It’s not for nothing that Epiphany is called the holiday of holy water. On this day, queues line up at large temples and small churches. Orthodox people go for holy Epiphany water, which they keep with special reverence at home for a whole year, until the next holiday.

The day Jesus Christ came to the Jordan River, is considered a sacred day. There he was met by John the Baptist, who, in the presence of a large crowd, baptized the Son of God. It was a special moment. As soon as John finished reading the prayer, thunder thundered in the sky and a dove appeared out of nowhere. This was a sign: the Heavenly Father blessed the Son for his future life, full of trials.

Why is the feast of Epiphany called Epiphany by some? Because immediately after the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Trinity appeared to the world - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. After the ceremony, Jesus withdrew into the desert, where he spent forty days in fasting and prayer. Thus he prepared to fulfill the duty with which he came to earth.

When and where to collect Epiphany water? From time immemorial, the great blessing of water was held on January 19th. Previously, a small hole in the shape of a cross was drilled in the ice. Such an ice hole was called Jordan. The priest read prayers near the reservoir, and the Christians who came repeated them after him. Finally, he lowered the cross into the water three times. After this, the water was considered blessed: everyone came up, scooped it from the hole and took it home with them. Nowadays they prefer to go directly to church for holy water. While standing in line behind her, you cannot use foul language, swear, or try to squeeze forward. We must remember that holy water and everything that touches it is sacred and requires special treatment.

How to use Epiphany water? After the line is behind them and a bottle of water is in their hands, people go home and sprinkle their homes, walking around all corners. This protects the apartment from troubles, misfortunes, and the evil eye.

Why doesn’t Epiphany water spoil? Scientists say: water is preserved for a long time thanks to silver ions that penetrate into it after lowering the silver cross. However, is the cross always silver? Not at all. Both wooden and copper crosses are lowered, and still the water is blessed. There is no secret here: God himself sanctifies the water. On this day, God's grace descends on her, and she becomes clean, healing, and does not spoil.

How to store holy water collected for Epiphany? You can store holy water in any clean, closed container. It must be placed in a holy corner, near the icons. It is strictly forbidden to place the bottle on the floor.

Does Epiphany water really heal? Holy water is priceless for a sincere believer, who treats it properly - as a healing drink. Even the Monk Seraphim Vyritsky said: “There are no medicines stronger than holy water and blessed oil.” He suggested that all those suffering drink a tablespoon of holy water every hour. The believers were truly cured, just as they are being cured with her help even now.

Many people remember from childhood how their grandmothers used to say that there is such a special water called Epiphany. It has long been proven (scientifically proven!) that on the night of January nineteenth the crystalline structure of water changes, acquiring properties that are truly unique - the water becomes healing!

You can get Epiphany water on the night of January eighteenth to nineteenth even from the tap, which is located in the kitchen of your own apartment. You can collect this water from a river, lake or spring. True, many people prefer to go to church to get Epiphany water. Here, as they say, whoever wants it. Servants of the religious cult claim that Epiphany water can only be collected in the temple of God and nowhere else. Well, let's figure it out.

When is the best time to collect Epiphany water?

It has long been known that water collected on the night of Epiphany has the ability to help everyone. And it doesn’t matter at all whether a person believes in Jesus or not. After all, Water is one of the Elements. And the most important thing here is respect for the water itself.

If you decide to collect water in the temple, then you need to know the following essential points: from the evening of the eighteenth to the morning of the nineteenth of January, two liturgies are held in churches. One is evening, the other is morning. It is believed that it is best to collect water in the interval between them, although you can also collect it on the nineteenth day.

Properties of Epiphany water

Regardless of faith and its strength, people traditionally wait every year for the onset of Epiphany to stock up on water. After all, it has long been noted that this water is alive, that it is truly healing. Epiphany water not only has a beneficial effect on the human body, restoring the nervous, immune, endocrine and other systems, but is also used for cleaning premises, to remove all kinds of negativity (damage, the evil eye, fears, etc.).

Nowadays, there are many legends about how, with the help of Epiphany water, in the literal sense of the word, people were pulled out from the other world. You can believe in it or not, but one thing is obvious: they wouldn’t talk about it in a vacuum. And there are a lot of such stories. One is more convincing than the other.

Epiphany water can be consumed every morning on an empty stomach. It is worth knowing that Epiphany water, in a sense, resembles an elixir of health, which should not be drunk in liters, like any elixir. A couple of sips will be enough to heal the body. You can wash your face with Epiphany water, because it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This water can also be added to tea or coffee; some people sprinkle it on food, which is also not prohibited. Based on this water, aqueous emulsions and other medicinal compositions can be made. You will get nothing but benefit.

Epiphany water can be stored for more than one month and even more than one year. It does not deteriorate, does not weather (its taste and color, as well as its smell, remain the same).

Why does Epiphany water have healing properties?

It is worth saying that for a long time there was no more or less sensible scientific answer to the question: why is Epiphany water so useful? Today, scientists have found an explanation that seems to suit the majority of those living on the planet. The fact is that every year on the nineteenth of January an avalanche of particles that have no charge falls on the Earth. The exposure to neutron radiation is incredibly high, with the Dead Sea area receiving the maximum radiation. Neutron exposure has a pronounced sterilizing effect. Pathogenic flora in the water is instantly destroyed. So it's pretty simple. The only thing that is surprising is how our ancestors, without special equipment, were able to find out that the “attack” of neutrons occurs precisely on a certain day of the year.

History of Epiphany water

The first version is Christian. Epiphany water becomes so useful and healing due to the fact that the God-Man came into contact with it. Jesus Christ, as you know, was baptized not just anywhere, but in a mountain river called the Jordan. (This river still exists today.) The Jordan flows into the salt lake Kinneret (which was once called the Sea of ​​Gennesaret a long time ago). Oddly enough, the water of the fresh Jordan does not mix with the salty waters of Kinneret for three hundred meters, continuing its rapid path until the mega-salty Dead Sea flows into it.

There is evidence from which it is known that at the moment of the baptism of Christ, the fresh waters of the Jordan suddenly turned around and flowed backwards, and at the same moment the Holy Spirit descended on the God-Man. This sign has been repeated every year for many centuries. Nowadays, it is customary to float wooden crosses along the Jordan River. These same crosses, after some time, end up in the Dead Sea, but after just one day, the crosses come back. But this is not even surprising, but the fact that the water in the fresh Jordan on the day of the return of the crosses becomes salty.

The government of Jordan (the very place where the God-Man was baptized is now located on the territory of this country) allows a religious service to be held once a year, on the banks of the above-mentioned river. Many tourists have the opportunity to see a true miracle, which looks like this: the stormy waters of the Jordan begin to flow backwards. The branches of trees growing along the river, every time it begins its run, begin to reach for the water.

Every year on the nineteenth of January, it is important for true Christians to plunge headlong into the ice hole called Jordan in order to cleanse themselves of all the sins that they have acquired over the course of the year.

The second version is pagan. It is known for certain that our Slavic ancestors had a cult of the Primary Elements: Fire, Wind, Earth and, of course, Water. Alas, these days, people, cut off from their roots, have completely forgotten that they are entirely dependent on the forces of nature. As long as Mother Nature is not indignant, people live in relaxation, but as soon as something out of the ordinary happens, everyone suddenly begins to understand that something is going wrong. Nature, literally raped by man, groans and begs for mercy, but we do not want to hear it. The openly consumerist and boorish attitude cannot continue indefinitely. Sooner or later, the freebie will end, Nature will rebel and shake off from the body of the Earth its unreasonable children, who have turned into stupid consumers of dubious goods.

Our Ancestors had a different attitude towards nature. They valued it and preserved it. Water, like other Primary Sources, was attributed with cleansing, protecting and other beneficial properties. The Slavs lived in harmony with nature and knew everything about the healing properties of the Elements. After Rus', through fire and sword, adopted Christianity, a huge number of springs, wells and other sources with life-giving water, under the jurisdiction of Mokosh, “passed under the jurisdiction” of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, and a little later under the “administration” of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Our ancestors knew how to make rain, and the Magi, who knew how to interact with the element of Water, could control it. Residents of the Mediterranean still celebrate a pagan holiday every May called Kataklysmos. On this day, or rather night, ritual bathing takes place. A huge number of people plunge headlong into water, because on the night of the Cataclysm, water acquires truly magical properties.

According to one of the versions, which I can’t even call it a poorly thought-out horror story, on the nineteenth of January, the pagans drowned their weak relatives in the rivers, whom they no longer wanted to feed. This day (we repeat) - the nineteenth of January, is called by “experts” from history the day of Veles, “a terrible god (whose name comes from the Indian word “vel”, which means to die) who demanded worship and bloody sacrifices.” If you are a person truly interested in the history and culture of your native people, then you probably know that the day of the god Veles falls on February 11 (or 28 according to the old style). Moreover, you probably know that our ancestors had a cult of the god Rod and their own clan. People honored and revered their ancestors, they knew what clan-tribe they were and who was in what generation, what they did in their family. The cult of ancestors and the drowning of frail old people somehow do not fit in a healthy head. However, now we are talking not so much about this, but about the fact that Water is omnipotent, benevolent and helpful at all times, was, is and will be, regardless of religion, regardless of other conventions.

Popular beliefs associated with January 19

Today, few people believe, much less know, the beliefs that guided our ancestors. We live a completely different, “plastic” life, which is alien to our body and our consciousness, and it is alien to our Soul. However, each of us has our own circumstances and our own reasons for what is happening. And yet, in spite of everything, you need to know the traditions of your ancestors, at least from the point of view of expanding your own horizons.

So, on the nineteenth of January, the girls collected snow in the fields. It was believed that this melted snow had a very good effect on the skin. They could cure some ailments associated with the skin. If you wash your face with this melt water on January 19th, you can become more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

On this day, adult women also went to the field to get snow, because only with such snow could the canvases be bleached.

Villagers believed that evening snow (on the eve of Epiphany) had miraculous properties. It was collected, heated, and then used for various purposes.

The difference between Holy water and Epiphany water

To tell the truth, you can put an equal sign between the first and second water. Both waters are considered healing and, of course, alive. In some sources Epiphany water is also called Agiasma. Another question is that Epiphany water can only be on the nineteenth of January, but Holy water can be available on any day. You can get it either from a natural source or from a church. Or you can create it yourself.

Greetings, our dear readers. Epiphany frosts are approaching, but today we’ll talk about what Epiphany water is and its properties. Why you should swim, collect water and use it, and how to store it correctly.

I would like to note right away that I am baptized, but like most young people in the modern world, I almost never go to church. I hope I'll improve. But even though I don’t read prayers, I rarely go to church, I never stop believing in God and miracles.

Many of us honor Christian holidays, this is very good, and a holiday like the Epiphany of the Lord is revered by a lot of people, including me.

By nature, I can be classified as a technician. I don’t really like the humanities and especially don’t really trust “magic”. It’s just that almost everything around can be explained by physical phenomena, quite simple. And now, scientists know very well that Epiphany water is very useful, they know why. But they cannot yet explain why exactly on this day and only then.

But let's talk a little about something else, today I will tell you why Epiphany water and its properties are so beneficial to humans.

Properties of Epiphany water.

The fact that there are queues for Epiphany water and Epiphany water is actually not surprising. After all, it is she who is considered the most powerful and healing. What’s most interesting is that its healing properties are not even denied by doctors. It has a beneficial effect on:

  • immune system
  • Endocrine system
  • Nervous system.

In addition, it helps to improve the health of the brain area and respiratory system, improves the balance between the right and left side of the body. There are even cases where just a couple of drops of healing water brought people out of comas and much more. Therefore, people very often use it for the benefit of their health. As a preventive measure, take it on an empty stomach for all diseases and wash your face with it.

But it is still not recommended to use it in large quantities every day. It is enough to take a couple of sips in the morning on an empty stomach. If you need to take medicine, then take a couple of sips of water, and then the rest of the procedures are carried out.

For those who do not know how to use Epiphany water at home, priests recommend that women wash themselves with it, sprinkle food with it, and use it as medicine during illness. After all, Epiphany water is very useful for the sick.

I also wash little children with Epiphany water from the evil eye, even just when a child is in pain, he gets nervous and freaks out, cries endlessly, you can also wash the child with this water and give him a couple of sips to drink.

A little history.

Water is directly associated with the feast of the Epiphany. Before a public sermon on the Jordan River, Christ received his water Baptism from the Baptist. This ritual took place as follows: believers came to John and confessed their sins. This served as a sign of remission of sins.

Even though Jesus Christ was sinless, he still followed all the customs. As the Gospel says, at the moment when he received water Baptism, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a white dove.

This holiday is also called Epiphany, since at the same time as Epiphany the Holy Trinity appeared in the Jordan. After Baptism, Christ began to go out to preach. He did this for three years, until his crucifixion on Calvary.

The custom of blessing water for this holiday came from the custom of the Jerusalem church. There, to this day, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, together with believers, go to the Jordan River and perform the ritual of blessing the water. After which they take it for drinking and washing. From Palestine the custom passed to all Orthodox churches.

For many years now, Orthodox believers have been celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord on the night of January 18-19. It must be said that it is one of the most revered holidays. It is also called Epiphany Christmas Eve.

One day, laboratory assistants noticed an interesting fact: the water collected from the lake on the Epiphany holiday stood in the laboratory for four years. And at the same time, it did not change its properties, and did not even bloom. While ordinary tap water is not suitable for consumption after 2 months.

After such an incident, the question arose: why does Epiphany water not spoil and its properties still have healing properties? Physicists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology began to conduct daily studies of water taken from the tap on Epiphany. As surprising as it may sound, the phenomenon has been confirmed.

In fact, it has a high level of energy. In addition, these days the water becomes softer, its pH level increases by 1.5 points. No one can explain why this happens. Isn't this a miracle?

Emoto Masaru, researcher, Japan:“Let's imagine that here we have a person, and here we have water. This water contains many different types of information. If you introduce this water into the human body, the human body will absorb this information. And this can change a person’s condition.”

Allois Grubber, Austrian explorer: “How does a person handle water? If he turns to this water with good thoughts, blesses it, says “Thank you” to it, the quality of this water increases, and the water will have a positive effect on a person and his body.”

Do not forget that a person himself consists of more than 80% water. We ourselves are water.

Popular beliefs.

  • In the villages on this day, old women and girls collected snow from stacks. The old women did this in order to bleach the canvas. They believed that only he could whiten it. And girls did this in order to whiten their skin.
  • It was believed that a girl who washed her face with snow on the morning of Epiphany would become much more attractive.
  • It was also believed that snow collected in the evening before Epiphany was healing. Using it, people were healed from many ailments. A bowl of water was taken to the table. This was done in order to see the Baptism of the Lord.

Epiphany Christmas Eve is the evening of preparation before a major Orthodox holiday. It is called the Epiphany of the Lord's Baptism. On this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ by the Baptist in the Jordan River is remembered. On this day, huge queues for holy water stretch in the courtyards of temples and churches.

Where to get Epiphany water?

The best place to collect water is at the temple. But many people get it from the tap. But most likely, it’s probably more a matter of faith. After all, as scientists have proven, on this holiday Epiphany water and its properties really change, regardless of where it is collected.

  • If you don’t believe in miracles, then no matter where you get it, it won’t help you.
  • It should be stored next to the icons in the house in glass or plastic containers.
  • You need to treat it as a shrine, rub yourself with it, drink it and sprinkle it on your home.

Many believe that absolutely all water on the day of Epiphany becomes holy.

The clergy explain that only the water over which a special prayer ceremony is performed is sanctified.

This is how waters in natural reservoirs are sanctified, where a cross-shaped hole is cut in the ice - a Jordan. There are also many myths associated with it. The opinion that immersion in consecrated water forgives all sins is erroneous. The priests remind that in order to receive forgiveness, you must sincerely repent and confess.

But, personally, I collect water from a spring outside a small village. Once upon a time, priests performed rituals there, but in the last 5 years they have not done so. But on Epiphany there is still Epiphany water and no one disputes its properties.

All the locals go there and sometimes we store it for more than a year. This is how it happens.

Some people, when Epiphany water runs out, try to dilute it with ordinary water, without asking themselves whether Epiphany water can be diluted. There is an opinion that this is prohibited. Because the water begins to lose its potency and will no longer have such healing properties.

But as the priests say, you can dilute it, just not with a large amount of ordinary water. And it’s better to do this not with liquid from the tap, but from wells.

How to properly store and use Epiphany water.

Believers - out of reverence for the shrine - take Epiphany water on an empty stomach, but out of special need for God's help - during illnesses or attacks by evil forces - they drink it without hesitation, at any time.

Believers have a pious custom - in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a little Epiphany water and eat a piece of church prosphora, which is taken from the church at the service on Saturday - Sunday. If it is not possible to go to a service on church holidays, you can pray at home and sprinkle water on your home.

Epiphany water is not given to animals to drink, but from church practice it is known that during a pestilence, animals were sometimes sprinkled and given holy water. The reasons for such daring had to be extremely serious.

It is customary to pour Epiphany water only into a special place that is not trampled underfoot, so, as a rule, they do not bathe in it (for example, children), but rather wash and sprinkle it.

With reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the icons.

A special property of Epiphany water is that it, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it is diluted with plain water.

How to sprinkle an apartment with Epiphany water.

For many centuries, Christians have had a tradition of sprinkling their homes with baptismal water. As a rule, this happens on the day of the holiday. This ritual is carried out to cleanse the home of all bad things. For this procedure, you will need to clean your home and take a container of water.

First, the eastern side of the apartment is sprinkled, then the western, northern and southern. Before the premises are consecrated, the owner is advised to ventilate the apartment well, and to confess and receive communion themselves.

Epiphany water and its properties: why and how. updated: January 17, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

First of all, don't worry. Often an Orthodox Christian takes prosaic and everyday things as good or bad signs. For example, if the priest accidentally dropped his wedding ring at a wedding, the young people will not live. Or: when I prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos for something to come true, I saw how a ray of sunlight fell on my face and the image seemed to smile, it means that what I wanted will come true; The Epiphany water has spoiled - God's grace has departed from the house, expect trouble. This, of course, is superstition, that is, vain faith. The Holy Fathers say unequivocally: do not look for signs, do not indulge in superstitions and do not be inflamed by either positive or negative mental and emotional attitudes in this regard. Everything should be accepted indifferently, as if it had never happened.

All the will of God. Trust her, based primarily on the commandments of the Lord and the advice of the holy fathers. It is necessary, as they say, not to get excited or panic, but to clearly and soberly realize that our salvation depends on the will of God and on how zealously we work on ourselves to eradicate sin and cleanse and sanctify our inner man.

It is very easy to recycle holy water that has spoiled. Pour it somewhere under a bush or tree, on the grass or ground in a clean place where there is no debris. If this is an apartment, then pour it into a flowerpot, but not into the sewer, so that the shrine does not interfere with sewage. If holy water was stored in a plastic bottle, then it is better to burn it in a clean place, and if in a glass container, it can be rinsed well several times and also poured into a clean place.

It is better to store holy water not on a window or in a place where it receives direct sunlight. This can also cause it to deteriorate. On the other hand, you need to understand that initially the consecrated water may contain seeds of aquatic plants, from which the water can “bloom.” There are many natural options for when holy water can go bad.

When holy water becomes unfit for drinking, you can sprinkle it on your home, children, and relatives from the palm of your hand. And thus use the shrine for its spiritual purpose, so that the baptismal water, by the power of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, sanctifies and cleanses our home, and our souls and bodies receive the saving and life-giving power of God’s grace.

You can replenish your supplies of Epiphany or other holy water (from water-blessing prayers) in the church. You can store it all year round by adding plain water to the shrine according to the principle “a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea.” In a similar way, baptismal water is stored in the temple.

It’s nice to watch when you enter another house and see holy water and a cup standing next to it, and a bag of prosphora. And you already know that this person regularly eats holy water and prosphora. And sometimes you can see that a person’s Epiphany water is brought into the house on the feast of the Epiphany, placed closed in a closet and taken out from there only the next year on January 19th. It is poured out or replenished with fresh Epiphany water. This is, of course, sad. Because Epiphany water should serve us for our good. With proper consumption, it can and should support our spiritual and physical strength every day. She is a means of sanctifying our spiritual-physical nature. And therefore it is desirable that the day of an Orthodox Christian begins with her. After all, water, among other means consecrated by the Church, helps us fight sin and draw closer to God. The great shrine-agiasma is a symbol of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. God appeared to His people and dwells among them forever... Therefore, after the morning rule on an empty stomach, consumption of prosphora and holy water with a certain prayer is a kind of echo-symbol of the Liturgy, a certain very important moment of our personal home worship, in which God sanctifies both us and the coming day, teaching us His blessing in it.

How do pseudoscientists explain the “special” properties that water acquires during Baptism, why they are wrong and how one can be poisoned by holy water, explains Indicator.Ru.

The properties of water attract both scientists and ordinary people equally. Only if for the first it is a subject of study that demonstrates interesting physical properties, then others often consider water a mysterious substance to which incredible abilities are attributed.

In Russia, the latter is especially evident on the eve of Orthodox Epiphany on January 19, which is associated with the biblical story of the baptism of Jesus. Many believers are sure that water acquires healing properties on the eve of this church holiday. Let's see if there is a scientific basis for the properties attributed to water.

First, let's repeat some material from the school curriculum. From it we all should have learned that water has a truly unique set of characteristics. For example, the solid phase of water, ice, has a lower density than liquid water and also has an extremely high specific heat capacity and surface tension.

The structure of the molecule, in which two hydrogen atoms form an angle of 104.45° with an oxygen atom, and the properties of these atoms themselves provide a high dipole moment (which is why water heats up well in a microwave oven), and also makes it a good solvent for polar substances.

However, none of the above is mentioned by semi-religious figures in the context of the remarkable properties of this liquid. Usually you can hear “terms” from them like “energy-information memory”, “structuredness”, “aquacommunications” and the like.

One of the works often cited in such cases is “What explains the healing properties of holy water, Orthodox prayer and the sign of the cross?” electrical engineer Angelina Malakhovskaya. In it, the author describes how water’s physical properties change and healing qualities manifest when exposed to various religious rituals. Among other things, a change in optical properties was announced, namely an increase in optical density in the region of 200-260 nm.

However, employees of the Physics Faculty of St. Petersburg State University were unable to confirm Malakhovskaya’s conclusions even using a hundred times more accurate equipment. The structure of water is an eternal topic of pseudoscientific articles, the authors of which are not familiar with the current results of scientific research.

Meanwhile, it has long been shown that the structures that, according to some, “remember” and “record” information, live in water only for extremely short periods of time (about a picosecond).

Another common myth is that there is a certain special configuration of the Earth’s magnetic field on the eve of January 19, which provides water with “special” properties. In fact, the Earth’s magnetic field does not assume any specific state, because its source is the rotation of the core - a very inert process that cannot change significantly on a scale of days.

The real change in the Earth's magnetic field manifests itself in the form of movement of the magnetic poles at a characteristic speed of several kilometers per year and field reversal, which occurs on average once every half a million years.

Among the special properties of Epiphany water - and consecrated water in general - is also often mentioned its ability not to spoil for a long time. Some especially ardent believers even reserve it for a year in advance.

This opinion can only be due to a lack of understanding of the reasons why water becomes undrinkable. In fact, the culprit is bacteria, which decompose particles of organic substances dissolved in water, invisible to the naked eye.

It is logical that water taken from a clean source, especially at low ambient temperatures, and stored in a tightly sealed container, will deteriorate much more slowly than usual. Another possible explanation is the frequent use of silver objects in church rituals. Silver ions, even in small quantities entering the water, have bactericidal properties and effectively suppress the growth of bacteria.

By the way, if the water for consecration is not taken from a clean source, then the amount of bacteria in it will be quite dangerous to health, this has been proven by Austrian scientists. During the work, the researchers took water samples from 21 holy springs and 18 samples from special vessels for holy water located in churches in Vienna.

During the water analysis, it was shown that only 14% of the samples met sanitary standards and were suitable for drinking. In the remaining 86% of samples, microorganisms such as Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), Salmonella, and bacteria of the genus Campylobacter were found.

Another favorite “explanation” of the mysterious properties of water among obscurantists is reference to certain “cosmic influences.” Here, each interpreter gives free rein to his imagination, so the absurdity of the theses is limited only by the number of scientific terms familiar to a particular person.

Here you can find neutrinos emanating from the center of the Galaxy, which is lined up with the Sun and Earth, and cosmic rays awakening electrons sitting deep in the lithosphere, and hypotheses about the impact of interplanetary space on the bioinformational fields of water.

It is very difficult to refute such a number of heterogeneous unconfirmed hypotheses, but you can consider the problem as a whole. Of course, particle flows from space change over time. In particular, the flux of solar neutrinos correlates with the 11-year cycle of solar activity, but is in no way connected with what is happening on Earth.

The number of particles recorded on the surface of the planet from deep space depends on time much less: usual variations are a fraction of a percent and again do not have any pronounced anomalies during winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

In general, we can say that none of the “miraculous” properties of Epiphany water are not only not confirmed by real scientific research, but also do not have any substantiated scientific basis. Water is already a very interesting substance, and more than one study will probably be devoted to its physical and chemical properties in the future.