Pet supply sellers often hear different stories from careless buyers about how and what to properly feed aquarium fish. Below we will talk about how to feed fish in an aquarium.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

  • feeding according to needs;
  • preventing overfeeding. The remaining food negatively affects the purity of the water, and overeating causes obesity in fish; they live less than slightly “underfed” relatives;
  • feed several times a day in modest portions, especially if you use live food;
  • purchase different foods;
  • select food depending on the size of those for whom it is intended;
  • periodically go on a short hunger strike.

Short-term food restriction has a beneficial effect on fish, restoring their sexual activity. Starving females and males quickly remove toxins from the body, get rid of fat deposits, and in the former, eggs that were not swept out during spawning are absorbed.

What to feed aquarium fish?

A proper diet should consist of:

  • branded, real food. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for health. The choice is huge, so it will hardly be difficult to find a suitable package of food for goldfish, sea fish, and so on;
  • dry food They are usually made from daphnia, cyclops or gammarus. Modern dry products consist of a dozen components, therefore they are in no way inferior to other types in quality and value;
  • live food recommended for regular inclusion in the fish diet. It has been noticed that even such food can become “boring”, so from time to time you will have to buy different “worms”;
  • frozen food;
  • plant food.

In nature, many fish eat plants, and some species simply need such food. Naturally, predators will not like the grass, so when buying a new resident, you should ask about his taste preferences. Plant food looks like tablets or flakes, although there are fish that do not refuse cabbage, cucumber or zucchini in their natural, but crushed form.

All types of fish eat frozen food. You can make it yourself, or buy it in a store. The shelf life is long, and the amount of nutrients is similar to the living product. On sale there are mixtures of several species, for example, bloodworms and coretra.

Experienced aquarists include in their diet their own prepared food, consisting of dry or frozen, but crushed:

  • beef hearts;
  • squid;
  • shrimp.

You can prepare a dry flatbread by drying homemade cottage cheese or yogurt, semolina porridge or green peas in the microwave.

A little more about food

Fish of any type can be fed only with dry food. But it has been proven that live food, for example, daphnia, bloodworms, coretra, and shrimp are healthier. They contain a lot of vitamins, and they are absorbed easier and faster. Thanks to them, the color of the fish becomes richer and growth accelerates.

People who do not know how to relieve aquatic pets from illnesses can use nauplii. Nauplii are crustaceans that have recently emerged from eggs. They are suitable for small fish, for example, guppies or fry, but “breeding” specific food, creating favorable conditions for the transformation of eggs into future crayfish, is troublesome.

Dry food lasts much longer than live food, but when purchasing, you should be interested in the release date. After opening, the contents of the package should be used as quickly as possible, although in a tightly closed glass jar it can last up to a year, fully retaining its properties. It is advisable to purchase small jars, regardless of what they are filled with - flakes or granules. The contents will run out in a couple of months, which will prevent a decrease in the value of the feed.

About feeding different types of fish

Owners of large aquariums often wonder how many times a day they should feed their fish and what food is best to use. For example, a betta fish should be treated to protein foods, because in the wild it is a predator, although from time to time it does not disdain Java moss.

The diet of a betta includes:

  • small quantities of flakes;
  • granules developed for this species. They should become the main part of the diet;
  • dry brine shrimp and bloodworms;
  • live and frozen food in small quantities.

Elonophrus goldfish are fed similarly. From time to time it is useful to pamper this species with shrimp, daphnia, squid, and bloodworms.

The dollar fish, also known as Metinnis, consumes plant foods. Preference is given to lettuce, cucumbers, spirulina, spinach and zucchini. Raw vegetables quickly spoil water, so you will have to get rid of their remains after each feeding. Protein feeds are also useful and necessary. These should be: bloodworms, coretra, brine shrimp. Aquarium parrot fish eat dry food with pleasure. Feeding parrots will not cause any trouble, and there will be no need to store and freeze the worms.

When wondering how often and how many times a day certain fish eat, you should resort to the help of specialized literature. The books describe in detail care, maintenance, diet, water temperature and even the compatibility of different species.

Shrimp as food

The statement that fish living in an aquarium love shrimp often raises eyebrows. Shrimp contain 50% protein and up to twenty percent fat. They are considered a healthy, but high-calorie food, so they may not be included in the diet often. Twice or once a week is enough.

What kind of shrimp should I feed my fish? Of course, fresh and high quality, not salted or cooked by the manufacturer. You should choose only Atlantic shrimp, which do not have the taste of chlorine, because only they grow without the use of antibiotics.

You can give shrimp to fish raw or boiled. In the first option, frozen meat is grated or finely chopped with a knife, in the second it is boiled without salt and chopped very finely. If the fish are receiving such food for the first time, conduct an experiment: offer some frozen meat, and then boiled meat. The speed of eating will show which option you like best. The larger the fish, the larger the shrimp is cut.

What to do while on vacation?

People often give up aquariums, not knowing what to do with them while on vacation. The reason is simple: a failure in the feeding regime, even if you leave for a couple of days, seems like a disaster, and a long trip is considered a mandatory harbinger of the death of pets.

In fact, fish feel better than other animals in the absence of their owner. Adolescents and adults can withstand hunger for up to three weeks, and large breeds can withstand even longer. The main thing is to observe the feeding regime, cleanliness of the living environment, and monitor the health of those under your care while at home.

In particularly difficult situations, vegetarian fish will satisfy their hunger with algae.

Fry and young fish do not tolerate forced hunger strike well. A deficiency of nutrients negatively affects them in the future. Therefore, when planning a trip, do not buy young animals. You cannot put food in reserve and consider slowly dissolving options as a solution to the problem. It is better for the fish to starve than to suffer from the owner’s excessive care.

Proper and rational nutrition of fish is the key to health and longevity not only of adults, but also of future offspring. Let's talk a little about nutrition, volumes and feeding regimens. What food is better to use, can you give your pets homemade food or is it better to buy it?

It's no secret that nutrition is one of the most important components of life. Its quality, quantity and composition determine how long and happy the life of a particular organism will be. These arguments are also valid for aquarium fish. If you do not want your small waterfowl pets to be stunted and constantly sick, you need to feed them the right food that is suitable for them in composition. Also, do not forget about the balance of proteins, micro- and macroelements, fats and carbohydrates.

Natural nutrition

In order to understand how to feed aquarium fish, you need to find out what they eat in their natural habitat. As a rule, these are completely different products for different types of fish.

So what do fish eat? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Herbivores have a long digestive tract, which indicates the need for frequent feeding in small portions. The diet of such fish in their natural environment usually consists of a variety of algae, plant particles, fruits and seeds.

Carnivorous species They, in turn, have a pronounced large stomach, which means they must take large amounts of food a small number of times. Under natural conditions, they usually feed on live or dead small animals, insects, birds, invertebrates, and amphibians.

Omnivores. Even based on their name, it becomes clear that such species prefer any acceptable food.

Which food is best?

Each species requires different food, so it is impossible to so unambiguously formulate a diet for all aquarium inhabitants at once. Only a specialist can help you with this. Of course, you can use homemade food in the diet of waterfowl, but you will not always be able to take into account the entire spectrum of necessary macro- and microelements. And preparing the feed itself requires a lot of time and taking into account all the technological nuances.

As a rule, fish kept in aquariums are fed mainly with dry food and insects and protozoa sold in pet stores. It is advisable to add to this a small percentage of natural products allowed for this type, for example, fruits.

It is also very important that the diet be varied, this is the only way the fish will be able to absorb everything they need and delight you with their beauty and long life.

Necessary for carnivorous and omnivorous fish, especially during the spawning period. This includes, for example, bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia, and ciliates. Store this food in the refrigerator or freezer. But the main thing is not to store it for too long. Everything has its time.

Fry raised on live food are more active in behavior and are more resistant to diseases.

In order to provide their pets with fresh live food, some aquarists resort to their own cultivation.

At home you can grow:

  • nematodes

As live food, you can use egg yolk, minced fish, squid, and shrimp. And from plant foods, seaweed, vegetables, fruits, and cereals are perfect.

Hunger for the benefit of the body

About once a week, fish need to go on a preventive hunger strike. This will help cleanse their intestines. There is especially no need to overload sick animals with food, as this will slow down the healing process. It’s better to keep them for 2 days without food, don’t worry, they won’t die from hunger. In natural habitats, they are capable of not eating for a very long time.

Feeding mode

The feeding regimen, as a rule, directly depends on the age of the fish. For adults, 2 meals a day is enough. This completely covers their needs. At the same time, fry from 1 to 2 months are fed 4 times a day. Up to 1 month - every 3-4 hours, grown juveniles - every 6 hours.

During spawning, the breeding fish have their food cut off, not feeding for the first couple of days, and then giving them significantly less food than usual.

The first feeding should occur approximately an hour after turning on the light, the last - 2-3 hours before turning off the light.

Feeding time should be no more than 5 minutes. This interval is quite enough for the fish to eat. After this, it is imperative to remove the remains, otherwise they will begin to rot and ruin the entire internal environment of the aquarium.

It is very important to remember that the size of food particles is also different for different age groups.

For very young fish, it should not exceed the size of an eye, otherwise the fry simply will not be able to eat it and will constantly remain hungry. Therefore, large dry food must be ground into fine dust with your fingers. You can buy ready-made crushed food for fry.

At the same time, adults are not at all enthusiastic about eating crumbs, so they need more substantial pieces.

You can ensure that all the inhabitants of the aquarium are happy by resorting to the help of special feeders (for live and dry food). Such feeders are attached to the aquarium and food is poured directly there. This way the food does not spread over the entire surface of the aquarium, and the fish can eat it safely.

Feeding rules

Much has already been said regarding feeding rules. However, it is worth combining them into one section for the convenience of readers.

Basic feeding rules:

  • feed suitable food for this type of fish;
  • do not overfeed;
  • provide a variety of foods;
  • remove leftover food with a net;
  • the number of feedings should be commensurate with age;
  • do not feed before bedtime;
  • The presence of natural food in the diet is mandatory.

When bringing any living creature into your home, it is important to always remember that this is not only joy, but also a great responsibility. Without proper care, any living creature will not live long. Fish are no exception. Therefore, while watching your diet, do not forget about your little friends. And then they will delight you with their beauty and playful attitude for a very long time.

Video from professional aquarists about proper feeding of fish:

What to feed aquarium fish if there is no food?

    Elementary, Watson! :) The question is right for me! Once upon a time, when I was young, my wife and I performed artistic and design work at the station for young naturalists. And there was a class on aquarium fish taught by a young teacher. We also had fish at home, but I had never seen anything like this before. In general, this guy fed his fish like this: he opened the refrigerator, took out freshly frozen fish, plucked small pieces of meat from it and threw it into aquariums. And the fish gobbled up this stuff so hard it made your ears crack! :).

    Fish can quite normally eat food from our refrigerator for some time. In general, you can prepare special food for them, roll them into pancakes and freeze them in the freezer, and then break them off as much as you need and feed them to the fish.

    I once made such a mixture myself, but I no longer remember its composition very well.

    What can you add to it?

    • Frozen beef or beef heart
    • Shrimp, preferably with shell
    • Sea fish, well frozen
    • Bell pepper (good for coloring)
    • Spirulina (from the pharmacy), nettle greens, lettuce
    • Peas (canned, can be), the outer shell needs to be removed
    • Corn from a can

    You can also give boiled eggs, semolina, thoroughly washed so that the water after it is clear, whey - but all in very small quantities, because... it spoils the water.

    It’s best to start breeding live food, or bring live cyclops, daphnia, or bloodworms to your pets from the dacha. But this is a separate topic.

    If you don’t eat for a day, nothing bad will happen, a fasting day will only be beneficial. And if you cannot feed them at all, then place your aquarium in good hands; after all, animals need appropriate care and attention.

    And no problems!

    If a fairly normal ecological environment is preset in the aquarium, where there are algae, snails, and some other living creatures, then food appears by itself. At least on the natural waste of these living creatures.

    Ciliates, for example, and some other boogers. And aquarium fish can survive on them for quite a long time. For many months.

    There was a time when I accidentally experienced this myself a long time ago. The circumstances were such that there was no time for fish. I completely forgot. But the fish swam for themselves and did not squeak. They even reproduced, although less actively.

    One clarification - they began to eat their fry with might and main and fight more ferociously. And different breeds of fish even declared war on each other to devour them.

    So, no need to worry. But it’s still worth buying food on occasion.

    Boogers are not endless either...

    Advice, taken from I don’t remember where: throw some banana peels into the aquarium. Some living creature invisible to us will feed on it, and fish, in turn, will eat it.

Hello, dear friends!

what to feed the fish

If you have just recently bought an aquarium and then this article is just for you!

So, what to feed the fish? You may have already heard this phrase - “ feed substitutes". However, it is one thing to hear, and another thing to understand what you hear! So, what are these same feed substitutes?

In general, “feed substitutes” is a purely conditional definition. What fish food do you know? Well, that's right - dry and alive. And feed replacements are food from your table! Yes, yes, exactly from your table. It is not only possible, but also necessary to feed the fish with a variety of foods. After all, dry and live foods contain only part of the essential micronutrients. And for optimal development, fish need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, etc., etc.! And many foods that humans eat can also be given to fish. Let's look at what to feed the fish.

1) Predatory fish species can eat meat.

Boil a piece of beef or pork and grind it thoroughly in a blender. Give in small portions. Meat is an additional source of both proteins and vitamins!

2) Give the fish milk powder.

Here's how to make this powder at home. Pour some milk into a plate and place it over a pan of boiling water (this is called a “water bath”). When the milk has completely evaporated, a white powder will remain at the bottom of the plate. This is milk powder! Give it to the fish a little at a time: the fish love it very much. Milk powder contains the acid necessary for fish.

3) Hard-cooked buckwheat porridge is an excellent source of carbohydrates and iron!

Cook the porridge, rinse it thoroughly (so that all starchy mucus is removed) and cool. Give the porridge in small portions, after crushing it. Keep refrigerated.

4) “Hercules” and lettuce leaves.

Hard-cooked Hercules porridge is washed with water and filtered. Then mix it with finely chopped lettuce leaves. Remove a stone from the aquarium and spread the resulting mixture on it. The stone is placed back into the aquarium. The fish will “say” thank you very much for the excellent source of plant proteins and vitamins.

5) Egg yolk.

Boil an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Cool the yolk and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 minutes. Then finely crumble it and give it to the fish. The yolk is a source of vitamin D and complete fats.

As you can see, friends, fish can easily eat the same things as us.

You can also make mixtures of several products at the same time. The main thing is to chop everything thoroughly!

(My neons really love buckwheat with egg yolk. And catfish just get a kick out of oatmeal with salad! Moreover, if there is anything left after a fish dinner, the leftovers are eaten by shrimp and snails.)

Now you are more familiar with the term “feed substitutes” and the question of what to feed your fish is no longer before you.

Goodbye, dear friends and see you again!

And the most important: It is better to underfeed fish than to overfeed them!!! Why is this so? It was found that to meet all the needs of an adult fish, it is enough to eat 2-3% (maximum 5%) of its weight per day! Having eaten “a little extra” in nature, fish have the opportunity to “lose excess weight” through exercise. In an aquarium, their mobility is limited; they do not have to spend energy on saving themselves from predators or searching for and obtaining food. So it turns out that overfeeding quickly leads to obesity, metabolic disorders and internal organs. Fish that constantly overeat lose their ability to reproduce and are more susceptible to disease. Rotting remains of uneaten food can spoil the water and cause illness or even death of fish.

How to avoid this? Feed 1 (2 times - when keeping demanding fish species) a day in small portions, so that the fish eat all the food in 2-3 minutes (and it is enough to feed adult goldfish through day!!!). It will be useful to agree in advance exactly who in your home or office will do this, otherwise the fish will receive a dozen lunches one day, and none the next. Once a week it’s a good idea to have a fasting day and not feed the fish at all (if the aquarium is in the office, then you can even have a fasting weekend)!

Fish, like other cold-blooded animals, do not need to constantly spend energy warming up their own bodies, so they can withstand hunger strikes more easily than you and I. Aquarium fish die much more often from overfeeding than from lack of nutrition. Most of them can easily tolerate even a two-week fast!

Rule two

It is no less important: food should be varied! Surely it wouldn’t occur to you to eat only cucumbers or, say, pasta? In nature, the menu of most popular aquarium inhabitants includes various invertebrates (insect larvae, worms, crustaceans), and plants, juveniles and eggs of other fish... So you should not count on the fact that your fish will be bright and healthy if you feed them one dried daphnia! Of course, among the fish there are also specialists, for example, many catfish (ancistrus, pterygoplichts, etc.) consider the top soft layer of wood on driftwood to be the best delicacy, piranhas and other predators will prefer live fish, and tetradons prefer snails. But even such fish can and should alternate between different types of food (for example, catfish, in addition to snags, perfectly eat any plant food, and will not refuse bloodworms). To make sure your fish are getting all the nutrients and vitamins they need, use fish-specific vitamin supplements, which can usually be added to both food and water.

Rule three

To each his own, or there is no arguing about tastes! Find out in advance how and what the fish you like eat eat: are they predators or vegetarians, do they pick up food from the bottom, grab it from the surface or catch it in the water column. This will help in choosing food. In addition, it is very important that the food pieces are suitable for the size of your pets' mouth. In fact, a fish is unlikely to be happy with even the most delicious delicacy if it cannot see it or, conversely, swallow it!

Special cases

Special cases are: feeding fry and young fish, feeding sick and recovering fish, feeding fish preparing for spawning. The fry are fed 5-6 times a day, i.e. as often as possible, but in SMALL portions. During the period of active growth, the fry must eat up to 100% of its weight per day; it cannot cope with this at one time. And of course, the juveniles are not given any fasting days! Sick fish are often not fed at all, because fish usually lose their appetite during illness, but during the recovery period you need to be very careful when choosing food and do not forget about vitamins! Fish preparing for spawning are often fed abundantly and variedly with live food (information on preparation for spawning can be found in specialized literature).

2. Types of feed

Now let's talk a little about what types of food are

Artificial dry food

Currently, the choice of such feed is huge. Their quality is also at a fairly high level; Balanced in composition and containing many essential substances (some types of food combine 3-4 dozen plant and animal components), such food can satisfy the needs of almost all popular types of aquarium fish. When choosing food, pay attention to the manufacturer of the product, the shelf life of the food, its composition and what group of fish it is suitable for.

Please note that the information provided by artificial food manufacturers is not enough to evaluate and compare them. Until now, the main criteria when choosing food remain the authority of the manufacturer and application practice. The Aqua Logo company is the official supplier of the world leaders in the production of food for aquarium fish - Tetra, Sera and Hagen. In addition, from us you can purchase food from other brands popular in Russia (Aqua Medic, Dennerle, JBL, Tropic Marin).

Feeds for different groups of fish differ in composition, size and shape of particles; they can sink (tablets and some granules) or float for a relatively long time in the aquarium (flakes and chips, floating sticks).

Let's look at the feeding habits of some common groups of aquarium fish.

Let's start with the favorites of many aquarists goldfish .
Their diet (as well as the diet of other cold-water fish) should contain much less protein than food for tropical fish and more plant content. In addition, it is good if their food contains carotenoids - natural substances that increase the brightness of color. Brands that best meet these requirements Tetra Goldfish(the special formula of this food ensures health and increases the life expectancy of fish), Tetra Goldfish Color (balanced food Goldfish Color ensures the brightness of the color of goldfish, it contains an optimal set of vitamins and microelements for this type of fish, which improve health and give energy to pets),
Tetra Goldfish Granules (food suitable for all types of cold-water fish, including
including gold ones, four different types of food are combined in one package: there are chips with high nutritional value and the required protein level, granules that provide bright coloring of fish, flakes that provide balanced nutrition), Tetra Goldfish Pro (about The optimized protein to fat ratio of this food ensures better absorption of nutrients and guarantees an improved digestive process, used to reduce water pollution and therefore algae growth, the yellow center contains krill to enhance natural coloring and support muscle development, in red The rim contains nutritional elements, Omega-3 fatty acids ensure healthy growth, the food contains shrimp for improved taste), there is a line of food for goldfish from Hagen Fluval and food from other manufacturers.

For cold water fish kept in ponds(koi carp, goldfish, sturgeon, etc.) special feeds are also produced, for example, a line of feeds TetraPond.

There are separate types of food for fish such as cockerels(Tetra Betta, JBL Novo Betta, SERA BETTAGRAN, Dennerle Labyrinth, Dennerle Betta Booster), guppy(Tetra Guppy, Tetra Guppy Color, JBL NovoBea), red parrots(Tetra RedParrot, Sera RED PARROT), Malawian cichlids(TetraCichlid Sticks, Fluval, JBL NovoMalawi, JBL NovoRift). The composition of these feeds is selected taking into account the food specialization of different fish species. Thus, food for red parrots contains special substances that keep the color of these fish bright and rich.

It is also worth remembering fish whose diet naturally contains many plant components, for example, mollies, swordtails, platies, labeos, and some cichlids. There are special ones for them feed with a high content of plant fibers eg TetraPhyll, JBL GoldPearls, Sera FLORA, Fluval. Such foods may include spinach, as well as spirulina or other algae.

Picky and gentle discus They need food that not only enhances color, but also contains easily digestible protein and many vitamins (for example, Tetra Discus Pro, JBL GranaDiscus Click, Sera).

For bottom fish(various types of catfish, bots), shrimp and crayfish, there is food in the form of sinking tablets, which cannot be immediately chewed by the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Often in such feeds the content of plant fibers and spirulina is increased, which corresponds to the tastes of bottom inhabitants (Sera Vipachips, Prodac ALGAE WAFER, Tetra TABLETS TABIMIN, Tetra WAFER MIX, Tetra PLECO TABLETS).

To enhance the brightness of colors and red, orange and yellow fish (or those that have spots and stripes of such colors), for example, swordtails, platies, guppies, Sumatran and fire barbs, red neons, etc., we can recommend foods such as TetraRubin, TetraPro Color Crisps, JBL NovoGrano Color, Sera KOI ROYAL. They contain natural carotenoids, which affect the color.

For fry and growing juveniles There are special foods that contain all the substances necessary for growth (for example, TetraMin Baby, TetraMin Mini, Tetra Tetramin Junior, Sera micron, JBL NovoBaby).

Many dry foods come in sinking kibble and floating flake forms. How to find out what suits your fish? - look at their mouth!

Upper mouth fish prefer food floating on the surface.
Above - Aplocheilus lineatus(lineatus, pike)
At the bottom - Altolamprologus compressiceps

It is more convenient for fish with a terminal mouth to collect food in the water column. Both floating flakes and sinking granules are suitable for them.
Above - Apistogramma cacatuoides
At the bottom - Heros sp.

Fish with a lower mouth prefer to collect food from the bottom.

When buying food, remember that an opened jar should be stored for no more than 2-6 months, otherwise the feed oxidizes and some of the substances included in its composition, primarily vitamins, are destroyed. So it’s better to buy a jar of a size that your fish will “eat” in the specified time. If you still feed the fish with food that has been open for a long time, add some vitamins to it: it won’t get any worse in any case.

Natural food

Use live food with caution. After all, it comes to pet stores, and therefore to our aquariums, from natural reservoirs. That is, there is a danger of bringing pathogens of fish diseases into the aquarium along with it; in addition, many bottom-dwelling invertebrates (for example, bloodworms and tubifex worms) can accumulate various harmful substances if they live in places where industrial waste flows. When buying such food, ask the seller where it comes from. And before feeding it, it must be washed more than once!!!

Some aquarists, when purchasing live food, freeze it in the freezer, thus killing possible pathogens. It is more convenient to purchase frozen food in the store. Our company offers frozen food brands Aqua Logo for any fish - predatory and herbivorous, marine and freshwater. The food is packaged in blisters - plastic containers with many small cells covered with foil. This food is easy to use and easy to store: it won’t spoil for months in the freezer!

Sometimes some particularly picky fish eat exclusively live food; they have to be gradually retrained to eat dry or frozen food. One of the most valuable and favorite types of live food for fish is bloodworms. Koretra is somewhat inferior to it in popularity; it is well suited for those fish that do not take food from the bottom. Cyclops is a very valuable type of food; it contains many vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin A and carotene, which make the color of the fish brighter. Tubifex is a very high-calorie and fatty food, often leads to obesity, and can accumulate large amounts of harmful substances, for example, heavy metals. Therefore, before feeding your pets a live tubifex, keep the worms for 4-7 days in a shallow tray with cool water with daily rinsing in cold running water (even better, of course, is to give the tubifex “constant” washing). Daphnia is rich in ballast substances that improve digestion; it is especially good to alternate it with protein-rich foods such as tubifex or bloodworms. Artemia larvae, ciliates and rotifers are often used in feeding fry.

Other types of aquarium fish are often used to feed predators: guppies, zebrafish, and young goldfish. You should not use fish caught independently in natural reservoirs; it may contain pathogens of dangerous diseases.

In addition to frozen food, you can please your pets with gelled food ( Tetra Freshdelica), which manages to preserve more vitamins and nutrients.

Food from your table and more

It turns out that fish are not at all against diversifying their diet with human food! For example, catfish, shrimp, ampularia snails will thank you for pieces of pumpkin and cucumber, carrots and apples, corn kernels (without juice, of course!) from a jar. They and many other fish will enjoy scalded leaves of lettuce, spinach, and nettle. Shrimp and squid meat, as well as mussel and oyster meat, will be enjoyed by many large cichlids and sea fish. Beef heart is not very suitable for feeding fish, the fact is that the protein contained in it is absorbed by fish only 3%, the rest decomposes and spoils the water! White bread is also not very suitable; in extreme cases, it is better to offer the fish some oatmeal or semolina. For fry, mashed boiled egg yolk is a very good food. But Be careful: you need to give it in very small portions, this food also pollutes the water a lot!

Vitamin supplements.

Here is a description of the most commonly found vitamin supplements for aquarium fish in stores.

The vitamins and plant extracts in JBL Acclimol help acclimatize fish to their new aquarium environment without stress or other problems. Adds beneficial natural substances to aquarium water, reduces stress when introducing new fish into the aquarium, reduces the risk of disease and ensures stress-free transport of live fish. It is used when adding new fish to the aquarium, after working in the aquarium and during transportation of fish.

contains a complex of vitamins that provides fish with all the necessary microelements. The complex includes minerals that are absent in tap water or consumed in the aquarium during life, such as iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and lithium. Ideal for adding trace elements to osmosis water. Does not increase overall or carbonate hardness.
Dennerle Elements+ prevents micronutrient and vitamin deficiencies and diseases associated with these deficiencies. Suitable for all fish in a freshwater aquarium.

Directions for use and dosage: 25 ml packaging per 800 liters of aquarium water.

Usual dosage: for regular replenishment of spent microelements - once a week, 2 presses of the measuring pump - dispenser (3 ml) per 100 liters of aquarium water.

If you are traveling for no more than a month, do not rush to ask your neighbors to feed your pets. Unfortunately, many people lack a sense of proportion - they often overfeed the fish remaining in their care and can destroy them out of the kindness of their hearts. Now there is a fairly large selection of food for feeding fish for several days (up to 9-10) without an owner, for example, Tetra Holiday, it is easily dosed, does not pollute the water and will protect your pets from overeating. In addition, you can install an automatic feeder while you are away, which will give your pets a certain amount of dry food several times a day.

Aqua Logo

Maria Tiunova

Alexey Abdullin