The name of Anatoly Kashpirovsky was known to millions of residents of the Soviet Union. The hypnotherapist gathered in front of television screens those suffering to get rid of their illnesses with the help of his healing sessions. There is still no consensus on what it was - a miracle or quackery.

Childhood and youth

At the very beginning, Kashpirovsky’s biography did not imply all-Union, or whatever - world popularity. There is widespread information about the place of birth of Anatoly Mikhailovich - either it is the village of Stavnitsa, or the city of Proskurov (present-day Khmelnytsky) in Ukraine. On the official website, the village of Medzhibozh is indicated as the place of birth. Anatoly was born in August 1939; his nationality, as the media suggests, is Jewish. Another brother and two sisters grew up in the family.

Kashpirovsky called the principle of influence, practiced by himself, programming the internal reserves of the human body for self-healing, and working with the audience as a practical philosophy. The necessary medications are already contained in the body in microdoses, and special external influence activates their action, which ultimately leads to recovery, he assured. However, the results of the work were truly striking in the regeneration of connective tissue: the disappearance of scars, burns, and traces of frostbite.

In 1996, Anatoly, by his own admission, had a surge of pride: he proposed an unheard-of action - to carry out 10 operations under anesthesia from space. Oddly enough, the head of Star City, cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk, agreed. The psychotherapist did not pass flight tests on simulators, but considered that the path to heaven was blocked by people who were not interested in the success of his treatment methods. If the idea had been successful, then even the church would have agreed that he had the gift of healing.

Personal life

Anatoly's first wife, Valentina, gave birth to his son Sergei and daughter Elena. The son does not bear his father's surname. The daughter, her husband and child left for Canada, and after the divorce she moved to America. There is a grandson, Sean, and a granddaughter, Inga, a three-time US karate champion.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky recently came to Vinnitsa. This visit was incognito; the legendary psychotherapist spent the night in one of the Vinnitsa hotels and the next day just as mysteriously disappeared.

Journalists from the site VIN TOP became aware of the reason for his arrival - the tragic death of his daughter Elena. According to unverified information, she committed suicide by jumping out of a window. Her body was brought by her inconsolable father to Vinnitsa to be buried next to her grandparents in the Central Cemetery.

Kashpirovsky is still remembered by older people who saw with their own eyes the finest hour of the Vinnitsa psychotherapist in the turbulent nineties. He was born in the Khmelnytsky region, in the Medzhybizh region, but after graduating from Vinnytsia Medical University at the age of 25, he began working at the Vinnytsia Psychiatric Hospital named after. Yushchenko, and subsequently - in the railway hospital. In 1987 - psychotherapist of the USSR weightlifting team. He is a candidate of medical sciences and master of sports of the USSR in weightlifting.

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Fame came to him in 1989 after he conducted several hypnosis sessions on Soviet television and sensational teleconferences, during which he administered anesthesia to several patients: Lyubov Grabovskaya during the removal of a breast tumor, Lesya Yurshova and Olga Ignatova during operations. Soon he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the LDPR, and he even participated in the release of hostages in Chechnya (negotiated with Shamil Basayev in Budennovsk).

The Vinnitsa period in the life of Anatoly Kashpirovsky occupies a special place. For a long time he lived on Cherry. His mother also lived nearby, on Keletskaya. It was here that he married his daughter Elena, she married a guy from the Litinsky district, and subsequently they left for the USA. But life did not work out for the young people. After the birth of their daughter Inga, they separated.

Elena remained in America and worked as a doctor. Ivan also did not return to his native village; he moved to Canada. Anatoly Mikhailovich is very proud of his granddaughter, three-time US champion in karate-do. Subsequently, a famous psychotherapist moved overseas and there for a long time treated emigrants for obesity, snoring and enuresis... Residents remembered him as a man with a tough character and unconventional thinking.

They would have forgotten if he hadn’t surprised his fans every time. At the age of 75, he officially filed for his second divorce, having been married to a Czech woman three times younger, Irina, for 22 years. He divorced his first wife Valentina, who bore him a son and a daughter, at the peak of his popularity.

Kashpirovsky, commenting on the divorce, said: “People get divorced for various reasons. And if this happened, then you only have yourself to blame. I keep my personal life private and don't show it off. Both my wives are beautiful. I respect them very much. I “hold an umbrella” over them - I will always protect and defend them.”

According to Kashpirovsky’s lawyer, Sergei Zhorin, the psychotherapist is in excellent physical shape at 78 years old. He exercises and does squats 1,200 times a day. This is at a time when many of his colleagues have already passed into eternity. His follower Rinat Dobroserdov, who worked at his post at the hospital named after him for a long time, also burned out at work. Yushchenko.

But now the official website of Anatoly Kashpirovsky is replete with condolences. Hundreds of people express understanding of the pain when parents have to bury their children.


Where is the famous psychotherapist now, who once became famous for his unprecedented health sessions on television? This question is often asked after Kashpirovsky disappeared from the screens.

Biography before television career

Anatoly was born on August 11, 1939 in the town of Proskurov, which later became a regional center and was named Khmelnitsky. He had two sisters and a brother. During the war, the father was drafted into the army, and the mother and children moved to Kazakhstan.

As a child, Anatoly was not noted for any unusual abilities. After school, he entered medical school, graduating in 1962. After this, Kashpirovsky lives in Vinnitsa, not far from his native Proskurov. There he works in a psychiatric hospital for 25 years.

As a psychotherapist, he worked with the weightlifting team from 1989 to 1993. managed the psychotherapy center of the Ukrainian SSR, was an expert in the field of physical therapy. His career was going well: the doctor had a reputation among his colleagues as a good specialist.

Treatment sessions on TV

Anatoly Mikhailovich’s dizzying career on television began in 1988 with a medical experiment. Doctors wanted to check whether it was possible to provide a therapeutic psychological effect on a patient without direct contact, through video communication. For this purpose, 2 teleconferences were held between Kiev and Moscow.

The psychotherapist was able to provide remote pain relief during surgery. Patient Lyubov Grabovskaya underwent breast surgery using a special method of hypnosis by Anatoly Kashpirovsky as anesthesia.

The experiment was very successful, after which the psychotherapist experienced dizzying success. In the same year, the first programs appeared on television. A psychiatrist began to treat enuresis in children through television. After the broadcast, data spread that during the 3 hours and 15 minutes of the session, the health of about 800 small TV viewers improved, which amounted to 72% of the audience.

The next resonant broadcast took place in March 1989. During the Kyiv-Tbilisi teleconference, the psychotherapist used his hypnotic techniques to relieve pain from 2 operations at once. Academician G. D. Ioseliani, who led one of the operations, called the pain relief method a super miracle. From that moment on, the doctor from Ukraine gained all-Union fame.

During 1989, Ostankino showed 6 of his health sessions. They aired once every 2 weeks on Sundays. The psychiatrist guaranteed that in such a time he could save approximately 10 million people from various diseases. Since 1990, his programs began to be broadcast in Vietnam.

The famous psychotherapist outlined his views in several books. The works “Believe in Yourself”, “Awakening”, “Thoughts on the Way to You” were a great success. The doctor left his native country a long time ago, but no matter where Kashpirovsky is now, his books continue to be popular in the post-Soviet space.

Participation in politics

After the collapse of the USSR, the famous doctor was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1993. He ran in the 189th Yaroslavl district from the LDPR party. But when a faction of this party was created in the State Duma, the doctor was not included in it for the reason that he lived in the USA.

This happened on January 13, 1994, and on March 5, the psychiatrist announced his desire to leave the LDPR due to differences in views with the head of the party, Zhirinovsky. The doctor accused the latter of promoting racism and war. The celebrity was finally expelled from the LDPR in the summer of 1995.

The secret of healing effects

According to Anatoly, he treated physical illnesses using psychotherapeutic methods. This method allows you to launch self-healing processes in the human body. The body itself can produce substances that will fight disease or eliminate pain.

The doctor liked to repeat that the body contains the entire periodic table, and it itself can produce any medicine. Moreover, all the drugs are already in the body, but in minimal doses. Special external teams help develop the necessary medicines and restore health. This was actually his method.

At the same time, Anatoly Mikhailovich always emphasized that he does not work with mental disorders. Only a healthy brain can respond correctly to commands.

“It is impossible to heal a diseased brain,” he said on the talk show “Let Them Talk” in 2005.

Similar methods were used by other healers, including Chumak and Grabovoi. They were often called Kashpirovsky's rivals. But he insisted that there was no rivalry, since they use completely different methods.

Anatoly emphasized that he was a doctor and acted scientifically; he never called himself a psychic.

The role of the peacekeeper in Budennovsk

In 1995, Anatoly Mikhailovich acted as a negotiator with the terrorists who took hostages in Budennovsk. The doctor became a mediator in negotiations between the federal forces and Shamil Basayev.

Eyewitnesses of those events claim that the intervention of the famous psychiatrist helped save the lives of many hostages. This is confirmed by a documentary video where Shamil Basayev talks about the incident.

Sergei Gamayunov’s book “Budennovsk: 10 Years Later” is dedicated to the events in Budennovsk. The doctor's diplomatic successes increased his army of admirers.

Where is Kashpirovsky now and what is he doing?

The disappearance of the famous doctor from the screens and his further fate worries many. But nothing unusual happened to Anatoly Mikhailovich. Kashpirovsky now lives in the USA, sometimes visiting his native Ukraine, where he meets with relatives and friends.

Recently in Russia there were ideas about resuming television broadcasts with celebrities, which were not implemented.

Anatoly Mikhailovich still has many fans. Already in old age, Kashpirovsky is now engaged in practice. In one of his last interviews, he told how he put a seriously ill woman into a trance just in the hall of a restaurant in Vinnitsa.

In 2019, the psychiatrist celebrates his 80th birthday and 30 years from the start of a dizzying career on television.

Healing or self-deception?

Many scientists believe that there is nothing surprising in the hypnotic trance treatment method. This psychotherapeutic technique is widely used all over the world. But can it bring real healing?

Academician E.P. Kruglyakov claims that it is impossible to achieve a real therapeutic effect in this way. He believes that the technique is based on self-hypnosis and does not heal the disease, but masks it. The person feels relief, but does not fully recover.

The Russian Orthodox Church has repeatedly spoken out against this practice. The priests claimed that people in trance looked more like possessed people than healthy people.

Admirers and opponents of Anatoly Mikhailovich have been arguing for many years. Having weighed all the pros and cons, everyone can decide for themselves how effective the techniques of a famous doctor are and whether they should be trusted.

It’s easy to find out where the most popular psychotherapist in the USSR is located today. But his methods still remain a mystery. Some call them quackery, others claim that Kashpirovsky saved them from illness.

Russia Website:

Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky (11th August ( 19390811 ) , Proskurov, Ukrainian SSR) is a psychotherapist who gained fame in 1989 thanks to the television programs “Health Sessions of Psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky,” broadcast on the USSR Central Television channel.


Treatment method

According to A. M. Kashpirovsky, the subject of its psychological impact are physical (not mental) disorders of the human body, this is indirectly evidenced by the phrase on the talk show “Let them talk” on December 14, 2005: “It is impossible to heal with a sick brain, a sick brain I'm not flying." Using a set of psychotherapeutic techniques, Kashpirovsky “turns on” a self-regulation system in a person, which ensures the body produces the necessary medications to cope with pain, as well as with a particular disease. “Our body is a pharmacy, the entire periodic table,” he says. Thus, according to Kashpirovsky, morphine, insulin and other drugs that we, if necessary, introduce into the body, are constantly contained in microdoses in a person, their lack leads to diseases, and the normalization of life processes is achieved by creating programming situations from the outside.


He took part in negotiations between federal forces and terrorists led by Shamil Basayev during the terrorist attack in Budennovsk in 1995. As the former interdistrict prosecutor of Budyonnovsk Sergei Gamayunov recalls in his book “Budennovsk: Ten Years Later”:

“Kashpirovsky was the one who promised to first put everyone to sleep and hypnotize, and in the end, when he saw all this blood, he saw these hostages, who were 20-30 people in a room, exhausted, scared, he felt bad there, and they literally carried him out of there in their arms.”

Nevertheless, Kashpirovsky managed to save many. As follows from the memoirs of Alexei Mitrofanov, thanks to Kashpirovsky’s diplomatic actions, some of the hostages were removed, as evidenced by a documentary video where Shamil Basayev talks about this. Alexey Mitrofanov recalls in his blog:

“But there was one who had a many-hour conversation with Basayev. It was Kashpirovsky. He went inside the hospital and talked for a long time with the invaders. There will probably still be a great director who will make a film about this conversation. After all, this is the rarest case in history. Who could then guarantee the life and health of a world famous person?! What was the chance to influence militants who believed only in weapons and force? ".

After Kashpirovsky's negotiations with Basayev, not a single shot was fired from the terrorists and all the hostages remained alive.

Incident in Chelyabinsk

Police officers seized from a private entrepreneur collaborating with A.M. Kashpirovsky, 160 bags of salt on the grounds that there are no markings on the bags of salt. According to a statement from one of the representatives of the anti-globalization initiative group, law enforcement agencies of Chelyabinsk A.M. Kashpirovsky. was brought to administrative responsibility for illegal practice of healing, however, based on similar six materials, after a pre-investigation check by the inquiry department of the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Chelyabinsk, a decision was made to refuse to initiate a case on an administrative offense due to the lack of corpus delicti. Rejected materials are stored in the analytical department of the Central District Department of Internal Affairs. The “Specialist’s Conclusion” presented to the prosecutor by I. Shadrina is not the conclusion of an examination, which, in accordance with the current legislation, should have been carried out by a special expert commission. The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia lodged a protest against the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, declaring the decision of the Chelyabinsk court illegal.


In the scientific community

Also, the church, represented by the rector of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Sumy (Ukraine) Georgy Bavykin, states the following:

From a purely scientific point of view, none of the researchers, including Anatoly Mikhailovich himself, can still explain the nature of this phenomenon ( meaning healing ). The Orthodox Church, throughout its two-thousand-year history, has had to deal with this constantly. According to the testimony of the holy fathers, when meeting a demon, a person is seized by an inexplicable fear, the body becomes numb, the person often cannot not only move from his place, but also move his hand, the body loses sensitivity to pain. This is what happens at Kashpirovsky’s “meetings”.

Hieromonk Anatoly Berestov in his book “The Number of the Beast” notes that after Kashpirovsky’s sessions, some children prone to epilepsy developed severe epileptic seizures up to status epilepticus, when seizure follows seizure and it is impossible to stop them with ordinary therapeutic measures. Such children had to be hospitalized in intensive care units. It was not always possible to save them. There were cases of death of children or serious complications were observed, including decortization - the death of the cerebral cortex, and then these children became severely disabled.

“I have had occasion to observe more than once the lightning-fast growth of brain tumors in children after watching A. Kashpirovsky’s television shows. Within 1.5-2 weeks, the tumor reached enormous sizes (according to a computed tomography study) and the operation became impossible.”

Evangelical Christian Baptists also have a purely negative attitude towards Kashpirovsky’s activities. L. Sergienko, a presbyter in the city of Mytishchi, expressed the following thoughts in the newspaper “Christian Word” in December 1989:

Oh, how deeply mistaken is he who, even for a moment, thought that all this was good; such a person does not know to what sad end such gifts from the devil, the father of lies, lead. Satan fights against Jesus Christ. He is waging this struggle especially intensely these days, sensing that he will not have long to reign and seduce people.


In 1990, he, the only foreigner, was awarded the prestigious VIKTOR award by Polish television for the greatest popularity of the series of programs “Television Clinic of A. Kashpirovsky.” The President of Poland, Lech Walesa, expressed gratitude to him for the improvement of the Polish nation. In 1995, in the USA he was awarded a commemorative medal “For the improvement of the health of veterans of World War II.”

In popular culture


  • Morgovsky. A / Anatoly Kashpirovsky - yesterday, today, tomorrow... - Central Committee of the LKSMU (MDS) “Molod”, Kyiv, 1990 - 50 p.
  • Meetings with Dr. Kashpirovsky / ed. V. I. Maksimov. - M.: Profizdat, 1990. - 128c. - (On the verge of fantasy). ISBN 5-255-00283-6, ISBN 978-5-255-00283-2
  • Psychotherapeutic and spiritual phenomenon of A.M. Kashpirovsky: Materials of the 1st Ukr. scientific-practical Conf., Kyiv, January 28-30. 1991 / Int. psychotherapy center. - M.: B. i., 1992. - 307 p.
  • Theoretical foundations of nonspecific group psychotherapy / Int. Center for Psychotherapy, 1992. - 57 p.
  • Group nonspecific psychotherapy: (Social-psychological and medical aspects) / Int. center of psychotherapy, etc. - M.: TEK Ltd, 1993. - 232 p.


  1. Romashenkova T. Kashpirovsky is back // “Ogonyok” (Retrieved September 21, 2010)
  2. Biography of A. M. Kashpirovsky Website of the city of Belopole
  3. Romashenkova T. Kashpirovsky has returned // “Ogonyok”, No. 41, October 10-16, 2005 (Retrieved September 12, 2011)
  4. Voloshina N. Kashpirovsky knocked out a sexologist with a blow to the ear // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 12/16/2005 (Retrieved September 12, 2011)
  5. About the “Specialist’s Opinion”
  6. [Victims of the terrorist attack were remembered in Budennovsk, NTV, 06.14.2005.]
  7. Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Presenter: photo, biography, filmography, news Around TV
  8. Sergey Gamayunov“Budennovsk. 10 years later"
  9. Terrorist attack in Budyonnovsk 1995 (Retrieved September 21, 2010)
  10. Kashpirovsky vs. Basaev // Alexey Mitrofanov’s blog, 09.21.2009 (Retrieved September 21, 2010)
  11. Terrorist attack in Budyonnovsk 1995 // Of. website of A. M. Kashpirovsky (Retrieved September 21, 2010)

In 1989, the first session of mass psychotherapy took place in the Soviet Union. Millions of citizens across the country clung to television screens in the hope of getting rid of warts, various ulcers, alcoholism and other addictions. That evening, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, personal life, children, photos, whose biography will be studied in detail in this article, stood very confidently in front of the television camera, while maintaining a special pose, speaking in a certain timbre of voice and maintaining the desired intonation. At the same time, the bulk of the state’s population was not aware of the work of medical psychotherapists, and therefore such sessions were perceived by ordinary people as a kind of “magical effect,” which, of course, increased their effect.


Anatoly Kashpirovsky, whose biography is of interest to many readers today, was born on August 11, 1939 in a city called Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky). His nationality is Ukrainian. His father was a soldier and went through the battles of the Great Patriotic War, during which Anatoly’s mother, sisters and brother were evacuated in Kazakhstan.

Education and work

At the age of 23, he received a diploma of higher education from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute, after which he worked as a doctor in a psychiatric hospital for 25 years, and in 1987 he was appointed a psychotherapist for the Soviet Union weightlifting team. It is noteworthy that Kashpirovsky himself (biography, his family will be described below) is himself a master of sports in weightlifting. He has experience as a physical therapy doctor within the walls of the Vinnitsa railway hospital (1962-1963).

In the period 1988-1989 he headed the Republican Center for Psychotherapy (Kyiv).

From 1989 to 1993, he served as head of the International Center for Psychotherapy, located in the capital of Ukraine.


In 1989, Kashpirovsky’s biography was supplemented with another place of work - he launched his career on central television, where he created a whole series of his own programs. During the broadcasts, the doctor directed his energy towards the audience, trying to cure them of various diseases. In particular, a reliably verified fact is known when Anatoly Mikhailovich was able to perform an anesthesia procedure for two patients for whom anesthesia was contraindicated. After which both of them had their hernia removed without any problems. Moreover, this experiment was carried out under the direct supervision of Academician Ioseliani, and direct control over what was happening was entrusted to surgeons Bochaidze and Megrelishvili. This was the first time in the history of mankind that such operations were carried out under the influence of hypnosis. And so far, not a single doctor or psychic has been able to repeat such an effect on patients.

After such success, Anatoly Mikhailovich began hosting his own programs on Ukrainian TV channels, in which he even tried to treat children from enuresis.

Popularity abroad

Kashpirovsky’s biography says that in 1990, the level of his popularity in countries such as Poland and Vietnam simply went off scale. The medical worker was even awarded a prize called “Victoria,” which was presented on Polish television. Moreover, this award was presented to Kashpirovsky, who is the only foreigner in this field. Polish President Lech Walesa, in turn, thanked the scientist for his contribution to the health of the nation, and a year later the scientist offered his services and knowledge to the United Nations in the fight against AIDS and the tragic consequences of radiation exposure.

In the area of ​​special attention

What else did Anatoly Kashpirovsky do? His biography indicates the fact that he regularly held meetings (or, as he himself calls it, treatment sessions) with spectators, at which he showed letters of gratitude from patients cured with his help. During these events, the doctor sold “healing” paraphernalia: photographs, videotapes, books, etc. Such activities of Anatoly Mikhailovich aroused interest in him from the prosecutors due to the fact that the goods he sold did not have labeling that complied with state standards.

Life overseas

In 1995, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, a biography whose personal life always remained under the radar of journalists, moved to the United States of America. At his new place of residence, he was engaged in helping former compatriots who emigrated to the United States get rid of excess body weight. The cost of one session was about $50. In this state, Anatoly Mikhailovich was presented with a medal called “For the improvement of the health of veterans of the Second World War.”

Transition to politics

In 1993, the biography of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky was supplemented with one more fact: he became a people's deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the first convocation from the LDPR party. However, when a faction was already formed in parliament on January 13, the psychotherapist never joined it, since he was in the USA and did not have the opportunity to submit a statement. On March 5, he announced his resignation from the party, having at the same time brought accusations against Zhirinovsky that he was promoting racism and war. But in April 1994, after arriving from the USA, Anatoly nevertheless returned to politics, which he finally left on the first day of July that year.

Negotiations with terrorists

Kashpirovsky's biography is full of various events, including sometimes not the most positive ones. So, in 1995, he took part in resolving the conflict between security forces and terrorists during the hostage-taking in Budyonnovsk. The psychotherapist was very confident in himself and that he could hypnotize all the attackers, thanks to which the conflict would be settled. However, in practice, things did not go as planned. Arriving at the scene of events, Anatoly Mikhailovich felt bad from the horror he saw and was unable to suppress his negative emotions and completely take control of his feelings. But still, he managed to connect additional resources of his body and go to the hospital where the bandits and hostages were located. For several hours, our hero talked with the leader of the gang, Shamil Basayev, after which the Chechen released some of the prisoners. This, of course, Kashpirovsky’s great achievement is confirmed by a documentary video in which Basayev voices this fact.

Relations with the clergy and official medicine

Kashpirovsky’s biography includes regular conflicts with both representatives of traditional medicine and spiritual fathers. And if the former considered him a real charlatan who conducted sessions that were extremely harmful to the human psyche, then the latter completely dubbed him a man who went against God in his activities. For only the Lord can give healing to the sick. Anatoly Mikhailovich is also famous for his rather hot temperament, which manifested itself in all its glory on December 14, 2005, during the filming of a popular program called “Let Them Talk.” During the recording of the program, the psychotherapist disagreed with one of the guests and beat him up for it.

Movie hero

In November 2014, Channel One released the dramatic television series “The Miracle Worker,” which was dedicated to psychics and human mystical abilities. The main storyline of the series was the confrontation between two strong personalities, both of whom regularly performed in front of large audiences with their sessions. And although the leading actor, the well-known actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk, categorically denied the fact that he played the famous psychotherapist, there was still a very strong similarity.

Nevertheless, the identity was noticed not only by television viewers, but also by the doctor himself. Kashpirovsky, a biography whose personal life by that time was still regularly monitored by his fans, was very upset that such a television picture was released. In his opinion, the series was of poor quality, and Bondarchuk himself played the role poorly. In a word, Anatoly Mikhailovich literally smashed the creators and actors of “The Miracle Worker” to smithereens. This is largely explained by the fact that it seemed to him that he was allegedly compared to Chumak.

By the way, besides Bondarchuk, Kashpirovsky was parodied in other films. For example, the healer was used as a prototype for the movie character Yuri Koshmarovsky in a film called “Russian Miracle.” The doctor was also parodied on stage by such famous artists as Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur, Alexander Shirvindt, Evgeny Petrosyan.

Chelyabinsk conflict

In the fall of 2006, Kashpirovsky (biography, his nationality is indicated above) met with his fans in Chelyabinsk. However, there Rospotrebnadzor revealed that the packages of Anatoly with salt “charged” with it do not have the required markings. As a result, the psychotherapist's performance was stopped by the police who arrived at the scene of the session. Law enforcement officers demanded to stop committing an illegal act, to which Kashpirovsky stated in response that such behavior by law enforcement officers could result in the formation of destructive changes in their bodies.

But nevertheless, the police seized all the “charged” salt in the amount of 160 packets from the businesswoman collaborating with Kashpirovsky, and the doctor himself was brought to administrative penalties on the basis of illegal healing. However, some time after checking all the facts, the investigation department of the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Chelyabinsk issued a decision to refuse to open a case due to the absence of an offense. But then the Prosecutor General’s Office tried to lodge a protest with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, considering that the Chelyabinsk court was wrong.

Family status

Who is Anatoly Kashpirovsky married to, whose biography and family are so interesting to our compatriots? In 1992, the psychotherapist married his fan from the Czech Republic named Irina. Initially, the girl regularly attended his sessions, and a little later became his personal assistant and legal wife.

Over the years, the passions in the couple subsided, and in 2005 the healer even declared that he did not know where his wife was. However, in practice it turned out that the doctor is aware of Irina’s whereabouts, but they live separately on their own initiative. And in 2011, the family was on the verge of collapse, as Kashpirovsky filed for divorce. The couple finally separated in different directions in 2014. The famous Russian lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who is known for defending many stars in court, including Philip Kirkorov during his showdown with director Marina Yablokova, was able to help our hero get an amicable divorce.

It is worth noting that such a scandalous marriage was the second for Anatoly Mikhailovich. With whom did Kashpirovsky connect his fate for the first time? Now his biography says that his first wife was Valentina, who bore him two children. Daughter Elena and son Sergei became professional athletes as adults. Moreover, Lena chose karate, and Seryozha chose boxing. Anatoly and Valya divorced for a banal reason: the doctor traveled a lot and often around the country with his sessions, and gradually the couple’s feelings faded and passed.

Today's day

Let's find out where Kashpirovsky is now (2017). His biography these days is such that he is still very actively practicing and holding meetings with people in America. Of course, he no longer gathers entire stadiums, as in the old days, but communicates with guests exclusively in the hotel, where a special conference room is provided for this.

Anatoly Mikhailovich spoke about his new development as follows. On June 29, 2017, he carried out a psychological action that had no analogues on the planet. At 7:30 p.m. New York time, he began remotely performing a nose job to restore normal breathing and eliminate snoring. The exclusivity and, one might even say, the fantastic nature of the event lay in the fact that absolutely no visual or audio contact with the working hypnotist was required to carry it out. Kashpirovsky's official website had an announcement that stated that at the time indicated above, anyone in the world could sit or lie down and for three minutes, being concentrated, look carefully in front of him at any object, but at the same time it was strictly necessary to overcome the desire to fall asleep. And after that, it was forbidden to touch the nose with hands for six hours.

Also in May 2017, a healer who calls himself a “psychological treatment specialist” performed another dubious act: he tried to rid his many fans remotely of various serious congenital heart defects they had.

In June 2014, Kashpirovsky was recognized as an honorary doctor of psychological sciences at the Kostyuk Institute of Psychology (Ukraine). Anatoly Mikhailovich is also the author of a whole series of books, monographs and various medical works, attention to which continues to wane even after many years.