On July 13, he could have turned 90 years old, but he only lived to be seventy-two, there was no money for medicine, and he could barely scrape together food... He also died in July, the 25th of 1997. The next Moscow festival was taking place these days, but no one remembered it there. He was buried by a few friends and neighbors, just as modestly as he lived. In a few years, Komsomolskaya Pravda will write about him and readers will raise money for a monument.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, we’ll be talking about the wonderful theater and film artist, Boris Kuzmich Novikov.

He was born in the Ryazan region, in the small station town of Ryazhsk-1. When the war began, he was 15. Soon the family moved to Moscow, his mother taught Russian at the NKVD school, and Boris, who dreamed of becoming an artist from early childhood, entered the theater school-studio at the Mossovet Theater of Yuri Zavadsky in 1944, and in 48 -th graduated from it and was accepted into the troupe of the theater. Mossovet.

Such actors shone in the theater as Vera Maretskaya, Nikolai Mordvinov, Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Rostislav Plyatt, so Zavadsky did not particularly favor Novikov with roles. From the mid-50s, he began acting in films, “Behind the Window of a Department Store” - 55, “An Extraordinary Summer” and “First Joys” - 56, “On the Count’s Ruins” - 57. In the same 1957, Gerasimov took him to the role of Mitka Korshunov in Quiet Don.

Then there will be many more films, about a hundred in total. Novikov is rightfully considered the “king of the episode”; he brought something of his own to every small role and this made it immediately memorable forever.

"Probationary period" 1960 Tabakov, Efremov and Novikov.

"Scarlet Sails" 1961

"My friend, Kolka" 1961

This was the case in two television series - “His Excellency’s Adjutant” and “Shadows Disappear at Noon”; it is impossible to forget the jeweler Isaac Liberzon, whose Petliurists killed his son, and the Bolsheviks took everything away. Remember the phrase - " What kind of conversation can a man have with such rations?

And Ilya Yurgin, nicknamed “Buy and Sell” from “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, was the highest class.

In 1961, at the Mossovet Theater, Novikov finally got the main role. This is Vasily Terkin.

At Plyatt's insistence, they glued his nose with potatoes (his own had a slight hump), but that didn't stop him either. Tvardovsky, who was present at the premiere, was delighted - “You played Terkin better than I wrote,” he told Novikov. Tvardovsky was then in favor and Novikov could have received a prize for the role, but Zavadsky objected, saying that Maretskaya and Plyatt did not receive prizes, but here was some Novikov...

Relations with Zavadsky clearly did not work out, and when Novikov, overcoming his innate modesty, asked him why he was not being given roles at all, Zavadsky looked through him and said, “Who are you?”

After this, Novikov immediately left the Mossovet Theater; for a long time he could not find a job anywhere. Tsarev wanted to take him to Maly, but “well-wishers” from the former theater told him such things that Tsarev abandoned this idea. But Valentin Pluchek did not react to the gossip and took Novikov to the Satire Theater, where he worked from 63 to 72, continuing to act in films

"The Don Tale" 1964

"Shot" 1966

Boris Kuzmich's wife was Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. They studied together at the studio school, Nadezhda was a beauty and the studio students were surprised why she chose Boris. But Boris managed to fight a little at the front in the cavalry troops, was witty and charming, could talk and talk anyone out. His friend Nikolai Denisov, who worked with Nadezhda at the Youth Theater, recalled: “When they got married. Nadenka, as her husband called her, became like a mother to him, literally taking care of him like a son. Boris Kuzmich did not memorize texts very well, especially poetry, so she sat next to him and taught with him. So Kuzmich learned the role of Terkin - completely poetic. He was freed by Nadenka from all household chores, and was rarely at home, starring in several films a year." After "Terkin" Tvardovsky helped with an apartment in a prestigious high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, where he lived, next door to Faina Ranevskaya , which he usually greeted - “Hello, my great neighbor!" In 1949, Boris and Nadezhda had a son, Sergei. Sergei was often sick as a child, but studied very well and, having graduated from school with a gold medal, entered college. And then there was a complication after a severe flu, a mental disorder. Nadezhda was forced to quit work and look after her son. Boris remained the only breadwinner, at that time he was tormented by diabetes, and he had a heart attack in 1966. But he earned as much as could, acted in films, went on tour all over the country. This continued until the 90s. There was no work here, and my health became completely bad, a miserable life began.

He himself used to always lend money when he was asked, not particularly worried if the debt was not repaid, but he himself could not ask. In the winter of 1997, on the way to the store, he fell and broke his hip. I could no longer recover. Nadezhda Antonovna outlived him by 11 years, and in 2008, just like him, she broke her femur on the way to the store and died that same year. A year before their death they were taken into care the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, Father Alexey Yushchenko, and the head of the church, Alexander Brodsky. They turned out to be connected with black realtors and in 2009 Sergei disappeared. Only with the help of journalists was it possible to find him half-dead in an abandoned remote village a hundred miles from Moscow. With the help of the staff of the program "Man and the Law", Sergei managed to return the apartment...

(Sergey Novikov - son of Boris Novikov)
The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor.
We were the first to write about a mysterious story connected with the son of the famous actor Boris NOVIKOV. After the death of his parents, the mentally ill Sergei became the only heir to the “kopeck piece” in the legendary house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. People who identified themselves as Novikov Jr.’s guardians took over his elite apartment. The man himself, who was registered in a wrecked house in the Tver region without his knowledge, is now in a mental hospital named after. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends are desperately trying to return him to his home.
(Boris Novikov)
Let us remind you that Sergei Novikov disappeared from his apartment in a high-rise on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in mid-April. For a month and a half, neighbors and friends could not find him. Finally, the hungry and helpless man was found in the village of Cherkizovo near Moscow. And Novikov Jr.’s living space, which is estimated by realtors at $500 thousand, has already, as it turned out, been taken over by crooks.
Sergei was shaved bald in the hospital
New owner (Adezhda BONDARENKO took possession of the NOVIKOVS’ apartment)
Alexander Tvardovsky got Novikov an apartment in a Stalinist high-rise building. The poet was shocked by how soulfully Boris Kuzmich played at the Theater. Mossovet role of Vasily Terkin. Films with the actor’s participation - “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, “Quiet Don”, “Seven Old Men and One Girl” - are loved by viewers to this day. The postman Pechkin speaks in his voice. Despite this, the actor died in poverty and almost forgotten by everyone.
Novikov’s elderly wife, former Youth Theater actress Nadezhda Klimovich, understood that sooner or later their mentally ill son Seryozha would be left alone, and began to look for guardians. After her death, the ministers of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki - priest Alexy Yushchenko and elder Alexander Brodsky - took care of Sergei. They hired a nurse and brought food. But when Novikov Jr. became the full owner of the apartment, he suddenly disappeared. After an intensive search, it turned out that Brodsky took the unfortunate man to Cherkizovo near Moscow. And he settled in a shack belonging to a certain Nadezhda Bondarenko, who became the owner of the Novikovs’ prestigious apartment.
Investigators from the Tagansky district police department began an investigation, but formally everything was according to the law. According to the documents, it turned out that Bondarenko bought living space for $180 thousand from an unknown citizen Sergunov, who had previously allegedly purchased a two-room apartment from Sergei Novikov.
Boris Kuzmich always worried about his only son Seryozha
The actor’s son, alas, was never officially declared incompetent. And, of course, he never saw any money.
Mysterious death
Having snatched Novikov Jr. from Bondarenko’s hands, his friends placed him in a psychiatric hospital named after Alekseev.
“In the Moscow region, Seryozha was kept in terrible conditions,” says family friend, actor Nikolai Denisov. - Therefore, the doctors had to work hard to bring him at least a little back to normal. Sergei now feels better, but he has nowhere to go from the hospital. In order to return the apartment, the purchase and sale agreement must be canceled through the court; this is currently being done by a lawyer from the Screen Actors Guild. Bondarenko does not appear in court... The worst thing is that the Tagansky District Department of Internal Affairs told me that they would not open a criminal case for fraud. They are not embarrassed that Novikov was discharged from Moscow without his knowledge and on the same day he was registered in a shack in the Tver region, where several alcoholics are still registered. By the way, the first buyer of Serezha’s apartment, Sergunov, essentially a front man, recently died under mysterious circumstances. I was told that he had a criminal record and had problems with drugs. Maybe his death has something to do with our case? We managed to find out that Nadezhda Bondarenko also has a dark past.

NOVIKOV gained national fame for his entire role in the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon”
In her homeland, in the Novonikolaevsky district of the Volgograd region, several people are drinking themselves to death in ruined village houses, where she resettled them from Moscow and the Moscow region.
Didn't recognize my son
Friends of the Novikov family handed over Serezha’s mother’s diary to Express Gazeta. Shortly before her death, Nadezhda Antonovna revealed the secret of why her son became handicapped. It turns out that in childhood Sergei was a healthy boy with a creative streak. Mental illness was discovered after graduating from school.
“In 1975, my son was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm,” explains Nadezhda Antonovna. “On simple sedatives, he felt great for a month and a half. And one day he deceived me, saying that he needed to go to see his doctor. From there he called home and said that he still needed to undergo treatment. It turns out that he fell in love with a doctor who was 11 years older than him.

(mother of Sergei Novikov)
Nadezhda Antonovna could not leave her son in good hands
So, the guy had an affair with the attending physician. What happened next is difficult to understand. Either the doctor sincerely wanted to improve the health of her young lover and began to stuff him with strong psychotropic drugs, or in such a barbaric way she decided to get rid of her annoying admirer. In any case, the result was terrible.
“Literally a week later I didn’t recognize him,” Novikova recalls. - Increased salivation, lethargy appeared, my legs could barely move... When I met with the doctor and asked what happened, she said that “the process went so quickly.” When I was sending him home, I asked that my son be given a disability status, to which the doctor replied that this was impossible...
So Sergei Novikov is still considered an absolutely healthy person. To the delight of the swindlers who shamelessly robbed a helpless person.
Nadezhda BONDARENKO took possession of the NOVIKOVS' apartment
Valeria GUSCHINA, director of the Film Actors Guild:
- In recent years, several tragic cases have occurred when swindlers preyed on the living space of famous people. For example, Marianna Strizhenova, who lived in the Arbat area, unexpectedly sold her prestigious apartment for... $4,200. And literally a day after that she died of a heart attack. Actress Svetlana Chachava was found dead at home. Her body lay in an unnatural position: as if in the last moments of her life she was crawling towards the phone. And the cord was torn out from it. It soon became clear that Svetlana’s apartment at the time of her death was officially sold to strangers. Dark stories are also connected with the square meters of ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya and actress Tamara Nosova.
(Boris Novikov is buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow)

Boris Kuzmich Novikov. Born on July 13, 1925 in Ryazhsk, Ryazan province - died on July 25, 1997 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994).

Boris Novikov was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station (now the city of Ryazhsk, Ryazan region).

During his school years he took part in amateur performances. He fought at the front.

In 1948 he graduated from the School-Studio of Yu. A. Zavadsky, after which he became an actor at the Mossovet Theater. In this theater he worked in the following plays: “The Resentment” by A. A. Surov - 1st truant; “Oleko Dundich” by A. G. Rzheshevsky and M. A. Kats - an old gypsy; “Krechinsky’s Wedding” A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin - servant; “The Cup of Joy” by N. Vinnikov - Misha Kargin; “Minority Opinion” by S. Klebanov, A. Maryamova - Yura; “Third-year student” by A. V. Borozina and A. G. Davidson - Viktor Sobolev; “Dawn over Moscow” A. A. Surov - Cameraman; “Fashion Shop” by I. A. Krylov - Andrey, Lestov’s servant; “A Story about Turkey” by Nazim Hikmet - guard; “Restless position” - driver Tsvetkov; “First Spring” by G. E. Nikolaeva and S. A. Radzinsky - Stenya Bobrikov; “In a Quiet Lane” by A. I. Movzon; “Three” by M. Gorky; “Immense distances” by N. E. Virta - Nikita Streshnev, “Denier”; “The Battle on the Way” by G. E. Nikolaeva, E. Radzinsky; “First Date” by T. G. Sytina; “Vasily Terkin” by A. T. Tvardovsky - Vasily Terkin.

He collaborated with the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin, in which he played the role of Svistikov in the play “Shadows” based on the play by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

In 1963-1972 he served at the Satire Theater, among his works: “Gury Lvovich Sinichkin” - Pustoslavtsev; “Terkin in the Other World” by A. T. Tvardovsky - friend; “The Old Maid” by I. Shtok - Churin; “Intervention” L.I. Slavina - pharmacist; “The Last Parade” by A. Stein; “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” by P. Beaumarchais - servant; “Time Captured” by A.P. Stein - Wanderer of the Seas; “The Inspector General” by N. Gogol.

In 1971, the actor had a heart attack. And in 1972, due to illness (diabetes), Boris Novikov was forced to part with the theater and then worked only in cinema.

He made his film debut in 1954 in Yulia Solntseva’s film “Birthmarks. Inspectors willy-nilly.” Then he starred in the role of Vitenka Shubnikov in the dilogy “First Joys” and “An Extraordinary Summer”.

But he really gained widespread fame after the role of Mitka Korshunov in Sergei Gerasimov’s film “Quiet Don”.

Boris Novikov in the film "Quiet Don"

Then he began to constantly act in films, releasing several films a year. In his youth, Novikov most often played the roles of negative characters - drunkards, punks, bandits, foreign spies. He successfully played in the films “On the Count's Ruins”, “Blue Arrow”, “Girl with a Guitar”, “Probationary Period”, “My Friend, Kolka”. At the same time, even his negative heroes invariably possessed a certain charm, winning the love of the audience, incl. and due to the humor that often accompanied his roles.

A small episode in the television series “His Excellency’s Adjutant” - the jeweler Liberzon - became a small masterpiece of a great artist. With the absurd appearance and characteristic reprimand of an old Jew, to whom the security officers come for advice, Novikov emphasized the hopeless drama of this man - who lost his son at the hands of the Petliurists.

Boris Novikov in the film "His Excellency's Adjutant"

The film with his participation, “Shadows Disappear at Noon,” enjoyed great success. He played Taras “Buy and Sell” (aka Ilya Yurgin). His hero’s saying “let’s thunder to the fanfare” went down among the people. The actor completely invented his character himself. Novikov brought to the set not only completed lines, but sometimes also the director’s decision for the scene. He himself later regretted that he did not take up directing.

Boris Novikov in the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon"

During his creative life he played in 150 films; among his heroes are truants, artists, foremen, motorcade leaders, military men, supply managers, young men and teenagers. He was especially successful in episodic roles, thanks to which he even received the nickname “Episode King.”

The actor played one of his last film roles in the film “Return of the Battleship” in 1997, shortly before his death.

Boris Kuzmich also participated in dubbing cartoons. His most famous character is the postman Pechkin from the cartoon series “Three from Prostokvashino”.

“Boris Kuzmich was a man who was very sensitive to falsehood, hypocrisy and lies. It was difficult to deceive him. He was an incredibly talented actor with a very complex character. Geniuses are not simple,” the actress said about him.

Boris Novikov died of diabetes at the age of 72 on July 25, 1997, forgotten by everyone and in almost complete poverty.

He was buried at the Danilovskoye Cemetery in Moscow (site No. 2). The actor’s death was not reported in the press (the International Film Festival was taking place in Moscow and his death was not noticed). Only three elderly relatives came to the funeral, and when the coffin had to be taken out of the car, there was no fourth person to support it. Then the wife Nadezhda Antonovna herself decided to lend her shoulder to her beloved husband for the last time - fortunately, the driver came to the rescue.

Later, one of the newspapers wrote about this, and readers raised money for a monument to the actor.

Boris Novikov. Episode Kings

Personal life of Boris Novikov:

Wife - Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich, was an actress at the Moscow Youth Theater, died in 2008.

In 1949, the couple had a son, Sergei, who had been disabled since childhood. The couple looked after and cared for their sick son all his life. The family lived in the famous high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment.

At first, Sergei was completely normal mentally, graduated from school, and studied at the institute. However, at the age of 20 he developed a mental disorder. He lived in his parents' house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, but without Sergei's knowledge, he was registered in an old house in the Tver region, and the apartment in Moscow changed hands.

Sergey Novikov - son of Boris Novikov

In September 2008, his mother Nadezhda Antonovna passed away - and in April 2009, Sergei disappeared. Friends of the Novikov family raised the alarm, and thanks to publicity in the media, it became clear that Novikov’s son had become a victim of “black” realtors. The characters in this story turned out to be the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, Father Alexei Yushchenko, and the head of the church, Alexander Brodsky. They looked after the Novikovs in the last months of Nadezhda Antonovna’s life. They also found a guardian for Sergei Novikov. This guardian turned out to be an unreliable person and soon admitted that he agreed to sign the relevant documents for a fee.

Journalists helped find Sergei. When a story about him was broadcast in the program “Man and the Law,” Nadezhda Bondarenko came to the investigator of the Tagansk prosecutor’s office involved in the search. She began to claim that she was a friend of the Novikov family and after the death of her parents she took care of their mentally retarded son. And then I bought an apartment from him for 180 thousand dollars. Bondarenko said that Sergei was doing well, he was alive and settled in the Moscow region, in an old house on the outskirts of the village of Cherkizovo. There the man was found - exhausted and barely alive. Scared to death, he said that Alexander Brodsky brought him here, assuring him that he would take him to church. The found Sergei Novikov was taken to a psychiatric hospital named after. Kashchenko. He had been in terrible conditions for too long and with almost no food. The prosecutor's office opened a criminal case for fraud.

Currently, Sergei’s rights to an apartment in a house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment have been restored, where he lives under the supervision of a nurse.

The situation with Sergei Novikov’s apartment was the subject of the “Let Them Talk” program, which explored how it happened that the son of Boris Novikov, registered in an elite apartment in the center of Moscow, ended up in a wreck 100 km from the capital.

Let them talk - The curse of the famous high-rise

Filmography of Boris Novikov:

1954 - Birthmarks. Reluctant auditors - Unit
1955 - Behind a department store window - a hooligan (uncredited)
1956 - First joys - Viktor Shubnikov
1956 - Song of the Herder - policeman Sidorov
1957 - Extraordinary Summer - Viktor Shubnikov
1957 - To the Black Sea - Mitya, policeman
1958 - Quiet Don - Mitka Korshunov
1957 - On the count's ruins - Cartilage, bandit
1958 - Girl with a Guitar - Tsyplakov
1958 - Blue Arrow - Angelica, Lieutenant
1958 - At the Quiet Marina - Arnold Baziukov, hooligan and rowdy
1958 - The Captain's Daughter - Maksimych
1959 - Towards the Dawn - painter
1960 - Probationary period - Sparrow, duty officer
1960 - First date - circus artist, drinking companion of Smurov
1960 - The Tale of Fiery Years - Mandryka
1961 - Cossacks - Nazarka
1961 - Quite seriously (short story “The Story of Pies”) - head of department
1961 - Scarlet Sails - artist (uncredited)
1961 - My friend, Kolka! - Kuzma Mikhalych (Kuzya), secretary of the Komsomol organization
1961 - Battle on the way - Truant
1962 - Beat the drum! - policeman
1962 - Pavlukha - Fertov
1963 - An extraordinary city - Oblaposhkin
1963 - Stop station - Gruboukhov, collective farm foreman
1963 - Meeting at the crossing - Uvarov, joker with a guitar
1964 - Wick (film magazine) (Issue 26 “Love at first sight”)
1964 - The Don Tale - Ivan Chubukov
1964 - The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin - policeman
1964 - Return of Veronica - Honey
1965 - Above us is the Southern Cross - circus usher (voiced by another artist)
1965 - Road to the sea - Moscow taxi driver
1965 - Package - Death, second lieutenant
1966 - Shot - Kuzka
1967 - House and Master - Lyoshka
1967 - The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik - the Cardinal’s Henchman
1968 - Seven old men and one girl - Stepan Petrovich Bubnov, old plumber
1968 - There, outside the window, summer - gardener (voiced by another artist)
1969 - Adjutant to His Excellency - Isaac Liberzon, Kiev jeweler
1969 - Zucchini “13 chairs” - Mr. Specialist
1969 - Harsh kilometers - Churkin, driver
1970 - Lyubov Yarovaya - Konstantin the Terrible
1971 - Shadows disappear at noon - Taras “Buy and Sell” (Ilya Yurgin)
1972 - After the fair - Stepan Krynitsky
1973 - Nylon 100% - Shilobreev
1974 - Wick (film magazine) (Issue 148 “Object Lesson”)
1975 - On a clear fire
1975 - Diamonds for Maria - Maryin’s guest
1976 - Family Celebration Day - Fyodor Matveev, Peter’s friend from the war
1976 - Crime - Kuzma Afanasyevich
1976 - Everyone knows Kadkin - godfather
1976 - The Captain's Daughter (television play)
1977 - I have an idea! - Naryshkin
1977 - Funny people! - official
1977 - Strange woman - brawler in the station buffet
1978 - Live in joy - grandfather Afonya, nicknamed “Dump Truck”
1978 - French lessons - grandfather Ilya
1978 - Schedule for the day after tomorrow - Stepan Fedorovich, supply manager
1979 - The Suicide Club, or The Adventures of a Titled Person - Vandeler, General
1980 - I wait and hope - a one-armed disabled grandfather
1980 - Meadow Flowers - Taras Kuzmich
1980 - Citizen Lyoshka - waiter of the dining car (credited as E. Novikov)
1980 - Melody for two voices - Askoldych, mechanic
1981 - White Dance - Thomas
1981 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. "From the Life of Fruits" - Nikolai Starukhin
1982 - You can’t forbid living beautifully - Uncle Bodrova
1982 - Stovemakers - Fedor, school caretaker
1982 - The trust that burst - scorer
1983 - Ladies' Tango - Uncle Yasha
1983 - Teenager - Pyotr Ippolitovich
1983 - The Mystery of the Blackbirds - Butler Kremp
1983 - Password - “Hotel Regina” - Semyon Soloveichik, tailor
1983 - White Dews - Timofey
1983 - I promise to be!... - Kuzmich, watchman
1983 - Crazy day of engineer Barkasov - stoker
1984 - Why does a person need wings - Pavel Efimovich Chudin (Pavlyunya)
1985 - I still love, I still hope... - Pavel Petrovich
1985 - Secret walk - grandfather Ignat
1985 - Happy anniversary, let's wait
1987 - Riders - Prokudov, war veteran
1987 - Autumn Dreams - Mikita
1988 - Let me die, Lord - a man with a dog
1988 - Incident in Utinoozersk - Trofim Semenovich, long-lived old-timer
1989 - Prince Luck Andreevich - old resident of Kitaevka
1989 - Who should live in Rus'... - Nikodim Petrovich
1990 - Yeralash (Issue 79 “Advertising for Yeralash”) - clown Bim (uncredited)
1990 - Hunting for a Pimp - Hottabych
1990 - Far, far away - Stepan Vasilyevich, forester
1991 - Talking Monkey - Vasilich, Zookeeper
1991 - Blood for blood - Safin, broker
1991 - Wick (film magazine) (“Safety”) - lineman
1991 - Family man - head of the motor depot of Vasily Kolyvanov
1992 - Murder on Zhdanovskaya - neighbor
1993 - Thy will, Lord! - Egor Kuzmich
1993 - Desire for Love - Moneylender
1993 - On the Murom path - Akhmet, janitor
1995 - Thief - Motofonin
1997 - Return of the “Battleship” - pique vest
1999 - Transit for the Devil - Boris Kuzmich (voiced by Yuri Sarantsev)

Scoring of cartoons by Boris Novikov:

1970 - Uncle Misha - Cat
1973 - Jack and I are a policeman
1978 - Three from Prostokvashino - postman Igor Ivanovich Pechkin
1979 - Magic Ring - a man at the market
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino - postman Igor Ivanovich Pechkin
1980 - Well, wait a minute! (issue 13) - referee dog (uncredited)
1981 - The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov - Kurochkin
1981 - Winter quarters of animals - Ram
1981 - Reflection - Museum Visitor
1981 - Homeless Brownies
1981 - Goodbye, ravine - dogs Lame and Red
1982 - Porridge from an ax - Old Man
1983 - How an old man was a hen - Old Man
1983 - Woe is not a problem - courtier (uncredited)
1984 - Winter in Prostokvashino - postman Igor Ivanovich Pechkin
1984 - The Tale of Tsar Saltan - the red-haired shipbuilder
1985 - Teryokhina taratayka - blacksmith Terekha
1985 - Mrs. Vinegar and Mr. Vinegar - Hare
1985 - At dawn in the yard - a goose that was burning fat
1985 - Little imp with a fluffy tail - leader dog
1986 - Banquet - a man at the head of the table with a napkin on his chest
1986 - How grandfather followed the rain - Hare
1986 - The Mouse and the Red Sun - Hedgehog
1986 - Door
1987 - Laughter and grief at the White Sea - a man at the market
1987 - The Puppy and the Old Slipper - Scarecrow
1988 - Karpusha - old man
1988 - Trusting Dragon - Dog
1989 - Alien in Cabbage - Grandfather
1990 - Alien Vanyusha - Grandfather
1991 - Vanyusha and the space pirate - Grandfather
1991 - Little Witch - Chief Witch
1993 - Vanyusha and the Giant - Grandfather
1993 - Communal history
1993 - Gingerbread - Already

Our hero today is the famous Soviet actor Boris Novikov, who has several dozen prominent roles in big cinema. Do you want to know the details of his biography, creative and personal life? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Biography: childhood and youth

Novikov Boris Kuzmich was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station, in the Ryazan province. His parents are simple people who earned money through hard physical labor.

He grew up as an active and obedient boy. Boris studied well at school and attended various clubs. Teachers praised him for his efforts, thirst for knowledge and responsible approach to any task.

Boris's youth occurred during the war years. The guy was accepted into the ranks of the Red Army. He returned from the war and took up education. Our hero went to Moscow. There he managed to enter the Studio School the first time

Theater works

In 1948, Boris was awarded a university diploma. He had no problems finding work. The young and talented actor was accepted into the troupe of the Theater. Mossovet. For a long time he was on the sidelines. And only in 1961 he was able to fully demonstrate his creative capabilities and talent. Novikov played Vasily Terkin in the production of the same name. He accurately conveyed the character and emotional state of his character.

In 1963, the actor had to leave the Theater. Mossovet. And all because of the terrible persecution that his colleagues in the troupe inflicted on him. Novikov got a job at the Satire Theater. He performed on the stage of this institution until 1972. During this time, Boris played many bright roles. For example, in “Intervention” Novikov was a pharmacist. And in the production of “The Old Maid” he tried on the image of Churin.

Few people know that actor Boris Novikov suffered a heart attack in 1971. He also struggled with diabetes for more than 20 years. Due to deteriorating health, the artist was forced to say goodbye to the stage. Since 1972, he was no longer a member of the Satire Theater troupe.

Boris Novikov: films

When did our hero first appear on the screens? This happened back in 1954. He was approved for a small role in the film “Birthmarks. Inspectors willy-nilly.” The young actor saw the filming process from the inside. Boris liked everything. He made every effort to develop his film career.

At first, Novikov had to play negative characters: bandits, spies, drunkards and others. Boris received his first significant role in 1958. He successfully got used to the image of Mitka Korshunov in the film “Quiet Don”.

The actor learned about what all-Union fame is after filming the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon.” His character was Taras “Buy and Sell”.

Boris Novikov has starred in more than 150 films. The films in which he played leading roles are listed below:

  • “An Extraordinary City” (1962) - Evgeny Oblaposhkin;
  • “Shot” (1966) - Kuzma;
  • “Seven Old Men and One Girl” (1968) - Stepan Bubnov;
  • “These are the stories” (1974) - Gavrilych;
  • “Father and Son” (1979) - Porfiry Isaev;
  • “Autumn Dreams” (1987) - Mikita;
  • “Far, Far Away” (1990) - Stepan;
  • “Talking Monkey” (1991) - Vasilich.

Last years

In the early 1990s, domestic cinema was experiencing a severe crisis. Few films were made. The actors were unemployed for months. Boris Kuzmich was no exception. He hoped that some director would offer him an interesting role. But there were no calls.

Actor Boris Novikov continued to act. He got small roles. However, he was happy to do any work. And in 1997, luck smiled on the artist. Boris Kuzmich starred in the film “Return of the Battleship.” Director Gennady Poloka was pleased with the cooperation with him. After all, our hero coped 100% with the tasks assigned to him. The Russian-Belarusian film “The Return of the Battleship” was watched by millions of viewers. Many of them liked the image created by Boris Kuzmich.

Novikov’s last role took place after he left this mortal coil. How can this be? Shortly before his death, the actor starred in the detective series “Transit for the Devil.” But the film was released only in 1999. Footage with the participation of Boris Kuzmich ended up in the film. However, he voiced the role for him

Personal life of Boris Novikov

A handsome guy with a radiant smile always attracted the attention of girls. However, our hero could not be called a ladies' man and a womanizer. He dreamed of getting married once and for life. In the end, that’s what happened.

Our hero met his wife Nadezhda Klimovich as a student. She also chose an acting profession. Their romance developed rapidly. Soon the lovers got married. The celebration turned out to be modest. But the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness. In this marriage a son, Sergei, was born. The boy was constantly ill and was severely developmentally delayed. In 1975, he was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm. To avoid complications and seizures, Sergei had to take special medications.


Acting is not the only area in which Boris Kuzmich worked. He was an excellent vocalist. The song performed by him was performed in the film “On the Count's Ruins” (1957). Surely many of you remember the following line - “Because of a pair of loose braids...”.

Boris Novikov, whose biography we are considering, has voiced many animated films. At one time, such characters as from “Prostokvashino”, the black-moustached swindler from “The Adventures of Vasya Kurochkin” and so on spoke in his voice.

In May 1961, B. Novikov was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” But that is not all. In August 1994 it became popular


In recent years, our hero almost never left the house and communicated with few people. Before his death, he was chained to his bed. The only person who looked after him and provided moral support was his wife Nadezhda. The family was in dire need of money. After all, the sick actor needed good nutrition and expensive medications. Every month I sent him $200 from the L-Club. However, more money was required for treatment.

On July 25, 1997, Boris Novikov left this world. The sad thing is that no one noticed his departure. Then the International Film Festival was held in the capital. All famous artists and directors participated in this event. Several people attended Boris Novikov's funeral - his wife and elderly relatives. The famous actor found his last refuge at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. Several years ago, a black marble monument was erected on his grave. The money was collected by ordinary citizens.

Another tragedy

His wife Nadezhda Antonovna experienced the actor’s death the hardest of all. The woman withdrew into herself and stopped communicating with friends and relatives. The Guild of Film Actors began to patronize Nadezhda Novikova and her seriously ill son. They were provided with medical and material assistance.

Year by year, Nadezhda Antonovna’s health condition noticeably deteriorated. One day she fell in her apartment and broke her hip. This event turned out to be fatal. The widow of the famous actor fell ill. She died on September 18, 2008.

An unpleasant story with the son of Boris Novikov

Nadezhda Antonovna's only heir was her son. It was he who got the two-room apartment. At that time, the living space was estimated at $1 million. After the death of his mother, Sergei was left completely alone. The fraudster Nadezhda Bondarenko took advantage of this.

She worked as a nurse and received a pittance salary. And then the son of Boris Novikov appeared on her life’s path. The woman won over a mentally ill man and promised him help and protection.

Soon Nadezhda Bondarenko developed an insidious plan. She found guardians for Sergei. These were dummy people who agreed to play a certain role for a fee.

In April 2009, the son of Boris and Nadezhda Novikov suddenly disappeared. Neighbors and family friends began to worry about him. Later they managed to find out that the apartment he owned had been sold. Now the house belongs to Nadezhda Bondarenko. What happened to Sergei? Firstly, he was registered in a dilapidated house located in the Tver region. Secondly, a mentally ill man was placed in a mental hospital named after. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends repeatedly tried to help Sergei get his home back. And not so long ago they managed to do this through the courts.


Now you know where he was born, where he studied, who he was married to, and when actor Boris Novikov died. In the life of this wonderful person there were ups and downs, sad and joyful moments. He made a significant contribution to the development of Soviet cinema. May his memory be blessed...

Boris Kuzmich Novikov(July 13, 1925, Ryazhsk, Ryazan province, RSFSR - July 25, 1997, Moscow) - Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994).


Boris Novikov was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station (now the city of Ryazhsk, Ryazan region). In 1948 he graduated from the Yu. A. Zavadsky School-Studio and became an actor at the Mossovet Theater; in 1963-1972 he worked at the Satire Theater.

He was married to MTYUZ actress Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. From this marriage was born a son, Sergei, who has been disabled since childhood. The couple looked after and cared for their sick son all his life. The family lived in the famous high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment.

In 1972, due to diabetes, he broke up with the theater and worked only in cinema. During his creative life he played in 150 films; among his heroes are truants, artists, foremen, motorcade leaders, military men, supply managers, young men and teenagers. He was especially successful in episodic roles, thanks to which he even received the nickname “Episode King.” Boris Kuzmich also participated in dubbing cartoons; His most famous character is the postman Pechkin from the cartoon series “Three from Prostokvashino”. The actor played one of his last film roles in the film “Return of the Battleship” in 1997, shortly before his death.

He died of diabetes at the age of 72 on July 25, 1997, forgotten by everyone, in almost complete poverty. He was buried at the Danilovskoye Cemetery in Moscow. The actor's death was not reported in the press. Later, one of the newspapers wrote about this, and readers raised money for a monument to the actor.


His wife is an actress of the Moscow Youth Theater Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich (died in 2008). Son - Sergei (b. 1949). At first I was mentally healthy, graduated from school, studied at the institute, but at the age of 20, mental illness suddenly made itself felt. He lived in his parents' house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. Without his knowledge, Sergei was registered in an old house in the Tver region, and the apartment changed hands. He was treated in a psychiatric hospital named after. Alekseeva (formerly Kashchenko). Currently, Sergei’s rights to an apartment in a house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment have been restored, where he lives under the supervision of a nurse.

  • “The Resentment” by A. A. Surov (May 29, 1948 - premiere), 1st truant, Dir. Vasily Vanin
  • “Oleko Dundich” by A. G. Rzheshevsky and M. A. Kats (1948 - introduction to the play), old gypsy, Dir. Yuri Zavadsky
  • “Krechinsky’s Wedding” by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin (March 2, 1949 - premiere), servant, Dir. Vasily Vanin
  • “The Cup of Joy” by N. Vinnikov (March 6, 1950 - premiere), Misha Kargin, Dir. V. A. Kolesaev
  • “Minority Report” by S. Klebanov, A. Maryamova (May 21, 1950 - premiere), Yura, driver Drobot, Dir.: Y. Zavadsky, A. A. Shaps
  • “Third-year student” by A. V. Borozina and A. G. Davidson (July 21, 1950 - premiere), Viktor Sobolev, Dir.: I. S. Anisimova-Wulf, K. K. Mikhailov
  • “Dawn over Moscow” by A. A. Surov (November 18, 1950 - premiere), Cameraman, Dir.: Yuri Zavadsky, A. A. Shaps
  • “Fashion Shop” by I. A. Krylov (1951 - introduction to the play), Andrey, Lestov’s servant, Dir. Yu. A. Shmytkin
  • “A Story about Turkey” by Nazim Hikmet (March 21, 1953 - premiere), guard, 2nd policeman, Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, E. I. Stradomskaya
  • “Restless Position” by A. Ya. Kozhemyakin (June 27, 1953 - premiere), editorial employee, driver Tsvetkov, Dir. Yu. A. Zavadsky, Yu. A. Shmytkin
  • “First Spring” by G. E. Nikolaeva and S. A. Radzinsky (June 21, 1955 - premiere), Stenya Bobrikov, Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, E. I. Stradomskaya
  • “In a Quiet Lane” by A. I. Movzon (December 9, 1955 - premiere), Dir. A. L. Shaps
  • “Three” by M. Gorky (November 30, 1956 - premiere), Dir. Mikhail Sidorkin
  • “Immense distances” by N. E. Virta (November 4, 1957 - premiere), Nikita Streshnev, “The Denier” Dir. Yu. A. Zavadsky
  • “The Battle on the Way” by G. E. Nikolaeva, E. Radzinsky (February 3, 1959 - premiere), Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, A. L. Shaps
  • “First Date” by T. G. Sytina (February 18, 1960 - premiere), Dir. O. Ya. Remez
  • “Vasily Terkin” by A. T. Tvardovsky (February 23, 1961 - premiere), Vasily Terkin, Dir. A. L. Shaps