Do you want to know what awaits a person with this beautiful male name and what kind of life is destined for him? Today the topic of our article is Vladislav: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this rather interesting and courageous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Vladislav: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

Origin of the name Vladislav

The male name Vladislav belongs to the Slavic group of names. Literally translated it means: "The one who owns the glory."

There are a lot of abbreviated, modified and diminutive forms of this name: Vlad, Vladik, Vadik, Ladya, Slava, Vladunya, Vladusya, Vladichka, Vlasya, Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya.


What kind of character will Vladislav have?

How the origin of the name Vladislav influenced its meaning

Vladislav is extremely proud and proud; what he works on first of all is his glory and dignity. In life he achieves high goals, but this is only if he does not follow the lead of alcohol. This is the main reason that will not allow you to calmly arrange a prosperous family life.

The most striking character traits

  • Vladislav is a decent man, he loves to work. Responsible in everything;
  • He endures life's injustice very painfully, but when it comes to standing up for the truth, he will not always do so;
  • Many people consider him a simple and open person, but this opinion can be deceptive, he is not as simple as he seems;
  • No matter how hard you try to impose your opinion on him, you will not succeed. He does not give in to ultimatums, pressure, or pressure;
  • But at the same time, he will not prove that he is right and insist on his opinion. It will simply remain with him, nothing more;
  • He has a strong and strong-willed character, which helps in life many times. This means that whatever he decides to do, he will definitely see it through to the end;

He is completely different with friends and at home. Vladislav trusts his problems only to the closest people, and is friends only with those who tell the truth, any truth. He knows how to listen to her.

  • Vladislavs usually become successful leaders. Their leadership qualities are very well developed. These include determination; everything planned is always completed.
  • Thoughtfulness helps to analyze everything. Decisiveness pushes you to confidently make decisions.
  • As a man, he is very attentive and loves to look after. He tries to do it as close as possible to how his chosen one might like it.
  • He loves children very much and is patient with them. Sometimes, when she is with them, she looks like a nanny.
  • Outwardly he looks very attractive and charming. But it happens that his appearance hides not very good character traits. May be cruel to animals.

Positive features

Seriousness adorns him. Balance of character favors people. Vladislav is restrained, does not stoop to insults, and rarely raises his voice. Always has his own opinion. Easily gets along with people and finds an approach to them.

Negative traits

He is secretive and takes a very long time to reveal himself. Somewhat cynical. Tendency to alcohol addiction.

What fate awaits Vladislav?

Work and business

Vladislav can realize himself in a wide variety of industries. His hard work and determination will help in this. He feels comfortable in a leadership position. He is endowed with an analytical mind and has a creative nature. In business and politics he can become very successful.

Love and family

Vladislav is capable of attracting the attention of the most worthy woman. Beautiful and smart women pay attention to him. He manages to subjugate her to himself. But in return for this, he will take care of her, give her guardianship and courtship.

  • Outwardly he will be reserved, but inside he will experience love.
  • He tries to choose a sensitive woman who knows how to be gentle as his wife.
  • Does not tolerate bad habits in women. No cigarettes or alcohol.
  • He periodically helps his wife around the house. Loves to spend time with children.
  • If you choose to go to a party or invite guests to your home, you will choose the latter. He does not cheat on his wife, because he is monogamous, and remaining faithful comes naturally.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav, character traits and fate

And here are the female names with which everything can work out: Alisa, Bronislava, Wanda, Danuta, Inga, Carolina, Laima, Regina, Sati, Fedora, Cheslava, Yadviga.

If he manages to find a person with whom he will be spiritually equally developed, then he will live with him in perfect harmony until the end of his days, without offense, insults and betrayals. But the chosen one, in turn, must understand that you should not manipulate and lead him, he will not tolerate this, and she can lose the best husband in her life. His reaction will be cold and harsh, and she will blame herself for her stupidity until the end of her days. It is better not to lose such husbands.

Health and Wellness

Vladislav does not have any health problems as such. It is advisable not to overload your nervous system, rest more often and get full sleep. Every person needs this.

Character of a child named Vladislav?

Little Vladislav is very vulnerable and impressionable. He loves spending time with his mom. He is generally very polite and friendly with girls. He will retain his well-mannered and gallant attitude towards a woman for the rest of his life. He is affectionately called Vladik or Vladunya. He is a very smart boy, attentive to everyone, and easy to get along with.

Such a small man, but so mannered. Everyone is surprised how this is even possible.

Children's character traits

  • Children love to be friends with him because of his exemplary behavior and friendly behavior;
  • He has a lot of friends. In kindergarten, all the girls try to be friends with him;
  • Starting from childhood, he perfectly finds a common language with the opposite sex;
  • The boy grows up patient and hardworking;
  • His health is very good and strong, without any special features;
  • Like a normal child, he is prone to getting colds and flu in the winter;
  • Fresh air, intense physical activity, and outdoor hardening will help strengthen your immune system. Good sleep and routine will help you always feel good;
  • He expresses himself in creativity, he likes drawing, music, poetry and classical literature;

Celebrities named Vladislav

  • V. Tretyak is known as an athlete, the goalkeeper of the national hockey team. Champion not only of the country, but of the whole world, of the Olympic Games.


Steadfast Free Purposeful

Vladislav Galkin, actor

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Origin of the name: Old Slavic

When you're lucky: Tuesday, Saturday

When there are problems: resurrection

Important years of life: 24, 31

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Lucky number: 77

What does the name Vladislav mean?

The name Vlad has always been rare, and even now you can only meet it sometimes. The meaning of the name Vladislav leaves its mark on its owners: from childhood they begin to feel their uniqueness and some responsibility in this regard.

Vlad - from the word “to own”, which means that possession becomes the main task and motivation. Vlad will try with all his might to get attention, toys, influential assistants, and the woman he likes. This will reveal the character of the name Vladislav, and sometimes quite harshly for others.

For Vladislav, relationships with his mother are of decisive importance in the development of character.

And if Vladik had enough love, attention, and affection in childhood, then his personality will be more harmonious and his relationships with women will be trusting and sensual. Otherwise, he may turn out to be a real tyrant and despot who will keep his inclinations secret.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

The origin of the name Vladislav has a rather unusual history. Many nations have developed a tradition of glorifying people with names, and therefore some of them were specially invented and most often consisted of two parts. The history of the name is exactly this - it is a translation of the ancient German name Waldemar into the ancient Slavic language.

"Valdan" means "to own" and "mar" means "glory." So we got the following interpretation - Vladislav, “possessing glory.” At first, in Ancient Rus' this name had a slightly different form - Volodislav. For a long time it was found infrequently, because due to its origin it was given to princes, boyars, and kings.

The history of the name Vladislav says that only in the 19th century it became a little more widespread among the intelligentsia and nobility, and then came into use by ordinary people.

Despite the uniqueness of those named Vladislav, there are also celebrities among them. Many people know Tretyak, the famous hockey goalkeeper, but the memory of the untimely passing of the talented and charming TV presenter and journalist Vlad Listyev will remain in our hearts for a long time (as well as the mystery of his death).

Forms of the name Simple: Vlad Full: Vladislav Ancient: Volodislav Affectionate: Vladik

So what does the name Vladislav mean for its owner? Since childhood, obedient, responsible and hardworking, he often becomes a favorite of adults.

Very demanding of himself and those around him. Even your first love will be stereotyped - with the most beautiful girl.

He can become a leader if he gets into a dependent company and is able to suppress the will of others.

He will definitely defend his rightness, and if he realizes that there are not enough arguments and logic, he will get personal - in this case, it costs him nothing to insult or humiliate his opponent.

The characteristics of the name Vladislav make him very sociable. Outwardly, Vlad is always very collected, neat to the point of pedantry. In general, appearance is of great importance to him, he loves to look good, and therefore he always goes in for sports: if he does not go to the gym, then he certainly swims in the pool, runs in the morning or rides a bicycle.

If creativity predominates in his character, he will choose the profession of a journalist, writer or teacher. And if a neat person with an analytical mindset shows up, then Vladik is more likely to take the path of a politician or lawyer.

The meaning of the name Vladislav makes him the owner of the following qualities: perseverance, willpower, stubbornness, developed intelligence, the ability to stand his ground and achieve his goals. The characteristics of the resulting Vladislav will depend on which patronymic complements this name - whether he will be tougher towards others or more sensitive and compassionate.

It is possible that the “fictional” dual origin of the name also affects its owner. Vlad tends to say one thing, but think and do something completely different.

He hides his true feelings and thoughts very deeply, sometimes even inventing almost a second life for himself - an inner one. And when this hidden world accidentally breaks through, those around you are very surprised at where it all came from and what happened in the first place.

Seriousness, endurance, poise and perseverance are manifested in Vladik on the one hand, but on the other hand, the interpretation of the name implies arrogance, cynicism and secrecy. It is difficult for him to openly express his negative emotions, and suppressing them can lead to disastrous results. Therefore, from childhood it is worth teaching him to properly relax and free himself from anger or anger.

Character Traits Balance Seriousness Purposeful Responsibility Hard work Stealth Duality Arrogance Tendency to tyranny Inability to relax

As already mentioned, Vlad’s compatibility with one or another chosen one will be influenced by his relationship with his mother. But first of all, you should know that the owner of this name will not marry a strong and powerful woman.

He needs his significant other to obey him, in which case he will be able to realize himself as a protector, patron, and in some ways even a benefactor. Therefore, rude women and those who can stand up for themselves and do not mince words are not attractive to him.

Good and bad couples Alisa Inga Lyubov Olga Yulia Victoria Margarita Natalia Oksana Tatyana

A refined nature, a feminine and somewhat dependent beauty, in need of a strong man - this is the description of his ideal.

The name Vladislav implies that its owner is more of a homebody than a party animal; Despite his charm, he cannot be called the life of the party. Just as it’s difficult to see him drinking, much less drunk. He is all about exemplary virtue, loves children, values ​​his wife, respects and carefully preserves family values.

The meaning of the name Vladislav for a boy

The meaning of this name often turns out to be an unbearable burden for its owner. In order for Vladislav to grow up as a harmonious person, parents will have to spend a lot of time, effort and love.
Vlad’s mother’s mission is to teach her to value women, listen to the feelings of others, and take care of them. It often happens that for Vladik the main goal in life is to own something better.

The child grows up very obedient and responsible. He wants to please everyone, to always be the center of attention. Vlad is ready to make a lot of effort to become a formal leader or “favorite”. D It's important for your boy to be right. Growing up, Vlad turns out to be an avid debater, ready to hit where it hurts most for the sake of victory, often humiliating his opponent.

What will Vladislav achieve success in? The name Vladislav rewarded its owner with vanity and a desire to be the center of attention. An analytical mind, excellent organizational skills, dedication and hard work - this is the secret to your child’s success. Vlad can work equally well as a teacher or a lawyer. True, working with children, he will have to learn gentleness and tolerance.

Your boy has every chance of becoming a tyrant at home. This means that others see a sociable, open, friendly mask. Close people suffer greatly from Vlad’s frequent mood swings, endure nagging, and endure humiliation. Only a respectful attitude towards other people instilled in childhood will correct your child and teach him tolerance.

What games will Vladislav like? Most of all, Vladislav loves to be the center, the main one. He surrounds himself with a crowd of children in any way possible. The goal is to show yourself in all your glory, better and smarter than others. Any games are suitable here: noisy, calm or intellectual, the difference is small.

When is the name day?

October 7 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Characteristics of the name Vladislav. Character of the name Vladislav

Vladislav - “to own glory” (slav.).

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

As a child, he is most often drawn to fire; lighting matches is one of his favorite pastimes. Moreover, he is so impressionable that a suddenly burning newspaper can give him the impression of a strong fire, and instead of immediately pouring water on it, he will most likely run to call his neighbors. It’s good if they are at home at this time...

He loves to read and talk with his mother. If she is upset about something, she will begin to calm her down, citing simple-minded “adult” consolations that he once heard from his grandmother. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls and maintains a caring attitude towards women throughout his life. The object of Vladik’s worship is usually the most beautiful girl in the class. Vladik has a well-developed sense of beauty; with the right upbringing, he can become a good musician or artist; the development of his literary abilities gives positive results. He will also find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). He is hardworking and has a strong sense of responsibility. This is a very decent person. He perceives injustice painfully, but he cannot always defend the truth.

Character of the name Vladislav

He doesn’t like women who are harsh, rude, or have masculine behavior. He is attracted to sensitive and gentle natures, those who cannot stand up for themselves or protect themselves from the vicissitudes of everyday life. Alcohol and women, smoking and women - all this is extremely unpleasant for him, and only natural tactfulness restrains him from expressing his overwhelming feelings.

Vladislav gives birth to mostly girls, whom he loves very much. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers the peace of home to parties. Helps his wife. More often monogamous. Remaining faithful in marriage does not require much effort from him.

He usually has a weak stomach and an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Vladislav is tactful, attentive, and simple-minded.

The “autumn” one has a highly developed sense of self-esteem and knows his own worth. Can work as a doctor, teacher, lawyer. The name matches patronymics: Mikhailovich, Alekseevich, Petrovich, Semenovich, Fedorovich, Vitalievich, Andreevich.

“Summer” is a kind, sympathetic, selfless person.

“Spring” is gallant, pedantic, amorous. Can become a writer, musician, artist.

What middle name suits the name Vladislav

The name matches patronymics: Andrianovich, Emmanuilovich, Nazarovich, Stanislavovich, Adamovich, Yuryevich, Rudolfovich.

Meaning of the name: Vladislav - what is he like?

The origin of the name Vladislav is ancient Russian. This beautiful and melodious male name was very popular among the Old Slavic peoples. The literal meaning of the name Vladislav is translated as “possessing glory,” or in other words one can say “born for glory.”
Our ancestors were confident that boys named by this name would be able to achieve great success in life.

Vladislav in childhood

Let's consider the meaning of the name Vladislav, starting from childhood. It has been noticed that boys with this name are very attached to their mother. As a child, Vladislav tries to spend a lot of time with her. If a boy notices that his mother is depressed, he will try to do everything to cheer her up. The characteristics of the name Vladislav indicate that, just as he treats his mother, he will treat his beloved woman with the same care.

School time

During school years, the meaning of the name Vladislav is as follows: boys named by this name are often popular among girls, as they are characterized by natural tact, as well as good manners instilled in them from childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that Vladislavs often become the object of increased attention from the opposite sex. As for communication with the guys, everything is going great here too; Vladislav finds a great common language with his peers. Boys named by such a wonderful name try to defend their opinion to the end. They are also eager to help their comrades with great pleasure. That is why peers respect the Vladislav boys. Often, having a strong physique, Vladislavs find themselves in various sports.

Maturity period

Now let's look at the meaning of the name Vladislav in adult life. Here the young men named by this ancient Russian name also show themselves as responsive and decisive people. As a rule, the main goal that they set for themselves is to achieve high peaks in their professional activities. Having a strong will, hard work and responsibility, Vladislavs go towards their goals and, as a rule, achieve success. If difficulties arise on the way to their plans, people with this name do not give up. They tend to treat all troubles with irony. This very valuable quality helps in the future to achieve great victories.

Personal life

When choosing a life partner, Vladislav, first of all, evaluates the appearance of the chosen one. Also, for him, an equally important quality in a girl is her moral character. Most often, Vladislav likes calm, feminine natures. He will carefully choose his one and only, assessing her character. In family life, Vladislav proves himself to be a good husband and caring father. However, his future chosen one should know that he is very scrupulous about the home atmosphere. Vladislav's companion must be able to cook well and be a housekeeper. It is very important for him that order always reigns in the house. In everyday life, he is not averse to helping his wife, including with cooking. Many Vladislavs have natural culinary skills.

What does the name Vladislav mean?

Marina Lipatova

Origin: Slavic name.
Meaning: "Possessing glory"
Character: Vladislav has been very attached to his mother since childhood. He likes her to read fairy tales to him and then discuss what she read with him. If Vladislav notices that his mother is upset about something, he will definitely try to console her and distract her from unpleasant thoughts. Vladislav’s caring attitude towards women remains with him throughout his life. At school, he is tactful in dealing with girls and never offends them. The most beautiful girl in the class becomes the object of increased attention.
Among Vladislav's favorite pastimes as a child was making fires. He experiences a magical attraction to fire. Adults need to constantly monitor the boy so that he does not burn something while playing.
Vladislav has a highly developed sense of beauty. He can become a musician, artist, writer. He will achieve great success in professions that require the ability to communicate with people - a doctor, teacher, coach, journalist, manager. Vladislav is hardworking and responsible.
Among girls, Vladislav likes refined natures who need protection and support in everyday life. And vice versa - sharp and rude character traits in a woman are especially unpleasant for Vladislav. He also cannot stand the smell of tobacco and alcohol coming from a woman.
Vladislav loves his daughter more than his son. Prefers a calm, homely environment. Provides all possible assistance in housekeeping.
Phonosemantics: The word Vladislav gives the impression of something majestic, strong, loud, powerful, active, joyful.
Phonosemantics is an assessment of the perception of sounds at the subconscious level.
Phonosemantic analysis of the name is carried out according to the method of Doctor of Philology A.P. Zhuravlev - the deeper the sounds, the more negatively the word is perceived. T
mascot: Cloud
Color: Blue-turquoise
Stone: Topaz
Zodiac sign: The name suits Aquarius and Pisces
Harmony with: Galina, Claudia, Irina, Lyubov, Sofia, Marina, Olga, Yulia, Tamara
Incompatibility with: Angelina, Zinaida, Valeria, Margarita, Vera, Veronica, Maya, Natalya, Tatyana, Rimma
Name day: October 7
Despite the large number of name day dates for some names, each specific name bearer may have only one name day per year.
Your name day will be the date that falls on or immediately follows your birthday.

What does the name Vlad mean?


VLADISLAV from Slavic - Owner of Glory.
Since childhood, Vladik has been growing up as an impressionable, inquisitive child. He loves to read and talk to his mother. He is tactful with girls and maintains a caring attitude towards women throughout his life. It is difficult for him to find a girlfriend on his own, who is equally subtle and understanding, although he knows how and is ready to beautifully look after women.
Vlad has a well-developed sense of beauty and, with the right upbringing, he can become a good musician or artist. The profession of a doctor, teacher, educator, where a sympathetic and kind soul is required, is also suitable for him.
He is hardworking and takes his work very seriously.
He is a decent person and takes any injustice painfully. Vlad rarely argues until he becomes hoarse; he would rather agree, but remain unconvinced. He can remain silent, play the role of an understanding person, but it is unlikely that he will stoop to sycophancy and revenge.
He is a non-drinker, a homebody by nature, helps his wife with housework, and loves children very much.

Lion Cub

The meaning of the name "Vladislav"
Meaning and origin of the name: owner of glory (staroslav.).
Energy and Karma of the name: it cannot be said that Vlad’s character belongs to the category of simple ones. The energy of this name inclines a person to sufficient firmness, awakening such traits as good willpower, perseverance, and external openness. At the same time, it has a clearly defined second plan: the name, as it were, opens up to its owner the possibility of another life, hidden from the eyes of others. Probably, intuitively sensing this possibility, many consider Vlad to be a man, as they say, on his own, not really trusting his apparent openness.
It must be said that this feature of the name primarily affects Vladislav himself; and it’s not that this double life is anything out of the ordinary - in fact, many people tend to behave differently in public than in any other setting, calling it diplomacy; It’s just that such thoughts began to occur to Vlad at a young age. Well, once thoughts come, it’s hard not to notice the obvious convenience of such a position.
In practice, this usually leads to the fact that Vlad rarely argues until he is hoarse: he would rather agree, but remain unconvinced. Or, for example, when the company expects from him qualities that he does not like, he plays this role (unless, of course, it is humiliating), but does not forget for a second that this is just a game. Only when alone with especially close friends can Vlad suddenly open up, which can sometimes surprise others by showing completely unexpected traits.
On the other hand, having significant power, the name requires Vlad to maintain his dignity, and therefore he is unlikely to fawn over anyone, and because of this, he cannot be called two-faced. He can remain silent and play an understanding person, but he is unlikely to stoop to flattery and sycophancy.
Another characteristic feature that the energy of his name inclines Vladislav towards is irony, bordering on mockery. This quality is especially evident when Vlad’s position in society begins to strengthen; sometimes he even becomes unbearable with his irony. By the way, it is behind it that it is easiest to hide real thoughts.
Vladislav’s family life can turn out differently, it all depends on what is in his soul. There are times when, seduced by his public mask, a woman becomes disappointed in the real Vlad. If Vladislav wears this mask at home, then most likely, sooner or later he will begin to look for relaxation on the side. In addition, even having secret thoughts himself, he is capable of turning into a terrible jealous person.
Possessing a fair amount of perseverance, Vladislav can successfully use his qualities in business, in a political career, and in leadership work. Very developed artistic abilities can also find their application.
Secrets of communication. If for some reason you decide to cross Vlad’s path, be prepared for the fact that he will try to make you a laughing stock. When resolving controversial issues, you should not forget about his diplomacy, so just in case, having received Vladislav’s agreement with your point of view, try to once again emphasize that you are right, but not directly, but with some clear example.
Astrological characteristics: Zodiac sign: Gemini. Planet: Jupiter. Name colors: blue, light green. Most favorable color: brown. Talisman stone: jasper, sard.
We celebrate name days: October 7 (September 24) - Vladislav of Serbia, prince.
The trace of a name in history. There is probably not a person in Russia who does not know anything about Vladislav Listyev. One of the biggest reformers of television, the creator of such interesting programs as “Field of Miracles”, “Guess the Melody”, “Rush Hour” and many others, young, cheerful, energetic, Listyev always seemed to radiate some kind of vibes of charm, thanks which has always become the center of any company, any program.

A boy with this name is drawn to fire; lighting matches is one of his favorite pastimes. Moreover, he is so impressionable that a suddenly burning newspaper gives him the impression of a strong fire. Instead of immediately pouring water on it, he will most likely run to call his neighbors. It’s good if they end up at home... He loves to read and talk with his mother. If she is upset about something, she will begin to console her, citing simple-minded “adult” arguments that she once heard from her grandmother. Since childhood, he has been tactful with girls and maintains a caring attitude towards women throughout his life. The object of worship is usually the most beautiful girl in the class. Men with this name have a well-developed sense of beauty; with proper upbringing, they become good musicians or artists, and they are not devoid of literary abilities. Vladislav will also find his calling in a profession that requires a sympathetic and kind soul (doctor, teacher, educator). They are hardworking, they have a highly developed sense of justice and decency. They perceive any injustice painfully, but they cannot always defend the truth. Vladislav does not like women who are harsh, rude, and have masculine behavior. He is attracted to sensitive and gentle weak natures - those who cannot stand up for themselves, protect themselves from the vicissitudes of everyday life. Alcohol and a woman, smoking and a woman - all this is extremely unpleasant for Vladislav, and only natural tact restrains him from the desire to express the feelings overwhelming him. Vladislav gives birth to mostly girls, whom he loves very much. A homebody by nature, a non-drinker, he prefers the peace of home to parties. Helps his wife. More often monogamous. Remaining faithful in marriage does not require much effort from him. Vladislav will be happy with Galina, Aurora, Inga, Claudia, Irina, Lyubov, Sofia, Marina, Olga, Julia, Tamara. Unlucky in an alliance with Agnia, Ada, Juliet, Angela, Zinaida, Bogdana, Valeria, Margarita, Vera, Veronica, Vladislava, Gelena, Diana, Eva, Maya, Natalya, Tatyana, Rimma, Christina.

The meaning of the name Vladislav is clear to a speaker of any Slavic language without translation. However, it is worth at least briefly explaining its origin.

Indeed, this name has two Slavic roots - “slav” (glory) and “vlad” (to own). But, for example, Wikipedia traces the origin of the word “Vladislav” from the Polish language, where it sounded like “Wolodislav”. For the Poles, in turn, the name Vladislav originated from the Czech Republic. The name is translated from Old Church Slavonic as “possessing glory,” however, it is sometimes translated from Polish as “glorious ruler” or “worthy ruler.”

Some historians of names trace the origin of the name entirely to the German language, considering it a “tracing paper,” that is, a literal translation of the German “Waldemar.” This name also consists of two roots, which are translated as “king” or “lord” and “famous” or “glorious”.

The boy named Vladislav can be diminutively called Vadeya or Slava, Vladik or Rook. The shortened name Vlad is very popular, which in some cases can be independent.

In the Russian language, the name goes well with different patronymics, but there is an exception - if the dad’s name is Rostislav or Mstislav, then such a combination of name and patronymic will be very difficult to pronounce. Patronymics formed from short names - Olegovich, Igorevich, Petrovich - are much more suitable for him.

Balance and responsibility

What does the name Vladislav mean not only for its owner, but also for the people around him? What to expect from a boy and an adult man in communication, in relation to business, in the family aspect? To understand this, let's look at the following points:

  • What determines the character of a child, teenager, adult?
  • How does this affect the choice of life path?
  • What is the compatibility of Vladislav with female names?
  • When to celebrate name day?

The meaning of the name Vladislav for how his character is formed turns out to be very important from childhood. The boy is distinguished by a strong attachment to his mother, at the same time he grows up as a completely independent child and does not try to “hold on to his mother’s skirt.” Rather, the child's attitude towards his mother can be called tender deference and great respect.

Creativity is of great importance for Vladislav in childhood - little Vladik loves to draw, read, memorize poetry, and sings well. His open character makes it easy to communicate with him not only to older family members, but also to peers. Vladya is a good friend who will always come to the aid of a friend, and his friends really appreciate his kind attitude towards them.

His persistent and hardworking character means that Slavik studies well at school, but he is not a “crammer” at all - it is not repeated repetition that helps him remember and assimilate information, but his developed mind and vivid imagination. This child is appreciated not only by school teachers, but also by his classmates - after all, he is tactful and well-mannered.

In adolescence and adolescence, Vladislav’s character becomes even more independent and independent. And if Vladik asked for help, it means he really really needs it.

As he grows up, Vladislav's character becomes very ambitious - and fate gives him tasks of the appropriate level. He loves when everyone's attention is focused on his thoughts and achievements. He achieves great heights in his career using exclusively honest methods.

He always sets a very high bar for himself - his fate and career develop favorably when he has the opportunity to solve complex problems. Vlads make good leaders in almost any field. But at the same time, few people will know what is in Vlad’s soul - he rarely shares his experiences, and then only with those closest to him, and this right must still be earned.

Craving for beauty

The name Vladislav gives its owner a special relationship with the fair sex. Women with a tough character and a masculine worldview are not able to attract his tactful and sophisticated nature. Vlad, on the contrary, has good compatibility with fragile and tender girls, towards whom you need to show real masculine behavior - to protect and protect.

Of great importance for Vladislav is the absence of bad habits in his chosen one. And if fate brings him together with “the one,” he remains faithful to her all his life. How can one understand what Vlad’s compatibility is with the owners of different female names, which of them is his destiny, and from whom a man should stay away?

Name experts write that Vladislav has high compatibility with or Inga, and he should not start a relationship with or Lolita. However, these names are not found very often. And if we take, for example, such popular female names as Anastasia or Yulia, what should we do with them?

Vlad and are a completely suitable couple, they have good compatibility, and it’s as if a proverb was invented about them about cute people who only have fun when they scold. They can “let off steam,” sort things out, and five minutes later they’re hugging and smiling sweetly at each other. Yulia and Vladislav very rarely get seriously angry with each other, and solve complex problems shoulder to shoulder.

The compatibility of the names Vladislav and is of a different order. It is based on the fact that Nastenka may turn out to be exactly the princess who needs to be protected and protected. If Vlad fell in love with a girl named Anastasia, he will protect and pamper her, but this should not be abused - the compatibility of this couple has its limits.

Before the wedding, Vladislav can have more than one affair, even at the same time, but once he finds his legal wife, he settles down. He considers betrayal to be something so unworthy that he is unlikely to commit it even if given the opportunity.

When baptized in Orthodoxy, a child can be named Vladislav - according to the church calendar, his name day falls on October 7. In Orthodoxy, this day is revered as the day of remembrance of the holy Serbian king. If parents want to give their son the full secular name Vlad, then at baptism he will still be called Vladislav. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

The name was common in ancient times, then it was forgotten for a long time. Recently, after Russians turned to their history, the name Vladislav was remembered again.

Currently, the name is widespread in Russia and other Slavic countries. Every year more and more parents prefer the name Vladislav when choosing a name for a child.


The name has Old Slavic roots associated with the pagan past of Ancient Rus'. Ancient times the name Vladislav was borne mainly by representatives of the princely family. Such as the Prince of Galicia, the Polish kings, the Lithuanian prince.

Meaning of the name

Meaning of the name- “possessing glory”, “good ruler”.

Variants of the name Vladislav- Vlad, Slava, Vladik, Slavik, Vladislavushka, Vladushka, Slavochka.

Name day named after Vladislav– October 7, September 24. The name appeared in the church calendar after Prince Vladislav of Serbia was canonized. The prince stood up for the defense of all believers and built a church in Milesevic. Tragically died in 1237. He was killed on the threshold of the church, where he was going to the morning service with his brother.

Symbols and horoscope:

  • Zodiac sign – Virgo;
  • Plant – Carnation;
  • Stone – Topaz;
  • Planet – Mercury;
  • Animal – Hare;
  • Linden tree.

What does the name Vladislav mean for a child?

For a boy named Vladislav characterized by determination, curiosity, high level of intelligence, perseverance and hard work.

Vladislav strives to lead in everything and does not tolerate any manifestation of power over himself.

The boy has a quick temper and can lash out at others and be rude to his elders. But Vladik always feels responsible for the words he said, and later, when he realizes he was wrong, he always apologizes for his actions.

Vladislav's childhood

Vladik can be a little bully as a child. He is very active and mobile. He has little interest in studying at school; he likes to spend more time outside with friends. But, thanks to his good natural abilities, he gets good grades at school, although he makes little effort for this.

Small since childhood Vladik has a strong character, it is difficult to influence him from the outside. Parents should give him as much affection and warmth as possible, then the boy will soften internally.

Vladik’s relationship with his parents is good, and he is especially close to his mother. And in general, he easily finds a common language with representatives of the fairer sex. In high school, Vladislav meets with the most popular student at school.

Vladislav has an innate craving for beauty, his talent can manifest itself in music, literature or painting. Parents must recognize his abilities in time and give the boy the opportunity to develop them.

Character of the name

Vladislav, as a rule, is distinguished by ambition and pride. He does not tolerate criticism, although he often makes fun of his acquaintances. A man with this name has a predisposition to alcoholism. Subsequently, this could destroy the life of Vlad and his family. But if this did not happen, Vladislav achieves great success in life.

A man with this name is distinguished by decency, hard work, and responsibility. Vladislav has a heightened sense of justice, but is not always so decisive as to stand for the truth to the end. Can be very successful in business and in leadership areas.

Vladislav is often two-faced. In public, he shows his best side and evokes sympathy from others. In the family, he behaves completely differently. He can be a very tough person, even a tyrant. Vladislav has a high opinion of himself.


Vladislav has no serious health problems, only occasionally problems with the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract may appear. As a child, Vladik may be overweight, but over time, exercise helps correct this. Vladislav needs to be careful about hypothermia and sunstroke.

Love and marriage

Vladislav is always attractive to girls and rarely remains lonely. He is repulsed by pushy and arrogant girls. He also won’t start relationships with girls who smoke and drink. Vladislav is attracted to weak and defenseless girls who need his support and protection. He always chooses the most beautiful girl from his circle, to the envy of other men.

Having married Vladislav, the girl will never regret her choice. A man with this name will always protect his companion, take care of her and love her. He does not accept betrayal and remains faithful to his wife. But he demands the same from his wife, so he is often jealous of her. Sexually, Vladislav is very active and loves to talk openly with his partner about intimate topics.

Vladislav does not shy away from any household duties; he loves to spend evenings at home with his family. Truly devoted to his family and becomes its support and protection.

Most often, Vladislav gives birth to girls, whom he madly adores and becomes the most attentive and loving father for them.

Name compatibility

Most fortunate Vladislav will have a marriage with Alla, Lyubov, Tamara,.

Can become successful in the public speaking field. He has good organizational skills. If Vladislav’s creative abilities find their development in childhood, in adulthood he may become a famous artist, writer or musician.

Fate and the mystery of the name

Vladislav is often arrogant, loves to ridicule the shortcomings of others and cannot control himself in this. Therefore, he often has difficult relationships with others.

Vladislav may become addicted to drinking early, which will then leave a tragic imprint on his entire life. Because of this, his marriage may collapse, and Vladislav himself will be left without work and loved ones.

We should begin to describe the meaning of the name Vladislav by pointing out the fact that this name is distinguished by the presence of roots deeply rooted in the history of the Slavic tribes. Translated, the name Vladislav means “owner of glory.” But this is only one version of the appearance of this name.

According to a completely different theory, the name Vladislav has Polish roots and in the language of this people means “good ruler.” In addition to the male version, there is also a female type, namely the name Vladislava. The diminutive version of the name Vladislav sounds like Lada, which over time has become an independent name for women.

This article will give the most detailed description of this courageous, beautiful and solid name in every aspect of his life. Let's consider the character of a man named Vladislav, his attitude towards family, career, as well as his behavior in love relationships. So let's get started.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

Continuing to consider the meaning of the name Vladislav, we can say with complete confidence that this man is a very gifted, versatile personality. The majority of people consider the man named Vladislav to be of a rather simple nature, which in fact is not entirely true. This is due to the fact that it is quite problematic for a man named Vladislav to impose his own opinion, even by putting pressure on this person.

At the same time, the man named Vladislav does not strive to prove the correctness of his own point of view with maximum persistence, while he does not want to enter into various discussions and disputes, although he will not refuse the expressed opinion. The man named Vlad is a strong, powerful and strong-willed personality. In other words, if a man named Vladislav decides to do something, he will use all his own strength to achieve what he planned.

A man named Vlad has a different line of behavior, both in his family and among his friends. A man named Vladislav will share his own problems only with those who have earned his trust, then such a person can easily count on the maximum openness of this person. It is simply impossible to become a close friend of a man named Vladislav if he hears only flattering words and odes of praise from you.

Revealing the meaning of the name Vladislav, it should be noted that this nature does not avoid the truth at all and is gladly ready to hear it. The self-esteem of a man named Vlad will never allow this personality to fall in the eyes of any person, especially his own. Almost every man named Vlad is a fairly successful person.

Characteristics of Vlad

A man named Vladislav is endowed by nature with such leadership qualities as mental talent, assertiveness, the ability to make the right decisions, as well as the ability to distinguish the picture of the world as a single whole. Absolutely every man bearing the name Vladislav strives to be an important person, precisely for this reason he gives preference to such a field of activity as politics or energy.

A man named Vlad could easily be a successful scientist, but this nature needs results immediately, and not in the distant and foggy future. As a man, Vlad is very attentive. Before presenting a gift to his beloved, he will make every effort to find out what she really wants to have as a gift. True, he won’t stand on ceremony with his sisters and brothers. This is the main secret of the name Vladislav, associated with relationships in the family.

In other words, if something is unknown to a man named Vladislav, he will not hesitate to ask them directly. A man named Vlad treats children with love, is distinguished by considerable tolerance and sometimes resembles a nanny. True, Vlad will not be enough for a long time, for this reason, at the slightest opportunity, he will “dump” such a burden on someone else, and he will take on a more exciting activity.

Vlad's childhood

We should begin to describe the meaning of the name Vladislav for a boy by pointing out the fact that almost all of the child’s character traits are aimed at respect and love for the mother. If you fast forward a few years, you can see that the man named Vlad will maintain this attitude of care and tenderness towards all the women he encounters. True, you should not think that this behavior towards women will make Vlad dependent on them.

While still a child, Vlad’s character will begin to develop traits that will later allow him to turn out to be a wonderful father of a family and a spouse. Most often, the child Vlad turns out to be very talented, comprehensively developed, he is able to truly become interested in literature, music, and painting. Usually Vlad is a completely independent, responsible, kind and honest child.

From his earliest years, Vlad is characterized by having a sharp mind, wonderful imagination, and extreme perseverance. It is for this reason that training is given to Vlad with particular ease. The boy simply loves to solve complex problems, struggle with all sorts of difficulties, and find a way out of a variety of circumstances in his still young life. Such a child is not shy, i.e. when he needs someone's help, he will ask for it. It is this meaning of the name Vlad that makes him a wonderful child.

From his earliest years, Vlad is distinguished by the presence of powerful willpower, which largely prevents him from influencing his decision-making. True, this trait of his character over time can become ordinary stubbornness or obstinacy. The most characteristic character traits of the boy are decency, as well as a sense of duty.

Vlad will support his friend in any life situation and will stand up for an undeservedly offended comrade. At the same time, the boy has a quick mind, as well as a wonderful sense of humor. Sometimes his sarcasm can cause pain to strangers, and Vlad himself will not attach any importance to this.

Vladislav's love relationships

It is appropriate to note here that the name Vladislav, the meaning of the name and whose fate is being considered, has the ability to communicate with the fair sex from a very early age. This is what gives a man named Vlad his unique ingenuity when courting his partner. For a young man named Vladislav, the upbringing of his chosen one is of great importance, i.e. He doesn't need rude natures.

In addition, a man named Vladislav does not seek to continue communicating with women who smoke or abuse alcoholic beverages. His partner must combine all the best, both upbringing and external data. A big role for a man named Vladislav is played by the aroma of a woman’s perfume, which can influence the mood of such a man.

Intelligent Vlad feels great in every society, even if his partner comes from a much more financially secure family. Casual intimacy is not for a man named Vladislav. When communicating with girls, he is very reserved; sometimes Vlad’s behavior is taken for complete indifference. Having become a mature man, Vlad retains his demeanor. He is not in a hurry to get married; first he will make sure that his own choice is correct.

Vlad's family life

Most often, Vladislav, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is described, enters into a marriage of convenience, however, the ability to properly treat a woman provides him with an excellent family life. The wife of a man named Vladislav must learn to respect and show interest in every endeavor of Vladislav, otherwise betrayal on his part cannot be avoided.

In turn, a man named Vladislav will never forgive his wife’s betrayal, since a woman is for him the keeper of the family hearth, i.e. The main role of the wife is to fill the home with comfort. The man named Vladislav is simply an exemplary father who devotes every free minute to his family and with great joy plays new games with the kids.

A man named Vladislav does not accept strict attitudes in the process of raising children, especially cruelty. He pays great attention to family celebrations, prepares for celebrations in advance, tries to amaze all family members, for which he will try to guess their most hidden desires.

Vlad's career and business

It should be noted that the name Vladislav, the origin and meaning of which is being discussed, suggests that this man is a very gifted, versatile personality, in other words, he is capable of achieving significant heights in absolutely any profession. A man named Vladislav can easily and quite successfully run his own business and quickly move up the career ladder in every field.

This is explained by the fact that a man named Vladislav is characterized by extraordinary hard work, as well as a high degree of perseverance in achieving his goal. The man named Vlad grows quite intensively in his chosen career, since he is an excellent, serious performer, and having received a leadership position, he is an excellent boss.