How to make a sponge in Minecraft?

A sponge in Minecraft is a block that can absorb water. If you need this device on the farm, then you need to figure out how to make a sponge in Minecraft.

Getting a sponge

It is not possible to make or craft a sponge in the game, but it can be obtained in several ways:

  • natural generation. Underwater fortresses are able to generate sponges, so it's worth finding a fortress and finding a special room where 15 to 30 sponges can be stored;
  • help of an ancient guardian. He can knock out a sponge after the death of one player;
  • commands. You can get a sponge using the following commands: /give or /setblock;
  • purchase in the store. The sponge can be purchased from the store of administrators or other players. If the store does not have it, then you can ask the admin to add the desired position. You can also try to take the sponge from other players (but you will have to look for it for a long time).

If the sponge has stopped absorbing water, then you can use the WorldEdit plugin, which allows you to simulate the ability of a sponge to absorb water.

Sponge functions

Among the main functions are the following:

  • water absorption. Perhaps this is the main purpose of the sponge. It absorbs water until the surface is dry. She can also return the water to its place, but on the condition that the water source has not been absorbed into it. The maximum amount of water absorbed is 65 blocks;
  • rug. If you do not want visitors to bring dirt into your home, then you can install a sponge at the entrance. Everyone who comes to you will automatically wipe their feet on a sponge;
  • decoration. You can also just put it in the middle of the room, thus decorating the room;
  • clay mining. Sometimes the clay is located at the bottom of the sea very deep, and in order to extract it, special tools are needed. Some players install a sponge on the bottom. She stays there until all the clay is mined;
  • basis for construction. In addition, many players use the sponge not for its intended purpose, but to build tables, houses, bridges and other structures.

You can read about the manufacture of other things in the section

In Minecraft, a sponge is a unique block that can absorb water, liquid. If you need such a device, then you must figure out how to make it.

How can I get it

  • With the help of an ancient guard. He will be able to knock it out after the death of any player.
  • Thanks to certain commands, namely: setblock or give.
  • You can purchase the sponge from the player or admin store. If it is not there, then you need to order.
  • Natural generation is possible. Everyone knows that underwater fortresses can produce them. Find the fortress and find the room in which sponges are stored, namely from 10 to 30 pieces.

If there is a problem with the sponge, and it stops absorbing liquid, then the WorldEdit plugin will come to the rescue, it imitates its properties.

Basic and important functions

  • Absorbs water and other liquids. This is its main function. It will absorb liquid until the surface is dry. The maximum amount of liquid that can fit in a sponge is approximately 65 blocks.
  • For decoration. If you want to decorate your house or room, put it in the room, it will be much more comfortable and beautiful.
  • Use as a rug. Put it at the entrance. Thus, the guests who come to your house will wipe their feet, and will not bring dirt.
  • Construction source. Most players use sponge as a building material. They make houses, tables, various structures out of it.
  • You can mine clay. It is often located very deep, so various improvised devices are needed to get it. Place the sponge on the bottom of the sea until all the clay has been absorbed. This method is quite simple, common and easy to use.

Craft sponge

In order to make a sponge yourself, the player must be in Creative mode. Then you need to access the inventory if it doesn't work, then you need to install such an excellent modifier as "Spongers". After installing it, you can craft sponges in unlimited quantities. You can install the mod absolutely free. Using a sponge is quite simple. Click on it with the mouse and drag it to a certain place, and use it to your advantage. For example, with its help, you can drain the lake, and in its place build the house that you dreamed about.

The Minecraft multiplayer game appeared in 2011, countless gamers have already realized how unique and interesting its plot is. It is also important that new elements and lines are constantly introduced into it. Therefore, questions often arise regarding some items that have appeared in it recently. For example, not many people know about what a sponge does. Minecraft provided for it not so easily. Of course, it is endowed with special functions that cannot be found in other items in the game. At the same time, it should be said right away that initially it was an ordinary block of a decorative profile. It was available in Creative mode. Such a block is not found on the maps, but, nevertheless, gamers use it very actively when they accidentally find it.

Before you learn how to use a sponge in Minecraft, you should definitely have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it can be made. If the gamer is in Creative mode, then there will be no problems with this, since it will be immediately available on the panel. Therefore, it can be used immediately. However, in Survival and Infdev modes, things are different. First you need to access your inventory. If this fails, then you will need to go through the admin panel. However, not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, the most popular way to make a sponge is to install a mod. Spongers is excellent. After its installation, it will be possible to immediately craft sponges in the required quantity. This mod is represented by a full-fledged program and is available in free mode.

Now as for how to use a sponge in Minecraft. By and large, there is nothing complicated here. You only need to right-click on it to activate it, and then you can transfer it to the required field. As for what the sponge does in Minecraft, its list of functions is quite wide. At the same time, it is most often used by gamers during construction. It is known that there are quite a lot of picturesque places in the world of Minecraft, but they are characterized by high humidity. Usually beautiful landscapes can be observed around the lakes and every gamer dreams that they surround his home, and with a sponge it is not difficult to fulfill such a desire. With it, you can drain the lake, and then build a house in its place. As a result, it will be possible to choose any picturesque corner for the construction of your home.

Continuing the theme of what a sponge does in Minecraft, it should be noted that it can update the blocks around it. But you need to keep in mind that such a useful feature is available only in a certain mode, which is called Classic. In the rest, it can only absorb water. But it should be said that this function is more than useful. With it, it will be possible to transfer the liquid to the required place. And this is very important when the gamer did not have time to make a bucket or find it in the treasury. In addition, when there is a need to drain the soil after rainy weather, a sponge will also come to the rescue. At the same time, the radius of the zone of its absorption can be easily changed by entering the configuration. She will also come to the rescue when a gamer does not have time to build a pump. With it, it will be possible to quickly and easily pump out water, for example, from the basement.

Of course, a sponge in Minecraft is a very useful item. Therefore, every gamer should definitely pay attention to it. With the right approach, you can get the most out of it. This means that in the world of Minecraft it will be possible to do much more than the player planned. In addition, it is often the sponge that becomes a lifesaver in fights with enemies, because if it is properly soaked with water, it will be possible to create an insurmountable water barrier. It will not be possible to break through it to all those who wish to harm the gamer. Therefore, it is so important to always have such an object as a sponge on hand. It will definitely come in handy in many situations.

Note that the sponge is a decorative and functional block of the Minecraft game. The main feature is the availability only in the "Creative" mode. The main task is to remove moisture near you, gradually becoming wet. In other modes it plays only a decorative role.

Mining methods

The sponge can be obtained as a drop after the player defeats the ancient guardian. And also, in the fortress, which is located at a depth under water. Having examined such a fortress well, you can find an underwater room with a lot of wet sponges. Their number can vary from 15 units to 29 units. After that, in the future, in order to get a dry sponge, we take the resources found and dry them in the oven. But, for these purposes, the player needs to get a piece of coal. Then, we open the stove - we place a wet sponge there, a piece of coal from below.

The result is a full-fledged dry sponge that is ready to perform all functions. And she has the following:

  • Absorbs water at a distance of seven or eight blocks. The absorption limit is no more than 65 blocks.
  • Possibility of multiple use. So, when changing the texture, the block can be dried again and again.
  • Getting a bucket of water, if you substitute an empty bucket in the fuel cell during the crafting procedure.