Daytime sleep in kindergarten plays a vital role in the physiological, intellectual and emotional development of the child. But after sleep, the baby needs to be helped to wake up in a cheerful mood, tune in to a positive mood and recharge with energy for further achievements. This will help to do gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group. It has a beneficial effect on the body of babies and is no less than the key to a healthy awakening. Such gymnastics after sleep in a preschool educational institution is the best solution for a child of younger, middle and older age.

Key Features

The main task of physical exercise is to activate muscle function (improve their tone), cheer up children, maintain and strengthen their health. Gymnastics in kindergarten is an ideal solution for the period between sleep and wakefulness. It ensures the smoothest and most gentle transition between these periods and sets children up for active activities. Some nuances of performing gymnastic exercises:

By putting gymnastics into playful images, the teacher helps children better understand the exercise technique. This not only makes children healthier, but also develops their imagination and forms meaningful (conscious) motor skills. It also brings them pleasure and a lot of positive emotions.

Goals and purpose of gymnastics

The complex exercises included in gymnastics allow you to solve important problems. So, the children slept for a certain time during the day. Now task number 1 is to quickly and most importantly carefully eliminate the consequences of sleep such as irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, and so on.

The muscles are a little flabby after a day's sleep. Therefore, task number 2 is to tone them up and intensify their work.

In addition, exercises in combination can strengthen the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems and endocrine glands. Gymnastics also quickly and smoothly improves brain function. It triggers mental activity and prepares the body for further stress - physical and mental.

What is included in the gymnastics complex:

  • warm-up directly in the crib;
  • light self-massage;
  • general developmental exercises;
  • breathing exercises;
  • foot massage by walking on ribbed surfaces;
  • active games within the room;
  • pouring cold water over your feet and hands.

Complex "Bear Cubs"

One of the possible complexes is called “Bear Cubs”. After waking up, children should stretch their whole body and roll over from one side to the other. We get out of bed.

“The bear cubs lived in the thicket, often turning their heads” - let the children turn their heads in different directions. “They were looking for honey” - the guys lean in turn in one direction and the other. Bends forward. After bending, we begin walking in place.

Invigorating gymnastics complexes for the preparatory group

Main target gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age - to improve the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrasting air baths and physical exercises. The complex of gymnastics in the senior and preparatory school groups is somewhat different from other age categories of preschool childhood, in that the content of the stages changes, new parts of this gymnastics are added. The duration of such gymnastics is 10–15 minutes, after which the children move on to water procedures. The complex consists of several parts: warm-up exercises in bed, performing simple self-massage (finger gymnastics), performing general developmental exercises at the crib (breathing exercises), walking along the “path of health” (walking along massage, ribbed, salt or wet paths), playing outdoor games indoors with contrasting air temperatures, performing exercises with exercise equipment. Gymnastics can end with wiping with cold water or contrast dousing (arms or legs). Any version of the complex should include corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture. Most variants of the complexes are designed for greater independence; children must remember the exercises, their sequence and consciously perform the complex.

Scheme of gymnastics after naps in children of senior preschool age.
1. Gymnastics in bed.

5. Breathing exercises.
6. Exercises for the eyes.

Complex No. 1 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage.
1. Gymnastics in bed.
1.1 Stretching. I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.
"Let's rest." I.p. – lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees. Self-massage of the head (“let’s wash your head”).
1.2 I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides. No, the back wasn't washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Katya still had foam on her temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!".

repeat 3 times.

We perform imitation movements using a game situation. Breathing is smooth and free.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
3 min.

The pace is average.

Alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Do not lift your socks off the floor.

3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

I’ll bend back and forth! Oh, straight back (torso bends)
One, two, three, four, three, four times, two (torso turns)
3 min.

Breathing is voluntary.

The back is straight.

  1. 2. Massage with a terry mitten.
Five fingers on your hand
Call by name sumey.
The first finger is lateral,
It's called Big.
Second finger -
The pointer is diligent,
It’s not for nothing that they call it the Index.
Your third finger
Right in the middle
Therefore, the name Middle was given to him.
The fourth finger is called the Ring Finger,
He is clumsy and stubborn.
Just like in a family
Little brother is a favorite.
He's fifth in a row
It's called Littlefinger.
L. Heresko
2 minutes.
5. Breathing exercises. "Ears" 1 min.
6. Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 1. 1-2 min.

Complex No. 2 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.
1. 1 "Stretch". I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.

Self-massage of the head (“let’s wash your head”).
1.3 I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Katya still had foam on her temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 3-4 times.

We perform the exercise slowly and smoothly at an average pace.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), (“bear”), with high knees (“moose”) "), in a half-squat ("hedgehog"), along corrective paths ("walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones").
3 min.

The pace is average.

Alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Do not lift your socks off the floor.

  1. 3.
Up hand and down hand.
They pulled them lightly.
We quickly changed hands!
We're not bored today.
Squat with clapping:
We stretch our legs and arms,
We know for sure that it will be good.
We twist - we turn our heads,
We stretch our neck. Stop!

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

4. Massage with a terry mitten.
Massage with a terry mitten.
2 minutes. Stroking the feet.
5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Turns”
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 2.
1-2 min.

Complex No. 3 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.
1. 1 As you inhale, the left leg stretches the heel forward, and the left arm stretches upward along the body. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-da-a-a.” The right leg stretches the heel forward, and the right arm stretches upward, along the body - inhale. After holding your breath, as you exhale, pronounce “pin-gal-la-a.”

3 min.

The pace is average.

Alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Do not lift your socks off the floor.

  1. 2. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.
Up hand and down hand.
They pulled them lightly.
We quickly changed hands!
We're not bored today.
Squat with clapping:
Down – clap and up – clap.
We stretch our legs and arms,
We know for sure that it will be good.
We twist - we turn our heads,
We stretch our neck. Stop!

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Slow, smooth turns of the head.

4. Massage with a terry mitten.
Massage with a terry mitten.
Rake-shaped circular rubbing of the palm of one hand
fingertips of the other hand

A wondrous miracle - a spider,
Eight legs and eight arms.
If you need to run away,
Eight legs help out.
Weave a network around and around
Eight hands help out.
V. Suslov
2 minutes. Warming up the palms of the hands, then moving on to stroking the feet and rubbing them.
5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Palms”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 3
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. The back is straight. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 4 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.
1. Gymnastics in bed.
1.1 As you inhale, the left leg stretches the heel forward, and the left arm stretches upward along the body. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-da-a-a.” The right leg stretches the heel forward, and the right arm stretches upward, along the body - inhale. After holding your breath, as you exhale, pronounce “pin-gal-la-a.”
Both legs are stretched forward with their heels, both arms are stretched up along the body. Hold your breath and, as you exhale, slowly say “su-shum-m-m-na.”
1.2 Abdominal massage. The child strokes the belly clockwise, pats it with the edge of his palm, with his fist, strokes it again, pinches it, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading dough, strokes it again.

Repeat 2 times on each leg.

We perform the exercise slowly and smoothly.

We perform imitation movements of kneading dough using a game situation. Breathing is smooth and free.

2. Walking along the “path of health.” Corrective walking. Take two steps, stop, stamp your left foot, hit your hips twice, clap your hands “Top, stomp!” Clap clap!"
Walking in a half squat, hands on the belt.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! I can hear the sound of my heels,
My heels are walking, they are leading me to mommy.
Ice and ice, ice and ice, and the penguin walks on the ice.
Ice, ice, slippery ice, but the penguin won't fall.
Teddy bear, clumsy bear, the bear is walking through the forest,
The bear wants sweet berries, but he can’t find them.
Walking with high knees.
Clack, click! The horse is alive, with a real head,
With real mane. That's how beautiful it is!

3 min.

The pace is average.

Alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Do not lift your socks off the floor.

We imitate the walking of animals without twisting the foot.

3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Slow, smooth turns of the head.

  1. 3. Massage with a terry mitten.
Massage with a terry mitten. Straightforward rubbing of palms against each other,
Whose hands are all hands hot in winter?
They are not from those who sat at the stoves,
And only for those, and only for those,
Who clutched the burning snow tightly,
And he built fortresses on a snowy mountain,
And he made a snow woman in the yard.
V. Berestov

2 minutes. Warm up your hands by squeezing and unclenching your hands. Stroking the feet and rubbing them.
5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Small pendulum”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 4.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. The back is straight. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 5 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.

1.2 "Let's rest." I.p. – lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

I.P. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Katya still had foam on her temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!".

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 3-4 times.

We perform the exercise slowly and smoothly at an average pace.

While performing, we try to completely relax.

We perform imitation movements of washing hair using a game situation. Breathing is smooth and free.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“moose”), in a half-squat ( “hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).
3 min.

The pace is average.

Alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Do not lift your socks off the floor. We work on each section of the “health path” with our feet.

Get ready to warm up! Turn right - turn left
Count the turns, one - two - three, don't lag behind,
We begin to squat - one - two - three - four - five.
Now let’s raise the handles and lower them with a jerk.
And now walk in place, left - right, stand once - twice.
We will stand on the mat together and get down to business again.

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of the signal.

  1. 4. Massage with a terry mitten.

Massage with a terry mitten. For arms and legs

(I.P. - gray-haired on a chair).

I clap my hands

And I stamp my feet.

I'll rub my hands,

I'll keep it warm.

Palms, palms,

Underexposure irons.

You stroke your hands,

To play better.

You stroke your legs

To run along the track.

Zigzag stroking
The wind blew on the birch tree and ruffled its hair.
The wind was in a hurry and flew away without apologizing.

M. Plyatskovsky

2 minutes.

They clap their hands. They stomp their feet. Rubbing the palms. Using the palm of the opposite hand, stroke the forearm and shoulder.

Stroking the lower leg and thigh with the palms of both hands

  1. 5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Cat”.
1 min.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 6 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.
1. Gymnastics in bed.
1.1 "Hello - goodbye." Clench your fists and bend your feet towards you. Unclench your fists and pull your toes as far as you can.

1.2 Massage.

Head massage.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking. Take two steps, stop, stamp your left foot, hit your hips twice, clap your hands “Top, stomp!” Clap clap!"
Walking in a half squat, hands on the belt.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! I can hear the sound of my heels,
My heels are walking, they are leading me to mommy.
Ice and ice, ice and ice, and the penguin walks on the ice.
Ice, ice, slippery ice, but the penguin won't fall.
Teddy bear, clumsy bear, the bear is walking through the forest,
The bear wants sweet berries, but he can’t find them.
Walking with high knees.
Clack, click! The horse is alive, with a real head,
With real mane. That's how beautiful it is!
3 min.
  1. 6. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of the signal.

  1. 7. Massage with a terry mitten.

Massage with a terry mitten. For feet, legs, thighs


Three hand washcloth

Up and down, up and down,

Heels and toes

Up and down, up and down,

Leg to knee

Up and down, up and down.

We'll wash it clean -

Up and down, up and down,

And we'll rub your thigh

Up and down, up and down

And let's go for a walk

Up and down, up and down.

2 minutes.

Stroking and rubbing the foot, leg and thigh in a sitting position

5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Hug your shoulders.”
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. Hands down. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 6.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 7 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.
1. Gymnastics in bed.

"Wave". Bend your legs and pull your legs towards your stomach. Straighten. Pause and lower your legs.
"Dance". Hands under the back of the head, legs raised. Spread your legs apart and return to the starting position.
1.2 Massage.
I. p. - sitting cross-legged. A child sculpts ears for Cheburashka or a kind, sweet elephant.
* Strokes the ear shells along the edges, then along the grooves inside the shells, behind the ears. Gently pulls the ears up, down, and to the sides (5-6 times in each direction).
* Presses on the earlobes (“hangs beautiful earrings on them”).
* Sculpts ears inside. With your fingers inside the shell, make 7-8 rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise (let your ears be clean and hear everything). With effort, “smear clay” around the ears - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the ears at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
Head massage.
* By pressing firmly with your fingers, it imitates washing your hair.
* With fingers, like a rake, he leads from the back of the head, from the temples, from the forehead to the middle of the head, as if raking hay into a haystack.
* “Catch-up”: hitting hard with the pads of the fingers, as if on a keyboard, “runs” across the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands come together, then run away, then catch up with each other.
* With love and affection, he combs his hair with his fingers, like a comb, and imagines that his “hairstyle is the most beautiful in the hairstyle competition.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 3-4 times.

We perform massage exercises as slowly as possible, working on each area.

Verbal encouragement of children for correctly performing massage elements.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“moose”), in a half-squat ( “hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).
3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.
We pressed our hands to our shoulders and began to rotate them.
Get away from fatigue, laziness and boredom, let's stretch our muscles!
Now let’s twirl our necks, we can do this easily.
And now we squat and stretch our knees.
Finally, let's take a step, raise our legs higher!

repeat 3 times

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of the signal.

  1. 8. Massage with a terry mitten.

Massage with a terry mitten.


Like on the palms of your hands.

I'll spin them boldly

And I’ll start walking.

I'll move back and forth

And I’ll squeeze it with my hands.

Hello fingers!

Forest gnomes,

Hello fingers!

Wind-up toys.

1 min.
5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Pump”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. Hands down. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 8 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.
1. Gymnastics in bed.
1. 1 Stretch. I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.
1.2 "Let's rest." I.p. – lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.
1.3 Self-massage of the head (“let’s wash your head”).
I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Katya still had foam on her temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!".

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 2 times.

Performing the elements independently. We perform the exercises as slowly as possible, working through each section.

Verbal encouragement of children for correctly performing massage elements.

2. Walking along the “path of health.” Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“elk”), in half-squat (“hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”). 3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
“My back is straight.” I.p. – narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.
My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending (leaning forward):
I straighten up, bend over, turn around (actions in accordance with the text).
One, two, three, four, one, two (torso turns)
I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight (walking in place).
One, two, three, four, three, four times, two (torso turns)
I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again (actions in accordance with the text)
I'll lean here and there! Oh, straight back (torso bends)
One, two, three, four, three, four times, two (torso turns)

1.5 minutes

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of instructions.

Sawing (longitudinal and transverse) of the palm with the edge of the palm
opposite hand

The saw is sawing, sawing,
And buzzes like a bee
And he squeals and sings,
Doesn't let Sonya sleep.
V. Sokol
"Soaping" hands
It's no secret for you and me,
Everyone knows this -
Wash your hands before eating
And after the toilet.
Massage with a terry mitten.
1 min.

Stroking your feet from heel to toe while listening to a poem.

5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Big Pendulum”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. Hands down. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 8.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 9 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.

1. 1 “Hello - goodbye.” Clench your fists and bend your feet towards you. Unclench your fists and pull your toes as far as you can. When pulling your toes back, it is recommended to slightly spread your heels.
"Wave". Bend your legs and pull your legs towards your stomach. Straighten. Pause and lower your legs.
1.2 "Dance". Hands under the back of the head, legs raised. Spread your legs apart and return to the starting position.
1.3 Massage.
I. p. - sitting cross-legged. A child sculpts ears for Cheburashka or a kind, sweet elephant.
* Strokes the ear shells along the edges, then along the grooves inside the shells, behind the ears. Gently pulls the ears up, down, and to the sides (5-6 times in each direction).
* Sculpts ears inside. With your fingers inside the shell, make 7-8 rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise (let your ears be clean and hear everything). With effort, “smear clay” around the ears - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the ears at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
Head massage.
* By pressing firmly with your fingers, it imitates washing your hair.
* “Catch-up”: hitting hard with the pads of the fingers, as if on a keyboard, “runs” across the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands come together, then run away, then catch up with each other.
* With love and affection, he combs his hair with his fingers, like a comb, and imagines that his “hairstyle is the most beautiful in the hairstyle competition.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 2 times.

Verbal encouragement of children for correctly performing massage elements.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“moose”), in a half-squat ( “hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).
3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
  1. 3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

1.5 minutes

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of instructions.

  1. 3.Massage with a terry mitten.
Circular kneading of the palm with the pad of the thumb
opposite hand

bbw crawler
Curly house,
Crawl along the path
Crawl along the palm of your hand
Crawl, don't rush.
Show me your horns.
Massage with a terry mitten.
1 min.

Rubbing the palms. Using the palm of the opposite hand, we carry out the proposed movements.

Stroking your feet from heel to toe while listening to a poem.

  1. 3. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Blow out the candle”, “Full breath”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. Hands down. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet using Strelnikov’s method.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 7.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 10 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.

1. 1 “Hello - goodbye.” Clench your fists and bend your feet towards you. Unclench your fists and pull your toes as far as you can.

1.4 Massage.
I. p. - sitting cross-legged. A child sculpts ears for Cheburashka or a kind, sweet elephant.
* Strokes the ear shells along the edges, then along the grooves inside the shells, behind the ears. Gently pulls the ears up, down, and to the sides (5-6 times in each direction).
* Presses on the earlobes (“hangs beautiful earrings on them”).
* Sculpts ears inside. With your fingers inside the shell, make 7-8 rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise (let your ears be clean and hear everything). With effort, “smear clay” around the ears - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the ears at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
Head massage.
* By pressing firmly with your fingers, it imitates washing your hair.
* With fingers, like a rake, he leads from the back of the head, from the temples, from the forehead to the middle of the head, as if raking hay into a haystack.
* “Catch-up”: hitting hard with the pads of the fingers, as if on a keyboard, “runs” across the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands come together, then run away, then catch up with each other.
* With love and affection, he combs his hair with his fingers, like a comb, and imagines that his “hairstyle is the most beautiful in the hairstyle competition.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 2 times. Repeat 2 times.

Independent execution of elements. We perform the exercises as slowly as possible, working on each section.

Verbal encouragement of children for correctly performing massage elements.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“moose”), in a half-squat ( “hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).
3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.
It's frosty outside. So that your nose doesn't freeze.
You need to stomp your feet and clap your palms.
Now let's imagine summer. The river is warmed by the sun.
We swim, swim, swim, reaching the bottom with our feet.
We leave the river and head to the edge.

1.5 minutes

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of instructions.

4. Massage with a terry mitten. Finger puncturing (playing the piano)
Who's stomping on the roof?
Whose footsteps do I hear all night?
I can hardly sleep now.
Maybe the cats were shod?
J. Davityants
Massage with a terry mitten.
2 minutes min.

Rubbing the palms. Using the palm of the opposite hand, we carry out the proposed movements.

Stroking your feet from heel to toe while listening to a poem.

5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “The Christmas tree is growing”, “Bunny”.
1 min. The back is straight. Eyes look forward. Hands down.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 9.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 11 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.

1. Gymnastics in bed.

1. 1As you inhale, the left leg stretches the heel forward, and the left arm stretches upward along the body. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-da-a-a.” The right leg stretches the heel forward, and the right arm stretches upward, along the body - inhale. After holding your breath, as you exhale, pronounce “pin-gal-la-a.”
Hold your breath and, as you exhale, slowly say “su-shum-m-m-na.”
1.2 Abdominal massage. The child strokes the belly clockwise, pats it with the edge of his palm, with his fist, strokes it again, pinches it, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading dough, strokes it again.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Both legs are stretched forward with their heels, both arms are stretched up along the body.

Performing the elements independently. We perform self-massage as slowly as possible, working on each area. There should be no pain.

2. Walking along the “path of health.” Corrective walking. Take two steps, stop, stamp your left foot, hit your hips twice, clap your hands “Top, stomp!” Clap clap!"
Walking in a half squat, hands on the belt.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! I can hear the sound of my heels,
My heels are walking, they are leading me to mommy.
Ice and ice, ice and ice, and the penguin walks on the ice.
Ice, ice, slippery ice, but the penguin won't fall.
Teddy bear, clumsy bear, the bear is walking through the forest,
The bear wants sweet berries, but he can’t find them.
Walking with high knees.
Clack, click! The horse is alive, with a real head,
With real mane. That's how beautiful it is!

3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
  1. 4. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.
It's frosty outside. So that your nose doesn't freeze.
You need to stomp your feet and clap your palms.
Now let's imagine summer. The river is warmed by the sun.
We swim, swim, swim, reaching the bottom with our feet.
We leave the river and head to the edge.

1.5 minutes

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of instructions.

  1. 3. Massage with a terry mitten.

Light flat stroking
dorsum of hand

In Tolik's yard
Little rabbits.
Little white rabbits,
As many as eight pieces.
In the mornings, Tolik and I
Feeding our rabbits
And eat carrots
Rabbits from the hands.

V. Kodryan

Massage with a terry mitten.

2 minutes min.

Stroking palms. Using the palm of the opposite hand, we carry out the proposed movements.

Stroking your feet from heel to toe while listening to a poem.

5. Breathing exercises.
Breathing exercise “Snowball”, “Skater”.
1 min. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet according to the method of B. S. Tolkachev.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 3.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Complex No. 12 of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age.

Exercises. Dosage. Organizational and methodological instructions.
1. Gymnastics in bed.
1. 1 “Hello - goodbye.” Clench your fists and bend your feet towards you. Unclench your fists and pull your toes as far as you can. When pulling your toes back, it is recommended to slightly spread your heels.
1.2 "Wave". Bend your legs and pull your legs towards your stomach. Straighten. Pause and lower your legs.
1.3 "Dance". Hands under the back of the head, legs raised. Spread your legs apart and return to the starting position.
1.4 Massage.
I. p. - sitting cross-legged. A child sculpts ears for Cheburashka or a kind, sweet elephant.
* Strokes the ear shells along the edges, then along the grooves inside the shells, behind the ears. Gently pulls the ears up, down, and to the sides (5-6 times in each direction).
* Presses on the earlobes (“hangs beautiful earrings on them”).
* Sculpts ears inside. With your fingers inside the shell, make 7-8 rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise (let your ears be clean and hear everything). With effort, “smear clay” around the ears - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the ears at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat 2 times.

Independent execution of elements. We perform the exercises as slowly as possible, working on each section.

Verbal encouragement of children for correctly performing massage elements.

2. Walking along the “path of health.”
Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”) in alternation with normal walking: on toes (“fox”), on heels (“there is dew on the grass, don’t get your feet wet”), with high knees (“moose”), in a half-squat ( “hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“walk barefoot and over pebbles, and over twigs, and over cones”).
3 min. We work through all the elements of walking, under clear instructions.
3. Corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.
Up hand and down hand.
They pulled them lightly.
We quickly changed hands!
We're not bored today.
Squat with clapping:
Down – clap and up – clap.
We stretch our legs and arms,
We know for sure that it will be good.
We twist - we turn our heads,
We stretch our neck. Stop!

Breathing is voluntary.

Shoulders turned.

The back is straight.

Accurate execution of instructions.

4.Massage with a terry mitten.


(Twisting the left finger with the right hand and vice versa)

Like on the palms of your hands.

I'll spin them boldly

And I’ll start walking.

I'll move back and forth

(One finger is pulled towards oneself, the other - away from oneself. Squeezing the toes with the palms)

And I’ll squeeze it with my hands.

Hello fingers!

Forest gnomes,

Hello fingers!

Wind-up toys.

Massage with a terry mitten.

1 min.

Rubbing the palms. Using the palm of the opposite hand, we carry out the proposed movements.

Self-massage is performed with your hands first on one leg, then on the other leg.

Stroking your feet from heel to toe while listening to a poem.

5. Breathing exercises. Breathing exercise “Rocking chairs”, “Grow big”. 1 min. See Breathing exercises in the file cabinet according to the method of B. S. Tolkachev.
6. Exercises for the eyes.
Exercises for the eyes. Complex No. 5.
1-2 min. Slowly follow the instructor’s instructions. Complex in the method room.

Tatyana Sergeeva


1. Strengthen the general health of children.

2. Contribute to the prevention of ARVI, scoliosis, flat feet.

5. Increase children's performance and reduce fatigue.

6. Cultivate interest in health massage.


- "health paths";

Mat for salt hardening(saline solution (for 1 liter of water 90 grams of salt);

The mat is damp (fresh water);

Individual towels;

Massage mittens;

Massage balls;

1. Gymnastics waking up in bed "Hey guys, wake up!" (Gymnastics carried out in beds lying down, then sitting.)

Hey guys, wake up!

It's time for you to get up.

We wake up calmly

And we get down to business.

We start charging after sleep let's drive away laziness,

We improve your mood and strengthen your health.

Slowly, let's open our eyes...

Let's close them again. (2 times)

Now let's look to the right, and then to the left! (2 times).

We look up and after down,

Up again and down again

This is not a whim at all.

We raise the handles and slowly lower them.

Raise it again and slowly lower it.

We bend our legs at the knees and straighten them very smoothly.

Once again we bend the legs and straighten them very smoothly.

Raise your feet together

Place it on the bed.

And now we will draw our legs with you.

Use the right to color the left one, and use the left to color the right one.

Let's repeat everything now.

Now let's paint our hands. Right - left, left - right.

Let's start all over again:

Right left, left right.

Turn onto your stomach.

Raise your right leg, then your left,

again right, and now left.

Sit on your knees.

Bend your back - show "good cat",

And now I'm angry (frrr).

Again – kind, and then angry.

Now we need to sit down

Right, left look,

Pull your hands towards the sun

Yawn with pleasure (sitting in the cribs, look to the right, left, pull the arms up).

2. Respiratory gymnastics.

Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils with exhalation through the mouth (5-6 times

Let's puff up our cheeks red

We'll blow away our dreams from our beds.

We all woke up! Hooray!

Let's tell everyone: Hello!

That is: Be healthy everyone!

3. To prevent colds, we will massage biologically active zones "Slightly":

First, let's rub our palms together,

Now let's start the massage.

So that your throat doesn't hurt (stroke your neck with your palms with gentle movements from top to bottom).

We will stroke him boldly.

So as not to cough, not to sneeze, (Rub the wings of the nose with index fingers).

You need to rub your nose.

We will also rub our foreheads, (put palms to forehead with visor).

We hold our palm with a visor. (And rub it with sideways movements)

"Fork" use your fingers to make, (Spread your index and middle fingers and rub

points in front and behind the ears).

Massage your ears skillfully.

Rub the breast boldly

Let's keep warm skillfully.

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes! - (rub palms together).

We are not afraid of colds!

One, two, three, four, five - it’s time for us to get out of bed.

Get out of bed carefully

This is very possible.

They quickly stood up one after another

We walked along the paths.

4. Prevention of postural disorders and flat feet. Solevoe hardening. (Walking along the health path and the salt path).

We're walking on rugs

One after another barefoot.

We walk together barefoot,

The back is straight and straight

Smile as you advance.

Our legs walk

On the health path.

The path is not easy,

On the uneven, on the prickly,

Roughly - that's what it is!

This mat is very important

It is therapeutic, it is massage.

This rug is unusual

Buttoned, cute.

Now let's take the difficult path.

Along the salt path, Along the salt path.

You and I are walking along the salt path together.

And now we’re walking along the wet path, like this.

Now let's walk along the dry path.

Strengthen your body

Temper yourself, and then

You're not afraid of the blues.

4. Self-massage of legs and feet, (rubbing the feet with a mitten)

To get health,

You don't have to go far.

We need to try ourselves

And everything will work out.

5. Self-massage of the hands using massage balls.

Guys, look

Here the hedgehogs curled up into a ball.

Let's take them in our hands

And let's start playing with them.

(children take massage balls)

Massage right and left hands:

The hedgehog curled up into a bun,

There is no muzzle, no legs.

Even carefully

You can't pet a hedgehog.

(Put the balls on the floor and roll with our feet one at a time).

Along the forest paths

The cheerful hedgehog ran.

Why are you a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?:

Foxes, wolves and bears.

6. Now, make a circle, sit on your knees, get ready for a back massage.

Massage "Snowman":

We are making a snowman.

We'll roll a snowball

Somersault, somersault.

We made him cleverly

There's a carrot instead of a nose

Instead of eyes - coals

Handles of a twig found

And a bucket on your head

Look at him.

7. Game "Get the toy".

Now stand next to the hoops and take out the toys with your foot, first with your right, then with your left.

Grab it with your foot and pull it out. Let's keep our balance.

We try, we try

We do gymnastics!

May your hands be strong

May your legs be strong.

We will all be healthy

Cheerful, sporty

8. Walking one after another. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Let's walk merrily.

And now we ran, and we weren’t tired at all!

Sideways, sideways and jumps! (2 times).

Breathing exercises. Let's spread our legs. Hands to the sides - inhale.

They hugged and patted themselves on the shoulders - "uh"- exhale.

To grow up healthy

You need to remember, you need to know

And awakening exercises

Perform daily.

That's the secret of health:

To all guests, physical education -

All: - Hello! "

All: Be healthy everyone!

And now, friends, it’s time for you to get dressed!

Publications on the topic:

Card index of invigorating gymnastics after a nap for children of senior preschool age INVOLVING GYMNASTICS COMPLEX FOR SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SEPTEMBER 1-2 WEEKS Contents of exercises 1. “Woke up” I. p. - lying down.

Card file of gymnastics after nap for children of primary preschool age CARD FILE OF INVOLVING GYMNASTICS FOR CHILDREN OF JUNIOR PRESCHOOL AGE. SEPTEMBER WEEK 1-2 “Sparrows” Contents of the exercise Dosage.

Gymnastics complex for waking up after a nap for the second younger group SEPTEMBER 1-2 week 1. A) Stretching in bed. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your arms up, stretch, and... n. 6 times. B).

Gymnastics complex after nap for children of primary preschool age. Author: Glukhova Oksana Viktorovna, MDOU “Kindergarten No. 10”, teacher of the I-qualification category. Gymnastics complex after the day.

Exercising after lunch tones the body and helps you wake up faster. In pre-school educational institutions (PEIs), teachers strive to develop the habit of sports in children by doing fun exercises accompanied by music and poems. Gymnastic complexes are selected depending on the age category. Basic movements are done in bed. The remaining charging stages are carried out in a separate room (in a warm or cool room) or outdoors.

The full development of the baby involves playing sports. It is necessary to get used to it as early as possible. It is advisable to demonstrate everything by example and study together. Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on almost all body functions, manifested in the following:

It is important to know! You need to exercise 1-2 hours before meals or the same time after meals. The room should be well ventilated. In the summer, it is advisable to exercise in the fresh air.

Gymnastics after daytime rest in a preschool institution

Gymnastics after sleep in a preschool educational institution are performed to music, accompanied by children's poems, in a playful and educational form. Educators operate strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) (federal state educational standards). The purpose of exercise is to lift your mood, tone muscle tissue and prevent problems in the musculoskeletal system. To achieve the objectives, the following methods are used:

  • use of complexes of physical and breathing exercises;
  • alternately conducting classes in warm and cool rooms;
  • application of auxiliary attributes;
  • implementation of water procedures.

Charging is carried out in accordance with advisory information collected in a generally accepted card file. Complexes are divided by month. Interesting to know! Books about physical education classes in kindergarten, written by Lyudmila Penzulaeva, and notes from other educators are used as aids.

Features of the choice of exercises and training tactics depending on age

Gymnastics after naps in kindergarten are carried out by teachers, based on the age of the children. In younger groups, most of the exercises are carried out in the crib. For older children, special educational rhymes and fun tasks are prepared to stimulate their mental abilities.

Details are given in the table:

In the nursery group1,5-2 A child under 2 years old is already physically developed enough to be in kindergarten. Problems may arise due to psychological factors. At such a tender age, children are very attached to their mothers and have little desire to communicate with peers. Caregivers should gradually introduce invigorating exercises after lunchtime naps to develop the habit of exercise and maintain muscle tone. Most movements are performed in the crib.
In the younger group2-3 By age 3, children have mastered many self-care skills and are able to perform more complex activities. It is recommended to interrupt sleep with exercises to improve mood and generally tone the body. Additionally, contrasting air baths are used.
In the second junior group3-4 Kids already better understand what is happening around them, so emphasis should be placed on the emotional component of exercise. It is important to choose the right music, its volume and rhymes to create a positive atmosphere after waking up.
In the middle group4-5 The children have become more emotionally stronger. Particular attention during classes must be transferred from words and music to the number of exercises. It is equally important to add more respiratory and preventive complexes to the program.
In the older group5-6 By the age of 5-6 years, children become more active and less willing to sleep at lunchtime. It is necessary to adjust the program towards increasing the duration of classes. It is acceptable to use other attributes (jump ropes, ribbons, skittles) and introduce training on special simulators.
In the preparatory group6-7 Children's personal qualities are already well developed. The mental and psychological level should be emphasized with the help of game complexes. Team action must come to the fore. If possible, it is worth introducing elements of ingenuity tasks to fully prepare for school.

The main points of exercises after lunch rest among children 6-7 years old

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group lasts no more than 15 minutes. The allotted time should be enough to cheer up the children. Knowing the intricacies of conducting a lesson will help you achieve your goal:

Lunch exercise rules

Kindergarten employees must not only follow accepted standards, but also take into account weather conditions and the wishes of the pupils. The last two points will help maintain the health and positive psycho-emotional background of children. To avoid mistakes, it is worth remembering the rules for conducting classes after lunch nap:

  • It is prohibited to force a child to do exercises. The teacher must find out the reason for the refusal and find a compromise.
  • There is no need to do any additional warm-up before exercising in the gym. Basic exercises have already been completed during charging.
  • During quarantine, the training program is adjusted depending on the situation and the instructions of doctors.
  • Outdoor exercise is carried out during the summer months. In the absence of contraindications and a low incidence rate, outdoor exercise in cooler times is acceptable.

Load distribution algorithm

The order in which the load is distributed largely depends on the specialized focus of the group. In case of poor posture, a complex is selected to prevent disruptions in the musculoskeletal system. Other problems are solved in the same way. The standard diagram looks like this:

Stage numberDescriptionMovementsDuration (in minutes)
1 As you wake up, basic movements are performed in and around the crib.Slow stretches and swings3
2 Active loads begin in a cool room. Walking is a priority. Then it is necessary to move to a warm room to perform movements that prevent the development of problems with the musculoskeletal system.Different ways of walking. Working with exercise equipment and additional equipment.5-6 – the first half is in a cold room, and the second half is in a warm room.
3 Children move to a cool room to do breathing exercises.Elements taken from breathing exercises.From 30 seconds to 4 minutes. The time increases gradually.

Attention! Techniques for hardening the body can complement lunchtime gymnastics. Their use must be approved by management and recorded in the educational program.

Approximate gymnastics complexes

In the card files containing exercises for kindergarten students, the complexes are divided by month. Educators can only focus on the ready-made material and apply it in their practice. Examples of popular exercises are given in the table:

ViewExecution featureExercises
Passive stageLying in the cribBike":
- Lie on your back.
- Make movements with your feet that simulate pedaling.
- Sit on the bed.
- Leaning on your legs and arms, lift your pelvis and return to the starting position.
- Without getting out of bed, stretch your arms down along your body. Then up above your head.
- Stretch your legs in the opposite direction.
- Stand leaning on your elbows and knees. The gaze is directed ahead.
- Stretch your back in an arch, lowering your head.
- Hold for 2-3 seconds and return to the original position.
- Lying on your back, roll from side to side.
Active stageNext to the bed"Curious child":
- Place your hands on your waist.
- Turn your head left and right, up and down.
- Spread your legs.
- Start twisting your arms forward and then back.
- Remaining in the same position, stretch your arms up.
- Return to starting position.
- Place your hands on your waist and your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your torso forward. Move the upper limbs back.
- Start hissing, imitating geese.
- Jump on the spot.
In a cool room1 cycle:
- Walk along the room. Steps should alternate (5 large, 5 small).
- Start to rise on your toes, trying to stretch your arms up as much as possible.
- Switch to a “heron” gait (raise your knees high).
- Run a few laps at a moderate pace.
- Finish the training complex with squats and long jumps.
2nd cycle:
- Walk on your toes at a normal pace. Raise your hands towards the ceiling
- Continue walking, but with periodic stops on one of the lower limbs. The guideline is the teacher’s team.
- Go to a half-sitting position and continue moving. Press your hands to your waist.
- Complete the complex with a “heron” walk at a fast pace.
In a warm roomJumpers":
- Jump on the spot. The first five times, slightly lift your feet off the floor. Then jump up just as high.
"Christmas tree":
- Kneel down with your hands at waist level.
- Extend the right lower limb to the side.
- Place your arms to your sides.
- Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Elements from breathing exercisesIn a cool roomSnake":
- Pull your tongue out as far as possible.
- Try to touch your chin with its tip.
- Click your tongue, alternating the tempo and creating sounds similar to the clatter of hooves.
- Exhaling, say “guli-guli.”
- When there is very little air left, say “shoo” loudly.
- As you exhale, say “mu.”
- Start walking around the room, saying “chug-chug.” Bend your upper limbs at the elbows.

Advice! Exercises can be done to music with the pronunciation of funny quatrains. Children will imitate movements spoken to teachers in poetic form. This type of activity tones up cognitive abilities and improves mood.

Hardening procedures in kindergarten

Techniques for hardening the body must be provided for in the educational program of the preschool educational institution. An individual approach to each student is required to avoid health problems. You can focus on the list of effective ways to strengthen the immune system used in kindergartens:

  • Washing with cool water.
  • Outdoor exercises. During the cold season, classes are held in a cool room at temperatures up to 20°.
  • Walking on special mats.
  • Movement of legs in basins of water.

Gymnastics after lunch in kindergarten tones the body and helps to wake up faster. The lesson lasts about 15 minutes. To instill a love of sports, teachers add rhymes, music and fun exercises to the program. The resulting effect is complemented by hardening procedures.

MKDOU kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Card file of corrective gymnastics after sleep in group No. 1

(older - preparatory)

Educator: Manaeva V.A.

The purpose of corrective gymnastics.

Promote awakening after a nap. To tone the entire body, affecting biologically active points. Prevent colds. Strengthen the respiratory tract. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your body. Give a boost of energy for the second half of the day.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Bicycle” - I. p.: lying on your back, “turn the pedals with the sound “w-w-w” (6 times)

2. “Kitten” - I. p.: lying in the position of a sleeping cat, purr. The kitten kneels down and arches its back with the sound “sh-sh-sh” (6 times)

3. “Hand massage” - I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. Wash your hands, rub your palms vigorously until you feel intense heat, press down on each palm (6 times)

Exercises on the mat:

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

I ask you to rise - this time,

The head turned - that's two.

Hands down, look forward - that's three.

Hands to the sides - four,

Press them forcefully to your shoulders - five.

All the guys sit down quietly - that's six.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Growl." Growl for a long time as you exhale, baring your teeth, bending your tense fingers like claws.

2. "Angry Dog." Inhale sharply through the mouth, pronouncing “rr...”, with a simultaneous sharp blow of the hands overlapping the back (while standing, bending over). Exhale the same way through the nose.

3. Take a deep breath - exhale through the nose, pronouncing the sound: “mm-mm (mouth tightly closed).

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Dance” - I. p.: lying on your back, hands under the back of your head, legs raised. Spread your legs apart and return to i. p. (6 times).

2. “Rock the baby” - I. p.: while sitting, press your foot to your chest. While rocking the “baby,” touch your forehead to your knee and foot (6 times)

3. “Cold - hot” - I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. A cold north wind blew and the children huddled together. The sun has come out - relax, fanning yourself with a handkerchief or palm (6 times)

Exercises on the mat:

The hares are jumping, hopping!

Yes to the white snow,

They sit down, listen,

Is there a wolf coming?

Once - bend over, straighten up,

Two - get up, pull yourself up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit on the chair again.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Crow". I. p. legs apart, arms down. They raise their arms to the sides, and then slap them on their thighs and, exhaling, say “ku-ka-re-ku.”

2. "Full breath." They take an inhalation consisting of three stages: 1st - the stomach protrudes forward; 2nd – the lower ribs diverge to the sides; 3rd – the tops of the lungs fill (shoulders rise).

3. "Divers". We spread our arms to the sides and inhale through our mouths. We wrap our arms around ourselves and squat (we lower ourselves under the water). Exhale through your mouth.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Wave” - I. p.: lying on your back. Bend your legs and pull your knees towards your stomach, straighten. Pause 3-5 seconds. and lower your legs (6 times).

2. “Fish” - I. p.: lying on your stomach. Raise your head and move your shoulders back. Raise your arms and legs: relaxation pause 6-8 seconds. (6 times) .

3. “Little Frog” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, palms under the chin. Bring your hands from under your chin to your shoulders, palms forward. Raise your head and spread your legs, slowly return to i. p. (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)


We quickly went down to the river,

Bent down and washed,

One two three four -

What a wonderful refreshment!

And now we swam together.

You need to do this manually:

Together - once, this is breaststroke.

One, the other, this is a rabbit.

All of us, as one, swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore empty

And we went home.

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “The ball inflated and burst.” Place your hands on your stomach, inhale, feeling that your stomach is inflated like a ball, and pronounce “sh-sh-sh” as you exhale.

2. "Sounds". Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. While exhaling for a long time, pronounce the sounds zh, z, m, n, v.

3. Inhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth tightly closed). Exhale alternately through the left and right nostril (the other is pressed tightly with a finger, the mouth is closed).

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretch” - I. p.: lying on your back. We stretch our heels forward and both hands up (6 times).

2. “Cheburashka” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke the ears (“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times).

3. “Pinocchio” - I. p.: sitting on my knees, We sculpt a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio draws “sun”, “carrot”, “house” with his nose (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

They jump and jump in the woods,

Hares are gray balls,

Jump - jump, jump - jump.

The little bunny stood on a stump,

I built everyone in order,

Began to show charging.

Once - everyone walks in place.

Two - they wave their hands together.

Three sat down and stood up together.

We reached four.

Five - bent over and bent over.

The six all stood in a row again,

They walked like a squad.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “Penknife” I. p.: lying on your back. As you exhale, bend your torso toward your legs, which do not lift off the floor. Pronounced while exhaling “Ha! " Repeat 3-4 times.

2. “Pump” I. p. - standing, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Leaning down with straight legs, exhale, saying [w]. As you straighten up, inhale through your nose. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. “Who can inflate the toy better? "- inhale through the nose (1-4, exhale slowly through the mouth, into the hole of the toy (1-8).

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the left arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the right arm up, along the body (6 times).

2. “Abdominal massage” - I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking the tummy clockwise, pinching, patting with the edge of the palm and fist (6 times).

3. “Start the car” - I. p.: sitting. We place our fingers in the middle of the chest and with rotational movements clockwise, start the car with the sound “F... F... F...”. then do the same counterclockwise (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

"Little frogs."

There are two girlfriends in the swamp,

Two green frogs

In the morning we washed ourselves early,

We rubbed ourselves with a towel.

They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,

Leaned to the right, to the left

And they returned back.

That's the secret of health.

Hello to all my friends!

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “Balloon” (diaphragmatic breathing). I. p. - standing, palm on stomach. Exhalation. As you inhale, your stomach protrudes forward. Holding your breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips, pronouncing the sound [s]. Repeat 4 times.

2. “Accordion” (chest breathing). I. p. - standing, palms on the ribs. Full breath. Take a deep breath, the ribs move apart like the bellows of an accordion, the chest does not rise. Holding your breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips while pronouncing the sound [f]. Repeat 4 times.

3. “Skier” - I. p.: standing, legs half-bent and feet-width apart. We imitate skiing. Exhale through the nose. Repeat 4 times.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Morozko” - I. p.: sitting, hands to shoulders. Pull your elbows back, bend over, bend over, take a deep breath (6 times).

2. “Catch a snowflake” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Arms to the sides, swing upward, clap your hands above your head (6 times).

3. “Winter Christmas tree” - I. p.: sitting on your heels, hands at the bottom, palms forward. Kneel with your arms up at your sides (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

Let's clap our hands,

Let your feet dance.

On a smooth path,

On a smooth path,

Our legs are tired.

This is our house where we live.

Legs crossed - get down

And wait for the command.

And when I say: “Get up! »

Don't help them with your hand.

Legs together, legs apart,

Legs straight, legs askew.

Legs here and legs there.

What is this noise and what is this commotion?

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “The Frog Singing.” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your stomach, and as you exhale, work vigorously with your diaphragm, saying “kwa.” Repeat 4 - 6 times.

2. "Locomotive". Children move in a circle with acceleration and deceleration, coordinating the movements of their arms and legs with their breathing, inhaling on a count of two, saying “choo-choo” as they exhale. The arms bent at the elbows move simultaneously. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

3. "Lumberjack". I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - exhale, pronouncing the word: “Uh-h-h.” Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Rocking chair” - I. p.: lying on your back. Pull your legs towards your stomach by your knees. Swing along the spine (6 times).

2. “Snake” - I. p.: lying on your stomach, emphasis on outstretched arms. The head proudly turns left - right and makes the sound “Sh... Sh... Sh...” (6 times).

3. “Swan neck” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Stroking the neck from the chest to the chin, stretching the neck (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

Once - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit down on the chair again

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Trumpeter". – I. p.: standing. The hands are clenched into fists and raised up in front of the mouth. Exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound: “F-f-f.” "(4-5 times).

2. Bend forward and backward (according to the principle of a pendulum) – when tilting back, arms clasp shoulders, inhale; when bending forward – exhale.

3. Half squats with exhalation, inhalation is active, short, intense, through the nose.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Tiger cubs are playing” - I. p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. At the same time, raise your arms and touch your toes (6 times).

2. “The crocodile is swimming” - I. p.: lying on the stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head and arms up (6 times).

3. “Monkeys on a vine” - I. p.: sitting on their heels. Raise your right (left) hand up, lower your right (left) hand to your shoulder (6 times).

Exercises on the mat:

Quickly stand up, smile,

Pull yourself higher, higher

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Left, right, turned,

Hands touched with knees,

They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up,

And they ran on the spot.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “Let’s grow big.” I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - slowly exhale while pronouncing the word: “Uh-h-h.” (5-6 times).

2. “The geese are cackling.” I. p.: sitting, bent arms pressed to the shoulders. Inhale quickly, then slowly tilt your torso down, move your elbows back - long exhale while saying the word: “Ga-ah.” Keep your head straight. Return to the starting position - inhale. (5-6 times).

3. "Pendulum". I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale while pronouncing the word: “Tu-u-uk.” Straightening up - inhale. (5-6 times).

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Admiration” - I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking in the chest area with the words: “I am sweet, wonderful, beautiful.” (6 times).

2. “Stretching” - I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the left arm up, along the body (6 times).

3. “Dough mixer” - I. p.: sitting cross-legged. The child strokes the belly clockwise, pats it with the edge of his palm, with his fist, strokes it again, pinches it, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading dough, strokes it again. (6 times)

Exercises on the mat:

Here comes the black cat (steps with legs raised high)

Hidden - waiting for the mouse. (squats, hands to knees)

The mouse will go around the hole (stand up, turn around)

And it won’t suit a cat (arms to the sides).

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose. Perform 10 – 20 times.

2. “The nose is playing around” - when inhaling, press on the wings of the nose (prevent inhaling). Perform 10 – 20 times.

3. “The nose sniffs pleasant smells” - alternately close the nostrils with your fingers and take a deep breath. Perform 10 – 20 times.

4. “The nose sings a song” - while exhaling, tap on the wings of the nose and say ba, bo, bu. Perform 10 – 20 times.

Exercises in the crib:

I. p.: sitting cross-legged:

In order for us to live 200 years, we will give a massage on the spot:

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly.

To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose

We will also rub our forehead and hold our palm with a visor.

Make a fork with your fingers, massage your ears skillfully.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don’t mind a cold.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Exercises on the mat:

Hey guys, are you sleeping?

Get ready to exercise!

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend!

All together - in a cheerful circle!

To cheerful tunes

Let's turn right, left.

Hands up! Hands down!

Up! And bend over again!

One step back and two steps forward!

Right, left turn!

Let's spin around. Let's turn around!

Let's join hands again.

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. "Cranes". Slow walking. As you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, as you exhale, lower your arms down with a long pronunciation of the sound: “U-u-u. (5 – 6 times).

2. “Sawing wood.” Children stand opposite each other in pairs. They hold hands and imitate sawing wood. Hands towards yourself - inhale, hands away from you - exhale. (5-6 times).

3. “Let’s finish gymnastics.” Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rise on your toes, arms up - inhale. Stand on your full foot, lean forward, arms down - exhale. (5-6 times).

Exercises in the crib:

So we woke up.

Where were you in fairy tales?

Cheeks got enough sleep Rub your cheeks.

Sleepy eyes Rub your eyes.

Ears get enough sleep Massage your ears.

Get enough sleep on your feet. Massage your feet.

Good morning dear babies Smile at each other.

Hands got enough sleep Massage your hands.

The neck got enough sleep. Stroking the neck.

Aw stretchers. They will catch up.

Don't be sick.

Exercises on the mat:

Get ready to exercise

Hand up, hand down

Repeat the exercise

Let's move faster

Once - let's lean forward

Two - let's bend back

And bending to the sides

We will undertake to do

Squats again

Let's do it together

One two three four five

Who started to lag behind?

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3-4 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. Sharp inhalations through the nose follow one after another, the exhalation is spontaneous, while the half-bent arms sharply move towards each other with each breath. Perform 10 – 20 times.

2. Invite the children to “dive deep under the water for a fish and not come up for a long time.” Repeat 5 - 6 times.

3. Tempo forward bends - inhale with each bend. Perform 10 – 20 times.

Exercises in the crib:

1. “Signal machine” I. p.: lying on your back. We stroke the chest area. Then presses on the point between the thoracic regions in the area of ​​the heart, and says “Piiiiii...” (signal - cars (6 times)

2. “Catch-up” I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Hitting hard with the pads of the fingers, as if on a keyboard, it “runs” across the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands come together, then run away, then catch up with each other. (6 times)

3. “We wash” I. p.: sitting cross-legged. Children rub the “washcloth” all the way up to the shoulder, pressing hard on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “Wash off the soap with water,” move one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.” (6 times)

Exercises on the mat:

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

And - to the right! And further

Over your left shoulder!

(Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5-6 times)

Walking along corrective and salt paths.

Breathing exercises:

1. “On the horizontal bar” - I. p.: standing, legs together. Rising on your toes, raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - long exhale with the pronunciation of the sound: “F-f-f. (4-5 times).

2. “Hedgehog” - I. p.: sitting on the mat, legs together, emphasis on the hands behind. Bend your knees and pull them to your chest, slowly exhale with the sound: “F-f-f.” Straighten your legs - inhale (4-5 times).

3. "Boat rowing." I. p.: sitting, legs apart: inhale - pull your stomach in (arms forward, exhale - stick your stomach out (arms to the sides). (5-6 times).

Thank you so much for the poems, breathing and massage exercises that I used to develop gymnastics


awakening gymnastics complex

for older children

Goals and objectives:

1) Continue to strengthen the health of children, strengthen them, develop basic types of movements; create conditions conducive to the development of physical activity; prevent children from becoming tired.

2) Create conditions that encourage children to be physically active and promote the development of basic movements.

3) Continue to strengthen and protect the health of children, create conditions for the systematic hardening of the body, the formation and improvement of basic types of movements.

4) To give an idea that physical exercise causes a good mood, strength is restored with the help of sleep, to create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate a caring attitude towards your body, your health, and the health of other children.

IN: “Guys, hello, I miss you very much, we are slowly waking up, opening our eyes; let's start our awakening with awakening charge; throw back the blankets, lie on your backs, stretch out your legs, place your arms along your body.”

1. Pull-ups

We're almost all awake

And they stretched out in the crib

I.p. .- lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them behind your head, eyes closed, stretch with your legs and arms at the same time, stretching the spine.

2. Woke up

The hands woke up.

My legs woke up

And they want to run away quickly

Along the path to mom

I.p. .- lying on your back, alternately raise your arms up, eyes closed, alternately pull right and left away from you. hand; then alternately pull right and left away from you. leg, make rotational movements with your legs and arms (run along the path towards your mother).

3. Glomerulus

We don't want to catch a cold

Even though they started to tremble

We've already woken up

And they stretched out in the crib

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body, curl up into a ball, shiver, pretending that it’s cold, then open up, relax and stretch, showing that it’s warm, smile.

4. Fingers

Fingers want to wake up

To plunge into the water

I.p. .- sitting in bed, legs crossed, rub your palms until warm.

5. Let's wash ourselves

Now let's wash our face

Let's open our eyes wide

I.p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed, wash your face with warm hands. We are ready to get up, run, jump and play!

IN: “Now guys, stand near the cribs, say hello, and play with your fingers.

Guys, tell me what time of year it is now (there is snow on the paths, on the roofs of houses, the trees stand without leaves, they are sleeping.)”

D: “Winter.”

IN: “Good guys, let’s go back to summer now. What happens to nature in summer (the sun is shining brightly, it’s warm, leaves are growing on the trees); and when the sun hides behind a cloud, what happens, what drips from the sky?”

D: Rain.

IN: Let's imagine that we are back in the summer and it starts to rain. Stand behind each other like a train and clap your palms on each other’s backs.

Back massage “Rain”

The rain runs on the roof - Bom! Bom! Nom!

(Children stand one after another like a train and pat each other

palms on the backs)

On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom! Bom! Bom!

(Tapping fingers)

At home, children, sit down - Bom! Bom! Bom!

(Lightly tap with fists)

Don't go anywhere - Bom! Bom! Bom!

(Rub with the ribs of the palms - “sawing”)

Count, play - Bom! Bom! Bom!

(Put their palms on the shoulders of the child standing in front, and knead his shoulders with their fingers)

And if I leave, then go for a walk: Bom! Bom! Bom!

(Stroke the back with soft movements of the palms)

IN: Well done, smart guys, now we are finally awake and let’s go get dressed.