Lately I have heard from several completely different women that the pressure on women in society has increased. Pressure carrying the message: "Most modern women are wrong as women. You must learn to be a proper woman."
This message is broadcast from television, the press, glossy magazines, and the Internet.
I decided to take a look and typed the phrase at random into Google: what a woman should be like. A lot of texts “what a real woman should be” instantly pops up.
Here are 3 lists as an example," what a real woman should be like": taken at random, from the top ones in the search. It seems that their authors are men.
What do you think of these lists?

List one:
A real woman should be:
- kind
-wise and patient
-a good psychologist
-be able to be defenseless and strong
- be able to be different.

List two:
-pretty inside and out
- neat in everything
-uninhibited, but not vulgar
-to love and respect you (a man means)
-you should be interested in being together, she should be able to listen to you
- must be special, with a twist.

List three:

What should be the ideal girl for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need a smart woman,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will love me.” satisfy in bed." Well, how can he say that, it will look stupid from the outside (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C).

I would like to ask a question to this man who says this: But imagine right now: “You found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad.” You will date her ? Of course not. “You will tell her: “Sorry, you are a very good and correct girl, but you are not my type” (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C)(C).

This is nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no good or bad figure here, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, it's not that important. But, if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all her life. I think so, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
And here, too, it is not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, provide for herself with food, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work, I’ll find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal woman for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, and the children, what about them... Well, okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes, then she will no longer be the ideal girl for you. These are the qualities the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

List four:

What do men want from women? A woman must be:

1. First of all, for a man: There must be a woman.

Even if he thinks that he doesn’t love them and he doesn’t really need them, but without a woman, ANY man cannot live. And not even exist.

For nature does not provide for same-sex life, as such.

2. A woman must be a Woman.

That is, she must be a creature COMPLETELY opposite to a man - everything about her must be different from a man. Starting from physiology and ending with the last smallest thought or feeling.

Because why do we need what we ourselves have?

3. A woman should be a female - sexy from the tip of her hair to the nail on her little toe.

Otherwise, how will we be excited by it and dream of owning it?

4. She must be Human.

We don't need a monkey in a skirt, even a very beautiful and passionate one.

For a man, as a person, wants to communicate with his own kind.

5. She should not enter into a fight with a man.

It doesn't matter what, how or why. Because the relationship between a man and a woman is love, sex and respect.

Everything else is from the evil one: Evil is unnatural, bitter and unhappy.

What do men want from women?

6. A woman should be able not only to talk to a man, but also to listen and hear him.

For it is humiliating for a man when he speaks and is not listened to or heard.

And this from a woman is not only humiliating, but also simply drives a man to white heat. And, of course, until the appropriate reaction to it.

7. She should not blame the man for anything.

For by this she kills the male spirit in a man, and without it a man can no longer be a Man.

8. A woman must either love or respect a man, or not be near him.

Because there is no other normal relationship: everything else is problems in the relationship between a man and a woman.

9. She must take care of the man: prepare food, clothes, maintain cleanliness and comfort in the home.

Because how else can she show her attitude towards a man? And why, then, is it still needed: Just for sex?

10. A woman should appreciate a man’s good attitude towards herself.

Because this suggests that he chose her among others. But he might not have done it. Or he may choose another one, leaving this one without his attention.

11. She should perceive a man as an integral personality and person, and not as a carrier of a “wallet”, a father of her children, a lover, an intelligent, professional, a “good person”, and so on.

For a man can be a man only when he is holistic in his properties, qualities, thoughts and feelings.

Otherwise, he will be a person “without a king in his head”, not permanent, not independent and not self-sufficient - a creature not suitable for normal relationships with a woman and for life in general.

12. A woman should know: What do men want from women?

For if you don’t know what they want from you, how can you give it?

13. If a woman is free from another man, she should meet a man, if she likes the man and paid attention to her.

Because what if it’s her and his destiny to live together.

14. A woman, if she likes a man, should respond to his caresses and, ultimately, have sex with him.

For there is nothing worse than what is possible but not received - a desire without its fruition.

15. A woman should not, under any pretext, have sex with a man if she has no desire and does not like him.

For sex without love and desire is debauchery or prostitution. And a slutty woman and a prostitute are not women for a man, but a way to quench his lust.

Also: a wife is stupid who has sex with her husband without desire, turning him away from sex with her.

16. A woman should worry about means of birth control herself.

Because it is not the bee’s fault that apples appear on the apple tree - she can only help it.

17. For a man, a woman should be one in three forms: a caring mother, an ardent, faithful lover and a good housewife.

For this is its essence and purpose.

18. A woman should not force a man to communicate with his relatives and friends if he does not want it.

Because he started a relationship with her, married her, and not her mother. And her relationships with friends are her relationships, not his. And he may not like them.

19. A woman can take initiative in conducting joint financial and economic affairs, but not show independence.

For, if she herself can decide everything around the house and with money, why does she need a man?

20. A woman should not bother a man with her conversations and problems.

She must choose the moment for this and wait until the man himself pays attention to the woman.

For a woman is not an annoying fly, and a man should not listen to her verbosity and solve her problems, which she must solve herself.

Because in a relationship between a man and a woman, no one is anyone’s babysitter.

21. A woman should be the mistress of the house, but never touch without permission a man’s things that he himself has put somewhere, be it a newspaper.

For the man is also the master of this house and has the right to rule in it. A woman should not kill the master in a man.

22. A woman should serve a man the kind of food that he likes, and not her or the owner of the culinary site.

For a well-fed and satisfied man is better for a woman than a sick and dissatisfied man.

Well, list five.
1. Physically healthy. She can walk 15 km at a brisk pace and after that she will be ready to make love.
2. No bad habits. Any bad habits are limitations, straws that a flawed person grabs at, or a way to relieve stress for people who believe in circumstances and are unable to cope with the situation on their own.
3. Loves to dance and is flexible. Flexibility of the body gives rise to flexibility of the mind. Dance has a positive effect on health, it is a positive, healthy and safe way to relax, relieve stress and “extra” energy. People who do not like to dance have low levels of internal energy. By the way, according to researchers, the average Ukrainian spends an average of five hours a day watching TV! Such people cannot boast of success in life.
4. Intellectually developed. Mind is the amount of information stored in the head, like the number of megabytes. By itself it is useless. Reason is the ability to analyze this information. However, the mind analyzes only on the basis of this volume, and often the information stored in the mind does not work, is already outdated and has a negative connotation. But intelligence is the ability to analyze plus intuition: to feel, create new associative connections, create, generate, invent. To look at the root, sometimes, without paying attention to reason.
5. Knows how to not only dress tastefully, but also speak beautifully. Yes, beauty, which, as they say, will save the world, has many different manifestations, including graceful speech. Remember Ellochka the cannibal. Such women quickly get bored.
6. Develops spiritually, improves himself, and does not remake other people. People often break up because someone in the couple has stopped developing. People are interested in discovering something new in their partners. This new thing can be created simply by comprehending it.
7. Sexually attractive. Sensitive to any partner's reactions. Knows how to create an atmosphere in which it is easy to cause excitement.
8. Good in bed. Knows the technique of stopping ejaculation in a man. Can experience an energetic orgasm without insertion of the penis or touching the genitals. Masters the technique of raising energy upward.
9. Expressive, lively and fiery look. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Professional geisha could stop a man with a glance.
10. Financially free. Economical A woman who saves every penny of her man will take all his millions. Saving his money is respecting his work. This does not mean that she does not need anything, and she limits her needs. But she does not allow financial shrinkage. There is no need to limit her if she wants a Mercedes. And if, having bought it, you park it haphazardly - this is a waste of money. Money is just a resource. We live in the city, and money is to us like water to fish. If there are few of them, the person “breathes” every other time. How can you create something if you breathe every once in a while?

And the last text:
Men, as determined by sociological surveys, identified three main qualities that an ideal woman should have:

The first is the ability to cook.

Men confirmed once again the truth that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

The second is her sexuality.

Looking for something new on the side deprives every man of sexual liberation and readiness for sexual experiments, combined with external attractiveness and a good figure.

Third, admiration for your spouse.

German experts noted that the men here showed themselves to be selfish children. He wants his wife to show maternal care to her husband, admire him, and compliment him.
As many men have stated, they will never leave a woman who has these 3 qualities.

But if we consider all the requirements of men for an ideal woman in more detail, it will look like this:

1. Undoubtedly, in the first place, men believe that an ideal wife should love her other half with all her heart and trust as herself. They also include kind words and tenderness in relationships.

2. Men like it when the woman they love admires the intelligence, charm and appearance of her husband. They especially enjoy this attitude in front of other men.

3. An ideal wife should be interested in the business, profession of her lover, while putting his interests above her own affairs, as if relegating them to the background. Don’t try to seem smarter than your husband; he should see that she is an independent woman, but still always needs his support and support.

4. Men believe that an ideal wife will never behave rudely, reproach her man, argue with him, but on the contrary, should instill confidence in his strength, generosity and nobility.

5. An ideal woman will always adore her husband’s parents, especially his mother, and will try in every possible way to please them and show signs of attention.

6. According to men, an ideal wife will never talk about her former lovers and ask her husband about it with interest. She must live in the present and tell him that he is the best man.

7. An ideal wife should leave her man alone from time to time, alone with himself. Provide an opportunity to calmly take a break from each other, gather strength and thoughts.

8. Men find it terribly unpleasant when their beloved begins to flirt with other men, causing feelings of jealousy, making them nervous and panicking.

9. An ideal wife should have self-esteem, be moderately proud and never, under any circumstances, run after them or humiliate herself.

10. With him, you always need to be in a great mood, in a good mood, smile, laugh, especially when he makes jokes.

But still, as many men exist, there are so many opinions about what a woman should be. Others will find what they want right away and spend their whole life turning it into an ideal. Another takes years, which he spends in search of the one and only. Each of them has its own standard and its own search criteria. The desire to have a wonderful home, a favorite job and the best wife is the same. Most of the talk is about a life partner. The dream of every man is to have an ideal wife, and it seems to each of them that he will get her. I wonder what qualities an ideal woman should have? What, according to men, she should be able to do, what character traits she should have, and what she should be like.

The vast majority of men want to see their chosen one as a beauty. A life partner should look like a luxury car. It’s nice for you and enviable for others. True, the criteria for this beauty may be different. You can look at a black square and see emptiness in the darkness, while others see it as a masterpiece. According to a man, the woman who is nearby should be smart, but not smarter than him. With an intelligent woman, you don’t need to look for a topic to talk about; she will suggest it herself. She has the power to advise and advise. A woman with an extraordinary mind has no problems making decisions; many men suffer from this. And most importantly, an intelligent woman will never show her superiority. Otherwise, a man has a desire to change his smart life partner, not for a fool, but for something simpler.

A woman should be calm and balanced. Do not throw tantrums or showdowns. No matter what her husband is, angry, jealous, walking around, she must endure everything and remain silent. A woman shouldn't be jealous. Ignore the lipstick on your collar. Be calm about nightly phone calls and innocent kisses from your companion and his classmate.

A woman who wants to be close to a man must have a sense of style. No one will like a person who resembles a traffic light, occasionally changing color. A woman should adorn a man and take care not only of herself, but also of his appearance.

The future wife must be sexy. Although this is a controversial issue. Sexuality in the candy-flower period is one thing. And after a few years of living together, it’s a completely different concept.

A woman should be kind and love animals. Be able to listen and talk a little.


Because, according to the girl, they have a bad influence on him. And they will persuade him to commit treason. This is the wrong approach. A girl, in principle, has no right to forbid you anything!

You should find time for both her and your friends, and not choose between them. The ideal girl will understand this and be happy to communicate with your friends.

3. She takes into account your mood.

If you're doing well, she's doing well too.

If your boss bent you over at work and you came home blacker than a cloud, then she doesn’t start pestering you with questions. She just leaves you alone.

Believe me, a girl who doesn’t want to bother you over trifles is worth a lot.

4. She says nice things to you.

Often girls think that compliments and good words are not so important to men. If only they knew how wrong they are.

A man also wants to hear that he looks good, that she likes his body, that he is smart.

9. She supports you during difficult times.

Any normal man wants to have a female partner next to him.

Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish support from guardianship and education.

A man wants a girl to always be on his side, to defend his rightness in public. She can tell him about all her complaints at home, left alone.

The girl’s function is not to solve all problems, but to help find a solution.

Unfortunately, few people grasp this fine line. And instead of a partnership, you get a mother-son relationship that makes you want to hang yourself.

10. She cares about her health.

Sooner or later you will think that she will become the mother of your children. Of course, for this it is important to take care of your health.

If she plays sports, takes care of herself and eats right, this is a wild plus.

11. She is faithful.

Who would choose a walking girl for a long-term and serious relationship? The one who flirts with everyone?

It looks disgusting. Female fidelity is a must. No one says that it is necessary that she have one sexual partner in her entire life or that she maintain her virginity until marriage.

But you need confidence that the girl will not go to the left. And he won’t rush at someone who has a higher salary and a cooler car.

12. She inspires you.

Women are the main source of motivation. It is for them that we want to move mountains, achieve success, grow and develop.

If a woman does not notice and does not encourage your efforts, at one point you will think why you are doing all this.

She can also convince you that you can’t do anything, that you’re a loser and generally a fool. She should motivate you, support you, encourage your aspirations.

If you look at your girlfriend and you don’t have the desire to put the whole world on her feet, then she’s not right for you.

13. She is intellectually developed.

Nobody wants to see a dummy next to them. Gone are the days when silicone breasts and light hair color were the main criteria in choosing a woman.

There should be something to talk about with a girl.

Otherwise, you will become bored with her. Even if she is a wonderful housewife, looks good and takes care of herself, there will come a time when you just want to talk to her about something important.

14. She has taste.

And a sense of style. She goes to the gym for sports, to your parents - without a deep neckline. For a business meeting - in classic style.

And no leopard print leggings. Taste will influence both her femininity and sexuality. So it's all interconnected.

15. She's good in bed.

Sex decides a lot in a relationship. And he should be. A lot of good things.

I'm not talking about when your relationship is just beginning. During such a period, some overlaps are normal.

But if you understand that this has become a permanent situation, and you would rather read a book before going to bed, this is simply not your girl.

16. She is financially independent.

No one is telling her to earn the same amount of money as you. But the girl must have her own personal money.

As soon as she begins to completely depend on a man, she turns into a kept woman.

Girls in such situations also begin to behave differently. She agrees with everything and won’t contradict you, because she understands that she is not suitable for life without you.

Basically, this is a pathetic sight that only destroys relationships.

Of course, you must bear most of the expenses yourself. But a girl must learn to earn money on her own to meet her friends for coffee or buy cosmetics.

17. She takes care of herself.

Many people relax in relationships and stop trying over time. If you are already together, there is no need to involve anyone.

The ideal girl will not walk around you in stretched sweatpants, dressing gowns and curlers. She will run for manicures, hairstyles and remain as beautiful as possible for you.

18. She is feminine.

Femininity is the defining quality of any self-respecting girl.

But lately many of them have become overplayed and have lost their charm and charm.

A boy's haircut, trousers instead of skirts and dresses, a bottle of beer in the evening and choice swearing are not at all what we dream of.

When you look at her, you should have a desire to protect her, protect her, hide her from the whole world. But who wants to protect a boy in a skirt? What kind of tenderness can such a person evoke?

19. She does not take on a man's responsibilities.

At least because it is unnatural. Nature took care of everything long ago.

The woman is the keeper of the home, and the man is the breadwinner and hunter. When it happens in a couple

If you are interested to know what a real woman should be like, then you need to read the tips in this article and be sure to put them into practice. Because it’s not enough to just know. Knowledge gains power and importance when it is put into practice. Take action today.

1. Devoted.

A real woman should be devoted to her husband and her children. It is necessary to believe in a man, help him, inspire him, no matter what he is now. A woman can make a great man out of a man or, on the contrary, destroy him. Devotion to one man is wisdom that will create family happiness. When a woman begins to pay attention to another man, even if it is a friend or work colleague, she loses the ability to love and make her husband happy and successful.

2. Happy.

Also real woman , which every man dreams of, should be happy. Such a girl attracts more attention, since a sincere smile always shines on her face and the man sees that with such a woman he will be calm and achieve a lot. Real men no longer look at the external beauty and natural forms of a girl, because they understand that the main thing in a woman is her wisdom and inner peace. Find out: .

3. Wise.

The strength and wisdom of a woman lies in the fact that she always agrees with everything her husband says. It allows her husband to feel strong, confident and happy. But at the same time, every wise woman knows that she is the main one in the family. But a woman will never prove or argue about this with her husband. Divorce often occurs due to a woman’s lack of education, and a man by nature must express his strength. Therefore, family and relationships are an art and you need to learn everything in order to create a happy life for yourself.

4. Loving.

5. Hard to reach .

If you want to become worthy and a real woman , you need to be few and hard to reach. Because a man will choose as his wife just such a girl who knows her worth and chooses only the most worthy husband. But remember, in order to become a real woman and attract a real man into your life, you need to work on yourself, fulfilling women's duties, but at the same time, not doing what a man should do, for example, making money. Then you and your family, children, husband, will be happy.

Men have their own opinions about what a real woman should be. Representatives of the stronger sex make quite a lot of demands on their chosen ones. This applies to appearance, character traits, and many other aspects.

General requirements

Men are quite demanding of their partners. They have their own idea of ​​what it should be. In their opinion, it must certainly have the following characteristics:

  • to be feminine and gentle, which manifests itself not only in appearance, but also in behavior;
  • be able to love your partner ardently and passionately;
  • be able to love not only your partner, but the entire world around you;
  • be wise and reasonable in all situations;
  • have a certain zest that gives a unique personality;
  • be flirty to attract attention, but not cheeky;
  • be able to create a warm and cozy atmosphere around you;
  • respect yourself and have self-esteem;
  • have interesting hobbies and constantly expand your horizons.

This is far from a complete range of requirements that determine what a real woman should be like in the opinion of men. And there is no point in rebelling against them. These are not some male whims. Every woman who strives for the ideal must make these demands on herself and work on herself in this direction.


It's no secret that the first impression of a person is based on their appearance. So, speaking about what a real woman should be, it is worth noting the following:

  • when going out (even if it’s going to the nearest store for bread), a woman should look impeccable;
  • It is better to have one beautiful dress and a pair of high-quality shoes than many low-quality things;
  • even following fashion, you cannot go to extremes and remain true to your style;
  • You shouldn’t overuse decorative cosmetics, but you shouldn’t give it up altogether either;
  • if the slightest defects in appearance are identified, he will hurry to eliminate them;
  • a real woman knows how to walk the line between sexuality and vulgarity;
  • It’s better to have one bottle of original perfume (even the smallest one) than a lot of counterfeit scents.

Despite all the talk about the importance of the inner world, appearance is sometimes the determining factor. In order for a man to see and love your soul, he must first become interested in your face and figure.

What should a real woman be like and what should she be able to do?

Of course, appearance matters a lot, but it's also worth paying attention to some skills. So what should a real woman be like? She should be able to do the following:

  • choose clothes not only for yourself, but also for your man;
  • maintain a conversation in any society and in any situation;
  • understand various fields of art;
  • raise children;
  • prepare delicious and healthy food;
  • remain silent when an extra word spoken could lead to a scandal;
  • capitalize on your weaknesses.

As you can see, becoming a real woman is no easier, and sometimes more difficult, than becoming a good specialist in a particular field.

What should a real woman be like and how should she behave?

A real woman must have certain behavioral skills. In this regard, the following requirements are put forward to it:

  • a woman should watch what and where she says, and not chat incessantly;
  • You should avoid swear words, even among close friends;
  • you need to be restrained even when there is unbridled fun or a loud scandal around;
  • You should never raise your tone, shout or swear (it’s better to remain proudly silent, thinking about a plan for further actions);
  • You can be capricious sometimes, but know when to stop.

A woman's behavior is a kind of Only by choosing the right line, you can achieve success.

Head of the family

Since the man is considered the head of the family, it depends on the woman how strong the bonds will be. What qualities should a real woman have to become a homemaker? We are talking about the following:

  • a woman must be loving, able not only to take, but also to give warmth to others;
  • she should radiate kindness, compassion and be able to forgive both minor and major mistakes;
  • a woman should show wisdom and patience in all life situations;
  • you need to have the skills of a real psychologist in order to be able to find a way out of even the most difficult family crises;
  • whatever one may say, family life is inextricably linked with numerous household chores, and therefore, among other things, a woman must be hardworking;
  • As the head of the family, wife and mother must be fair and honest.

As you can see, it is not the man, but the woman who is the head of the family. Playing so many roles, she does not allow the family hearth to go out.

Laws of the ideal woman

Striving for the ideal, it is useful to know what a real woman should be like. In the eyes of a man, you will be the best and most irresistible if you follow the following basic laws:

  • Under no circumstances should you complain about your “difficult female lot.” A woman should be happy and proud to be who she is.
  • Regardless of age, take care of your appearance and look 100%. It is not true that women say goodbye to their beauty early.
  • Don't pamper a man too much with your attention. He should be the one looking after you, not you looking after him. Bringing your husband breakfast in bed is only permissible on his birthday or if he is unwell.
  • You should not be interested in other people's affairs and, especially, solve other people's problems if you are not asked to do so. Better get yourself a couple of hobbies.
  • Never admit that you made something for yourself. It is unlikely that anyone will appreciate your art, but rumors will spread about your difficult financial situation.
  • Even if you don’t like a certain boyfriend, you shouldn’t distance him too much from you. A real woman is always surrounded by men, which makes her even more attractive.
  • Despite the fact that most men cannot resist a woman's tears, you should not use this weapon too often. Save it for a special occasion.
  • You shouldn’t trumpet your merits publicly. It is better to demonstrate your virtues in practice.
  • Don't be afraid of change. They are simply necessary for a woman. If you are satisfied with everything both at work and on the personal front, then change your wardrobe more often.

Being a real woman is a complex philosophy. You should not think that such abilities are inherent in beautiful ladies from birth. This is the result of hard work and life experience.

Why is it better to be a woman than a man?

We often hear about what a real woman should be like through the eyes of every man. The fair half of humanity seems somewhat dependent and not as perfect as the representatives of the stronger sex. However, women have many advantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • they have acute intuition, which allows them to subtly feel and understand what is inaccessible to a man;
  • they are attractive and can achieve a lot with their beauty;
  • they produce children;
  • much in this world is provided specifically for them - fashion, cosmetics and everything related to the beauty industry;
  • no matter how heated the argument may be, it is enough for a woman to shed a tear and she will be the winner.

Of course, looking from the outside, we can say that it is much easier. But it is unlikely that any lady will agree to swap roles and bodies.


How many demands are placed on the fair sex in the modern world! Unfortunately, this is an objective reality. In order to win your place in the sun and get your prince, it is important to be a real woman. This refers to a combination of beauty, style, intelligence, wisdom, many skills and character traits. A woman should be different - weak, strong, a housewife, a breadwinner, a lover, and a good conversationalist. In fact, playing all these roles is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to love yourself, believe in your strength, and then the world around you will reciprocate.

Hello everyone, friends. Today I will try to talk about what an ideal girl should be like in the eyes of a man. . This article will be useful for both boys and girls. I'll tell you what kind of young lady a real man dreams of.

A few months ago I wrote an article about what a bitch is. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it.

Well, now let’s return to our topic and consider what an ideal woman should be like. And the first thing I want to say with confidence is that there is no girl on the planet who will be ideal for all guys. And it doesn’t matter who this woman is - a Hollywood star or a toilet cleaner.

From here we can draw another conclusion: every man sees the ideal of a woman in his own way. And even if he says that he likes a young lady who weighs 120 kg, or who is 20 years older than him, he will be right. And no one has the right to criticize or condemn him. Everyone represents their ideal differently. And the girl who seems ideal to me will not be ideal for another guy.

A single man should know which young lady he considers ideal for himself. He must decide for himself who he wants to find. I wrote about this in the article: “This needs to be done before you start dating!” If you have not yet done the “My Quality Girl” exercise, which I described in this article, then be sure to do it.

What should be the ideal girl for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need a smart woman,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will love me.” satisfy in bed." Well, how can he say that? It will look stupid from the outside.

I would like to ask a question to a man who says this: Just imagine, right now: you found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad. Will you date her? Of course not. You will tell her: “Sorry, you are a very good and correct girl, but you are not my type.”

This is our nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no stereotype of a good or bad figure, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, it's not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time. That's what I think, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
Here it is also not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal option for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, but what about her children? Okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes, then she will no longer be an ideal option for you.

These are the qualities that the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

And what do you think? What should an ideal girl be like?