If you are concerned about the question of how to open a sewing shop from scratch, we will describe in detail how much such an undertaking costs and draw up a business plan based on average indicators. But to achieve success in this type of activity, you need to apply not only organizational talent, but also a creative approach to finding your niche.

For a beginner in business, it is important to go through the whole process step by step, tackling issues gradually. And so as not to forget anything, we will describe each item in detail. And since opening a sewing workshop for tailoring clothes has its own characteristics, we will dwell on the nuances and distinctive characteristics of this enterprise.

Where to begin?

Before you start organizing any business, you need to look around and study the market in a particular region. Assess the demand for various types of textiles, clothing, soft toys and other things that you could offer to the end consumer. Establish the number and level of main competitors in the selected industry. This is the only way you can decide whether it’s worth doing something like this and whether it’s profitable.

It is very important to decide on the product range. Some types of clothing, for example, are provided on the market in too many quantities and at an affordable price, which will be difficult to compete with. Other goods may be in short supply, but the demand for them is extremely high. This is the best market segment to conquer.

Only by coming up with a unique and profitable idea of ​​what exactly you will sew, you can achieve success even with minimal investment. But this will require time and imagination. After all, it’s not worth reducing the cost of your products due to low quality fabrics or poor work of inept employees. You must offer something needed, of high quality and at an affordable price for the buyer.

It is very important to take into account not only the wishes of future clients, but also your own capabilities, mainly financial. By drawing up a competent business plan with calculations at the very beginning, you will know exactly how much it costs to open a sewing shop of the desired size and how quickly your investment will pay off.

Business registration

To act within the law, you will need to go through the bureaucratic part of organizing your enterprise. First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). In the first case, you submit the following documents:

  • a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • application in form P21001;
  • copies of all pages of the civil passport;
  • you clarify the taxation system, for example, when choosing the simplified taxation system (simplified scheme), or you remain on the general one, which, in principle, is unprofitable for small businesses.

When organizing a legal entity, you will need a little more documents:

  1. Receipt for payment of a fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles.
  2. Similar application to the previous one, but form 11001 is selected.
  3. If there is a single owner, a decision to create a company is submitted. If the enterprise has several co-founders, then an opening protocol is drawn up.
  4. An LLC charter is also created.
  5. Copies of passports of all owners of the company.
  6. Statement on the chosen taxation system.

When opening an individual entrepreneur, the number of days for reviewing and issuing relevant documents is much less than when creating a legal entity. All you have to do is wait for a response from the tax service.

It is important to clarify the code of the selected activity of the enterprise in the documents. It could be:

  • 21 – when sewing workwear;
  • 22 – if you settled on outerwear;
  • 24 – indicates other types of goods and various accessories.

A separate stage will be obtaining permits from the SES, GPN and Rospotrebnadzor. To avoid any problems with these authorities, you need to find out in advance the full list of their requirements for organizing the workplace and arranging the sewing workshop in order to bring the premises to the specified parameters.

Production volumes

How much money is required at the start, the number of staff, the size of the premises, the sales market and much more will depend on your ambitions. Therefore, it is advisable from the very beginning to think about what volumes of goods you intend to produce and sell.

If this is a small enterprise, then the number of finished products produced per day will be limited to 25-50 units. To open such a business, an investment of 400 thousand rubles is enough. At the same time, you can concentrate on some unique and exclusive offer, and set prices above market prices.

If you have the desire and opportunity to create a large enterprise with access to the wholesale market and for sales throughout the country, daily production turnover increases to 150-200 products per day. In this case, the starting capital must be at least 5 million rubles. Not everyone can afford this.

But the result of the activity will not keep you waiting long. Even with the cost of finished products at a minimum level, due to large quantities of goods, you can quickly achieve payback and make a significant profit in a short period of time.

Find your niche

As already mentioned, you should decide what exactly you will sew. There are the following directions:

  1. Clothing, which, in turn, is divided into women's, men's, children's, outerwear, sports, special (uniforms), home, holiday, business, etc.
  2. Fabric toys.
  3. Various textiles (curtains, towels, etc.).
  4. Accessories (scarves, bags), etc.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to find workers who know how to make just such products and purchase special equipment. In order to expand the range and create interesting offers for customers, you can sometimes combine some of the options. For example, when sewing children's clothing, we can also produce various accessories for mothers or toys for babies.

Technological process

Every seamstress knows what stages clothes go through before they can be used for their intended purpose. Nevertheless, we will list the main stages of work in order to more rationally organize the production process and distribute the premises into zones.

  • At the initial stage, the style itself is invented and the future product is designed, a sketch is drawn. This is what a fashion designer or designer does. He thinks over not only the silhouette, but also selects the color scheme, suitable material, etc.
  • Next, you need to transfer the idea onto the fabric with a certain accuracy and make calculations for each detail. This is the work of a designer who creates a drawing to implement a creative idea. He develops patterns, specifies the dimensions of the future product, draws up technical documentation and calculates the amount of material that will be needed.
  • Cut out the fabric itself.
  • Every detail is processed and the finished product is sewn together.

If your atelier is small, with a limited staff, then the functions of a fashion designer and designer can be performed by a cutter. He communicates with clients, clarifies their wishes, takes measurements, cuts out details and controls the entire process. Separately, in the sewing workshop, they process the fabric according to the instructions and connect the parts of the product to each other.

Choosing a room

The location of the workshop itself is not of fundamental importance. It will be more profitable if it is located somewhere on the outskirts or even outside the city, in industrial areas. So, the rent will be lower, which will save your costs.

But the size of the studio is of great importance. The documents indicate that one employee must have at least 7 sq. m. of free space. Therefore, depending on the expected production turnover and the number of hired personnel, it will be necessary to accurately calculate the dimensions of the building.

In addition to the sewing workshop, there should be other areas, such as a warehouse, a cutting room, ironing areas, staff rest areas and a bathroom. Taking this into account, the minimum dimensions of the rented premises are approximately 60-70 square meters. m. It is important to take care of sanitary standards, lighting, ventilation and heating. Remember that the building must meet all the requirements of regulatory services.

We buy equipment

The most expensive part in the process of organizing a business will be the acquisition of specialized equipment, tools and other equipment. In this case, it is very important to make an accurate calculation of what equipment and in what quantity you will need.

Also pay attention to models, power and other parameters, since the speed of production and the quality of finished products will depend on them. You should not save on important equipment, because its breakdowns and repairs will lead to downtime. And poor-quality equipment will ruin expensive fabric.

You can pay attention to domestic car models, as they are of high quality and affordable cost. If you purchase used equipment, you need to evaluate its condition so that you don’t have to deal with unexpected costs later.

So, for small production volumes you will need:

  1. Cutting tables.
  2. Straight stitch machines.
  3. Overlocker and cover stitcher.
  4. Steam generator.
  5. Several irons.
  6. Special ironing press.
  7. Working surfaces for basting parts and smoothing fabric.
  8. Button apparatus.
  9. Shelving.
  10. Tools – knives, scissors, chalk, pins, needles, etc.


You will definitely need to hire a certain number of people to perform the various stages of sewing products. The result of the business will largely depend on the level of their training, since experienced craftsmen will be able to work faster and more accurately. But here you will need to masterfully think through the ratio of price and quality.

So, to save money, it is profitable to hire about 60-70% of highly qualified specialists, and hire recent students for the remaining jobs. As a result, the former will teach the latter all the intricacies of the business, the team will work harmoniously, and you will partially reduce wage costs.

If we talk about the specialists that will be required, then these should be:

  • cutters;
  • seamstresses;
  • cleaning woman;
  • a person responsible for receiving orders or selling products in bulk, for example, a manager.

If you plan to immediately start with large volumes of production, then additionally hire a fashion designer or designer, as well as an accountant. If the focus of the business is narrow, attention should be paid to the appropriate specialization of each seamstress. To motivate key employees to fulfill the production plan, set payment for work on a “salary plus interest” system.


In order for the manufactured product to be of high quality, you need to purchase appropriately good fabrics, threads, decorative elements and accessories. To do this, find a reliable supplier, or even better, cooperate directly with textile manufacturers. When purchasing raw materials from the factory, you will significantly save on this type of cost.

You can also search for the desired fabrics and other components at wholesale stores in this area or study offers on the Internet. The main thing is not to get lost in your priorities - by trying to save money by using cheap and low-quality raw materials, you will ruin the reputation of your company.

Even before the launch of the first batch of goods, it is advisable to worry about where you will sell the finished products. And although it does not have an expiration date and almost does not deteriorate, it is still not recommended to keep textile products in a warehouse for a long time. Firstly, they will go out of fashion. Secondly, over time the product will lose its attractive appearance. And thirdly, the business will not develop, and you will be left without profit.

The whole idea of ​​organizing a sewing enterprise is to sell the goods produced. Therefore, you need to find a permanent market for your products. For this purpose, you can enter into agreements with private stores, retail chains, pavilions selling textiles or clothing. Some entrepreneurs, if they have enough finance, open their own stores.

To promote your business, you can use the available advertising methods:

  1. Through the media.
  2. Ads.
  3. Internet.
  4. Create your own website with photographs of the main models and prices for them.
  5. Make business cards.
  6. Conduct screenings.

When sewing workwear, it will be enough to conclude a cooperation agreement with plants, factories and other industrial buildings. Then you can fulfill their orders on an ongoing basis.

When sewing exclusive products, you need to pay special attention to finding customers. For example, by providing high-quality and beautiful items to fit a figure with non-standard sizes, you can be sure that such customers will return more than once.

Mini studio at home

For those who do not have enough finance to immediately open a full-fledged clothing workshop, we can suggest starting with smaller volumes. In this case, it is enough to equip one of the rooms as a small workshop, where you will independently sew clothes, textiles or toys to order.

This method of organizing a business is justified when creating a limited number of exclusive and unique models. To do this, you just need to come up with unusual products and find your buyer. And only by creating a sufficiently extensive client base can you expand, rent premises and purchase specialized equipment.

Financial part

But that is not all. After all, considerable sums will be spent monthly on the maintenance of the sewing workshop.

Depending on the volume of production, as well as on the set prices and the number of buyers found, the entire income will depend. For example, per month you produce on average about 500 finished products from purchased raw materials. Price per unit – 1500 rubles. Then the revenue will be 750,000 rubles. Net profit – 375,000. As a result, full payback is achieved within two months of productive work.

But you need to understand that you may not reach such speeds right away. At first, the quantity of goods sold, even with established production, will be significantly lower. Experienced entrepreneurs say that payback is most often achieved within six months of operation of a small company.

Video: how to open a sewing production?

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Clothing is one of the most in-demand products, no matter what happens in politics and economics. Clothing is something that, along with food and shelter, we need every day. In difficult years, the consumer can limit himself to the necessary minimum of clothing, and also increase the duration of its use. However, a person simply cannot completely abandon its use. This applies, of course, only to everyday clothing (or, according to the generally accepted industry classification, household products). In addition to it, as we know, there is also special-purpose clothing: workwear, uniforms, sportswear, etc. Demand for each of these categories is determined by a number of completely different factors. Production technology may also differ significantly depending on the group under consideration.

Each class is also divided into five groups according to operating conditions:


Light dress;

Linen and sewing haberdashery;


Inventory, equipment and other products.

Perhaps the best ratio of demand and profitability among household products is a light dress. Its diversity also plays a role here - for men it is shirts, vests, jumpers, jackets, trousers, jeans; for women - blouses, sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, skirts and trousers and much more. Also here, great demands are placed on product design. And the wardrobe of light dresses is updated with high frequency, including due to seasonality.

On the other hand, precisely because the demand for casual clothing is high, competition in this area is very fierce, and constantly changing trends in world fashion adjust this demand towards one manufacturer or another. And manufacturers have to adjust their range in accordance with fashion trends. The one who manages to do this quickly, efficiently and without significant financial losses survives.

In general, manufacturers of household garments can be divided into two categories according to the method of generating profit.

1. By promoting your own brand. The owner of the brand develops the design and construction of the product, produces it and independently promotes it on the market. At the same time, he can use both his own labor and intellectual resources, as well as outsourced specialists and contractors. The brand unites a wide range of products, the distribution of which is carried out through its own retail stores, wholesaler stores or franchisees. The advantage of this form of business is a higher rate of profit; Difficulties include high risks in developing and promoting the brand.

2. By concentrating on our own production. As a rule, such organizations act as contractors for sewing batches of garments on a toll basis. They can only have a highly specialized production line - knitwear, textiles. Or they can have a full cycle production, from design to packaging. Profitability in this case is ensured by the absence of costs for maintaining a brand - advertising costs, costs for maintaining a large sales department or a network of retail stores.

Ready ideas for your business

A different situation is observed in the market of workwear and uniforms. Design and world fashion hardly have any influence here; Functionality and practicality rule here. Requirements for such products, as a rule, are established by the customer and directly depend on their purpose. As for demand, it is determined in most cases by the situation on the relevant market and its solvency. The peculiarity of these areas is that the demand for products is usually formed in large quantities, purchases are carried out through tenders and competitions. This provides the manufacturer, on the one hand, with long-term loading, and on the other, reduces the profitability of the business compared to household products.

So, if you are thinking about getting into clothing production, the first thing you should decide is whether you want to develop your own brand, getting the satisfaction of publicity and social recognition, or whether you just want to make money by focusing on the production process. In the first case, a prerequisite will be the presence of your own designer (designers), a laboratory for experimental tailoring and a talented marketer; Having designers and technologists is highly desirable, but not necessary - their work can be outsourced. Own production capacity may be minimal, but in this case it is necessary to properly establish relationships with contractors. In the second case, depending on the planned volume of activity and available investments, you can limit yourself to a good technologist who will perform the functions of a production manager, or you can form a full staff of the production department: designers, technologist, cutters, etc. In subsequent calculations of the economic efficiency of this line of business, we will take as a basis only a production line with a staff of seamstresses and a production manager-technologist. Additional work and services will form the added cost of tailoring.

Working with your own brand in most cases involves positioning in the market of household products or sportswear. Less often - in the workwear market. The fame of the brand or brand in the case of uniforms and workwear, especially when participating in tenders, is practically irrelevant. Therefore, the production of such categories of garments will most likely be the domain of the second group of enterprises.

We will begin the calculation with this option. First you need to select a room. For small (up to 10 people) and medium-sized (10-25 people) production facilities, the area of ​​auxiliary premises, such as a warehouse, wardrobe, eating place, toilets, offices of engineers (at least the production manager), will be approximately equal to the area of ​​the production line itself . The area required for the line is calculated based on the type of product produced and the number of employees. So, when sewing light knitwear, one worker has 4-5 sq.m.; in the production of more complex textile products - already 5-6 sq.m.; Well, the production of outerwear will require 6-8 sq.m. per person. These are just approximate figures; in practice, much depends on the type of equipment used, the configuration of the premises, and, ultimately, on the qualifications and skills of each employee. However, when calculating, we will be guided by them.

Ready ideas for your business

So, to sew textile products (this can be both household products and workwear and uniforms) with a team of 15 people, you will need a production area of ​​75 sq.m. The auxiliary premises will take up the same amount. In total, we get the required area of ​​150 sq.m. At the current rental price - 75,000 rubles per month. If we are considering creating our own brand, we will need additional premises: an office for administrative staff and a sales department; additional space for warehouses of fabrics, accessories and finished products; showroom. All together this will amount to at least 100 sq.m. or 50,000 rubles.

You can save on production space by introducing a shift work schedule - two 12-hour working days and two days off. With a constant output, this will reduce the occupied area, or, with a constant area, increase output.

Another opportunity to reduce rental and labor costs is to locate production not within the boundaries of a large city (even if sales will be carried out within its boundaries), but in the region. In this way you can achieve even thirty percent savings.

Subtract 10% for various losses - sick leave, vacation, downtime due to defects or equipment malfunction, we get 2376 man-hours of working time per month.

Output is calculated based on established time standards - for each product there is a strictly defined time. There are industry standards that were widely used in Soviet times. But over the years, technologies, materials and equipment have changed, but the standards have remained the same. Therefore, today sewing enterprises develop standards independently, based on the characteristics of the premises, equipment and other factors. For newcomers to the industry, the solution may be to borrow standards from experienced market players.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, sewing a light dress on a production line can take an average of 0.7 hours, trousers for men or women - 0.5-1 hour, a textile jacket with or without lining - 1.5-2 hours, respectively. If we proceed from the option of sewing uniforms or workwear, then the number of trousers and jackets will be the same, and the time spent on the product can be averaged to 1 hour. If you plan to produce lightweight textile products, time costs will be reduced to 0.5-1 hour per product; If you add lightweight knitwear to the assortment, this figure can be reduced to 0.3 hours. Everything will depend on the assortment matrix - the share of a particular product in the total assortment.

So, when sewing uniforms, the monthly output will be:

Today, the average market cost of sewing trousers is 200 rubles, a simple-cut textile jacket is 300 rubles; We accept 250 rubles for the calculated value. Monthly revenue will be:

Since in the considered option the material (fabric, accessories, threads) is provided by the customer, the costs of its purchase are not taken into account. However, it is necessary to mention the following nuance: the tolling basis is assumed in the customer-contractor relationship, but not the customer-supplier relationship, as is the case, for example, with a tender held by a department. In this case, the manufacturer purchases the material at his own expense and on his own.

As for equipment, there are no problems with its purchase today. You can buy both new and used equipment in any quantity. Japanese sewing machines and overlockers have the best combination of price and quality; for the cutting area, you can choose knives (for large volumes - cutting-band machines) made in Poland and China. The cost varies widely - from 650,000 to 20,000 rubles for a new car with a drive. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully determine the range, production volumes, prospects for expansion and modernization, and only then proceed to the selection of equipment. It is best to contact the supplier to select a kit. For our calculation option, it is advisable to budget 1.0-1.3 million rubles for the purchase of sewing equipment. A cutting table with a reciprocating knife will cost an additional 35,000 rubles, and with a cutting and tape machine - 400,000. Production capabilities can also be expanded with knitting and embroidery machines, but such work is usually subcontracted to highly specialized companies.

The presence of one or more designers on staff requires the availability of specialized software - sewing CAD systems, the cost of which reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles. You will also need one or two plotters for printing patterns; A digitizer may also be useful for digitizing them. In the most budget option, you can budget 200,000 rubles for this. It must be remembered that having a designer on staff (or, moreover, several) is beneficial only when the company is constantly developing new models. Otherwise, it is easier and cheaper to turn to familiar specialists or purchase a ready-made medical base.

If you decide to create a brand of fashionable clothing, you cannot do without a laboratory - an experimental workshop, where trial products will be sewn and refined to the standard. The laboratory consists of 3-5 experienced seamstresses, provided with high-quality equipment. In the context of equipment costs – 300,000 rubles.

If a company plans to purchase large volumes of various types of fabrics on its own, a rejecting and measuring machine will be needed in the warehouse, which is used for rewinding, rejecting and re-measuring material from a roll. The cost of such equipment will average 170,000 rubles. For a warehouse of finished products with a wide range, you will also need standard warehouse equipment - from shelving to label printers and data collection terminals, which will cost at least 300,000 rubles. In the case of sewing large batches of standard products, such difficulties will not be required.

At the final stage, it is necessary to equip the office: purchase furniture and office equipment; equip a dressing room and a dining area. All this will cost 150-300 thousand rubles.

Another important point that you need to pay attention to is product certification. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 No. 982, underwear products, fur clothing and children's clothing of all categories are subject to mandatory certification, however, the ConsultantPlus system indicates almost all categories of clothing products as excluded from the list of products subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly clarify the conditions with the local certification body.

Summing up the intermediate result, we can sum up the investment costs in the minimum and maximum options. The data is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Investment costs

So, as can be seen from Table 1, the order of investment costs can vary widely: from 838,000 in the case of organizing a simple workshop for sewing a narrow range of products and purchasing budget equipment to 3,702,000 rubles in organizing a wide-profile enterprise with a staff of designers and technologists, as well as high quality equipment. And this is not the final amount - as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

Recruiting staff is also not easy. Fewer and fewer educational institutions provide training in the professions of seamstress and cutter. And few graduates prefer to work in trade and other potentially higher-paying industries. The average age of seamstresses working today is 40 years. Partly for this reason, partly due to the peculiarities of the professional education of the working staff in general, even with a fully staffed team, there is a high risk of production downtime due to seamstresses not coming to work. Pay for this position is piecework; when production volumes decrease, seamstresses go to work part-time in other workshops to cover time off, sick leave, vacations, etc. Serious sewing production involves a continuous organization of labor, i.e. each worker performs one or more specific operations, but does not completely sew the product from start to finish. Hence specialization arises, and when one worker leaves, there is a risk of stopping the entire flow. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to have several generalist specialists in the team who, if necessary, can take on problematic operations.

On-line quality control requires special attention. Operational work differs significantly from the work of a tailor, for example, in an atelier. It requires high speed and accuracy; If a defect from one seamstress goes to the next operation, it may remain unnoticed until the very end of the production cycle, and will only be detected upon acceptance of the finished product. At best, this will lead to complete or partial disassembly of the product in order to eliminate defects. At worst - to its complete rejection. If a defect occurs not because of carelessness, but because of an incorrect operation, this can lead to the rejection of an entire batch.

The selection of engineering and technical personnel, which should include designers, technical designers, technologist, quality control inspector and production manager, is also difficult. There are not many universities in the country that train graduates of such specialties, and the popularity of the specialties is falling catastrophically. The situation is broadly similar to that of production workers. Employers retain qualified specialists with high wages, while a weak designer or technologist can force the enterprise to incur serious losses. The conclusion from the above is that the search and selection of production personnel at all levels must be approached extremely seriously.

The company's staff and wage fund are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Staffing and wage fund

Previously, we calculated the amount of revenue when fulfilling an order for sewing uniforms consisting of trousers and a jacket. The proceeds turned out to be equal to 594,000 rubles, which fully covers the costs of labor and rent of premises. However, the resulting figure reflects a rather pessimistic version of the development of events - fulfillment of orders from customer-supplied raw materials in accordance with customer requirements, lack of our own design and sales system, etc.

The development, production and marketing of more diverse and complex products will not only increase the costs of the enterprise, but, to a much greater extent, increase revenue and profitability.

In the case of creating and promoting your own brand, there are several marketing strategies that can be used both individually and in combination.

    Own retail store/chain.

    Distribution through third party retail stores.

    Own online store.

    Third-party online trading platforms.

    Selling a franchise.

Each of these strategies has advantages and disadvantages. Creating your own retail network leads to huge capital investments - opening one store will cost no less than 1 million rubles, and with a new unknown brand it will reach the break-even point in 9 months at best. An online store is a seemingly fashionable and promising thing. But you need to try on clothes - an opportunity that an online store does not provide. Therefore, it is necessary either to organize fitting in the presence of a courier, which, accordingly, requires a delivery service, or to give the buyer the opportunity to return the goods. A detailed discussion of each strategy will require a separate article.

So, the simplest option is to organize a highly specialized sewing workshop, focused on sewing large batches. Minimum capital investments, minimum organizational difficulties, but also minimum profitability. If you have serious investment opportunities, then by organizing not just a workshop, but a sewing production with a name, you can make a profit of 200,000 rubles per month. But it is necessary to remember: the more complex the production and sales, the higher the risks.

Denis Miroshnichenko
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The psychological salon “1000 Ideas” is a unique format of its business, opening up limitless opportunities for self-realization in one of the most popular niches of modern business.

People will always have a demand for quality clothing, despite high competition and economic instability in the country. The sewing business niche has just begun to actively develop in our country, so you don’t have to worry about the future profitability of this business. We present a detailed business plan for sewing production, which will allow you to properly organize the business and calculate profitability and payback.

At the stage of forming a business plan, it is important to note all the risks and prospects of such production. If you approach the implementation of the project correctly, you can get a good stable income.

Sewing business: definition

This type of production belongs to the light industry. This creative direction can be directly linked to making a profit by making clothes and then selling them. The main thing in the sewing business is competent implementation and clearly thought-out strategies.

In order not to make mistakes in the first stages of the sewing business, communicate with professionals and eminent craftsmen.

In the video you can learn the typical mistakes of beginners.

Video. Common mistakes when starting a sewing business

Pros and cons of sewing

The positive aspects of the business include:

  1. Fast and high return on business.
  2. High cost of the average check.
  3. Possibility of long-term storage of products in the warehouse.

To the negative:

  1. Expensive rental of premises, difficulties in finding the optimal location.
  2. Low demand for specific products.
  3. High level of competition in the sewing business.

Choosing the current direction

There is a huge selection of different areas in the clothing industry. You can focus on tailoring clothes for children or only for adults, workwear, and seasonal items. You can sew not only clothes, but also household items or accessories.

Any region is consistently famous for its high demand for children's clothing. If you manage to obtain a certificate for permission to sew children's products, you can get rich in a fairly short time.

It is very important to take into account the demand for a product in a certain area; for this you need to monitor the market. Careful analysis will be required to achieve a reasonable ratio of income and expenses.

At first, you can specialize in several niches to find yours. However, it is important not to overdo it; the combination of prom dresses and hammocks for summer cottages looks quite ridiculous.

Production technology from A to Z

The entire stage of sewing consists of 5 points: design, construction, cutting, sewing and finishing. Let's look at each in a little more detail.

The first point is that modeling is done by a designer or fashion designer. He draws up a sketch of the future product, determines the color scheme and suitable fabric.

The design is carried out by the designer, who must transfer the designer’s sketch into the form of a drawing. He calculates the parts and material that will be needed for sewing. At the same time, he draws up patterns and the necessary technical documentation.

In a sewing workshop, the first two steps are usually performed by the cutter. This is the person who combines the functions of a fashion designer and designer. The main stages - cutting, sewing and final finishing - take place in the sewing workshop by professionals in their field.

It is very important to establish clear production technology. This will allow the most productive use of available equipment and labor.

Business plan: main steps


When creating a clothing production, it is necessary to register the business with local authorities and pass a Fire Inspection inspection. You will also have to create an accounting department with the necessary documentation and storage facilities. Production problems will be eradicated at the very initial stages thanks to reporting, as information about the actual state of affairs will be generated.

If production involves transportation, issues related to logistics need to be resolved early.

At the first stages, a production or sewing workshop is registered as a legal entity. There are two forms of organizations: LLC and individual entrepreneur. Let's compare the package of documents for these types of organizations:

Amount of state duty800 rubles4000 rubles
Notarized statementform P21001form 11001
Application for transition to a simplified taxation systemrequiredrequired
Protocol on the creation of a legal entity indicating all foundersnot requiredrequired
Copies of passportsrequiredrequired
Articles of associationnot requiredrequired

A package of documents for any type of organization is usually reviewed within 5 days. If the tax service makes a positive decision, the entrepreneur is given an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, OGRNIP or individual entrepreneur number, acts of confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund and a certificate from Rosstat. The LLC's package of documents differs only in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the organization's charter.

After these events, it is necessary to make a seal of the organization, its cost starts from 500 rubles. In addition, it is important to open a bank account. All costs will be about two thousand rubles.

When opening a limited liability company, the authorized capital is established; its minimum amount must be 10,000 rubles.

Selecting a room

Finding an area to locate a business that will meet all the requirements is an important step. At first, saving on rent will not hurt; it can be achieved by renting premises in remote areas of the city. The production premises must be equipped with heating, water supply and electricity.

The dimensions of the room depend entirely on the planned production volumes. If you plan to produce 200 items of clothing daily, then for comfortable and fruitful work you will need a room measuring at least 140 square meters.

The premises must comply with the requirements of the Fire Supervision Authority; in addition to the alarm system, the workshop must have fire extinguishers and evacuation plans installed.

Employees for sewing production

Workers are an integral part of this sector. At the initial stages, the business will need experienced employees who can ensure the success of the garment production. It is worth remembering that in addition to seamstresses, such a production will need designers, managers to receive orders, accountants, mechanics, managers and support workers.

A little later, if resources allow, you can train inexperienced specialists on the basis of production, who will then become permanent employees. The percentage of beginners and inexperienced employees in production should be no more than 40%.

The optimal number of employees for a sewing workshop, according to various sources, ranges from 11 to 23 people. They can be grouped into different teams to ensure shift work.

The most optimal method for setting wages is a fixed rate with an added percentage of revenue.

In addition, you can reward employees with additional financial bonuses for achieving goals. This way you can motivate employees to do large amounts of work and encourage them to produce efficiently.

Equipment and consumables for work

To organize and effectively process sewing production you will need:

  • automatic programs for clothing design;
  • cutting equipment;
  • sewing and embroidery machines;
  • irons, steam generators and ironing boards;
  • washing machines;
  • printers for printing on fabrics and other specialized equipment.

For sewing, you can purchase inexpensive sewing machines from Korea or China; trusted manufacturers are not inferior in quality to European suppliers. When choosing a semi-automatic loop machine, it is better to opt for imported equipment, since domestic equipment in this area is not fully developed.

Equipment for sewing production does not have to be new. Many businessmen who get into the sewing business purchase used machines. This saves costs, but also carries certain risks. Old machines can quickly break down.

The total cost of equipment for a workshop with average production indicators will be about 200-300 thousand rubles. Specific figures depend on the type of production and its volume.

The purchase of consumables is an integral and constant cost item in sewing production. Therefore, it is important to find reliable suppliers of fabrics and accessories. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their reputation in advance to ensure business stability. The best solution would be direct cooperation without intermediaries. Purchasing an initial base of fabrics and accessories will cost approximately 60-100 thousand rubles.

Marketing plan

In any business, it is important to consider the nuances of marketing. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate profitability and determine specific points of sale of the product.

For promotion, it is important to conduct advertising campaigns on a regular basis. A base of regular customers should be created already in the first stages of the workshop’s operation. To do this, you need to sell products in all kinds of profitable retail outlets. It is important to remember the high quality of the products, otherwise there will be no influx of new customers.

Approximate expenses and planned profit

The average initial investment costs are:

  • Documentation and registration from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair if necessary from 20 thousand.
  • Equipment from 200 to 800 thousand.
  • Logistics and other expenses from 20 thousand.
  • Total initial costs from 330 to 1210000.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 30 to 50 thousand.
  • Fabrics and consumables from 50 to 300 thousand.
  • Salaries for employees range from 75 to 100 thousand.
  • Utilities from 15 thousand.
  • Logistics from 20 thousand.
  • Total: from 190 to 485 thousand rubles.

Projected revenues:

  • The wholesale price of one product is from 700 rubles to 1,500 thousand.
  • The volume of products sold per month is approximately 500 pieces.
  • Average monthly income is from 350 to 750 thousand.
  • Average profit taking into account monthly expenses from 160 to 265 thousand.
  • The payback period for the business is six months.

It is worth understanding that specific numbers depend on the volume of production and the individual characteristics of the business.

Sewing business: smart investment or risk

To successfully open a clothing production, it is important to become familiar with all the intricacies of the light industry. Experienced economists and lawyers will help you draw up a detailed business plan tailored to specific conditions.

In such a difficult task as sewing, it is important to focus on the needs of customers. One of the main tasks is to maintain a high level of product quality. Don’t forget about the high competition in this industry. If you have not only the skills, but also the steely grip to keep your business afloat, the clothing industry will pay off for you.

Video. Business plan for opening a clothing production

A woman who knows how to sew will never go hungry! You can make good money from this hobby without leaving home. Find out right now how to replenish your family budget.

Often women who know how to sew do not even think about the fact that not everyone can make a more or less even stitch and cut the fabric correctly, and these services are in great demand both in cities and small villages. This instruction will tell you how to make money by sewing for a novice tailor: what materials and equipment will be needed first, what work is most often ordered, and how to earn significant income by completing orders at home.

How to start your own small sewing business

The first thing you need is self-confidence and a business mindset. The right marketing move would be to post your ads near your own home, markets and popular clothing stores, so you can find clients who need to shorten their trousers or adjust something that they really liked but doesn’t fit well.

If you are thinking about how to make money by sewing at home and want to receive more orders, leave advertisements for sewing bed linen and kitchen towels near fabric stores; the materials for them are cheaper than finished products, and the work is simple, so even the smallest ones will do. an experienced master.

It is a little more difficult to make curtains, because they are usually made from fabrics that are inconvenient to sew, but such services are in great demand, since the height of ceilings and cornices varies and it is almost impossible to buy ready-made curtains of the required length. It would also be a good idea to post information about your activities on local websites.

Conduct a marketing survey! Perhaps there is a factory or mine in your city, and the workers need foot wraps or sturdy trousers at affordable prices, or there is a children's dance group that needs costumes? Let them know about you. There are many options on how to make money by sewing; in order to get maximum profit, you should cover the entire range of work and become a generalist.

Equipment and consumables for work

To complete orders at home, the best option is an electric sewing machine; it does not require as much physical effort as a mechanical one. It is faster and more powerful than foot-powered models, and it makes sense to purchase it if you plan to perform large volumes of work every day.

In addition, modern electric models produce less noise and discomfort for family members. When you already have a sewing machine, all that remains is to check the other little things necessary for the job:

  • black and white threads for machine sewing. It is advisable to match threads of a different color to the color of the fabric;
  • machine needles and needles for hand sewing with a large eye;
  • sewing centimeter for taking measurements;
  • sharp scissors;
  • chalk or pointed soap for drawing on fabric;
  • several zippers of different sizes. When buying them, keep in mind that a long zipper can be shortened, but a short one cannot be lengthened;
  • a large mirror and an area where your visitors will feel comfortable changing clothes for fittings.

A seamstress who wants to make money at home will never have too many accessories in her arsenal. A variety of buttons, chains, fasteners, snaps for jeans, beads and multi-colored edging ribbons often help out and help make the design of things original.

Even if you are going to work with customer materials, it is advisable that you have your own fabric, cotton or thick synthetic in a neutral shade, which can replace pockets and lining, as well as adhesive interlining to give shape to thin fabrics.

To advise visitors, you need magazines with clothing models or similar files on your computer; a collection of scraps of various fabrics would also be an excellent tool at hand.

A mannequin is an optional, but aesthetic and useful attribute for a home sewing workshop. It is more convenient to use professional options with fabric upholstery; it is easy to pin cut fabric and ready-made items to them with pins. But in the absence of a professional mannequin, an ordinary plastic one, which is used in markets and stores, will do.

How to make money quickly for beginners and experienced seamstresses

The simplest ways to earn money include: shortening trousers and jacket sleeves, adjusting straight-cut clothing, sewing curtains, bed linen and other products. But sewing clothes from scratch is a complex and creative task.

Ready-made patterns from books and the Internet very rarely perfectly fit the figure of a particular person; you have to independently calculate the dimensions, and sometimes change the pattern itself, using your own modeling and design skills.

One of the difficult tasks is sewing trousers. However, any other wardrobe item can have a complex cut. In addition, you need to be able to select the right fabrics and combine them with each other. To get a modest chintz or light crepe de Chine, a pleated skirt requires a thicker fabric, for example, denim, and a flowing evening skirt requires chiffon or silk.

Stores also sell a lot of mixed fabrics that combine the qualities of various materials, so when choosing a fabric for a certain model or, conversely, a silhouette for a fabric brought by a client, you need to be guided not only by knowledge, but also by imagination.

In addition to sewing fashionable items, you can sew bags, blankets using the... If you decide to make money by sewing at home, you will certainly be able to receive not only income, but also pleasure from this creative work.

There is probably not a person who has not at least once gone to a sewing workshop to have his trousers hemmed or his zipper changed. Recently, the demand for individual tailoring has also increased. Read more about what you need to open a tailoring shop and how to draw up a business plan in the source.


Description of sewing small business

People who have professional seamstress skills most often think about opening a sewing studio. This, of course, will help in running a business, but it is not enough to obtain a stable profit.

When we open a tailoring shop with the aim of generating a permanent income, we must think about the direction of its work, the working premises, the need for employees and ways to attract clients. In addition, identify possible risks, draw up a business plan, calculate the expected income and payback period of the enterprise.


Before opening a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the range of services provided. This can only be repairing clothes or sewing individual outfits. You can create designer clothes and immediately sell them, or focus on some narrow area: workwear, wedding dresses, outerwear, etc.

All this affects the calculations when drawing up a business plan. For example, a repair shop can be located in a small room, and 1-2 seamstresses can handle the work. Whereas a wide-profile sewing enterprise will require renting large areas, purchasing expensive equipment and finding professional workers.

Relevance of the project

You also need to think about whether it is profitable to open a studio in advance. Considered generally, the idea of ​​a sewing studio is a relevant business. After all, there are always people with a non-standard figure for whom it is difficult to choose clothes. Many people have special tastes and do not want to dress in store-bought models. And for some, it’s easier to sew an outfit that will suit all their whims. Therefore, they have only one option - contact the studio. But despite this, some businessmen go bankrupt.

The customer base and location are of great importance for business development. Study the needs of the population in the area and the possibility of new customers.

Table: approximate time frame for organizing a tailoring studio

Risks and payback

The risks that the company will not be profitable or there will be few customers always exist. To prevent this, you don’t need to save on marketing operations and advertise your establishment a month before opening.

The most important thing is to provide quality services and take care of appropriate maintenance.