Picture from fedpress.ru

A caricature of the head and first lady of Buryatia appeared in a well-known federal publication

At the beginning of the year, the first wave of resignations of governors swept across the country, in which. In September, power was renewed in 17 regions of the country. The head of Buryatia became Alexey Tsydenov, who for six months led the region with the prefix and. O. After the elections, the rotation of the gubernatorial corps continued. In a couple of weeks, the heads of 11 regions changed.

Last week, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article dedicated to the “other halves” of the acting governors, who create comfort and a strong rear for the new appointees. As it turned out, the chosen one of the “temporary” head of the Oryol region Andrei Klychkov, Valeria, was born and raised in Ulan-Ude and graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. In the near future, she and her children must move from the capital following her husband. There are already legends about the extraterrestrial beauty of this blue-eyed blonde in Orel.

A similar publication appeared the day before on the FederalPress news agency website. The publication calls the wives of the newly elected and “temporary” heads “Decembrists of the 21st century.” Fashion models, businesswomen, housewives and simply faithful companions - they are ready to follow their husbands to any point on the map of Russia and exchange the splendor of metropolitan life for the status of the first lady of the region. Among them is the wife of the head of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, Irina Viktorovna, “known throughout the republic not for scandals, but for her exemplary image.”

She is a housewife and mother of many children. Has three sons and a daughter. Alexey and Irina met back in their student years. Tsydenov owes much of his success in his native land to his wife, - writes FederalPress news agency. - It was she who forced her husband to learn the Buryat language.

Irina Tsydenova herself admitted that there were conversations about this both before and after the wedding.

After all, they are drilling. He has wonderful parents. Dad, Sambu Tsydenovich, and grandmother know Buryat perfectly. When we met, they often spoke to each other in it. At that time I was still thinking: “How can this be? Everyone in the family speaks, but Alexey doesn’t know his native language.” She immediately began to say that it was imperative to learn it, especially since they, the native speakers, were here. We had these conversations even after the wedding,” the publication quotes her.

In total, the selection includes nine modern “Decembrists”: in addition to Irina Tsydenova, this is the aforementioned “beauty not from magazines” Valeria Klychkova, “Russian Melania Trump” Svetlana Dryga - wife of the governor of the Ivanovo region, “modest housewife” Daria Abramova (Kaliningrad region), “ first love" of Samara Governor Dmitry Azarov - Ellina, "patron of excellent students" Lyudmila Uss (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Tatyana Burkova - wife of the acting head of the Omsk region, Elena Brechalova - chosen one of Alexander Brechalov from Udmurtia (by the way, a lawyer by training) and "obstetrician BMW" Maya Nikitina is the wife of the new head of the Novgorod region.

House on mortgage

Let us remind you that the family of Alexei Tsydenov moved to Ulan-Ude in July. Before this, the new head of the region told ATV: when his relatives move to Ulan-Ude, he may quit working on weekends.

My wife is currently a housewife and will look after the children, because the youngest is only nine months old. Here some other type of activity is difficult,” emphasized Alexey Tsydenov. - Maybe I will spend less time at work, for example, on Sunday I will be with my family. As a rule, when my wife is at home, my productivity increases.

By the way, soon after arriving in Buryatia, Tsydenov started thinking about buying his own home.

“For how many years I worked in government agencies, I never received a housing subsidy, anywhere - neither on the railway, nor in the Ministry of Transport, nor in the government apparatus,” he admitted.

When Alexey Tsydenov and his wife lived in Khabarovsk, they moved from place to place ten times - either because of increased rental prices or for other reasons.

We had already completed the move. In Moscow we bought an apartment with a mortgage, although it was already closed. What it is, I experienced it myself. I feel that I will have the happiness of a mortgage here too,” said the head.

As the site learned, the head of Buryatia recently took out a mortgage, as promised. The Tsydenov family became the owner of a house on Verkhnyaya Berezovka with a land plot of 7.5 acres.

Name: Tsydenov Alexey Sambuevich Date of birth: March 16, 1976 Place of birth: Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, USSR Position: head of Buryatia

Hereditary railway worker

The future head of Buryatia was born in the Chita region, in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky. The Tsydenov family are hereditary railway workers, both on the father’s and mother’s side. It is known that her grandfather, Dorofey Shutyuk, worked on the railway in Harbin in 1904.

Father, Sambu Tsydenovich, also connected his life with the railway, received the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences, and raised three sons - Alexei, Pavel and Nikolai. Mother worked as an economist. Now the elder Tsydenovs live in Khabarovsk.


Initially, nothing foreshadowed that the son would not follow in the footsteps of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers. He naturally continued the dynasty, entering the Far Eastern State University of Transport after graduating from school in Chita. He chose the organization of transportation and management of railway transport as his specialty - these skills clearly came in handy later.

At the university, Tsydenov was known as an activist - he was the leader of the trade union and worked in the department of socio-economic development of the university. During the holidays he worked as a conductor on the Borzya-Moscow train.

From Russian Railways to private owners

After graduating from university, he entered the Far Eastern Railway - first as an accountant, then as a sector head and as a department head. In 2002, he headed Dalneftetrans LLC, and in 2004 he took the position of general director of Far Eastern Transport Group OJSC (DVTG OJSC).

It is worth telling more about this company, although this is usually not done. OJSC DVTG is one of the first independent railway operators in Russia and has united two companies - CJSC Dalneftetrans and Dallestrans. The firms were engaged in the transportation of oil and timber, respectively. Both companies were founded by the famous businesswoman Raisa Parshina in partnership with Yuri Goliusov (Parshina is still the chairman of the board of directors, Goliusov became an adviser to the general director on general issues).

The years when OJSC Far Eastern Transport Group was headed by Tsydenov were happy for the company. Representative offices were opened in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, the Republic of Korea, and also in London. In 2006, the company acquired 88.93 percent of the shares of the Nakhodka sea fishing port.

In government

JSC DVTG was severely crippled by the crisis of 2008, when there was a sharp reduction in container cargo transportation. But Tsydenov was no longer there. In 2006, he went to work for the Russian government. Either Parshina decided to push her man into power structures, or the officials lured away a talented manager.

The former general director became deputy head of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Three years later he became the head of the department, then deputy director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Russian Government. In 2010, Alexey Tsydenov was included in the personnel reserve of the President of Russia. In 2011, the promising official underwent retraining at the Russian Academy.

In 2012, Tsydenov headed the Federal Agency for Railway Transport for about six months. And then he became Deputy Minister of Transport. This is the “ceiling” of his career in the federal government today.

And one more thing: in 2016, the former head of an independent company engaged in railway freight transportation became a member of the directors of Russian Railways OJSC.


Back in 2015, the media wrote that the president’s personnel register does not include a single person who would represent Buryatia (some believed that the then head of the republic, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, was clearing out the space around him so that there would be no competitors).

However, Buryats by nationality were still on this list. More precisely, a mestizo - this is how Alexey Tsydenov himself described himself in one of his interviews. His father is Buryat, his mother is Russian.

In the passport of a citizen of the USSR, where his nationality was indicated, Tsydenov was recorded as a Buryat. But he had never been to the Republic of Buryatia, and even if he knew the language, he had forgotten it.

And yet, three years ago they wrote that Tsydenov could become the next head of Buryatia. On an all-Russian scale, he was ideal - of suitable nationality, absolutely Russian aspirations and upbringing. Whichever way you look at it, you can’t find fault.

The predictions came true on February 7, 2017, when the President of Russia appointed Alexei Tsydenov as the acting head of Buryatia “until the person elected as the head of the Republic of Buryatia takes office.” Naturally, he won the elections in September of the same year with an overwhelming advantage, gaining 87.43% of the vote.

National traditions

In addition to Buryat and Russian, Alexei Tsydenov also has Circassian blood flowing in his veins, and his wife’s grandmother is Jewish. Therefore, he treats questions of nationality accordingly - with such a mixture of blood, who (and why?) should we count the children?

Maybe that’s why the main promoter of national Buryat culture in the Tsydenov family is not the head of the republic, but his wife. After his appointment to the post, Alexey Sambuevich himself once spoke about this - he insists that he learn Buryat and even set a deadline.

For some time this was the only thing the general public knew about Tsydenov’s “second half”. However, Irina Viktorovna decided to come out of the shadows and gave a long interview in which she told what she considered necessary about herself. Including the fact that the Tsydenov family celebrates national Buryat holidays. The consultant is Alexei Sambuevich's aunt.

Irina Viktorovna learned how to cook a popular national dish, buuzy - steamed pies filled with meat and onions. The house even has a Buddhist altar - gungarba.

The piquancy of the situation is that Alexey Tsydenov himself was baptized in the Orthodox Church. Whether he is formally a believer, who only visits both the temple and the Ivolginsky datsan out of duty, whether dual faith is practiced in the family, or whether the husband and wife separated peacefully on a religious issue, is unknown. And in general, this, of course, is their business.

Reliable rear

By education, Tsydenov’s wife is a doctor, and by position, she is a housewife. Alexey and Irina got married while still students, and their eldest son was born at the same time.

The interests of her husband almost immediately became paramount - the couple moved from Chita to the Far East, so Irina entered the medical academy in Chita, and graduated from a similar educational institution in Khabarovsk.

She completed her residency in Moscow, received the specialty of phthisiopulmonologist, and worked with Professor Stakhanov. And then the second son was born. And at some point, my husband suggested - let’s take care of the family, and I’ll provide it with financial support. Not without hesitation, Irina agreed - and, as she later said, she realized herself “in the field of everyday life, children and a reliable rear.”

Even the opportunity to implement certain projects, taking advantage of the position of the first lady of the republic, Irina Tsydenova approaches with caution - they say, the children are accustomed to their mother being always nearby.


There are four children in the Tsydenov family. The eldest son, Ilya, studies at the Bauman University - as his mother noted, he deliberately chose a specialty different from his father’s. The middle one, Georgiy, is the most positive and always smiles. The youngest - Leo - is very small, he was born in 2016.

There is also a daughter, Kira. Her appearance turned out to be a pleasant surprise - usually the Tsydenovs give birth to boys. As the mother said, the child is fighting, but in moderation.

And to the journalist’s question whether parents ever argue about raising children, Irina Viktorovna answered laconically. “And when you argue with him, he’s not at home.”


Tsydenov’s income over the last three years has been approximately the same - about 3.5 million rubles. The wife, unlike some other housewives, does not have any millions. True, they appeared in the declaration for last year - 4,143,424 rubles. However, two apartments disappeared from the document. Apparently, the Tsydenovs got rid of their property.

Usually, the income of the wife of the head of Buryatia is extremely insignificant - in 2015 it was just over 23 thousand rubles. Apparently, child benefits.

Ulan-Ude is not Mongolia

On the eve of the elections in 2017, Kommersant journalists made a trip to the regions where voting for new heads of subjects was to take place. In Buryatia, as noted, Tsydenova, who had never lived in the republic, diligently immersed himself in local specifics. And she is quite exotic.

Alexey Tsydenov met with the head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, a few days after his appointment. As he noted, the task of the lamas is to help Tsydenov. And also punish him if he makes a mistake.

How exactly this is implemented in practice is not entirely clear. But most likely, Tsydenov is concerned about completely different issues. For example, the pleasant fact that Ulan-Ude (no, it’s not in Mongolia!!) won the online voting for the title of “Startup Capital of Russia 2018.” In April, venture investors will come to the republic to discuss new ideas with entrepreneurs. Traditions are traditions, and modernity dictates its own rules. To which Tsydenov has fully adapted.

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In connection with Alexei Tsydenov as the acting head of Buryatia, residents of the republic are of particular interest not only to the personality of the “acting” himself, but also to his family members. The site's correspondent tried to find a little more information about the parents and loved ones of Alexei Tsydenov than was previously known.

Dad is a candidate of sciences

Having scoured the Internet, we managed to find out that Alexey Tsydenov’s parents live in Khabarovsk. Like Alexey Tsydenov himself, they are railway workers. And he himself is a fourth generation railway worker. His ancestors worked on the railroad back in 1904. As Gudok writes, Alexei’s two younger brothers also followed in the footsteps of their parents and connected their lives with the railroad. Moreover, all three sons graduated from the university with honors.

Father - Sambu Tsydenov was born in the small town of Borzya in the Trans-Baikal Territory. His parents worked as track fitters on the Trans-Baikal Railway. Sambu speaks monosyllabically about his childhood:

It was like everyone else's. In the summer I helped my parents with haymaking, then I studied. It was such a difficult time. All the children helped their parents,” noted Sambu Tsydenov.

Sambu Tsydenov

Then Alexey Tsydenov’s father studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (now DVGUPS) with a degree in “Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities.” It should be noted that the scientific activity of Sambu Tsydenov began at this institute. A smart and inquisitive student was noticed at the university. He became a member of the Altair sports and tourism club, a student scientific society. After graduation, his long career began in his chosen industry. Sambu Tsydenov began working at the Petrovsky plant. Then, in 1972, he came to the position of foreman at the Karymskaya route of the Trans-Baikal Railway. Then he worked in various positions in the track industry for more than 20 years. This experience was useful in further scientific activities.

At the beginning of 1987, he was sent to the newly created Road Design and Technology Bureau. When continuous continuous track began to be introduced at Zabaikalskaya, Sambu Tsydenov in the bureau developed projects for their laying, for RSP-37 and PMS-46 - a new technology for welding short continuous continuous strands unloaded into the track track by the PRSM machine.

In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport (VNIIZHT) on the topic “Improving the track management system using the example of the Trans-Baikal Railway.”

Sambu Tsydenov with his wife Lyubov

In 2003, Sambu Tsydenov and his family moved to Khabarovsk, where he was appointed to the position of head of the road diagnostics center. Three years later he moved to the Road Design and Technology Bureau. At first he was the chief engineer, and since April 2009, the head of the bureau. And in 2012, he served as head of the Road Design and Technology Bureau of the Far Eastern Highway. Let us note that Alexey Tsydenov’s father is a candidate of technical sciences. Author of 14 scientific papers and published articles, as well as two patents.

Mom is an economist

Little is known about the mother of the acting head of Buryatia. She is 65 years old. And she at one time graduated from the Institute of Economics of the Far Eastern State University of Pedagogical University. Then she began working on the railroad. Let us emphasize that Lyubov Tsydenova continued the family tradition. Her family, like her husband’s, are not first-generation railway workers.

The grandfather of Lyubov Tsydenova, the wife of our hero, Dorofei Shutyuk, worked at the Harbin station as a conductor. This happened in 1903-1904, as noted on the website of the Gudok newspaper in 2012.

Despite the small amount of information, we can conclude that Lyubov Tsydenova (nee Shutyuk) is a fairly active user of social networks. Judging by the photographs, the Tsydenovs often travel to foreign countries: Italy, China, France, etc.

Two younger brothers

Alexey Tsydenov has two younger brothers: Pavel and Nikolai. Both, as already noted, graduated from Far Eastern State University of Pedagogical University and continued the work of their parents.

Pavel - on the right, Nikolai - on the left

Pavel Tsydenov could not find out what exactly the middle brother does.

Pavel Tsydenov

But Nikolai Tsydenov - at the university he received the title “Best graduate of the university of the Khabarovsk Territory” and now works as the director for the organization of railway transportation of the freight company Novotrans. This holding unites about a dozen railway companies in Kemerovo, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow, Krasnodar and Kyiv, and carries out depot and ongoing repairs of freight cars at its own car repair plants.

Nikolay Tsydenov

Wife and kids

Almost nothing is known about the wife of Alexei Sambuevich. However, it was she who insisted that the acting head learn the Buryat language.

She says that it’s a shame to forget your native language, you need to learn it and set deadlines,” Tsydenov noted in an interview with republican journalists.

He also said that he has four children.

“I have four children, the youngest was born in September last year,” he said.

As the site correspondent suggests, the eldest son of Alexei Tsydenov studies at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

Help website
Alexey Sambuevich Tsydenov was born on March 16, 1976 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region (now Transbaikal region). In 1998 he graduated from the Far Eastern State Transport University. In 2011, he underwent professional retraining at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 1998-2001 - accountant, head of the sector, head of the marketing and contract work department of the State Unitary Enterprise Far Eastern Railway. In 2002-2004 - General Director of Dalneftetrans LLC. In 2004-2006 - General Director of OJSC Far Eastern Transport Group. In 2006-2009 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of railway transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In 2009-2011 - head of department, deputy director of the department of industry and infrastructure of the government of the Russian Federation. On December 27, 2011, Tsydenov was appointed the new head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport. On June 18, 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. On February 7, 2017, Alexey Tsydenov was appointed acting head of Buryatia. Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2014), the “Honorary Railwayman” badge, and other departmental awards. The amount of declared income for 2015 is more than 3.3 million rubles. Married.



Modesty adorns a technocrat
How do the wives of the new governors live?

In the last year and a half, the governor's corps in Russia has been updated by more than a quarter. Most of the appointees were previously low-profile people, and they are relatively young. The wives and children of governors of the previous generation, as a rule, had businesses rooted in the region, often preferring construction. But the children of most new governors are still too young and are not involved in business. Znak.com, using the SPARK system, decided to find which business structures are registered in the name of relatives of the new generation of governors.

Irina Tsydenova: “I abandoned my ambitions”

Exclusive interview with the acting wife the head of Buryatia to the newspaper “Number One” The acting head of Buryatia, Alexey Tsydenov, has already settled into Buryatia. But in none of the interviews did he talk almost about his soulmate. We managed to lift the veil of secrecy over the potential first lady, Irina Tsydenova. About her dream, family relationships, children and what it’s like for her to live in Buryatia - in an exclusive interview with “Number One”.

“Housewife and mother of many children”: the media talked about the wife of Alexei Tsydenov

At the beginning of the year, the first wave of resignations of governors swept across the country, including the former head of the republic, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn. In September, power was renewed in 17 regions of the country. The head of Buryatia became Alexey Tsydenov, who for six months led the region with the prefix and. O. After the elections, the rotation of the gubernatorial corps continued. In a couple of weeks, the heads of 11 regions changed.