape, slightly tapered towards the bottom, 1-3 centimeters thick, 4-7 centimeters long.

The surface of the hymenophore is folded, pseudoplastic. It is represented by wavy folds flowing down the stem. In some species of chanterelles it may be veiny. The spore powder is yellow in color, the spores themselves are ellipsoidal, measuring 8*5 microns.

Where, when and in what forests do chanterelles grow?

Chanterelles grow from early June to mid-October, mainly in coniferous or mixed forests, near spruce, pine or oak trees. They are found more often in damp areas, in temperate forests among grass, in moss or in a pile of fallen leaves. Chanterelles often grow in large groups and appear en masse after thunderstorms.

Types of chanterelles, names, descriptions and photographs

There are more than 60 species of chanterelles, many of them edible. There are no poisonous chanterelles, although there are inedible species in the genus, for example, the false chanterelle. This mushroom also has poisonous counterparts - for example, mushrooms of the genus omphalotes. Below are some varieties of chanterelles:

  • Common fox (true fox, cockerel) ( Canthar ellus ciba rius)

The common chanterelle grows in deciduous and coniferous forests in June and then from August to October.

  • Gray fox ( Cantharellus cinereus)

Edible mushroom of gray or brown-black color. The cap has a diameter of 1-6 cm, stem height 3-8 cm, stem thickness 4-15 mm. The leg is hollow inside. The cap has wavy edges and a depression in the center, the edges of the cap have an ash-gray tint. The pulp is elastic, gray or brownish in color. Hymenophore folded. The taste of the mushroom is inexpressive, without aroma.

The gray fox grows in mixed and deciduous forests from late July to October. This mushroom can be found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, America and Western European countries. The gray fox is known to few people, so mushroom pickers avoid it.

  • Cinnabar red chanterelle ( Cantharellus cinnabarinus)

An edible mushroom with a reddish or pinkish-red color. The diameter of the cap is 1-4 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the flesh is fleshy with fibers. The edges of the cap are uneven, curved, the cap itself is concave towards the center. Hymenophore folded. Thick pseudoplates are pink. Spore powder is pink-cream.

The vermilion chanterelle grows in deciduous forests, primarily oak groves, in eastern North America. The mushroom picking season is summer and autumn.

  • Velvety chanterelle ( Cantharellus friesii)

An edible but rare mushroom with an orange-yellow or reddish cap. The color of the legs is from light yellow to light orange. The diameter of the cap is 4-5 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the diameter of the stem is 1 cm. The cap of a young mushroom has a convex shape, which turns into a funnel-shaped shape with age. The flesh of the cap is light orange when cut, and whitish-yellowish in the stem. The smell of the mushroom is pleasant, the taste is sour.

The velvety chanterelle grows in the countries of southern and eastern Europe, in deciduous forests on acidic soils. The collection season is from July to October.

  • Faceted chanterelle ( Cantharellus lateritius)

Edible mushroom of orange-yellow color. The fruiting body measures from 2 to 10 cm. The cap and stem are combined. The shape of the cap is carved with a wavy edge. The mushroom pulp is thick and dense, has a pleasant taste and aroma. The diameter of the stalk is 1-2.5 cm. The hymenophore is smooth or with small folds. The spore powder is yellow-orange in color, just like the mushroom itself.

The faceted chanterelle grows in oak groves in North America, Africa, the Himalayas, and Malaysia, singly or in groups. Chanterelle mushrooms can be collected in summer and autumn.

  • Chanterelle yellowing (Cantharellus lutescens)

Edible mushroom. The diameter of the cap is from 1 to 6 cm, the length of the stem is 2-5 cm, the thickness of the stem is up to 1.5 cm. The cap and stem are a single whole, as in other types of chanterelles. The upper part of the cap is yellow-brown, with brown scales. The leg is yellow-orange. The flesh of the mushroom is beige or light orange and has no taste or smell. The spore-bearing surface is most often smooth, less often with folds, and has a beige or yellow-brown tint. Spore powder is beige-orange.

The yellowing chanterelle grows in coniferous forests, on moist soils, and bears fruit until the end of summer.

  • Trumpet chanterelle (funnel chanterelle, trumpet cantarella, tubular chanterelle) ( Cantharellus tubaeformis)

An edible mushroom with a cap diameter of 2-6 cm, a stem height of 3-8 cm, and a stem diameter of 0.3-0.8 cm. The chanterelle's cap has the shape of a funnel with uneven edges. The color of the cap is grayish-yellow. It has dark velvety scales. The tube feet are yellow or dull yellow in color. The pulp is dense and white, with a faint bitter taste and a pleasant earthy smell. The hymenophore is yellowish or bluish-gray in color and consists of sparse brittle veins. Beige spore powder.

Trumpet chanterelles grow primarily in coniferous forests, but are sometimes found in deciduous forests in Europe and North America.

  • Chanterelle Cantharellus minor

An edible mushroom, similar to the common chanterelle, but smaller in size. The diameter of the cap is 0.5-3 cm, the length of the stem is 1.5-6 cm, the thickness of the stem is 0.3-1 cm. The cap of a young mushroom is flat or convex; in a mature mushroom it becomes vase-like. The color of the cap is yellow or orange-yellow. The edge of the cap is wavy. The pulp is yellow, brittle, soft, with a barely noticeable aroma. The hymenophore is the color of the cap. The color of the stem is lighter than that of the cap. The leg is hollow, tapering towards the base. The spore powder is white or yellowish in color.

These mushrooms grow in deciduous forests (most often oak) in eastern North America.

  • Chanterelle Cantharellus subalbidus

An edible mushroom that is whitish or beige in color. Turns orange when touched. A wet mushroom takes on a light brown tint. The diameter of the cap is 5-14 cm, the height of the stem is 2-4 cm, the thickness of the stem is 1-3 cm. The cap of a young mushroom is flat with a wavy edge, and as the mushroom grows it becomes funnel-shaped. There are velvet scales on the skin of the cap. The pulp of the mushroom has no aroma or taste. The hymenophore has narrow folds. The leg is fleshy, white, uneven or smooth. Spore powder is white.

Cantharellus subalbidus grows in the northwestern part of North America, found in coniferous forests.

False chanterelles: description and photo. How are they different from edible ones?

There are 2 types of mushrooms with which the common chanterelle can be confused:

  1. Orange talker (inedible mushroom)
  2. Omphalote olive (poisonous mushroom)

The main differences between edible chanterelle and false chanterelle:

  1. The color of the common edible chanterelle is uniform: light yellow or light orange. False chanterelles usually have brighter or lighter colors: copper-red, bright orange, yellowish-white, ocher-beige, red-brown. The center of the false chanterelle's cap may differ in color from the edges of the cap. Spots of various shapes may be observed on the cap of the false chanterelle.
  2. The edges of a real chanterelle's hat are always torn. The false mushroom often has smooth edges.
  3. The leg of a real chanterelle is thick, while the leg of a false chanterelle is thin. In addition, the edible chanterelle's cap and leg form a single whole. And in the false chanterelle, the leg is separated from the cap.
  4. Edible chanterelles always grow in groups. False chanterelles can also grow alone.
  5. The smell of an edible mushroom is pleasant, unlike an inedible one.
  6. When pressed, the flesh of the edible chanterelle turns red; the color of the false chanterelle does not change.
  7. Real chanterelles are not wormy, which cannot be said about their poisonous counterparts.

False fox or orange talker

Calorie content of chanterelles

The calorie content of chanterelles per 100 g is 19 kcal.

How and for how long can fresh chanterelles be stored?

Mushrooms should be stored at a temperature of no more than +10°C. Freshly collected chanterelles cannot be kept for more than a day, even in the refrigerator. It is best to start processing them immediately.

How to clean chanterelles?

Mushrooms need to be cleared of debris and damaged mushrooms must be separated from whole ones. Forest debris is removed with a hard brush or soft cloth (sponge). Dirt does not stick to the surface of the chanterelles so much that it needs to be cleaned off with a knife. Use a knife to cut off the rotten, softened and damaged parts of the mushroom. Remove debris from the plates with a brush. This is especially important for subsequent drying.

After cleaning, the chanterelles should be rinsed thoroughly, paying special attention to the cap plates. They are usually washed in several waters. If you suspect a bitter taste, soak the mushrooms for 30-60 minutes.

Why are chanterelles bitter and how to remove the bitterness?

Chanterelles have a natural bitterness, for which they are especially valued in cooking and for which reason they are disliked by various insects and pests. The bitterness increases if the mushrooms are not processed immediately after collection, as well as under the influence of the following natural factors. Chanterelles collected from:

  • in hot dry weather;
  • under coniferous trees;
  • in moss;
  • close to busy highways and environmentally polluting industrial enterprises;
  • overgrown mushrooms;
  • false chanterelles.

It is best to collect and cook young mushrooms with unopened caps. The likelihood of bitterness in them will be low.

To prevent the chanterelles from becoming bitter, you can soak them for 30-60 minutes and then boil them, draining the water after cooking. By the way, you can boil it not only in water, but also in milk.

It is better to freeze boiled mushrooms: firstly, it turns out more compact, and secondly, when boiled they will not taste bitter. If you have frozen fresh chanterelles, and after defrosting you find that they are bitter, try the following:

  • Boil the mushrooms in boiling salted water. You can add a couple of pinches of citric acid. The bitterness will transfer into the water, which you will then drain.

How to cook and store chanterelles. Cooking methods

In Russia, the chanterelle genus is represented by 4 species. All of them are edible and tasty mushrooms, which have long been used in cooking.

  • From the point of view of blanks, the greatest interest is common chanterelle, or real. It is eaten boiled, fried, pickled, pickled and pickled.
  • Gray chanterelle- a very tasty, although unsightly-looking mushroom. It is used for making sauces, soups, and is good in dried form. Both fresh and dried gray chanterelles are used as an additive to various dishes.
  • Chanterelle yellowing good both in various dishes and in preparations for the winter. It is canned, pickled, dried. Dry chanterelles ground into powder make amazing soups and sauces.
  • Velvety Chanterelle- a very rare mushroom, it is better not to pick it so that it does not completely disappear from nature.

Chanterelles can be:

  • cook

Cut large chanterelles into slices and cook after boiling over reduced heat for 15-20 minutes. You can boil not only in enamel dishes, but also in a slow cooker or microwave oven. If you eat mushrooms immediately after cooking, you should add salt to the water. In this case, the broth can be used to prepare various dishes. If you fry the chanterelles after boiling, it is wiser to leave the water unsalted so that mineral salts do not escape from the mushrooms. In this case, you don’t need to cook them for more than 4-5 minutes. First rinse dried chanterelles several times in warm water, and then soak in cold water for 2-4 hours. After that, put them to boil in the same water. Let them simmer for 40-60 minutes.

  • fry

It is not necessary to cook the chanterelles before frying. But if you want the mushrooms to definitely not taste bitter, it is better to boil them, draining the water after cooking.

Before frying, the mushrooms need to be cut: the cap into equal slices, the stem into circles. Since mushrooms contain 90% water, and at a temperature of 60-70° the liquid leaves the fruiting bodies, they begin to fry only after this juice has evaporated. Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan in oil, then add the chanterelles and fry until the moisture released has evaporated. Then add salt, add sour cream if desired and simmer until tender for 15-20 minutes. Chanterelles can also be baked and poached.

  • salt

Different sources treat pickling chanterelles differently. Some say that these forest dwellers are good in any form, except salted. Others give different pickling recipes and claim that salted chanterelles have a right to exist. They say that chanterelles prepared in this way are somewhat harsh and inexpressive in taste.

Chanterelles are salted cold and hot. For cold pickling, mushrooms are washed and soaked for a day in water with salt and citric acid (per liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 grams of citric acid). There is no need to boil them. The chanterelles, dried after soaking, are placed in prepared dishes: enamel, wood or glass. First, the bottom of the container is sprinkled with salt, then the mushrooms are laid out with their caps down in layers of 6 cm, sprinkling each of them with salt (50 g of salt per kilogram of chanterelles), dill, chopped garlic, currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, and caraway seeds. Cover the mushrooms with a light cloth on top, cover the dish with a lid that fits freely into it and press down with pressure. They are kept warm for fermentation for 1-2 days, then taken out into the cold. You can eat chanterelles after 1.5 months from the moment of salting.

  • marinate

Pickled chanterelles followed by pasteurization. Before harvesting, the fruiting bodies of common chanterelles must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Cut large mushrooms into 4 parts, leave small ones whole. They are boiled for 15 minutes in salted water with citric acid. Hot chanterelles are placed in prepared jars and filled with marinade so that 2 cm remains to the edge of the jar. Onion rings, laurel leaves, and pieces of horseradish root can be added on top. Covered jars are pasteurized for 2 minutes - this is the optimal time for preserving B vitamins in mushrooms. Pickled chanterelles should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 15° in a dry cellar.

Pickled chanterelles without pasteurization. First, the mushrooms are boiled in salted water for about 15 minutes. Then prepare the marinade - boil water with the addition of salt and vinegar. Add mushrooms to the boiling marinade and cook for 20 minutes. Add spices and sugar 3 minutes before the end of cooking. The chanterelles are placed in sterilized jars, poured with the marinade in which they were cooked, and rolled up.

  • ferment

The washed chanterelles are cut into equal slices. Pour water into a saucepan, add (per 1 kg of chanterelles) 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 g of citric acid. Bring to a boil and then add mushrooms, cook for 20 minutes. At the same time, they are stirred and the foam that appears is removed. Then the mushrooms are drained in a colander, washed with cold water and dried. Bring the filling to a boil, but do not boil: per liter of water take 5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Cool the solution to 40°C. Add whey from skim sour milk (20 g per 1 liter of solution). Three-liter jars are filled with mushrooms and filled with prepared liquid. They keep it warm for three days and then take it out into the cold.

  • dry

Healthy, unwashed, but well-cleaned mushrooms are cut into slices 3-5 mm thick along the fruiting body. Sliced ​​chanterelles are placed on a drying board or in a special dryer so that they do not come into contact with each other. Chanterelles can be dried in well-ventilated rooms, outside (in the shade or in the sun), in a dryer, in an oven, or in an oven.

First, the mushrooms are dried at a low temperature (60-65°) so that the juice does not leak out of them, and then at a higher temperature. When drying mushrooms in the sun, it is important to ensure that dew and rain do not get on them. Chanterelles are considered well dried if the mushroom slices crumble finely between your fingers. Store dried chanterelles in tin, glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter?

Before freezing, mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and dried well, laid out on a cloth. You can freeze fresh, boiled, baked and fried chanterelles. Fresh (raw) mushrooms may taste bitter after defrosting. Therefore, before freezing, it is better to boil them in water or milk, fry them in hard butter or bake them in the oven.

Prepared and dried mushrooms can be placed in freezer bags, food containers made of polymers, metal or glass, in the latter case filling the containers 90%. Close tightly so that the food does not come into contact with air. Store in the freezer at -18°C for one year.

Mushrooms should be defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of +4°C. To defrost, do not heat them or pour boiling water over them. In addition, thawed mushrooms cannot be re-frozen. If they accidentally thawed due to a refrigerator breakdown and you want to freeze them again, you can do this by first boiling or frying the mushrooms.

  • Hinomannose, contained in chanterelles, helps to cope with helminths that have infected humans. However, this polysaccharide is destroyed during heat treatment already at 50°C, and when salting it is killed by salt. Therefore, herbalists advise using an alcoholic infusion of chanterelles for treatment.
  • The pharmacy sells the drug "Fungo-Shi - chanterelles", intended for the treatment of helminthiasis. The medicine from chanterelles was developed by Russian scientists and tested in Russia and abroad.
  • The antibiotic contained in chanterelles blocks the development of the tuberculosis bacillus.
  • Chanterelles often grow in the form of “witch rings.” In ancient times, European peoples mystified such phenomena. They attributed the appearance of the rings to witches' sabbaths and the tricks of elves. Now scientists explain this by saying that a spore that falls to the ground forms mycelium, which grows evenly in all directions, forming an even circle. And the middle part of the mycelium gradually dies.
  • The name "chanterelle" does not come from the word fox. The name of the mushrooms comes from the Old Russian adjective “fox” - yellow. Both the animal and the mushroom are named for their color.
  • Although mushrooms contain vitamins, they are completely destroyed during cooking. An exception is fermented mushrooms rich in vitamin C.
  • If there is a pine or birch tree growing near the house, then you can try to grow your own chanterelles under them. Mash the mushroom caps, place them, without burying them, on the surface of the soil near the tree, water and mulch on top with pine needles or birch leaves.
  • Chanterelles contain the highest amount of fat compared to other mushrooms - 2.4%. Fats in mushrooms are concentrated mainly in the spore-bearing layer, in chanterelles - in the plates.

Chanterelles– quite beautiful, tasty and healthy mushrooms. Thanks to their bright yellow color, they are clearly visible in the forest and difficult to confuse with other types of mushrooms.

Let's take a closer look: where and when to collect chanterelles, types of chanterelles, description and photo, beneficial and medicinal properties, storage and preparation for the winter.

Chanterelles - description and photo

Golden-colored mushrooms have a delicate fruity smell, slightly reminiscent of apricot.

They are common in Europe, Russia, Africa, Mexico, and the Himalayas.

Hat and leg The chanterelle looks solid, without visible boundaries, approximately the same color from pale yellow to orange.

The diameter of the cap is 5-12 cm, irregular in shape with wavy edges, funnel-shaped or concave, smooth with hard-to-remove skin.

The pulp is dense and fleshy, white or yellowish in color with a faint odor of fruit and a slightly pungent taste. The surface of the chanterelle becomes reddish when pressed.

Chanterelle leg dense, with a smooth structure, tapered at the bottom, up to 3 cm thick and up to 7 cm long.

Surface of the hymenophore represented by wavy folds falling along the stem.

Spore powder yellow color.

In which forest do chanterelles grow and when to collect them?

From June to mid-October, chanterelles can be found mainly in coniferous forests, as well as in mixed. Most often, mushrooms are found in damp areas, in moss, among grass, near pines, spruces, and oaks.

You can meet chanterelles in numerous groups, appearing en masse after thunderstorms.

Types of chanterelles photo and description

Most species of chanterelles are edible. There are more than 60 species of chanterelles; none are poisonous, but there are inedible species - the false chanterelle, for example.

Common chanterelle - edible mushroom. The cap is 2-12 cm in diameter. Mushrooms with fleshy flesh, yellow on the edges and white on the cut. Common chanterelle tastes sour. Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests from June to October.

Gray chanterelle- edible mushroom. The color of the chanterelle is from gray to brown-black. The cap is up to 6 cm in diameter, with wavy edges and a depression in the center, the edges are ash-gray.

The elastic pulp is gray in color, with an inexpressive taste and no aroma.

The gray fox grows in deciduous forests from June to October. This species is little known to mushroom pickers; they avoid it.

Cinnabar red chanterelle - edible mushroom. The color of the chanterelle is reddish or pinkish-red. The cap is up to 4 cm in diameter, the leg is up to 4 cm high. The flesh is fleshy with fibers. The cap is concave towards the center with uneven curved edges. The vermilion chanterelle can be found in oak groves in eastern North America. Mushroom picking occurs in summer and autumn.

Velvety Chanterelle - a rare, edible mushroom. The cap is orange-yellow or reddish, up to 5 cm in diameter, convex in shape, eventually becoming funnel-shaped. The pulp is light orange with a pleasant smell. Velvety chanterelle grows in deciduous forests of eastern and southern Europe on acidic soils. This mushroom is collected from July to October.

Chanterelle yellowing - edible mushroom. The cap is up to 6 cm in diameter, yellowish-brown in color, covered with scales. The cut flesh is beige, tasteless and odorless. Can be found in coniferous forests, on moist soils during the summer.

Trumpet chanterelle - edible mushroom. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped with uneven edges, grayish-yellow in color. The pulp is dense, white when cut, has a pleasant earthy smell and has a bitter taste. Mainly grows in coniferous forests.

Chanterelle Cantharellus minor – similar to the common chanterelle, an edible mushroom. The cap is up to 3 cm in diameter, orange-yellow in color, with wavy edges. The pulp is soft, brittle, yellow. This chanterelle grows in the oak forests of North America.

False chanterelles - photo and description

The common chanterelle can be confused with two types of mushrooms:

Omphalote olive (poisonous mushroom)

and orange talker (inedible mushroom)

How to distinguish false chanterelles from real photos

1. Edible chanterelle has a uniform color - light yellow or light orange. False chanterelles have bright colors - red-brown, bright orange, copper-red, yellowish-white. In the false chanterelle, the middle of the cap differs in color from the edges and can be covered with spots of various shapes.
2. False fox usually has smooth edges of the cap - a real chanterelle is always torn.
3. The false chanterelle has a thin leg, while the real chanterelle has a thick leg. The cap and leg of an edible chanterelle are one whole; in false mushrooms, the cap is separated from the stalk.
4. False chanterelles can often be found alone, but real chanterelles always grow in groups.
5. The false mushroom has an unpleasant odor, but the edible one always smells pleasant.
6. If you press on the flesh of an edible chanterelle, it will change color to reddish, but the false chanterelle does not change color when pressed.
7. Poisonous doubles They may be wormy, but there is never a real chanterelle.

Video – Caution! False and real fox

Chanterelles beneficial properties and contraindications

Chanterelle mushrooms contain a high content of various vitamins and minerals - D2, B1, A, PP. Zinc, copper.

Chanterelle mushrooms are useful in fight against cancer, to restore vision, in the fight against bacteria, for obesity.

How natural antibiotic they are used in folk medicine.

The calorie content of chanterelles is 19 kcal per 100 grams.

How long can chanterelles be stored fresh?

After collecting mushrooms, they can be stored at a temperature not exceeding +10 degrees. Do not store in the refrigerator for more than two days after collection; it is better to start processing immediately.

Chanterelles - how to clean

Before processing, chanterelles must be cleared of debris and damaged mushrooms must be discarded. Dirt does not stick strongly to the surface of the chanterelles, so you can remove it with a soft brush or sponge.

Use a knife to cut off the damaged, rotten parts of the mushroom. For subsequent drying, debris is also removed from the records using a brush.

After clearing the mushrooms of debris, rinse them in water, paying special attention to the cap plates. Rinse should be changed by changing the water several times. If the taste remains bitter, soak the mushrooms in water for 30 minutes.

Why are chanterelles bitter, how to remove the bitterness?

Chanterelles have natural bitterness, therefore they are not liked by pests and insects, but are valued in cooking. If the mushrooms are not processed immediately after harvesting, the bitterness will increase. Also, increased bitterness of chanterelles is possible due to the influence of some natural factors.

Chanterelles have more bitterness, collected in dry weather, under coniferous trees, near highways and enterprises, overgrown mushrooms growing in moss, if these are false chanterelles.

It is better to collect and cook young chanterelles; the bitterness content in them is minimal. To remove the bitterness, you need to soak the chanterelles for 30-60 minutes in water and then boil them. Drain the water after cooking.

To freeze, use boiled chanterelles - they will not taste bitter and take up less space. If you froze them fresh and when you defrost them you find that the mushrooms are bitter, boil them in salted water, the bitterness will go into the water.

How to cook and store chanterelles?

Chanterelles boiled, fried, salted, pickled, dried.

Boil chanterelles within 15-20 minutes after boiling. If you eat chanterelles after cooking, add salt to the water. If you fry after cooking, you do not need to add salt and the cooking process in this case will not last longer than 5 minutes.

Wash the dried chanterelles and soak them in warm water for 2-4 hours before cooking. Then cook in the same water for 40 minutes.

Chanterelles are fried without boiling, but if the chanterelles are bitter, then you need to boil them.

Slice the mushrooms before frying. First, fry finely chopped onion in oil in a frying pan, then add the chanterelles. Fry the mushrooms until all the moisture has evaporated. Then add salt to taste, add sour cream and simmer until tender for 15 minutes.

Chanterelles are salted cold and hot.

Marinated chanterelles are prepared with and without pasteurization.

Marinated chanterelles with pasteurization

Thoroughly clean and wash the mushrooms, chop large ones and cook for 15 minutes in salted water with the addition of citric acid.

Place the prepared chanterelles in clean jars and pour the hot marinade over them, adding onion rings and bay leaves on top. Cover the jars with lids and pasteurize for 2 minutes. Then immediately roll up the lids and store in a dry place with a temperature of 0 to 15 degrees.

Drying chanterelles on a drying board or a special dryer, the mushrooms should not touch each other. Before drying, mushrooms are not washed, but they are cleaned of dirt with a brush if large ones are cut into several pieces.

The rooms in which chanterelles are dried should be well ventilated. Can be dried outside in the shade.

If drying in a stove or oven, first the temperature should be 60-65 degrees, and then higher.

Store dried chanterelles in glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (indefinite position)
  • Order: Cantharellales (Cantharellales)
  • Family: Cantharellaceae (chanterelles)
  • Genus: Cantharellus (Chantelle)
  • View: Cantharellus cibarius (Common Chanterelle)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • The fox is real

  • Yellow chanterelle
  • Chanterelle
  • Cockerel

Common chanterelle, or The fox is real, or Cockerel(lat. Cantharēllus cibārius) - a species of mushrooms of the chanterelle family.


The chanterelle has a cap that is egg- or orange-yellow (sometimes fading to very light, almost white); The outline of the cap is first slightly convex, almost flat, then funnel-shaped, often irregular in shape. Diameter 4-6 cm (up to 10), the cap itself is fleshy, smooth, with a wavy folded edge.

Pulp dense, elastic, the same color as the cap or lighter, with a faint fruity smell and a slightly pungent taste.

Spore-bearing layer in the chanterelle it is folded pseudoplates running down the stalk, thick, sparse, branched, the same color as the cap.

Spore powder:

Leg the chanterelles are usually the same color as the cap, fused with it, solid, dense, smooth, narrowed towards the bottom, 1-3 cm thick and 4-7 cm long.


This very common mushroom grows from early summer to late autumn in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests, at times (especially in July) in huge quantities. It is especially common in mosses and coniferous forests.

Similar species

It looks vaguely like a common chanterelle. This mushroom is not related to the common chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius), belonging to the Paxillaceae family. The chanterelle differs from it, firstly, in the deliberate shape of the fruiting body (after all, a different order is a different order), an inseparable cap and stem, a folded spore-bearing layer, and elastic rubbery pulp. If this is not enough for you, then remember that the cap is orange, not yellow, and the stem is hollow, not solid. But only an extremely inattentive person can confuse these types.

It also resembles the common chanterelle (to some inattentive mushroom pickers). But to distinguish one from the other, you just need to look under the cap. In the hedgehog, the spore-bearing layer consists of many small, easily separated spines. However, it is not so important for a simple mushroom picker to distinguish a hedgehog from a chanterelle: in the culinary sense, they are, in my opinion, indistinguishable.




1) The chanterelle mushroom is not wormy (well, except in special cases). 2) The chanterelle mushroom rots very neatly - clearly changing color and consistency at the point of rotting; You can always say - this is still rotten, but then it’s not. 3) The chanterelle mushroom has no internal structure - it is completely uniform within its own boundaries!

There is also an alternative, white fox. Somewhere a long time ago I saw that it was distinguished as a separate species, but where? This is not in the literature that I currently use. Well, God be with them. The main thing is that we know that in deciduous forests, on the edges, and in the grass, a mushroom grows, indistinguishable in shape from a chanterelle, but white, denser and neater. And this is good, because uniformity, on the contrary, is very, very bad.

On the other hand, I know an easy way to turn a white fox into a yellow one. You just need to put it in water and leave it like that for several hours. After doing this simple experiment, you will be very surprised.