Moreover, 30% of stable married couples are infected with sexually transmitted infections. The diseases were discovered during diagnostic tests for. It should be emphasized that common genital infections can be contracted even without sexual contact. To do this, close tactile contact of the skin, the use of common household items and ordinary kisses are sufficient. Such infections include herpetic, papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus, as well as syphilis.

Our doctors recommend that you adhere to strict sexual hygiene and exclude unprotected contacts with casual partners. Sexual infections in men lead to terrible and sometimes irreversible consequences, including death. In addition, they have a detrimental effect on reproductive function and potency.

If you discover at least one strange symptom, we advise you to immediately contact a specialist for adequate differential diagnosis and early effective therapy. Our doctors have extensive experience in the treatment of chronic sexually transmitted diseases and acute sexually transmitted infections. Modern medicine has made dramatic strides forward, and we are ready to assure you: any disease is not a death sentence at all!

Common sexually transmitted infections in men

Today, doctors identify the following diseases that are “popular” among men who are promiscuous:

You need to contact a specialist if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Any neoplasms on the penis (wounds, cracks, vesicular plaques, papillomas);
  • Itching and burning of the external genitalia;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Separation of mucus from the urethra;
  • Hyperemia and swelling in the genital area;
  • Pain syndrome localized in the groin and anus;
  • Inflammation of the testicles.

The main prerequisite for the development of STIs can be any type of unprotected sexual contact (vaginal, oral, anal). If you live a promiscuous sex life, know: illness is your negligent attitude towards your own health.

Diagnostics in our clinic

If you discover characteristic signs of an STI, we recommend that you consult a doctor immediately. Our qualified specialists will conduct a number of diagnostic studies to identify the presence of the disease and provide effective therapy:

  • Scraping the mucous tissue of the urethra with further transfer to a test tube with a reagent;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) study.
  • RPR Antibodies to cardiolipin antigen;
  • Blood test for hepatitis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Clinical blood test;
  • Taking a smear for further microscopic examination (Gram stain);
  • Blood test for HIV;
  • Brief conversation with the doctor.

Treatment in our clinic

Our competent specialists will select the optimal treatment regimen for you, depending on your problem and the course of the disease:

1. Antibacterial therapy;
2. Selection of immunomodulatory drugs;
3. Selection of delicate hygiene products for subsequent use.

As a rule, such therapy is sufficient. If necessary, it can be repeated as prescribed by the doctor. Our specialists will also give you all the important recommendations during the intensive treatment period.

Genital infections in men are not only uncomfortable sensations, but also a direct path to severe complications from the health and reproductive system. Contact a specialist for help in a timely manner if you discover an alarming symptom. Our clinic will always help you find health and protect yourself from relapses.

Our specialists


Know that the “targets” of many sexually transmitted infections are the external and internal genital organs (vagina, uterus, urethra). Many genital infections are characterized by the following: abundant, usually purulent or mucopurulent discharge; sensation of pain and itching in the urethra; or increased body temperature.

Be sure to contact a specialized clinic or if:
- you have recently changed sex partners often;
- you had unprotected sex;
- you have had a blood transfusion;
- you suspect your spouse or sexual partner of infidelity;
- you have lymph nodes, there is general weakness and malaise.

Don't self-medicate! With self-prescription and use of antibacterial drugs, genital infections acquire symptoms and signs that are not typical for them, often the disease passes under the guise of another disease. Self-medication leads to serious negative consequences:
- the disease can become chronic and new sexual partners become infected;
- contributes to the development of dysbiosis in a patient with irrational use of antibiotics;
- increases the resistance of the pathogen to the action of antimicrobial drugs.

Be sure to have sexually transmitted infections diagnosed in a specialized clinic. The examination involves comprehensive laboratory diagnostics, since several types of sexually transmitted infections are often detected. For some groups of pathogens, provocative measures are required before the study (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis). It is important to note that examination and treatment must be carried out simultaneously in both spouses or partners to prevent re-infection.

For you, the clinic’s specialists will select a specific treatment regimen for the identified disease, which includes the following groups of drugs: antibacterial drugs (their action is aimed at destroying the pathogen); medications for local therapy (use of vaginal suppositories and other forms). Immunostimulants are prescribed to increase the body's resistance to infection, courses of vitamins and microelements; Herbal medicine is carried out in the form of prescribing herbal decoctions and infusions. In most cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital, although in mild forms of the disease treatment on an outpatient basis is possible.

Concept "sexually transmitted infections" (or “sexually transmitted diseases,” STDs) includes not only sexually transmitted diseases, but also urinary tract infections.

A feature of many STDs is the absence of clearly defined symptoms (the so-called “hidden infections”). A woman may not even be aware that she is infected for a long time. Without timely treatment, STDs lead to which, in turn, can cause spontaneous abortion and other serious consequences (see). Don't let the situation go that far! MedicCity diagnoses and treats all major sexually transmitted infections in women.

What microorganisms are “guilty” of causing STDs?

STDs are transmitted by various microorganisms, including:

  • fungal infections ();
  • simplest();
  • viral (, HIV,);
  • bacterial (gonorrhea, syphilis).

This group also includes infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms (such as gardnerella). In small quantities, these microorganisms live even in completely healthy people, but in large concentrations they lead to urogenital diseases.


Laboratory diagnostics

How do women get STDs?

There are no male or female sexually transmitted diseases. There are features of the course of the disease in men and women. The routes of infection are the same: sexual intercourse, infection through blood, close contact with an infected person at home. It is also possible to transmit the infection from mother to fetus during intrauterine development or to a child - during childbirth and through milk during breastfeeding.

Diseases can intensify due to such unfavorable factors as:

  • reduced immunity;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • environmental factor, etc.

It should be remembered that sexually transmitted diseases are very contagious, immunity to them is not developed, that is, re-infection is possible.

General symptoms of sexually transmitted infections

Since many sexually transmitted infections do not manifest themselves in the early stages, a woman only begins to experience certain symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease and consults a doctor late. Therefore, it is important to know the basic primary signs of sexually transmitted infections , which include:

  • discharge from the genital tract, which has a yellowish, greenish and gray color and an unpleasant odor;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain and burning in the genital area;
  • skin manifestations in the form of growths, rashes or sores on the genitals;
  • discomfort and pain during or after intimate intercourse;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal folds.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, immediately contact your gynecologist and get tested for STDs! It is necessary to begin treatment of sexually transmitted infections as early as possible: in women they are more severe than in men.

Remember that untreated sexually transmitted diseases can cause irreparable damage to the female body!

How do various sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves?

Sexually transmitted diseases occur in both men and women. You can read about the peculiarities of sexually transmitted infections in men, and in this article we will talk about how sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves and are treated in women.


The causative agent of this disease is. The disease is characterized by scant symptoms - absence or a small amount of mucous discharge with pus, possibly painful urination, accompanied by itching and/or burning in the vagina. The infection poses a great danger for women planning pregnancy, as it can lead to adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and, consequently, to termination of pregnancy or fetal pathology.


The disease is caused by a microorganism such as. It manifests itself as transparent discharge and causes discomfort during urination and intimate contact. Can lead to inflammation of the vagina, uterus and appendages, and urethra. If infected during pregnancy, it can cause polyhydramnios, pathology of placental development, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections


Candidiasis or “thrush” is caused by yeast fungi of the Candida class. They affect the vaginal mucosa and cause severe itching and cheesy discharge. You can read more about candidiasis.


One of the most common sexually transmitted infections is caused by vaginal infection. This disease is characterized by slightly foamy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and pain during intercourse. In its acute form, the infection is extremely dangerous for pregnant women.

Genital herpes

It is considered an incurable disease. When it enters the body (and its relative, cytomegalovirus), it integrates into human nerve cells and remains there for life.

In addition to itching and burning in the genitals, it is characterized by the appearance of a blistering rash, high fever, muscle pain and headaches. Subsequently, it can lead to such unpleasant diseases as conjunctivitis, encephalitis, keratitis and damage to the central nervous system.

Human papillomavirus

The danger of infection is that the virus cannot be treated. The current approach is to test all women with cervical cytology during mandatory annual screening. It is important to carry out typing of the virus for oncogenic variants and, if detected, take the patient under observation, and not engage in mythical treatment of the human papillomavirus. However, if anatomical changes are detected in the form of condyloma or cervical papilloma, surgical excision is indicated. It must be remembered that oncogenic types of human papillomavirus are associated with cervical cancer.


A whole group of diseases caused by pathogenic staphylococci. Often, staphylococcus, together with pathogenic microbes such as gonococcus, chlamydia, and trichomonas, enters the genital tract during sexual intercourse and after a while causes itching, pain and burning.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

Diseases that are sexually transmitted, are especially widespread today. At the same time, existing medical statistics indicate only official data. After all, quite often a person is in no hurry to go to medical institutions, since he may simply not know about the existence of some diseases that are sexually transmitted. Often trichomoniasis , gardnerellosis develop in women without pronounced symptoms.

A number of sexually transmitted diseases pose a danger due to the possibility of intrauterine transmission of infection to the fetus. In addition, such an infection can also be transmitted through saliva, breast milk, and during blood transfusion.

Spread of sexually transmitted infections

Viral infections are the following viruses: herpes simplex virus , AIDS virus , hepatitis B virus , .

You can become infected with such an infection not only during genital intercourse, but also through oral or anal sex. Depending on the disease, it takes from three days to two weeks before the first signs of the disease appear.

Causes of infections

It is an undeniable fact that sexually transmitted diseases are, first of all, a consequence of people’s too low sexual culture. In particular, we are talking about promiscuous sexual relations, multiple sexual partners, as well as ignoring diagnosis after casual and risky sexual contacts.

An equally important condition for preventing the spread of STIs is the need to be examined by both the person who suspects the development of such an illness and his sexual partner.


Speaking about the symptoms and signs of such diseases, it should be noted that quite often patients do not feel any changes in their condition at all, or the signs are very mild. But in this case we are talking about the so-called low-symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of such ailments.

The main symptoms of an STI directly depend on which pathogen has entered the human body, as well as on the state of the body as a whole.

However, in most cases, after the end , sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves with a number of similar symptoms. The patient develops discharge from the genitals, which becomes more intense over time. Gradually, the sensation of itching and burning in the genital area also increases, and spots or small ulcers may appear on the skin in the genital area. During the act of urination or during sexual contact, an infected person sometimes feels pain. In addition, he may noticeably increase.

Complications of sexually transmitted infections

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, sexually transmitted infections can provoke not only symptoms that relate to the condition of the genital organs, but also general damage to the body. One of the serious complications that arise over time with the development of STIs is.

The course of infections in an ascending manner (and this invariably happens if timely therapy has not been provided) leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. With progression ureoplasmosis And chlamydia men sometimes develop, and women with such ailments end up getting sick inflammation of the uterus and appendages . In addition, the development of sexually transmitted diseases leads to a strong decline in a person and, as a consequence of such negative changes, diseases of the internal organs of a person may occur.

Sexually transmitted infections and women's health

Such infections have a very negative effect on a woman’s body. Unpleasant consequences can occur in relation to the reproductive capacity of a young woman. In addition, STIs can be transmitted from mother to baby. Women who have suffered from certain inflammatory diseases resulting from sexually transmitted infections are much more likely to develop. Some types of papillomavirus rapidly increase a woman's risk of cancer.

During pregnancy in women with syphilis, in approximately 40% of cases the pregnancy ends in the birth of a stillborn child. Approximately the same situation is repeated in pregnant women with gonococcal infection . Children who were born to mothers with untreated chlamydial infection And gonorrhea , very often suffer from a serious eye infection (so-called neonatal blenorrhea) immediately after birth. If left untreated, the child will go completely blind.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

To make a correct diagnosis if an STI is suspected, the patient must undergo complete laboratory testing. But given the possibility of making a diagnosis using a syndromic approach, doctors pay special attention to the existing symptoms. Certain sexually transmitted infections have clear signs that are easy to recognize. The syndromic approach to diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases is based on the use of specially developed schemes that specialists use to make a diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Therefore, such a diagnosis will be more accurate.

But the most important point in the process of diagnosing such diseases is still timely seeking help. If the disease is detected as early as possible, then with proper treatment, severe consequences can be completely avoided.

If any signs or symptoms appear, the patient should not be guided by the hope that they will disappear on their own, or experience fear or embarrassment. The lost time can be decisive, and as a result the disease will become chronic, and it will become much more difficult to cure it completely.

Hidden sexually transmitted infections

So-called hidden sexually transmitted infections are transmitted from person to person also during sexual contact. However, such infections are more difficult to diagnose and treat.

Among the most common STIs of this type, it should be noted chlamydia . This disease manifests itself as a consequence of infection of the human body with chlamydia. These organisms are considered to be intermediate between bacteria and viruses. Infection occurs through sexual intercourse, but in rare cases, the infection can be transmitted when visiting a sauna or swimming pool, by airborne droplets, or by other means. To determine the presence of this pathogen in the body, a person should undergo a special study using the DNA diagnostic method.

In most cases, this disease goes away without significant symptoms. However, men sometimes develop inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system against the background of chlamydia. In addition, today it has already been proven that chlamydia can damage the genetic structure of sperm. In this case, chlamydia can enter the female body along with sperm. Under the influence of chlamydia, a woman can also develop inflammatory diseases. In addition, it is quite possible that fallopian tube obstruction , which threatens infertility and miscarriage in the future.

In addition, chlamydia can have a negative effect on other body systems, in particular the cardiovascular system. In the process of treating the disease, it is very important that the patient’s sexual partner also be tested for sexually transmitted infections and receive adequate treatment. This should be done even for those who do not have visible signs of chlamydia.

Another common infection of this type is papilloma virus person. There are about seven dozen different types of papillomaviruses. Moreover, their clinical manifestations are invisible for a very long time. The consequence of infection with papillomavirus is the appearance of papillomas and genital warts on the skin of the genitals and other organs. In addition, papillomaviruses can provoke precancerous changes in the cervix in women. Transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse, at home, and also during the passage of a newborn through the birth canal.

Other common sexually transmitted infections

Very often modern doctors diagnose patients with gonorrhea . This infectious disease affects the mucous membranes of various organs. Causes gonorrhea gonococcus , which most often enters the body through a variety of sexual contacts. It is much less common for a person to become infected in everyday life, through household items. A child becomes infected from a sick mother when passing through the birth canal.

At syphilis The patient is affected not only by mucous membranes, but also by skin, internal organs, nervous system, bones, and joints. The causative agent of this dangerous disease is treponema pallidum . Its transmission most often occurs through sexual contact, and much less frequently through everyday life. Treatment of syphilis is based on the correct selection of antibiotics, treatment of those infections that develop in parallel, as well as general strengthening therapy.

Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for expectant mothers, since this disease can cause rupture of the membranes and miscarriage. The disease is characterized by itching in the genital area and intense discharge.

Virus hepatitis B affects humans due to transmission during various sexual contacts, as well as due to the sharing of intravenous needles. The intrauterine mode of transmission of the virus is also relevant.

Acute hepatitis is manifested by severe nausea, rash on the skin. The patient has a stomach and headache. Sometimes the symptoms are particularly acute: severe itching of the skin, jaundice,. In approximately ten percent of cases, hepatitis B acquires a chronic form, which is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes in the liver. In turn, this is fraught with development in the future liver cancer , which can be fatal. The disease can be completely cured if diagnosed in time and strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen.


The most effective method of preventing STIs is considered to be complete abstinence from sexual activity or sexual relations with only one uninfected partner. It is important to completely avoid any sexual contact with people infected with STIs.

Some sexually transmitted infections can be prevented by using condoms correctly during sexual intercourse. You need to use a condom for all types of sexual contacts, and it is important to ensure that the protection is of high quality and used correctly.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, you should definitely apply some preventive measures that to some extent reduce the risk of developing the disease. The genitals can be thoroughly washed with solutions chlorhyxedine or . However, this method of prevention is advisable only in the first hours after contact.

In addition, when visiting a dermatovenerologist, the patient can receive an injection of a special drug with an antibacterial effect, which can prevent the development of a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Such prevention is possible in the first days after risky contact. However, it is important to note that this measure can only be used in the most urgent cases.

The list of signs will be exactly the same as usual, but the severity is much weaker. In rare cases, there may be only specific symptoms that need to be looked out for.

For example:

  • With chlamydia, in addition to damage to the genitals, inflammation of the joints and conjunctiva of the eyes may occur.
  • A herpes infection can manifest itself as a rash in the oral cavity or proceed like a regular ARVI.
  • Gonorrhea can also provoke the development of inflammation of the joints, especially the knees, ankles or hips.

Hidden sexually transmitted infections have no obvious symptoms. Therefore, men who are sexually active and do not have a regular partner should undergo preventive examinations every six months.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections

Testing for sexually transmitted infections can be carried out not only in the presence of symptoms of the disease, but also after unprotected sex with a new partner. Another reason for visiting a doctor may be unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child. But only under the condition of regular sexual activity throughout the year and in the case when the age of one of the spouses exceeds 35 years. In this case, analysis for sexually transmitted infections in men is included in the comprehensive diagnostic program for male infertility.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections in men is usually carried out using methods such as:

  • Microscopic examination, which determines the presence of pathogens of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.
  • which helps determine the presence or absence of any pathogen of sexually transmitted infections, including viruses and fungi.
  • Sowing of biological material, which is necessary if the presence of pathogens such as chlamydia, mycoplasma or Candida fungi is suspected.
  • An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which can be used to determine the presence or absence of antibodies to a specific pathogen.

For tests, a swab is taken from the urethra in men using a urogenital probe. Blood is taken for enzyme immunoassay. Additionally, blood testing can be performed using PCR. In addition to these tests, general and biochemical examination of urine and blood may be required.

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections in men

In cases where there are no first signs of sexually transmitted infection in men, and no more than five days have passed since contact, treatment is preventive. If an examination for sexually transmitted infections reveals a pathogen, then the treatment regimen will depend on its type, as well as on the physiology and character of the patient.

In any case, treatment of sexually transmitted infections in men will include several remedies:

  • Antibiotics, usually from the group of protected penicillins, macrolides or fluoroquinolones.
  • Antifungal agents, which are necessary if fungi are present in the tests.
  • Antiprotozoal drugs, such as Trichopolum, which is prescribed when Trichomonas are detected.
  • Antiviral drugs such as Famciclovir or Valciclovir are needed in the treatment of herpes or human papillomavirus.
  • Means that help restore immunity, for example, Immunorix or Polyoxidonium.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce inflammation, pain, and, if necessary, reduce high fever.

Quite often, genital infections are caused by several pathogens, so the treatment regimen may include combinations of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents.

Only a doctor should select them, after making an accurate diagnosis. In addition to basic medications, the treatment regimen may include agents to normalize microflora, enzyme preparations that prevent scar formation, and vitamin complexes. The effectiveness of treatment is checked by control tests, which are usually taken 7-10 days after its completion.

If you suspect sexually transmitted infections, contact competent venereologists.